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The Regular Monthly Sale OF THE Caldwell Horse &Mule Co. WILL BE HELD ON Tuesday, November 7 Bring in your horses and mules, as we will have the buyers. November 7— —November 7 Caldwell Horse & Mule Co. Dickens & Miller, Auctioneers. J. W. Smeed, Mgr. + HOSPITAL HAPPENINGS + **************** Mrs. Bullock and baby returned to their home on Deer Flat today. Little Martha St. Jeer is making a satisfactory recovery from typhoid. Mr. Hudson continues to improve. Mr. C. M. Perkins returned to his home at Claytonia, Wednesday, fol lowing an operation for appendicitis a short time ago. Mrs. Perry Keller underwent a minor operation Tuesday. Edgar Street is recovering from a threatened attack of appendicitis, luckily without an operation. Mr. Jesse Lamb was brought in from Rockville, Saturday, suffering with heart trouble. Baby Reasor is getting the best of a complication of troubles. Miss Lettie Wheeler is recovering nicely from a serious operation per formed a week ago. Rev. Rice was taken to his home on Canyon Hill, Monday. Though much improved, he is still far from well, but hopes to be able to receive visits from his friends after Sunday. Mr. Jas. King returned to his home at Middleton early this week, being able to walk down the hospital stairs. Mr. King is rejoicing in the hope of being able to walk again after suffer ing eight months with a broken hip. **************** * PERSONALS * *************** First grade hair switches, half price, The Vogue. P. E. Smith was a Nampa visitor Wednesday. john D. Bloomfield of Nampa was a visitor in the city Monday. F. A. Hagelin, the Nampa lawyer, was in the city Monday. Attorney R. E. Haynes of Payette was a Caldwell visitor yesterday. H. A. Partridge, ex-commissioner of Canyon county, was in the city Mon day. E. L. Phelps, contractor of Weiser, was looking after business in Caldwell, Wednesday. W. E. Bicknell Esq.. was at Payette Saturday, transacting legal business. Mr. Young, Mr. Stark and Mr. Cox of Middleton motored to Caldwell, Monday evening. The Misses Mary and Margaret Humphreys of the college spent the week end at their home in Parma. Mr. List, the proprietor of the Sev enth Street restaurant, has moved to the Union Hotel on Eighth street. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Austin autoed to Roswell Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Ekin of that city. Mrs. Joe Mesler returned Sunday evening from a three months' visit with her parents and friends in Ne braska. W. P. O'Conner, chairman of the Democratic County Central Commit tee, was in the city from Nampa, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Palmer and Mr. and Mrs. Skinner of Jordan Valley have been visiting friends in Caldwell Worth Careful Thought Do you read the label to know whether your baking powder is made from cream of tartar or, on the other hand, from alum or phosphate ? Royal Baking Powder is made from cream of tartar, derived from grapes, and adds to the food only wholesome qualities. Other Daking powders contain alum or phosphate, both of mineral origin, and used as substitutes for cream of tartar because of their cheapness. Never sacrifice quality and healthful for low price. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO New York the past week. Another purchase of horses is to be made by the French government through inspectors who will be in Caldwell next week. Choice 20 acres near good town, fine land, good water right. A pick-up at $60 per acre. Best of terms. A. L. Murphy, Phone 70. 