a *■■**&* o sums Hunter Proprietor *1 D. S» «I# a *« 'tits ? Coal. 0 %■ , ftym-; r i ui i t V-, A f T > i-.ra p f 1 » ail kin. f of ci.a.v ' IOE JVitng 1 v:K, B I ouldinn r.amber, Lime, DRAY is of work in I be lim icei __________ ® iS-«ys $ '■mm: V • ^<*>®®® 1 8 ! (£ • Si Tire Setting Machine Work i|t I * i g I f -1 % : ;* : :> A j I I £ p' 1 I J; I ! ,*) j By.. - nU .. c- > A i^>QCShOCmqa&peCialty J HHMTPR X 11 U .11 1 uli Of tw T T A1U OArtnUTmT 'ii Oil! OUiiflillM, ÿ I „ ' % I j ! -------— -- 1 - Ji —--------- I j Vjr t?Trt r | QUAD ! J «Ïλ C* à ail ÛdnDUÏ 0 Tagil j ---AND---- BATH ROOMS Shop, first door west of Pacific Hotel None but first class workmen em ployed W' B. GIEWS.Prappiotsp Kendrick Idaho j ! I a T.ter C. Oygert b dewt, :daho " ..... ' Merchandise ■ , ; rj 7j o fi.:-. V 5àtj* Û Only Store in North Cioarwater White Pire Belt Goods Delivered at Swrmp Creek Mines end on River above Big Riffle Prices Reasonable * ■ W. E. Daggett \ Seuthwis k, Ida <-XDoeLls Xn Everything wanted for tiie Rand), Camp or 'i Nearest Supply Point <: jHovïb fork d^\AiZ jpïîie Swamp cr f k jviiîics Prices Guaranteed the Lowest Uuaiily Considered ^V-SV Your Patronale SclicM • J -Kr—'si ti j Fork cf !t ' JVHnsa --j. 4 1 8 ! (£ • Si THE PANAMA REPUBLIC. How the U. &. Gets in on the Ground Floor per the Roosevelt Policy. Secretary Huy has signed a cana! treaty with M. VariUa, the minist-.;', of Panama, by which Ore Uihhd Statut acquire» absolute 1 sovereignty over a strip of territory five i-A ;... 3 vidv i|t I on each side of the c.taa . the ,-lght u i enforce sanitär; regulation at 9 public g I peace in the cities af Panama and«. **.>..» -1 possession of four islands in the vicin % : ity of the isthmus, and the monopoly : of any system of communication be :> tween the oceans either by canal or rail road, Ju return our »'overt: uncut guarantees the independence of the Republic of Panama, pays itint coun try (10,000,000 and begining ni. to j ears from date of treaty, an annual rein-u of $250,000. The Panamaern: ; . v>:,oa era arrived in Washing! ;ri several hours after the Hay-Bunau-Vnitiia treaty was signed by the new mini: er. They expressed great satisfaction at the terms of the treaty, and one of their; will carry the document to Panama for ratification. It is thought that ttie assent of Panama will be obtained about Dec. 10, and the treaty will then be sent to the senate, where it is sure to j l>e ratified. The republicans need two I democratic votes in order to get a two thirds majority to approve a treaty. 1 but in this case most of the democrats I will support the Administration. The I position of the minority senators was ! expressed by Senator Bacon of j Georgia, who said that although they Qeor. ia, wlro said that although they opposed the haste and disregard for in International law, displayed by the president in recognizing Panama, they would not ullow themselves to be pul I on record as opponents of a treaty I which hastened the construction of a j canal. The canal is much desired in ! the southern states and this accounts I for the attitude of many southern j senators who would otherwise gladly ! oppose the administration. The Pan j am» government is aliout to he recog nized by Ciie European powers although f a they declare that the new republic siiou id assume an equitable portion of Colombia's <^bt, which amounts to j about $15,000,000. Probably our gov ! ernment will pay an indemnity to Col I ombia for the loss of the Dthrmis. With the ratification of tiie new treaty Panama will become practically a part of the possessions of the United, States. The right to police the cities j and to dictate sanitary laws gives us ! °n virtual control of Colon a. ci Panama, j on and we shall doubtless make t -e of our ! right to fortify the canal. j Panama, Dee. 2.—The canal treaty j was signed at 11:30 a. in. today. There j were no amendments to the treaty. Ordinance No. 83. Entitled an ordinance to prohibit certain animals from running at largo within the corporate limits of the Tillage of Kendrick, state of Idaho. Be it ordained by t he chairman and board of trustees of the village of Kendrick. Seotlon 1. It shall bo unlawful for any per son, owner or custodian of any cattle, sheep, sun, owner or cuBiooian or any cattle, sheep, I horses, mules, hogs or any other live stock, j to permit the same to run at large within the incorporate limits of tiie village of Kendrick, state of Idaho, between the 15th day of Aug. and the loth day of November of each year, -nd at all other times between the hours of ■i o'clock p. ni. and 5 o'clock a. m. Kcctiofi 2. It shall be tiie duty of the street commissioner, watchman or othei employe j if the village of Kendrick to cause any eatt te, ' hordes, mules, sheep, hogs or any other lice slock running ut large to cause the same to be iaken up and impounded in ttie village pound Section 3. 