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•ft******«***««.**.* * HOMEDALE + **************** The regular meeting of the Home dale Home and School Circle will be held at the school house Friday after noon, December' 17, at 2:30 p. m . Everyone interested is invited to be present. The program will be as fol lows: Roll Call—New Years' Resolutions Optional Mrs. Hyslop's room Reading Mrs. O. A. Megorden Duet....Merle Criffield. Blanch Adams (.hanging America (chapters 4, 5, and 6) Louise McMeans Changing America (.chapters 7, 8, ,.. r a , ntl ') ---- Mrs. Con. Sutton I he Relation of the Church to the School"' Rev. Lamb Business session. Sam Cupp was a Caldwell visitor W ednesday. Ed Snell was a Caldwell visitor last week. Miss Elizabeth Price and Walter C. Smith were married in Caldwell last 1 nursday. Edward Defoe of Nashua, New Hampshire, visited here from Wed nesday until Friday with his brother Lewis Smith. It had been ten years since they had seen each other. Mr. Defoe had visited the expositions and his nephew in Seattle and was on his way home. > Word has been received of the death of Charles McKinlcy at Jerome. Mr. McKinley was a bachelor and owned a ranch about six miles down the river. Miss Ida Schenck returned home Saturday after a visit of several days with friends in Caldwell. Lewis visited in Roswell from Fri day until Sunday. It is reported that the Holy Rollers are to hold a series of meetings here. Mr. Kerry of Smith, Kerry & Case, was here attending to business matters several days last week. J. VV. Graff drove to Caldwell last Saturday. The election of directors for the Succor Creek Irrigation district was held November 29th. The following vote was cast: Division No. 1—A. W. Criffield; Division No. 2—Mark Price. 10; W. A. Hadley, 6; G. W. Butt, 1. Division No. 3— W. D. Martin. 17; Charles Parsons, 4. The pupils of E. C. Preston's and J. D. Lundeen's rooms gave a basket supper at the school house Friday evening for the purpose of raising money for the basket ball team. The ladies' shadows were sold. Messrs. O. A. Megorden and L. D. Hyslop acted as auctioneers. The bidding was lively and over eighteen dollars were made. M. T. Long from Notus has pur chased forty acres of land of Charles McCoard and is moving here and get ting ready for work. W. H. Schenck made a trip to Cald well Saturday. Miss Louise McMeans is assisting with the work at the post office. Mrs. Viola Jackson went to Ontario Thursday to help care for her father. J. M. Jackson, who is in the hospital there. The Ladies' Aid society will give a bazaar and chicken pie supper at the Heath Hall this Friday evening. Everyone invited and a first-class sup per assured. Mrs. L. B. Yaden returned home Sunday. I Steele Miller and Mrs. Geo. C. Mil ler are spending much of their time in Caldwell visiting with Mrs. Miller and Miss Mary Jane. Elmer Morgan made a trip to Cald well the last of the week and returned for his son, Emery. A baby boy arrived at the Dennis White home Sunday. The heavy wind sunk the ferrv boat Friday morning. Nothing could be done during the high wind Friday. The boat was raised Saturday and read" for crossing at 1:00 p. m. Our basket ball team has been challenged and will play Claytonia's team Saturday. John Hillyer was over from Central Cove Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Paine of Roswell, visited at the W. J. Helton home at Island Park, Sunday. Earl Friend was in from the ranch Monday. The auditors are still at work on the Gem District books. The members of the board of direc tors and Messrs. J. H. Redman, J. E. Wood and M. H. Stanford met with the state land board in Boise last week for the purpose of considering putting the state land which lies in the district under the district bonds. Thomas Tarr has returned from a visit with eastern friends. While away he spent a few days at Niagara Falls and New York City. A caucus was held in the upper end of the Gem District Sunday and Mr. Ernest Bedford was selected as a candidate for director from this dis trict. — Mrs. Charles Dugdale was down from Claytonia Monday visiting at the Hyslop home. Miss Leone Wright is helping with the work at the Yaden home. Nate S. Smith of Nampa, who re presents the W. T. Rawleigh, can vassed our community this week. *«*****«****♦**★ ♦ ARENA VALLEY + ft******«*-*«-**-*** Mr. and Mrs. Matson were shop ping in Parma Tuesday. Mrs. Duncan and Mrs. Lund were in Wilder Wednesday. Mr. J. Ellis was a business visitor at Parma Monday. _ Miss Trout visited with Miss W. Fouch at Parma Sunday. Mrs. Caldwell and Mrs. Sheets were business callers in Parma Friday. Mrs. Waldron