113 Miss Margaret Knowlton of Nampa was in the city Wednesday in the in terests of her campaign for county superintendent of schools. Big dance at the Armory Saturday night the 4th. Come out and help en tertain the Boise football fans. Every body's going. Admission 50c. The Canyon Hill Irrigation Co., held a final meeting Tuesday afternoon, closing out business to its successor, The Caldwell Irrigation District. The Presbyterian Ladies Aid society will hold its November tea in the church parlors on Wednesday after noon, November 8, at 2:30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bissitt returned to their home at Salt Lake City after spending ten days in Caldwell, the guests of Mrs. James Bissitt and Miss Lalia Bissitt, Col. Thomas R. Hamer, Senator James H. Brady and Hon. C. M. Booth will speak at the Bungalow theatre Saturday evening. Band and orchestra music will be furnished. This will be the great political rally of the campaign. The people of Canyon county will make no mistake in voting for J. E. Stelirgeon for coroner. Mr. Sturgeon has had experience as coroner in the east and has served as justice of the peace in Kansas and Oklahoma. He is capable of attending to the office and will give it his undivided atten tion. Mr. Stureeon is not connected in any way with any undertaking es tablishment. Receiving numerous letters of in quiry from the east daily. If you have anything to sell, come in and list it and I will sell it. H. D. Hanna, The Home Finder. tf MONEY 7<7r MONEY. If you want a loan, and want it tmick, and your security is good, see A. L. MURPHY, Phone 70. 113-tf ***************** * DEER FLAT. * ***************** The W. C. T. U. will meet with the mothers' circle at the school house this afternoon. (Friday). The Riverside District Sunday School Union will hold a rally at the church at Huston, Sunday, November 12. There will be an all day and evening session. All Sundays schools in the district are requested to attend. Mrs. Stevenson, the aged mother of Mrs. C. F. Smith, is seriously ill in Caldwell. C. Crook has finished drilling a well on the Greenfield place and is now putting down a well on the Raymond iilace at Huston. Ben Vogt was a Boise visitor Sat urday night and Sunday. Miss Gladys Woods of Caldwell was a week end guest of her cousin, Mrs. VALE HOT SPRINGS SANITARIUM VALE, OREGON Board, Rooms and Baths. Message, Diet, Rest. RHEUMATISM OUR SPECIALTY. DR. THOS. W. THÜR STON, Superintendent. Laurence Davis. J. S. Voris and family of Santa Paula, Calif., arrived last week and will have charge of the Win. Hitson ranch. There was a Democratic rally at the school house Monday evening. David Stevenson has retned a ranch near Wilder for next year. Next Tuesday is election day. Dr. Miller was called to the Hoadley home Tuesday evening to attend Mr. Hoadley who was kicked by a horse. Hats at cost.—The Vogue. ***************** * MARBLE FRONT * ***************** At the Congregation church next Sunday morning all the services will have temperance character, as pre ceding the state election the next Tuesday. All the community is in vited to attend. Mr. Charles Mclntyre of Sheaville, Oregon, spent last Saturday and Sun day with his sister, Mrs. L. F. Cook and family, returning home Monday. Mr. Horace Milliner met with a very painful accident last week. He fell on a scythe and cut his leg just above his ankle quite severely. Several stiches were necessary. The Good Cheer club had a very pleasant meeting with Mesdames Davis and Searles. After the business meeting a straw vote was taken, the results showing that the women ex pect to scratch tickets this fall. Wil son had a majority for president, while Davis had the most votes for governor The prohibition amendment was car ried with 18 for and 3 against. The next meeting will be with Mrs. George Milliner, roll call to be answered with "That reminds me." W. E. Boulton preached in the Christian church at Ustick last Sun day. Dewey Farmer who has been spend ing several months with his brother, Kirk Farmer, will leave Tuesday for his home in Marysville, Arkansas. Mrs. James Bess and daughter, Cora of Canyon, were dinner guests at the home of C. S. Wells Thursday. They also called on Mrs. C. C. Bales and S. 11. Vassar in the afternoon. The Bess family lived in this community for a number of years. Mr. Will Kemple of