Dont drive fast «round turns
or over rough rotte
^Doat apply brake« mddwljr,
except la cum of emergency.
Dont lUMapi to shift lato rê
veras gesr when going ahead.
Dont allow your dutch to eo
«■*» suddenly.
Dont driva on crowded thor
oughfares until you thoroughly
maatar the operation and driving
ot your oar.
Dont attempt to atart motor
with any of the transmission
gears la mesh. Have gear ahlft
lever la aeutral.
Dont leave yctyr Ignition
■witch "oa" when motor Is not
Dont tamper with your car
buretor nnleaa, you know it is out
of adjustment, and not even
than unless you know Just what
you are doing.
Duet Reflector« With Feather Duster
or Soft Cotton Cloth—Wipe With
Qraln Alcohol.
To guard against gritty subatancea
dost the reflectors carefully with a
small feather duster or with soft cot
ton. Wet a piece of absorbait cotton
wtth grain alcohol, If such can be pro
cured, and wipe the reflector from the
bulb socket outward and dry with a
clean piece of dry cotton.
If Brakes Are Applied 80 Hard That
Wheels Cannot Turn Msohine Is
Very Apt to 8kld.
In descending long, steep hills, If
the brakes are applied. so that the
wheels cannot turn the car Is apt to
skid In a most precarious manner.
Under such conditions tlry chains with
cross chains on every -link and a
transmission brake form the best
method of descent
If oil Is running out at the ends of
the rear axle onto your brake bands
the chances are that the oil level is
too high.
• • •
The car owner should not forget
that ordinary vaseline Is perhaps the
best medium available for coating bat
tery terminals and connectors.
• • •
Drive using the lower gears. Shift
ing of the gears readily shows s good
driver and at the same time often
prevents stalling the engine In a dan
gerous place.
■ • • •
Broken flywheel teeth can be re
placed by drilling and tapping a hole
whsre the tooth baa been lost and
screwing Into this opening a short
steel peg, as hard as can be filed.
• • •
A cause of engine noise sometimes
not suspected Is the slapping of worn
pistons, which, of course. Is likely to
occur only when thé engine has been
run a long time and the cylinders are
Any type of tire will be injured by
abuse. Riding on a soft or flat tire,
dented and Irregular rims, excessive
loads, tire fillers and stiff rellners are
the common causes for cutting and
breaking above the beads.
The photograph shows an automobile put to a new use in the city
Apeldoonr, Holland. The car has basa converted into a locomotive" for the
purpose of hauling one, two, or more trolleys through the city's avenues.
{The trolleys were previously horssdrswn, and many of the townsfolk pre
walklng to riding. Today the trams ars wall filled during business
A car should always be started In
low gear. Open the throttle s little'
aad pick up to live or six miles an
• « «
A good grosse, mixed in the right
proportion with selected flske graph
Its, forms the best lubricant for bear
Many car owners ate finding that
oil cups may be substituted for the
grease cups commonly used In «w»y
locations on ths
nently satisfactory
Contrivance Is Regarded at In
dispensable Where Number
of Cars Are Kept
I« MM to Reue* AU On»
•osa Aram* Oaitvntor and Wa
ter- P u— p «ad R am o ve All
Oraaas P epse W s aad Dirt
oa k eeping the car angin« dean by
living it a hath la kar o— o « every so
ofton; this Is to remove too haavy
grease deposits that accumulate oa Its
exterior. To get lato «11 th« crevices,
benesth th« carburetor and around the
Where Th«r« Are a Numb«r of Auto
mobil« Engin«« to Clean, Thl« Con
trivance la Indispensable aa Both a
Tim« and Monsy-8aver.
water-pump la almost Impossible, for
ths brush used In the operation la
mocfe too large to permit this.
Remove Grease apd Dirt.
A gasoline or keroseoo spray, under
sir pressure, will quickly remove
grease and dirt from the or the
chassis. •
The contrivance that throws this
spray la shown In ths Illustration, be
Ing msde at practically no cost and
will prove Its weight In gold to the
man who has much of this work to do.
Can Use Foot Pump.
A tank holds the liquid, and an as
pirator Is used for forming the spray.
The aspirator Is nothing more than a
copper pipe which passes through the
center of the tank, one end being con
nected to the air pressure line, and
the other end being drawn down Into
nut* CAT
Aa Shown by the Diagram, the Clean
er la Kxtremsly Easy snd Slmpla
s nasale, a small copper tube con
oects this pipe, so that the cleaning
solution is drawn from the tank snd
foifeed into a spray by the passing air.
A foot pump can be used to inject air
.if no other pressura is available.
The foregoing proves that this
cleaner is practical for quick work
In either the public or home garage.
It can be stowed away when not la
use.—R. U Prlndle, la Popular Science
Small Iron Brackst Should Bs In
stalled to Prevent Flange
From Breaking.
