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fl CMS OF INTEREST FROM SURROUNDING TERRITORY * ** * + + + + + + + + + + + + + M w 4i * * ARES* VALLEY. * + - * * *#»+ * * ♦ + ********* Mtpa Griffin «f Caldwell has been employed «s teacher for the upper gra£s and b e g i n s iter work Mon day. Mrs. Theodore Johnson, Jr., taught here two days last week. Mil. James Weston of Wilder spent Moaifey afternoon with her «ister, Mrs." victor Gibson. Maws. Jarnagsn, Gibson and Barter were butines* visitors in CalwkU Monday «evening. The John Sidirner family enjoyed Sunday dinner at Hie G. R. Riggs horn«. Mr. and Mrs. 2. B. Barker and Burard attended church in Parma last Jtanday and wer« dinner guests of flrof. ail« Mr«. N. N. Nash. Sixteen ribbon« were taken at the Para» fair Ttjesday by Arena Valley folks. There--WM a large attendance front lere. Mktf Maria Hetrick spent the week end .with {Mends on the Island west of Burma. M«*damei Either Johnson and Eva «Beterso* and family of Parma spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. An dre^ Asp. Mat- Florence Collins of Caldwell visit«d with her mother, Mrs- John Bauiaan and family the first of the week.." M es. Duval will entertain the Ladits* circle at her home Wednes day afternoon. Everyone invited. Wht*r Users' Director, Paul Oben dorf jcslled a meeting of water users at the Arena jchool house Saturday night to dis c uss important matters. lUffcy day for the Sunday school next Sunday. Come early. Bring lunch and help make it a big day. s — o « ************ * * -* * » MIDWAY * ♦ * * *4 ***** ****** ** * Mm. R. S. Lee fcrrfeifed home from Seattle, Wash., T «ester, where She was t4Ued two week* before by the illnejBiand death other mother. Her sisteft 'Mrs. Burt Shearer of Stuart, Neb., who was also called to Seattle, visitèd several days last week at the Lee fcome on her way home. Mm, M. L. Sutton attended a lunch eon Friday given by Miss Louise Rid dle, epanty home demonstration agent at h«r jhome in Caldwell to the com munity leader of the millinery project of nie farm bureau of the county. Ten leaders of the project were pres ent, and report a very pleasant after 'nooiv MosiMartha Nichols and niece, Ella Metcnlf arrived home Friday from a three months' viait at Malad, Idaho. Miis Lois Williams, who is teach ing «chool at the Bennett school in Deer Flat, spent the week-end -with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Williams. D. W. Poore arrived Friday from Grand Island, Neb., for a visit at the horn* of his daughter, Mrs. Charles A. Hader. The October meeting of the Mid way f . T. A. has been postponed from October 1 to Friday, October 8 on. account of the state fair. Foleat Lee, a member of the Mid way IHg club, won first prize in the big -fudging contest at the Nampa Harnest festival, and will go to Boise to the state fair to tfce state club camp with expenses paid. He also won first prize on hi« fat fig. **)►************* * JL' * * V WILDER * * I * ********** * ****** C. A. Allen and family left by auto Monftity morning for Portland, Ore., to npke their home. Rekr. Mr. Pack and family are re joice* over the arrival of their car load' erf household goods from New York. The Baptist parsonage is to be ifcmodtl.ed' and the new pastor and iasnily properly housed. Papl Leese and family left Mon day <or their new home in Boise. Mr. Keith takes Mr. Reese's place as clerk in the Wilder Hardware com pany Prof. L. H. Painter, superintendent of thç Wilder public schools now be come* I superintendent of the schools "in tfee consolidated district which in clude* Fargo, and district 73. AJ;L. Casey and family from St. JosefPi, Mo., arrived in Wilder Tues is much delighted with thi* of the country. He i* a paint trade and has decided to make lit future. home. :r fair was held Wednesday. Soma -very splendid exhibits were made ia various departments but there "Just Between You and Me" says the Good Judge Here's genuine chewing Mtisfaotion for you, book ed up with real economy. A small chew ot this class of tobacco lasts much long er than a big chew of the ordinary kind—that's be cause the) full, rich, real tobacco taste lasts so long. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew wiU tell you that. ~ fut m fr t»* *tjUa ▼fB GUT is a long fine-out tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco was not so many as last year. Foot races, pop corn race and base ball constituted a part of the amusement program. .Mr. Hopkins of Missouri, who is visiting a- brother in Central Cove, was in attendance at the fair Wed nesday. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Bush, who was bitten by a gray wolf at their home beyond Homedale last week, died at Wilder Wednesday morning. The grief-stricken parents have the sympathy of the community. The Epworth league held a busi ness meeting at the Methodist par sonage Saturday night to fill some vacancies in official positions. The W. C. T. U. met Friday after noon with Mrs. A. W. Hartshorn at the Methodist parsonage. The first school social of the year was held at the school house Friday night. The chief amusement was the initiation of the freshman class and the new school teachers. Refresh ments of jello, cookies and cake were served at the close and all went home happy. It has been temporarily, arranged for Rev. O. W. Hartshorn of Wilder to preach at Pleasant Ridge Sunday afternoons at 3 o'clock. James Kam, living north of Wilder, has sold that part of his faun on which his residence is located. ***************** * * * TEN DAVIS NEWS. * * * ************ * * * * S. G. Tucker left Saturday for a short hunting trip in the hills. Miss Beulah Winn spent the week end in Caldwell. G. G. Penson, Paul, Harry and Zora Penson, went to Boise to see Mrs. Penson, who is in St. Luke's hospital. She is improving rapidly. Miss Nettie Attebury is visiting at the S. G. Tucker home. .Mrs. John Gahley and Mrs. Minnie Thompson are visiting at the O. ,E. Attebury home in Wilder. Ten Davis was well represented at the Community fair in Parma Tues day and carried off her share of the honors. Naomi Bennett, Gretchen Evans, Beauford Leverton, Zora Pen son, Gertrude Stone received first prize on different articles made in the sewing club. Gretchen Evans won first with her White Leghorn chick ens and Howard Andrews won sec ond. Beauford Leverton won first on her White Orphingtons and Mable Bennett firét on Rhode Island Reds. Elmer and Edwin Weick won first on their calves. Reed Leverton second with his. The different exhibits were taken to the Harvest Festival in Nampa. School was dismissed Tuesday at noon so the teachers and puplis could attend the Parma fair. Those who attended the fail in Par ma Tuesday from Ten Davis were, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fitts, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Deaton, F. C. Hertig, Her tig, Herman Weick, Mrs. F. A. Pow ers, Mrs. Martin Gahley, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Andrews, Mrs. Frank Gahley, Marion McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Kurtz, Eunice Leverton, Orville Hartman, Nettie Attebury, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Dunn, Mrs. E. E. Buran, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Judd and Maurice J«dd. Melvin Ellis, Bert Richardson and Willard Bartles left Wednesday on a hunting trip in the hills. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, Helen and Heibert and Ada Johnson of WE LOAN OUR OWN MONEY AND GUARANTEE QUICK ACTION AND REASONABLE RATES Boise Title & Trust Co CANTAL $100.000.00 214 North 8ft St. Boke, Idaho Boise are visiting at the A. O. Deaton home. Earl Buran, Abner Fitts and Cross Ev»n6 returned Friday from the hills. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fitts attended the fair in Nampa Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Andrews. How ard and John attended the fair in Nampa Friday. Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Durnil and chil dren, M. O. Leverton. Reed, Beau ford and Gretchen Evans, Herman Weick went to the fair in Nampa Friday. Ten Davis won several prizes at the fair in Nampa. Reed Leverton 's calf took first prize, Edwin Wcick's, sec ond, and Willie Hertig 's third prize; Gretchen Evans' White Leghorn chickens won first and Naomi Ben nett's exhibit of apron patching, darn ing, sewing bag and pillow slip won first. Victor Ashcraft went to the fair in Ontario Friday. Chub Johnson returned from the hills Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Boerhinger. Mrs. Bishoff and Mrs. Wagner of Caldwell were visitors at the F. C. Hertig home Friday. **************** * CANYOlJ * * + **************** F. G. Myers and brother have sold their garage and are planning to go back to the farm. