Newspaper Page Text
ALIAS SUMMONS. In the district court of the seventh judicial district of the state of Idaho, in and for the county of Canyon. Minnie B. Wagoner, Plaintiff, vs. Charles E. Wagoner, Defendant. The state of Idaho sends greetings to Charles E. Wagoner, the above named defendant: You are hereby notified that a com plaint has been filed against you in the district court of the seventh ju dicial district of the state of Idaho, in and for the county of Canyon, by the above named plaintiff, and you arc hereby directed to appear and answer the said complaint within \yenty (20) days of the service of this summons, if served within said judicial district, and within forty (40) days of served elsewhere; and you are further noti fied that unless you so appear and answer said complaint within the time within specified, the plaintiff will take judgment apainst you as prayed in said complaint. The said action is brought by the plaintiff to obtain a decree of divorce, dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between said defendant and the plaintiff herein upon the grounds of desertion. Witness, my hand and the seal of said district court, this 27th day of August, 1919. L. C. KNOWLTON, Clerk. By B. L. NEWELL, Deputy. Stone & Jackson, attorneys for Plaintiff, residence, Caldwell, Idaho. 10-3 11-7 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the probate court of Canyon county, Idaho. In the matter of thç estate of Daniel S. Brown, Deceased. Notice is hereby given by the un dersigned administratrix of the estate of Daniel S. Brown, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within four months , after the first publication of this notice, to said administratrix, at Caldwell, coun ty of Canyon, state of Idaho, ar at the office of Stone & Jackson in the Eagleston Block, Caldwell, said place being designated as the place for transaction of business of said estate in the city of Caldwell, county of Canyon, state of Idaho. Dated September 25th, 1919. CLARA B. BROWN, Administratrix of the estate of Daniel Brown, Deceased. 10-3 11-7 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the probate court of Canyon county, Idaho. In the-matter of the estate of Benjamin P, Bennett, De ceased. Notice is hereby given bv the under signed administratrix of the estate of Benjamin P. Bennet, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to txhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this notice, to the said administratrix, at the office of the Coanty Treasurer of Canyon county in the court house at Caldwell, Idaho, said place being designated as the place for transaction of business of said estate in the county of Canyon, state of Idaho. Dated, September 24th, 1919. FERN R. HART, Arministratrix of the estate of Benja min P. Bennett, Deceased. 9-26 10-24 Hearing Petit of Administration with Will Annexed. In the probate court of the county of Canyon, state of Idaho. In the mat ter of the Estate of Ann P. Allende r, Deceased. Notice is hereby given tht Sam C Hogue, has filed in this court his pe tition, praying that letters of Admin istration upon the estate of Anp P. Allender, deceased, with will annexed be issued to Cleve Groome, said will having been heretofore admitted to probate by this court, and that the same 'will be heard on Saturday, the 18th day of October, 1919, at 10 o'clock a.m., at the court room of said court, 0in Caldwell, county of Canyon, state of Idaho; and all persons interested in said estate are hereby notified then and there appear and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said petition should not be granted. Dated this 20th day of September, 1919. S. BEN DUNLAP, 9-26 10-10 Clerk. AUAÇ SUMMONS. In the district court of the seventh judicial district of the state of Idaho, in and for the county of Canyon. Goldie May Labbee, Plaintiff, vs. Henry A. Labbee, Defendant. The state of Idaho sends greetings to Henry A. Labbee, the above named defendant. You are hereby notified That a com plaint has been filed