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Items of Interest From Surrounding Territory *************** ♦ CLAYTONIA. * A*-»«*-»«**-#!******» The revival meetings at the hail closed Monday night December 29 due to the small attendance caused by the bad roads. A concert was given Friday night under the direction of Mr. Thomas assisted by M if s Shoe maker of Nampa as pianist. It was very good but rather short Mr. Ray Stafford called at Mr. E. 1'ershalls on New Year* day. The Gem school teacher called at the family of D. G. Wilson on New Years evening and at E. Pershalls family on New Years day. Maudie Pcrshall and iieulah John son called on the llenson children last Wednesday where several chil dren amused themselves at skating. The next day Maudie callcd on Velda Maxwell to try her fine skating pond. Mr. Gragg, the evangelist held ser vices last Sunday morning and eve ning. Saturday and Sunday after noon the children were practicing in the hall for the play to be given Mon day night called "The House of Is rael" Mr. Harry Reynolds and family and grandma Reynolds called on Mrs. E. Pershalls New Years day. Mrs. White and daughter Mary re turned to Pocatello last Friday after a two weeks visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrews and lier brothers family, Mr. and Mrs. E. An drews. Mrs. Frank Norton took her daugh ter Jessie to the doctor at Caldwell the first part of last week to hav; her tonsils and adenoids taken out. She returned Thursday and Jessie was doing nicely. Wish more parents would have this duty attended to be fore something serious sets in. It has been proven that children are dull in school due to these defects. Grandma Andrews and family drove over to Houston on New Years eve to attend the revival meeting un der the direction of the Nazarine church with the Rev. Lewis of Nam Pa as evangelist. They claim that the meeting was very successful. About twenty young people came to the al tar that night. It has been reported that in all about fifty people have been. either converted or reclaimed. A great number of people have been suffering with colds in this neighbor hood. Mildred Pershall returned to her school duties at Nampa last Satur day. Mr. J. E. Garrity suffered several days last week with a very bad at tack of rheumatism. A bridge meeting was held in the hall last Friday night to get signers for the petition that will protect the contractors so that they can begin the work on the bridge. We are glad to state that Maurine Lurh who is at the sanitarium at Hot Lake has improved so much that she can walk a little. • Mr. H. Leinberger entertained Rev. Gregg, the evangelist and Mr. Thom as, the singer on New Years day with a turkey dinner. Great anxiety among the fowls when the preachers are around. Mrs. D. G. Wilson left for Twin Falls last Saturday where she will make quite an extensive visit with her sister and daughter. Miss Vera Thompson having spent her Christmas vacation with her par ents returned to her school duties near Vale, Oregon, last Friday. *************** * LAKE LOWELL * ft************** School was postponed another week at Lake Lowell on account of Miss Howard having mumps. The Will Fesler family are visiting relatives in Star." Grandma Blanksma is quite poorly again. Otis Fesler came over from Star Monday morning to resume his work with the hay bales. Some of the Lake Lowellites at tended the water users meeting of the Nampa Meridian district in Nampa Friday. The Christian Wurtz family spent New Years day at the Lamb home. It being the wedding anniversary of both families. B. W. Sower has bought property in Caldwell and the family will move this week. P. T. Toft family spent Sunday aft ernoon at the John Blasksma home. Mr. Will Zeal and mother, Mrs. Fred Zeal and children, Mrs. Reed, and Alva Gragg all of Caldwell were New Year guests at the J. W. Gragg home. Mrs. Schmidt who has been staying with Grandma Blanksma went to Caldwell^Wednesday to care for Mrs. Jack Hammond. Mrs. Jim Gragg spent Sunday and Monday in Caldwell. The Ulmen family of Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. Stoddard Judd of Maple Grove were New Years dinner guests at the C. H. Hampson home. The Coon, Adams, Wright and Roy Gibbons family have the mumps. Mrs. E. E. Gibbon and Mrs. C. B. Hampson went to Boise Tuesday to attend the installation of officers of the Macabees. Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Altzer of Cald well are visiting at the B. M. Altizer home. There was a New Years dance at the Hampson home New Years night. Reverend and Mrs. C. F.. Wharton were Sunday dinner guests at the Hartzell home. C. B. Hampson and family and Mrs. Hampson's brother and sister of Mer idian spent Sunday at the J. W. Hazen home in Maple Grove. W. E. Fesler came over Tuesday from Star and is visiting at the Pet ers home. The Lingerfelter family have pur chased a ranch near Bowmont and will move the middle of this month. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mortimer of Wilder were visiting at the Harry Carr home one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Lingenfelter went to Boise Monday to spend a few days. O. B. Wright was a Boise visitor Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carr spent Sun day visiting in Wilder. *************** * SUNNY SLOPE. * A************** Last Friday evening the home of Mrs. McNeil was the scene of a very pleasant party. The evening was spent in playing progressive five hun dred and Mrs. Molinc and Mr. Sheets were the fortunate prize winners. Tht guMts were Mr. and Mrs. Allen Briggs, Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Harling, Mr. and Mrs. James Symms, Mr. an.I Mrs. Jack Sheets, Mr. and Mrs. Mol ine and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Harry Briggs have moved from the Sanders farm and will stay at Smiths station the coming summer. School began again last Monday morning after a two weeks vacation for the holidays. The Tribune is making its appear ance twice a week now, but owing to the fact that it is impossible for our correspondent to get the items in for the Tuesday edition, our subscrib ers may expect the Sunny Slope items in the Friday edition, only. Miss Ruby Crew spent Saturday night with Lillian Rogers both young ladies returning to Caldwell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Moffatt and •children of Nampa visited friends on the Slope last Sunday. The Misses Delia and Irene Moline are suffering with a severe attack of tonsilitis. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Johnson and family were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Stills on New Years day. Miss Fern Johnson who had been visiting friends during the holiday week returned home with her parents. The old residents are being kept busy lately learning who their neigh bors are. The people who bought RESULTS MORE THAN CLAIMED •o tmatlflom Mr. J. r. MIMDr, ■»* <4, BomHg, Tmxmm PE-RU-NA TIE IEMEIT FOI EIEITI1T ILLS **I have used Pe-ru-na for years in cases of colds and catarrh. The results have been good, in fact, more than you claimed. Have also taken Lacupia and can easify say it is one of the best blood puri fiers I have ever used." Mr. J. F. Arendt For Catarrh and Catarrhal Condition* The evidence of one man like Mr. Arendt is more comvindMr Drool to you of the merits of Pe-ru -na than any written words of our*. For fifty years Pe-ru-na has been the standby of the American family tot diseases due to catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the organs of the body. Thousands, like Mr. Arendt, have proved the effectiveness of Pe -ru-na for coughs, colds, nasal catarrh, stomach, bowel and iirer.dlsoraers or any disease characterized by a catarrhal condlHon. If your suffering is the result of a catarrhal disorder try Pe-ru-na. It' is a true, tried medicine. Ta biota or Liquid Sold Evorywhoro . Ninety-Sara« par Hai «I the paaple have salant la property here early in the fall are be ginning to take possession of the porperty. *************** * WILDER * ft*«****«-**«««*.« A social meeting consisting of va rious contests was enjoyed on Tues day afternoon December 30, when Mrs. Lena Longstroth was hostess to the Womans club. Those present were Horrietta Walker, Grace Saun ders, Elva Davies, Gladys Krider, Grace Iloyt, Ethel Law, Edna Mit chell, Armela Boeck, Eradine Peck ham, Nellie Shaffer and Margaret Bcall. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess assisted byMiss Grace Hoyt. Next meeting to he held January 14 at the home of Edna Mitchell. Grace Hoyt, the leader has. chosen as her subject, "The Ameri can Legion." Mr. George Keren and daughter of Aberdeen S. D., are visiting his sis ter, Mrs. Al Garlic and family. Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell of Parma were guests at the Fred Walker home on New Years day. A good crowd enjoyed an old time dance at T. O. O. F. hall on New Years eve. The next old time dance will be given on January 16. Mrs. Amanda Barnes south of Wil der had as dinner guests on New Years day Al Garlis and family and their guests Mr. George Keren and daughter of Aberdeen, S. D. Joseph and Harlen Weeks, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Joy Weeks, of fifth street gave a popcorn party to a num ber of their boy frends on Friday evening. Ray McKaig gave a talk at the Grand theatre on Friday evening to a large crowd. Stanley Barks has gone to Boise to take a business course in Link's bus iness college. Skating is being enjoyed by young and old folks. Albert Humphrey of Eagle is vis iting former schoolmates in Wilder. Miss Pauline Beall who is attending the college of Idaho