Newspaper Page Text
ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM SURROUNDING TERRITORY * * « MARBLE FRONT ITEMS. * * ♦ * !*■ t * * * J"t* ft ****** J. A. and J. E. McLin and the Misses Lôu and Hattie McLin were callers at the W. C. Pupate home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Taylor arc proud of a 7 l /i pound boy born Saturday. Don't forget the ice cream sociaal Riven on the lawn of the T. C. Fear son home Friday evening, Aug. 20. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith and daughter, Neva and Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson of Caldwell were Sunday callers at the J. J. Moore home. The Marie Front school oard held a meeting at the school house Fri day. It was decided to egin school September 6, to make some repairs on the building and to add some play ground equipment. Miss Ethel Fugate spent Sunday with her grandfather, J. M. Summers. Mrs. Bow and daughter, Ruth and son, John spent Sunday at the Ralph Hamner home. Miss Birdie Cook, Mrs. W. H. King Mrs. T. C. Pearson and Mrs. J. j! Moore motored to Kuna Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown and daughter of Trinidad ,Colo., and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Morberly of Mid dleton spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Ms. Elmer Brown. Miss Leta Flint of Long Beach, Calif., spent the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Corn. . There were 40 members of the Boise Valley Jersey cattle club met at the Dille ranch Sunday afternoon. Harry Harshman fell from his threshing separator and injured his shoulder. ' Henry, Beck and family attended a ïï« braska Picnic near Eagle Sunday. Mrs. T. C. Pearson spent Sunday at Nampa. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. 1 Dille left for a two weeks' visit to Portland. Miss Flossy Huffman and Floyd who have been visiting at the home • of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Corn and Dora Corn and Lulla Paynter took dinner ?£.. honie of Mr - and Mrs ' J- T. Wilson of Middleton Sunday. Twenty-one young people gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beck Sunday. t Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Augustus and Mr and Mrs. E. W. Griffith and nephew, Emmett Miller of Shawne:, Oklahoma, and Mrs. C. Johnson of Illinois are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Harshman. Mrs. Ellen Cook and Miss Birdie Cook motored to Kampa Sunday and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Drummond. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Foster and family of Glenn's Ferry, Mr. S. S Foster of Salt Lake and Mr. and Mrs A. C. Hostie of Wilder spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Milliner. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Laws and and and Mrs. Plum of Caldwell were visitors at the J. K. Mullin home Tuesday. Mrs. Chas. Milliner and Mrs. McNitt and Mrs. Eustice of Caldwell spent Monday afternoon at the Geo. Mil liner home. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Wilson and son, of Bowmont, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Laws and children of Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Merrett and daughter and Mr. and- Mrs ,C. T. Weymouth and children were Sunday vrntors at the L. A. Weymouth home. L. W. Barker of Norton. Karis., who have een visiting at the M. P. Smith home left Monday y auto to visit coast points in Oregon and California ebfore returning to Kansas. Henry Hanna and family of Wilder were Sunday guests at the D. C. Good loe home. Hobert Paint0r and family from Colorado are visiting Mr. aPinter's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. G. L Painter. Edna Myrl Goodloe is visiting this week at her uncle's home. Henry Hanna of Wilder. