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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
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People Are Coming FromFar and Near To Buy at These Reductions This sale is making prices lower—It is making buying easier—It is relaxing the strain on every pocketbook—A lot of good merchandise is going çut at prices that bring hack the normal buying power of your dollars-Supply the family's needs now. Clearance of Shoes and Men's Furnishings Starts Monday, July 12 Prices Tumble on Men's Straw Hats | Some Cleanup Prices on Fine Oxfords —And prices have taken a big tumble, too, on the finest line of men's cool, light weight Straw Hats in Canyon county. Included are Panamas, Bangkoks, Sennets and Sailors, including nifty styles from the "Dunlap'' and "Lion" factories. —Yot 1—"Dunlap" high-grade Hats, koks, Panamas and Sailors; regular $10 values; clearance price —Lot 2 — Bangkoks, Panamas and Sailors in several of the smartest shapes of the season; Dunlap and Lion makes; Hats that were marked right in the first place at $6.00, $6.50 and $7.00, 04 QC Your choice for vTiüu —Lot 3—Good Panamas and Sailors that were bis values at $4.50 and $5.00; Your choice for including Bang $6.95 ere big $3,95 Some Special Lot» of Men's Underwear —MEN'S ELASTIC KNIT or Mesh Unions in long or short sleeves, ankle length; price, the suit $1.75 — ATHLETIC NAINSOOK UNIONS, made of good materials and cut full and roomy; priced at $1.25 to $1.95 —FLAT KNIT UNIONS in sleeveless, knee length style; well made and finished with good pearl buttons; the suit $1.35 $3.75 P&nts, $2.95 —Good weight, dark gray Cotton ade Work Pants. "Duchess" make. 10c a button, $1.00 a rip. $1.75 Silk Hose Reduced to $1.19 —A large assortment of fancy stripes and plain colors. Nifty, up to-the-minute stuff. If you wear Silk Hose, here is a good saving for you. All sizes in the lot. $11.50 and $12.50 Silk Shirts for $8.95 —These are beautiful, heavy qual ity, all pure Silk Shirts in the hand somest patterns you ever looked at. At this price, a lot of men can afford to have a new Silk Shirt or two. All sizes in the lot. Men's Shoes and Oxfords AT BIG SAVINGS —6 numbers, including our highest grade "CROSSETT" Oxfords and Dress Shoes, have been priced sharply downward. —15 pairs Brown Ca^f English Oxfords; $15.00 value $10.45 —15 pa <rs $16.00 Shoes re duced to, pair $11.45 —li pairs $i6.Q0 Shoes re duced to, pair $12.45 —14 pairs $9.00 Shoes re duced to, pair $7.45 —9 pairs $8.00 Shoes reduced to, jair $6. 45 Corliss-Coon and Tri angle Starched* Linen COLLARS —Odds and ends and discontinued numbers of all starched Linen Col lars have been put in one big lot at one price. All sizes in the lot. You save ONE-HALF and more. 1 Collar for '....15c 2 Collars fot 25c 5 Collars for 50c .9 Collars for 75c 12 Collars for $1 —Better buy a dozen for future use. Soft Collars, 19c — Sevçral of the best styles to se lect from. Not all" sizes in each style, but all sizes in the lot. Men's Caps 95c and $1.50 —Some mighty good values in this lot. Odds and ends from higher priced lines. Pajamas —AND— Gowns —This weather calls for cool,* light weight sleeping gar ments, and here is a chance to supply your need at worthwhile reductions. —We feature "BRIGHTON" Muslin Pajamas, Gowns and Pajunions for both men and boys, and they are always the best to be found at their reg ular prices. NOW you can get tthem for much less than regular. —$1.75 to $2.00 *1 /■£ values, priced at «P 1 .43 —2.25 to $2.50 ^ J values, priced at —$2.75 and $3.00 a gj values priced at —$3.50 and $4.00 0^ values, priced at Boys' Sleepers $1.15 and $1.35 —Boys' Gowns and Pajamas of extra good quality and full cut. All sizes from 6 to i4 years. These were bought over a year ago and are real bargains at these prices. Iwo popular shades to Prices Cut Deep on Children's Hats Summer thaninany for , including m»*- vi7Ju t r* j vuuurcna naw tnis »ummer tnan in mer season. We have featured enormous selections of every shape and style, including everyday Play Hats and the finest Milans and Panamas. All the remaining stock