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TMBÜNE, OALDWEULL, IDAHO. etP 11 *»eu. M P-Y A ^ II VOÜGO SM«*/ jUklXoSE Srto« iSlb X our . BP F*rrtfR. GoöOT^GMTCA.' OSE rcAKr rtetP tr-Tve eetN AWFUL- CAREFUL Hejf POP, MOTHCft. Nbu TO LOO AT Wtf SMOtSS NtffOCT HEXT HOME SWEET HOME fcr Jack 9 Wtbon «s £ AKVNWU>WEMt«HMOMTN'^^ T^o-MAvee r >»e calf wore. îia" TrtC CWtR FOUR "7^ MOMtHS r WORM -CH JUST 7^/-0 MOKTHS x: 4K Of Interest* To Women Folk Combinât! ou Dresse«. Gingham and organdy are combined in many smart ' organdy frocks, the use oi the sheer material helping to lift the gingham dress out of the house dress class. Gingham frocks were much apprbved for general wear two Suinmers ago, but last summer they failed to find favor and this year de signers have decided to make them more dressy than they would other wise be by using voile of organdy as a combination material. Of the two organdy is much smarter and more generally preferred. BA3 '.ÎCUTH BAG ' • .v«TY TRAPPINGS portant to U m fir un« HtkiMhatta ef tki ■ rate eostum*. mum this s—son has tk* fli openlflg with plenty * _ the Pleated sOk tag Mow the little iuHt liniha Brings Ont Flavor Just a word for the salt that hath not lost its flavor. Spices of all kinds help out in the most unexpected places, but don't forget a pinch of common salt to bring out the real flavor. Pt seems to be the general idea that when a little more sweetening or bet ter flavor is desired .it is necessary to add more sugar, when in reality it is only salt that is needed to bring out the real natural flavor or sweetness of the food. Flower Bracelets Dainty flower bracelets at the wrists hold in place the maline scarf for the very young girl's party frock. They are made of ribbon in a color con trasting with the color of the dress, or in a two-tone effect. Robin's egg blue and pink are favorable -colors. The bracelets are attached to the ends of the scarf. Cleaning Lamp Chimneys. , In peeling potatoes do not discard skins, but place in vessel and coyer with water. Put in chimneys and set to simmer for three hours on beck of stove. They will be as bright as new when taken out and rinsed and dried. Cooking Potatoes It is a difficult matter now to cook old potatoes because they are almost sure to become soggy. This can be prevented by peeling and soaking in cold water for two hours until they may be pierced with a fork. To make them mealy, drain off all the water and shake them a moment in the open air. This will make them light and fluffy. Chenille Curtains In most attics may be found ofte or more pairs of chenille curtains so popular some years ago. These may be transformed Into pretty and serv iceable rugs. If the curtains are fade<^ dye them to harmonize with the room in which they are to be used. As a foundation for rugs use old worn Brussels carpet cut to the de sired length. Arrange the curtain material smoothly on these carpet foundations, turning over several in ches of the material on the wrong side. Sew down firmly on the wrong side snd ytm will hare transformed a worn piece of out-of-date carpet into a soft rich looking rug. Sheet Lore. So many people stick hard and fast to the old rule of making the beds with the large hem of the sheets at the head end. This method does not give the linen equal wear, for the foot end soils much more than any other part of tl)e sheets, needs more rubbing in laundering and consequent ly wears out sooner. Always reverse the sheets, using the wide hems at the head one month and the next month using them at the foot end. Small Portions One of the hardest problems con fronting the mother of an ailing child is that of coaxing the little covalescent to partake of the distasteful milk, gruel or broth. Four different chil dren were won over by the use of the brown china cow. A tiny portion was poured out into an attractive little cup andeagerly swallowed by the child, who was anx aous to see mooley give some more milk. Let the child pour it out if it is old enough. It also helps to make up a fanciful story of how you will cover the cow up and put her in a warm, safe place until next feeding time. a********.**.*.»,*« * RECIPES * ****„* ********** Escalloped Bananas Peel and slice six bananas, arrange the slices in layers in a greased fire proof dish. Sprinkle each layed light ly with salt and pepper and a few small pieces of margarine. When the dish is full pour over a teacup of milk. Cover and bake slowly for one hourr. Remove the cover the last 10 minute* and serve. Corn Toast Toast stale slices of bread. Put two tablespoonsfuls of butter into a saucepan with one tablespoonful of chopped onion and cook for three minutes, stirring constantly. Add two tablespoonfuls of flour ,then stir in two cupfuls milk and bring to boiling point. To this add a can of corn, one well-beaten egg, three-quarters teas poonful salt and a little pepper the toast with butter and arrange it on a hot platter and pour t he corn mixture over it. Scrambled Sweetbread Çeat four eggs slightly with fork; and add half teaspoon