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LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. W. S. Maxey is sick. Cut Flowers in stock at Harmon's Drug Store. O. H. Sovereign was a visitor in Boise, Wednesday. Mrs. Sam Keyser of Boise visited friends here Tuesday. W. H. Biggs of Boise was a business visitor here Wednesday. Dr. C. M. Kaley is confincd to his home being rather seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wyth of Cedar Falls, Iowa, visited here with Mrs. Wyth's brother, O. L. Kingsbury, Tuesday. W. C. Stone of San Francisco is here for a few days, looking after business interests. Judge S. B. Dunlap left Wednesday for Mountain Home, for a few days on legal business. B. M. Holt left early in the week for the Jackholc Hole country with the intention of landing some big game before he returns. Mr. and Mr% C to St. Anthony Friday where they will make their future home. Dale Sovereign and family moved Wednesday to their new home in the Mountain View addition. William Lemon, editor of the Mid dleton Herald, was in the city Satur day. Arthur, the 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Postlethwaite, is threatened with pneumonia at their home south of town. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Decker of Wil soll, Mont., arrived the first of the week to visit relatives. They are con sidering making their home here. .„The next rekular meeting of Hugh Wilson Relief Corps will be held at tgfe Masonichall Saturday, October 18th, at 2:30 p. m. A full attendance is desired. Allofficers are especially re •{nested be present as the initiatory work will be put on. ' JESSE L. LA8KY Presents. "THE WOMAN THOU GAYEST ME" BY HALL GAINE DIRECTED BY HUGH FORD SCENARIO BY BEULAH MARIE DIX A PARAMOUNT ART-CRAFT SPECIAL ti The Woman Thou Gavest Me 9 ' Striking Lines from Hall Caine's Novel See These Scenes in the Picture THINK what marriage means to a woman —a young girl especially. It means the beginning of a new life, the setting out into an unknown work on a voyage from which there can be no return. • • • DO you know that the man to whom you are going to marry your daughter is a profligate and a reprobate? If you do know this, you are deliberately selling her. body and soul, to gratify your rotten aspira tions. • • • THUS in my youth, my helplessness, my ignorance and my enexperience, I became engaged to the man who had been found and courted for me. Love had not spoken to me, sex was still asleep in^me, and my marriage was arranged before my deeper nature knew what was being done. • • • A MARRIED widow! The worst condition in the world for a woman —especially if she is young and attractive, and subject to temp tations. • • • SOMETHING held me to the spot on which I stood. I caught the sound of rustling skirts and found myself listening to voices in my husband's bedroom. There were two voices, one a man's, loud and reckless, the other a woman's, soft and cautious. No need to tell myself whose voices they were! • • « WHEN a woman has been forced into a loveless marriage, and it is crushing the very soul out of her, and the iron law will not permit her to escape from it, what crime does she commit if she flees to a man to whom she is married in her heart? • • • ONCE in a hundred years there comes a great passion—Dante and Beatrice. Petrarch and Laura. The woman meets the right man too late. What a tragedy! What a daily and hourly crucifixion! Unless she is prepared to renounce the law, reject society, and live her own life with the man of her heart. Monday and Tues day, Oct 20-21 WIFE IN NAME ONLY ! MARRIED! The record signed. The words at the altar *PP , n * world informed that this man and this woman were one till their lives should end. And it was all a ghastly lie! He, a wastrel, traded his name for a wife, and money to spend on his paramour. She, a sweet and innocent girl, was sold like a slave to feed her father's lust for pow er. Sold to a man she loathed! Yet she was glowing with youth, thirsting for love and life. Then came the inevitable-another man, finer, nobler than any she had known. Was she wrongP See "The Woman Thou Gavest Me. See Hall Caines start ling romance of a woman's soul. As a novel it stirred two continents and has been trans lated into every civilized tongue. As a picture it is Hugh Ford's master piece of direction"—a Stupendous Paramount Artcraft Special; pulsing with emotion; vivid with action; filled with sensational scenes in England, India, Africa and the Polar regions of the North. Played by a brilliant cast, including Katherine MacDonald, Theo dore Roberts, Milton Sills, Fritzi Brunette and Jack Holt. If you have read the book you II surely see the picture. If you haven t read the book—you must see the picture. Come ! THEODORE ROBERTS u, 'The "Vornan Thou Gavest V.e* fibumuv - Oiv.f a The Woman Thou Gavest Me" Striking Line» from Hall Caine'a Novel See These Scenes in the Picture BAD as his own life has been, he con sidered he had a right to treat me in this way because he was a man and I was a woman. • • • I KNEW that what had long been pre destined had happened that the wonder cus new birth, the joyous mystery which comes to every happy woman in the world, had come at last to me. 1' was in love. I was in love with Martin Conrad. Yet