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bodfe of Bow omnt and Mr. and Mrs. Bodle of Nampa spent Sundav at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Vassor. *************** * * ♦ CENTBRPOINT. Mrs. Charley Hulbert and Mrs. Ed gar York started for the mountains Tuesday. The Missouri picnic was well at tended at the Floyd Ford home Sun Everybody had a good time. Miss Birdie Bowman has returned from a week's visit with relatives in Caldwell. Jessie Wilson and Agnes Buffington were married at . Caldwell last Sat urday. Btwi McDaniels sister is visiting him from La Grande, Ore. The Notus ball team came over Sunday to play the Dixie boys. The game ended in favor of notus. Everyone was putting up their heaters Wednesday. Mrs. Ethel Ford was hit with the nail at the gaem Sunday but »vas not seriously hurt. Mrs. Marvin oPwell is going to Cascade Saturday to spend a few davs with Mr. Powell. *********«**»»4.4.» Î * * BRIER ROSE. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Kingsbury who have been staying at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Homer Young, are moving in town to the Grete property which they recently purchased. Esther Roff of Kuna and Darlv Towel of Midway were callers at the Runciman home Friday. Miss Rachael Torrence left Sunday night for St. Helena, Calif., where she wfll take a course in nurse training. She was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Dorch. The Parked family were Sunday visitors at Mr. Miller's at Greenleaf. Paul Christopher and Charley Os trem went on a fishing trip near S'otu-. early Sunday morning. Alta and Nellie Grete were Sunday dinner guests at the Christopher home. Hugh Carmen who recently pur chased the H. E. Smith property is putting down a well and making other improvements on the place. Messrs Parker and Smyzer started Tuesday morning with quite a crew to dig potatoes, but experienced so much difficulty with the digger that they quit work at 4:30 p. m. ' . Mrs. W. A. Douglass who recently suffered a stroke of paralysis is re ported slowly improving. Miss Margaret Torrence who has been at College Place attending Sum mer school returned Wednesday morning. Mr. Horn is leaving this week for his old_ hoitie in Wyoming to bring back his automobile which was left there when the family moved here in the spring. He will drive back in the car. Mrs. St. Clair was visited b) old friends from Kansas Tuesdav. Mrs. Stell Williamson who suffered a stroke of paralysis a t Krezeck's is considerably improved. Mrs. Frank Rowland and the two Mrs. McCarthy's called on the Smith'? in the Maple Grove district this week. Roy Shaw is the possessor of a new bicycle. Howard E. Jones arrived from Wis consin Sunday evening and will spend the week visiting his cousins, the Shawi. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. McCarthy spent Saturday night at Mr. Presher s over on the river and Sunday visited Warm Springs. Grandpa Shaw left Monday night on is way to his home in Michigan. He will stop over in North Dakota to visit friends. Mrs. J. L. Edelfson Miss Margaret Edelfson and Mrs. Tierson were Nam pa visitors Sunday. Mrs. Tierson was a dinner guest at the Edelfson home. Mrs. Oscar Baum and mother, Mrs. Bayless, called on Mrs. Will Bayless Tuesday evening. Mr. Henry of Nampa wa svisitin at the Edelfson home Sunday. H TEN DAVIS NEWS. Miss Grace Ashcroft and Victor Ashcroft spent Sunday with their parents in Ten Davis. Glen Penson spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mr». G. GA Penson. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Stafford were Sunday visitors at the H. I. Mc Laughlin home. Grandma Gahley was called to Al bany, Ore., last week by the severe illness of her mother. No word has been received from her yet 4ince she arrived there. Miss Stella Richardson of Parma was a Sunday visitor at the Ellis home here. G. L. Judd was- a Parma visitor Friday. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hertig and children spent Saturday night and Sunday in Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Z. S. Barnum were Parma visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. I. McLaughlin, Anna and Harvey were Caldwell visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Eckberg of Nebraska, who have been visiting relatives in this neighborhood, ac companied Mrs. John Gahley to Al bany, Ore., last week. Frank Gahley has purchased a new Overland four. Phone Saves Life in Critical Place Modern Convenience Proves Worth in One More Instance Where Death Might Have Resulted Boise, Idaho, Aug. 16.