has been sharply reduced to effect absolute clMranr. within ma»* i. j • v- It , - 9 , V «mau» «na ranimas, au tne remaining stock has been sharply reduced to effect absolute clearance within the next few days. Brins the youngsters in—the right kind of cool, light Straw Hat means so much to their Boys' Straw Hats —This collection includes the smaller shapes for lit tle fellows and mannish shapes for older boys of 8 to 16 years. —75c and 85c Straws reduced to 59c —95c and $1.00 Straws reduced to 79c —$2.25 Toyo Pajamas reduced to $1.79 $1.25 Straws reduced to 98c Children's Straw Hats —This collection represents many different styles, mostly small or everyday war. g ' They are good hats for dress —$1.25 to $1.35 values reduced to 98c —75c and $85c values reduced to !.!!Ü59c —85c and $1.00 values reduced to. .!!.'!"!!,79c Children's Cloth Hats, 49c and 59c —Many of these are washable, but all of them are very cool and serviceable for Summer wear. They cofiie in a wide variety of plain colors, stripes and checks in small Rah-Rah shapes 60c and 65c values reduced to 49c' —75c and 85c values reduced to '. .S9c Girls' Milans and Panamas —The newest, most becoming wide brim hats of fine milan and Panama straws in black, red, brown, navy and combinations. —$2.25 Milans reduced to $1.69 —$3.00 Milans reduced to $2.29 —$3.50 and $4.00 Panamas $2.98 Savings on Boys Wash Suits Rompers 9 Palm Beach Suits j—The July Clearance Sale offers you an opportunity to supply the boys needs for Summer and school wear this Fall at money-saving prices. All Wash Suits and Romp ers for little fellows and Palm Beach Suits for big boys are sub stantially reduced. "Kaynee" Wash Suits Reduced to $2.65 and $3.45 —These Wash Suits are the best obtainable—in fabrics, style and fit. They will not fade or shrink out of shape. About three dozen to choose from in plain and striped materials attractively trimmed. —Ages 2 to 7 years. Regular $3.25 to $4.50 values. Boys' Romper Suits Reduced to 98c and $1.19 —Just the thing for the kiddies to play in during hot weather and for them to ^art to school in. Sizes 1 to 6 years. —$1.15 to $1.25 values 98c —$1.25 to $1.50 values $1.19 $12.50 Palm Beach Suits Now $9.45 —Cool, smart .looking suits for boys of 8 to 16 years of age. Made in nitty belted models with knickerbocker pants. Two popular select from. —The clearance of Women's Oxfords comprises about 200 pairs, representing the remaining stock of 16 different styles in white canvas, white kid and colored kidskins and calfskins. Lot One. $4.95 —Regular values to $6.50. —-7 pairs of White Canvas Ox fords with medium Cuban heel; OTzes 3 y 2 to 7y. —9 pairs of Gun Metafl Sport Oxfords with low heel and per forated wing tip; sizes 3 to 7; widths A to D. A very service able number for street wear. Lot Three $5.95 Two.... Lot —Regular $8.50 values. —Over 100 pairs of smart Summer Oxfords in this lot, including black and brown kidskin, black and brown calfskin and white buck. All style heels, including Louis, Cuban and low military heels. Widths AA to D and sizes 2y 3 to 7 in the lot. —You save $2.55 on every pair. «aï —Regular $11.50 values. —These are Utz & Dunn high grade patent leather, 6-eyelet Lac» Oxfords witth high leather Louis heels. One of the smartest and dressiest oxfords we have shown this season. Just, 11 pairs of them left. AA to D widths and sizes 4 to 7}4 in t ie lot. —$4.05 saved on every pair. $9.95 Lot Four. —Regular $13.50 and $14.00 values. —This lot consists of 41 pairs of Utz & Dunn's fine oxfords. —9 pairs of White Kid Ox fords with military heels. —16 pairs of Black Kid Ox fords with military heels. —16 pairs of Whitte Kid Ox r fords with kid covered Louis heels. —Widths AAA tto C. All sizes in the lot. Lot Five 10.95 —Regular $14.50 and $16.00 values. —Utz & Dunn's finest Black and Brown Kid Lace Oxfords, with fashionable narrow foreparts and and leather Louis heels. Goodyear welt soles and choicest kid upper stock. Sizes range from i l / 2 to 8 in widths from AAA to D. A chance to save $3.50 to $4.00 on a pair to wear all Fall. All Pumps Grouped in Eight Lots —If you need a light