Caldwell and Mr. Kenneth McKenzie of South Mountain, were business visitors at Walter Thomas home, Tuesday. Walter Thomas purchased a two year old pure bred Shorthorn bull from Gilbert Hoskins of Middleton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sallee of Boise were visiting their daughter, Mrs. Bradford and family last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Summers and daughter and Miss Clara Summers of Caldwell and J. T. Bales were Sunday dinner guests of W. C. Fugate and family. Evon Seeley and Ethel Fugate at tended a Hallowe'en party Tuesday evening given by Alma Deno and Mildred Hodge of Caldwell. A group of Y. W. C. A. girls from the College of Idaho called at the county farm Sunday and entertained the inmates with music. Mr. J. F. Bales and Miss Lorene Cartee were married at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cartae in Tonopah, Nevada, Wednesday, Oc tober 25. They will be at home to their friends after November 1st in Cald well. The bride and groom arrived at the home of Mrs. C. C. Bales, Sunday evening. Their many friends in this community wish them a happy and prosperous matrimonial voyage. The following pupils were neither absent nor tardy during the first two months of school. From Miss Green field's room: Lora Allison, Rena Meek, Inez Baker, Velma Beck, Frieda Davies, Ray Davies, Roy Lawrence, Traders Day NOVEMBER 6 Specials at the Busy Variety Store on Monday, November 6 ENAMELWARE DISH PAN mottled outside WATER BUCKET, mottled outside and white inside, 10 qt. OUC sizo '. R ,° (, l 1 bai1 ' il bi * Rfip special at JUL» and white inside, large size, a bargain at at PRESERVE KETTLE white COFFEE POT, grey welded and white on heavy steel base, oval hollow handle, welded 12 qt, a dandy Rflp s P° u t< hinged cover, ORp uUb a bargain at tub at GLASSWARE PITCHER AND GLASSES, blown jug and 6 blown tumb lers, both first grade, all for 65c pressed Tumblers, co lonial panels, 8 Va oz., regular 6 for 40c, and this special OK« 6 for Z9C CHINAWARE SUGAR AND CREAMER, a FANCY BERRY BOWL, fidif Bavaria»China decorated sugar ferent patterns, all decorated and creamer, an xmas jjQg and a dandy at present, at set each 19c Anna and Hilda Roedel, Alice Weick. From Miss Iledden's room: Vina Bodel, Bernice Davis, Raymond Davis, Esther and Ethel Fuller, Theodore Lawrence, Amelia and Sophia Roedel, Lawrence and Phobe Searles, George Sherwood and Roy Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thomas enter tained Mr. and Mrs. John Holrich and iamily, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Holrich of Caldwell, Mrs. Ted Milliner and daughter Lulu, and Mr. George Sher rod of Boise, Mrs. G. W. Milliner and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Milliner and sons Rob and Horace, and Miss Bess Hastie for dinner, Sunday. First grade hair switches, half price. The Vogue. ***************** * WILDER ♦ **************** FOR TRADE—Residence in Pasi dena, California, for 20 or 40 in Govt. Project. We have buyers for good 80 near Wilder, and three good 40s in Govt. Project. List your lands with us. C. B. Banks & Son. 1013-113 M. Frosig and F. E. Bollman were business visitors in Nyssa and Payette. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Rowland were Caldwell visitors Saturday. Mrs. Sarah Mitchell of Parma spent last week with the Mitchell families. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist church will be entertained by Mrs. Elmer Lee at their next meet ing. M. Frosig has purchased a lot in the Hudson addition ancje will build a warehouse thereon. The Men's Booster club gave a re ception at the I. O. O. F. hall in honor of Rev. L. W. Flenner, a short pro gram was given after which refresh ments were served and a purse of ninety dollars was presented. The Parent-Teachers Circle will give the following program at their next meeting: Gaining the confidence of your boy E. C. Bradley Gaining the confidence of your girl