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Items of Interest From Surrounding Territory « CANYON NEWS. + **#•******•*+** + + R. A. Handyshell met with a very serious acident Friday the second. He was on his way to stack hay, when his team became frightened at a calf by the roadside, and he was thrown out against a barbed wire fence. His leg was broken below the knee and he received various cuts and bruises of minor importance. Two doctors were soon on hand and the wounds were properly dressed and he now seems to be doing well. Ruth Myers returned home Thurs day, having had a delightful visit of a week or two at the home of Mr. Stitgel in Riverside. She reports an abundance of fruit in that region. Mrs. D. B. Myers made a trip Wed nesday with her son and his wife to Emmett, bringing back their year's supply of sweet cherries. There was an excursion on Sunday from here to Given's Hot Springs. On Sunday the school room was rec orated with flags and the short pro gram was one of patriotic nature. Mr«. Trotter entertained her mother in-law and her daughter on Sunday. Thé Trotter family celebrated the Fourth at Caldwell. Several of our citizens went to Cald well on Monday morning and to Mid dleton in the afternoon. Mr. Latimer and family came Sun day evening to offer their sympathy to Mr. Handyshell and family. * MIDWAY NEWS * ***+«**«****«+* Forty ladies were present at the meeting of the Midway parent-teach ers Association, Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. J. Smith in North Midway, despite the busy season and very warm weather. The ladies un animously voted for the secretary to write to the Children's Home in Boise for fruit jars for 150 quarts of fruit to be given by members of the so ciety. 'After a short business session a very pleasant social hour was enjoy ed, and Miss Leta Firkins delightfully rendered several vocal solos. Refresh ments of ice cream and cake were served by the hostess assisted by Mesdames Coleman, Shaffer, F. F. Fry, Frarier, Firkins, R. C. Fry, Gib son, Heron, Haines, James Johnson, and Joseph Johnson. The next meet ing will be August 6 at the home of Mrs. M. L. Sutton on the boulevard J. S. H ulbert arrived home Satur day morning from a short business trip to Yakima', Washington. Misses Zelpha and Verda Allen of La Grande, Oregon, are visiting their grandparennts, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Allen. Miss Martha Nichols and niece and nephew, Ella and Wallace Metcalf, left Saturday evening for an extended visit at Malad, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Templeton and their guests Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Tem pleton of Butler, Pa., visited Arrow Rock dam Thursday. Mrs. Kenneth McKeith and son, Karl of Nampa spent Tuesday after noon at the G. L. Karcher home. Miss Gladys Gassnell of Meridian spent several days last week' with her sister, Mrs. C."I. Murray. Richard Whittle arrived home We nesday from several weeks' visit at Spokane, Seattle, and Yakima. Tennyson Walton of Boise is spend ing the .summer with his aunt, Mrs. H. Vaughn. Miss Lois Williams who is attend ing the summer normal in Boise spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C A. Williams. Mrs. Frank Browning went on the poultry excursion to Weiser Friday, which was arranged by the Canyon county farm bureal, and visited the Archie Larson poultry plant, where a demonstration was held. Mrs. G. L. Karcher and Miss Marie Karcher were Caldwell visitors Thurs day afternoon. Mrs. J. M. Nicholas and sister, Mrs. Seth Ball of Salmon, were county seat visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Oeder and daughter, Doris, Mrs. J. S. Gillespie, INTERURBAN TIME TABLE Boise Valley Traction Company NORTHERN DIVISION Leave Caldwell for Ifiddleton, Star, Kagl« and Boise: 6*01 «sflOt 9:*t 11:30 a. m. 1*0, SiJOt 1:30, 6:30, 7:30, 9:30 p. m. > SOUTHERN DIVISION Leave Caldwell for Nampa, Meridian and Boise: «*«. 8*3. 