—It is for tunate at times our little friend, the telephone, can't talk or it might fur nish a mixture of romance and sen sationalism outrivaling the movies. But this valuable servitor of the pub lic remains silent and the stories pour ed into its ears reach none but the right parties. There are times, however, when it is regrettable that the telephone can not tell its own story. Here is one it had that comes out without its aid. It had to do with Charles Moyle, engaged as a sheep camp tender, who found himself in charge of an injured stranger, John Matlock, remote from medical aid in the mountains of Idaho. Matlock had come with some friends all the way from Iowa, bôund for the coast. Arriving here de de cided on a detour into the mountains going alone to Payette Lakes and then back on the Lake Fork and on further. While fishing he' fell and fractured his leg and laid for several hours until Moyle hapened along the trail. Matlock as in terrible agony. The man of the mountains gave him some relief and then telephoned for a doctor. It as almost as easy to do it as though the injured man had been in ton for Moyle rode only a few miles to a telephone attached to a tree—part of the forest service line. Over that line he got connection ith a ton. Two physicians sped to n the spot in an auto, were taken up the trail on horses and, after applying temporary relief, brought the man out and set his leg. The bones had penetfrated the flesh and any material delay, during such hot eather, might have cost the man's life, which the telephone and the auto saved. ft***-»*««««.*«.***« * INDUSTRIAL REVIEW. * £ * £ ******** * Meridian—Fruit evaporator to be built here. Deary—Work starts on new high school building here. OregSn Short Line opened new de pot at Gannet August 1. Assessed value of Lewis countv. $8,600,000. Real property assessment shows $7,631,302; personal and cor porate add million, makking total of over $8,500,1)00. Shoshone county, in conjunction with the state'of Idaho and federal forest service will construct a new reaver Lookout paa», cost about Arco—The Bank of Commerce is now "The First National Banlc of wit J> capital increased from $25,000 to $50,000. Sandpoint —Two road contracts ag gregating nearly $400,000 for 2Ç miles of water bound macadam construc tion on the Idaho north and south highway between Sandpoint and Bonners Ferry were let recently by William J. Ham, commissioner of the bureau of public works, and the com missioners of Bonner and Boundary counties. The railroad to the phosphate fields, recently acquired in the Aspen range by the Anaconda Copper Mining company, has been started, according to reports. This branch road, which will be standard guage, seven .and a half miles in length will make a junc tion with the Oregon Shohrt Line railroad at Soda Springs. State officials assert the present condition of the Idaho potato crop is 95 per cent of normal, forecasting a total crop of 6,186,400 bushels. A year ago the condition was only 75 per cent of normal and the final out turn amounted to 5,400,000 bushejs. The 1920 potato acreage is 35,000, a gain of 1000 acres over last year. Lewiston —Harvesting of early ap ples has commenced in orchards of this valley. Crop short about 25 per cent but outlook for fall apples good. Moscow—Much work is being done Moscow and Genesee. Good grades on the new state highway between are being secured. Reflective of the prosperous condi tion in the various agricultural com munities of Canyon county it is to be noted that three out of every five farmers in the county own automo biles. THROW OUT THE LINE Give Them Help and Many Caldwell People Will Be Happier Throw Out the Life Lin"— Weak kndneys need help. They're often overworked — they don t gett the poison filtered out of the blood. Will ^ou help them? Doan s Kidney Pills have brought benefit to thousands of kidney suffer ers. Ask your neigrbor. * Caldwell testimony proves thier worth. Mrs. Milton Foster, 407 Dearborn Ave., Caldwell, says: "Some years ago when I was living in Kansas, 1 used Doan's Kidney Pills. T had 'been having considerable kidney trouble and had suffered with lame ness in my back. I was also bothered jvith my kidneys being weak and act ing irregularly. Doan's Kidney Pills gave me the desired results in everv way.'