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4 V* i « * a « lT"ERIOR .VIEW OF THE SER VICE TIRE COMPANY SHOP Calawell is destined to become the automobile center for southern Idaho and easter nOregon is the confident prediction of Glen Evans, manager of the Service Tire company, who has re cently accepted the state agency for BIG WRESTLERS TO SHOW WARES HERE ATHLETIC CLUB ANNOUNCES THAT PUTROFF-DE COURT NEXT SHOW. Don Petroff, the Balkan Lion, and Nick De Court, will provide the next show for local sporting fans, accord ing t° an announcement made Thür» day afternoon by M. S. Sandmeyer who has been dickering for some time for the bout. Definite dates for the wrestling affray have not been set as yet but the bout will be staged some time about January IS. Petroff is the husky who gave Ad Santell the scare of his life when tue two met in Boise recently. Petroff battled two hours with the redoubtable Ad and neither of them was able to earn a fa". Ringside fans believe that Petroff was entitled to a decision 01, the merit of his performance. De Court needs no introduction to Caldwell fans. He has proven his ab ility here to give a first class exhibi tion and will undoubtedly give anoth er good account of himself when he goes to the mat with the man against whom he has been oitted. Extremely cold weather has kept attendance down in the past but it Is expected that with a return to almost normal weather conditions in this section a better crowd will be present to watch these battlers than has yet given its support to the shows put on by the Caldwell Athletic and Amuse ment club. Preliminaries for the show have not been announced. BASKET BALL GETS FIELD AT COLLEGE fcLASS GAMES UNDER WAY WITH HEAVY CONFERENCE SCHEDULE AHEAD. Thursday afternoon the College ot Idaho basket ball season was begun when the classes held their first meets. The freshmen class will unhold its record against the three upper classes men in the boys and girls contest. The prospect for the Freshies are very cheerful and many high school stars are in the present lineup and little of their worth is known. The new ars that are figuring up for the ooks are Barke Lowell of Caldwell, Frank Huett of Rosewell, "Ney" Bean of Vale. Ralph Andrim of Greenleaf. and James Jackson of Caldwell. The upper clàss men have the edge on the rookies for experienoed men« These include Fay Tolles of Emmett who was a stai at the Bellevue col lege. Neb., John Walsh and Jame* Walsh of Wendall, former college of Idaho basket ball players and who played some while in the service, are in the line up. Earl Gardner of Cald well a last years first string man is going good again this year. Josepn Dilley of Roswell is a exceptional man. Both of these inter class teams have located the little steel ring and are going strong. A great deal of in terest and pep is shown by the inter sses of the college over the boys contest. The schedule of games for the boy» in the southern Idaho Conference was made up at the conference meeting during the holiday*. are g< tercet disse >^ontei Th< the Mason "Maxi-Milc" tiro. The Ma son tire while comparatively unknown in the west > s one of the most popu lar brands among motorists in the east and middle west. In introducing the tire in this section Mr. Evans is confident that he has secured an ar ticle which will reduce the tire expense for automobile owners many thous ' January 23 —Albion at Pocatello. February 4—Pocatello at Albion. February 5—Pocatello at Gooding. February 11—College of Idaho at Gooding. " February 13—College of Idaho at Albion. February 14—College of Idaho at Pocatello. February 28—Albion at Caldwell. March 3—Albion at Gooding. March 11—Gooding at Albion. March 12—Gooding at Pocatello. March 26—Gooding at Caldwell. UNIVERSITY TO CONDUCT FARM TRACTOR SCHOOL Agricultural Engineering Department Will Give Three Week's Course for Power Machinery Owners. University of Idaho, Moscow, Jan. 8.—"Don your overalls and join us!" is the slogan adopted by thu agricul tural enginecrig department of the University of Idaho for the three week 'tractor school which opens January and closes January 30 at Moscow. The course, will be divided into three parts making the school of special va lue to owners of tractors as each week will be devoted to the study of one kind of the three standard ma chines. General tractor mechanics is a sub ject to be emphasized. Principles of repair and adjustment in general will be one of the features that appeals tf> farmers interested in the solution Oi repair and adjustment problems. Prospective buyers are showing In terest in the offered studies of the In ternational, Case and Yuba tractors January 12 to January 17 Internation al tractor factory experts will demon strate their machine. Case tractors will be studied January 19 to 24 ana Yuba tractors will be gone over Jan uary 26 to 30. Present owners are urged to learn df the construction, design, and op eration of their machines. SECOND SEMESTER WILL BEGIN NEXT MONDAY The second semester's work of the •lementary grades of the Caldwell public schools will begin Monday morning, January 12th. Beginning pupils will be admitted at this time. Parents paving children who are entering school for the first tifne must see that the children are in the ward buildings the week of Jan uary 12th. The school wards will remain as heretofore. All children living north of the O. S. L. railroad tracks will attend the Van Buren school. All school children living south of the O. S. L. railroad tracks