Newspaper Page Text
^ AMONG PARM BUREAUS. * *«**♦**«*♦#♦*♦« WU1 "Green" Their Seed. The most of the potato seed dem onstrator« in Cassia county will "green" their seed before planting it Three potato seed demonstrations held under county farm bureau aus pices in one week were attended bv 107 farmers from six communities. Three potato clubs in the county have a total membership of 4/> youngsters. 23 Barrels of Spray. Boundary county farm bureau mem bers ordered 23 barrels of lime-sul phur solution for spraying their or chards. They estimated that the had saved from $.1 to $5 a barrel. Plan Community Hall. Manns Creek community in Wash ington county is providing itself with a community hall by remodeling a building already erected. Less Tuberculosis Now. Twenty »tockmen and dairymen in four Washington county communities had 269 head of cattle tested for tub erculosis in one week recently. Only seve nreactors were found, the per centage being only 1.6, as compared with about 6 per cent In practically the same herds last October. Two herds were of purebred Shorthorns, two of purebred Holsteins, and the remainder of grade cattle. Hi|i Prices for Bacteria. Certain concerns are making a can vas of various counties throughout the state and selling inoculation ma terial for leguminous plants at prices far in excess of prices received for cul tures by the state university, accord ing to a letter that has been sent to county agricultural agents by B. F. Sheehan, field agronomist of the uni versity extension division. Mr. Shee han says one farmer is leported to have paid $20 for enough culture to inoculate 10 acres of clover. Material that has proven equally satisfactory is being distributed tô farmers by the bacteriology department of the uni versity, at Moscow, at a price of 25 cents for sufficient to Inoculate one acre. $400 for Futurity Pigs. Announcement of a prize list of $400 for a northwest pig club round up of Duroc-Jersey futurity pigs at the Northwest Livestock show in Lewiston this fall has been made through the university extension di vision by a committee composed of J. R. Pfander, W. H. VanMeter and L. E. Bishop. The prize list is guar anteed by the National Duroc-Jersey Record association of Peoria. Ill, and the Northwest Livestock association. Prizes are for spring pigs not farrow ed before March 1, 1920. Will Score Dairy Producta. In accordance with a suggestion of fered at a recent meeting bf the Ida ho Butter and Chêese Makers' assoc iation, hcl dat Caldwell, the dairy section of the university extension di vision is planning a dairy products scoring contest for the coming sea son. The »first contest will be held May 3, and samples of cheese and butter are to be sent to the dairy sec tion of the extension division. Boiy. to reach the office by April 30. Improving Farm Cheese. H. R. Lochry, cheese specialist for the United States department of ag riculture, of the western dairy divis ion, is in Idaho, helping cheesetnakers in the solution of their problems. The university extension division annonc es that Mr. Lochry is expected to re turn to the state at intervals of about 60 days, to spend a week or ton days in giving advice on the Improvement of the Idaho cheese Feeding Hia Old Trçea. An orchardist in Crystal commun ity, in Washington county, will con duct a demonstration this year in the use of commercial orchard dressing on prune trees that are 22 years old. He has ordered 1000 pounds of the dress ing, as well as 200 pounds of nitrate of soda which he wil use in compari son with it. An orchardist in Cen tral community will demonstrate the use of commercial dressing on apple trees. Wiil Keep Books on Sheep. Eight men and three boys will keep sheep feeding records in Gooding county this summer, under farm bur eau auspices. Still Killing Rabbits. Gooding county farmers still are killing rabbits, reporting from' 100 to 200 rabbits killed, per ounce of stry chnine used, in some communities. Will Certify Bingham Seed. Bingham county farm bureau of ficials are planning to inaugurate seed certification work, to cover Dick low wheat and Grimm alfalfa in a very thorough manner. Duplicate ct >pies CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR 8ALE FOR SALE—K2 1-2 aires, well im proved farm clo#e in, $16.000; $6000 cash and good terms; $18.000 takes stock, hay and all e<juippment. A bargain for a buyer who wants a real farm. Paid uo water right and four artesian wells. Phone 277-R-4 or write Box 405. tf-<* FOR SALE—Four room house with two lots; fine locatjon, large garden spot; easy terms Call or see Earl Ayers at Caxton l'rinters. 