Mesdames Drew and Mitchell Defective Children Miss Rowland History of Idaho Mrs. Drew The Laws of the Aztecs Mrs. Jennie Bollman Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Allen have been visiting relatives at Grand View this week. M. Frosig is having car lots of seed potatoes shipped in, Idaho Rurals from fields that have been hill selected for several years. A social was given Monday evening at the I. O. O. F. hall under the aus pices of the Parent Teachers circle, the proceeds to be used in the Wilder Pub lic Library fund. Annie E. Triplow, candidate for gov ernor on the Socialist ticket and a number of political friends from Cald well held a rally at the I. O. O. F. hall Tuesday evening. Grover Garman has purchased a Chalmers car. Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney of Payette and Mr. and Mrs. Harry De France were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Linebaugh Sunday. The Ladies aid of the Methodist church will give an ovster supper in the basement of the Methodist church 'in the evening of election day and the returns of election waited for. Mrs. Robert Mitchell has been seriously sick the past week but is improving. A party of young people enjoyed an oyster supper at the home of Mrs. Delia Glass. Sunday eve.ning. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Keim have re turned from a trip to Portland. J. L. Kowalk and Miss Alice were Caldwell visitors, Monday. Cecil Weeks was a business visitor in Arena Vallov last week, measuring the large quantities of hay he had pur chased. Mr. Pipher, cashier of the Wilder bank, was over from Nampa Saturday. Work is progressing rapidly on the house B. G. Davies is building for J Mitchell. Albert Hudson represents the Wil der Real Estate company. He will handle loans and insurance, and will build a building for his business. H. W. Stone was over from Home dale, Monday. Rev. J. D. Gillilan of Boise preached at the M. E. church Sunday evening. Mrs. Herchey, the aged mother of Mrs. S. D. Garman, died Monday TRIANGLE PRODUCTION DE WOLF HOPPER —IN— "MR. GOOD, THE SAMARITAN" By CHESTER WITHEY Directed by Edward Dillon. Under supervision of D w n • T H E C A S T ALPHONSO IRVING GOODE D E Wot if SHORTY SAL .. viv ^? 0PP ER shifty ED EDWARH R er MONTGOMERY FOX, ALIAS FOXY MONTE " CHESTFP Ä-° N ai'ÄSr 8 ! butler — "t agAssa Bungalow Theatre, Thursday, Nov. 9 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT^ LOST STRAYED OR" STOLEN—One coal black 2 year old Percheron stall ion, weight about 1300 pounds. Slight wire cut on front foot. Very small rupture on naval. Gentle. No brand. $2o.OO reward for recovery. N. R. Shaw, Tamarack, Idaho. 1020-1110 FOUND. I'D UND —A small purse containing foud dollars and fifty-five cents and a slip ot paper with the word "padlock" upon it was picked up on the walk in front of Vanhyning's store last Tues day afternoon. The owner may claim the purse at the above named store, and il lie considers it worth the trouble may reimburse The Tribune for this insertion. WANTED. WANTED—Young woman for hou sework. Call Dr. Meyer, 1010 Cleveland Blvd. Phone 119. 1027-1117 WANTED TO TRADE—For horses or cattle. 6 room house, two lots, on Blaine street, between Four teenth and Fifteenth Sts., approximate value $1300.00. Call at 1414 Blaine. 1020-1010 FOR SALS FOR SALE—Choice 20 acre Com mer cial orchard in full bearing— can be bought without paying a cent of cash. Appde and sweet cherry, peaches, pears, prunes, and small fruit—lyi miles form postoffice in Payette— good biuldings, 2 good wells— plenty of irrigation water. Worth $15,000 under normal conditions—will take $5,000 for my equity, or will trade it for residence property in Boise, Cald well or Payette, balance $3,000 can be paid as follows: $300 Jan. 1st 1917; $700 Jan. 1st, 1918; remaining $2,000 can run at 8 per cent interest—thus you get the place for $8,000 on your own terms. This property will pay for itself in two years. This is a bargain. Owner not able to do the work. Ad dress E. B. Shanks, Payette, Idaho. FOR SALE—At a bargain, two-year old colt, good size, gentle disposition, $45.00. Inquire corner Tenth and Everett streets. 