- J Price 60c at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy—ge. Doan s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Foster had. Foster-Milburn Co., Manufacturers. Buffalo, N. Y. 25 Relief given only by correctly fitted glasses THORO SERVICE ASSURED HERE LAUGHLIN OPTICAL CO. 709 Main St IDAHO TRACTION COMPANY Interurban Tin« Tabic Northern Division Leave Caldwell for Middleton, Star, Eagle and Boise 6:30, 8:00; 9:30, 11:30 a. m. 1:30. 3:30, 5:30, 6:30, 7:30, 9:30 p. m. Southern Division Leave Caldwell for Nampa, Meridian, and Boise 6:55, 8:23, 10:23, a. m. 12:23. 2:23, 4 :23, 5:23, 6:23. S 03. 10:23 p. m. Subject to Change Without Notice. A Right Choice Nearly everyone arrives at point whan there is need for tonic Scoffs Emulsion the choke of tens of thou because gives tone the whole and strength. restore» Tt NOW FEELS FINE IN THE MORNINGS Loa Angelea Man Gained Fifteen Pounds Taking Tanlac— Trouble Oversime "Tanlac has not only rid me of my troubles but has added fifteen pounds to my weight," said Joseph A. Dunmire, of 402 Crocker street. Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. Dunmire has been a trusted employee of the Los Angeles TransfeV company for twen ty-seven years. "Before I started taking Tanlac," he continued, "I could not eat a single meal without my food fermenting and gas forming so bad it made me mis erable. M had rheumatism in rnj right leg so bad at times I could hard ly get about and at night I was too restless to get much sleep. I had very little appetite and went dow.i ""I *o fast that I lost fifteen pounds and got so weak I could hardly do my work. "Well, air, in spite of the band con dition I was in I hadn't taken more than half a bottle of Tanlac before I felt a hundred per cent better. Now all my sufferings have stopped com pletely I can eat three hearty meals every day and sleep like n log at night. I have regained every pound of my lost weight and am in as good health as a man wants to be. ' I have started my daughter taking Tanlac, so you see what I think of it." Tanlac is sold in Caldwell by Bot kins—Joy Drug Co., in Notus by An drews Mercantile Co., and in Wilder, R. F. D. from Greenleaf, by Walker Drug Co.—Adc. FRED MITCHELL The . Insurance Man CALDWELL Idaho We are Insurance ad visers, equipped to give exact information, expert property valuation and Fire prevention advice—how to get lower rates, etc. # Ready to serve you. KEEP IT SWEET Keep your stomach sweet today and ward off the indi gestion ol tomorrow— fry R mioid S the new aid to digestion. As pleasant and as safe to take as candy. •OOW» BOWM Over fifty years ago a young phyrician practiced widely in a rural district and became famous for his uniform success in the curing of disease. Thia was Dr. Pierce, who afterwards estab lished himself in Buffalo, N. Y., and placed one of his proscriptions, which he called "Golden Medical Discovery," in the drug stores of the United States so that the pub He oould easily obtain this very remarkable tonic, corrective and blood - maker. Dr. Pierce manu factured this "Discovery" from roots and barks — a corrective 1 remedy, the ingredients of which nature had put in the fields and forests, for keeping us healthy. FVw folks or families now living have Bot at sometime or other used this "Golden Medical Discovery" for the stomach, liver and heart. Over twenty-four million bottlsa of this tome and blood remedy s boon sold in this country. =TRIBUNE= Classified Advertisements .BRING RESULTS, POR SALE. FOR SALB— OLD PAPERS. INQUIRE Tribune. 17tf POR SALE— FUMED OAK KIMBALL piano, like new. Matt Wants, 102 Cleveland: phone 328-J. SStf FOR SALE—«-ROOM BOUSE AT 114 Dearborn; easy terms, close in. Sttfc FOR SALE—«-ROOM MODERN BUNO alow: a bargain If taken at onoe; ood terms; good location. Phone Bl-J. S9tfc FOR SALE— S ACRES ON SOUTH 10th fine place for home; $600 crop of wheat and alfalfa on it; price, 83000. This Is a bargain. Inquire at Tribune office. S7tfc FOR SALE}—1 McCORMICK 12-FOOT header; 1 asplrlvall potato sorter; cheap and a bargain for anyone who needs them. At Caldwell Forwarding company. 