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Items of Interest From Surrounding Territory * BRIAR ROSE. * Mary Shaw was.onc of the members of the gymnasium who went on a hike to Canyon Hill Tuesday evening. It is rumored that the Doughertys have purchased the Hummel property. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. McComack anij Miss Margaret Nichol, domestic science teacher at the college, were Easter visitors at the Runciman home. Mr. Fenton of Maple Grove and Mr. Jamison of the Gem district were in the neighborhood buying seed bar ley. Mrs. Wilson and son of Maple Grove spent Easter with her daugh ter, Mrs. Leon Brown. Oscar Baum and wife attended the Bayless sale at Central Cove. Eva Robinson same home for the Easter vacation. A number of Brier Rose people at tended the Easter cantata at the M. E. church. Oscar Baum and family and Gem mons Lundy and family were dinner guests at the Jos. Baum home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Postlethwaite and two children attended Easter services at Boise, Mr. Postlethwaite going with the Knights Templars, he being a member. Merton Kennedy spent Tuesday night at the Christopher home. Mr. and Mrs. Bird Goodwin were visitors at the Dougherty home Tues day afternoon. Chas. Howard's two younger boys are recovering from an attack of measles. Mrs. McKean, Mrs. Shaw's mother, leaves the tenth for Evanston, 111. Ellis Meador and Paul Christopher * called at the Dougherty's Saturday evening, bringing their violins for a little practice with Miss Kathryn Dougherty at the piano. Jack Howard, who has been ill for some time, is back in school again. Mrs. Oscar Baum was visited by her uncle, Mr. Wm. Bayless, on Tuesday. The Shaw family called on friends at Boise Sunday. Mrs. L. Jones, who has been ill for some time, is improving. <************** ♦ PLEASANT RIDGE ************** Mr. Reilly Ballard of Caldwell vis ited at the Ora Tish and Geo. Tish homes aSturday. The Epworth League will have its monthly business meeting at the Alan Moss home Friday night, A^ril 9th. Everybody invited to come. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wright and fam. ily, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Goodwin and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Vaughan and baby visited at the home of G P. Goodwin Sunday. Mrs. Earl Hicks and children of Weiser are visiting at the Willard Ross home. The young folks practiced Easter music at the O. L. Stevens home last Saturday evening. Mrs. A. F. Talcott returned from Portland, Oregon, last week, where she has been for some time taking medical treatment. Mrs. Alpha Holt of Boise was an over night guest at the O. L. Stevens home Tuesday night. George Allen of Caldwell is work ing for A. N. Moss this week. The Easter program given at the church Sunday afternoon was attended by a good crowd. The program was greatly enjoyed by all. E. S. Moss and Willard Ross pur chased a new spray outfit last week. SKIN PEELED OFF LIKE FISH SCALES BURNING AND ITCHING ECZEMA RELIEVED BY' TAKING NUMBER 40 FOR THE BLOOD Andrew Baird, 406 W. 6th St.. Chanute, Kan., makes the following statement: "I could not sleep on ac. count of a burning and itching ec. zema why: h started on my fingers, tpread to my hands, arms and limbs, burning and itching like fire, causing me to scratch to relieve the pain. The skin peeled off like fish scales. I tried a number of medicines without relief. Number 40 was recommend ed to me by Chas. W. Brown of the Brown Drug Co. I improved from the start and am now on my fifth bot + CANYON NEWS. * ****** ********* Mr. and Mrs. Beers have friends visiting them from Oklahoma. S. P. McN'eil and son made a trip to Boise on Saturday. Wm. Kammeyer bought a fine cow, on Monday from W. Ihli. Arthur Robertson visited the desert north of Canyon after the bands of sheep had passed and mercifully res cued two lambs from starvation. One was in a badger hole and was buried up to its neck, having been driven over by a wagon, but after a time he had the satisfaction of seeing it drink milk with a relish. The eighth grade are taking their final examinations this week. D. B. Myers and his family have the sympathy of everybody in his ex treme illness. Darel McNeil and his sisters attend ed an Easter party in Middlcton on Saturday evening. They also took part in the Easter exercises at the Baptist church on Sunday evening. In