113 FOR SALE—$500. Small house, close in, with good room for stock. Phone 63 J. 1027-113 FOR SALE—Fresh milch cows Phone 299R5. 915-tf FOR SALE— Gallon glass jugs, 25 cents, stone jugs, 20 cents. Very use ful for many purposes. The Palm, Kimball avenue. 714-21 FOR SALE—My improved Deer Mat ranch, low price for quick sale. Inquire J. H. Forbes, Owner. 55tf FOR SALE—Standard sewing ma chine, guaranteed in every respect. Phone 227. 421tf FOR SALE—25 head of Shropshire rams, ready fop service. C. C. Tobias, near Nampa Ferry. 924tf FOR SALE—Call up 409 or write Box 444 for full-blood Poland China Pigs, none better. Price $5 to $9 pair. Some good milch cows for sale or trade. 93-tf FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT— FurniVhed or unfurnished, housekeeping or sleep ing, steam heat. Phone 332-W. tf ROOMS FOR RENT—Furnished or unf urnished, housekeeping or deep ing. steam heat. Phone 332. tf I'OR RF.NT—Rooms for rent at 1408 Dearborn Street. 929-tf FOR RENT—Unfurnished rooms, 722 5th and Grant St. Mrs. E. A. Rose. 915-129 POULTRY à EGGS WANTED~TO~BUY—POULTRY^ Win. March pay* the highest cash prie e for poultry and egga. Arthur St. Phone 329 J. LIME-SULPHUR SOLUTION. Üuality first— Service always. Cut out the middle man. Refined Flour Sulphur, whole sale and retail. 99.75% pure. Write us for particular*.— Meridian Spray Mfg. Co., Median, 331-tf MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on farms In Fred Mitchell, phone 413-1 !lL 430-tf quire * , Caldwell. HAIR SWITCHES Hair switches woven to order. In. quire at 408 Blaine street. Phone 417. WELLS DRILLED. WELLS DRILLED by experienced men. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charl ton & Crooke. «k WELL DRILLING Satisfaction guaranteed. All work done with latest improved machinery. Try me. _CHAS. HA NSON, Well Driller. Caldwell. Idaho. ABSTRACT AND TRUST CO. CANYON ABSTRACT AND Established 1892. incorporated 1900. Abstracts, Loans, Insurance, Bonds, General Trust Business. Caldwell Idaho. ATTORNEYS AT LAW WALTER R. CUFP, LAND AT torney. Formerly U. S. Commissioner Practice betöre the United States Land Othce a specialty. Eglestoi. DAVID Ü. HARGER, ATT0R ney-at-law, general law practice, Cald well. Idaho. CURTIS HAYDON, ATTORNEY at-Law, General law praotiçe, office. 15 Union block, Caldwell, Idaho. GRIFFITHS & GRIFFITHS, AT torneys-at-Law. Real estate, stocks, bonds and Securities negotiated. Ovir Western National bank, Caldwell, Ida, JACKSON & WALTERS, AT torneys-at-Law. S. T. Jackion, I. A Walters. Office room» 6 to 8, Egle» ton block, Caldwell, Idaho. FRANK E. MEEK, ATTORNEY at-Law, Commercial Bank Bldg. SCATTERDAY & VAN DUYN R. B. Scatterday, O. M. Van Duyn,, general law P r * c " tice, Little block, C aldwell, Idaho. alfred r. aioN« ney-at-law. Office in Little Caldwell, Idaho. RICE & THOMPSON, Attorney at-Law. J. C. Rice and J. M. ThofflP son. Offices. Commercial Bajik Budg, Caldwell, Idaho. H. E WALLACE, a TT0R nEY ' at u*, Commercial Hank BW OSTEOPATH DR. F. P. SMITH, Graduate, Room» 15, 16, 17 C cial Bank Bldg., Cald well. __ —_ H, C. SPENCER. OSTEOM.™ Kirkvillc Kraduate, Office ^ Roberts building. Res. " ho Office phone 242w. DR. DORA ^. WE XJf5 > u JJ H of C the tcopathic Physician— Gra , ti0 n*thy lost Angeles College of O.«ogj and Southern California years uate School of M ' dl ,'"ville Sanit»r Bungalow Building. _ VETERINARY^ ' rt T KE VETERINÄR F. A. BLAK.J1. |j 0B< Surgeon *nd Dentist. 108 Hospital 11th and Ar" 1 well, Idaho. — -p^~ J. H. McLÂUGHLlN^VET^i ary Surgeon • nd r £- e p ho»« Ä 5th and Mam. Offic. P Residence phone 244 K '■ morning. She had — the past year. 'ceble health Fred Boyles has he»,, few days in Caldwell. s P en ding a D.D.] tiPISÜSB relief. Ask alao about 1). D. D you