10:23 a. m. 1»*3, Ml, 4:21, 5:23, 1:23, 10*3 p m. SoMJect to change withoat notice. Catherine Chaffer and Mr. and Mrs. George R. Marks and family attend ed the Sunday School picnic of the Nampa Methodist church held at Cur tis park Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn and pephew, Tennyson Walton went to Boise Sat urday to spend the Fourth with rela tives. George L. Karcher, Jr., who is em ployed by the U. S. R. S. near Ros well came up Saturday evening to spend the Fourth with home folks. Mrs. Ralph Gibson and Mrs. John Sites of Nampa attended the Midway P. T. A. at the home of Mrs. A. J. Smith, Friday afternoon. J. H. Pack spent several days Boise last week on account of the illness of his daughter, Mrs. Stewart of Parma, who underwent a serious operation at St. Alphonsus hospital Friday. Twenty-four neighbors and rela tives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Jordan Sunday and enjoyed a picnic dinner on the lawn in celebration of the day. Those at tending were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Powell and daughter Emilie of Nam £ a ' ^ r ? - k. Jordan, Mrs. Lucia [cMillian, E. L. Jordan, jr. of Lone Star, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Sparks and son Herschel, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Orcutt and children, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Lantzer and sons Roy and Alvin, and Mr. and Mrs. S. Lantzer and son William. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Haines and family attended the picnic of former Buhl residents at the J. H. Chambers home near Kuna Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson were Boise visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Charles Buddefl was severely scalded Saturday while canning peas, a pint jar exploding, throwing the contents of the jar in her face and also burning her arms. Fortunately, her eyesight is not injured. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Powell and daughter of Nampa spent the week end at the home of their daughter and sister, Mrs. F. W. Jordan. A party of 35 motored from Bojte and vicinity Sunday and enjoyed picnic dinner at the A. C. Laster home. Those in the party were Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. tyartin and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Leashure, Mr. and Mrs. Caps and family and F. Squiers of Boise; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Laster and family of Ustick; Mr. and Mrs. J. Squiers and daughter of Perkins, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Angeroth and family of Eagle. ils, Charles Mettcalf, jr., Maj Nicho Joe Obstarczyk and George L. Karcher, jr., with friends from Nam pa and Middletton picnicked Sunday at Jump Creek canyon in Owyhee county. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Van Kirk, Mrs. Grace Van Kirk and Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLellan of Nampa were Sunday dinner guests at the J. S. Gillespie home. Mr. and Mrs. William Tharp of Ontario spent Sunday and Monday at the C. O. Haines home. Samuel J. Robinson, salesman for the Buick Truck and Tractor com pany with headquarters at Walla Walla, arrived Monday for a week's visit with ' his pàrtuts, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Robinson. The R. C. Fry* R. W. McCallum and T. F. Fry families and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McConnell of Star spent Sunday at Givens Hot Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Llloyd Dingman of Pueblo, Colo., were callers at the C. O. Haines home Sunday evening on their way to Boise. Rodney Johnson left last week for Eustis, Neb., on a business trip. J. D. Fitzgerald of La Grande, Ore., was a week-end visitor at the Peter Allen home, returning home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Haines went to Emmett Monday after sweet cher ries. Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson ar WATCH THE BIG 4 Stoma ch- Kidneys-Heart- Liver Keep the vital organs healthy by regularly taking the world's stand ard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and urij acid troubles— COLD MEDAL EEEEHna The National Remedy of Holland for centuries and endorsed by Queen Wilhel mina. At -all druggists, three sizes. Look for the name Gold Modal oa •▼cry box and accept a» imit a ti on rived home Saturday from Provo, Utah, where they were called three week* ago by the illness of Mrs, Johnson's mother. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Oeder, Mr and Mrs. J. L. Bumgarner, and the A. J. Smith family picnicked at the Phyllis headgate Monday. Miss Ora Llewellan of Deer Flat and Miss Edna Kenney of Bowmont have been visiting at the C. A. Will iams home. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Templeton left Tuesday for their home at Butler, Pa., going by the way of Yellowstone park and the Great Lakes. They have been visiting at the home of their brother, J. H. Templeton for the past four month*. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Lantzer and family, and Mr. and Mrs. S. Lantzer and son attended the Nebraska picnic at Boise Monday. Mrs. Kenneth McKeeth and little son spent Tuesday afternoon at the G. L. Karcher home. •ft*****«««*«*«** LAKE VIEW * *«*««*««* * * * * * « Mrs. R. R. Bower and children will stay at her sister'«, Mrs. Klinginsmith, during the absence of her husband. Mr. J. F. Diller delivered some dressed fat hogs to Caldwell Friday. Mr. Ralph Hyslop and sister, Miss Janet, and father were callers at the C. M. Rankin home Wednesday eve ning. The Ladies' Aid will give an i«:e cream social at the school house Thursday night, June 8. Eviryb^fiy is especially urged to be presenf with a fat pocketbook. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Carpenter of Caldwell visited friends in Lake View Tuesday. Mr. G. L. Johnson was a Caldwell visitor Friday. Our community was visited by a good rain Tuesday, although it de layed the work in the hay fields. Mr. and Mrs. L. Shanafelt were in Caldwell Wednesday. Miss Alice Klingingsmith accom panied her uncle, Mr. Bower, to Nam pa Thursday and brought his car home. W. R. Williams and Edward John son were helping William Tilton of Lake Lowell in his hay Friday. Mesdames W. E. Coder and Hue bert Newman and baby called on Mrs. H. L. Jenkins Tuesday. Mr. Clyde H. Carpenter of Cald well, representing the Western Unioh Life Insurance company, was in the neighborhood Friday. Mesdames J. J. Miles and W. E. Coder were in Caldwell on business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Sturgeon of Riverside, Mesdames L. M. O'Dean, * O mmm lake a leaf out of a good book" "Good book is right—good for the best gas and the best oils you can buy in this state." 7 Conoco Coupon Rooks come in mighty handy when you buy oils and fuels ' at a Conoco Service Station —no fumbling with money—no waiting for change—just a few coupons torn out, and you are on your way. Buy Conoco Gasoline and see the mileage and reliable power you get per gallon. 7 Lubricate with Polarine — unsurpassed for keeping the motor running quietly. Reeps down wear and repair bills. Sold throughout the Mountain States at service stations, and garages where you see this sign. THE CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY (A Colorado Corporation) DENVER Albuquerque SUtLakeOty CONOCO GASOLINE .ATTILUNG^TIME LOOK FOR THE CONOCO SOLDIER SIGN o o o o p ■9 Will Lietchy and Miss Vivian Lietchy were visiting friends. Martin Sturgeon and Miss Vivian Lietchy were in the Gem district Tuesday. • Carman McDonald of Apple Valley is spending a few days with Mrs. A. W. Quast. Roumanla'« Oil Well«. Many of the Roumanian oil wells are not in working order, which I« chiefly due to the military measures taken by the allies at the time of the German advance In Roumanla. Al though Gen. Falkenhayn'« expert« de voted particular attention to the re construction of the dismantled wells, their work was crowned with limited success, and It will take a long period of systematic work to raise the Rou manian oil fields again to their pre war Importance. The Roumanian gov ernment is reported to have lately concluded a convention with the Aus trian government whereby they are to supply the Austrian« with petroleum and other material of primary neces sity In exchange for Industrial prod ucts. OUN ü RA IN A -l companies, by having as place your needs. Full coverage, expert advice on slight building change« to re duce rates feature our insur ance service. II FRED MITCHELL The Insurance Man C A L D WïL L Idaho REMOVING CAPS FROM HUBS Most Stubborn Cases Can Be Reme died by Use of Jack and Long Handled Wrench. Hub caps wont always come off merely by wrench persuasion, even when considerable manual effort is also used, «ays Motor Life. If the cap Is so tight that you cannot budge it by your own efforts, bring the Jack Into the matter. Use a fairly long handled wrench, and place the Jack under the end of the handle. A few strokes of the Jack will get the be«t of the stubbornest hub cap. Read The Tribune Classified Ads. Moline (££*) GRAIN BINDERS ARE Substantially built—weight \ 800 Lightest Draft — Separate Reel Drive Simplest Knot Tiers— Triangular Driving Arm Use less twine to the knot and are absolutely sure. Backed by large repair stock Plymouth Binder Twine 21c on Time—20c for cash Idaho Implement Co. CALDWELL Fertilize With Sweet Clover Fcemont county farmers have plant ed 98 après of sweet' clover for ferti lization. Farmers have high hopes of the outcome of this venture as it means, if successful, an initial cost of only $3.00 for. seed. caller, Meditating Revenge. "Ah,"- exclaimed the brisk "having a day dream 7" "Ton might call It that," tH Mr. Dubwalte, sourly. "Tee?" "I was Just thinking up a few cold and sarcastic remarks to make to my landlord If I ever pass by him in my flivver when his motorcar <« in a ditch."