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Items 0/ Interest From Surrounding Territory *************** * GREENLEAF * **************.„ Mr. C. J. Amstrams returned home the first of last week after an absence of nearly two months visiting in Ne. braska, making the trip home of 1400 miles by auto in seven days. Mrs. White and daughter Mabel re turned last week from a month's visit in Portland, Oregon. Mr. A. G. Street autoed over to Par ma Friday of last week. The regular W. C. T. U. meeting was held with Mrs. James A. Her locker for the purpose of electing new officers. Miss Ula Tucke r returned home the first of the week after an extended visit with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weeks and children of Deer Flat attended our church Sunday. Prof, and Mrs. Roberts of Melba drove down to Greenleaf Saturday and spent a few days looking after the interests of the academy. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Evans, Paul and Grandpa Seaton started Monday morning for a trip in the mountains. They expect to go up near Arrow Rock for a week's outing. Mr. Seth Mill the assistant mail carrier is carrying the mail in Mr. Evans' absence. Miss Grace Benson who has been with her sister in Lincon Nebraska for the past year is here visiting her parents. t Miss Jerna and Willie Brown spent the week end visiting with Greenleaf friends. Mrs. Woodward's Sunday school class met with Miss Vehna Cox Tues day evening of last week and held their regular business meeting. Mrs. Verling Cox spent Sunday and Monday in Middleton visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Myers. The regular missionary meeting is to convene Friday with Mrs. J. W. Law. Mrs. and Mrs. J. W. Law started for Washington on a business trip for a week or ten days. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Perisho and Zenas are to start for their home on Monday of this week. The Girl's Hearty, Happy Helpers club meets Wednesday of this week with Miss Ruth Dimmitt. Mrs. Silar's Sunday school class were invited by Mrs. Davenpart to a supper party in honor of her son, Leslie's birthday. Last Friday eening several of the young folks attended an Endeavor social held at the old home of Mr. Brown, after games being played a fire was built and "weenies" and marshmallows were roasted. All re port a fine time. *********** * RIVERSIDE * * * * ************ * * * * There will be a meeting at the school house Monday night, August 14th, to vote bonds for the erection of a new school ho\ise. At the meet, ing held last Tuesday night, the bonds were defeated on account of no new site having been named. At this meting a committee was appoint ed to look up a suitable site within a radius of one half mile from a given point. The Presbyterian Sunday school will take supper on the bank of the Snake River, below Mr. Stilwells, Friday night. The Good Time club met with Sallie Mitchell, last Friday afternoon After the meeting, ice cream and cake were served, after which all enjoyed a good swim in the Snake river. Lawrence Buckholz went to Cald well Saturday night for medical at tention. While stacking hay the hay fork ran into his foot. S. S. Tobias, who bas been quite ill for the past week is able to be up. The Willing Workers will meet 'with Mrs. Floyd Mitchell, Wednesday afternoon. \ H. A. Ireland made a professional call in the valley Tuesday morning. Miss Gladys Allen of Boise, is spending the week with Ruth Stil well. Maggie Buckholz of Boise, is visit ing Mrs. Eugene Gallivan. Floyd Mitchell, Eugene Gallivan and C. C. Tobias shipped hogs from Caldwell Friday. A birthday dance was given at the home of Bert Mutch, Saturday night, in honor of Harold's twenty-first birthday: About fifty people were present and all report a good time.Mu sic was furnished by the Kessler boys from the Dry land country. Hay fever is a popular disease in this neighborhood at present. Mrs. Floyd Melntyre who has been il for the past month is able to be up and around. The mariage of Miss Emma Wy gant of Nampa and Oscar Mason of the vicinity took place on Tuesday August first. Rev. Rice of Caldwell officiating. The bride was a teacher in our school last year and the groom has a ranch in the valey. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Weiner motored to Boise, last Tuesday. * * * * * * * * * * ***** * FAIR ACRES * ,*************** Mr. and Mrs. Roy Beason, former ly of this neighborhood, but now liv ing at Payette passed through here Monday enroute to visit their^ sister who lives in the Gem District on Snake river. Mrs. Murphey and daughter from Amarilla, Texas, is visiting with Mrs. Murphey's mother, Mrs. Bartlet. Mrs. White has been nursing at the Reith home in Wilder, returned to her home Sunday. George Feltwell attended the re vival meetings in Wilder Sunday eve ning. We understand \,hat the fare is to be 50 cents a round trip from Cald well to Allen the day of the big picnic. Aug 23., the plan is for autos to meet the cars there and carry the passeng ers to the grounds. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Barnes and family visited at the D. N. Smith home in Caldwell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Anderson ex pect to start Wednesday for a visit with Mrs. Anderson's brother of Cam bndge,also to take a trip into the hills. They expect to be gone about two weeks. The Greenleaf orchestra and the Greenleaf Male quartette will furnish music for the big picnic to be held in Larson's grove August 23. G. H. Bassett lost a valuable mare Friday. Mrs. Magson, and two children from Boise are here to stay at the M. IÎ. Anderson home while they are away 1 a vacation. Don t miss the big picnic August 23 in Larson's grove the attractions will be great speeches from the best men the country can afford. Mr. Andy Anderson has traded his land here for 200 acres near Sweet Idaho, and expects to move there. Mr and Mrs. J. W. Faw departed Monday for a two weeks' visit into Sunny Side. Washington with a pros pect of trading for property there. Mrs. G. L. Dean's sister and hus band and her mother from California are visiting at the Dean home; they express themselves as being highly pleased with this county. W. A. Ford was binding his grain on Chancey's place Monday. Mrs. J. L. Martin returned to her home Friday after a two months' stay with her brother in Brush, Colorado. Miss Cora Wright returned to her home Thursday after several weeks stay at the B. C. Bradley home. Mrs. Calvin Hamlin were Caldwell visitors Saturday evening. Mrs. S. F. Hibbs has been suffering with a severe attack of grippe. Several from this neighborhood at tended traders day sale in Caldwell Monday. Mrs. Marshall who hae been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Chancey has returned to her home in Portland. *************** * HOMEDALE * *************** Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Vanderhoof and Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Preston spent Sunday over the upper end of the Gem district and paid visits to the Lockwiood and Calkins homes. Dr. Zeigler left Tuesday for a bus iness trip to Payette. Earl E. Cox was a guest at the Schenck home Sunday night. He was on his way home at Mahogany Moun tain to Caldwell to attend to matters connected with the settling of his father's estate. E. S. Friend was a business visitor in Caldwell the first of last week. W. H. Schenck made a business trip to Caldwell Saturday. Roy King was over from Nampa at tending to business matters here Wednesday. Mrs. E. S. Friend and small daugh tçrs, Geneva aijd Annabel,left Monday for a visit with friends and relatives in Payette. Dr. Thos. C. Cosgrove went to Nyssa Tuesday to do some dental work. Lewis Smith has his wheat crop in shock. Earl Pegram, Jeff Welch and Clair Benham are working in the section crew. Titus Rainer returned Wednesday from Sweet to help with the second hay crop at the Robert L. Orr ranch. Mrs. Frank Kipp and daughter, Miss Letha, visited at the Schenck home Tuesday and returned to their home in Caldwell that evening. Ed Snell came over from Nampa Wednesday and spent a few days here looking after his ranch property Mrs. Hugh Travis and Miss Alberta were guests at the McMeans home Tuesday. Mr. Mitchell, bookkeeper for Cup pies Mercantile Co.. of Caldwell, was a business visitor here Saturday. Miss Ida Schenck visited at the Lewis home Tuesday. George Ramsey our local blacksmith had two of his toes badly smashed one day last week while shoeing a horse. „ A four four load of youtjg people from Central Cove passed thru here Saturday evening on their way to Jump Creek canyon. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Smith were week end uests at the H. D. Putney home in Roswell. Charles Kunse left Thursday eve ning for Weiser. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Travis and Miss Alberta were Sunday dinner guests at the T. E. McMeans home. Merle Criffield is in Boise visiting with her sister, Mrs. Omar Tracy. M<. and Mrs. John Meyer drove to Claytonia Wednesday. Engineer Guy McGee was over from Caldwell Friday attending to business matters here. