Newspaper Page Text
Items of Interest From Surrounding Territory * MAPLE GROVE * Mrs. Jay Lonkey and daughter Ja nette and Mrs. John Beeson called on Mrs. John Lonkey Thursday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Sarratt are the proud parents of a baby girl born August tirst. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Casteel and Mrs. Bill Nooner and son Stuart came ovçr from the Gem District and spent Saturday and Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. The Misses, Georgia Andrews, Elec ta Gartin, Glenor Fisk and Brenlce Weymouth spent Wednesday at Row land's. Mrs. Simpson spent last Wednes day in Boise. Miss Lelia Simpson, Mr. Bardsley of Caldwell and Mr. Hans of Moline, 111., took dinner at Rowlands Thurs day. Mrs. George Lafferty spent week before last in Caldwell as the guest of Mrs. Giriard. Mrs. Jay Lonkey and daughter Ja nette called >t Rowlands Tuesday evening. Miss Bessie Rowland and Mr. and Mrs. John Beeson called at Andrews Wednesday evening. Mrs." Chase and baby of Nampa was the guest of Mrs. John Smith a few days last week. Misses Lelia and Marie Simpson called at Rowlands Monday. Mrs. Bill Nooner and Mrs. John Beeson called at Rowland's Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baird, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Castle and Mrs. Bill Nooner and son Stuart spent Sun day at John Smith's. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Rowland and son Earl called at Bob Smith's Sat urday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Lonkey called at John Lonkey's Saturday. Mr. Gilbert was in this neighbor hood Thursday to see about thrash ing. Mjtes Bessie Rowland lis 'helping Mrs,. Earl Baird » few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Rowland and sons. Earl and Charles spent 'Sun day afternoon at Mrs. L. A. Smith's in Caldwell. Mrs. L. A. Smith of Caldwell spent last Tuesday at George Smiths. Mr. McAdoo of Galdwell called at Rowlands Wednesday afternoon. Miss Helen Dement of Caldwell spent Wednesday night and Thursday with Miss Georgia Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. John Lonkey called at B. M. Wilsons and at Jay Lonkeys on Sunday evening. Mrs. Percy Jessup and children spent the day with Mrs. Doc Judd one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Doc Judd visited at Geo. Smiths on Sunday. ************ -* * * * WILDER . * Mrs. F. M. Small hae returned from an extended visit with relatives in Missouri. Work on the new elevator is pro gressing rapidly. Mrs. Ruth Rowland was shopping in Caldwell Friday. An election was called Monday af ternoon to vote on changing the loca tion of the school house to a suitable location, near the town site of Wilder, the majority ruled in favor of the change, and a meeting was held Wed I nesday evening to discuss the locations Bert Day has sold his ranch to a M. P. Campbell of Fresno, Cal. Mrs. E. M. Hulbert and Mr. and Mrs. Campbell of Fresno, Cal., were business visitors in Caldwell Tuesday. Mrs. H. Hume is enjoying a visit from her sister. Mrs. W. T. Slinker and Mrs. H. N. Peckham were shopping in Caldwell Friday. Ffed Rowland was out from Cald well Monday looking after business in terests here. The Parent Teachers Circle held their regular meeting Friday after noon, Mrs. Effie Lawrence gave a very interesting talk on literature for chil. ilren and discussed plans for a public library, which will take definite form at the next meeting, which is to be held the first Friday in September at the Methodist church. ( THi «OOP JU1X« HHP» MO»T H»H KMC* WW TMly U»1 W-» CUT TOBACCO ) I »et you «iHfiiniN US( W-B CUT TOBACCO MAV I MK WMX IT* QUAirry | ITOAACCO" cut r f and seasoned v salt, so a little f i chew satisfies i ytS.ANDAMAN 1 DOESN'T MAVE Toi • RIND AND SPIT UKF) THOSE WHO USE OKDINARy TOBACCO. I c I 4 YOU can't hide the truth—that's why men who use W-B CUT Chewing know what quality tobacco is. A small chew of the real tobacco tucked away in the cheek gives men the tobacco satisfaction they want. A gentleman'* chew—it euti down grinding and «pitting and there • no unwieldy wad to roll around in your mouth or to plug out the cheek. Give W-B CUT Chawing the quality teit and learn what tobaeco •atiifaetion U. Ikde by WETMAN-BKUTON COMPANY, SO IM« Sqwr., Ne» Y«k City W. J. Clark, has arranged to send laundry to the Caldwell laundry Tuesday of each week and have It re turned since regular train service has been established. , Mrs. J. H. Mahue was a Caldwell visitor Thursday. Miss Anna Slinker has gone to North Yakima, Wash., to visit hei* sister. Word was received here from Wash ington, D. C., that a post office will be opened in Wilder as soon as the papers are ratified in Washington and returned for Post Master Burton. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Day were busi ness visitors in Caldwell Tuesday. Mrs. J. L. Vanscoy left Tuesday for Grand Island, Nebraska, where she will visit relatives. Mf. and Mrs. Bird Goodwin and Mr. and Mrs. Crew and daughters of of Pleasant Ridge, attended the Mills Huggins meetings Sunday and en ioyed a picnic dinner at F. E. Boll, mans. Miss Murnie Hadsell of Middleton was a Wilder visitor Sunday. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Weeks and Miss Gregg of Boise, left Monday on a motor trip to Payette Lakes. Mrs. Joe Simpson was a Caldwell visitor Monday. Kenneth McGee and a friend of Homedale, and M. P. and Mrs. Wal lace of Wilder were a party who left Sunday for an outing trip to the Blue Lakes. Nearly every town and precinct was represented at the Mills-Huggins meetings Sunday, over fifty conver sions are reported, the meetings closed Sunday evening. Will Simpson has recovered from the injuries he sustained in the recent runaway. **★*****++++ * * * * FARGO FLASHES. + + * + * Barton Holloway has gone to Jor dan Valley to work. He will stay there with his brother for the rest of the summer. Mrs. Leavell and her sister, and Frank, took Sylvia to her home in Mountain Home on Thursday of last wek. Frank now drives the new car like a real chauffeur. The whole neighborhood feels a loss in the passing on of Mrs. Ramsey. We all join in sympathy with Mr. Ramsey especially in these early days of readjustment. "Pat" has said it could not be done but he was wholly unaware that he and Mrs. Look were to be hosts to Fargo Saturday night until Fargo ar rived. Though surprised they proved to be equal to the occasion. Witnesses were being given their summons Sunday to appear at the preliminary trial of Mr. Wilson and Mr. Roseberry on Wednesday. Mr. Scherer will use the regular hours for evening services next Sun day to give a talk on the life and cus toms of the people of Syria and Pales, tine. Earl and Mike McKague of Clay tonia were Sunday visitors in Fargo. * + ♦***** + * + + *** * MARBLE FRONT * ft****!*****-**-*«-* The Misses Vera and Mabel Cross of Los Angeles Cal. spent Sunday at the Bales home. Mrs. Joe Mesler left Wednesday for a two months' visit with relatives and friends 'in Nebraska. The Juniors Sunday School class will give a party at the T. J. Allison home Friday afternoon, August 11. Mrs. Hurr and two sons from La Grande Oregon, spent several days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Hankey, Mrs. Hurr is a niece of Mr. Hankey. Mrs. Walter Thomas and children spent Sunday at Smiths Ferry. The Misses Mary and Jamie Fear son are spending their vacation with relatives and friends in Boise. The Little girls sewing club met at the home of Nina Mount Friday afternoon, after an hour of sewing dainty refreshments were served, af ter which the club adjourned to meet again on August 18 with Miss Alice Weick. Miss Helen Portwood of Caldwell spent Tuesday afternoon at the Win. Allison home the guest of Miss Laura Beckstead. Miss Emily Wood of Boise si>ent A. E. LAUGHLIN Optometrist & Jeweler 713 Main St. Phone 400 a few days of last week with Miss Ethel Bales. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Weick also Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mesler were calling at the Hankey home Sunday. Mrs. Anar Gowey from Pleasant Plain, Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Gowey were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Milliner Sunday. Mrs. Mary Hankey and Mrs. Hurr spent Monday with Mrs. Joe Mes sier. Mrs. Merle Gowey of Caldwell spent Tuesday with Mrs. George Ma son. Mr. and Mrs. Beckstead motored from their home at Payette for Sun day dinner at the home of their daughter, Mrs. William Allisoni, they returned in 'he evening accompanied by their daughter Laura, who has been visiting at the Allison home for the past three weeks. Mrs. Vaughn and son Wessley, Mrs. Knight and Mr. and Mrs. N. G. King motored to Emmett Sunday af ternoon. Mrs. Anar Gowey and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Gowey spent Sunday afternoon at the J. A. Gowey home. Miss Rachel Wells accompanied Miss Reckstead to her home at Pay ette, for a week's visit. Mrs. Rose Mynette of Caldwell spent last week at the W. S. Rorgers home. Mr. Nicholson and family arried last week for a few week's visit at the Wm. Brooks home. Mrs. Nichol son is a sister of Mrs. Brooks. Mrs. Will Milliner and son Ed win. from Cottonwood Canyon, Utah, came Sunday for an extended visit with relatives and friends in this vi cinity. Miss Alice Mason spent Saturday night in