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ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM SURROUNDING TERRITORY ♦ I * ♦ DEER PLAT ♦ ♦ ♦ 4c«******«*«««*«** Mrs. J. L. Hannah and two children left for Payette Sunday morning where they will live for the winter, to pieces. Mr. Hitson was hurt quite Word has been received from Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Hitson of Los Ange les, Calif., who were in a wreck a short while ago, when an electric car ran into their automobile, smashing it to pieces. Mr. Hitson was hurt quite badly and Mrs. Hitson was also slight ly hurt. > Mr. and Mrs. Chester L. Rees of Alberta, Canada, arrived here Sunday to spend the winter. Mrs. Seth Hqadley of Upper Deer Flat spent a few days this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hit / SOB. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Roberts and family of Star visited at the George Bartlett home Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. George D. Doolittle motored to Emmett Sunday and visit ed with Mr. and Mrs. Srank Bedwell. Mr. and Mrs. Warren were guests at the C. S. Vogt home over Saturday and Sunday. • Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carter, a baby bo" Nov. 1. The district elder. Rev. Krieder of the Free Methodist church of Walla Walla, Wash., took Sunday dinner at the D. J. Vanderwilt home. Miss Eula Philips of Boise spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Clyde Fisher. .| Mr. and Mrs. Algert Darling will leave Friday for Walla Walla to help in revival meetings. Mr. Toft went to Lewiston with his shep to attend the Lewiston fair. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Kiing and son John visited in Boise last Friday. Rev. Webster and wife left for Kan sas Monday after visiting at the S. A. Jenesen home for the past three ^eeks. Mr. and Mrs; Morris Lamb and family wre Sunday dinner guests at the J. W. Wurtz home. Miiss Louise Riddle, the farm bu reau agent, visited with Mrs, Morrit Lamb Monday and culled her White Leghorn chickens. The results were very good. Out of 135 chickens she got 17 culls. Mr. and Mrs. Zamzow of Boise vis ited at the Morris B. Lamb home. Mr. Fiddler, of Greeley, Colo., is visiting at the C. F. Smith home. The quarterly meetings of the Free Methodist church were held from Fri day to Sunday in charge of the Rev. Kreider of Walla Ws^la, Wash. C. W. Lawrence of Califbrnia took A dinner at the L. B. Faris home Mon day evening. S. E. Gould is having a sale Thurs day, selling their household goods and other articles and expect to leave for Kansas Friday. And Dave Vander wilt will sell his household goods and other things also at this .sale. Mr. *nd Mrs. A. E. Bradshaw were week end visitors at Boise. Mrs. Wililiam Syra and daughter Elaine from Kansas are making a visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Brad shaw this week. Mrs. D. J. Vanderwilt spent last Thursday with Mrs Rowland. Mr. Calek returned from Europe from Europe after visiting there with relattives for the past six months. Little Gilberta Rose, spent last Tues day with her grandmother Rose. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Vanderwilt and children took Sunday dinner wiith Mr. Vanderwilt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Vanderwilt. A. J. Thompson sold his ranch on Monday. * * * MIDWAY * * ' * *««««*«*«««***«♦« The Midway members of the boys' and girls' clubs of the junior farm bureau, with their parents, attended the Achievement day program at the Nampa high school auditorium Fri day evening. Several hundred dol lars were won by -the Midway club members at the Nampa Harvest festi val and the state fair, Harvey Wolfe winning over $150 on his pigs at both places. J H. H. Vaughn accompanied Sheriff Emmett Pfost of Boise to Cambridge Sunday to visit the latter's stock ranch. Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison and family and Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Mor ton and family of Boise carte over Saturday and spent Sunday at the A. C. Laster home. Dean Oeder, who is attending the Idaho Technical institute and is one of the Tech's fpotball team who play ec with the College of Idaho Friday, arrived Wednesday evening for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Oeder. Dean Holt of Boise, who is also attending the institute, visited at the Oeder nome several days. The boys returned to Pocatello Sunday. k Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Johnson, both former student* of the University of Idaho, attended the football game in Boise Thursday and were renewing acquaintances with the university stu dents. Mr. and Mrs. O. Ailing of Port land arrived Wednesday / tor a 10 Jays' visit at the J. S. Hulbert home. Mrs. L. A. Whittle was hostess at a miscellaneous shower at her home Friday afternoon in honor of Miss Marie Karcher. Fifty ladies atteuded and many beautiful and useful gifts were received by the bride-to-be. Mrs. Whittle was assisted by Mes dames Rowland, Oeder, McRobbie and Smith. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Forve have moved from the Hulbert home to Nampa. Mrs. G. L. Karcher and Miss Marie marcher were Boise visitors Tuesday. Uuite a number from Midway at tended the football game in Boise 1 'lursday. Miss Myrtle Drury of Deer Flat, Jw returned recently from several months visit in Minnesota, spent Sat urday night and Sunday with Miss Marie Karcher. Mrs. Pearl Sourote of Seattle, Wash., visited several days last week bert* 16 h ° me °* her uncle - J- S. Hul . Mrs. Minnie Ellis, a returned mis sionary from China, who has been visiting in Nampa and talked before w ,V ent " ry , club . visited at the C. W. Van Kirk home last week. Mr. ?, nd Mrs- E. C. Campbell of Caldwell were Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. Campbell's uncle, H A. Oeder. Dean Oeder and Dean Holt, mem bers of the "Tech" football team, at tended a banquet in Boise Friday eve ning, given by Mrs. Galley in honor of the institute football team of which her son is a member. • f Ç; ^ P' an to K've a basket social Tuesday evening, November 23, the proceeds to go towards buying play ground equipment and other nec essary things for the school. Ladies are urged to bring a well filled basket, box. or pail of lunch and the men well filled pocket books. ***************** * CLAYTONIA. * **************««£ Arthur Patton and Edwin Holt were Nampa visitors last Monday. Miss Hazel Boggess was in the neighborhood Saturday getting sub scribers for the Caldwell Tribune. A farewell party was given to the Heiligs Wednesday evening of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jamison. A very pleasant evening was spent visiting, after which refresh ments were served. Rev. Ford, pastor of the Christian church at this place, has bought the Homedale Empire press. Messrs. Hersh and H. M. and Rüs sel Heilig, with their families, left Saturday morning for California where they expect to make their home. They went in automobiles. «•ft************** ♦ * * ARENA VALLEY ♦ * ' * ******* * * ***«*««« Charles Asp is in the valley visiting home folks. He has been employed in or near Parma the past summer. Bernard Barker attended the health class in Parma Saturday. Arena was well represented at the traders' day sale at Parma Saturday. Rev. Welch conducted regular preaching services at the school house Sunday. He was accompanied by the Misses Gertrude Stevens an#i Margue rit Harper of Roswell, who assisted with the music. The V. C. Giibson family went to Wilder Saturday and found the West on family suffering with an attack of la grippe. They were able to come home with the Gibsons Sunday and are recovering very fast in the coun try. Edwin White and family spent Sat urday night and Sunday at the Frank Jones home. P. B. Anderson and son Floyd were callers in the valley Sunday. Anges Baltzor spent the last week at the Sharp home in Roswell. Mr. and Mrs. George Obendorf and Mr. and Mrs. A. H. McOmber were visitors in the valley Sunday. -ft***«****-**«***«* * * * CANYON ' * * "*» *««*««««*«*««««« Canyon has been afflicted with a burglary. The school house was broken into and a number of articles taken., Jesse and Clarepce Myres have sold their auto and are planning a visit to Colorado. Mr. Foster motored down from Banks to visit with his family. Mr. Beers bought several loads of hay frotp William Kammeyer & Co. Much of the last cutting 4 of hay is be ing used. Arthur Robertson has recovered from his recent illness. He has just been presented with a nice riding pony the gift of his grandfather. " We are glad to note that Mrs. Carl Hammar returned Tuesday from the hospital. «««««««««««««*«** * * * R08WELL ♦ ♦ * **************** Frank Golyan autoed to ßoise Sat urday. * The school board and teachers had a meeting Tuesday night at the school house to discuss school problems Eugene Thornton has enrolled in the freshman class of the high school. The grammar grade room will give program and pie supper at Bragg s all Fridav night, Nov. 19. Mrs. A. J. RockWood and Mrs Stark were business visitors in Boise