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Rodenbaugh have recently adopted a six months old baby. The following persons have had their grain threshed this week: W. Ihli, Harmon. A. D. Robertson and family attended a reunion on Sunday at the home of Mrs. Robertson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jenson of Caldwell. S. V. McNeil, and family motored to Boise, Meridian and Nampa and Caldwell Sunday. Ruth Myers is at home after an ab sence at Caldwell for some weeks. fti the district court of the Seventh Judicial district of the State of Idaho, In and for the County of Canyon. Herbert F. Lenp, plaintiff, vs. J. W. Swan, defendant; notice of the issu ance of an attachment. State of Idaho, County of Canyon, ss. Notice Is hereby given that on the 23rd day of September A. D. 1920, at tachment was Issued In the above entitled action against the property of the aforesaid defendant, J. W. Swan, for the sum of eight hundred seventeen and 70-100 (»817.70) dollars, with in terest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 8th day of Novem ber, 1918 together with the costs of this action. Witness my hand and the seal of said district court, affixed this 23rd day of September A. D. 1920. ROSE EDWARDS, Clerk of the District Court. SCATTERDAY & STONE, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Residing at Caldwell, Idaho. 80-88c CANYON COUNTY WARRANT CALL. Caldwell. Idaho. Sept. 20th, 1920. On and after October 4th, 1920, I will pay on presentation at the office of county treasurer warrants drawn as fol lows: Current expense fund to and includ ing .No. 771 of 20 issue. FERN R. HART, 79-gOc County Treasurer. To J. M. Stocker and all unknown owners and claimants of land herein described: You are hereby notified that on the Î8th day of January, 1918, the under signed purchased delinquency certifi cate number 898 covering the following described lands located in the County of Canyon. State of Idaho, to-wlt: Lot 1 on section 22. township 3 north, range 4 west of the Boise meridian, Issued for the taxes for the year 1917, assessed on the records of the county assessor of Canyon county in the name of J. M. Stocker for the said year 1917, and the time for the redemption of said real estate from said tax sale certificate will expire on the 14th day of January, 1921, after which time a tax deed will be demanded from the treasurer of saM Canyon county. Da 1920. P. H. LYON, Attorney for R. H. Coshun, Agent 7Î -81C To C. G. Barker and all unknown owners and claimants of land herein described: You are hereby notified thai on the 28th day of January. 1(11, the under signed purchased delinquency certifi cate number 782 ^covering the follow ing described lands located in the County of Canyon, State of Idaho, to wit: The south half of the southeast quarter of section 26, tewAship 4 north, range 6 west of the Boise meridian, issued for taxes for the year 1917, as sessed on the records df the county as sessor of Canyon county in the name of C. G. Barker for the said year 1917, and the time for the redemption or Said real estate from said fax sale certificate will expire on the 14th day ot January, 1411, after, which time a tax deed will be demanded from the treasurer of said Canyon county. Dated this 16th day of September, 1920. R. H. COSHUN. F, H. LYON. Attorney for R. H. Coshun, A^ent. To. W. J. Donahue and all unknown owners and claimants of land herein described: You are hereby notlfleil that on the 18th day of January. 1918, the under signed purohased delinquency certifi cate number 871 covering the following described lands located In the County of Canyon, State of Idaho, to-wlt: Lot 4 of section 7, township 3 north, range 3 west of the Boise meridian. Issued for the taxes for the year 1917, and as sessed on the records of the county as sessor of Canyon county in the name of W. J. Donahue for the said year 1917, und the time for the redemption of said real estate from said tax sale certifi cate will expire on the 14th day of January, 1921, after which time a tax deed will be demanded from the treas urer of said Canyon oounty. Dated this 16th day of September, »»£?