> B. H ME Photos I am now established in the old Burns' Gallery (opposite the depot) and to introduce myself will make ÔUB BEST OFFER To purchasers of tickets from my agent. With every dozen pictures (Cab inet $5) will be given FREE, A 16x20 Photograph (GENUINE) Mv agent will call on you Show Samples and take orders. This offer is onlv good for GO «lays ai.d there will be sold We also make Photo Buttons Photo Medallions Photo Jewelry Kanch and Stock Views . Farm Groups, etc Old Pictures Enlarged ONLY 100 TICKETS Comein and SEE Something New RMMES Photograph Gallery Of Interest To 'Each of Us ] la: «R» uA. fek has re-[ John Benjamin of Keti ceived hl« appointment as Justice of the Peace for Kendrick Precinct. After lie qualifies lie wants yoq to ask him something easy for a starter. We have a tan shoe that we thinR is the tiest harvest shoe that came to tow». McGrew. Mr. Lewis of the Moscow Commer cial Bank speÀt s couple of days in our town- the (mat week. He purchased Lewis Hunter's team of bays. Mrs. Geo. Young and daughter re turned to their home Monday after a two weeks visit with Mr aud Mrs. H. P. Hull. Hull's little nigger mile posts seems to be about the proper caper. The water company laid pipe to the gallery of R. B. Himes our new photo grapher, tills week. Fine sweaters that will not sweat your purse at McGrew's. W. E. Daggett of Southwick and aon returned Monday from a ten days camping trip on the North Fork. A splendid trip is reported, lots cf fish and renewed health. John Lavin our new blacksmith moved into the house recently occupied by D. 8. Hunter, having bought the property from thelaiter (Saturday last. L. A. Kerr, has a new counter and jewelry.case in liis store which just fills a S of the available room for dis play. This case contains an assort ment of all Kinds of jewelry at all prices while if you want something really Hue L. A. s is also the place to B°i You will find John Benjamin again on the Hog Market. 8ee him before you sell your Hogs. R. C. Sinclair returned Sunday from his trip to Moscow, some relief was secured at that place from the pain caused by the optic vein, uud he Is again on duty. The wife of T. B. West has been suf fering from an attack of quinsy the past week. M. B. Rushton and wife returned Monday from their sojourn at Peck. Grant Evans is laid up with a sore foot a bad time of the year too, but he is improving nicely. See me about grain insurance, field, stack or warehouse- It will pay you. T. B. West. Mrs. L» w;s and Mrs. Dr. Hunter were rusticating on the Potlatch property of ti e r husbands last week. Ed Leland spent a couple of days in town and vicinity, on business bent, ibis week See me about grain insurance, field, stack or warehouse- It will pay you. T. B. West, A basket social and ladies bazaar wus held in Juliaetta Friday last. Good time we hear. Our attorney T. B. West is after the insurance business and what is more getting it. Mr«. Pennell and Mias LornaaHazcn of Lewist- n came up on Thursdays morning train and went out to Leland for a few days visit. J. H. Lavin, Deputy Head Consul, of tiie Modern Woodmen of America spent Saturday evening organizing lodge of that order at Linden. A good society was started with ten charter .members. Those being initiât ed that evening were. Emry Jenka, Win. Jenks, John O' Curr, Win. Cable, John McFee, Walter Gilmore, Sam Becbtol, Clarence Bech tol, Jus. Fisher, N. McFee. » Tiie name of the looul lodge is Gold Hill Camp No. 11257, M. W. of A. The members furnished a fine ban quit during the session which was heartily enjoyed. ' , Oil the 29th another clâss will be in. itiated which will make a strong order at Linden. Mr. Lavin returned to liis borne Monday. C. M. Keep and Will. Terry were Juliaetta Thursday morning early. in Mrs. Mollie Allen, of South Fork, Ky., says she has prevented attacks cholera morbus by taking Chamiier laiu's Stomach and Liver Tablets when she felt an attack coming on. Such attacks are usually caused by ni digestioii and these Tablete are just what is needed to cleanse the stomach aud ward oft the approaching attack, Attacks of bilious colic may be pre vented in the same way. Fur sale by White A Co. -Cb. -Ai. xCi^/Ci—tïï. Lost: A child's pjd cWhk,* Finder ! ewarded. suitably. a of is a to in W. W. Trumbull, can leave at th is sgfice) M. C. McGrew and Rev, Mitchell drove overland to Moscow Tuesday evening. Robert Hall and R. C. Sinclair's boy's Donald and Harold went to Mos cow yesterday on a visit. E. P. Atchison went to Lewiston Tuesday afternoon to attend a meeting of the Volltrier Clearwater Company He returned Wednesday morning. You want to insure your grain and I want to