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Freeburn and children were out from Caldwell Sun day and spent the day at the Tony Freeburn home. . . Misses Helen Daws and Marjone Tracy visited with Miss Opal Calkins Thursday. Mr. Nelson, father of Mrs. A. B. Boeck arrived Tuesday from Denver for a few days visit. Mr. Nelson is a candy manufacturer. Mss Annie Adams visited with Miss Alberta Travis from Thursday until Saturday. R. A. McDowell and J. S. Flesher D. W. DAVIS. (Remember the Initials.) Candidate for Republican Nomination fo r Governor—Primary Election September 5th. Stands* for North and South highway and for all other pledges of the platform and for cheaper money for farmers and stockmen. Study His Constructive Policies left Wednesday for Brownlee where they will join their wives and spend two week's vacation. Miss Blanche Adams is assisting Mrs. Boeck with her work during haying. Dr. Donald Numbers of Parma and Miss Zoe Dunn of Payette visited here Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Meyers. Mrs. A. E. Robinson came down from the nitrate mines Monday and went to Boise for a visit with rela tives and friends. Mrs. M. A. Trotter and little daugh ter Miss Martha, mother and daugh ter of F. E. Trotter returned to Cald well Tuesday after a few weeks' visit here. Mrs. J. O. Hansen and son return ed to their home at Jordan Valley Saturday after a visit here with her sister Mrs. Wm. Langford. Mrs. J. B. Lillard of Lamar, Mis ouri arrived here Thursday for a visit with relatives. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Threlkeld and sister of Mrs. W. W. Peter. It is reported that some of the Gem District ranchers have disposed of their hay crop to sheep men for eight dollars a ton. Miss Mae Mercer was in town last Thursday from Fargo and reports that she will harvest a nice crop of apples and other fruit from her ranch this season. d. Snell returned to Nampa Tues day after spending a few days here looking after his ranch. If he is suc cessful in inducing the Gem District to build a flume so that his land can be watered he will, return in a short time to put his whole ranch into cultivation. D. J. Sullivan returned home Tues day from Portland where he went to attend the suit brought against him and F. E. Tracy by a Mr. Price of Ontario. The suit was for the pur pose of determining the nature of nitrate lands on Succor Creek near Homedale. Messrs. Sullivan and Tracy had located claims under the lode act and Mr. Price had made locations on the same ground under the placer law. The case was heard before Judge Hol verton of the circuit court and the disputed ground was awarded to the Messrs. Sullivan and Tracy. J. M. Venable and E. F. Fitzhugh of Boi,se and F. H. McConnell of Caldwell were witnesses for the defendants. Attorney R. H. Johnson of Boise represented them. The case is of much interest to the people of this section as they hold a large number of claims located as lode which are being contested by the American Ni trate company. to Caldwell Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Gess and fam ily were here in their Overland Fri day. Miss Mamie Lehner came over from Fargo and spent Sunday at home. Rev. Waniphler of New Plymouth will conduct the regular services at the M. E. church here Sunday, Au gust 15. Rev. Waniphler is a Dun kard minister. Martin Sheneficld was guite ser iously ill last week. Dr. T. C. Cosgrove returned from Nyssa Saturday where he had spent several days doing dental work. He has decided to spend Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday fore noon in Nyssa and Saturday after noon, Sunday and Monday and Tues day in Homedale. Anyone wishing work done should make appointments with him for the days he will be here. He has a good practice and his work is giving perfect satisfaction. \. Hollenbeck who has a ranch in the lower end of the district, reports the sale of $40.00 worth of potatoes from one-eighth of an acre. This is an especially good showing from land that was in sage brush six months ago. Frank Myler and George Dunning have gone to Cow Creek to spend their vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Burkett Bray of Far go are working at the Chris Jensen ranch during haying. Walter Adams is helping with the haying at the Boeck ranch. A baby boy arrived at the C. W. Bolton home in Central Cove, Wed nesday, August 2nd. Mrs. Clawson of Pomeroy, Wash ington arrived Wednesday for a visit with her son, John Upton. Mrs. W. S. Holton, Mrs. Roy My ler and Master William left Thursday for Palmer Junction, Oregon where they will visit with Mrs. B. B. Owsley. W. H. Schenck was a business vis itor to Caldwell Wednesday. John Redman who has been on the sick list, is able to be about again. Ralph De Breze, brother-in-law of E. J. Wood arrived Thursday from Oregon City, Oregon. Mrs. De Breze has been here