• tt. H. COSHUN. F . H. LYON, Attorney for R. H. Coshun, Agent. 71-81c To W. A. Golden and all unknown owners and claimants of land herein described: You are hereby notified that on the 28th day of January, 1918. the under signed purchased delinquency certifi cate number 611 covering the following described lands located in the County of Canyon, State of Idaho, to-wit: The south one-half of the northeast quarter of section II, township t north, range 8 west Boise meridian; (1 acres exoept 10.48 aores was land, also reservoir site 7.61 acres, issued for the taxes for the year 1917, assessed on the reoords of the county assessor of Canyon coun ty In the name of W. A. Golden for the said year 1117, and the time for the redemption of said rsal estate from said tax sale certificate will expire on the 14th day of January, 1911. after which time a tax deed will be demand ed from the treasurer of said Canyon oounty. Dated this 16th day of September, K H. LYON. H CCÄHÜN - Attorney for R. H. Coshun. Agent. tl-llo To Adam Schindler and all unknown owners and claimants of land herein described: You are hereby notified that on the 28th day of January, 1918, the under signed purchased delinquency certifi cate number 334 covering the follow ing: described lands located in the County of Canyon. State of Idaho, to wit: The northwest 45 feet of lots 14, 16 block 23, the middle 40 feet of lots 14, 16 block 23 original townsite of Kampa, issued for the taxes for the year 1917, assessed on the records of the county assessor of Canyon county in the name of Adam Schindler for the said year 1917, and the time for the redemption of said real estate from said tax sale certificate will expire on the 14th day of January, 1921, after which time a tax deed will be demanded from the treasurer of said Canyon county. *.»fi ated tl *is 15th da y of September, F H. LYON, k H COSHUN - Attorney for R. H. Coshun. Agent. 78-81C To S. R. Robinson and ail unknown owners and claimants of land herein described : are hereby notified that on the 28th day of January. 1918, the under signed purchased delinquency certifi cate number 611 covering the following described lands located in the County of Canyon, State of Idaho, to-wit: The south half of the northeast quarter, the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter, and the southeast quarter of tho northwest quarter of section 7, township 2 north, range 3 west of the Boise meridian, issued for the taxes for the year 1917, assessed on the rec ords of the county assessor of Canyon county in the name of S. R. Robinson for the said year 1917, and the time for the redemption of the said real estate from said tax sale certificate expire on the 14th day of January, 1921, after which time a tax deed will be demanded from the treasurer of said Canyon county. «R*™ 1Bth ^ « ^HUN er ' r . H. LiXON, Attorney for R. H. Coshun, Agent. 78-81c ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE WHY OR DER OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE SHOULD NOT RE MADE. probate court of the State of Idaho, In and Canyon county. In *h? T matter of the «state of Rachael A. Horrace, deceased; order to ihow cause why order of sale of real es tate should not be made. It appearing- to the satisfaction of the court from the verified petition of * * *J orr ace, administrator of the ®®tate of Rachaol A. Horrace, deceased, on ft]© herein, that it is necessary to sell the whole of the estate of said deceased. It Is ordered by the court that all persons Interested in the estate of the said Rachael A. Horrace, deceased, ap pear before the probate court of the County of Canyon, State of Idaho, at the court room thereof. In said county HA st *te, on the 20th day of October. 