In fitting a new carburetor be sure
that there la no looseness to csuse vi
bration, beesuse If there Is s broken
flange will be the Inevitable result If
vibration to present a «man Iron brack
et should be Installed from a nut on
the «« r— frame to the Instrument to
steady It also taking the strain off ths
Southwestern Idaho Sure of
Bitter Fight Agatngt Pest
Boise( Ida., June 14.—Attack on the
alfalfa weevil is being made from sev
eral different angles by the University
of Idaho extension division and ex
periment station, under authority of
the act of 1919 legislature, which ap
propriated $20,000 to combat a pest
is placed among the worst that threat
ens the agricultural interests of the
Claude Wakeland, extension entom
ologist, is in the southwestern part
of the state, giving demonstrations
the method of controlling the weevil
by spraying with an arsenic solution,
wHich is stated to be the best known
method thus far devised.
Ralph H. Smith, of the Twin Falls
entomologist substation of the uni
versity experiment station, has been
conducting an experiment in the Pay
ette valley to ascertain the possibility
of killing the weevil with an arsenic
dust, a method faster than the
spray method, and one which thus far
is reported to promise excellent re
Comes Close to Caldwell
While awaiting the outcome of this
experiment, Mr. Smith is conducting
a "scouting expedition" through sec
tions of the state where the weevil
thus far has not been reported,
see if it has made its appearance. This
trip is taking him through Mountain
Home and the Grand View country,
the Twin Falls north and south side
projects, Burley, Rupert, into Bing
ham county, anl possibly elsewhere.
Mr. Smith reports finding the weevil
all the way between Payette and Em
mett, present in small numbers
about Emmett, all the way between
Caldwell and Eagle, all the way from
Star north to the sagebrush, and two
miles out from Caldwell on the Boise
Caldwell road.
Payette valley farmers are spraying
to kill the weevil, having started this
method of fighting the pest last year.
For this reason, no spraying demon
stration was given there by Mr. Wake
land. He is, instead, making a trip
through Franklin, Onedia, Bannock,
Bingham, Madison and Bear Lake
counties with a spraying outfit mount
ed on a truck, to show what the spray
will accomplish. This work is expect
ed by the university people to result
in extensive spraying by the farmer«
themselves next year, as it is.said
fermer can adapt to the alfalfa work
Furnish your home with good taste,
character and refinement. May we
assist you in getting some of your
new goods at rock bottom prices?
Case Furniture Company
Relieve it with glasses
correctly fitted by
our modern methods.
Laoghlin Optical Co.
We owa sad will .sell Lots S,
8, 9, sad 10, Block 1> Caldwell,
at s very attractive price. Ex
cellent terms to s dssirsble pur
chsser. Correspondence solic
Idaho State Ufa
Boise, Idsho.
whatever sort of spray outfit he hap
pens to have.
Spraying Most Effective
'Spraying for control of alfalfa wee
vil offers the most practical, economi
cal and dependable method known at
present," says Mr. Wakefield. "A
spray applied at the time the eggs arc
hatching in greatest numbers and cor
responding numbers of larvae are at
tacking the foliage will greatly reduce
the damage to the first crop and it
may grow until the normal time of
cutting. Each man will have to
watch his own crop to determine when
spray should be applied. In general
a spray applied just when injury to
the foliage becomes easily noticeable
and increases rapidly obtains the best
results. This date may vary from ri
few days to two or three weeks be
for the date of cutting the first crop,
but there is considerable leeway and
any farmer by watching the appear
ance of his _rop closçly can secure
good results by spraying."
Of the Seventh Judicial District of the
State of Idaho, in and for the County
of Canyon. Pearl K. Floyd, Plaintill,
vs. William Floyd, Defendant, Alias
The State of Idaho sends greetings:
To William Floyd, the above named
You are hereoy notified that a com
plaint has been hied again«t you in
the District Court of the Seventh Ju
dicial District of the State of Idaho,
jn and for the county of Canyon by
the above named plaintiff.
This action is brought to obtain a
decree dissolving the bonds of matri
mony existing between the above nam
ed plaintiff and defendant, and that
the custody of all the ch'ildren of the
above named plaintiff and defendant
be awarded to the plaintiff.
And you are hereby directed to ap
pear and answer the said complaint
wihin twenty days of the service of
this summons, if served within said
Judicial District, and within forty
days if served elsewhere; anl you arc
further notified that unless you so
Crepe De Chine
Our entire stock of above Silks placed on sale at a
big saving. Values to $3.98
Caldwell Dry Goods Co.
Don't sell or contract your potatoes until you have
seen us—We will tell you why. Watch this space
for Potato Market News.
Seventh Street, Csldwell, Idaho
Telephone 151
appear and answer said complaint
within the time here specified, the
plaintiff will take judgment against
you as prayed in said complaint.
Witness my hand and the seal o£
aid District Court this 11th day of
June 1920.
(Scal( B. L. NEWELL, Deputy.
Hill & Boone and Ü. D. llargcr, At
torneys for Plaintiff, residing at Cald
well, Idaho. 50-58c
now is the time to etert
Urning the Utilitor. Farmers the
world over are grabbing this Utilitor
as the first real solution to the farm
help problem, and at this very moment
every farmer is laying his plans for
bigger production next season. Coma
in and let us show you what the
Utilitor will do for you.
Phone 529.
FOR SALE—2 lots with 2-rooni
house, elcctric lights and city water,
lots of shade. Inquire at 21JR Everett
WANTED—Girl for genral house
work. Phone 278-J3. 50-51e
KOR REMT—-Nice large porch bed
room in private home. Apply 221 N.
Kimball. 50p