I was married, and to love another than mv husband was sin. • • * MARY Mary 1 _J love you!" 1 could hear no more. I could not think or pray or resist any longer. Befoi* I knew what I was doing I was dropping my head on Martin s breast and he with a cry qf joy was gathering me in his arms. • • » OH, you good women, who are happy in the love that guards you, shields you. shelters you. wraps you round and keeps you pure and true—tread lightly over the prostrate soul of your sister in her hour of trial and fierce temptation. • • t THEN came the great miracle. My child awoke and began to cry. It was a faint cry, oh! so thin and weak, but it went thundering and thundering through me. A mighty torrent of love swept over me It was motherhood. • • • IT seemed to me that, while God in his gracious mercy was giving me my child to comfort and console me. to make tne a better woman than I had been before, man, with his false and cruci morality, was trying to use it as a whip to punish me. • • * SEIZING him by the white stock at his throat, Martin thrashed hini as he would have thrashed a vicious ape. Trashed him while he fumed and foamed, and cursed and swore. Tharshed him while he cried for help, and then yelled with pain and whined for mercy. Then flung him to the ground, bruised in every bone. Prices, Mat. lS-2Sc Evenings, 20-35c Cut Flowers in stock at Harmon's Drug Store. Alfred Quast, Frank Knapp and Lionel Kraft went to the hills Sunday on a shooting excursion. Wallace Caldwell is constructing a small residence in the Golden Gate addition. Mrs. Fracis Cook returned Monday from Vale where she spent about a week visiting her daughter. Mrs. H. R. Y oung. t A bicycle belonging to George Ack ley was stolen from in front of the Ackley grocery store last -Saturday ' evening. ^ Born, Tuesday, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Troecher, a daughter. F. G. Mitchell has let the contract to J. F. Bales for the erection of a small bungalow on Blaine street. The resi dence will cost about $700. Harriett Sturgeon resumed her posi tion at Oakes Bros. department store this week, after being absent several months on account of injuries received in an auto accident last July. The ladies' aid of the Methodist church will hold their annual bazaar the first Monday in December. Dr. F. M. Cole and A. E. Sutton made a trip early in the week into the wilds in pursuit of the wily and elusive deer. Cut Flowers in stock atllarmon's Drug Store. Some very nice Trimmed Hats to go at special discount Traders' Day. M. E. Gilgan-Sarchet, Main St., below Saratoga Hotel. R. B. Scatterday, local attorney, made a business trip to Portland last week end. He returned to Caldwell Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Turner of Par ma attended the marriage of their son. Roscoe Turner, to Miss Orabelle Ray mond which was solemnized here last Thursday. is a a Some very nice Trimmed Hats to go at special discount Traders' Day. M. E. Gilgan-Sarchet, Main St., below Saratoga Hotel. Some very nice Trimmed Hats to go at special discount Traders' Day. M. E. Gilgan-Sarchet, Main St., below Saratoga Hotel. R. C. Heizer of Homedale was a business visitor in Caldwell Monday. He reports business booming in the Gem district. Wendell Warner is taking the place of Ray Pedden in the cast of "Whose Baby Are You?" which will be shown here some time shortly. A number of local Odd Fellows went to Parma last Thursday evening for a banquet with the members of the lodge there. They report an excep tionally fine time. Three applications have been filed with the bank examiner for the estab lishment of bankii\g institutions at Homedale. Only one, however, will be granted. The entire Hagerman Valley and Lewis and Idaho counties have been quarantined for sheep scabies. The disease continues to spread over the state. Its distribution being facilitated by the cold damp weather, according to Dr, Adams, O J. Jones, a former resident of Falrbury, Nebr., has taken a position at the Binford furniture store. Mr. Jones is an able furniture dealer and has also considerable undertaking ex perience. Just as soon as he can make arrangements, he expects to bring his family to Caldwell to make his home. The annual meeting of the Caldwell Chapter of the Red Cross will be held at the city hall Wednesday evening, October 22nd, at 8 o'clock. This meet ing is for the purpose of election of officers, the election of an executive committee, considering reports, and transacting such other business as the chapter may be competent to transact. Suit was filed last Siaturday by the Payette-Boise Water Users' associa tion against about 400 land owners under the project for the collection of delinquent assessments alleged to be due the association. The assessment is 10 cents per share on outstanding to Day. to Day. a the the at will and the of of Dan Gardner returned Friday from a deer hunt at Knox. He bagged a nice two point buck. capital stock. It became delinquent October 3. Xotice of another 10 cent assessment will be made shortly. Gny McConncl, formerly a star track athlete of the northwest when he attended the University of Oregon, spent the week end in Caldwell as the guest of George T. Warren. Mr. Mc Ccnncl served in France with the A. E. F. where he partially lost his