several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wright return ed Friday from a short visit to Spo kane. Joseph Jorgns is here visiting at the R. W. Vanderhoof home. Mr. Jorgns is principal of one of the High schools in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Mr. Van derhoof held the position of superin tendent of schools in that city before coming to Homedale. Homedale supplies three candidates for the county primary election: C M. Sutton for commisioner of this district 011 the Republican L. V. Hyslop for prosecuting attorney on the Democratic ticket, and F. E. Trotter for representatives on the Re publican ticket. Han P. Marsing of Claytonia is candidate for representa tive on the Republican ticket. Voters not having voted at the geenral elec tion two years ago and who have fail ed to reister will hae to swear their vote in at the primary election which occurs September fifth. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Vanderhoof and their guest, Joseph Jorgns, of Minneapolis, left Sunday for Portland and will be away a week. William Gowen came over from Caldwell öunday returning home Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Freeburn visit ed relatives in Caldwell from Wed nesday till Saturday last week. Dr. Creasey of Boise, the Episco pal missionary rector wil hold ser vices in the M. E. church here Sun day morning August 22. The Gem District has decided to Establish a pumping plant on I the slough just back of town. Besides draining a good acreage of land that has become worthless thru seepage and removing a menace to health it is expected to secure at least 600 inches of wate r for irrigation pur poses. The lift will be only twenty feet and the water will be where need ed instead of having to run for miles in ditches. Work will be commenced immediately and it will require only ten days or two weeks to complete the work. Messrs. E. C. Preston and O. A. Megorden planned and carried out a surprise party for their wives Wed nesday evening. August seebnd. The event was in honor of the, ladies birth days. The crowd enjoyed their usual eve ning swim and then met at the Van derhoof home and went together to the E. C. Preston home. A very pleas ant social evening was spent and de licious ice cream and cake served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Vanderhoof, Mr. Joseph Jorgns, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Trotter, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Helton, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. »Siilivan and Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Yaden. Roy Baker of New Plymouth visit ed at the Welch home Tuesday. He was over to make personal application for a position in the Claytonia school which he secured. C. M. Sutton came home the last of the week to oversee the haying on the ranch here. Frank Myler and George Duning returned home Monday. Mis« Ladena Shepherd is helping with the work at the F. E. Trotter home. Mrs. Emery Morgan and Miss Myr tle were in from the ranch Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Tracy and Miss Dorthea and Miss Marjorie were Sun day dinner guests at the D. J. Sul livan home. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Magee, Miss Leone Wright and Kenneth Magee left Sunday for a two weeks outing at Blue Lakes which lie north of the Payette lakes. The teachers have al been engaged for the coming term. They are as follows: principal, E. C. Preston; gratnmer grades, Miss Irma McGee; intermediate grades, Miss Edna Grete, primary grades, Miss Mae Mercer. All of the teachers have state certificates and the prospects are bright for an excellent school term. H. E. Ballard, post office inspector for this division, was here Monday and after inspecting the post office and complimenting the post master and his assistant left for a trip through the Gem District. F. E. Trotter ac companied Mr. Ballard on his trip over the proposed rural routes. Mr. Ballard was pleased with con ditions and talked very favorably to ward recommending the establishment of two routes, one from Homedale to the upper end of the Gem District and one from Huston to supply the people on the other side or the river. The new petition will be circulated soon. The Board of Directors of the Gem District held their regular meeting Tuesday. *************** * BRIER ROSE * ***************** Mrs. Imus who has been staying with Mrs. W. A. Douglass returned to her home Saturday. Miss Prich ard is now taking care of Mrs. Doug lass. Mrs. Clarady and children who have been visiting Mrs. Clarady's parents Mr. and Mrs. Dix, returned to their home in Colorado the first of the week. Mrs. Ford