Wednesday. Charley Skelton and family left Thursday for an extended visit with relatives in Missouri. Miss Bertha Rock is visiting rela tives in Twin Falls. Dr. Charles Thompson was a guest at the J. P. Bates home while in R' well. He gave a most interesting lecture on the inland Chinese empire Mrs. Edna Stark and son .Henry and Miss Pearl Hall were dinner guests itt the E. P. McCormick home Sunday OREENLEAP. ***************** Miss Hazel Crew was a guest of Miss Ethel Hanson Sunday. Charles Bcals is staying at the Wade Tuckcr home. Mack Hull has rented the Clayton Brown ranch for the coining year. Lester Harris is working for Ver ling Cox. . Mr. Brown. Miss Vera Pennington. William Willits and a lady friend, all of Notus. attended church here Sun day evening. Miss Thelma Bartlett of Deer Flat is staying with Mrs. Grover Beal. Mr. Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hurst and Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Press nail were Caldwell visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Coleman of Deer Flat spent Sunday with Mrs. voleman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Littell. Grandma Winslow spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Winslow. Allen Dunbar has rented Mr. Lit tell s north eighty for the coming year. . Grandma Winslow. who has been visiting in Iowa for some time, re turned home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Brown moved to LaGrande, Ore., the first of the week. Mr. Brown is going to work on a dairy ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Dunbar and family took dinner at the Wiilliam Davenport home Sunday. Marion Winslow spent Saturday night with Eugene Hibbs. Tom Settel was a Caldwell visitor one day this week. Mrs. George Tish, who has been quite ill with pneumonia, is recover ing rapidly. grain a************** * + * WEEKLY INDUSTRIAL * * REVIEW OF IDAHO * * * ******««««««««««« North Fork—Holland Lumber and Box company to build logging road. Arco—Howe highway to be com pleted this fall. , Hawkins—100,000 bushels of harvested here this year. Sprangle—Three-quarters of a sec tion sells for $49,000. Kootenai—Northern Pacific build ing new hotel here. North Fork—To resume develop ment of properties in this district that have been idle the past four yars. Elk City—Idaho and Nevada Min ing company files articles of poration. Kellogg—Nabob Mining company resumes milling operations. Pocatello made first class city by last censug. Wallace—Columbus Mining com panx on east Eagle creek erecting building for men. Moscow—Importation of a trainload of stock hogs from the middle west to eat the damaged grain of Nez Perce Lewis and Idaho counties is planned by farmers and bankers of those coun ties and the Northern Pacific railroad Idaho potato crop very good. Boise—Corner stpne of new $120, 000 Masonic temple laid. Meridian—$1,650 addition being built on high school Twenty-five thousand Snake river native trout planted in upper tribu taries of south fork of Payette river. Boise—Refrigerator cars now avail able and potato crop bting moved rapidly. Caldwell—Surveyor at work on Black Canyon irrigation project. 4? r O Cut er down, friend New users of Conoco Gasoline soon discover that its extra power makes possible the thinning down of their mixture. Frosty mornings have little effect upon the quick-starting properties of Conoco Gasoline. Its low boiling-point content assures quick ignition in the coldest weather. And the clean, dry mixture that it makes burns completely, preventing excessive carbonization and loss of power. It's always a good plan to look at your oil supply when you fill up at Continental Service Stations. You can get Polarine there— and be sure of perfect lubrication. This perfect motor oil is an effective preventive of most motor troubles. Pay for Conoco products with THE o NO o O o TRADE HARK o Boise Butte Cheyenne Albuquerque Conoco Coupons. Sold in book form—no bother, an easy way of keeping a gasoline and oil expense account. Send to riemrest office for copy of free booklet "Importent Fects About Gasoline" CONTINENTAL OIL (A Colorado Corporation) DENVER COMPANY Pueblo Great Palls Salt Lake City NOCO GASOLINE AT FILUNG TIME LOOK FOR THE CONOCO SOLDIER SIGN Rigby—Beet harvesting progressing nicely. Hailey—New concentrating mill .of Golden Glow M. and M. company in operation. » Lewiston —Large apple crop in this district. Nez fierce—Consolidated Commer cial company has fine new quarters. IDAHO TRACTION COMPANY Interurban Time Table Northern Division Leave Caldwell for Middlcton, Star. Eagle and Boise 6:30, 8:00, 9:30, 11:30 a. m. 