K'- »TICE TO DREDITOR8 . . Ks< îif Hurry McKee Deceased. A X h •;.« htj'uoy given t>y Un; under ! ,• ■ administrator of tiie estate >f|? -.0 Ko.; deceased, to the creditors j 4 . i persons havhigoIanri:i auain-1 . Y tî deceased, to exhibit. them | with necessary vouchers, Within 10 . Her tiie first publication of! ïh.= v, to the said udinmislrntor j là r, j «fence tiie same being t .e ' , Y ■■ Hie transaction of the hi »i i midestate in Latah OiHiiif.y, -.hue Y Muho. AWi McKee Ado. iftrator of rite Estate of Harry : M«Tv «- 'i ceasci. Dated at. Ken-iri-k ! lali ■ ilv 27t '.m Marry <"i : . an* A Core For Dyspepsia. I imu '.ysyep;i 1. in its •verst form and • '' misent die most if the t. v Die -, : enjoy .ring until «fter I Code! Dyspep. a Cure which has • ■tmi jloiYy uredtr.e —Mrs. W. W. Baylor Milliard. Pa. Ko appetite, loss of .shenvih, aervousness, headache, eov. ;«(•! p.ittbn, bad ireath, sour risings, in : I igentn.lV, dys • ••psia and all stomach rioiiMt :s are qc ckly cured by the use f Ivfiriol. Ko loi -represents .the n tt :md jf.'Oes of o gestion combined with v ith the grea iat known products and constructive properties. It cleanse# purifies and weetens Hi# stomach, -old : y White & Co.. Kendrick and F. £1, Bnyder, J,. land, Ida. Dieting invites Disease. 1 To core dyspepsia or indigestion it is no longer necessary to live on milk and toat. Starvation produces such ■'.veidthcss that the whole system be» conu.i an easy prey to disease. Kodoi Oyspepsia Cure enable# the stomach nid oigesflve organs to digest and a#» Ymiiate all of .the wholesomfe iood that or.- ; cares to eat, and is a never failing cure for indigestion, dyspepsia end ail stomach troubles, Kodoi digest# what you cal—makes the stomach sweet,. Hold by F M. 81 ' y der, Le laud and Whiter: Co. Lendrick, Ida. He Learned a Great Truth. R L. Byer. a well known cooper of this town, rays be believes Chamber l".io';i Colic Cholera and 'Diarrhoea remedy suv, d Ids life last summer. He hud been sick for a mouth with what tin- doctors call bill ns dysentery, and .■mil i get nothin* to do him any good ».until Ire tried this remedy. It gave * him nrirneu ate relief" says B. T. Lit ; !«', merchant., Huucock, lid. For .«a e bv Widie. & C. : j ; j i ! ! ; A Perfect Parkt Ml Ts the one that will clt.-ise the sys nn, set tin liver to action, remove tin He, dear ti'e complexion, eure head ache and leave a good taste in tiie vrioulh. '1 in- famous littie pills for do -' :.n.g i-tich w«rk pieasutitly and t-flecf mlly are LfeWiU.'s Little Early Risers Roll Moore of Lafayette, Ind. says: All other pills I have used gripe ntnij Mckeii, wl/ili De Witt's J.itile F.arly Risers tue simply perfect.'' Sold* by F. M. Snyder, la land and White & Co Kendrick, Idaho. Ran a Ten Penny Kaie Through H13 • Hgnd. For several months our younger bro ther had been troubled witii indiges tion. H tried several remedies but gut 110'benefit from. Ha ul. Wo pur chased t■ me of ( liaiidnu luin's Btom aeti and ,iver Tablets and he cum no net 1 . iking them, inside ■ f thirty days he hud gained forts' pound# in Y sli. He is now fully recovered. We have a r od trade on 1 lie tablets.—Hol .> Bros merchants. Long Branch, Mo For sale by White « o. We in. vs a s- hola. ship for sale cheap the > Hull. Busm -s College, Pro fessor T 1 npson pr. pxietor. Any one desiring 1 ■ lake a eon - in this well xno.'.n 1 ttudon .v:U Kud a bargain here. AUCTION K very Satin day u .hold an uuetioti s:. Hid's Ij! very Stable •ditierence what you t-llel'e ;s, til ' sale will lie time s'Hiul. 'id, .s i.- no CALK o'clock, I will it Chandler & It nmkP8 no a' e nr how little iield at tiie Liufl", bur. a solitii : There • — "ood jilur stork and I can mala for you. Leave your ordei ('handler H 11.,. corrals for good mon th me or at J. F. CARLTON Auctioneer. White Bn of Lewiston, Idaho, h-tve lease-1 toe Hunter warehouse aud v lil begin operation» Wednesday morning. '1'iiey will pay cash foi sms, prunes, apples and crab apples Bud and see txiem. Pie bytOTiaa Chu-c:h. Bfthhntli - liool. Sabbath, 10 a. ni .(reaching. Sabbath, 11 a. ra. \. P. B ' Salibath, summer 7 p. in. win : . m. J. ' ,HkP astor. . 