visited with the Usa del family the last of the week. Mr, J. Bowman, Misse» Cora and Olga Usadel were visiting at the B. Ross home near Roswell Sunday. Mrs. Butler had the misfortune to fall Wednesday evening and sprain her ankle. Mrs. Andrew Asp picked a ripe strawberry December 2nd. That shows that Arena Valley can produce something. Those who are sick with la grippe are Mildred Owens. Neoma Grisham. Ethel and Fern Case, Mrs. Case. Mrs. Lund, Charlie Asp, Adelia Usadel, Bertha Jones and Arthur Lund. There will be a dance at th?" Arena Valley school house Saturday. Decem ber 11, 1915. Refreshments will be served. Horse buyers from Wilder were in the valley, the first of the week. The ladies circle met with Mrs. Lee Pierce. Bible quotations were answered at roll call. Dainty refresh mcnts were served, and a good time was reported by all. There was a small attendance owing to the bad weather. Mrs. Butler and Waldron will entertain next Thursday, Decem ber 16th at the home of the former. Roll Call to be answered by sugges tions for Christmas. ROSWELL + The Ladies' Improvement did not have any meeting last week on ac count of so much illness in the com munity. Mrs. A. A. Steele was a Boise visi tor last week, and she also went to the St. Alphonsus hospital and called on Mrs. Wohlschlegel, who is re ported to be doing nicely. Mr. C,. V. Cottier has begun the ork of building on the lots which he recently purchased in Roswell. He has let the contract for the building to Raymond Hall. Mrs. Grace Hunt and Misses Leota Birch and Christine Jacobson gave a shower at the latter's home on Wednesday afternoon, for Miss Sue Peterman. 1 he ladies' apron and pillowslip sale will be held at the Presbyterian church tonight. Supper will also be served, beginuning at 5 o'clock. At about 8:30 p. m. the people will meet in the auditorium and have a free discussion concerning the consolida ted high school. Everybody is urg ed to be present at this meeting to discuss the matter and try to agree upon what is best to do. The sophomore and junior classes of the high school were entertained at the home of Dora Stevens last Friday evening. Gilbert McCormick was a Caldwell yisitor last Saturday. He attended the banquet given at the Blatchley home for the C. of I. football team. Dr. Charles Killie gave a most in teresting lecture at the Presbyterian church on Thursday evening of last week. Dr. Killie has been a mission ary in China for a number of years. He was there during the Boxer rebel lion and he had many very interesting things to tell of that and also of the life in China. He showed a collection of pictures which he himself had tak en. On Friday morning he also gave a short talk to the school pupils. Mrs. Bennett, who has been ill for the past two weeks, is slowly improv ing. Misses Vinnie and OliveMcCormick did not return to their schools last week until Wednesday, on acount of the illness of the former. Miss Esther Jacobson is staving in the Wohlschlegel home for a few weeks. Miss Virginia Hall left for Emmett last Sunday, where she is to play for the opera and matinee. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cox, Baptist coleporteurs went through Roswell last Friday. They were guests in the Jacobson home Friday night. Giles Taylor and Pearl Sayre were delegates from the Presbyterian Sun day school to the "Older Boys" con ference which was held at Ontario this week. Mr. Odikirk was a Boise visitor last Monday. Mr. J. H. Trout went to Portland with a carload of hogs for Mr. W. F Howard last Friday. The rural recreation slides which were shown in the Presbyterian church last Sunday evening were both interesting and instructive. Mr. Clifford Paine has purchased the Roswell garage of Mr. Pierson. Monday evening the Woodman's lodge served an oyster supper to the lodge members and invited guests. A large crowd was present and a very enjoyable evening is reported. The newly installed electric lights in the school building were turned on for a part of the day, Monday. Gurnsey Abbott has been out of school the past two weeks on account of illness. Mr. Chas. Dice, Misses Sue Peter man and Stella Rockwood and Chas. Jurries of Parma were dinner guests in the W. F. Howard home last Sun day. The Baptist young peoples' class met at the John Pack home last Tues day evening. Mrs. D. B. Grosvenor and Leota Birch were Caldwell visitors Monday. Mrs. Bradney has been ill the past week.