of salt and half as much pepped , one-half cupful of milk and one sweetbread parboiled and cut in dice. Put two tablespoon fuls of butter in the hot pan and when melted pour in the miture. Cook Suppose you had been "tucking away" just a couple of dollars a week for thepast]year., Wouldn't that $ 104 and interest be voi nice to have right now ? Make op . ' today you SUrtVc . good interest and welcome your .account. ..V vvviV or A 'i S a y\ ■ at Y ou? Co*' FiksTN\T(o>i\LB\NK C aldwll L I daho today) that one yeargfrom I Juve that* amount*. \ at this bank. ~ »We wilTadd until a creamy consistency, stirring and scraping from bottom of pan. Bread and Butter Pudding Grease a pudding dish and lay at the bottom a little peel, cut in strips and a few raisins. Now cut 3 thin slices of bread and butter them. Trim off the crust, cut in neat pieces and arrange them in the dish. Make a custard of 2 eggs and 1 pint of milk. Sweeten to taste and pour in the dish. Bake slowly one hour. Do You Know? That if you are the hostess at & dinner, you pass a dish to the guest sitting next you and let it go around the table before helping yourself. Tat at the bride's table, after a wedding, should sit the bride and groom, the parents of each, the offi ciating clergyman, and the bridal at tendants. If there is room, other near relatives, such as brothers and sisters of the bride and groom may also sit there. Household Hints To make potatoes mealy, add two teaspoons salt to water before boiling. If your stove is very greasy put a little washing powder in the stove polish and there will be no difficulty in cleaning. Paste a square of absobent cotton on each corner of the table before put ting on a new table oilcloth to protect the corners of the latter. Turn your table oilcloth around once in a while so the forward part will not wear out before rear part. Be sure to wash your doornobs with a disinfectant occasionally, to remove the countless germs on them. Get a ten-cent nail brush to use for scrubbing the outside of fancy glass ware, as the bristles are sure to get into the grooves and remove the dirt. Teach the kiddies to unlace or un button their shoes well to the bottom before taking them off. This will save unnecessary wear "bn tne lining and laces or buttons. Cover the Bed Springs It is well to cover all bed springs with ticking. This will prevent their rusting and s also keep out the dirt. Cover the mattress with print and so save washing the mattress. Cover the pillows with the same print These can be taken off when soiled and washed with little work. Try Some Economy Butter This will help beat old H. C. L. To each pound of butter use one pint of rich sweet milk, one tablespoon gela tin, one tablespoon of salt. Cream the butter as for cake, dissolve the gela tine in a little milk, heat the rest of the milk to the boiling point, then pour over the gelatine until thorough ly mixed. When about luke-warm, pour slowly over the creamed butter, to which has been added the salt and beat with an* egg beater until it is smooth and thick. Put in spoonfuls on a plate end each spoonful will set in the process. This butter can be used for every purpose except frying. This recipe yields two pounda for every pound of butter used. To . polish mahogany furniture rub it well with cold linseed oil and pol ish by rubbing with a dry cloth. Do this once a week and your mahog any will become so finely polished that hot water will not injure it. The linseed oil hardens when exposed to the air and fills all the wood surface, making it like glass. To clean a grater use a »mall veg etable brush. When separating the white from the yolk of an egg if a little gets in the white, dip a clean cloth into warm water and wring dry. Touch t'«e yolk w : th the cloth and it will cling to it. Suet chopped fine and rendered in the oven makes excellent fat for fry ing. NOVELTY The most fashionable and also most practicable for your self defense against all attacks is the KNIFE REVOLVER Which you use every day as a knife, and other times you can use it as a revolver, 22 calibre. KNIFE-REVOLVER is no play thing, but it is the most fashionable and most practicable thing. When it is put together it looks like any socket knife, 3 inches long; the knife lades are made of the best steel and' the cever is nickel plated. The bul lets are hidden in the knife and also the blades; when you need a knife just open it and you can use it—and in case of danger you just pull the trigger and it gives out 22 calibre shots. Most truly, this is a good inven tion. These knives are sold any other places at $12 and more—but we will sell |hem ; a short time only, at $6.63— that is at the cost price, as we want the people to get more acquainted with these knives. We have not a very big stock of these knives, but about 3000, so don't TODAY* f ° r later but write f° r one By ordering enclose 25c, and the rest you will pay when this fashion able KNIFE-REVOLVER ARE DE LIVERED TO YOUR HOME. ALL WORLD EXPORTERS, Dept. 402, 1019 N. Ashland, Ave., Chicago 111. Another Royal Suggestion DJSCUITS, BUNS and ROLLS B From the N ew R oyal C ook B ook ISCUIT ! What de light this word sug gests. So tender they fainy melt in the mouth, and of such glorious flavor that the appetite is never satis fied. These are the kind of biscuits anyone can make with Royal Baking Powder and these unusual recipes. Biscuits S sup* flour 4 teaspoons Royal Baking Powder U teaspoon salt I tablespoons shortening % eup milk or half milk and halt water Sift together flour, baking pow der and aalt, add shortening and rub In very lightly, add liquid alowly; roll or pat on floured board to about one Inch In thickness (handle as little aaf possible): cut with biscuit cutter. 