4 *"yv 15c -^r-v, Of Interns? To Each of Us 'll vf ! Shea la©#* at Osborn's. Henry Wessels is having his house repapered end painted inside prépara 1 __________ ____ „ 'ory to moving iu about November 1st ! S. It, Wetmore of Soothwick is tho ar- j tisc Mr. and Mrs. D. B McCrea and baby girl returned Saturday from Spokane. Mrs. B. F Shull died at Juliaetta : Hunday night of peritonitis. Mrs. j Shull was a daughter of merchant ; Kite of tbst place and was widely .own as a devoted wife ami mother •n well as a noble woman. She left a husband and four children who will cel her loss most keenly. The funeral j occurred Tuesday. Chester Keller has been helping H. P. Hull this week in the general mer i chandise business. ! Do*,t forget that Kendrick is pre ! parisjj a play for the public, the c ste ; to b# home talent. A guarantee of a good time. Wheat got back to 60 cents Tuesday. It ia nocertain whether the market goes higher, though to calculate on tiie same ts simply to puzzle one's brain. We heard that the Potlatch Land _ .... . , ... Co. ch,#ed flv- sale« this week, but did I not get the particulars. The eouaty commissioners are new ic seeatou. Ju*t received, a car load of Btar-A Btar shingle# and moulding, which for the next twenty day# I will sell at a discount of 10 per cent, for cash. D. S. Hunter. M. C. McGrew went to Peck Satur day te look after business interests. He returned Monday morning. For a pleasant physic take Chamher lain'a Stomach and Liver Tablets. Easy to take and pleasant in effect. For sale by White & Co. Walter Cat-mean has accepted a pos ition in the Kendrick Btate Bank. His place at Peck has been taken by Howard Dont who left for that point Monday afternoon. a Peter Krvger has had printed a large number of sale bills announcing tiie -aie of farm machinery, stock anil household goods on Oct. 21. This is a haut e to get some bargains iu these tilings and you will do well to attend A bunch of Keys were found in tiie Opera hall after the Endeavor social. They may be bad by culling at this of fice. P Our readers will take notice of the idvertisenieut of G. M«Lewis ill tills weeks issue. He lias everything yop a-antin the jewelry line and is an up 10-date watch repairer. Give him a vail. Pianos and organs from the famous Allen & Gilbert-Ramaker Co. of Port land, Ore. L. A. Kerr, agent. High ^rade instruments. Good terms. See them at the jewelry store. Charles Hamlin and A. W. Gordon will represent the local lodge of Odd Fellows at the meeting of the grand lodge in Coeur d'Alene city next week. | l'he Rebekaiis will be represented by ; Mesdames T. A. Hunter and E. P. At- | ellison and Miss Abba Smith. W. E. Keir returned the first of the j week from Spokane where he was in attendance with Mrs. Kerr upon the j Spokane Fair there last week. , He ex pressed himself as well pleased with j the fair and said it was fully up to the ! standard of former years if not better. ; Wait till you see the caste of the coining Huma Talent Dramatique Troupe. Win. Ellwinger of Spokane, superin tendent of Brurigt reels commercial agency for eastern Washington was in Kendrick this week checking up our 1 various merchants. He has found an amazing growth along aji business J lines in eastern Washington and-jrï) .. ,,i- ! a ! a ixortliern Tdaho, the best indication of .•rosperity for j-eats. Miss Willis returned Monday from 1 Peek where she has been assist in the millinery department there of Me- ; Grew's. She will return tliere the first of the week for a few days more. Did you eay appie trees? The Rome i Beauty, (Jane, Jonathan and Wagner i can he purchased from H E. Wcset-ls | in any quantity, on« to 10,000 aud ut a prtoe tiiat can't be duplicated. Oil at Onborn's to make your shoes waterproof. D. B, Hunter has moved into tiie old bakery block. It tins been nicely re papered and cleaned by T. B. West who has tiie rental of it. Farm Fo r Sale 100 acre? of rich, warm land, cheap. T. B. West Kendrick, Ida. i j i I j I j : 1 <$> i<$> you to step in all him or your friel Hugh Jenni ! shooting gftller; j 1,0 -'Icttrew a. Remember Osborn pells tiie Ileid