31..c FOR SALF.—2}4 acre chicken ranch bargain, 2 blocks from Advent acad emy, 3 blocks from C. of I, deep well, soft water, 2 room house, close to car line, $1,500, half cash, balance 7 per cent. Jersey cow for sale. Ohio and Maple, route 5, W. A. Hall. 1 -30-tf-c FOR SALE—Butter wrappers. Call Tribune office. Phone 58. 21tf FOR SALE—Eggs for setting, $1.50 for fifteen eggs. Buff Leghorns. W. F. Edwards. 18th and Arthur 23tf FOR SALE—Buick Light Six in good order. I'hone 328J or call 102 Cleveland. 29-tfc FOR SALE—Six room modern house. F .nonire 1802 Dearborn. 33tfc FOR SALE—Hatching eggs, pure bred S. C. R. I. Reds, excellent lay ing strain. $1.50 per 15. S. C. White Leghorns (Ferris 230-264 egg strain direct) $2.00 per 15. White Mrs. Earl R. Baird, Nampa, Ida., R. 3. Box 112 2-17-tf-c FOR SALE—White Leghorn ( eggs for hatching. Five dollars per hun dred. "hone 287J3. Mrs. C. R. Em melt. 33tf-c FOR SALE—A Snap—Three good 50 foot lots, 14, 15 16 of block 5, Ar lington addition, $600. F. M. Mingus, Emmett, Ida. 37c FOR SALE—Choice early cabbage and tomato plants. Frank Purser, South Kimball. 36-37p BOUGHT AND SOLD—Notes, mortgages, warrants and bonds. A. I. Myers. Brokerage. 22tfc of all certification records will be kept at the farm bureau office for refer ence. Affidavits of purity and loca tion of plots will be recorded. Rec cords.of persons purchasing seed from certified plots will be made and the work followed up. Girls Can School Food. Hagerman canning club girls are planning to put up 1200 quarts of food this summer for use in the hot lunch at school next winter. Silos for Lemhi County. A farm bureau silo campaign in Lemhi county has been started with the ordering of ten wooden silos, Five or six cf ment silos will be con structed and several pit silos. Didn't Mis» Those Hens. After a poultry culling demonstra tion conducted under farm bureau auspices in Gem county, one farmer reported that he had sold a dozen and a half of his cull liens without af fecting the number ol eggs gathered daily. * TEN DAVIS NEWS * + *************« There was a ladies farm bureau meeting at the G. L. Judd home Tues, day. The ladies were working on their dress forms. L. F. Small and Pearl were in Par ma Tuesday morning. A. W. Andrews took his car to the garage in Parma Tuesday to be re paired. Mrs. N. Nelson was a I'arma visitor Tuesday. There was a meeting held Wednes day evening at the church to make plans for the carrying out the Inter church World movement. Rev. Rey nolds of Boise was present and gave a short talk expalining several dif ferent things concerning the work which had not been explained before. After the meeting the ladies served doughnuts and coffee. Margaret Conners spent the week end in Parma. Mrs. L. Hodgson was hurt Fridav evening when she fell from the truck on which she was riding. They were on the road here to the play. Sidney McLaughlin spent the week end in Ten Davis. La Verne Miller spent the week end in Ten Davis. Miss Rose Specht of Caldwell at tended the play Friday evening. Ruth Miller spent Saturday and Sunday at her home in Nampa A large crowd from Notus were down to the plav Friday evening. L. A. Waterman spent Saturday and Sunday in Caldwell. J. B. Newport's brother and his wife from Missouri are here visiting. About 20 people attended the play "Fun on the Polunk Limited." given by theTen Davis high school at the Grange hall Friday evening. It was very much enjoyed by all. After the FOR SALE—Nine good lots on Cleveland with nice shade trees, and three on Albany street, opposite the court house. Good terms, or will trade for stock in the Holte Mine. C. G. Maker. 36-tf FOR SALE— Beautiful California geraniums, choice varieties of rooted plants, special »fier of 25 for $1.00, $3.50 per hundred, prepaid and guar anteed. The Farwest Nursery, 842 Waterloo St., Los Angeles 36-p FOR QUICK SALE—40 acres, 4/ 2 miles from Wilder, $2600. $2000 cash, $600 long time. Address Owner, Box 622, Caldwell. 