: DRESSES & ness coods i ! % t S; s i & ! & # # & # : & & & # Ê S Not half enough people realize how splendidly we are prepared to dress little girls of six ot fourteen. Young wemon come to us naturally to get the very fashionabl® dress goods for which we have become more or less fam ous. But little girls dresses with Sailor Blouse or without at moderate prices are a specialty of ours that we delight in more than you would think possible. We have an immense stock of shirt waists, 25a to $3.50 - . i: each. Come when you have tne assortment to select from. 9 it p-fjDKK'K,! ************************< D. S. Hunter <♦>«$*$*§> _ ICE ICE For sale Proprietor Kendrick Lumber Yard Shingles, Moulding, Lime, Coal, Rough and Dressed Lumber. Native and Sound. Secure Estimates CITY DRAY I am prepared to do any and all kinds of of work iu the line of drayiug or transfer <$> it- .A iSi Hearts are Trumps j IfYou Buy therfi at £ j KERR'S JEWELRY STORE f 4 ► ^ With or without a cinch in the way of fine f 4 ^ 4 Bracelets f U All kinds, all sites, all styles. We invite you to call and examine the stock nf both lately received ABSTRACTS of TITLE To all Lands and Lots in Latah Cy Idaho IdahoRoalty Title & Trust Company, Moscow, Ida M Ai Gold fasten Compand A Boon to th e House Keeper Washes Clothes without Rubbing Cleans Floors. Walls, Ulass. Etc. 8pra> for Fruit trees. Plants. Etc. Kills Aphis on Trees and Shrubbery Drives Insects from Garden Vegetables One pound will do the same execution as a pound of soap, minus the labor TRY ÏT Manufctrd PECK by JOeEPH BROCK, IDAHO For sale at McCREWS KENDRICK by t t ROWLANDS The Kendrick Gazette PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. -BY MACKINTOSH & WEBER Entered at the PostofTiee at Kendrick. Idaho asBecond-claaa mall mailer. TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION. One Year Six Months Three Months *1 50 1 00 50 ADVERTISIN'« RATES. Local notices, first week per line. .$0.10 Each subsequent week............0.05 Display locals, first week........0.15 Each subsequent week..........0.10 •Display advertisements per month single column, per inch........ 1.00 FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1903. Juliaetta has received some prominence through her picnic and now intends in due style to cele brate 4th of July. Moscow, Gold Hill and other|adjacent points have also declared their intentions along this line and will try Jto do the 'lorious fourth justice. The ques ion which presents itself to us is 'Where is Kendrick at?" The price of success is keeping everlast ingly at it, not allowing any drag in the onward progress of events. Our town has alwas been noted tor originality and success in its mdertakings, and for that reason we a r e not strongly in favor of a celebration this fourth but we be lieve that to best subserve our interests, show what we are and fittingly entertain the patrons of Kendrick, we should hold a fruit and harvest fair this fall. For in stance, say a three days fair. Once before Kendrick did this and we believe it was the best investment she ever made. There is a large amount of work in connection with one of these fairs and it takes an experienced and capable man to successfully conduct one, but we have an expert in this, right at band, in the person of Martin Wessels, whose success 's agaran tee of what this would be. Now we propose to the business men to undertake this matter and let our association get to work as soon as possible as to have the fair this fall will tax our time as much needed. The Bear creek road is progress ing finely, it is a credit to any sec tion and particularly to this. In fact all the roads leading to oür town are now in good shape The Wandscher gulch, Sperry grade, Brady gulch, Bear creek and Jul iaetta roads are all in as good con dition as they have been for years and we will Ree the result this fall in increased traffic. Of course lots can yet be done to improve them and especially the Juliaetta rond which should be made a boulevard if we are going to keep abreast of the situation. It seems to us the Business Men's Association should have a meeting to discuss one or two projects, which seem to call for the united attention of the town: This Juliaetta road must receive our at tention and study- no better time than now. We learn that some prominent saw-mill men will be here in a week or ten days; who is to receive them and show our facil ities for a large plant? The con tinued action of the Spokesman review should be considered; An ent the Moscow celebration and shoot, it was said, prominent shots from Lewistoh, Spokane and Pull man