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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
BANKS PLEDGES EFFICjENT JOB Aspirant For State Treasurer Position Announces Can ' didacy and Platform Dan Hanks, in a statement to Idaho Republican*, issued Sunday, in which he announces his candidacy for theof fice of state treasurer, pledges himself to a faithful, impartial and efficient administration of that office in the event of his election The statement is as follows: "Following the suggestions of friends, both in my home county of Canyon and in various parts of the state, who are informed as to the character of my service in the state department of finance, and believing that the office to which I aspire should be filled by a man of exper ience in state financial affairs, I here by announce myself a candidate for the nomination for treasurer of the slate of Idaho by the Republican state convention to be held at Pocatello With the exception of three years in the United States army service on the Mexican border and in France my connection with the party under whose banner T desire to appear has been active and consistent through out. My contact with the peoples of foreign lands has only deepened niv regard for American institutions and strengthened my belief that the prin ciples of government as laid down by the fathers of American independence and so gloriously upheld by the Re publican party, are sacred and should be held inviolate. , Familiar with Problems. l")uring thirteen years* residence in Idaho the many perplexing problems of state government have naturalh come before me, both on a newspaper man and as a state financial officer. Among the ^gravest problems are those dealing with taxation and state finances. As chief of the bureau of budget and taxation there has been accorded me an unusual opportunity for the study of these questions—a study which has, I think, evolved an efficiency along these lines tint can not but prove of value to the people in the office of state treasurer. With an intimate knowledge of the finances of the state, the relation of one state department to another, ind the duties of the various sta'e offi cers, I feel I am qualified to discharge the duties of state treasurer, both as a state officer and as a member of the state board of equalization, in an efficient, economical manner. Should I be honored with the nom of in of De Laval Milkers We have recently completed arrangements with the DeLaval Dairy Supply Co., of San Francisco, for the sale of DeLaval Milking Machines. We claim that these milkers are as far superior to other milkers as DeLaval Cream Separators are to other separators. The DeLaval milker overcomés all objections to mechanical milkers. It is simple. It is trouble proof. A rotary pump creates the vacuum. Pulsations are caused by gear driver slide valve. Like the DeLaval Separator, DeLaval Milker, installations will cost more than others, but "remembrance of quality remains long after price is forgotten." If you are milking fifteen cows or more it will pay you to own a DeLaval Milker. SOLD BY Idaho Implement G CALDWELL inntion by the Republican state^con [ vention and election by the v peop!e of I the state of Idaho, I pledge my ev. | cry effort to faithfully perform in a ' fair, impartial and efficient manner j each and every duty pertaining to the) office of state treasurer Respectfully sumbitted. D F. BANKS." * WITH PEOPLE LIVING * IN SOUTHERN IDAHO * ****** * * ****** MOTHER OF LARGE FAMILY IS SUICIDE AT EMMETT Mrs. Eunice Patton Swallows Strych nine While Conversing to Young Man. F.mmett.— Mrs Eunice Patton, aged .15, mother of seven children, committed suicide Sunday night about 11 o'clock by swallowing strych nine Death ensued within half an hour afterwards. The only witness to her rash act was DeWitt Yates. The deed was committed near her home a short distance north of the J. S. Robinson residence In the north eastern part of town. The strychnine was in a vial and was purchased the lay before tin the pretense that her father, A. J. Sullivan, had sent her for it to kill gophers. While talking to young Yates, she drew the vial from r dress and swallowed the contents. Mr. Yates hastily summoned Crete Robinson and the two with difficulty succeeded in getting her to the en trance of the Rank of Emmett huild ing, where she died before a physi cian could arrive. Coroner Rrown after a thorough investigation of the circumstances, decided there was no need of an inquest. RECLAIMING BLACK CANYON LOOKS BETTER EVERY DAY Emmett River Proposal Has Every Evidence of Being Accepted By Settlers Emmett.