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* LOCAL AND PERSONAL * ««*«*.*+*****«*** Mrs. Alfred Stone left last Monda/ evening for an extended visit with her parents in Seattle. Mrs. Ernest Boone and daughter, Kathryn have been visiting in New York City and they expect to sail fro mthere Thursday, June 10 for their trip through France, Alsace-Lorraine, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium and Eng land. _ While in New York City they visited Mrs. Sarah Boone Carter, where she anil he liusband took them over the noted and historic places of New York City, and they had the pleasure of attending the largest and next to the largest theatre .there, see in gsome of the great plays of the season. The Baptist ladies aid met- at the Alturas Hotel with Mrs. Richardson Wednesday afternoon. After the bus iness hour a social good time was en joyed by all guests present. Light refreshments were served. Mrs. P. J. Callop is visiting in Mel ba this week the guest of her son, Wm. M c Far land. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gaines cele brated theiu. wedding anniversary on the evening of June 9th with a party. A very enjoyable evening was spent by all present. Clara, the 15 year old daughter* of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harrington, died early Wednesday morning following by a few days an operation for appen dicitis. The operation Was successful and it was believed the Miss Harring ton was well on the way to recovery. Complications caused her death. Miss Harrington was born at Shiocton, Wisconsin, July 3; 1905. She had just completed her work in the junior high school. Funeral services will be con ducted at the Baptist church Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. A survey was made Wednesday by Swain Beatty, superintendent of the city water works system, for an ex tension of the city litfes to the new state Odd Fellows home. The ex tension is approximately five blocks in length and will cost about $3000. Friday, the survey will be completed for the extension of the warter works system to the Golden Gate addition. Pipe and other material for both ex tensions have been ordered and it is expected that the shipment has al ready been made. Word was received Wednesday by friends here that H. O. Armor had passed to the great beyond. He liVed in South Caldwell until a few years ago and went from here to San Vale dena, Calif., where he died. Mrfl and Mrs. Hoskins spent the week end in Boise. Mrs. Bessie Cook has resigned her position at the Variety Store and will spend the summer at home. » Joseph Fowler, of Wilder, and Mrs. Ftta Hoover, of Caldwell were mar ried Monday in the Baptist church iq Boise. They fere - accompanied to Boise by Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Doug lass, of Caldwell. After the ceremony the wedding party drove back to this city to the Hoover home where the guests were waiting. Congratulations were extended and a wedding dinner served. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Turner, Mrs. and Mrs. Bassett, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Atwater, aff of Walde;, Mr. and Mrs.. Moon, of Meridian, Miss Brown, of Boise, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Douglas und E. L. Douglass, of Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Fowler will reside here. Mrs. Carl Jones, of Filmore, street, left for aKnsas the first of this week, to care for her sick mother. J. P. Smith of 13th ctreet if near Greenleaf this week working on a well drilL Mr. Palmer, formerly of this city, but now of California, arrived here Monday by auto, to look after some property which he still holds here, and will return next week. Mrs. John aCtdwell went to Boise Wednesday to spend a few days with her sister-in-law, who is ill. About 50 members of the Ladies Aid met at the eMthodist chtfrch Wednesday aflcnoon. Mr«. E. C. Lavering, of Twin Falls, is here visiting her mother, Mrs, Frost, two sisters, Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. Donnait, and brother, Raleigh Frost • I |f Mrs. Bertha Reaves .and her sister, Mrs. Jenkins, made a trip to Boise Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Douglass went to Boise hospital Monday to visit Mr Agnes Morrow, who is being treated for blood-poisoning. ' She lived with the Douglass family before her mar riage. ed * D. are to the pa day in ette day his ed in the ill of is S. in «*«**«*****«*«* * DEER ^LAT # * »»»»*»»»»****** The Deer Flat W. C. T. U. met Thursday with Mrs. W. W. Bates near Wilder. While it was quite a distance there, about twenty-five ladies from here were present. A very intresting meeting was held. Mrs. Longstroth, of Wilder gave a very interesting talk on