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BOTKIN-HARMON'S BIG ONE-CENT SALE! Today and Tomorrow Friday and Saturday Last chance to get some ot these very unusual bargains. This sale will probably not be repeated tor at least a year—certainly not within the next six months Items of Interest From Surrounding Territory * WILDER. * Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Woods and family attended church services in Greenleaf Sunday. Harry Wahl has sold his eighty acre ranch to an Iowa man. Mrs. C. H. Hall and daughter of Nampa, are visiting Mrs. W. S. Row land. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith return ed to their home in Ogden, Utah, last Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rowland were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rowland in Caldwell, Sunday. Herbert Bradley went to Boise last week for a visit with relatives. Al Garlick returned Thursday from Missoula', Mont., where he was called by the serious condition of his brother. H. C. Wahl has purchased the Wis by ranch, avnd will have it cleared, leveled and a set of buildings erected. S. Keith was a Boise visitor last Wednesday. Waldo Weeks has purchased a "tin lizzie." Mr. and Mrs. Ben Barker are en joying a visit from their sons from Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Clint Allen of Big Bend, Ore., visited at the W. H. Rhoades home Sunday. Mrs. C. E. Allen went to Boise last Tuesday for a visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Day of Oklahoma ar rived Saturday to visit their relatives here. here. Rev. F. L. Flemmer went to Boise last week to visit relatives. Mesdames Charles and Bert Day spent Wednesday in Caldwell. Mark Sawyer and Miss Mariet Saw yer visited friends in Caldwell. Sun The Misses Hanson of Boise, have returned to Boise, after a visit at the home of Mrs. Loui Anderson. Prof. McCall and Prof. Ireland were at M. Torsig's ranch Saturday to demonstrate the selection of seed potatoes and the treating of diseases and were listened to with interest by a number of farmers who will plant large acreges of potatoes. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Levell have re turned from Toronto, Canada, to make their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stevens were Caldwell visitors Saturday. Vern Garlick has beeij very sick Oh! I know the troubles you are having with your "disc style cream separator. Do you want to rid yourself of those troubles? Then read! Did you ever put your »cparator löget,!*" er and forget the rubber rinjt, or find you had ill a leaky ring? What hap pened? Milk «11 over »eparatof and floor. No auch troubla with my ■•p«««o*. Do you like to sop up the oil and nnlk that collect on the "bib" (shell; ot your separator? The aanarator 1 am wlllnl "" ••bib" lor It iicvrr »| m II n oil or mil* itself. Have you noticed how dirt sticks around the spacing clips and rusty spots on your discs? Th. Mparator I aJvl». I.aa no oll|M> or rravlrw. an«l cannot har. ruaty apoU, becaua« maüe ol iilcWal allvi l)o you realize what a nuisance it is to empty Ixjjifl every time you use sepa rator? You aurclv would, had you •* ■M-rlrurrd «Ii* wonderful con*mt®nee ol my a.ll-«mp«yii»4 howl. The agent said you could wash skimmer by just "slushing" it in water. Now can you? I cannot either, but In «» I can waah. atcrllUc and dry mv da vice perfectly I" « machine made lor the purpoa® ""J Iur ni» bed free. DiJ you ever try to set up your separa tor in a certain place and it wouldn t "fit?" 1 can aupnlv you with a i Um i will "nt anywhere lor it ■ m riilht or left-hand machine, crank on «ither aide and adaptable to any cor ner or eide. I have described to you my Cream Separator and the nam. of it is TO. ™d,Hu. Sep.r.tor h.. . «. "" personal guarantee to ycu, but the maker's guarantee to both of u. For Sale by JOHN F. PEMBERTON Phone 88J - CALDWELL. IDAHO with typhoid fever. Art Hudson, M. Hulburt, Lawrence Day, and Glen Kowalk attended the "Birth of a Nation," in Boise last week. Mrs. Thos. Linebaugh is improved from her recent illness. Josephine Weeks, the infant daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Weeks, has bronchitis. Miss Esther Olson spent Sunday with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Myers visited at the F. E. Soper home Sunday. Miss Olga Olson visited Miss Alice Kowalk Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Soper and fam ily, Blanche Weeks, George Jordan, Mable Soper, Frank Jean, William Jordan, O. M. Soper and Esther Thomas were Boise visitors this week and attended the "Birth of a Nation." Cecil Weeks went to Boise Sunday. Miss Lila Mitchell is home from Caldwell. The Baptists have purchased a fine new piano which adds very materially to their services. Rehearsals for a cantat'a, which is expected will be presented in May, are being held weekly in the Baptist church, under the able dierction of Mr. Angus Martin, assisted by Mr. Meyers, violinist, Forrest Sower, cor netist, a,nd a number of well known local