1 Bake in hot oven 15 to 20 min utes. Royal Cinnamon Bona Mi cups flour 1 teaspoon salt teaspoons Royal Raking Powder " tablespoona shortening - egg cup water : cup sugar 4 te«^noona cinnamon 4 tîX.caiHfons seeded raisins "\blespoons of measured >tl> flour, salt and bak flir: rub shortening In fid beaten egg to water .» _J.2 lowly. Roll out H Inch ROYAL BAKING POWDER Sîf-Îi board: bruah with molted butter, sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon and raisins. Roll as for Jelly roll; cut into 114 inch pieces; place with cut edges up on well-greased pan; Inkle with a little sugar and namon. Bake in moderate oven 30 to K minutes; remote fram pan* at once. Parker House Rolls 4 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt < teaspoons Royal Baking Powder Î tablespoons shortening IK cups milk Sift flour, salt and baking pow der together. Add melted short ening to milk and add slowly to dty Ingredients stirring until smooth. Knead lightly on floured board and roll out H Ulch thick. Cut with biscuit cutter. Crease each circle with back of knife one aide of center. Butter the small section and told larrrer part well over the small. Place one Inch apart in greased pan. Allow to stand 15 minutes In warm place. Brush each with melted butter and bake In mode rate oven IS to' 20 minutes. FREE Write TODAY for the New Royal Cook r tains 400 other *t delightful as . apow you how to < est and variety mOals. Address BOY AI. YUKI1TO POWDEB CO. 1.5 Fulton Strôvi Kn Yors Utj "Bake with Royaland be Sure " If in washing spinach a handful of salt is put in the sfctw) water, ail the sand from the greens will sink to the bottôm of the pan and the vege tables when rinsed a third time will be thoroughly cleansed. R.LP. The last twenty minutes had been nothing but a succession of passes, and Private Snow had become restive. "Man," he remonstrated to the bones holder, '"pears like impossible fo' a man to do nuffin' but make nacherals lessen he's crookin'." "Chuff, man," responded the other, "dis boy was done born wid a pair o' dice in his han'." "Yeah," replied Private Snow, **an' if dis boy dont see a little more shak in* before de shooting* dat boy is gwine die de same way." Why Yoa Too Should Own a Hotpotnt Radiant Grill Xi ) CONVENIENCE AND ECONOMY—f— Like the. many thousands of satisfied users of Hotpoint Radiant Grill, you, too will find it the ideal electric appliance of your heart's desire. It operates from any lamp socket—may be used right at your elbow on the dining or breskfest table. Most convenient for the usual hurry-up breakfast. VARIED UTILITY 1—Eggs fryipq in pan above while chops are broiling below 2—Hot cakes cooking on griddle above—bacon being grilled below. 3—Potatoes being fried above while a juicy steak is prepared below . the coils. QUALITY AND SERVICEABILITY—— Ilotpoint Radiant Grill is a qual ity product built for, and does give lasting satisfactory service. Made of pressed steel, copper plated and finished in highly polished nickel. Heating ele ment is of glowing coil reflector type—very rugged and efficient —has simple 3-heat adjustment sffording three distinct and uniform heats. An operation may be started on full heat and completed on medium or low, thus cutting current cost. The connecting plug is of special construction to prevent arcing and is interchangeable among most other Hotpoints —note also that the plug connection is at base of appliance—eliminates danger of tipping and the cord is out of the way. Base fitted with non-marring fiber feet. Has ebonized wood handles. . Diameter 7% inches; height <Vi inches; wattage 600-300-150. Furnished with deep underdish; broiling grid; shallow dish; cover to fit either dish serves also as reflector or cake griddle; cord and con necting plugs. Ordinary kitchen utensils (granite, etc.) may also be used. Same size also made in single heat, equipped with one dish only Wattage, 600. ' Caldwell Electric Supply Co 111 ftoath Kimball, Phone 14 ANDERSON A WEBB. Props. For SALE 1M ACRE 9-YEAR OLD APPLE ORCHARD TOLL BEARING KLICKITAT COUNTY, WASH. This is an excellent orchard, fine varieties, prospects for twenty-five or thirty thousand boxes this year. Owners will be at Goldendale, Washington about June IS, 1920. Get in touch with us. Special Prices and Terms PRICE-SMITH FRUIT CO. Central Hotel, Goldendale, Washington.