against you in the district court of the seventh judicial district of the state of Idaho in and for the county of Canyon, by the above named plaintiff, and yeu are hereby directed to appear and answer the said complaint within twenty days of the service of this summons if served within said judicial district, and with in forty days if served elsewhere. This is an action brought against you for divorce on the ground of ex treme cruelty, for the care, custodv and control of the infant child of the parties hereto and for an injunction again you restraining you from inter ferring with the plaintiff's possession of said infant child, and from incum bering, selling, transferring or in any wise dealing with certain property de scribed in the complaint. For par ticulars you are referred to the com plaint, a copy of which is served here with, and you are further notified that unless you so appear and answer said complaint within the time herein specified, the plaintiff will take judg ment against you as prayed, in said Complaint. » Witness my hand and the seal of said district court, this 12th day of September, 1919. L. C KNOWLTON, Clerk. By ROSE EDWARDS, Deputy Clerk. _ Stone ft Jackson, attorney for plain tiff, residing at Caldwell, Idaho. NOTICE OF SALE AT AUCTION OF REAL ESTATE AND PER SONAL PROPERTY BELONG ING TO CANYON COUNTY. IDAHO. / Notice is hereby given that Canyon County, Idaho, will sell, at public auc tion, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door at the City of Caldwell, on the 30th day of Octo ber, 1919, the following described real and personal property, all situated in Canyon county, to-wit: REAL ESTATE. Warranty Deed With Abstract to Fall of 1916. Nampa, Interstate addition, fraction blocks 25 and 26. _ . Nampa, Waterhouse addition, block 28, lot 9. Nampa, G. & F. addition, block 8, lota 10 to 12 inclusive. * Nampa, Original townsite, Slock 8, lot 7. Nampa, Youngs addition, block 21, Nampa G. & K. addition, block 101, lot 7. Nampa, Kurtz addition, block 13, lot 7. Caldwell, Mt. View Sub., block H, west 2 acres. Caldwell, Original townsite, block 43, lots 8 to 10 inclusive. Caldwell, Original townsite, block 130, lots 8 to 10 inclusive. Caldwell, Original townsite, block 109, lots 11 and 12. Caldwell, Original townsite, block 121, lots 1 to 18 inclusive. Caldwell, Original townsite, block 122, lots 19 to 21 .inclusive. Caldwell, Original townsite, block I, lot 7. Caldwell, Original towtasite, block 13, 70 feet of lots 13 and 14. Caldwell, Original townsite. block 54, lot 2. Caldwell, Original townsite, block 84, lots 9 and 10. Caldwell, Dormans addition, block II. lot 6. Caldwell, Dormans addition, block 11, lots 16 to 18 inclusive. Caldwell, Devers addition, block 61, lots 8 and 9. Caldwell, College Heights addition, block. 9, lots 3 and 4. Caldwell, Boones addition, block 54, lost 22 to 24 inclusive. Caldwell, Blatchley addition, block 1, lots 4 to 6 inclusive. Caldwell, Mt. View' addition, block 81, lots 11 to 15 inclusive. Caldwell, Mt View addition, block 81. lots 16 to 20 inclusive. «Caldwell, Mt. View addition, block 95, lots 15 to 18 inclusive. Middleton, Original townsite, block 1, lot 7. Warranty Deeds on Following. Caldwell, Original townsite, block 68, lots 15 and 16. Caldwell, Original townsite, block 101, lots 22 to 24 inclusive. Caldwell, Original townsite, block 3, lot 30. Caldwell, Footes addition, block 53, lots 9 to 12 inclusive. Caldwell, Footes addition, block 56, lots 13 to 24 inclusive. Caldwell, Footes addition, block 60, lots 4 to 12 inclusive. Caldwell, Footes addition, block 61 lots 4 to 24 inclusive. Caldwell, Footes addition, block 66, lots 1 to 3 inclusive. Caldwell, Footes addition, block 66, lots 17 to 21 inclusive. Caldwell, Footes addition, all of block 55. Caldwell, Footes addition, all -of block 54. Caldwell, Footes addition, all of block 62. Caldwell, Footes addition, all of block 63. Caldwell, Footes addition, all of block 64. Caldwell, Footes addition, all of all of block 65, Caldwell, Footes addition, all of all of block 67. Quit Claim« Given on the Following Property Baaed on Tax Deed Title. Caldwell, Original townsite, block 129, lots 1 to 3 inclusive, Caldwell, Original townsite, block 129, lots 23 and 24. Caldwell, Original townsite, block 130, lots 22 to 24 inclusiv», Nampa, Waterhouse addition, block 3, lots 2, 4, 6. Warranty Deed On that part of NEJ4 SWJ4 and SWJ4 SEJ4 south and west or reser voir (about 17 acres) Section 33, township 3 North, Range 3 West of the Boise Meridian. Personal Property. 