and no mention of Kendrick which has the best club in the In land Empire. Then there is the fruit fair for this fall; what is the matter with discussing it and see ing what can be done along this line. Also we should put up a dis play at the depot which has been in abeyance some months now. Let's have a meeting' A Windmill for sale, at a bargain practically new. For particulars see Dr. A. Hunter. At a called meeting of the members of the locdT lodge of Masons here Thurs day evening of last week there was a genial time held and a social smoke indulged in. It was an occassion of some importance to the order ae the Worshipful Master, L. F. Hare, is v about to leave and the members wished to signify their appreciation of his services and the regaid in which he is held. After the regular lodge a line lunch of cake, ice cream Mid st'aw beiries wee enjoyed, when cigars were passed around and past mas'-r A. W. Gor- on, for the • o ige J iud * n b -hi If of the members, presented -*ir. Ham with a past master's jewel. It was a complete surprise to Mr. Hare, who responded however in a few nest words. All present added their que a of real feeling and G. W. Suppiger in words, sincere and ably used, ex pressed the value Mr. Hare had been to the lodge, his popularity with the brothers and their regret>at his de parture. The jewel which is beautiful, is but a testimony ef Mr. Hare's staud ing and it Is safe to say that not a member of the order here but felt bin heart was in the gift and hi* good will went with it. Few men have entered our town, thrown themselves into our interes s and pursuits, worked as< in telligently or actively, without thought of honor or profit as L. F. Hart, and in his leaving for other points, the town registers a loss, while many a person feels the absence of a good friend and splendid co-worker. For tunate is the town wh ich will count hint a resident and that success and happlneas may be his portion is the wish of his friends and the expressed wish of the MshoiiIc fraternity and his local lodge at Kendrick. Monday afternoon .the annual school elçctlon of this district was held at ttie school house and Messrs K. P. Atchi son, A. P. Hamley and J. A. Hedges were elected almost by an unanimus vote. The vote for special tax was passed but it was thought that six nills would furnish a sufficiency of f mds for sll purporei hence that was all that waa voted. Monday evening a meeting of the new board waa held »nd the necessary preliminary busi ness was transacted. J. A. Hedges ,was elected chairman and A. P. Ham ley clerk, the necessary reporta were sent to tiie superintendent and the board expressed a wish to re-appoint i he corps of teachers of last term, possibly can shall attend without fail and bring what flowers they cun gather. Friday, 8 turday, and 8unday the ''nnmmicemen%exercises of the public a hools iiere have occupied our people's attention and they were well worthy of it. Friday evening the commence ment exercises were held .in the opera house, being given by the graduating class. Great credit is due the princi pal, J. P. Barackman, and the efficient teachers under him for the successful year, and the splendid termination of the term work, while the graduating class could not be surpassed in intelle genee or application in any school ia the country Any one having a good saddle horse easy gaited, for sale call at The Lincoln Hardware. "I have been troubled for some tin e witli indigestion and sour stomach, ' eays Mrs. Sarah W. Curtis, of l.ee, Ma-s., "and have I teen taking Cham berlain'* Stomach and Liver Tablets wiiih have helped me verv much so that now I can eat many things that before I could not." If you have any trouble « itb your stomach why not take these Tablets atfd get well? For sale by A. ('. White A, Co. Chamberlain's Btomach and Liver Tablets are just what you ueed when you have no appetite, feel dull after eating and wake up with a bad taste in your mouth. They will improve your appetite, cleanse and invigorate your stomach and give you a relish for your food. For sale by A. C. White & Co. _ The best physic: Chamberlain's Stomacli and Liver Tablets. Easy to taxe; pleasant iu effect. For sale by A. C. White, & Co. Church Notic«. German Lutheran church at Cam eron, Ida., Service will be held every Sunday at 10 a. m. by Rev. C. Hopf. German Lutheran service will tie held at tlie Presbyterian church in Julinetta, Ida. every alternate Sunday at 2:30 p. m. Presbyterian Church. Sabbatli school. Sabbath, 10 a. m Preaching, Sabbath, il a. m. Y. P. K. C. E., Sabbath, summer 7 p. in., witi er 0:30 p. in. J. A. Hedges, Pastor.