« Mrs. Fulton of Parma lias bien staying in the Bennett home the past week. Mr. Dewey Ross went *.o Seattle with hogs Tuesday. * LAKE LOWELL * **************** The third school month just clos ing leaves us an attendance of 93.3 perfect present. Those perfect for the month are Chlorabelle Adams, Addie, Winifred, Almeda and Clar ence Gibbens, Clarence and Eva Johnson. Arthur and Tom Moody, Lulu and Burnice Sprang, Cleo Peters and Alice Sullivan. We have two more new pupils, Cleo and Josephine Slaghts. Their parents are tending the herd of horses near the lake. We now have an en rollment of forty-one pupils. Mr. Frank Weeks fs erecting a 5 room house on his place. Nearly eveyone in the community must have the grip, seems to be our motto, almost half of the school children have been unable to attend school. Also several of the grown ups have been ill. Mr. G. C. White is down to the ranch from Boise for a week. Mrs. Sullivan and Alice visited at the Gragg home Sunday afternoon. Grandpa and Grandma Gragg have been on the sick list for the past week. Mr. Lewis Smith from Boise is visit ing at the Fry home for a few days, while he is searching for a place to rent for next season. Dewey Walls sold his driving pony to Clarence Gragg of Riverside, and left Monday to visit with his sister. Mrs. Jess Froman. who lives near Nampa for a few days. ***+*♦*****++*** * SPEEDWAY * **************** Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Taris of Boise, and Mr. Curtis KeattS of Billings, Montana, have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Bird this week. Sir. Keatts is a baseball enthusiast and holds down first base in the Okla homa-Texas league. Welk MADE GREYBULL FAMOUS Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars are now being made for the stockholders of companies operating in this oil zone. Every hole that has been drilled in the Grey bull Field has produced oil. AN OIL REFINERY Is now being built at a cost of more than One Million Dollars, to handle 3,000 barrels of oil daily. It will he in operation this month. The wells at Greybull already have produced several hundred thousand barrels of crude oil which is in storage waiting the completion of the refinery. GREYBULL IS A PROVED OIL ZONE It promises to Rival Pennsylvania and Oklahoma in Palmiest Days. Flathead Valley Oil Company CAPITAL, $300,000.00 One of the Strongest Organizations Operating in the Greybull District, and Owning Oil Lands in the Flathead Oil District and in the Havre Gas Field will commence to drill on its Greybull Holdings this week, within a few hundred feet of the well of the Flathead Petroleum company which is now producing 200 barrels of oil a day. It will make its stockholders wealthy. 10c a Share P)ig money will be made by those who buy at once as a big advance is assured as soon as oil is struck. Send in your order at once, using the accompanying coupon, or to be absolutely sure of getting in before the advance, wire votir or der, and follow with check or money order by mail. SEND IN YOUR ORDER AS SOON AS YOU READ THIS. TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE. FLATHEAD VALLEY OIL COMPANY. 10 CENTS PER SHARE COUPON. This Coupon, if Mailed Within 48 Hours of Receipt of paper, entitles the Reader to Shares at 10 cent price. Date.. Flathead Valley B. C. Oil Co., 702 Walker Bank Bldg., Salt Lake City. Gentlement: Enclosed find $ for which send me Shares Flat head Valley B. C. Oil Stock. Name » Address 702 Walker Bank Bldg. SALT LAKE CITY. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING GUARANTEED RESULTS— O VER 10,000 READERS WEEKLY- READ BY EVERYBODY Rates:—2c a word first, insertion; le a word each additional insertion; 10 Limes special rates; cash in advance LOST LOST—Wednesday, inner tube of Fisk auto tire, 3'*4x30, and mud chain. Finder please return to W. T. McCall, County Agricultural Agent, Caldwell. LOST—Purse containing about $5.75, return to Golden Rule.—Mrs. Jas. Marinon. CHIMNEY SWEEP. CHIMNEY SWEEP, Stove Re pairer, furnace* overhauled, general job work.— E. G. Taylor, at Boyes Hardware; Maxey & Schnabel's and Curtis Beal's. 10-15tf English Champion, at Spokane Show. Eight Champions and one internation al Champion in his pedigree. Must be sold at once. Moying to Arizona. Geo. R. Varney, 810 Dearborn St., Caldwell, Idaho. 1022-tf ITALIAN PRUNE TREES—Any quantity or grade, priced right. J. F. Littooy. box 1408, Boise. 1022-422 FOR SALE—25 head of Shropshire rams, ready for service. C. C. Tobias, near Nampa Ferry. 924tf COTSWOLD BUCKS—A. W. Por ter, 1 mile north Appleton on Caldwell Traction line. 1015-tf FOR SALE TO EXCHANGE WITH OWNER •Property here for irrigated, farm land.—E. J. D., general delivery, Eu gene, Ore. TURKEYS. Thoroughbred Turkey Goblers for sale. Phone 265R5. Mrs. C. F. Smith, Caldwell. 