16 Oak sash 1 M inch; 2 lights D. S. Upper 24x18; lower 24x66. 1 waste paper bailer. Sale to begin at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., of said dav and continue until the whole thereto is sold, with right to adjourn said sale as to anv portion, from day to day, if necessary to complete said sale. Any property may be withdrawn from sale even at time of auctioq if deemed advisable. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. L. C. KNOWLTON. Clerk. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Thomas O. Miller, de Notice is hereby given by the un dersigned administrators of the estate of Thomas O. Miller, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within ten months after the first publication of this notice, to the said administrators at Caldwell, coun ty of Canyon, state of Idaho, this being the place fixed {pr the trans action of the business of said estate. Dated October 8, 1919. CLARENCE A. MILLER. RICHARD H. COLLEY. Administrators L). D. Harger. attornc- for adminis trators. 10-10-31 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Kstate of Lena Miller, Deceased. Notice is hereby given by the un dersigned administrators of the estate of Lena Miller, deceased, to the credi tors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibitj-, them with the, necessary vouchers. within ten months after the first pub lication of this notice, to the said administrators at Caldwell, county of Canyon, state of Idaho, this being the placed fixed for the transaction of the business of said estate. Dated October 8, 1919. CLARENCE A. MILLER, RICHARD H. COLLEY. Administrators. D. D. Harger, attorn»- for adminis trators. 10-10-31 Notice for Publication of Time Ap pointed for Proving Will, Etc. In the probate court of the county of Canyon, State of Idaho. In the matter of the estate of Jesse P. Wells, Deceased. Pursuant to an order of said court, made on the 11th day of October, 1919, notice is hereby given that Monday, the third day of November, 1919, at ten o'clock a. m„ of said, at the court room of said court, at the court house in the city of Caldwell, county of Canyon, has been appointed as the time and place for proving the Will of said Jesse P. Wells, deseased, and for hearing the application of John Cupples for the issuance to him of letters testamentary when and where any person interested may appear and contest the same. Dated October 11, 1919. S. BEN DUNLAP, 10-17 10-31 Clerk. nent of the Ownerhsip, Manage st, Circulation, Etc., Required by Act of Congress of August 24, published tor Octo Statement of the Own< ment, the 1912. Of Caldwell Tribune, pi weekly at Caldwell, Idaho, fo ber, 1919. State of Idaho, County of Can yon, ss: Before me, a notary public in and for the state and county afore said, personally appeared M. H. Gib bons, who, having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is the manager of the Cald well Tribune, and that the following is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of the owner ships management etc., of the afore said publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied in sec tion 443, Postal Laws and Regulations, to-wit: That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business managers are: Publisher, Caldwell Tribune' Pub lishing Co., Caldwell. Editor, Aden Hyde, Caldwell, Idaho. Business Manager, M. H. Gibbons, Caldwell, Idaho, That the owners are: R. B. Scatterday, Caldwell, Idaho: F. E. Springer, Caldwell, Idaho; Aden Hyde, Caldwell, Idaho; M. H. Gib bons, Caldwell, Idaho. That the known bondholders, mort gagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: None. M. H. GIBBONS. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7th day of October, 1919. R. B. SCATTERDAY. (SEAL) Notary Public. My commission expires June 20, 1822. Can Now Eat and Sleep in Comfort If troubled with indigestion or sleep lessness you should read what Miss Agnes Turner, Chicago, 111., has to «ay: "Overwork, irregular ineals and carelessness regarding the ordinary rules of health, gradually undemined it until last fall I became a wreck of my former self. I suffered from con tinual headache, was unable to digest my food, which seemed to lay as a dead weight on my stomach. I was very constipated and my complexion became dark, yellow and muddy as I felt. Sleeplessness was added to my misery, and I would awake as tired as when I went to sleep. I heard of -Chamberlain's Tablets and found such relief after taking them that I kept up the treatment for nearly two months. They cleansed my stomach, invigor ated my system, and since that time I can eat and sleep in comfort. I am to day entrely well." Notice of Sa , e of Real Property by Referee Whereas, under and by virtue of an order and judgment of the district court of the seventh judicial district of the State of Idaho, in and for the county of Canyon, in a partition ac tion, where in Emma Strickland Smith was plaintiff and Clarence Murray, Mary Murray, Eugene Murray. George Murray, Thomas Murray, John Mur ray and Sarah Murray, daughter of Terrence H. Murray, deceased, and Sarah Murray, widow of Terrence H. Murray, deceased, Marie Hethtring ton, Terrence Murray, son of James Murray, deceased, Isabel! Murray ■y. Terrence Murray, spn of Patrick Murray, ft - .... NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the probate court of Canyon county, Idaho. In the matter of the estate of John F. McCIure, Deceased. Murray, McCane deceased, Isabell Murray, Pearl Murray, James Murr ray, John Donnelly and Mary Witten berg, and Caldwell Traction Company, Limited, a corporation, and all per sons unknown who have or claim any interest in the SV4 of SH of Section 33. Township 4 North. Range 3, West of Boise Meridian, were defendants, it was ordered, adjudged and decreed that the following described real es tate, to-wit, South half (Sî4) of Southeast quarter (SE^) and South half (SJ4) of Southwest quarter (SWVi). Section 33, Township 4 North, Range 3, West of Boise Me ridian, should be sold as provided bv law in partition actions, by F. R Miller, duly appointed referee therein for that purpose. Now. therefore, notice is hereby given, that I. as such referee aforesaid, will on the 27th day of October, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the front door of the court house in Cald well,_ Canyon county. Idaho, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for current lawful money of the Uni ted States of America, all the right, title and interest of the above named plaintiff and defendants except de fendant Caldwell Traction Company, limited, in and to the real property above described. Terms of sale: Cash on delivery of deed. Dated October 1, 1919. F. R. MILLER. Referee. Notice is hereby given by the un dersigned administratrix of the estate of John F. McCIure. deceased, to the creditors of'and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit N them with the necessary vouchers, within four ssosihs after the first publication of this notice, to the said Ada McCIure, at the office of Hill and Boone. Little block, Cald well, county of Canyon, state of Ida ho, said place being designated as the place for transaction of business of said estate in the county of Canyon, State of Idaho. Dated this 24th dav of September, 1919, ADA McCLURE. Administratrix of the estate of John F. McCIure, Deceased. Hill & Boone, attorneys for Admin istratrix, Caldwell, Idaho. 