1920, at ten (10) o'clock In the fore noon of said day and then and there to show cause, If any they have, why an order, as prayed for in the petition should not be granted to the said ad m W 8 i» rut ^ r to 8011 the real «State of said Rachael A. Horrace, deceased, at either public or private sale for the purposes mentioned in the petition, as he shall Judge to be for the best in terests of said estate, and the parties Interested therein {t Is furtîier ordered that a copy of this order be published at least once a week for four (4) successive weeks tn the Caldwell Tribune, a newspaper printed and published In the said county. j^o^ted this llth day of September, " ' , ^ S. BEN DUNLAP, s76-oS4 Judge of Said Probate Court. ALIAS SUMMONS. In the district court of the Seventh judicial district of the State of Idaho in and for the County of Canyon. Jesse A. Hughes, plaintiff, vs. Eva Luis Hiighes, defendant; alias summons. The State of Idaho sends greetings to Eva Luis Hughes, the aoore named defendant. You are hereby notified that a oom plaint has been filed against you in the district court of the Seventh Ju dicial district of the State of Idaho In and for the County of Canyon by the above named plaintiff, said action Is brought to obtain a decree of this court forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony between yourself and the plaintiff herein upon the grounds of extreme cruelty and wilful desertion. And you are hereby directed to ap pear and answer the said complaint within 20 days of the service of this summons If served within said Judicial district and within 40 days if Berved elsewhere; and you are further noti fied that unless you so appear and an swer said complaint within the time herein specified, the plaintiff will take Judgmsjit against you as prayed in said complaint. Witness my hand and the seal of said district court this 13th day of Sep tember, 1920. .... ROSE EDWARDS. KHODB8 & PARTRIDGE. 1!< fo'r pfalntlff^ °' Attorneys NOTICE OF THE I8SIIAN418) OF AN ATTACHMENT. In . the district court of the Seventh Judicial district of the State of Idaho, In and for the County of Canyon. The Overland National tank of HoiBe. a corporation, plaintiff vs. W. R. Se bree, defendant. Idaho, County of Canyon, ss. .Notice is hereby given that on the 28th day of August A. D„ 1920. attach ment was issued in the above-entitled action against the property of the aforesaid defendant, for the sum of twe . n » t 7* t Ä2 thousand five hundred and no-100 (112,6(0.00) dollars, with Inter est on Ii6.i00.00 at the rate of 8 per cent per annum frem the 80th day of November, 1919, and interest on 17600.00 at 8 per oent from February 6th. 1920, together with the ooats of this action. Attornoys fees )1600.00. Witness my hand and the seal of said district court, affixed this 18th day of August A. D. 1920. „ , ROSE EDWARDS. CLINTON M # MTS^>V D, " trl0t C ° Urt ' Attorney for Plaintiff, residing at Bols^ Idaho. 71-80c CHAPTER 108. (H. B. No. 174.) PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF STATE BONDS IN THE SUM OF 81 ,000,000; APPROPRIAT OF THE SALE THEREOF FOR THE PAYMENT OF A PORTION OF THE COST OF LAY ING OUT, SURVEYING THE CON STRUCTING A SYSTEM OF STATE HIGHWAYS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO; PROVIDING BY A TAX LEVY A REDEMPTION OR SINK ING FUND FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE SAID BONDS AT MATURITY AND THE INTEREST THEREON AS THE SAME BECOMES DUE; APPROPRIATING THE MONEYS WHICH SHALL ACCRUE TO SUCH SINKING FUND FOR THE PUR POSES FOR WHICH PROVIDED; DIRECTING THE DEPARTMENT OF PUJRLIC WORKS HOW TO AP PLY THE PROCEEDS OF THE SALE OF SAID BONDS HEREBY AUTHORIZED, AND PROVIDING FOR, THE APPROVAL OR REJEC TION HEREOF BY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE. Be It enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho; Section 1. For the purpose of pro viding moneys to be used In paying for a portion of the oost of laying out, survsying and constructing a system of stats highways In the state of Idaho a loan of $1,000,000 Is hereby author ised to be negotiated upon the faith and credit of the state of Idaho. . Sec. 1. The state Treasurer is hereby authorised, empowered and di rected to Issue bonds of the state In such denominations as he deems ad visable. aggregating the amount of the loan authorised In section I. which shall be known as Idaho state high way bonds, fourth Issue, and shall be come due 10 years from the dats of = TRIBUNE = Classified Advertisements BRING RESULTS^ FOR SALE. FOR SALE—8-ROOM HOUSE. 4 LOTS, bar n, flowing well; Inquire 722 S. 6th. 76-81C FOR 9ALK—ENGLISH SETTER BIRD dog. Phone 181, A. I. Myers. 76tfc FOR SALE—81 H ACRBS, WELL IM proved farm close In, 118,000; )6000 cash and good terms: $18,000 takes stook, hay and all equipment. A bar ?;aln for a buyer who wants a real arm. Paid-up water right and 4 ar tesian wells. Phone 277-R-4, or write box 401. tfc FOR SALE—NEW OVERLAND "FOUR" Willys-Knight agency, Wycoff Motor company. 