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COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Council Chamber, City of Caldwell, Idaho, September 7, 1915. Council met in regrular session with Mayor Fred C. Boyes, presiding; Cotincilmen Ackley. Dement, Hay tnan and Lilly present; S. Be« Dunlap, City Clerk, when the following busi ness was transacted: The minutes of the sessions held during the month of August, 1915, were read and upon mgtion of Hay man the same were approved. The following bills which had been O. K'd by the Finance Committee were read and it was voted uponi mo tion of Ackley that the same be al lowed and warrants be ordered drawn on the various funds in payments of the same as follows: General Fund. S. Ben Dunlap, salary and expenses $ 101.40 T. A. Walters, salary .. 50.00 Electric Investment Co. B., Street and alley light Caldwell Tribune, print ing Caldwell News, printing Orel H. Sovereign, Aug ust salary Electric Investment Co. B„ Lights City Hall Orel H. Sovereign, sal ary Clyde R. Johnston, sal ary and labor Mountain States Com pany, Phone rentals .... Caldwell Lumber and Coal Co., Storage hose cart Wahl Auto Company, mdsc James Boyd & Brother, Inc., mdse 133 E. R. Thomas Motor Car Company, mdse Parkers Tire Repair Shop, repair work Ethelwyn Fortner, Aug ust salary 25.00 John A. Baker, August salary Dan Shuee, August salary and killing dog .. Mrs. John Ross, Police services* 2.00 Engels Livery, livery hire 1.50 Milliner Transfer Com pany, drayage 2.50 Saratoga hotel room rent .75 Guy C. McGee, August salary 90.00 E. P. Sigsby, Asst. En gineer 2.50 A. B. Cornell, Asst. En gineer 2.50 J. B. Grimes, Asst. En gineer . . . 2.50 George Kinkaid, Asst. Engineer 20.00 A. F. Hart, stakes .... 6.50 Caldwell Pharmacy, mdse 8.64 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 134 135 136 137 138 76.50 59.78 3.50 20.00 5.20 60.00 48.04 4.75 2.00 45.35 15.96 8.00 4.00 85.00 81.00 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 Total $ 834.87 Road Fund. 86 D. D. Campbell, salary.$ 90.00 87 Olaf Delain, salary .... 65.00 88 F. L. Ashby, salary .... 65.00 89 Tom Glenn, salâry .... 65.00 90 E. Moudy, labor, 40.00 91 Charles M. Allen, labor.. 12.38 92 Atis Allen, labor ...... 7.29 93 D. S. Vinson, labor .... 2.50 94 R. W. Johnston (Orel H. Sovereign), labor 7.42 95 W. T. Givens, lobar .... 18.00 96 John Terry, labor 63.75 97 W. Wiengartner, labor.. 3.75 98 Lem Harding, mdse 48.60 99 Maxey & Schnabel, mdse. 4.05 100 Charles M. Allen, dirt.. 4.13 101 John Hollrich, dirt 19.63 102 Caldwell Lumber & Coal Co., Lumber. 7.95 103 Binford Lumber Com pany, lumber 4.70 104 John Hollrich, repair work . . . -, 1.50 105 A. W. Duncan, black smith work 4.50 106 Mrs. M. M. Robertson, Barn rent . 5.00 107 W. H. Guerin, hay 23.76 108 Terry & McGee, cross walks 331.50 109 Terry & McGee, side walk 413.00 110 Terry & McGee, curbs.. 10.80 111 Terry & McGee, side walk 236.25 Total $1555.46 Water Work*. Harry Smith, salary and expense $ 256.98 Frank Roges, salary and expense 72.20 A. L. Stoffer, labor .... 5.00 C. R. Johnston, labor .. 21.25 Charles M. Allen, labor. 2.50 Herman Voight, labor.. 5.00 F. J. Bowen, labor .... 2.50 G. H. Fuller, labor .... 3.75 Ralph Johnston (Orel H. Sovereigni), labor 13.75 Ralph Johnston, labor .. 10.00 Chester Johnson, labor, 5.00 Harry Stoffer, labor .... 5.00 National Tank & Pipe Company, wooden pipe.. 562.0t) Glauber Brass Mfg. Co., pipe fittings '■ 60.17 Pittsburg Meter Co., meter parts 14.25 Parkers Tire Repair Shop, repair work 1.00 Westcott Transfer Co.. 64 Drayage 10.00 Rice Transfer Company, drayage 1-00 Caldwell Lumber & Coal 'The Round-Up' Pendleton Oregon September 23, 24, & 25 1915 The GreatestWestern DramaEverStaged Excursion rates on all roads Co., lumber g 25 Jones Furniture Com pany, mdse 50 Caldwell Paint & Wall Paper Co., mdse .90 Boyes Hardware Com pany, mdse 11.55 Electric Investment Co., C., Light and power 185.86 TotaI $1261.41 Cemetery. 13 John W. Ross, salary and ,? ve £. tin } e x; 5 70.00 14 i«red Ross, salary 50.00 15 Cupples Mercantile Co., mdse 1.00 Total.. $ 121.00 Sprinkling Fund. o F. L. Keller, August sprinkling $ 278.80 9 Boyes Hardware Com pany, mdse 1.00 Total $ 279.80 Park Fund. Fred Howard, salary ..$ Roscoe Paine, labor .... Caldwell Paint & Wall Paper Co., mdse Boyes Hardware Com pany, mdse Milliner Transfer Com pany, drayage 70.00 5.50 2.00 2.75 2.00 10 Total Bond and Interest Fund. 2 Bridge Bond Sinking Fund, transfer $ 375.00 3 Funding Bond No. 2, S. F., transfer 4 Funding Bond No. 1. S. F., transfer 5 General Paving Bond S. F., transfer 6 City Hall Bond, S. F., transfer 7 Water Works Bond, S. F., No. 2, transfer 2500.00 8 Water Works Ex. Bond, S. F. No. 1, transfer .... 