returning home McNeil was blinded by the mist on the windchield and his auto was ditchcd, giving them all fright and doing some injury to the auto. A number of young folks gathered on Sunday afternoon for an egg hunt at the McNeil home. Ruth Myers has been out of school for several days because of illness. *******«*«•)(. **♦ * TEN DAVIS NEWS ft**«****«*«***« The primary and junior Sunday school classes of the Presbyterian church enjoyed an Easter egg hunt at the church Saturday. Each child brought eggs and something for din ner. They ate their dinner in the hall About 1:30 they met in the church and practiced the Easter program Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spaeth and chil drcn of La Grande arrived at the Spaeth home here Saturday evening to spend a few days visiting friends and relatives. The Easter program was given at the church Sunday morning. Quite large crowd attended. Lester Burau bought 160 acres of land in Alberta, Canada, while he was there recently. Mr. and Mrs. Burau arc planning to move there in a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. 11. I. McLaughlin and family, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Tucke and family, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Kurtz Mr. and Mrs. M.. L. Kurtz and Or ville Hartman took dinner at the Bert Smart home near Notus Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Andrews and children, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bar ties and children and Mrs. John Gah ley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Orville Attebury in Wilder. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Kurtz were vis itors at the M. L. Kurtz home Satur day and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. Deaten took din ner at the L. E. Small home Sunday Mrs. Spaeth entertained at dinner Sunday the following: Mr. and Mrs .Fred Spaeth and children, Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Andrews and children Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Burau were Sun day visitors at the L. J. Starkey home near Meridian Miss Lola Sebree arrived at the R D; Sebree home Sunday. Miss Se bree has been living in California for the past year. She will spend a few months visiting relatives and friends Here. Rev. Springer was entertained at the J. S. Babcock home Sunday. Mrs. Elliot Tenneson and children of Emmett spent Sunday at the F. Hertig home. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Burau were vis tie. Have complete relief, sleep in comfort and believe Number 40 will completely cure me." Witness to sig nature, Chas. W. Brown, 40 acts directly on the skin through the blood and is demanded in eczema, sores, ulcers, gladular swellings, chronic, rheumatism, catarrh, consti pation, stomach, liver and kidney troubles and all diseases arising from impure and impoverished blood. Made by J. C. Mendenhall, Evansville, Ind., 40 years a druggist.—Botkin.Joy Drug Store. • itors at the G. L. Judd homo Sunday. I I. J. Durai! and R. J. Hertig wore | Caldwell visitors Monday I J A. I'itts. L M. and A. O. j Deaton were Parma visitors Monday | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spaeth. Sr.. and' Mr. and Mrs. F red Spaeth. Jr. wer. Boise visitors Mondav ^.ois Byerly was unable to teach hool part of the day Monday on ac count of a severe cold. * + ♦ ********** FAIRVIEW. ************* The ladies brancn of the farm bu reau met at the home of Mrs. Hannon. | There were ten present and the worV was on the millinery line, there being! several hats started. Their next meet, ing will be held on the first Thursday j May at the home of Mrs. I.illu i Spencer. Billie Hcnson was on the sick list . the past week. Eva Hannon was out of school ! Thursday with sore throat. Mrs. Raymond went to lier home in ' Caldwell Friday. Mrs. Rebecca Bell has moved back onto her ranch here in Dixie. Mr. and Mrs. McConnell of l'ruit land were guests at the Willis and Lawrence Spencer homes the past week. John Greer of California was thru this vicinity interviewing the fann ers in regard to better alfalfa raising. Mrs. Cor.klin and daughters, Mrs Van Slyk and Miss F.ssio, spent the day at Wilder Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Marsh expect to leave for Cascade soon. The Pioneer Dixie ditch cleaning i early completed. Mrs. Rutlar was on the sick list th • past week. Mrs. Marsh was sewing for Mrs. Oreer the past week. Mr.