oMthers and child welfare Dainty refreshments were served by the hostss. Eunic Dukes, of Caldwell it visit ing at the 7- J- Histon home this week Mrs. Dale Gilman was visiting with home folks Thursday. Mrs. and Mrs. ChaS. Vogt and Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Vanderwilt were Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Dukes of Caldwell. Flossie Vogt and Elda King and her cousin were visiting Friday at the Sonner home near Wilder. Miss Mary Smith spent Sunday vis. iting with Gladys Crew. Mrs. John Calek is visiting with Mrs. Shupe of Franklin -this week. There will be Children's Day exer cises at the Free Mthodjst church Sunday evning. Sveral cars of Deer Flaters attend ed services at Fair Arces where Rev. Lewis is holding service. * CLAYTONIA + «*'«*** ********* A shower was given Miss Lula Kinney at the home of Mrs. Clark Benson June 1. Many useful and val uable presents were received. The people of this community are glad that at last we have a daily R. F. D. Mail. Mrs. Amos Stitzcl was visiting her parents Jfr. and Mrs. Baldwin in Caldwell last week. The friends of Maurice Hansbraugh are glad to know he will soon be able to return to his home after bein ill with typhoid fever for some time at the home of his sister, Mrs. Ben Litich in Wilder. Miss Ruby Maxwell is attending the commencement at the college at Nam pa this week. Quite a number of families from this neighborhood were transacting business in Caldwell Saturday. Rev. Ford, thé new pastor fèr the Christian church arrived last weifk and conducted the services in the hajl Sun day morning. Miss Lula Kinney and Cecil Benson were married Jin»e 3, and will live in the house vacated by Clifford Bell Mr. Benham, from Wisconsin is visiting his son and family here. *************** MARBLE FRONT * *************** Mrs. Harmon Murphy left fof Pay ette Friday for a visit with Mrs. Newton Meade. Mr. ^ind Mrs. W. A. Lesley of Riv erside called at the D. C. Goodloe home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bales werf Sun day dinner guests of the W. C. Fugate family. T. C. Pearson returned frotn the Hot Springs Sunday. W. C. Fngate is drilling a well on his eighty acre farm. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Dille attend ed the funeral of Mr. Dille's pirand mother. Mrs. White, in Caldwell Fri day. Mrs. E. C. Kincely spent last week in Boise. John Bow,, of Caldwell is spending this week with his sister. L. L. Young, of Nampa called at the Bales Brothers ranch on business Monday. Mrs. George Milliner returned Sat urday from Salt Lake and is seriously ill at her home from a complication of diseases. J. T. and J. F. Bales motored to Homedale Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Thomas and Miss Addie Whitney, of Middleton were dinner" guests Sunday of Mrs. George Mason. Miss Stella Livesay was a guest of Miss Helen Packers Sunday. Mrs. Walter Thomas, of Caldwell is staying with her mother. Mrs. George Milliner. x Miss Hazel Kent, of Nampa, Miss Luclla Painter and Raymond Corn were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Corn Sunday. Rev. and Msr. E. C. Knic<tly left Tuesday for Portland, Oregon to spend the summer. They will return in the fall to Robers where Rev. Saratoga Livery Phone 46? George Green's Old Stand DAY AND NIGHT TRJPS FIRST-CLASS CADILLAC CAR Careful Driver OFFICE SARATOGA HOTEL M. H. WHITTIER. MANAGER FILM BEAUTY IS HERE IN PER. SON WITH ART FILM Violet Stanton, Beauty of the Screen, in 'Temptation" a t Victory. Something unusual for the picture fans is being offered at Bungalow theatre Friday, June 11. The celebrated beauty of the screen, Miss Violet Stanton, who has scored so many marked successes in the pic T: ssfc ture world, is here, and will appear in person at each performance of her latest release, "Temptation," in which she co-starred with Carmel Myers and Inez McDonald. The picture is one that lends itself most admirably to Miss Stanton's best talent. It is a striking scenic from the real to the allegorical and depicts the "Garden of Knowledge" while he is being put to the test of temptation and the de velopment of his better self. The theme has been handled by poets and painter's for centuries, but never be fore has a director succeeded in put ting into film the alluring beauty and adyllic surroundings of this mythical setting as has been accomplished in the filming of this work of art. With Miss Stanton we also have little Miss Doris Curtis who also appear in per son. Miss Stanton in the role of arch temptress, presents one of the most beantiful living pictures of woman hood one could hope to see outside of an art gallery. She possesses n perfect physique, artistic of contour and has the rare gift of absolute