500.00 9 Waten Works Extension Bond S. F., transfer .... 1500.00 Chase National Bank Commission 24.92 .$ 82.25 1125.00 500.00 1300.00 1875.00 Total $9699.92 Grand Total $13,834.71 The following bills not O. K'd by the Finance Committee were read: B. D. Umphenour, claim for damages, $ 2.75 The Idahoan, subscription .... 5.25 J. A. Dement, Sr., right of way Lateral No. 4 121.50 The Bellan Investment Com pany, interest 798.88 It was voted upon motion of Lilly that the bill of the Bellan Investment Company be referred to the City At torney and that the bills of The Idaho an, J. A. Dement, Sr., and B. D. Um phenour be referred back to the Finance Committee for investigation. Mr. F. L. Keller appeared relative to the condition of Arthur street, stat ing that the crossings were in such shape that it was impossible to sprin kle the street thoroughly. He stated that the conditions of the crossings were due to the negligence of the rail road company and he requested the Council to have the same fixed. The matter was referred to the Street Committee and to the Engineer for investigation and report. Mr. Waggoner appeared, stating that he ow.ned property located on 12th and Blain streets, along the side of which cement sidewalks had been ordered in. He stated that he had a good board walk around this property and he requested permission to delay the construction of the cement walk until next spring. Mr. I. S. Binford appeared with a | request that the Council grant tem- j porary permission to the Binford Lumber Company to close the alley which runs through the yards of the said Binford Lumber Company after business hours only. He stated that it was necessary to close the alley in order to protect the property in the yards and The Caldwell Ice & Cold Storage Company were the only peo ple who would in any way be incon venienced by such an arrangement and that they had given their consent to the closing of the yards, as evidenc ed by the following letter. Caldwell, Idaho, August 19, 1915. To the Honorable City Council of Caldwell, Idaho: This is to certify that we the un dersigned have no objections to the Binford Lumber Company being granted the privilege of placing gates across the alley at each end of Block 73 in the Original townsite of Cald well, Idaho, with the understanding that the gates are kept open during business hours. (Signed) Caldwell Ice & Cold Stor age Co., by Martin Jensen. It was voted upon motion of Hay man that the Binford Lumber Com pany be allowed to construct gates in order to close the yards during the night time only. Mr. G. H. Van Wyngardner appear ed with the request that the Council order in a concrete sidewalk in front of lots 17 to 24 inclusive, block 17 Dorman's Addition and in front of lots 1 to 12 inclusive block 25 Wash ington Heights addition. The petition of M. H. Mead et al for extension of the water mains from 23rd street south on Michigan avenue to Linden street, thence east on Lin den street to Indiana Avenue thence south on Indiana Avenue to Cherry street was read. The petition was referred to the Water Committee and to the City Engineer for a report as to the prob able cost. The petition of T. F. Bridges et al for the exclusion from the City Lim its of all that property in Section 36 NM , which lies north and east of the north east boundary of the O. S. L. right of way, was read. 1 he petition of E. L. Douglass et al for the exclusion from the City Limits and not made subject to any tax here inafter levied by the said City of all of Section 34 except the NE!4 Sec tion 34, Twp. 4N., Range 3W„ B. M., was read. The petition of Julia V. Finney et al for the exclusion from the City limits and made not subject to any tax here inafter levied by the said City of all of Section 35 South and West of the Interurban R. R. and Cleveland Boule vard, was read. The City Attorney being present ad vised that he had gone into the legal ity of excluding portions from the City limits and that up to the pres ent time he had been unable to* find any authority by which such action could be taken by a city. He request ed the petitioners to file a brief show ing their authorities on the question. Mr. Harold Johnson appeared ask ing to be relieved from paying a water bill charged against him for the month of August, 1915, in the sum of $8.30, stating that he considered the charge unjust as he did not use this amount of water. The matter was referred to the water committee for report at the next meeting. A communication was read from Harry Finley of Nampa, requesting permission to erect bill-boards at the following places. Sebree lots No. 20 and 22 Original Townsite; Wm. Cupp lots, across from Interurba'n. Station; Miss Gilligan lots, an 7th next to Miss Gilgan lots, on 7th next to between 6th and 7th; Sebree lots, cor ner 8th and Arthur; Sebree lot, cor ner 7th and Arthur and Sebree lot, next to Caldwell Forwarding Com pany. _ No g22S REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE WESTERN NATIONAL BANK AT CALDWELL IN THE STATE OF IDAHO. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS SEPTEMBER 2ND., 1915. Resources Loans and discounts (except those shown on b) $137,538.14 Overdrafts, secured, none; unsecured, $0.46 .46 3. a U. S. bands deposited to secure circulation (par value) ' $ 50,000,00 b U. S. bonds pledged to secure U. S. deposits (par value) 1,000.00 c U. S. bonds pledged to secure postal savings de posits (par value) 5,000.00 56,000.00 4. Bonds, securities, etc.: a Bonds other than U. S. bonds pledged to secure postal savings deposits ...$ 4,000.00 e Securities other than U. S. bonds (not including stocks) owned unpledged 13,841.77 17,841.77 5. Subscription to stock of Federal Reserve Bank $3,300.00 a Less amount unpaid 1,650.00 1,650.00 b All other stocks, including premium on same.... 600.00 2,250.00 6. a Value of banking house (if unencumbered) 23,500.00 7. Furniture and fixtures 5,000.00 8. Real estate owned other than banking house 24,608.60 9. Net amount due from Federal Reserve Bank ...... 3,806.38 10. a Net amount due from approved reserve agents in in New York, Chicago, and St. Louis $ 9,593.66 b Net amount due from approved reserve agents in other cities 6,772.30 16,365.96 11. Net amount due from banks and bankers (other than included in 9 or 10) 10,573.20 13. Other checks an banks in the same city or town as reporting bank 1,177.54 14. a Outside checks and other cash items $ 35.33 b Fractional currency, nickles and cents 51.40 86.82 15. Notes of other national banks 865.00 Lawful money reserve in bank: 17. Total coin and certificates 18. Legal-tenden notes 19. Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (.not more than 5 per cent on circulation) 2,500.00 Total ' $312,411.52 Liabilities. 1. Capital stock paid in ....$ 50,000.00 Surplus fund 2,129.23 52,129.23 3. Circulating notes 49,995.00 6. Due to banks and bankers (others than included in 5 or 6) 613.66 8. Demand deposits: a Individual deposits subject to check 118,542.96 b Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days.... 18,852.27 c Certified checks 117.80 d Cashier's checks outstanding 1,110.41 e United States deposits 1,000.00 f Postal savings deposits 4,967.87 h Deposits requiring notice of less than 30 days.... 8,449.89 153,654.86 9. Time deposits (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice) : a Certificates of deposit 56,632.43 Total $312.411.52 State of Idaho, County of Canyon, ss: I, L. S. Dille, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. L. S. DILLE, Cashier. Correct—Attest: EDWARD HEDDEN. H. D. BLATCHLEY, MARTIN JENSEN, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of September, 1915. A. I. MYERS, (SEAL) Notary Public. Boise, Idaho, Oct. 5-6-7-8 Offers three times more money in cash prizes than any other Fair in Idaho. PAYS PREMIUMS IN FULL as soon as awards are made and properly certified. One Fare for the ROUND TRIP to the OEM STATE FAIR on all Railroads. $2.00 BUYS SEASON FAMILY TICKET. Admitting all members of the family, team or auto, for all four big days, and all for $2.00. PROVIDED YOU BUY this ticket on or before SEPTEMBER :20th, 1915. It was voted upon motion of Hay man that Mr. Frnley's petition be granted. A communication was read from John K. White, State Sanitary Inspec tor, Boise, Idaho, under date of Aug ust 31st., 1915, relative to the health conditions of the city. It was voted upon motion of Lilly that the health officer be instructed to rigidly enforce the health ordinances of the city and that all unsanitary conditions be remidied at once. The petition of Amos J. Miller et al for the extension of the water works system from Cleveland Boulevard on Aven street to Main, was read. The petition of the Fire Depart ment for the installation of a bath tub in the Fire Hall was read. The matter was referred to the Fire Com mittee. The time coming on regularly for the hearing of objections from any person or persons aggreived by the assessments levied on the 1915 nuis ance roll, the following objections were read: C. B. Banks, lot 4 of block 24 Wash ington Heights Addition, in the sum of seventy-five cents and A. J. Barney, lots 9 and 10 block 101 Goandu Ad dition, in the sum of fifty cents. Both