—The proposed dam at lilack Canyon looks more promising every day, and the committee and of ficials of the district are more opti mistic than ever. Despairing of securing water from the Boise river for reclaiming land in the Black Canyon district between Emmett and Caldwell, negotiations looking to joining with the Emmett Irrigation district in the construction of the dam have been opened by Mr. liabb, representing holders of be tween 40,000 and 60,000 acres of land in the Rlack Canyon district, and it i$ expected that a definite proposition along those lines will be made. II such a union of forces becomes a realty, it is estimated that the cost of the works to the Emmett district be reduced in the proportion that the acreage in the district bears to the lands that come in from outside the district. [ I | ' j «KHR1M w \ \ DAX F. RANKS, CANYON COUNTY CANDIDTF, TREAS URER. FOR STATE NAB TWO ACCUSED OF MANY THEFTS Alleged Burglars With Long Crime Record in Clutcbea of the Law Parma.—Two supposed memberj of a gang of five burglars, a man and a woman, were held at Gooding Mon day of last week as suspects in the series of robberies which have oc. curred in the towns along the O. S. L. and as far west as Seattle, within the past seVcral months. Notifica tion was received by Marshal O. G. Boyd of their arrest and of the fact that a number of knives and kodaks, articles such as were stolen in the last Parma burglary from the Mundle and Fisk hardware stores and the Juries Drug Co., had been found in their possession. Mr. Boyd at once went to Gooding and succeeded in Developing and Printing For years we have made a specialty of finishinj kodak pictures. We offer you good work an< prompt service. Botkin-Joy Drug Co. identifying some o I the property. Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Lee, as their names were given, were arrested, the former at Burley, the latter at Twin Falls, on Saturday, on suspicion When their effects were searched, a trunk- in the possession of the woman was found to contain a Targe number of pocket knives, kodaks, dress« pat terns and a vast quantity of jewelry, the whole valued at more than $4,000, Much of the jewejry was identified as coming from the Laugh line shop at Caldwell, and many other articles are suspected to be those stolen in the Caldwell, Parma and Wilder robberies of July 3, S and 9. Of articles brought back by Mr. Boyd, for identification, one knife has been found with the Mundle cross mark, and much of the other booty recovered is of the same character as that stolen from the Fisk hardware store, although it has not yet been identified. A handbag carried by the woman was that stolen from the of fice of the Parma Elevator. A small boy, about 6 years old, the Do You Know The best advertisement in the world cannot make a tire better than it i> built at the factory— BUT We advertise so that we may have the opportunity to inform you first hand of the benefits to be derived by us^ig— Goodyear Tires Can't'we explain to you today. Westcott Sales Co. How much should I give to make this a better world? A CERTAIN man in New York filled out his income tax report. It showed an income so large that his tax was 53%. Andhia total gifts to church and char ity for tho year were $148. Think of it—thousands spent for luxuries and pleasure for himself; and $148 to leave the world a little better than he found itl • Most of us do better than that; but not so very much better. Our average daily gift for all church causes is —less than we spend for daily papers —less than a local telephone call * —less than a third of the day's car fare —less than 3 cents a day No wonder that 80t of the ministers of America are paid less than $20 a week. No wonder that the church hospitals turn away thousands of sick people a year. No wonder that China has only one doctor for every 400,000 people. No wonder that every church board and charity society is forever meeting deficits, forever passing the hat. It isn't because we are selfish; it isn't because wo don't want to help. It's just because no one has ever pot up a great big program to us, and asked us to think of the work of the church in a systematic businesslike way. The Interchurch World Movement represents the united program of thirty denominations. They have surveyed their whole task, no business could have done it better. They have budgeted their needs; no business could have a more scientific budget. They have united to prevent the possibility of waste and duplication. At least a million dol lars will be saved by the fact that thirty individual cam paigns are joined in one united effort. And they come to the men or women who love America —to you— this tveek askingyou to use them as the chan nel through which a certain definite part of your income can be be applied to make this a better world. Only you can determine what part of your income that should be v - It's a good time right now to answer that question. We're passing through the world just once; how much better will the world be because yott pasted through? Unit«! Financial Campaign ^INTERCHURCH World Movement of Worth America "*UicaHan •/ this aJvtrtisnumt it miét fêllMt th» M*} April 23 th May 2nd son of the couple, was found with Mrs. Lee. Mr. Lee was located through a telegram sent to her. Theil trial was held at Oooding Moi April 26