67tfc FOR SALE—1 McCORMICK 12-FOOT header; 3 aapirlvall potato sorter; cliean and a bargain for anyone who needs them. At Caldwell Forwarding company. S7tfc FOR SALE—8! U ACRES. WELL IM proved farm close in. 116,000; $<000 cash and good terms: $18,000 takes stock, hay and all equipment. A bar gain for a buyer who wants a real farm. Paid-up water right and 4 ar tesian wells. Phone 277-R-4. or write box 40S. tfc FOR SALE—ONE S-ROOM HOUSE, modern except heat; garage; also one 5-pasaenger touring car. Inquire bune. «60 FOR SALE — FURNITURE AND ra nge practically new. Call ISIS " *— 69-70p Arthur. FOR SALE—New Overland "Four." Willy's-Knight Agency, Wyckoff Motor Co. 66tf FOR SALE Rhodenbau lng; phone 287-J-i. PEACH PLUMS AT ranch; fine for dry 70-71c Tribune office. p O£.. SALE—5 ACRES ON SOUTH 10th st; fine place for home; $500 £S?L of w. 1 ?*" 1 , 1 and alfalfa on it; price Ä * h Jf. '■ a bargain. Inquire at Tribune office. 67tfc MANGEAL BICYCLE IN GOOD CON dit i on ; inquire G. Muwler, Logan B t.: 2 blocks west of Washnigton school. «8-«9p _LOST LOST—EMERALD RING BETWEEN 14th and 16th sts of Chicago. Call ' 68-71tfc LOST—GOODYEAR 34.4 TIRE IN good condition. Lost between Nam Ferry and_oJrdan; reward. C. E 70-71c llabaugh, Caldwell. MISCELLANEOUS. BOARD AND ROOM AT $10 PER week at 1124 Cleveland. Phone 785-J. 81tfc RAG S AT TR IBUNE OF IFCË i0 CENTS A POUND NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. Notice ts hereby given that I, Fran cisco Romo, who was convicted of the crime of second degree burglary. No 10th, 1»19 in the court of the Seventh Judicial district, in and for the County of Caldwell. State uf Idaho, and was sentenced by said court to snr\o rrom six months to five years imprison ment in the penitentiary st Koise. County of Ada, State of Idaho, will make application to the Board of Pardons, at their ne\t regu tMn te J, th S '•« l ' Publica tion of this notice for an absolute paraon. (Signed) 71-77p FRANCISCO ROMO. Box 58. Boise, Idaho. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Ihjthe ^probate court of Canyon county, In ß the matter of the estate of William Q. Rode, deceased. -,£i. ot i ce J" hereby given by the under wfi?lt?m a '^'"«gtratrix of the estate of 3i> iL „ Ro< ?e, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons havlni? exhltïît the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary fw.«» r £'n îi 1 ' 11 four months after the IL A S i f . S' this notice, to the said administratrix at the offioe of Frank È. Meek, .in the Western Na l» 0 |rt r>fl a building, Caldwell, Idaho, Place P &; tÂtlîr g „n e u d , ln V„ th o! !ti1e e of at Idaho. the C ° Unty ° f Canyon ' Dated August 18th. 1920. A 1am nl G ri R r rt* o? Wl'u FRANK E RO MEEK Cea8ed A wen. e îdaho r Adm, n!«tratrix. Çald NOTICE TO CREDITORS. I "ldaho >r0bate COUrt of Cal, y° n county, a!"waite, 1 deceased. 68tate of Leora .i^ ce J 8 hereby given by the under ï JSV q a^ w ?»"trator of tne estate of Leora A. Waite, deceased, to the credl against "the Ï-Iif'*" 0118 havln B claims fhem ll h thJ deceased, to exhibit î"."™. Y'th the necessary vouchers HcinJIn n , i r tï'| 0nth ?. after t" e flrst PUb ? thl ? .notice, to the said ad mlnistrator at the office of Purtis Haydon his attorney, Western Na i»l5 nf»? h l i" dl "f' Caldwell, Idaho. Pjâçe P & e transition of a tmsln al ss ' o! ltite e ;f a idah n o. th6 C ° Unty Canyon ' Dated August 11th, 1920. Administrator of the Estate of L L«!ra A . Walte, Deceased. 8l-77c ALIAS SIMMONS. In «,. t J 1 i e i 1'5 t , rl . < ' t . ">" rt of the Seventh judicial district of tne State of Idaho. In and for the County of Canyon. êrait^î» a defenda'n t . n ' V ' &nM,k The State of Idaho sends greetings to the above named defendant. Aank uraitsch: \ You are hereby required to appear WANTED. WANTED—CHAMBERMAID AT 8AR atoga hotel. 4itfo GOOD PAINTER WANTS WORK. ALL «.î u ^ ra ?A? e JÎ, : B r ' c «a right. Phone 328-J. 102 Cleveland. SStf WANTED—GIRL OR WOMAN FOR general housework. Good wages. 4Itfc HOUSE. 6»-71p Phone I8S-W. w AN T ED —.FURNISHED Phone 650-W; no children. WANTED—TO RENT SMALL HOUSE o . 