66tf FOR SALB— 40 ACRES NEAR GREEN leaf, all under cultivation; a good home for someone; reasonable price; terms. Inquire Tribune. 69tfc FOR SALE—GOOD NEAT 3-ROOM house with 2 screened porches, good cellar, water In house, connected with sewer; garage. Corner lot 60x120, near Cleveland bird. Gem State college and College of Idaho. Price right and easy terms. Call phone 648-J. 71tfc FOR SALE—A 6.-ROOM MODERN house; garage; suitable terms, if wanted. Inquire Tribune. 72tfc FOR SALE—5-PASSENGER TOURING car in good condition; cheap for cash. Inquire Tribune. 72tfc FOR SALE—5 ACRESON SOUTH 10th st; fine place for home; $500 crop of wheat and alfalfa on it; price $2750. This is a bargain. Inquire at J. P. Jensen's, cor. 14th and Arthur. • 57tfc FOR SALE—1 1920 Fordson tractor; 1 No. 7 Oliver 12-Inch plow (2); 1 spring tooth harrow; 25 gallons extra heavy cylinder oil; 1 empty 50-gallon steel barrel. The outfit complete, 11000. See this If you are In the mar ket for a tractor before you buy else where. 60 gallons fuel oil. B. F. Love Joy, box 617, Caldwell. FOR SALE—40 ACRES. 3 MILES FROM Caldwell, all in alfalfa; produced 11600 in crops this year. Small farm house, outbuildings, deep well and oth er Improvements. Price 111,000. Pos session soon. Reasonable terms. In quire Nichol, Hanna & Madden. 79tfc FOR SALB —AS I HAVE MY RANCH all seeded to alfalfa will sell my practically new Mogul 10-20 tractor, 2-bottom P. & O. plow, 7-foot tandum disk, at less than price of tractor; this is a good outfit and dirt cheap. Inquire Tribune. 79-82p their Issuance. Such bonds shall bear. Interest at a rate which shall not ex ced the rate of five percentum per an num, and such Interest shall be paid In equal semi-annual Installments upon the 1st day of January and the 1st day of July In each year. Such in stallments of interest shall be evi denced by 40 interest coupons attached to each bond in such manner that they may be detached and removed without mutilating either the bond or the cou pons themselves and be numbered con secutively from 1 to 40 Inclusive. Any or all of said bonds may, at the pleas ure of the state, be paid off and re deemed after 10 years from the date of Issuance. Sec. 3. The, state treasurer shall cause to be printed or lithographed suitable bonds In proper form with interest coupons attached thereto for the purpose of carrying out the pro visions of this act. , Sec. 4. All bonds Issued under and by virtue of the provisions of this act shall be signed by the governor of the state of Idaho with his own proper name and in his official capacity. They shall likewise be signed by the secretary of state in his official ca pacity and be authenticated by having attached to each the great seal of the state of Idaho. Sec. 6. After belitg signed by the governor and the secretary of state and being authenticated as hereinbe fore provided the said bonds shall be delivered to the state auditor who shall make and keep In his office a register fully and properly describing each bend and the Interest coupons at tached thereto In the manner and form in which bonds heretofore Issued by the state of Idaho are described in the registers thereof kept In the office of the state auditor. Having so regis tered the same, the state auditor shall deliver the bonds to the state treasurer and shall charge the treasurer with the full par value thereof. Sec. 6. The state treasurer shall make and keep In his office a register of all" bonds lssud under the provisions of this act, which register shall show all those things required to be shown by the register thereof kept In the of fice of the stake auditor and such other Information with respect thereto as the treasurer shall deem It proper and necessary to record. Sec. 7. When ready to make deliv ery of same the state treasurer shall sign each of said bonds with his own proper name and in his official ca pacity as such state treasurer and each of the interest coupons attached thereto shall have the lithographed or printed facsimile signature of the state treasurer, which signatures shall bind the state of Idaho. The state treasurer shall make delivery of the bonds to the