singers and soloists. * HOMEDALE. + The members of the Home & School Circle, their husbands and a few in vited guests spent a very pleasant so cial evening at the E. C. Preston home Friday evening. Some music by Miss Florence" Mishler, was much en joyed; games were played, and Miss Gladys Vanderhoof. who is on her way to her home in the east after having spent over six years teaching in the Hawaiian Islands, answered questions, and told amusing anecdotes of her life in the Islands. At a late hour delicious refreshments consist ing of ice cream and cake were served. Mrs. F. E. Trotter went to Caldwell Wednesday for a few days' visit with relatives and friends. W. R. Sample has recently purchas ed twelve head of registered Jersey cattle. , , Mrs. L. B. Cowan returned home Sunday after a visit of several weeks with her daughters: Miss Celia, at Apple Valley, and Mrs. Charles Bol ton, whose home is in Central Cove. Word received recently from Mrs. Florence Hall states that she i's just recovering from a serious illness. Miss Ada Isaac and a party of her young friends visited last week at her father's ranch on Succor Creek. Mrs. Hugh Travis and Miss Ida Schenck visited at the Tony Freeburn home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Robinson and Master WHlard Henry, passed through here Sunday on their way from Roswell to their home at the upper pumping plant. They stopped for a short visit at the home of Mrs. Robinson's parents Mr. and Mrs. L. Smith. Howard Snell and family of Cald well and Judge Snell of Nampa, visit ed \yith Ed Snell last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wright and children were guests at—the Jasper Gubi home Siuiday. L. B. Cowan and Arthur Irwin were in town Monday. ) Mr. Headrick, who is working in the interests of the Royal Highland ers, has been quite successful and has a good list of applicants for member ship. A lodge will be instituted here about May first. Recent word received from Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Young states that they are located at Missoula. Montana, and that they are well and much pleased with their location. Jack Hambly returned Monday from a trip to the hills with Con Sutton's cattle. Mr. Hollenbeqk has leased a piece of state land near Ed Snell's ranch, and is busy getting it into cultiva tion. J. E. Wood has just finished drilling in one hundred acres of grain and alfalfa. Con Sutton and family made a trip to the car line Monday to meet Miss Ames, who came down from Boise'and who will help with the work at the Sutton home. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McKague were business visitors in town from Clay tonia Monday.* They have leased a piece of state land near the state farm and their boys are putting it in cultivation this year. They will move onto this place next year. George Huntley has purchased the one-acre tract of J. S. Flesher lying just south of town. The hay balers crossed the river last Saturday and are baling hay in the Austrian settlement. Clyde Woolcy, who has been driv ing the truck for the mining company for several months, left Tuesday for Burns, Oregon. He will drive a truck there for the same company to their mining property in that district. George Froman, sheriff of Canyon county, was in our city Monday. Mrs. Alex Ballantyne and children passed through here Wednesday 011 their way to the Isaac ranch, where tliev will spend some time with Mr. Ballantyne, who has his sheep in that locality. Miss Blanche Vail of Dixie, accompanied her. A special train came in Saturday afternoon. The following officials were aboard: Dr. Pfontz, of Salt Lake, O. S. L. eye and car specialist; C. E. Brooks of Nampa, division sup erintendent; Mr. Wood of Salt Lake, auditor: and his chief clerk, Mr. Smith; Pat Pheeney of Nampa, road master. Dr. Pfontz made an examina tion of the sight and hearing of tin men in charge here. Dr. F. Zeiger returned here Tues day after spending Sunday and Mon day with his family in Payette. He is much pleased with this section and will probably open a veterinary hos pital and feed store here. Mrs. L. O'Donnel came home on Saturday's train. Mr. H ill ver of Central Cove, is hauling his baled hay here and ship ping it. _ Mrs. W. J. Helton and Mrs. R. A. Lawson made a trip to Roswell last Monday. Roy Myler returned Tuesdav from a visit with his wife and son in Cald well. Mrs. Myler is slowly irnprov inff. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson were Sunday dinner guests at W. J. Helton's home at Island Park. S. Stitzel was a visitor from Clay tonia, Wednesday. He is farming the Ernest Bedford place tlis year. R. W. Vanderhoof and Rüssel Plum mer were Caldwell visitors Sunday. Superintendent Robinson of the potash mines wa^ in town attending to business matters Monday. Mesdames Eidemiller of Fargo were shopping in our city Monday. Rüssel Plummer of Oshkosh, Wis., is a guest at the R. W. Vanderhoof home. Mr. Plummer is a cousin of Mrs. Vanderhoof. A 10H-po""d baby daughter arrived at the Robert L. Orr home Monday, April 10th. Otto Blackaby made a business trip to Caldwell Saturday, returning Sun day. Mrs. W. H. Schenck visited at the Lewis Smith home Thursday. Miss Annabel, the small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Friend, has been quite ill but is much improved. Mr. Hasbrouck returned Wednes day from Meridian, where he was called by the serious illness of one of his children. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Freeburn were in from the ranch Mo.nday. Mrs. Gossi and two sons and the Misses Alice and Garnett Turney of Boise were guests at the Charles Cal kins home recently. Mrs. Gossi is a sister and the young people are nieces and nephews of Mr. Calkins. The ladies' Aid will serve ice cream and hold a cooked food sale and bazaar at Peck Hall, Saturday. April 22, from 2:30 to 6 o'clock. The regular program of the Home & School Circle will be postponed until the May meeting and Miss Gladys Vanderhoof will display some of the pretty and curious things she has brought home with her and tell of her life in the Hawaiian Islands. Everyone is invited to attend. The school report for the month just closed is as follows: High School: Number enrolled, boys, 21; girls, 17; Average daily at tendance 25,925; average daily ab sence, 2,125; average number belong ing, 28.05; per cent of attendance. 92. 424; number cases of tardiness, 8. Those neither absent nor tardy are: Mamie Lehner, Reifben Tracy, Helen Daws, Jude Lehner, Seth Megorden, Helen Preston, Opal Calkins. Lavona Dodge, Lois Peter, Carl Peterson and Willie Vanderhoof.— E. C. Prestcnn, principal. Intermediate Department. Average daily attendance, 35; aver age daily absence, 4.15; average num ber belonging, 39.15; per cent of at tendance, 89.4; number of cases of tardiness, 0; Those neither absent nor lardy were: Doris Magee, Jessie Butts, Edith Tierney, Mary Demshar, Laneus McDowell, Annie Jesenko, Leona Dodge, Clarice Peter, Mar jorie Tracy, Julia Tuttle.—Edith Hy slop, teacher. Primary Department. Xjiup aSiuoAB :ot 'pauojua aaqiuiix attendance, 33.8; average daily ab sence, 4.8; per cent of attendance, 87: cases of tardiness, 25. Those neither absent nor tardy were: Rosalie Magee, Edith Sutton, Cecil McDowell, Ed ivard HaylettrClarence Huntley, Max ine Haylett, Esther Upton, Mary Sut ton, Earl Vanderhoof.— Mae E. Mer cer, teacher. The regular annual school election was held Monday to elect a director in place of J. A. Pegram, whose term expired. J. D. Wright was elected. Two of the children of John Mc Coard, have entered school. Thomas Tarr has purchased a five passenger Ford. Himself and family and Miss Mae Mercer made the trip to Boise Friday evening to see "The Birth of a Nation." ***************** ***************** * GREENLEAF. * ***************** Edgar Street is now 011 the sick list. . Mrs. Tosier and her two children of Nampa, visited with her parents and friends over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bassett of Fair Acres, took Sunday dinner at the Dimmitt home. , . , Harold P. Mills is still on the sijk list. Mr. and Mrs. Brown and family were dinner guests at the home of S. A. Mills, Sunday. Mr. Preston Mills was called home Saturday on account of the sickness of his son, Harold. Mrs. Ambrose Tish invited a few friends and relatives out to her home .near Wilder for Sunday dinner. Miss Iverna Brown spent the night at the Seth Mills home one night last week. Little Malinda Rhinard is quite sick now. . . Misses Kaufman. Ardis Briggs, and Marion Karn, were Caldwell callers Tuesday, after which Ardis and Mar ion spent the night with Miss Kauf man. Mrs. Phebe Dimmitt and Mrs. Ger trude Street visited the Hatfield home in Dixie" Thursday. Mrs. Siler's Sunday School class met at her home Wednesday evening for the purpose of organizing the class. Candy was served and a social time was enjoyed by all. Howard Stil well visited his home in Riverside, Saturday night. Miss Rosella Fetters is back to her school work after having taught school in Ten Davis about two weeks. Mrs. and Mr. Benson returned from Homedale Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Gulley have moved into the Marion Cook house for the summer. Mr. Gulley is riding ditch. The Greenleaf Academy picnic was held at Lake La well Friday. Boat riding was the main feature of the day. A large basket dinner was serv ed. After the picnic, in the evening, several of the young people attended the glee club singing in Caldwell. The annual bacealuarette sermon, to the Greenleaf Academy graduates, was preached in the church Sunday morn ing by Rev. Vernon of Wilder. The Commencement exercises of the Greenleaf Academy will be given in the church next Friday, April 21. The program will consist of orations and music. While going home from church last Sunday morning, Mrs. Ambrose Tisli a»id her invited dinner guests were all thrown from the buggy, 011 account of the buggy-spring breaking, while crossing a small culvert. None as yet are thought to be seriously injured, but Miss Kaufman has been suffering from bruises obtained. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Winslow took Miss Mary Pearson in their car Sun day, going almost around Lake Lo well and attending the Sunday school convention held in Riverside, where they heard several interesting speak ers on Sunday school work. Several people from the other neigh borhoods attended the baccealaurette? services Sunday morning. *************** * BRIER ROSE. + *************** Mrs. Spurgin and Miss Anna Car man were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. W. A. Douglass. Last Thursday afternoon the Brier Rose home culture club met witH Mrs. Shaw. About twenty were pres ent. At this meeting the following officers were elected, president, Mrs. Meador; vice president, Mrs. Christ opher, secretary, Mrs. J. O. Baum; treasurer, Mrs. Simmons. The mem bers voted to extend the boundary line and so take in a few more mem bers into their jurisdiction. Mrs. Keough and Mrs. Hendrick of Caldwell, were guests at the meeting. Mrs. Keough was formerly a presi dent of the club. Altogether a Very enjoyable as well as profitable after noon was spent. Mrs. Livingston's aged father, Mr. Beam, died Thursday. The funeral was held Monday. Mrs. F.llen Brody is quite ill in the Canyon hospital. Rev. and Mrs. D. A. Clemens spent Sunday in Notus. Mr. Clemens preached in the Presbyterian church at that place in the morning. Miss Atha Hitson spent Sunday with home folks on Deer Flat. Miss Edna Keough of Caldwell was a dinner guest at the Meador home last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith of Deer Flat and Miss Blanche Waterman of Caldwell were dinner guests at the Runciman home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Collop went by auto to Melba the first of the week to visit their son, William McFarlane. Mrs. Harthrong and Mrs. Dresser were in the neighborhood on Satur day selling good things for the busy housewife. Mrs. Norlin and daughter of Mc Pherson, Kansas, came Tuesday to spend the summer with her mother, Mrs. R. M. Gholson. Mr. Butler McGranahan spent last I THE ROCK DRILLER DRILLS THE. GOOD JUDGE ] YOUR HONOR THE REAL TOIACCp| CHEW PUT3 HAPPINESS) l»HTO EACH KNOCK | YOU LOOK HAPPY EVEN IF YOU 00 A G 000 DEAL OP KNOCKING ~1 01 7 \ ( IT'S a glad day for a tobacco chewer when he finds W-B CUT Chewing—the Real Tobacco Chew, new cut, long shred. Knowing how much it means to his comfort, a man takes pleasure in telling his friends about it, too. Y ou don't have to grind it away. The taste lasts. ** Notice bow tha sail brings out the rieb tobacco taste " Made by WEYMAN-BRUT0N COMPANY, SO Uvea Squre, New Y«k Gty Tuesday with his sister, Mrs. Kay Robinson. The Crew family visited at Lake Lowell last Sunday. Mesdames Joseph Robinson, Mea dor, A. O. Christopher and Kay Robinson attended the state conven tion of the parent-teachers' associa tion Saturday. The Horn eCulture club will meet with Mrs. Joseph Baum Thursday, April 27. Each member is requested to bring paper and pencil and to re spond to roll call with their favorite recipes. Ted Williams called at the Crew home Sumlay. Mr. R. J. Sullivan is helping Mr. Runciman this week. We are glad to report that Mrs. Leavitt is recovering nicely. Mrs. Pons will return to her home next week. Ancil Steunenberg assisted William Runciman last Wednesday. Mr. Noal Leavitt had the misfor tune to step in the Phyllis ditch the other night. The ditch had more wa ter in it than Noal expected. + MAPLE GROVE * ***.> ******** ***** School was out last Friday in this district. The boys of the school and Midway played ball in the afternoon. The Maple Grove boys were the vic tors. A program was rendered and a picnic supper was enjoyed. The school election was held Mon day. J. F. Rowland was reelected for another term. Coy Collins is able to be up and around again. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Beeson and the Misses Bessie and Bertha Beeson of Payette are here visiting friends and relatives. Mrs. B. M. Wils.on is on the sick list. Last Saturday night a lodge dance was friven at the Saey's. A large par ty was present and a good time was reported by all. Mrs. Simpson, who was sick last week, is reported better. John Beeson and wife, Jasper Bee son and wife, and Bertha and Bessie Beeson took dinner with their aunt, Mrs. Tom Monk, last Sunday. One of the cows belonging to the experiment farm herd, died Saturday with bloat. Miss Bennet, from Portland, has been visiting the Simpsons. She left Monday for her home. Several girl friends from the Mar ble Front neighborhood visited Gertie Hanson last Sunday. Roy Smith returned home from the Gem district, Thursday night. Mrs. Apperson has been over on Sunny Slope taking care of Grandma Doolittle. Mrs. Sam Stitzel came home with her sister, Mrs. Will Doolittle, Satur day night. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Church of Caldwell vsited the J. R. Lonkeys a week ago Sunday. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signature of