0 M* &X bu e'Ä WANTED — COWS TO PASTURE, good blue grass and running water! close in on 10th st. Inquire H. D Parks, lilt Blaine st. Phone 4»«. «•tho TO TRADE TO TRADE AS FIRST PAYMENT— One 5-room bungalow in Caldwell for improved 40 not too far from school. Address P. O. box 46, Home dale, Ida. 7ip GIRL WANTED — FOR GENERAL housework. Steady employment. Call or write Mrs. I. M. McCarthy 1108 Everett. Caldwell, Ida. arthy, 67trc WANTED TO RENT A MOTORCYCLE for 2 or 3 months Notify Tribune. «»-70c W A N T E D — EXPERIENCED MALE bookkeeper. Prefer one with stenog rapher experience. Address P. O. box 488, Caldwell. WANTED—SECOND HAND CAR IN good condition; write to J. J. Wal lace, Huston, Rt. 2, stating model and «»-70p inut)i nuDiun, x\ year and price. FOR RENT. FOR RENT—A NICE LARGE SLEEP lng p orch, 221 N. Kimball, Mrs. D. M. Baker. «g tto FOR RENT—BEDROOM AND BATH. Phone 97-R. 83tfo FOR RENT — HOUSEKEEPING „apartment at 1124 Cleveland. Phone FOR RENT—LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Phone 152-M. «8c MATERNITY HOME. MRS. H. a ROBINSON, EXPERI enced obstetrical nurse, will take maternity ' *--- * ver î J "•»■»w»» IV»« ** M * ®V| w III 4 BIIW ternity cases at her home, 823 Den st.. Caldwell. Call or phone 78Ï-W. EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT. If you have anything you want to swap visit our trade room. Tell the trade man, H. E. Smith of P. E. ~ Land Co. 40 acres Black Canyon land to trade for good car. . 16 3> acres Black Canyon land to trade for Boise, Caldwell or Nampa property. Car to trade on city property. 320 acres in the wheat belt to trade for something around Caldwell. List your trades. We will match SMITH LAND CO.. Caldwell^ Idat in an action brought against you by the above named plaintUf in the dls Sïiïi. „ the Seventh Judicial district of the State of Idaho, in and for the County of Canyon, and to an swer the complaint on file herein = Pi? ^ yocopy ot whlch 's hereto attached, within twenty (20) days (ex clusive of the day of service) after the service on you of this summons if forty (4^) days'b* d " trlCt; otherwise decree <fÄor£ »L^rM o? and , y?" are hereby noli ried that if you fall to appear and an complaint as above inquired Che said plaintiff will apply to tfe complaint relief demanded in tlie nf°Jî!l n HVil d ? r . my hand and the seal of the district court of the Ssvanth district <,f the Stateofldaho 2nd day of June,° 192?. ° f Cany ° n ' th " L. C. KNOWLTON, •TONE & JACKION, L NEWEL Dip*ty CaldwîSl. , Idaêi*' ntl,f ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In idaho Pr ° bate court of Canyon county, mat ter of the estate of Oeorga W. Sprang. Deceased. ' .Notice is hereby given by the under signed administratrix of the estate of Oe °r?e W Sprang, deceised to the creditors of and all persons having exhihf» *%!!!!!' the said deceased, to exhibit them with the ncccHRgrv y.ouchers. within 10 months after th« " r ."t Publication of this notice, to the r?,Âi„ 5? tratrix at the office of Curtic Haydon, her attornev in iuj« we e n te M»h ati0n ^ ba , nk bul 'd{ng. CaM "ated Äe ÄettÄ^S, Sf U Än°. f a Äi». the Dated August 3rd, 1920. Administratrix of thS^îtfte ofo?°g e W. Sprang. Deceased. 86.73c NOTICE TO CREDITORS I "ldaho >r0bate court of Canyon county, In -nîrt e „i na ii er .? f th 2 estat « of Samuel Tildon Stratton, deceased. J 8 hereby given by the under si gned administrator of tne eata .tA at Samuel TUdon StrattSA. dleelstd? to iio 6 i cr ®ditors of and all persons having eîSiîhft a ??' n8 t the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessarv fi?« C fi eI i ,our months after » .V . J pub " ca tion of this notice fn tl e 8 w administrator, at his office ln«r o„,y e8 if ri 3.National bank bulld h i Caldwell, Idaho, said place belna Sf as the place for transaction of 8 }?' 88 8 ^'° estate in the Coun y r. f . Çanyon, State of Idaho. Dated August 3rd, 1920. » . , , FRANK E. MEEK A< !l? 1 l î ll8 trator of the Estate of Samuel Tildon Stratton, Deceased. 86-73c NOTICE T O CR EDITORS. In idaho Pr0bat * C ° Urt 0t Canyon county, In the matter of the estate of Marv J Spurgln, deceased. ry J Notice Is hereby given by the nn*«, signed administrator of the estate of Mary J Spurg n. deceased, to c j! 'tors of and all persons having cliiima against the sal<f deceased ^ exh hiï th«n> with the necessary vo "hers within four months after the first mlh liçation of this notice, to the sJid P ïS" minlstrator at the office of avlni. Si* ssaSfwe.«.'» Idaho C ° Unty ° f Canyon, Stat! o? Dated August 3rd. 1920. SINCLAIR L. SPURQIN. r&ui îFwiàfô™*' 1 "' ot Umrr At w .lHdaho r Admlnl8 ' r »tor. Cal«-