purchaser thereof on behalf of the state of Idaho and shall at the same time make collection from said purcnaser of the full amount of the price for which the same are sold. Sec. 8. All moneys received from the sale of the Idaho state highway bonds, fourth issue, shall be paid into the Idaho state highway fund, buch moneys are hereby approprlatd and made available for the laying out, sur veying and constructing of a system of state highways in the state of Idaho, including all bridges, culverts and grades and the purchase of rights of way forming a part thereof or being necessary to be nad, used or occupied in connection therewith and for such purposes only No moneys shall at any fine be withdrawn permanently from said fund except upon the warrant of the state auditor. Sec. 9. For the purpose of creating a fund, which said fund is hereby designated as the state highway re demption fifnd, fourth bond issue, out of which shall be paid the principal and interest upon the bonds to be is sued under and by virtue of the pro .\ U o 5' of th i" act th#r ® I» hereby ••vied a tax of four-tenths of one mill (1.0004) upon each dollar in value of the taxable property within the state, the same to be known as the state highway tax, and the proceeds of the same are hereby approprtatd and set aside until such time as the said Idaho •täte highway bonds, fourth issue, and all Interest which shall have accrued thereon are fully paid and redeemed. The moneys accruing from the source above mentioned, whloh are hereby di verted. appropriated and set aside for the purpose above set forth, shall be by the state auditor and state treas urer credited to and plaoed lh the said, state highway redemption fund, fourth bond Issue, out of which fund the state Îî ea ïï r î r s ? aU P?y th * Interest upon the Idaho state highway bonds, fourth Issue, as the same shall become due, and upon any day upon which the In terest coupons attached to said bonds beoome due, beginning January 1. 1931. he shall also pay so much of the prin cjpal of said bonds as It may be pos sible to pay after reserving In said fund moneys sufficient in amount to pay the interest upon those aatd bonds FOR SALE 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, WELL Lo cated, cement walk, nice lawn and plenty of shade. Garage and chicken park. Possession right now. Price, 84500; liberal terms. Phone 478. 79tfc FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR CALD well property, 4-room house In Boise close In; Kellerman Piano Co., Caldwell. 79-80c FOil SALE—4-ROOM MODERN BUN Balow except heat; big garage. In quire Walter Clement, 17th and Arthur. 79-82p FOR SALE—BARN 42X40; GOOD CON „ Çjtlon; will sell or trade on cattle. Call 783 or 289-R-8. 73-80p FOIl SALE—400 YEARLING WETHERS and 400 wether lambs, and 300 aged ewes. F. T. Massie, Reynolds, Idaho. 78-81p FOR SALE OR TRADE — HOUsËI bran new. A. I. Myers, owner; phone 183 and 102. 71tfc FOR SALE—FORD TOURING CAR, &ood condition ; Dodge touring car, good shape. These oars are priced right for quick sale. Shank Auto Co. 79-80C FOR SALE—PLUMS, PRUNES AND white grapes. Mrs. Walter Sebree, phone 494. 79tfc FOR SALE—FRESH COW, GIVING 5 gallons of milk a day; call 218-11-11. 79-80C FOR SALE—HOUSE, BARGAIN; IN qulro Tribune. 79-81p FOR SALE OR RENT—80 ACRES fine improved ranch near Wilder; 4-room house; experience and refer ences required. Address E. B. Seaton, Long Beach, Cal. 74-80p WANTED. WANTED—JOB OF CHORE WORK ON ranch, no dairy work, by elderly man. inquire L. K. King, gen. del., Caldwell. 79-80p WANTED—BOARDERS AND ROOM ers at 222 Aven ave. 76tfc GOOD PAINTER WANTS WORK. ALL nf U i ara ?iî« e  : p . rlc S a rl * ht - «»one 318-J. 102 Cleveland. 56tf MISCELLANEOUS. BOARD AND ROOM AT 110 PER week at 1124 Cleveland. Phone 716-J. lltfc TAKEN UP—2 YEARLING BUCKS; owner may have by proving owner ship and paying expenses, lid Turner. 