9-26 10-17 ALIAS SUMMONS. In the district court of the seventh judicial district of the state of Idaho, in and for the county of Canyon. Nora Low, Plaintiff, vs. Lowell Low, Defendant. The State of Idaho sends greetings to Lowell Low, the above named de fendant. You are hercty notified, that a com plaint has been filed against you in the district court of the seventh ju dicial district of the state of Idaho, in and for the county of Canyon, by the above named plaintiff, and you are hereby directed to appear and ans wer the said complaint within twenty days of the service of this summons if served w'ithjn »aid judicial dis trict, and within forty days if served elsewhere: This is an action again you by the plaintiff for divorce on the ground of wilful desertion and for the custody of the minor children of the parties hereto. For particulars you are referred to the complaint now on file herein a true çppy of which is served herewith, and you are further notified that un less you so apnear and answer said complaint within the time herein specified, the olaintiff~will take judg ment against you as prayed, in said complaint. Witness mv hand and the seal of said district court, this 27th day of September, 1919, L. C. KNOWLTON, Clerk. By B. L. NEWELL, Deputy Clerk Stone & Jackson, attorneys for plaintiff, residing at Caldwell, Idaho. 10-3 11-7 ***************** ★ A FLOUR RE-SALE The United States Grain Corporation \ Announces that it will sell "Straight" grade flour, to all . purchasers, in carload lots, in 140 lb. jute sacks, gross weight, delivered to any Rail way Station in Zone 10, com prising the States of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, at not to exceed $10.00 per bbl. net cash. Purchasers will be supplied from nearest avail able mill, which may jesult in slight saving for buyers' account Wholesale and jobbing profits on such flour must not exceed 75c per bbl. and retailer's profits mutft not exceed $1.25 per bbl Address all communica tions to UNITED STATES GRAIN CORPORATION S10 Board of Trade Building Portland, Oregon. ***«+«+********«$ WE LOAN OUR OWN MONEY AND GUARANTEE QUICK ACTION AND REASONABLE RATES BoiseTitle & Trust Co CAPITAL $100,000.00 214 North 8th St. Boise, Idaho CORBETT'S Jordan Valley Caldwell Pas senger Bus— Office SARATOGA HOTEL , 310 J CL ASSI0ED ADVtRnSEMEMTS FOR SALE FOR SALE—10 acre ranc' 1 mile northeast of Wilder. Alsr two lots Wilder townsite. Write call Mrs. W. J. White. Wilder, ldai . tf FOR SALE—Ford touring car, good condition, running every day. George Dewey. Phone 797. tf FOR SALE—Ten acres in the Lemp tracts. Tracts No. 24 near the Lan sing station on the Boise Interurban. One-half cash, balance easy terms, or would trade for or on Portland prop erty. Write H. D. Andrews, 31st and Sandy Road, Portland, Oregon. 10-17 10-31 FOR SALE—Forty acres on Deer Flat, sell cheap and on easy terms, also forty acres on Emmett bench. Address A. W. Darling, R. 3, Cald well _ 10-17 11-4 FOR SALE—Steel oil barrels. Price $3.50. Shank Auto Company, tf FOR SALE—The Colonade at 1020 Cleveland Boulevard, an income pro ducing property at a bargain on liberal terms. For full particulars apply to Wilson Leiser at Soldiers' Home, Boise: or at Law offices of Eustace and Groome. Caldwell. tf FOR SALE—Barley and alfalfa hav. W. A. Hall. 4t FOR SALE OR RENT—Type writer. A. I. M vers. tf FOR SALE—Seed potatoes, Idaho Rurals, about two carloads, No. 1 grade. F. M. Smith, R. 3, Caldwell, - FOR SALE—1 pair rubber hip boots, practically new, size 7. Phone 757. 10-10-17 FOR SALE—One span bay mares, weight 2500; one span black geldings, weight 2800; one mountain truck and hay rack, at Fashion Livery. 10-10 BARGAINS IN LOTS Have eight good lots facing Kim ball avenue, fine building sites, will sell one or all. These lots are located on high ground on South Kimball, and are priced at $125 per lot, with terms. This is a chance to get a good building site for little money. Come in and let me show them to you. F. G. HOFFMAN 617 Main—Phone 763. FOR SALE—Entire flock of barred rock chickens. Phone 281R2. Mrs. G. E. Talbot, N'otus, Idaho. . 