Caldwell with her friend F.leen Wetchell. Mrs. J. P. Wells and Mrs. Amos Gould spent Sunday at the C. S. Wells home. # Miss 'Alice Mason is the proud pos sessor of a new Remmington piano. The Mesdames Schafer and Biggs of Middlcton were calling on Mrs. Henry Beck last Thursday. Mr. Guthrie of Boise spent last week at the W. S. Rodgers home. Mrs. George Mason was calling on Mrs. W. A. Douglas Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. George Mason and daughter Alice, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Allison were entertained at the Amos Gould home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Rov Jones and chil dren spent Sunday in Caldwell at the home of Mrs. A. A. Farris. Mrs. Vaugn and son Wessley, and Mrs. Knight were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. G. King. J. E. Summers went to Nampa Tuesday to help in the construction of the High school building there. Mrs. Foster Harshman had the misfortune to scald her foot quite badly Monday, but is some better at this writing. The committee on entertainment held a meeting at the home of Mrs. Roy Jones Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Summers were Emmett visitors last Monday. A party of relatives including Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Summers and daughter Florence, Mr. J. M. Summers and daughter Clara, and Miss Ethel Fu gate visited with Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Ode of the Dixie country. The Good Cheer club is making ar rangements for the social and enter tainment to be held on the T. N. Pearson lawn Thursday evening, Au gust 17. Entertainment beginning at 8:30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams and daughters Esther .and Anna of Pleas ant Plain, Iowa, arrived in Caldwell Saturday mornnig for a two months' visit witji j-elatives and friends in Cald well and vicinity. Mrs. A. Gowey of Pleasant Plain, Iowa, arrived Saturday for an extend ed visit at the C. E. and R. J. Gowey homes. CHAIRMAN EVANS TO TOUR THE STATE Started Monday on Mission in The Interest of a New Deal E.van Evans, chairman of the Re publican state central committee of Idaho, left Spokane Saturday evening for his home in Grangeville, from which point he started Monday on an organization tour which will take him to every section of the state, occupy ing several weeks. This trip wil be made by auto with other Republicans. It will be some what remarkable in its nature- and purpose, for Mr. Evans not only is or ganizing for the election of a Repub lican state ticket and for Republican electors in Idaho, but he has a much more far-reaching object, which In cludes a campaign for the reorganiz ing of the state land board of Idaho and for the revision of the state con» stitution to permit of such reorganiz. oatni. Mr. Evans will be accompanied on this trip by Fretf C. McGowan of Moscow, who was a prominent mem ber of the last Idaho legislature and a vigorous speaker. C. A. Branscomb, edito r of the Grangeville Globe, will be in the party assisting in the or ganization work and acting as press agent. James F. Ailshie. Jr., son of Judge Ailshie of Coeur d' Alene, will handle a new Buick car which Mr. Evans purchased in Spokane. From Grangeville Mr. Evans comes north and will be in the northern end of the state in about a week. After this campaign he will go with his party to southern Idaho and visit practically every county. "On this trip it will be our purpose to see as many people as possible," said Mr. Evans. "We will make the trip by automobile, because it will en m Use This Clear Soap For a Clearer Skin JAP ROSE Th« wonderful "Sunday Moraine Bath" SOAP is wonderfully pure. The lather absorbs that "dirty" feeling and instills a delight ful freshness. Unexcelled for Shampoo, Bath and General Toilet Ute. Best For Your Oily *>kin For Free Sample Write lames S. Kirk & Co., Dept. 353, Chicago, U. S. A. able us to visit many points, making quick time and giving every possible moment for consultation with the people. It will not be a trip merely to the county seats and important towns but to many other places and into as many districts as possible. "One of the most important works I am undertaking on this trip Is to arouse the people to a realization of the needs for a new organization of the land board of our state, and the plan I advocate is to have appointed by the governor a bipartisan board of three members, who shall employ their own clerks. "At present this work, which is of vast importance to Idaho, is handled by a board composed of five state officials, all of them elected for other purposes. "On this trip we also will organize for the coming campaign, for we