33tf-c FOR SALE—Registered Holstein bull, excellent breeder. George Dav idson R. 3, Caldwell. Telephone 267R11 30tf WANTED WANT KD— Work on farm by mar ried man, with house to live in, do not work on Saturday, address M. F. Johnson, Gen. Del, Caldwell. 35-36p Wanted—Woman for cleaning and ironing one day each week. Miss Riddle, farm bureau office. Phone 351. 30tf. WANTED TO REiNT—House with three or four rooms unfurnished. In. duire Oak Cafe. 33tf -C LOST LOST—On road between Caldwell and Homedale Ferry a Fisk non-skid tire on rim, size 30x3j4. Phone 240J, 33.; LOST—April 16 either in Caldwell or Nampa, sold tie pin with blue sett ing. Valued as keepsake. Phone 259R3 Caldwell. Reward. 34-35p LOST—Bone rimmed nose glasses Saturday, return to Tribune office. 34tfc LOST—Black pocket book, con taining some money, pictures and ser vice pin, return Mrs. Elfrink, Golden Rule Store. 35tfc play a couple of the girls sold candy which brought about seventeen dollars There were quite a number of the youug people who stayed and played games until a late hour. The money cleared from the play was about $32. Christian Science free reading room open every afternoon from 2 until 5, except Sunday, at the church on'cor ner 9th and Blaine. 31-39c Tribune Want Ads Bring Results. ALIAS SUMMONS. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the Seventh Judicial District of the State of Idaho, in and for the Coun ty of Canyon. A. B. Lewis, Plaintiff vs. Sopha Lewis, Defendant. The State of Idaho sends greetings to Sopha Lewis the above named de fendant. You are Hereby Notified, That a complaint has been filed against you in the District Court of the Seventh Judjcial District of the State of Ida ho in and for the County of Canyon, by the above named plaintiff, and you arc hereby directed to appear and aaswer the said complaint within twenty days of the service of this summons if served within said Jud icial District, and within forty days if served elsewhere: That this ac tion is brought to obtain a de cree of divorce on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment and you arc further notified that unless you so appear and answer said complaint within the time herein specified, the plaintiff will take judgment against you as prayed, in said complaint. Witness my hand and the seal of said District Court, this 17th day of March. 1920. L. C. KNOWLTON. Clerk. By B. L NEWELL, 26.34 Deputy Clerk (seal) Monc & Jackson attorneys for plain tiff. residing at Caldwell. Idaho. ALIAS SUMMONS. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE SEVENTH JUDICIAL DIS. TRICT OF THE STATE OF IDA HO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF CANYON: GEO. W. FROMAN. Plaintiff, vs. WILLIAM SAXON, if living and if dead all the unknown heirs and unknown devisees of William Sax on, deceased, A. F. I sham and Lida M. Isham, husband and wife, and all the unknown owners of the fol lowing described property, to wit: Lot Thirty (30) of Block Three (31 of the Revised map of Caldwell, Idaho, as the same appears on the plat thereof on file in the office of the County Recorder of Canyon County. State of Idaho. Defendants. THE STATE OF IDAHO SENDS GREETINGS TU WILLIAM SAX ON. if linving and if dead all the un known heirs and unknown devisees of William Saxon, deceased, A. F. Isham and Lida M. Isham, husband and wife and all the unknown owners of the following described property, to wit: Lot Thirty (30) of Block Three (3) of the Revised m^p of Caldwell, Idaho, as the same appears on the plat there, of on file in the office of tne County Recorder of Canyon County. State of Idaho, the above named defendants. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED. That a complaint has been filed against you in the District Court of the Seventh Judicial District of the State of Idaho, in and for the County of Canyon, by the above named plain tiff. and you are hereby directed to appear and answer, the said complaint FOR RENT FOR RF.N'T—Two furnished sleep ing rooms. Phone 348W. 36-37p FOR RF.N'T—Light house keeping joms. Phone 206-M 34-37-c FOR RENT—Sleeping room with bath. 713 Belmont Phone 420 W. 21 tf FOR RENT—Furnished Phone 233W. FOR RENT—Room and bath. Phone 97R. 35tf. MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT—Furnished house un til September 1, 1920. F. K. Heath, 617 Main St. Dressmaking—Mrs. Steward, 1420 Arthur. Phone 793. 