1126-1230 FOR SALE—Thoroughbred Bronze Turkeys, hens and a few choice gob lers. Mrs. J. L. Haines, R. F. D. 3. 4 miles south of Caldwell. 1126-1217 FOR SALE—One Kansas City 10 horsepower Gas Egine, first-class con dition; one Gilbert Hunt Mounted Feed Mill, new; capacity 30,000 lbs. per 10 hrs. Machine is worth $700.00, but on account of ill health will sell for $500.00. Terms. Address L. B. Richardson, 1011 Main St., Caldwell. 1119-1231 COMMERCIAL JOB PRINTING done in first-class manner at The Tribune Office. Get our estimates on printing before sending away for it. FOR SALE—Airedale Dog, Laddix Idaho. Best breed in world. Regis tered. Sire defeated Rush, the $1000 FOR SALE—Call up 409 or write Box 444 for fuii-blood Poland China Pigs, none better. Price $5 to $9 pair. Some good milch cows for sale or trade. 93-tf FOR SALE—-65 pigs, in first-class cordition. Weigh from 40 to 50 lbs. each; $2.50 as they run. H. R. Fuller, Route No. 4, phone 297-j. 820tf FOR SALE—Singer Machine with all attachments for $10.00 or will rent same. Peckham-Case, call Phone 4 105. For Sale on Time. Dairy cows, stock cows, registered and Grade Shorthorn bulls. Caldwell Cattle Co.. H. W. Dorman, Pres. F5-tf MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on farms. In quire Fred Mitchell, phone 413-J., Caldwell. 430-tf Money to Loan. Plenty of Building and Loan Money for immediate loans of any size. Quick action. Town and country property. Fisk Realty Co.—Adv. HAIR SWITCHES Hair switches woven to order. In quire at 408 Blaine street. Phone 417. POULTRY & EGGS WANTED TO BUY—POULTRY Wm. March pays the highest cash pric e for poultry and eggs. Arthur St. Phone 329 J. WELLS DRILLED. WELLS DRILLED by experienced men. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charl ton & Crooke. 86 Bldg., Caldwell, Idaho. SCATTERDAY & VAN DUYN R. B. Scatterday, O. M. Vau Duyn,, general law prac tice, Little block, Caldwell, Idaho. WELL DRILLING Satisfaction guaranteed. All work done with latest improved machinery. Try me. CHAS HANSON, Well Driller, Caldwell. Idaho. ABSTRACT AND TRUST CO. CANYON ABSTRACT AND Established 1892. Incorporated 1900. Abstracts. Loans, Insurance. Bonds, General Trust Business. Caldwell Idaho. ATTORNEYS AT LAW DAVID D. HARGER. ATTOR ney-at-law, general law practice, Cald well, Idaho. CURTIS HAYDON, ATTORNEY at-Law, General law practice, office. 15 Union block, Caldwell, Idaho. ALFRED F. STONE, ATTOR ney-at-law. Office in Little block, Caldwell, Idaho. JACKSON & WALTERS, AT torneys-at-Law. S. T. Jackson, T. A. Walters. Office rooms 6 to 8, Egles ton block, Caldwell, Idaho. FRANK E. MEEK. ATTORNEY at-Law, Commercial Bank Bldg. OSTEOPATH DR. F. P. SMITH, KIRKSVILLF Graduate, Rooms 15. 16, 17 Commer cial Bank Bldg., Caldwell. GRIFFITHS & GRIFFITHS, AT lomeys-at -Law. Real estate, stocks, bonds and Securities negotiated. Over Western National bank. Caldwell, Ida. H. F.. WALLACE, ATTORNEY at Law, Commercial Bank Bldg. WALTER R. CUPP. LAND AU torney. Formerly U. S. Commissioner Practice before the United States Land Office a specialty. Egleston THOMPSON & BUCKNER, AT torneys-at-Law. J. M. Thompson, T. E. Buckner. Office: Commercial bank DR. DORA A. WEYMOUTH, Os teopathic Physician—Graduate of the lost Angeles College of Osteopathy and Southern California Post Grad uate School of Medicine. Five years in charge Sierra Madré Ville Sanitar ium for mental and nervous patients. Office hours 11:00 a. m. to 5 p. m. Phones: Office, 186; Res. 264J2. Roem Union Block, rooms 7, 8, 9. VETERINARY F. A. BLAKE, VETERINARY Surgeon and Dentist. Resident phone 108. Office—Engle's Livery, Caid well, Idaho. j. h. Mclaughlin, veterin ary Surgeon and Dentist. Hospital 5th and Main. Office phone 23J block, Caldwell, Idaho. Mrs. Sy Mills spent Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Jack 'Sul livan. Mrs. Lee Biggs spent Tuesday with Clarence Biggs and family in Cald Wll. The farmers of this neighborhood would like to know if we are ever to have any benefit from the State ex- 1 perimental farm here. As long as it i ! has been here we have never heard of anything being done to teach us any thing. Slost any good farmer around does more experimenting by himself than they do there. We are paying good money every year to keep this farm running and feel that we should get some good from our money. The writer thinks that if all the people in this section of the country would keep talking about the waste of monev on this farm that we could do something. Let us try at least. W. C. Weymouth has again taken up his duties at the cooperative store in Caldwell after a two months' vaca tion. In extending sympathy overlook the stepfather. do not