ipsure it fur you Dont make any difference where it is I will insure it. Also am mak ing some good loans. T. B. West. Mr. Brillhart and children, Miss Maud and Clifford packed their house hold goods this week preparatory to returning to Kansas probably to re main. Mr. Hanson, a brother of Andy Hanson' returned to liis Missouri home last Tuesday after a month's visit, with his mother and brother. Mr. Hanson spoke very favorably of this country and believes it a regular paradise for tiie farmer but was forced to re turn to attend to liis interests. Geo. Wright and family and Capt. Curltoi and Mrs. Carlton are ou team p mg this week at tiie head of* Waud clieer gulch. Roy Osborn i? shingling Dan Hunt ers warehouse this week. George Rubedew of Moscow was a visitor in Kendrick Monday. Willie Bibb returned Tuesday from Spokane. Crockery and glassware at tiie low est possible price at McGrew's. Miss Dora McCrea daughter of D. S. is visiting with her father this week. Mrs. Rowell sister of Mrs-H. P. Hull arrived iiere last week from Spokane and is enjoying a much needed rest. Her daughters have been here for some time and all are having a thoroughly enjoyable time. Prof Barackman aecompan ied . tiie household car of M. C. McGrew-to its destination at Walla Walla returning to Moscow wtiere lie joined in tiie teachers institute being out of tiie in structors at that place Mr. Christopher Byrne came up from Lewiston Tuesday to see Ids sous aud enjoy a little cool air. Herbert Helms and Herman Wagner left Tuesday morning for a vacation in tiie ijoer dAlenes. Earnest and hard work tl'.e past year lias entitled them to a rest and the boys have went to the right place fur it. Mrs. Chas. Vincent returned Tues day from a short visit to Lewiston. Call and get our prices on dinner plates, cups and saucers at McGrew's. Mrs. H. N. Nelson returned the first of tiie week from a short visit with B. W. Strain of Ciarkaton, enjoying the time but finding it rather warm. Miss Ida Nelson went up yesterday to attend tiie Teachers Institute now in progress there. Miss Evans and Miss Rogers of Lewiston iiave been visiting Edith Burns this week. John Burns returned from Lewiston last week to liis home nere where' he will spend the rest of his vacation. He expects to go East this fall to school. Take yoifr choice of fine brands of fijjur at McGrew's. Mrs. Bryan and children of Colfax returned to their home Tuesday morn ing after a visit with her daughter Mrs VonSoeiinen and family. Pianos aiid'-^rgaiis from the famous Allen & Gilbert-jlamaker Co. of Port land, Ore. L. Av Kerr, agent. High grade instruments). Good terms. See them at tiie jewelrd store. of Eat All Ycku Want. Persons troubled wkth indigestion or Dyspepsia can ea all Ihey want if they wdl take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. This remedy prepares the stomach for tiie reception, retention, di\ estion and as siinilatioii of all the wholesome food \ that may be eaten,»and enables tiie di j gestive organs to transform tiiq same j into tiie kind of blood that gives health by and strength. Sold by White & Co. I Kendrick F. M W ilder]Leland. t it p a S. its in in to B. Come To Day Come To Morrow and t Come Any Time Ê See the New Styles of & <$> <$> I Vogue and Gloria I World's Model I $5 & $3.50 For Women m You have never had shoes to fit you like these IGovernor tjjK J& The Foremost gJK Æ Shoe for Men , The New Styles are Now In ► • ' Style - - "Top Notch'' > > Fit * * - - Couldn't be Better > > Wear — Absolutely without Equal Price - A Dollar Under Value i Haizlip & inn <$> <$> <$> <$> <$> <$> <§> <§> <$> -cC*a—eCb—jVi cVi cVx. I Hearts are Tromps IfYou Buy them at t KERR'S JEWELRY STORE With or without a cinch in the way of fine Bracelets. AH kinds, all sizes, all styles. We invite you to call and examine the stock nf both lately received ^ r "V -T&r-cv-i KENDRICK LIVERY STABLE The Best Stock Expert Drivers Best Rigs in Kendrick All kinds of Feed, Timotv Hay, Chop, Grain. Board by day or month IP lay Mia Gioe us a Trial CHANDLER & HILL Livery, Feed & Sale Who can think of some simple Wanted-An Idea sis^sss ney». Washington, ». O., foc tbelr It.aon prise offer seul list of Mo hundred lurent!ene warned. FURNITURE j Chairs, Lounges, Beds, Mantels,, Mirrors, Mattresses, Springs, ft. Rockers, Mirrors, Desks, 3> — r Walt Paper Picture Framing Second r«r- GOOD? Bought and Sold i » Notice by Post Office The postoffice for tire 'benefit of its patrons will not close till fc:30 in tiie evening, this hour taking effect on aud after this date. Aug. st. 03. £3 A. P. Hahlky P ostmaster D S. Huuter has rented a part the L-iBole house and is norv dom «-«Il ne rv.