claiming that there were no weeds cut in front of their respective pieces of property and that the charges against same are erroneous and un just, and asked to be relieved from paying said assessments. It was voted upon motion of Ackley that the re quests be granted. No further ob jections appearing the Clerk was in structed to so note in the minutes. The time coming on regularly for the opening of bids for hay and oats, the following bids were received and opened. W. C. Parker, 25,000 pounds oats at $1.45 per cwt., W. H. Guerin, alfalfa hay, $8.00 per ton, timothy and clover $10.00 per ton. It was voted upon motion of Hay man that action on the bids be de ferred until the next meeting. The depository bond of the First National Bank in the sum of $25,000, dated August 16th., 1915, and the de pository bond of the Western Na tional Bank in the sum of $25,000, dated August 7th., 1915, were pre sented. It was voted upon motion of Ackley that the bonds be approved and accepted. The 1915 Sprinkling Roll as pre pared by the Street Committee was presented. It was voted upon motion of Ackley that the same be confirmed, ratified and approved and that the Clerk be instructed to advertise the same as required by law, and that the Council hereby fixes Monday, Oct ober 11th., 1915, at 8 o'clock p. m„ for the purpose of hearing and consider ing objections by any person or per sons aggreived by the said assess ment roll. The City Engineer being present, recommended that the O. S. L. R. R. company be required to ballast their road bed on Aven Street and to put in street crossings and also to remove their tract off of the sewer in the al ley north of the main line The quarterly report of the City Treasurer for the quarter ending July 31, 1915, was read. It was voted up on motion of Hayman that the same be approved. The reports of the following offic ers for the month of August, 1915, were read. City Engineer, City Clerk, Superintendent of Water Works, Street Commissioner, Police Judge, Sexton and City Librarian. It was voted upon motion of Hayman that the reports be approved and ordered filed. The Mayor announced the appoint ment of Mrs. Thomas E. Buckner on the Library Board to fill out the un expired term of Curtis Hayden, re signed. It was voted upon motion of Ackley that the appointment be ap proved. In the matter of drainage for the north side of town the attorney was asked to express an opinion as to the legality of the city joining with the Pioneer District and draining this section of the City. The City to stand one-third of the expense. The torney stated that he had made some investigation and that it was his opin ion that the proper way to make such improvement was to form an im provement district and assess the property benefited for the cost of the Ç th « 4QOP vjucxjt rATRQwizes the best barber sho T ) [ A SMOOTH SHAVE AMP A U. SHAMPOO IN THIS SHOT I MAKES A FELLOW FECI. THANKS.dUDai.! OUR WORK I IS THE BWT tNTMt BARIC*I LINE. JUST LIKE THE r~7~ REAL TOBACCO CHEW » 1 BEST IN THE TOBACCOJJME] He S THE RlfcHT KIND- M.WAVS E A SK your dealer for W-B Gut Chewing Tobacco. It is the new "Real Tobacco Chew"— cut long shred —or send 10c in stamps to us. WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY, SO Union Square, New York Cky You Ought to Have This Protection Where are you keeping your valuables! If at home or office, then you are taking the risk of loss by fire or theft. Our Fire and Burglar Proof Vault assures Positive Protection. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent $2.50 per year. 5% Interest Paid on Saving Account*. Caldwell Commercial Bank CALDWELL. IDAHO work. It was voted upon motion of Lilly that Council adjourn until Tuesday evening, September 14th., 1915, at 8 o'clock, p. m. S. BEN DUNLAP. City Clerk. CHAUTAUQUA HOME READ ING COURSE SCHEDULE Chautauqua Home Reading Course, American year meetings first, third and fourth Tuesdays at Carnegie Li brary, 2:30 p. m. Supplementary work—Group of Famous American Women; Group of Leading American Humorists; Group of Great American Poets; Group of Great American Scientists; A Study of American Art, using sets of re productions, Mrs. Blatchley. leader. Anyone wishing to take the work may order the books of Miss Bedford, Secretary, at the Carnegie library. The small home can frequently be heated by one stove. Get Cole's High Range and both cook and heat. BOYES HARDWARE COMPANY. Buck Kilby says every time he sees an Italian lugging a harp around his ambition to be an angel receives setback. WE GRIND OUR OWN LENSES ALL WORK GUARANTEED ^;HsSS f ' s A.E. LAUOHLIN Optometrist and Jeweler Phone 400 • 713 Main St