7«-78p then outstanding which will accrue and become due during and within the next ensuine year. Sec. 10. If at any time there shall not be sufficient moneys in the said state highway redemption fund, fourth bond iBsue, to pay the interest upon or principal of the Idaho state highway bonds, fourth issue, authorized by this act, then due, the state treasurer shall pay the same out of the general fund of the state. The state treasurer shall, however, as soon thereafter as suf ficient moneys for that purpose have aocrued to the said state highway re demption fund, fourth bond issue, re pay to the state general fund all amounts taken therefrom under this provision and not previously repaid. Sec. II. For the payment of the bonds authorized to be Issued under and by the provisions of this act and the interest which 3hall accrue there on, according to the strict terms thereof, the faith and credit of the state of Idaho is solemnly pledged, and for the payment of such bonds and the interest thereon In lawful money of the United States of America as and when the same shall become due the state treasurer shall reserve any and sufficient of the money in his hands, at the least possible cost. In preference to all other claims whatsoever, except the interest upon and the principal of other bonds of the state of Idaho heretofore issued under acts of the legislature of said state. Sec. 12. The state treasurer shall Îrlve two weeks' notice by publication n two newspapers of general circula tion, one of which is published in the state of Idaho, of the intention of the state to sell the bonds authorised by the provisions of this act. and shall invite bids therefor. Said bonds must be sold at not less than the par value thereof, upon the best terms offored and at the lowest rate of Interest named by any bidder. The state treas urer shall have the right to reioct any and all of the bids offered-and may readvertise for bids, as herein provided. ' Sec. 13. The expenses of printing or lithographing and procuring suitable bonds with interest coupons attached, for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act, shall be paid out of the moneys arising. from the sale thereof as an expense Incident to the laying out, surveying and constructing of said system or state highways. Sec. 14. The said state highway bends, fourth Issue, to be Issued under the provisions of this act, shall boar date of January 1, 1921, and become due January 1. 1941. Both bonds and interest coupons herein authorised to be issufcd shall be payable at the of fice of the state treasurer at Loise. Idaho. Sec. 16. The department of public works of the state of Idaho is hereby directed to apply the proceeds of the said Idaho state highway bonds, fourth issue, as follows, to wit; To the completion or construction of state roads or bridges in cooperation with counties and highway districts of the Btate of Idaho or the federal government or both, in such amounts a " m ? een i ed proper by the department. The foregoing allotment Is made contingent upon the availability of cooperative funds to be supplied by counties, highway districts and the federal government, as provided by law, or funds supplied by private dona tion or received from any other source, and should it appear to the satisfac tion of the department of public works ?i.,î n ?w tlme subsequent to January 1, 1922. that cooperative funds will not be supplied in the necessary amounts to make use of the entire amount h * rel " appropriated, tho department of public works may use, at its discre tion any remainder for the construc tion or completion of such state high ways as deemed by if for the best In terests of the state. f S*c. l6 This act shall not take ef I? I k n l w at th £ n * xt £ en eral election It shall have been submitted to the people and shall have received ^ma jority of all the votes cast for or against it at such election. The question to be submitted to the SîîS t0 If °/« th ®.»tale at the next gen m° er to determine whether they will approve or reject cm . b® as follows: a? a11 . bond Issue of $2.000,000 be authorised for the laying out, survey ing and constructing of state high ways? Sec. 17. The secretary of state Is airected to publish this act in one newspaper in each county, If one be published therein, throughout the state for three months next preceding the next general election. The secre tary of state is directed to certify to to the county auditors and the latter to print on the ballotB at the next gen eral election the foregoing question. The returns on said question shall be counted, canvassed and certified In the manner provided by law for constitu tional amendments. Approved March 14, 191». tf-ftOo