and son Frank of Central Cove spent Monday at the Meador home. Rev. Colop returned Saturday from his auto trip. Pearle Robinson spent Sunday and Monday at the Crew home. Mr. Greenlund and Mr. and Mrs. Vance were called in the neighbor hood the first of the week. Mrs. Conway of Caldwell called on Mrs. W. A. Douglass Monday. Mrs. Kimbrough, Mrs. Austin and Mrs. Elhart called on Mrs. W. A. Douglass recently. Frank Ford and Olivia Meador spent Sunday afternoon with Martha Rice in Caldwell. Klsic Brooks is visiting F.dna Crew. Miss Anne Clemens is spending two weeks at Sowers Camp. Mrs. Gholson's sister, Mrs. Gra ham returned to her home in Topeka, Kansas, the first of the week. Rev. and Mrs. Dark who have been staying at the Collop home return ed to their home in town Monday. Mr. and Mr* Soward of Midway called at the Meador home Sunday. Mr. Shaw returned Monday from a two week's visit in the east. Several of the farmers are thrash ing their grain this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Mason of Caldwell called 011 Mrs. Douglass Saturday. Albert Sherman went to Boise Sun day. Harry Averv is visiting his mother Mrs. R. M. Gholson. Messrs Cleaver and Nichol of Cald well called in the neighborhood last Thursday. Mrs. O. S. Dttggan spent last week vis-ting in Lakeview. Miss Florence McCormick of Ros well is visiting at the Clemens home. G. S. Runcinian and Albert Sher man took an auto trip to Riswell tlv Ii rst of the week. *************** * DEER FLAT * ************ * ** Mrs. J. L. Hitson left Monday noon for her home at Malta Bend, Mo. Be fore leaving Mrs. Hitson subscribed for The Tribune so as to keep in touch with her friends here. The ladies aid will give an ice cream social on the church yard at Huston Friday evening August 25. Ice cream and cake will be served. All are welcome. The gold medal contest under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. will take place at the church at Huston Friday evennig, August 18. The following contestants wil take part: Murnle Hadsall and Pauline Garrison of Mid dleton; Mildred Tucker and Eunice Trotter of Greenleaf; Goldie Blakley of Caldwell and Glen Davis. The young men's Glee club will furnish music for the evening. G. W. Smith made final proof on his homestead Monday. W. H. Culter and F. B. Farris were his witnesses. Miss Margaret Rose spent Sunday with friends near Lower Fair View. Roy Shelp and Wm. Hoshaw re turned from their Nevada trip the first of the week. Luther Wells, Supt. of the Idaho Anti-Saloon league lectured at the Huston church Sunday evening. Mrs. J. W. 'Cooper expects her father and mother to arrive from Kansas the last of this week for an extended visit here. Miss Marion Clark had as a week end guest Miss Alta Marks of Cald well. W. 11. Davis and Clyde Myers are building silos on their ranches. N. E. Reis expects to make one soon on his place. Mrs; E. Nelson entertained the W. C. T. U. Tuesday afternoon. Miss Julia Clark is visiting this week with friends in Parma and Big Bend, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Smith had as Sunday guests, Mr. and Mrs. E. P Jessup, Mr. and Mrs. Myrand and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Commerford who motored down from Boise. George and Flossie Vogt celebrated their birthday Sunday by entertain ing some friends at dinner. Two thrashing machines started up in this neighborhood Monday. J. W. Cooper reports 65 bushel of wheat to the acre. There is quite an acreage of wheat in here and with the fine market price of wheat at pres ent, the outlook is very encouraging to the farmers. Grandpa Dolarliide is staying with his grand daughter. Mrs. Corn near Midway for the present. F. L. Rose has been adding modern conveniences to his residence. A well equipped bath room being the princi ple convenience. Rev. Lamb filled the pulpit at the M. E. Church in Caldwell Sunday morning. The Oelleian family visited with friends at Greenleaf Sunday. The beautiful ordinance of baptism was administered to five candidates of the Community church Sunday eve ning about six o'clock at Snake river. Prof. Ireland and family were visi tors at the N. E. Rees home Monday afternoon. A male quartette composed of Ho bart, Lawrence, Albert Darling, Glen and Paul Davis sang two numbers at the church at Huston Sunday evening which were greatly appreciated. Rev. and Sirs. Rice and Luther Wells were dinner guests Sunday eve ning at the J. W. Cooper jhornq ******>******** * SUNNY SLOPE * *************** Mr. anil Mrs Ralph Bailey were Caldwell visitors Monday. Ludell Whitcmanwho has been vis. iting her aunt and uncle in Long Beach, Calif., returned home Sunday. Don't Scratch—Use Zensal This remerdv Zensal is made to reach your particu lar case. If you have an Eczema that is dry and scaly, use Dry Zensal. If you have weeping skin or any watery eruption, buy Moist Zensal and get the relief you have been seeking. 