ex pect to elect a Republican state ticket and put Idaho in the Hughes col Candidates for State Offices The nominations filed for the var ious state offices by both parties are as follows: Justice of supreme court—Robert N. Dunn, Coeur d'Alene; John C. Rice, Caldwell;. Isaac N. Sullivan, Hailey. For congress— E. E. El'iott of Bon ners Ferry. Burton L. French of Mos cow, Robert M. McCra ''tiu if Hoise, Addison T. Smith of Twin Falls, Re publicans; Marion J. Kerr of St. An thony and John V. Stanley of Bon ners Ferry, Democrats. Governor—George E. Crum of Lew iston, Capt. E. G. Davis of L'oise. D. W. Davis of American Falls and Her man H. Taylor of Sandpoint, Repub licans; Moses Alexander of Boise, Democrat. Lieutenant Governor— L. V. Patch of Payette and B. M. Holt of Cald well, Republicans; James H| Frazier of Coeur d'Alene and Ernest L. Park er of Cottonwood, Democrats. Secretary of State—Ceorge E. Bark er of Sandpoint, Erv. Johnson of of on of of er of Sandpoint, Erv. Johnson of UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY f G oodness ! ^ )l HOW FRIGHTENED ^ I WAS I THOUGHT |l I HEARD THE GROCERS m. wife's voice." I f'oo ■ I A we AD n I j ! owe 'S , \\ < j j i ONE i s > I'yCO MINÔ." ft V* 1 r ".ÄVt « WILL I put the wktapp/n pape'?. mama , » in thc wood fjoy f ft [•X I-,"' Ni! ü E •><' ' ' ' lifflvf t' 1 * V m s s Sr u Ï.V. HL_ 2 SHAME, Fear, Deceit and a Guilty Conscience all come wrapped up in the mail or der package. We should never be ashamed to look a neighbor in the face. In a community like ours, all are neighbors and friends, working together. Our inter ests are common. We are all in business together. Our business is home-town develop ment. Unlike the overcrowded city, our community has a soul. We tamper with our community -soul whenever we boycott home interests. Then let us keep our conscience clear, let us so live that we can at any time look our neighbors in the face, knowing that no action of ours is holding back the progress of our home town. Boise, and Chancey Wallace of Nez perce, Republicans; William T. Doughtery of Richfield and Joseph Hanson of Dayton, Democrats. State Treasurer—John W. Eagleson of Boise and Fred L. Fiskc of Par ma, Republicans; Solomon P. Worth ington of Oakley^, Democrat. State Auditor—-.Melvin J. Barrows of King Hill, L. L| Folsom of Boise, Geo. W. Lewis of Boise and W. S. Parkhurst of Richfield, Republicans; Clarence Van Deusen of Boise, Dem ocrat. Attorney General—Carlton Fox of Wallace, C. D. Smith of Burley, Mar lin J. Sweeley of Twin Falls, Repub licans; T. A. Walters of Caldwell, Democrat. Superintendent of Public Instruc tion—Catherine T. Bryden of Mos cowand Ethel E. Redtield of Lewis ton, Republicans. Inspector of Mines—Robert N. Bell of Boise, Republican; Thomas D. Fry of Silver City, Democrat. ************ * * * * NORTH DEER FLAT. * *************** There will be a gold medal contest on Friday evening August 18th at the Huston Christian church. Those who will speak in the con test are, Godie Blaklcy of Caldwell, Mildred Tucker and Eunice Trotter or Greenleaf, Murine Hadsell and Pau line Garrison of Middleton and Glen m 4 i r * ^ // 5Î3 / ~'sr / READ BELOW HOW AN OLD GENTLEMAN WHO HID HIS MONEY OVER THE CLOCK NEARLY LOST $£000* After an intelligent old gentleman of 76 dropped dead in his home, his son found over TWO THOUSAND DOL LARS in PAPER MONEY over the old clock which stood on the wooden mantle, surrounding an open crackling fire. Not even his OWN WIFE knew that much money was there. The old gentleman was simply GARELESS. His son had married the town banker's daunhter, and the bank was trusted. Both the old gentleman's MONEY and LIFE were in danger; for BURGLARS have a way of LEARNING where money is hidden, and fire at any time might have burned the house. Make OUR bank YOUR bank We Pay 5 Per Gent Interest Um Western National Bank UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Davis of Appleton. There will be special music and singing by themale quartette and other singers. Rev. B. W. Rice will conduct the devotional exercises. (Tres'a Nelson and Emmett Myer will also take part in the contest program. Miss Margaret Rose spent Sunday with friends at Middleton. Mrs. Clyde Myers and family, Mrs. Wesley Farris and children spent Thursday with Mrs. Fred Crocket. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Histon spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ihrig. Dr. D. N. Smith and son Gordon were out looking after the businesj interest of their ranch Tuesday evi ning. Rev. and Mrs. S. F. Wilson of Cah". well spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wilson, Clay Cox Sam Judd TRANSFER. Phone 34 W Offir- 822 Mam