and on the west side of 10th street and on west to the district limits will attend the Lincoln building. All school children living south of the O. S. L. railroad and the east side of 10th street, and on east to the district limits will at tend the Washington building. C. H. DOWMAN, Superintendent of Schools. Having taken over Miss Patton's interest I will after January 1st con duct the business of the Elite shop. Mrs. F. G. Hoffman. An automobile driver slowed up 011 second avenue Tuesday to let a wom an cross the street in safety, and she fainted and had to be carried to the hospital. Drivers, kindly take warn ing. ' ands of dollars annually. Since moving into their new quar ters on Arthur street the Service Tire company has installed modern ma chinery for the repairing of used tiys and can boast of one of the most com pletely equipped shops for this line of work in this section of the state. Dollars go farther now during Oakes Brothers Clearance Sale. See ad on page 7. Having taken over Miss Patton's interest I will after January 1st con duct the business of the Elite shop. Mrs. F. G. Hoffman. Dollars go farther now during Oakes Brothers Clearance Sale. See ad on page 7. Sister's new beau had hardly got seated on the parlor sofa when little brotlfcr brought him a glass of water and tendered it to him very politely. The young man drank it and returned the glass to the small boy, who look ed disgusted. "He don't either," he said to his sister. "Ddn't what dear|^' "Why, he don 't drink any different from anyone else .and. pop s^jjl he drank like a fish." Dollars go farther now during Oakes Brothers Clearance, Sale. See ad on page 7. Gratia Bacon of Caldwell and Oer trude Shoemaker of N'ampa, College of Idaho delegates to the Y. W. C. A. convention returned Thursday morn ing from Des Moines, la., where they attended a five day conference. Dollars go farther now during Oakes Brothers Clearance Sale. See ad on page 7. Engagement» Announced Mr. "Grippe" and Miss "Flu" are busily engaged again, but—the min ute you fi el a cold coming on, begin to have fever or chills, dull aches 01 constipated, it may be the flu or grippe. BeTorc retiring, bathe your feet in hot salt water ,take a good big cup of HOLLISTER'S ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA (warm) and go to bed for the night—it's a 10 to 1 shot you'll .feel great the next morning. Without fail try this—but do it quick before the "Flu" or Grippe get's a start. Buy a package today, have it in the house and use it at the very first warning—then you're safe.—Bodkin-Joy. I F. BIEHL AUCTIONEER For sale dates. Residence 61 I Bel mont, or see Frank M. Adair, Griffith Barn on Arthur street. Should you die tomorrow your family is protected with life insurance. Should your home burn are you in a position to rebuild? Fire insurance is a protection for you and your family. See— Fred Mitchell Representing Reliable Companies January Clearance Sale at Oakes Brothers now on and going strong. See ad on page 7. That chip on Carranza's shoulder was no doubt only a splinter that fell from his head.—Columbia Record. January Clearance Sale at Oakes Brothers now on and going strong See ad on page 7. • The services at the Presbyterian church next Sunday will he as fol lows: 1 he Sunday school meets at 10 a. m. and all are urged to be on time. At the 11:00 o'clock hour the Lord's Supper will be observed and new members welcomed. The Christian Endeavor societies meet at 0:30 and evening worship begins at 7:30. Pray er meeting on Thursday evening at . 3*. and the I.adies Aid society meets on Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. J. A. Young. January Clearance Sale at Oakes Brothers now on and going strong. See ad on page 7. Housewire—"If you love work win don't you find it." Tramp—sadly. "Alas, lady, love is blind." January Clearance Sale at Oakes Brothers now on and going strong. Sec ad on page 7. Carpet and rug weaving. Mrs. II. H.^Compton. 1206 Everett St. Phone Ash TourDeAJcrt Grand Prize nNEfK Firearms Ammunition Write for Catalogue THE REMINGTON ARMS U MC. CO. INC m "The Fisherman" is the "Mark of Supremacy" which for nearly five decades has marked the fame of SCOTTS EMULSION When you need a tonic to help put you on your feet again you will want Scott's that is known around the globe — the highest known type of purity and gt>odness in food or medicine. Look for "TheM Fisherman." Buy Scott'êl The Norwegian cod -liver oil used In S cott's Emulsion is super-refined fSk in our mwn Amer«?an I«al>or«torie*. A aLjiI IU purity and quality is unsurpassed. * . JTTI1 Scott À üowue.BiuouiüclU.N J. 19-35 J1JL We are Buyers of all kinds of FIELD SEEDS AND GRAIN Let« us make you an offer on your crop when you are READY TO SELL BOLT SEED CO. PHONE 25 To Our Patrons We extend to our many friends and patrohs our sin cere appreciation of the liberal patronage accorded us during the year just closed and wish you all a • prosperous and happy nine teen-twenty. As in the past we will con tinue to strive to merit your patronage. Cupples Mercantile Co. it It's Like Finding Money" says the ^ >d Judge When you take a little chew of this real quality tobacco, and the good tobacco taste begins to come. You'll find i£ keepb com ing, too. The rich to bacco taste lasts and lasts. You don't have to take a fresh chew so often. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Pat Up In Two Styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco "lÀ/ôylun-Bruton Company, 1107 Broadway. New^orK City