50c the jar. Botkm-Harmon Drug Co. 721-91 Several people from Central Cove and Dee r Flat attended the ice cream social atthe school house Friday night. Mr. Fred Rogers was a business visitor in Caldwell both Mondy and Tuesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Earl and family spent Thursday evening of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bailey. Mr. Roy Collins visited in Caldwell the latter part of the week. The Farmers' club held their monthly meeting ^t the school house Friday evening. A big crowd was in attendance. Plans and arrangements for tlie third annual fair were the main discussions of the meeting. It is though that tile plans will be perfect ed and all arrangements completed at the next meeting. After the meeting Mr. Scott man ager of the Farmers' Co-operative Creamery gave us a very interesting talk oil the importance of co-opera tion to farmers, and his talk about the growth and progress of tlje co operative creamery as well as its struggles and trials since it was or ganized two yeas ago was especially interesting. We feel sure with our efficient man ager the co-operative creamery will be a decided success. The Ladies aid held their third ice cream social at the school house Fri day night, directly after the club meet ing was over. Miss Nellie Gray visited with her friends and relatives in Caldwell Sat urday and Sunday of last week. Several of the Slopers spent Sunday over at Lake Lowell. Ray Johnson is oil the sick list this week. The Ladies ait 1 me' ar the school 'louse last Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. "Clarence Earl were business vi>M.>rs in Caldwell Monday. There will oe no teaclu rs trailing classes for a month as our teacher Rev. L. F. Jones is g ing on his v • '■!! trip to th" mon il. i - s. Mr. antl xlrs. 1 d Gammon motor ed to Caldwell Tuesday. Mrs. G. L. r 'a:u 11.1 received a card from Mrs. Charles Krat'. saying that they made the trio from Twin Falls to Pennsylvania in their car in nineteen days. Mrs. Jones and daughter Veda spent Wednesday with friends on Deer Flat. *************** PLEASANT RIDGE. * ************** Misses May and Lettie Bradley re turned from their visit in Iowa last Thursday morning. They went out to B. C. Bradley's in Fair Acres, where Miss Lettie intends to make her home for a time. M. Crew and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bird Goodwin went to Wilder In Mr. Crew's Ford Sunday morning to attend the revival meetings. They had a picnic dinner at the Bollman home. Mrs. Earl Hallford is visiting at the Charles Olsen home this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McKague of Claytonia stopped on their way from Caldwell and took supper at the R. Henry Martin home, Monday evening. Mrs. Geo. Martin went home with them. J. W. Wagoner threshed his alsike clover this week. It yielded about ten bushels per acre. J. W. Hughey has raied the brush 011 Chas. Howard's new forty. John and Roy Shelp returned from a trip to Wells, Nevada, Sunday morn ing. . T. S. Cover is looking up land in the Gem District this week. Mrs. Geo. C. Doughtery and Mrs. A. O. Christopher acted the role of haperon fo.r a party of High school girls who went to Curtis Park Mop day and "roughed it" by sleeping out over night. Misses Elnora Christoph, er and Carleen Dougherty attended from this neighborhood. Sam Bollinger and daughter, Pearl, were callers at the E. S. Moss home Monday evening. Frank Starr spent Sunday in Fair Acres. Misses Bertha Austrum. Ecco Cover and Katheryn Dougherty visited the Misses Berniece and Kate Moss Sun day afternoon. The Epworth league attendance contest ended last Sunday night. It resulted in the defeat of the "Reds" by the "Blues." Joe Whittig and Alan Moss are leveling land for J. W. Wagoner. Miss Katheryn Dougherty called on Miss Berhta Anstrum Monday eve ning. The Phyllis cannai broke in the gulch below D. F. Starr's house last Friday. ANNOUNCEMENT I am a candidate for the republi can nomination for the office of sher iff. If nominated and elected I prom ise an honest, economical adminis tration of the affairs of the office and shall enforce all laws without fear or favor. JOHN S. SHUMATE, Nampa, Idaho. CARD OF THANKS We desire to extend our sincere thanks to the many friends and neigh bors who so kindly assisted at the time of the death, and at the funeral of our son, Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Orville E. Fritts.