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 6:30, 7:30, 9:30 p. m. Southern Division Leave Caldwell for Nampa, Meridian, and Boise 6:55, 8:23, 10:23 a. m. 12:23, 2:23, 4 :23, 5:23, 6:23, 8:23, 10:23 p. m. Subject to Chance Without Notice. WE LOAN OUR OWN MONEY AND GUARANTEE QUICK ACTION AND REASONABLE RATES BoiscTitlcÄ Trust Co CAPITAL $100,000.00 214 North 8th St Boise» Idaho FARM LOANS ! * See Me for That Loan You Want. O. L. NEAL Loans. Fire and Life Insurance. 1402 Blaine St. Phone 750N Caldwell. Idaho =TRIBUNE= Classified Advertisements RRINP. PESlllTC FOR SALE. FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILE—HUPMO bile, 1920 model H, [»-passenger; new tires; mechanically, first class. W. C. Postlethwaite, phone 713, Caldwell. 91-98c FOR SALB — BUTTBR WRAPPERS. Call Tribun« office. Phone 58. IXtf FOR SALE—NEW OVERLAND "FOUR' Willys-Knight agency, Wycoff Motor company. S6tf FOR SALE—«0 ACRES NEAR GREEN leaf, all under cultivation: a good home for someone: reasonable price; terma. Inquire Tribune. 69tfc FOR SALE—HAVE A SPECIAL STUD ebaker six, 1919 model, In excellent mechanical condition. Will aell at FOR SALE—LOOSE HAY; DELIVER, ed; call 791-J, A. Witteman. 93tfc FOR SALE—HOUSE AND LOT; WILL accept part In payment, rest on easy terms; 608 Everett st; Inquire H E. Richardson, Palace rooms. 93-94c FOR SALE—MILK GOATS; WILL take grain In payment. Alpine goat ranch, Banks, Ida. 93-39p FOR SALE—A SAANEN BUCK OOAT Oood Individual animal, milking strain. Inquire of S. O. Smith, Fruit land Heights orchard, Caldwell. 93-94c FOR SALE—LARGE TENT; INQUIRE Tribune. 94 -97p FOR SALE—CHOICE 10 ACRES. S milea southeast of Caldwell; will ac cept cattle in payment and'With lib eral terms on balance. Address R. D. Sebree. Notua. 84tfc FOR SALE—WICKER BABT CARRI age, in excellent condition. Phone 189-M, or call 1009 Denver. Ï6tfo FOR SALE—5-ROOM NEW HOUSE. fireplace, pipeless furnace, electric range. Immediate possession. Inquire 1520 Blaine or phone 797. Ittfc FOR SALB— «-ROOM HOUSE. FUR nished or unfurnished. Hard wood floors, flra place, full basement, hot air furnace, oloae In, lawn and shads. Inquire Chas. 8. Norton at postofftce. Mtfc FOR SALE—7 - PASSENGER CHAL mers car; abaolute bargain for oash. Phone 227. tttfc FOR SALE—8 - ROOM HOUSB AND furniture; furniture new year ago; house modern, all but heat. Price 14400. Close In; terms. Inquire iOl Blaine. FOR SALE—»0 ACRES, S MILES FROM Caldwell, all In alfalfa: produoed 12600 ' In crops this year. Small farm house, outbuildings, deep well and eth er Improvements. Price 111,009. Pos session soon. Reaaonable terms. In quire Nlchol, Hann a * Madden. 7»tfo FOR SAL B— HOUSBHOLD GOODS consisting of electric and coal range, 4« heating stoves, sectional bookcases, refrigerator, library, parlor and bed room furniture, etc. Call morning at »04 Main st.. Ç aldwell, fcla. ^ FOR SALE. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, WELL Lo cated, cement walk, nie« lawn and p *î y °J. 8ha( Je. Oarage and ohloken P* r „ k - , Possession right now. Pria», I4S00; liberal terms. Phona 47». 7ltfc F ? R H S E T~ «-ACRE ALFALFA ranch, 3 H miles from Caldwell; bar ■I" * B. B. Reavla, Cald Sttfe FOR SALE—NEW 5-ROOM BUNOA low, 1U acres ground, close in, 13700: terms. See J. Jester or write B. B. lteavla. Caldwell, R. I; also (-room house. Shade, fruit, lawn; |2«00 for quick sale. 8 9tfc FOR SALE—HAY BALER, HORSE trade. Tltfo FOR SALE—BUICK StX. PRACTIC ally new; reasonable terms. Call Saratoga hotel. 80tfo FOR SALE—JACOBEAN OAK DININQ 8 ©t. beds, rugs and other household articles. Phone 796-W morning only. 92-93-»4c FOR RENT ROOMS. LOST LOST—COLTS AUTOMATIC. 2S -CAL., on boulevard between Caldwell and Nampa; leave at Tribune. 92-94p LOST—OPEN-FACED GOLD LANSBT watch; liberal reward offered; leave at Tribune. ||.||p WANTED. WANTED TO TRADE—TEAM horaes and I colte for she or will buy; phone ranch. * I* !■ V/i lOtto WANTED TO TRADB TEAM AND horses for sheepor plsre. or win buy; phone 170-R. J. V. Smith at Hill To» WANTED—FORDSON TRACTOR AND Ford car; write W. J. Wlndslow, Green leaf. Mtfo OOOD PAINTER WANTS WOHL AU. nVîmrii.rXKe rlÂï ph «i WANTED TO RENT—HOUSB. BY I adults, no children: will take good of premises. Address W. B. Co MISCELLANEOUS APPLES FOR SALB— PHONB C. Postlethwaite. APPLY AT 902 DBARBORN FOB Coie s Hot Blast stove No. 1(0; prtee IIS; also Perfection oil heater, 98. Both are practlcallyv new. tltfo WE MAKE INSTALLMENT LOANS city homes. Nlchol. Hanna * ~~ dsjv