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FARM BUREAU PLANS ARE! IBK1B MID With an enthusiasm that promises much for the future of the organiza tion, the Canyon County Farm Bureau was launched last Saturday in this city, this being the first bureau of its kind in the state. Agitation along this line was begun about three months ago by a government expert, and has since been carried on by County Ad visor McCall and iPraject Advisor Ireland, who have held meetings in the 48 cammunities of the county. At the morning session Saturday, W. F . Howard acted as temporary chairman and A. J. Shearer as tem porary secretary. A nominating com mittee was named to choosç officers for the permanent organization, fol lowing which H. W. Hochbaum, leader of county agents, dwelt on the popularity of the farm bureau system under government supervision in the eastern states, and of the wonderful progress of county agent work in the south where some of the state have a paid worker in every county. The bureau is by the farmers and for the farmers, who through it are beginning to appreciate the benefits and possi bilities of effective organization. A lunch was served at noon in the city hall auditorium the scene of the day's activities. The cheese factories of the county and the Commercial club were hosts of this feature which proved a most enjoyable one. Following the lunch hour a number of interesting talks by visiting county agents were heard with pleasure and profit, among these speakers were Advisors W. KJosness of Power coun ty, F. L. Williams of Ada, G. L. Mor rison of Fremont, and J. A. Morrison of Franklin. The program to be adopted by the Bureau was presented by Advisor Mc Call at the afternoon session. Each of the various activities of the organi zation is to be under the oversight of an advisory councilman, a specialist in that particular line. There will be a division in dairying, in soils, in con trol of pests, livestock, feeding meth ods, horticulture, bees, poultry, seed production, club work and member ship. The report of the committee on nominations was adopted as follows: C. B. Ross, president; A. L. Wilson, first vice president; A. J. Shearer, sec ond vice president; L. L. Young, third vice president; Amos J. Miller, sec retary; W. F. Howard, treasurer. The meeting closed with a happy message of congratulation by Director O. D. Center of the university exten sion department, the membership en J rolled totaling 375. One of the prospective undertakings of the bureau is the publication of a monthly news bulletin to be sent free to all the members of the organiza tion. The proposed paper will deal with problems along agricultural lines peculiar to this section. The sale or exchange of articles of produce may be given publicity through its columns, and every feature of the publication will be for the exclusive benefit of the farmers whose business it is to serve. First Baptist Church. On last Thursday night at the First Baptist church, there occurred the regular annual business meeting of that body. Reports of all the officers were heard as well as the tributary or ganizations. All reports showed that the church was itTa most flourishing condition. A good representation of the membership was present and busi ness interesting to all was proceeded with after the regular reports. The first item of business that was taken up was the annual election of officers. Below will be found a list of the officers elected for the ensuing year. Deacons. S. M. Hurtt, Edgar V. Gipson; Trustees, S. M. Hurtt, H. A. Ireland, Charles Martin, B. G. Skid more, Angus Martin: Clerk, D. R. Mc Nair; Treasurer, W. J. Momberg; Treasurer of building fund, Miss Mertis L. Riddle; assistant, D. R. Mc Nair; Treasurer of beneficiaries, Mrs. L. P. Ask,cy; Financial Secretary. Fred L. F.vans; Chorister, Angus Mar tin; Organist, Miss Margaret Gipson: Bible school superintendent, 11. A. Ireland; assistant, B. G. Skidmore: Auditor. Judge W. S. McVey; Dea conesses, Mrs. S. M. Hurtt, Mrs. M A. Richardson. After the election of officers, many matters of interest were discussed by those present and action taken on some. After business was transacted the meeting adjourned. Idaho Cafe open all night. 