10-17-24-31 11-7 STOLEN—Bicylcle fro»n curt> 'in front of Ackley Bros, store at Cald well, Saturday evening. Shogrfeigb Special new good service tire on front wheel, Rugby saddle, frame 20 inch, gray and white enamel. Reward. Ackley Bros. 10-17 CHIROPRACTORS DR. G. F. HUNT. CHIROPRAC tor, office address 1005 Main street. Phone 479. F. G. Boggess Mrs. L Boggess DRS. BOGGESS All. ailments treated. Examination free. Years of experience. Office over Colonial Cafe. Office phone, ♦48-W. Residence phone, 287-J-l. M. H. Eustace Cleve Groome DR. R. F. SKADEN, OSTEO pathic Physician, Caldwell, Idaho. DENTISTS DR. A. W. HEITLER, DENTIST. Over First National Bank, Phone 2& Caldwell, Idaho. Dr. E, E. Dutton, Dentist Western National Bank Bldg.. Phone 155. 4-18 VETERINARIANS Dr. J. M. CONDON Deputy State Veterinarian Saratoga Hotel Phone oO Day and Hight. j. h. Mclaughlin, veterin ary Surgeon and Dentist. Hospital 5th and Main. Office Phone Z3-J. Residence phone 758. BINFORD FURNITURE-UNDERTAKING CO Funeral Chapel, Licensed Embalmers Service at all Hours, Auto Hearse Day Phone 24. Night Phones 751—22. When You Build a House, Use Caldwell-Hade Brick "It is cheaper. It Is better." A brick home is a thing of beauty. It is the practical home. Reduce your coal bill this winter. One ton will last ss long ss two tons in s frame dwelling. McGee's Pressed Concrete Brick. Any color, mediate delivery. Im FOR SALE—Fine five room mod ern house, close in. Terms. Call Tri bunc. ^ FOR SALE OR TRADE—2 vacant lots close to court rouse for sale or trade for horse or cow. Write T Yaniainoto, R. 2, Nampa. 10-10-31 FOR SALE—Pure bred barred rock cockerels, $2 each, four miles east of Caldwell on Franklin road. Mrs J K Mullin. 10-10-31 LOST LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN One steel gray hat, formerly owned by poverty stricken individual. Hat preceeded owner from Commercial club rooms Tuesday evening. Return to club and receive blessing. LOST—23 jewel Walham open face gold watch, with buckskin string at tached. Finder return to Tribune. Reward. Z. T. F. loi-17 LOST—Brown leather glove, Sun day, for left hand. Swain Beatty. LOST—A set of plans for bunga low. Finder please return to Tribune office. LJO-17 WANTED WANTED—Roomers and boarders. 1904 Arthur. Phone 761. 8-22ti WANTED—Rooms for light house keeping, furnished or unfurnished. Address R E. Slagle, O. S. L. ticket office. tf TO LOAN—$5000 private 7 per cent far mloan money. A. I. M vers, tf HELP WANTED MALE—Aggres sive, wide-awake young man, all or part of time. You can earn a good in come and build a permanent business for the future. Address 201 care Tri bune. 1040-24 HANNA ft MADDEN BARGAINS Six room modern house, two lots, cement walk*. You will have to go some if you can beat this at $2.800.00. Will take a good car as part payment. 40 acres, 4 miles from Caldwell, close to car line, new improvements, deep well of good water, most all in alfalfa. If you are looking for a good home look at this and you will buy it at $10,500.00. WANTED TO RENT—Good dairy or hay ranch, furnished. Capable of handling large proposition. Would consider long time lease if suitable. State full particulars in first letter. Box 473, Boise, Idaho. 10-17 WANTED—Two light housekeep ing rooms by October 22nd. Phone 712. 10-17 LAWYERS M. h. Eustace Cleve Grouue EUSTACI. & GROOME Attorneys and Counselors Steunenbere Bldg.. Caldwell, Idaho. THOMPSON ft BICKNELL, AT torneys-at-Law. Offices Commercial Bank Building, Caldwell, Idaho. Clarence S. Hill James L. Boone HILL ft BOONE, ATTORNEYS and counselors st law, rooms 11, and 14, Little Block, Caldwell, Idalu*. CURTIS HAYDON. ATTORNEY at-Law, General Law practice. Office '15, Western National Bank Building, Caldwell, Idaho. R. B. Scaitterday Alfred F. Stone SCATTERDAY ft STONE Attorneys at Law. 1, 2, 3, & 4, Little Blk, Caldwell, Ida. GEORGE T. WARREN . Attorney-at-Law Room S Mule Bldg ABSTRACTS CANYON ABSTRACT AND TRUST CO. Established 1892. In corporated 1900. Abstracts, Loans, Insurance, Bonds, General Trust Business. Caldwell, Idaho.