sight. His present home is in Boise to which he returned Sunday evening. "Whose Baby are You," a comedy directed by Joe Erwin which wras to have been shown here last week and was postponed because of the illness of one of the cast, will probably be given the early part of week after next. Absence of one of the cast from the city next week makes it im possible to give it earlier. Daughters of the American Révolu tion cordially invite the public to a card party Friday, October 24th, at 2:30 p. m. in the Masonic ball. A special invitation is extended to the teachers whom we are anxious to meet. We shall appreciate the co operation of every on r. A small ad mission of 25 cents will be asked. If a sufficient number of town women show interest in the proposal, a Caldwell group will be organized bv the farm bureau to share the clothing renovation campaign to be conducted in Canyon county November 10-19. Women who are interested are urged to get in communication with the farm bureau. The Hard Times dance, an annual event by the Forward club women has been set for Hallowe'en evening, Octo ber 31. Special emphasis is given to the fact that only hard time clothes will prevail as costumes at the evening function. This is one of the enjoyable social functions of the year and is looked forward to with pleasure. Recent advices from Captain "Bill" Hawkes indicate that he is still at ,X as ' .Turkey, with no expectation of leaving there for some time. He is in line for further promotion to duties of greater responsibility than he has yet borne. •a. a Born, Sunday, to Mr. and Mrs. Doner of Deer Flat, a son. Born, Sunday, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ollein, a daughter. J. H. Lowell went to Homedale Monday on business. J. M. Thompson went to Emmett Wednesday on legal business. J. W. Shepherd, superintendent of the Gem Irrigation district, was in Caldwell, Monday. Velma Leslie spent Sunday in Boise as the guest of her sister, Mrs. James Wood. C. _ B. Packham returned Sunday evening from an extended trip throughout middle western and east ern states. 1 he body of W. W. Lewis, a former Caldwell resident who died recently in Portland, was laid to rest Tuesday morning in Canyon Hill cemetery. Funeral services were conducted in Portland. Mrs. H. D. Hanna returned last Sat urday evening from the east where she spent about a month visiting relatives and friends. She attended the national W. C. T. U. convention at Columbus. Joe Dickens recently sold the Norris estate farm near Star which has fig ured largely in probate matters here recently to a Mr. Knight and son. The consideration is given at $50,000. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. McMichael left Monday morning for Calensurg, Penn. where they will briefly visit their old home. Mr. and Mrs. McMichael own considerable property in Pannsylvania but they have made their home here for 19 ^ears. E. B. Rheinhart, state animal hus bandry specialist with the extension department, was in Caldwell Wednes day checking up on the number of sheep which were shipped co-oreative ly to market Tuesday by Ada and Canyon county farmers. People on the streets last Thursday evening were attracted by the cries of •a. large flock of geese which passed over Caldwi ■ enroutc to their south ern winter It was an unusually large band and believed to be the first to have passed on their annual pil grimage. Mrs. James Smith spent the week end in Ontario, visiting relatives. T. S. Jackson and Presley Hornn attended a meeting of the Oddfellow* lodge at Parma last Thursday even ing. .1. J n ' Ga w e .'. d ' on< L of the P io «>eers of the Boise Valley whose present home is in Los Anegeles, is a recent arrival in CaldWil. He will visit friends here for a shprt tipie. Dr. T. D. Farrar returned Saturday evening from the Reynolds Crteek country where he went on profession al business a few days earlier. Considerable work has been done the past two weeks on the north sid of town preparatory to putting i n a considerable amount of new sidewalks' The work will be pushed to an earlv completion. ' T. Drown sold his residence in Col lege Heights early in the week to G W. Lilies. Mr. Drown expects to move his family to a farm in the vi cinity of the Midway school, Mrs. S. Sandmeyer is visiting at the home of her son, M. S. Sandmeyer She will spend about two months in Caldwell. She is enroute to her home in Portland after having visited friends and relatives in Minnesota. Ross Madden returned Sunday morning from Fallon, Nevada, where he went about two weeks ago to in vestigate railroad lands of that section which are offered for sale. He is quite pleased with conditions as he found them there. Fire protection in the beat of com panies—will insure anything that is insurable. You cannot afford to run the risk of fire for the small prem iums it will cost you to insure. F. G Hoffman, 617 Main. Phone 763. Miss Florence Ames, visiting state nurse of the Anti-Tuberculosis asso ciation, spent several days last week in Canyon county. Together with Miss Louise Riddle, county home demonstration agent, a number of tubercular cases were visited. Special attention was given to service men who had contracted the disease in the army and those men who were re jected for service because of tuber culosis.