^nd Mrs. Burnett went to Wild er Sunday. I , ■ ***K**********j LAKE LOWELL ITEMS * ! **************1 Mr. and Mrs. Luther 1'etty and baby [ ere over from Lake View one day : l#st week calling at the Altizcr liom Mr. and Mrs. Will Haskians of! Sunny Slope were dinner guests at the I Will Thomason home Faster. The Hartts have rented the Harry I Smith ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jackson spent Sunday with Mr. Jackson's parents ear Caldwell. William Roscnbaum and son Cecil, j Mr. Oscar Rippee and .Mr. Owens came in Saturday morning to visit j fr. Rosenbaum's sister, Mrs. C. C. j Gillen and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Adams have i been quite ill with the influenza The O'Neal and Hamilton families were visiting on the Slope Sunday at the G. L.| Coon home. The Blanssmas and Mrs. Krohn | were in Nampa Saturday. Miss Edith | Chambers accompanied them home j for a visit. Mr. Will Thomason was in Parma! Saturday night and Sunday on busi ness. ! Albert Coles and family of Maple I Grove spent Sunday with the James I aro hit. --if m M m wm. M ë ■ U lAil-3* M t V IN THE BJAJE CAN boys and girls after school when they want "something to eat." Blue Label Karo is dandy for Home made Candy. It is easy to make and costs much less than store candy. Write for free book of recipes. SLICED bread and Blue Label Karo. 1 Let the children have all they want, instead of high priced jams, jellies or pre serves. It satisfies the natural desire for ■weets and takes the place of high price •tore candy. Karo is a body-building, energy - producing food. Give it to the P. S. Ask your grocer for the price of Karo by the dozen cans. CORN PRODUCTS REFINING COMPANY 17 Battery PUco Now York Matlock family. M rs 0 K. Wvrick is ill with the mumps. j obn l51allks „, a spuJs ( , u . first o{ , h planting and Miss IManksma, Miss Chain M hers, Mr and Mrs W. J. Emeriek and Miss Millie Howard attended the can lata at the Methodist church in Cald [well Sunday night. j Miss Florence Roach of Caldwell i was a Sunday visitor at the Charles . ! ' tarted the first of the week. The C. Wurt • family attended the all «lav Faster services at the Huston! -i-liool house Sunday. Mr. B. M. Altizcr lias been having a serious time w ith the flu, having had tour backsets. W. F.. Feslor and family of Fairview. Rev C. F. Wharton and daughter 'were quests at the Peters home Sim Mortimer home. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Gibbens were business visitors in Etnniett Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vogt and Mr and Mrs. Cecil Mi-Adams spent Faster 'He says I'm a good skate" —Chesterfield ^ REAL pal —that's Chesterfield. Look at its record. Three million smokers— less than Ave years on the market! Two words explain it— 1 "They Satisfy." Our expert buyers in the Orient select for Chesterfields only the finest grade of the four choicest varieties of Turkish tobacco. To these are added the best of mild but full-bodied Domestic leaf. But, in the end, it's the blend that makes Chesterfields And the blend our private formula— cannot be copied. Extra wrapper of moisture-proof paper seals in the flavor. ff » « * and Sunday with their parents, M Mrs j. W. McAdams. The A. Sebree family of Midway were Sunday visitors at the W. 1". Gibbens .home. llarr) Bent/enter of Iowa is work ing fi r \\ 11 Bussard. Mr. I'ollet's baby lias been ill the past week. Mr. and Mrs R 1\ Gibhcns spent Sunday in Bowniont at the Justi liome. — Cleo l'eters is home from Riverside. California. Cecil Rosenbaum will spend the summer with his aunt. Mrs. C. C. Gil len. AJva Gragg celebrated his twenty, first birthday anniversary with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gragg, on Snqjlav. The Graggs also entertained Mr and Mrs. Benjamin Reed and baby. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Bussard and daughter Fay spent Easter at the W. I.. C.ibhens home. The O. B. Wright family attended the Easter services at Huston school house Sunday. Pin. Linien family, Stoddard Judd and son George and Georgia Lafferty were Faster visitors of the Hampso'i family. Mr Frank lUedsoc at$l wife spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs Jime Bledsoe. Mr. and Mrs. George Vogt were calling Sunday afternoon at the rhoniasou home. Ash Yoty Dealer I Rz m ji# to t Grand Prize IR rearms 8 Ammunition Write for Cfttftlofae