24tfc WRITE the Co.op Store, Caldwell to receive free several hundred rock bottom prices of mdse. Ready mixed paint $3 gal. Pure Linseed oil $2.10. Plug Tobacco 85c, U. Leader $2 for 24 dans. Ladies trimmed hats very latest styles $2.50 to $4.50. A30 TRY A NU-BONE corset. A per fect fit and satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. F. M. Breshears, 1004 Albany St. Phone 784J 28-tfc BOARD AND ROOM at $10.00 per week a t 1124 Cleveland. Phone 785-J. 31-tfc STRAYED STRAYED—Three horses from my South Tenth barn Saturday night. 1 bay mare about 10 years old, slightly lame left behind; one marc about 15 years old, quite thin, dark bay; one bay four year old mare colt. Notify Tribune office or J. Long. Caldwell. Phone 760W. Reward. 36-tf STRAYED—At my place about April 15th, bay yearling colt, white left hind foot, owner may have same by paying feed bill and for this ad. J. N. Meador. 2/ miles west of Cald well. 36-tfc within twenty days of the service of this summons, if served within said Judicial District and within forty days if served elsewhere; and you are fur ther notified that unless you so ap pear and answer said complaint with in the time herein specified, the plain tiff will take judgment^ against you as prayed in "id complaint. This action is brought to quiet title to the Lot Thirty (30. of Block Three (3) of the Revised Map of Caldwell, Idaho, as the same appears on the plat thereof on record in the office of the County Recorder of Canyon County, State of Idaho. For further particulars, you are hereby referred to the complaint now on file in the above entitled court, a copy of which complaint is hereto annexed and is by reference made a part of this summons. WITNESS my hand and the seal of said District Court, this 17th day of March, 1920. L. C. KNOWLTON. Clerk. B. L. NEWELL, Deputy Clerk. (seal) Stone & Jackson, attorneys for Plaintiff,' residing at Caldwell, Ida ho. 26-36. 1T1E SEVENTH JUDICIAL DIS IN HIE DISTRICT COURT OF TRICT OF THE STATE OF IDA HO IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF CANYON. MADGE PENDLETON, Plaintiff, vs LUTHER PENDLETON, De fendant. THE STATE OF IDAHO Sends Greetings to Luther Pendleton, the above named defendant. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED, that a complaint has been filed against you in the District Court of the Sev enth Judicial District of the State of Idaho in and for the County of Can yon, by the above named plaintiff, and you are hereby directed to appear and answer the said complaint within twenty days of the service of this sum mons if served within said Judicial District, and within forty days if serv ed elsewhere: This action is brought to secure a decree of divorce on the ground of non-support and you are further noti fied that unless you so appear and an. swer said complaint within the time herein specified, the plaintiff will take judgment against you as prayed, in said complaint. Witness my b nd and the seal of said District Cour», this 26th dav of March. 1920. L. C. KNOWLTON, (seal) Clerk Stone. & Jackson, attorneys for plaintiff, residing at Caldwell, Ida ho. 28-36c NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE PROBATE COURT OF CANYON COUNTY. IDAHO. In the matter of the estate of Lu cinda F.. Sebree, deceased. Notice is hereby given- by the un dersigned Charles H. Sebree, admin istrator of the estate of Lucinda E. Sebree deceased .to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within ten (101 months after the first publication of this notice, to the said Administra tor at his residence in tfie Saratoga ivon c< ty, Idaho, said place being designated hotel building. Caldwell, Canyon Coun. as the place for transaction of business of said estate in the County of Can yon, State of Idaho. Dated March 29th, 1920. CHARLES H. SEBREE. Administrate ' of the estate of Lu. cinda E. Sebree. deceased. Stone & Jackson, attorney for ad ministrator. M30-A27 i*r CA* MOTOR INN GARAGE EIGHTH AND ALBANY EXPERT REPAIRING AND ACCESSORIES. PHONE 202 BUSINESS DIRECTORY CHIROPRACTORS DR. G. F. HUNT, CHIROPRAC tor, office address 1005 Main street Phone 479. F. B. Boggesa Mrs. L. Boggess DRS. BOGGESS All ailmfents treated. Examination free. Years of experience. Office ov er Colonial Cafe. Office phone, 448.W. Residence Phone 240-J. 322 Cleveland Boulevard. DR. R. F. SKADEN, OSTEO pathic Physician, Caldwell, Idaho. Rooms 45 and 46, Steunenberg Bldg. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS KELLERMAN PIANO COMPANY I'ianos and Player Pianos, Phono graphs and Records, Sheet Music. 621 Main St, Caldwell CEMENT WORK. 'LEM HARDING Manufacturer of cement pipe for sy phons, irrigation and drainage, cement blocks for building. Phone 114W FURNITURE AND UNDER TAKING CASE FURNITURE CO. Undertaking. Careful and thorough service. Latest style furniture—Bottom prices Phone 24. Night phone 83J. 606 Main PECKHAM FURNITURE & UN DERTAKING CO. Prompt and efficient service. Calls answered day and night 807-9 Main Phone 105 Night 716 and 412W BILLIARDS THE NEW RIALTO BILLIARD PARLOR A clean place for recreation. Prompt and courteous service. We strive to please. AUTOMOBILES AND AC CESSORIES MOTOR INN GARAGE Repairing and storage work guaran teed. Supplies. Phone 202 McCLELLAN MOTOR COMPANY Olds, Hups, Denby Trucks. Expert mechanics and radiator work. Phone 172. WYCKOFF MOTOR COMPANY Dealers new Overland 4, Willys Knight motor cars. Phone 61. E. E. BROOKS 5th and Arthur. Prone 737- General automobile repairing. All work guar anteed. Ford werk « specialty. 5S£?AGE AND STORAGE MILLINER TRANSFER CO. 515 Main St. Phone 461. BLACKSMITH ING MULLIKIN 8t SONS. General Blacksmithing and welding springs, etc. All work guaranteed. OFFICE SUPPLIES CAXTON PRINTER, LTD. Safes. Vault doors, loose leaf sheets, and ledgers, wood and steel filing equiiftnent and office furniture, coun ter sales pads. Printing and binding of all sorts. Caldwell. WELDING AND SPRING WORKS Caldwell Welding and Spring Works. Accetline welding, old springs repair ed. New springs made Satisfaction assured. Third and Main. AUTO & SIGN PAINTERS. Paper hanging and decorating a spec ialty. House painting and tinting. CLYDE F. DILLEY RESTAURANT Best place in town to get a square meal. Quick Service. HOME RESTAURANT 7th Street Phon« 198 MRS. M. T. LARGE Hemstitching. Phone 420W 713 Belmont Caldwell, Idaho PHOTOGRAPHERS PRESCOTT STUDIO. Photographers. 807 Arthur Stree: DENTISTS Dentist. E. W. UDICK Commercial Block. DR. A. W. H EITLER, DENTIST, Over First National Bank, Phone 2& Caldwell. Ida ho. Dr. E. E. Dutton, Dentist, Western National Bank Bldg., Phone 155. 4-18 CALDWELL CO-OPERATIVB CREAMERY CO. Caaldwell Box 283. Phone 147. Ship ypur cream to us. Headquarters for > cream and butter. ABSTRAUiS CANYON ABSTRACT AND T RUST C O. Established 1892. In corporated 1900. Abstracts, Loans, Insurance, Bonds, General Trust Business. Caldwell, Idaho. VETERINARIANS J. Jti. McLAUGHLIN, VETERIN ary Surgeon and Dentist. Hospital 5th and Main. Office Phone 23-J. Residence phone 758. SHOE REPAIRING PARSON SHOE REPAIR SHOP. Shoes repaired to please you. 8' 8 Main FEED AND COAL ROGERS & GAINES We pay cash for poultry, produce and hides. We sell feed and coal. Phones 354 and 239J. HORSESHOEING CITY SHOEING SHOP Bert Black, prop., 9th and Arttaur. Horse shoeing a specialty. Work guaranteed. ATTORNEYS. M. h. Lustace Cleve Groooie EUbTACL it GKOOME A torney s and Counselors S teunenberg Bldg.. Caldwell. Idaho . THOMPSON & BICKNELL. AT torneys-at-Law. Offices Commercial Bank Building, Caldwell, ldalio. CURTIS HAY DON. ATTORNEY at-Law, General Law practice. Office 15. Western National Bank Building. Caldwell. Idaho. R. B. Scatterday Alfred F. Stone SCATTERDAY à STONE Attorneys at Law. 1, 2, 3, & 4, Little Blk, Caldwell, Ida. Thos. E. Buckner Geo. T. Warren BUCKNER & WARREN Lawyers Rooms 15-16-30, Com. Bank Bldg. T. A. WALTERS Attorney-at-Law Rooms 5 and 6 Western National bank building. Practice in all courts state and federal. W. A. Stone T. S. Jackson STONE St JACKSON Attorney.? at law. Eggleston block. Phone 74 M. I. CHURCH 11 to 14 Little Blk. Phone 372W Office days Tuesdays and Fridays MILLINERY. ELITE SHOP. For individuality in millinery. 908 Main street. MERCHANTS PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION Collections: Personal Interviews. Commercial Reports: Directory— Of fice service—Saturday bulletin.