spent the holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jos eph Beall. A number of young people enjoyed a wStrh party at the home of Miss Theadore on New Years eve. T. D. Hardy will be the census in numerator for the Wilder and Far go districts. , Mrs. C. O. Meyers was called to Brill, Wisconsin by the serious ill ness of her mother. Durin gthe past week eight double deck carloads of sheep were shipped to Wilder from Wyoming for feed ing. Dr. A. W. McCabe and Miss Fran cis Wilson weer married on Decem ber 7, 1019 at the home of the bride in Cheyenne, Wyo. They ar e spending two weeks at Boise and will locate at Wilder where Rr. McCabe has a den tal office in the Dr. A. B. Bacek building. Mrs. F.. O. Pajne is ill at her home on Fifth street. Friday evening George Miller manager of the Larmcrs blacksmith hop located on Fourth street was ta ken suddenly ill and died Saturday at S a m. He wasa brother of Mrs. \\fc J. Samples of Second stree't. The body was taken to Logan, Iowa for burial. Mrs. Sample accompanied tho body t.o Logan, Iowa. Mrs. C. A. Hoyt entertained a num ber of friends on Saturday afternoon. Official board meeting of the M. F. church.was held Tuesday evening. Rev. W. M. Enring district superin tendent of the Boise conference was present to have charge of the quarter ly conference held the same evening. C. W. Drew and family are visiting relatives at Ogden, Utah. Wilder Equity association is this week giving its free entertainments which ar e given every month. An all day meeting will be held for the election of officers, and other business of importance. Rev. A. W. Hartshorn and familv were Sunday dinner guests at the W. W. Krider home. Mrs. Paul Reece and children of Second street spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson of Ëoise. Misses Walter Corn and Eva Stod dard of Eagle spent the holidays with their aunt, Mrs. E. O. Paine and fam ily. * * * * * ^^444^^4^ * MARBLE FRONT. * *************** The Misses Pauline and Marie Ba ker who are teaching at Wilder spent the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Baker. Mr. and Mrs. J. SullfVan and Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of Maple Grove were visitors at the E. R. Baird home. Mrs. Jim Baker and daughter Miss Pauline were Boise visitors a few days last week. O. Sheaffer left Monday evening for California. Miss Cora Hannah and brother Le land also Miss Maud Ayers of Notus were guests of Mrs. T. C. Goodloe Wednesday. George Pappas left Monday even ing for Salt Lake City. Miss Ruth Hannar of Boise spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mrs. Orville Smopes. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baird were dinn ner guests New Years day of Mrs. Baird's parents of Maple Grove. Mrs. Charley Merritt spent the day Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. C. M. Laws. Who Has a Farm To Sell? . 1 ! We are asked this question over and over. We can't sell yours unless you list with us. We II bet our time and gas«against yours, (jive us a chance. We also have some extra good buys on our list, both in Ranch and City properties. IF YOU WANT RESULTS—LIST WITH Grubb-Long Realty Co. 611 Main— Caldwell Phone S m «3 SP. m t) ri in 1 0 D m h ri m i mm ta: l'I F 1 m W V mât «m m h Oy Ii ia ht un by R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co A S LAY your smoketaste flush up against a . « . liste ning post—and you'll » get the Prince Albert call, all right I YouH hunt a jimmy pipe so quick and get so much tobacco joy out of every ... ^ J™? wish you had beep bom twins! For, Prince Albert puts over a turn new to every man fond ot a pipe or a home ? win ® your glad hand com pletely. That a because it has the quality! And, fight behind this quality flavor and qu ali ty fra £h£v. e - S " ce A l. bert s freedom from bite and parch which is cut out by our exclusive patented process We tell you to smoke your fill at any clip—jimmy p pe or makin s cigarette—without a comeback 1 ÄVKÄir'*',' -/S'S b "*« ^ceo m sncA pmrfaet condition. K. J. Reynold« Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N. Q Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Weymouth were dinner guests at the L. A. Weymouth home New Years day. Mr. and Mrs. George Mason and daughter, Miss Alice, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Pat ricks in Caldwell Sunday. AUCTIONEERS ! a CALDWELL Two men can do better than one for you WE KNOW VALUES Eventually you will come to us. Whyjnofjiow? Telephone 455-J ] or 170-M for dates Dickens (8i> Bourns Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Moore and fam ily were guests Saturday evening in T. C. Pearson home. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Homer were Meridian visitors Wednesday. Miss Ruth Hannar of Boise was a week end guest of Miss Lettie Wey mouth.