weight dressy pair of Pumps for immediate wear or to wear for dancing and parties this Fall and Winter, here is a chance to make a splendid saving. Lot Six. $7.4$ —Regular $9.50 values. —11 pairs of white kid 2-eye let Ties with kid covered Louis heels. Sizes 4 to 6J4; widths AA to C. —18 pairs of Brown Kid Southern Ties with smart leather Louis heel; sizes 3 to 7; widths AA to C. Medium weight soles suitable for street or dress wear. —At $7.95 there are two num bers of beautiful Patent Leath er Pumps that sold for $9.50 and $10.00. $5.95 Lot Seven. —Regular $8.50 Values. —This lot comprises just 14 pairs of handsome Black Kid Pumps that are suitable for street wear, parties or dancing. They are made of unusually fine, soft kid stock and have an attractive high throat ef fect in front. Size 3 to 7 and widths AA to C in the lot. —$2.55 under regular price, which was low for this fine fitting high-grade pump. ? 3 *3 $9.95 Lot Eight —Regular $13.00 Values. —One of the most beautiful and most com fortable pumps in our stock—a 1-eyelet tie made by Utz & Dunn. It has a very, light, flexible hand turn sole and high, kid covered Louis heel; a beautiful fitter and as dainty as can be. —Just 8 pairs of them left; sizes 4 to 8; widths AÀ to D. Lot Nine. $10.95 —Regular $14.00 Values. ,. i - » H ■» —15 pairs of Utz & Dunn brown kid 1-eyelet Tie Pumps with kid covered Louis heels and trim, hand turned soles. This has been one of our very best sellers and the remaining 15 pairs will be chosen quickly. —There are practically all sizes in the lot from 8 to 7 in AA to C widths. Some Bargains in Women's Good Boots more or less broken and on Which we will not re-order for F «11. Lot Ten—Regular $9.50 to $11.00 Values —21 pairs of Utz & Dunn White Kid Boots with kid covered heels regular $11.50 values; sizes 3 l / 2 to 7; widths AAA to D. ' —14 pairs of White Kid Boots with white silk tops and Goodyear welt soles; made by Utz & Dunn; sizes AVj to 6 1 / 2 . —73 pairs of Brown Kid Lace and Button Boots with light gray kid tops either Louis or military heels; also all Brown Kid Lace Boots with leather Louis heels: stylish, serviceable shoes for all occasions: wowrth $1 to $11 a pair on today's market. Lot Eleven. $4.45 —Regular $6.00 Values. —36 pairs of White Canvas Lace Shoes with good street soles and leather military heels. Sizes 2 l / 2 to 8; widths from A to D. "Just the thing for Summer and early Fall wear. Lot Twelve. $3.35 —Regular $4.75 Values. —Women's White Canvas Shoes with good weight soles and low leather heels. A good shoe for general wear and especially popu lar for growing girls; sizes 2]A to 8; widths A to D. 7 Great Reductions on Child's Low-cuts —Parents of girls and misses will welcome the genuine reductions we have madr on th,.. i; _ r high grade Slippers and Oxfords. These are- fIrriS " make Iow-cuts-^ne vTry fine.t anTbest chU dren's footwear made, which means comfort and longer service for your money. White, Brown and Black 1-Strap Slippers T T c e ^?. S . liPP 1 r f arC made ? n ®„ v f r y f smart, dressy wide toe last that gives plenty of toe room and still looks neat. Finest selected upper stock white^calf" 16 ° hand turned soles. Patent leather, brown calf or —Sizes 3 to 5, regular $3.25 value ... e $2 29 —Sizes iVt tto 8, regular $3.45 value .."!!!!!!!!!."!!! !$2.65 —Sizes V/i tto 11, regular $3.95 value ... $298 —Sizes 11 y, to 2, regular $4.75 valu. . . $348 » Canyon County's Popular Department Store Misses $5.50 Black Kid Oxfords at $3.95 —These are popular Lace Oxfords built on a medium English sport last with a good weight, service able sole and low heels. These were received late so there are all sizes left. —Get the girls a pair of these to finish out the season with and wear to school this Fall. A high toe shoe of this quality would cost nearly double. Children's Roman Sandals —Infants' and children's 4 and 5 strap Patent Leather Slippers with patent vamp arid kid uppers; made of best stock with hand turned soles; very cunning arçd dressy. —Sizes 3 to 5, $3.50 value ... .$2.65 —Sizes 5 y t to 8, $4.25 value $2.98 —Sizes 8J4 tto 11, $4.75 value $3.4$