1215-tf VAUDEVILLE ! Monday, December 18th -Sutchbeck Musical Trio Singing, Violin, Xylaphone and Comedy Act Special Pictures One Night ! At Bungalow Theatre H. FOOIE WRITES FROM MEXICAN BORDER TO FOLK AT HOME Dear Friends By request, will send you a few lines of what Co. "G" has been doing on the border of late. For the past couple of weeks our drills have consisted of school of the soldier and potrolling. The most time being put in on the latter. The com panies of the regiment are divided into 2 setions and then they march into opposite directions in the hills close to camp. At an appointed time each side sends out its patrols to get all in formation possible concerning the lo cation etc. of the opposite side. Three patrols are very interesting and the boys get into the game so earnestly that they almost forget that these same hills are all strewn with rocks and cactus. By noon everyone has an enormous appetite and could do full justice to a good meal but who ever heard of anyone getting dyspep sia in the army from over eating. Yesterday, being Thanksgiving, we had many things to be thankfull for, but especially so to the folks at home for such a fine Thanksgiving dinner that we had. The food that was sent by express came there in fine shape, and we bought the extras with the money that was sent along for that purpose. In the preparation of the meal- well the cooks did themselves justice, and everthing was in fine shape. Did the boys enjoy? Was it ap preciated? Could you have cast your eyes into Co, "G"s mess hall at the noon hour and watched the boys a round the different tables stowing a way turkey, cake, candies, and all the other good things and seen the smile that each face wore, and heard all the good things that were said. Then one would have know.n the feeling that was there better than it can ever be expressed by words. Thanksgiving was a busy day for the boys, not from the regular rou tine of drills, but from the different amusements. In the forenoon the Cal Fcild Artillery held a feild meet and in the afternoon the 2nd. Idaho football team played the 12th Infantry team. The 12th won by a score of 14-9 This makes two games won by each team. We shall resume our rekular routine of drills etc. not only from force of habit but that army regulations re quires it. We were sorry to learn of the death of Mrs. J. G. Ragsdale mother of one of our boys. Jesse Ragsdale. From daily remarks everyone will be better satisfied when the war de partment orders the 2nd. Idaho to entrain for home. That is providing the existing circumstances are the same then as they are now. Yours Truly HAROLD FOOTE. * AT THE HOSPITAL + ***************** Mrs. Henry Ballard is recovering from an attack of pneumonia. Mr. Ringcrobaugh, the U. S. R. S. man, is able to sit up after a round with the grippe. Mr. Hudson is slowly improving. Miss Helen Greer and Miss Nora Vassar, both of whom underwent oper ations for appendicitis last week, were able to be moved to their homes Wenesday. Mr. Barry, a helper at the Fashion Livery Barn, was kicked on the throat Saturday by a horse, the hoof nearly severing the windpipe. He was brought at once to the hospital for treatment. Evelyn Lively of Middleton sub mitted to an operation for appendicitis Sunday and as making a verv satisfac tory recovery. Mr. Gordon was brought in from Middleton Wednesday suffering with typhoid-pneumonia. He is doing nicely. Mr. Lam and Mr. Porter show very little if any improvement. Birth Record. Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Ward Mc Arthur of Grcenleaf, December 11th, a fird. To Mr. and Mrs. Penix of Middleton, December 9th. a boy. To Mr. and Mrs Peasley of Caldwell, De cember 10th, a boy. - F. J. Girard, brother of W. L. Girard of this city, has accepted a position with the Snake River Mines Co., which operates near Huntington. I. A. Bartholomew left Friday for a two months' stay in Pennsylvania and other eastern points. Jewelry, the Most Appreciated ol HOLIDAY GIFTS BO WEN S well known HONESTY and the fact that HE never misrepresents his GOODS to make a sale is YOUR best Assurance. These Are Genuine Bargains 20 YEAR CASE 7 JEWELED ELGIN 20 20 YEAR CASE 15 JEWELED CROWN YEAR CASE 7 JEWELED ELGIN _ $ 9.50 $10.50 $12.00 I am closing out my UMBRELLA stock at less than COST. Also my stock of WHITE IVORY at your own price. EVERY SET of MANICURE cases will be sold to you at your own price. I want to get rid of them. They are all High Grade GOODS. SHOP EARLY is A GOOD SLOGAN if you want to get the pick of my STOCK. F. H. BOWEN The OLD RELIABLE Jeweler, Main and Kimball Sts. CALDWELL, IDAHO "The Decline and Apostacy of the Christian Church" will be the subject of the next lecture on Revelation to be given at the Baptist church next Sunday night. Subject of the morn ing sermon will be "The Meaning of Prayer." Classified Advertisements LOST. LOST—Black fur collar. Mrs. J. W. Gue. Reward. WANTED. WANTED—Laundry, guarantee to please, phone 405 T Mrs. W. E. Guild, corner Sixth and Cleveland. 