grace that makes for a perfect model. Her work is the achme of real art. The film is being presented here undr the direction of Dr. de Orgler of the.H. K. D. film company. It was filmed in the Anheuser Busch gardens at Pasadena. California, and is a real work of art. It was released three years ago and is still traveling the country as a feature film. BAPTIST CHURCH For Sunday morning the children and youth of the Sunday school will bring a message of good cheer in their Children's Day program. Special features will be a Rose song and drill, and with remarkable clear ness. little Emily Hargrove will tell the story of Daniel in the Lion's Den. The primary department has a special song and there will be class exercises and songs from the several depart ment of the school. The program will commence at 10:30 and continue through the hour of regular church service. Rev. Hertzog ,of Boise will occupy the pulpit in the evening, the service to commence at 8o'clock. Knicely has accepted* the position of pastor in the Baptist church. Miss Delia Morgan, of Payette, was a guest Sunday at the Henry^Beck home. Write the Co-Op Store, Caldwell, for price list ready mixed outside paint, 6 gal. can, $15. Pure white lead, (16 per 100 lbs. Polarine 76c. Plug tdBacco 85c. Pitchforks $1.36. SALE MANAGER IS BACK ON JOB Shardlow is Well, Cheerful and Hap py Since Taking Tanlac One of tire distinguisred features in connection with the introduction and sale of Tanlac throughout Ameri ca is the large number of traveling men who have been benefitted by its use. Frtftn Maine to California and from the Gulf to Northern Canada, men representing almost every line of business have testified to the remark able results obtained by taking Tan lac. One of the latest of these to en dorse Tanlac is H. Shardlow, sales manager for the Solar Illuminating Co., of Chicago, who lives at the Ho tel Stowell, Los Angeles. Calif. Tanlac is the finest medicine I have ever run across," «said Mr. Shardlow recently. "Ï gained nine pounds on three bottles and have got ten rid of a case of stomach trouble that nearly cost me my life. For several months I had suffered terribly from acute gastritis and was very nervous. Everything I would eat To The June Bride Furnish your home with good taste, character and refinement. May we assist you in getting some of your new goods at rock bottom prices? Case FurnitureCompany UNDERTAKING 606 Main Caldwell, Idaho Night Phojies 82 J and 388 R DANCE To Re-open Famous Givons Hot Springs SAT.NIGHTI? Junelu New Management MRS. E. T, BLACK ATTENTION! Alfalfa Seed Oil account* of the late spring throughout the northwest, we have prepared for the late seeding demands. Good stock of Alfalto Seed now on hand. •• •• Holt Seed Co CALDWELL, IDAHO Phones 25 and 36 soured and formed' gas, my chest and lungs would pain me and my heart palpitate so at time I would almost faint. I have walked the floor for hours in misery and have been forced to spend days at a time in bed. I lost nineteen pounds, was a nervous wreck and had to give up all idea of business. "I had the best treatment and medi cine and was put on a special diet but got no better, and was finally told that only an operation would relieve my trouble. One day while in El Paso( Texas, I had an attack that al most proved fatal. I had been read ing about Tanlac and. immediately tried it. Thanksgiving Day I was sick, blue and discouraged, but since taking Tanlac I can enjoy a good meal and feel well, cheerful and Tanlac I can enjoy a good meal and feel welt, cheerful and happy. It gives me pleasure to recommend Tanlac and I hope all sufferers from stomach Caldwell-Wilder Stage Co. C. B. McCLELLAN. Mgr. CALDWELL PHONE 172 WILDER SCHEDULE LEAVE CALDWELL LEAVE WILDER 6 A. M. 7:30 A. M. 9 A. M. 10:30 A.M. 1 P. M. 2:30 P.M. ♦ P. M. 5:30 P. M. 7 P. M. 8:30 P. M. 10 P. M. 11:00 P. M. Fare 55c each way, plus war tax 5c... Minimum charge, interned! . ate points 25c CADWELL STATION McCLELLAN MOTOR CO. WILDER STATION WALKER DRUG STORE EXPRESS PACKAGES CARRIED AT REASONABLE RATES PROMPT SERVICE—COURTEOUS DRIVERS MIDWEST L tiuior •FARMERS! now ie 4he time to etert meing the Utilitor. Farmers the world over are grabbing this Utilitor ss the first real solution to the farm help problem, and at this very moment every farmer is laying his plans for bigger production next season. Come in and let us show you what the Utilitor will do for you. NEWELL MOTOR SALES CO. Phone 529. 5TH AND MAIN STREET. > Spendable troubles may be induced to try it" Tanlas is sold in Caldwell by Bot kin-Joy Drug Co., in Notus by An drews Mercantile Co., and in Wilder R. F. D. fro Greenleaf, by Walker Drug Co.,—Adv. EXHIBITION File CALDWELL Friday, Jnne It FURCHT BARKER AIRCRAFT CORPS