Brunke shoes for men and boys. •has established a in the building n est y lis- a inimh't of targets which will furnish ;• od prac tice (hr both oldraud young. Ii you ehjoy any thiugfof this kiu-i he ask 1 have h shoot witii d. Cork soles, Sln)e Nalls, Rubber lauds at Osbox 11's Bhoe Polish at Osborn's. 4 Lester Hamlet* is able to be oui again after a slid« attack of typhoid j fever. \ Tiie Pine creek | school will open' next Monday Oct. lit, with U. Kiis patrjck in charge, it will run for five ■noiiths. Mr. Flaherty, wilo chased the Prof. Aldrich farm through the Kendrick Realty) Co. will move ori to it about Nov. 1. it3 expects his brother in law from trie east later on. Call and examine those shoes nt Os born's shoe siiop, ttiek' cannot be beat for hard wear. All blind made. recently pur- i ,- Idaho's building at ftiie Bt. Louis ex I po9itjon wi „ bR a bjg Jf )g 8trnctnre , n a | ; | j in j the Swiss style. It will be one story hieh and 66x75 feet at.d office rooms will be provided. It v. ill be an attrac tive structure and c'uveniently ar ranged. Mr. and Mrs. Shoemaker with their sister and nephew of Moscow were vi sitors at the home of Robert Bighorn over Sunday. They were taken to tlie Eberle vineyard at Juliaetta and ex pressed themselves as delighted with this whole country. John Sandberg has given his resi dence on the hill à new coat of pai.it which adds greatly to its appearance. ^ N. B. Holbrook, a •• ell known old / timer of Juliaetta, is seriously .Jll at his ; residence there. Dr. Hun tar is in at tenuanee upon him. \<$ Last Tuesday night wss a red letter i <^> day in the history of the Rebckah lodge here, four candidates having been initiated into the mysteries of that order. Those initiated were Rev. | Mitchell, Harry Tyler, Ole Ole-on and j Miss Lena Hupp. Lunch was served j after the ceremonies and the evening j ended very pleasantly, for all. The 1 regular team of the Bebekahs consist- : ing of Mrs. A. C. White, Mrs. T. A, Hunter, Mesdames S. A. Calllson, E. P. Atchison, 11 . P. null, IIous'i. H. I Rowlands and Äliss Morris, officers j with Mesdames Band berg, J. iianttey on the team, wiio took the novitiates i through tiie mysteries of ihe order and j needless to say it was well done. This afternoon the team, accompanied by ! a number of others goes to Lelaud j starting at about 4 o'clock to assist in; the organization of a lodge there and to initiate a number of candidates. The Lelund people are preparing to give them a hearty welcome. Supper , will be served at, six o'clock befere die .; formal ceremonies begin and a ban quet will be given at -midnight after; the organization of the lodge and the j initiation of members. Everybody connected with the order is expecting : ! a big time. 1 I j ! ; 1 a! J <•*> ! ® I Santirsg ays eople 1 $ ; Jg i i | (î) K you liny your apple I : rs of me (•) I haVe lO.GCO tim large mat lu-iiltli, . i; immediuteiy, a* il.ey m; I H. E. WE3£E (•) 'v • C'>»-«d9«i3-i> . gMBiMM«a8M»«a;^ «v # 3 iMrwir. * *uueMP*aat i The Salve That Heals i Without leaving a scar is DeWitt's. | j The name Witch Hazlc Salve is the i only With Hazle Salve made that con- j I taius the pure unadulterated when iia- i j le. If any other M'ilcli liazle sdve is I offered you.it is a counterfeit. K C. | DeWilt invented with hazel salve and ! DeWitt's Witch Hazel Suive is the I best salve in the world for cuts, burns, j bruises, tetter or blind,.bleeding, itch ing and protruding piles. Bold by !• . : M. Snyder, Belaud aud .While & l'o. Kendrick, Ida. <$> i<$> f * n : ! 1 1 a a m. We have bought the entire ,- sample line of J. Miller Slioo the famous Go's shoes ^ / ; at a disconntof SO per cent from tho regular price, Thero is $1000 worth of these shoes in this buy, We will place on sale these shoes Saturday next at the same big reduction, 00 per cent off regular price. \<$ i <^> vxrwxjaiaKmria mrntrm, » «■ tul j. uVcT T- - , V*» r ta iure rmtmru joon Sold IT. Si i AH i)P0 hi t H TI - - m IN -> n-;n -\nr.\ Wantad-ßn Idea SS J Hi'J \v'vrK ; r| '" r ,n '*-v v Grin« > VI A Ê -V'pg' lK '■ • f '*r tb(:*r $l.N.o vrJftC * 1 lvvc ' Luuurea iiivomkma w^utetj