128-1215 WANTED—A situation as house keeper. Address Route 5, Box 33, or phone 420. 12-8-tf FOR RENT TO ROOMERS—Very desirable large furnished rooms, two with sleeping porches, one up stairs and one down stairs. Tel. 474 J, 1114 Blaine street. 12-1-tf WANTED—To trade 2 milk cows and a heifer, coming two years old. for a team of colts, coming three years old. A. H. Cobb, Route 4, Caldwell. Idaho. 11-10-tf FOR SALE FOR SALeTATTRANCH. Two draft mares, weight about 1500 each. Two standard bred trotting colts, not registered, age 2and 3/j years. One Holstein steer, 1 year old One Holstein heifer, 1 year old. Secured notes at 8 per cent taken. J. II. Forbes, Caldwell. 1215-tf FOR SALE—December 18 to 23, at 812 Everett St., all household furniture of Miss Z. Fay Fowler will be on sale. Dining room set especially nice. Call and see. Buy yourself a Christmas Gift. A Viictrola, No. 9, and 30 records for sale at a bargain. Everything is in eood condition. Inquire W. E. Norton. 809 Elgin St., 12-15 FOR SALE—1916 Edison talking machine, good as new, forty new rec ords, latest pieces, several prand opera, also Victor attachment, twenty Victor pieces. Call evenings after 5 o'clock, New Home, or write Box 222, City. 1215 AIREDALES FOR SALE—Two dog and two bitch pups, five months old, from pedigreed registered stock, best blood in the country. Address CALIDA KENNELS 1022 Main St. Caldwell, Idaho. 12-15-tf. PRINTERS! A BARGAIN. FOR SALE—Pot jacket, crucible and mouthpiece, assembled, for Mer genthaler Linotype machine, in fairly good condition. Price F. O. B. Cald well, $20. Cost $4825 and freight. We have installed electric heater. THE CALDWELL TRIBUNE. FOR SALE— National cash register in good condition. A bargain. Inquire at Tribune office. 128-tf BRONZ turkey hens for sale, Mrs. J. L. Haines, Route 3, Caldwell 128-1229 A good Caldwell residence well lo ted and modern, and cash for an cated and modern, and cash for an improved 40 or 80. A. L. Murphy. FOR SALE—40 acres state land, 2/, miles NW of Wilder, about 30 acres leveled, all under water. For particu lars see E. D. Smyser, Wilder. Ida. 12-15-tf TO CLEAN UP In order to rearrange my business affairs I am offering to sell a good acre farm 4 miles from Caldwell, with Pioneer Irrigation District water right at $75 ped acre. Price good only Christmas. Also have 40 acres with government water, good soil, am pricing this $25 per acre for a quick turn. R. S. MADDEN. YOU CAN BUY this neat new bun galow on easy terms; 5 rooms, bath, built-in cupboards, concrete basement, screened porch, lawn. A corner. Priced right, monthly payments on part. L. Murphy. BEST BARGAIN in house and lots in town, $1600. Easy terms. X. Y. Z Tribune office. For Sale AUTOMOBILES T'sed and rebuilt automobiles. 1 C !" Big Six. 70 H. P. 7 passenger. 1 Unison 6 Cylinder Roadster. 1 Willys-Knight 5 passenger. 1 Bui>-ic Big'Six 7 passenger. 1 Bniok 37-B. 5 passenger. C*-> 11 or write for price and demon stration. SHANK AUTO CO. Caldwell, Idaho. Return to 12-15 GET THIS BARGAIN $80 PER ACRE 100 acres in alfalfa and cloved, will cut $3000 worth of hay next year. This 120 acre farm is located near good town and lays fine, soil the best. All fenced, fair improvements, deep well and windmill. Good terms. RIDE IN ON THE LAND CREST AND MAKE SOME MONEY. See A. L. Murphy. Bargains don't last long. HANNA BARGAINS Seventy-five acres, mile and a half from Caldwell, deeded water. Price for short time $2500. Two hundred acre stock ranch, eight miles from New Plymouth; fine soil, crek runs through ranch. R. F. D. and telephone. Price $50 per acre. Forty acre ranclv under government water. Price $600. Four resident corner lots, close in. Price $425. Good well drilling outfit cheap. Twenty acres one mile from Pay ette, well improved, half in alfalfa, rest ready to seed; fenced and cross fenced with hog tight wire. Dandy good suburban home. Price $3000. Have a customer for a 3 or 4 room house, close in. Must be cheap. Come in and See H. D. HANNA The Home Finder. SNAP in Gem 160, partially im proved. Exceptional terms. A. L. Murphy. FOR SALE OR TRADE—15 acres in Boise Valley 3'/j miles to Caldwell north, 2 miles west of Middleton on electric line. Will take good team, wagon and harness part pay, some 1 mone y î, nd , s ° me V,™ 0 " balance. See owner, R. 1, Box 25, Caldwell, for fur ther particulars. 80 acres in Deer Flat all in cultiva tion, one-half in alfalfa and clover, balance in grain, 6«room house, good outbiuldings, deep well. Price $100.00 per acre. This is a nice smooth 80 and is one of the easiest irrigated places in the government project. 2 nice lots in good location, cork elm trees on two sides, price $225.00. P. E. SMITH LAND CO. Caldwell, Idaho. 128-tf ICE CREAM PARLOR and con fectionery for sale or trade in Bandon, Ore. Will trade for stock or acreage. Addrei» S. C. Hudson. 11-24 FOX IALS— ftaadard aewiag aaa hine, guaranteed ia i»cry reaject. I'livnr 327 421 If FOR KMT FOR RENT—7 room modern bun galow $20. 7 room two story house $20. Large house $14. A. L. Murphy. FOR RENT—Room» 1408 Dearborn Straet. for rant at 929-tf DRESSMAKING. FIRST CLASS DRESS-MAKING, Fancy Sewing a specialty. Mrs. Curry, 3rd and Freeport, Golden Gate Ad POULTRY * BCGS WANTED TO 1UT—FOULTRY Wm. March paya »ha kifhaat taafc r>ri<> f«r pnwltrr aad H t*- Artkar Phone ST* } LIME-SULPHUR SOLUTION. Quality firat — Service alwaya. Cat out the middle man. Refined Flour >ulpbur. wbale aale and retail. 99.7 Jf« pure. Write ma far pariiealara.— Meridian Spray Mfg. Ca., Meridian. Idaho. 3Jl-tf MONEY TO LOAN PUT A LITTLE IDLE MONEY TO WORK—Two foods lot« close to school for $125—just one-half the original cost. See A. L. Murphy, Phone 70. MONEY TO LOAN on farm». In quire Fred Mitchall, phone 3-J«, Culdwell. 430-tf HAIR BWITCHM Hair »wache» watea ta ajder. In quire at 408 Blaine »tract. Pfcaoe 417. WELLS DRILLED. WELLS DRILLED by experienced men. Satiafaction guaranteed. ton k Crookt. 06 WELL DRILLING Satisfaction guaranteed. All work done with lateat improved machinery. Try me. CHAS HANSON. Well Duller, Caldwell, Idaho. ABSTRACT AND TRUST CO. CANYON ABSTRACT AND Established 1892. Incorporated 1900. \batracts. Loans, Insurance. Bonds, General Trust Business. Caldwell Idaho. ATTORNEYS AT LAW JAMES BOONE, ATTORENY at law. Office with W. A. Stone, Ma sonic Bldg. WALTER R. CUPP. LAND AT torney. Formerly U. S. Commissioner Practice betör« the United States Laad OlKra a »paeialty. Egleato». DA VI L) Ü. MARC. ER, ATTOR ney-at-Iaw, general law practice. Cald well, Idaho CURTIS HAYDON. ATTORNEY at-L«w, (»entrai taw pratriea, affice ii t'a««« fcUefc, CaWw.n, 14aha. GRIFF I TUS k GRIFFITHS, AT twru«y»'«l Ljw Real estate, stock* twU »fid jjefuriti» u<v*>uat<-d Ovai * •»•rrv Nscio»»? i.j« /Ai.K#Ofc à W.\ LI k.Ri>. .-it t«faey««i L«w. S. T. Jackaan. f. A Weiter», Offire reorai 6 to R. Egle» t«n bleck. Caldwell. Idaho FRANK E. MEEK. ATTORN EY »t-Law, Commercial Bank Bldg. SCATTERDA Y & VAN DUYN R. fci, Scatterday, O. M. Vau Duyn, Attor»ç, general law prac tice, Little block. Caldwell Idaho. ALFRED F. STOKi. A ney-at-law. Office in Little Caldwell, Idaho. block. J. M. THOMPSON. ATTORNEY at Law. Office Commercial Bank Building, Caldwell, Idaho. H E WALLACE, ATTORN EY • r Commercial Bank Bldg. CHIROPRACTOR DRS. BOGGESS. OREGON State License, all ailments treated. Consul tation free. Prices reasonable. Colon ade—1020 Cleveland, Caldwell. Idaho. OSTEOPATH DK. F. ITsmÎTH?T<ÎRKSV1LLF Gr»dyate, Booms 15, 16, 17 Comrar. cial Bank Hid f., Caldwell. ÖR. DORA A. WEYMOUTH, Os teopathic Physician—Graduate of the lost Angeles College of Osteopathy and Southern California Post Grad nate School of Medicine. Five year» in charge Sierra Madr« Ville Sanitar ium for mental and nervous patients. Office hour» 1100 a. m. to 5 p. m. Phone»: Office, 186; Res. 264J2. Roam Bungalow Building. VETERINARY F. A. BLAKE, VETERINARY Surgeon and Dentist. Resident phone 108. Hospital 11th and Arthur, Cald well, Idaho. j. h. Mclaughlin, veterin ary Surgeon and Dentist. Hospital 5th and Main. Office phone 23j ' Residence phone 244 R 1.