'it shall be the duly of the street commissioner, watchman or other employe of the village of Kendrick, Idaho, within 24 hours after impounding any stock, to cause three notices to be posted in three of the moot pul.lie places within the village limlis which notices shall state that there Is impounded in the village pound such horses, mules, sheep, liogs orany other live stock as the case may be by giving, as near as possible, an accurate description of animals, by giving the color, weight, marks, brands, the date when im pounded and the date of sale. Section 4. It shnll he ihe duty of the street commissioner, watchman, or other employe ortho village of Kendrick after impounding any stock to cause I lie same to be sold at pub lic auction to tiie highest bidder for cash with in 1 days from the po.ttir.g of said notices, and ihe proceeds of such sale is to bo deposited in the city treasure, after paving all necessary costs, such as taking up, feeding and sale of said animals. ■tion 5. It shall be ttie further duty of the street commissioner, watchman or other * mpioye or the village or Kendrick, Impound lug any stock, to charge 50 cents per head for -little, ho.-set mules, sheep, hogs or any live ■tuck for the taking up mid impounding said -dork, and ».«ms per head for the feeding of each animat per day. sec tion u. 1 i.e owner of any cattle, horses, tules, sheep, hogs or other live stock so im poum'.e I is hereby permitted to redeem said lock ut an; time before said animal is sold >y paying all necessary expenses such as 1m ixmndinu and fee ling of said slock. ■ci ton 7 It shall be the lurttier dut}- of the street commissioner, watchman or other ■mpioye of the village of Kendrick to give the .purchaser o nay animal a .. titivate ..honing that Mich animal was sold pursuant to tins ordinance. suctions. Ah ordinances or parts of ordi nances now in conflict with t his ordinance arc hereby repealed. .Section tt. Tnis ordinance shall be in force and effect from anti after its passage, approv al and publication. 1 ussed this2nd day of Dee. 1003. J.I. MITCHAM, :'heirm'n. 1 ). H. MACKINTOSH, Clerk. South trick Items We arc enjoying fine weather lately. Many farmer? plow 1 ! J. M\ Williams ieft Friday for his home in Oaiif r raia. B'uf Walker if repniri g his farm ad*» by v. ttit-g cm rustic, etc L v. Kc aier, ev-n* ihn. bupviag with hi-, faui-.y in '.V w • Our scljoola library "Slc-.-pi . Socu ry. terreiiiri-.-.-t -, I much credit :p . ; teacher. W.' E. Div.v.'O j. Spec'icr is. YGv : <• Kendrick. Parties mir,' 1 ";, - , will do v,mil to It, Wcictore. ,ct nri : # iO u\ii To improve t:;c t: • v thu the d:gesi -< .. v ry piiauH.-r' yin's i: 1 Tablets. Mr. i. Mich., say s, ' They t-. the witar. in* pa -- bloated feelitig and • and satisfactory v. bowels." There art community v. ho t medicine. For sale Kendrick. <-.-d ai d streag ?v. dc-f«3 of Idvi-r Detroit, v. i r>- >. f a a pletrsant ,-ct. of tlie in this White & Co., : The Rev. Ira It. Hicks Alruanaip for 1904 is now ready. It will be maiied f o any address for 0 cents. It is surprising how sued -n elegant, costly book can be sent | repaid so cheaply. No family or perso:- is prepared to study the heavens., or the atonris and weather in 1904, w itimut this wonder ful Hicks Almanac i'rof. Ilicks splendid p;t}ier WOO O A ND WORKS. Both arc setir (.»reody One Dollar A Year. WORD AND WORKS ia among the best A -.icrhian Magazines. Like the Hicks Alrnamic, it is too well known to ne-d fuitho rcommenda | tton. Few mci. lu.ve labored more faithfully for the public good or found a warmer plate in the hearts of the people. Bend ord.-ra to WORD AND WORKS PUBiji.SUING CO., 2201 Locust St., St Louis, Mo. y. n -.-.I'd pw>| 1 See Hen Hur! The Northern Pacific will give a one and one-third fare to Spokane and re j turn to see Ben kur played. Tickets ! °n sate Dec. 13 arid 11, good returning j on Dec. 10th. Play is December 14th ! acd 15th. j P. W. Green, Agt. j --------— -_ j Presbytenan Church. Sabbath school. Bat bath, 10 a. m Preaching, Sabbath, 11 a. m. Y. I'. S O. E., Sabbath, summer 7 p. rn er 6:30 p. m. J. A. Hedges, Pastor. NOTICE OF TRESPASS I ^ wish to prohibit ilny fUrtilUr j shooting at targets or any ' * „ ----- other marks un tho slaughter grounds as it is dangerious to the public and any one found doing so, will lie prosecuted to the full extent of the lav,-. L _ J. M. Wild. Brinp; Them In. M. J. Wessels, ottr horticultural and agricu turai manager of the St. Louis fair, lias designated this oilice as a de pository for the collection of grains, vegetables, etc. and we" will try to take care of them. Grains, corn, flax, etc. is what is wanted and in quantity about a peck of each, not les 3 . Re member that nothing hut the best wants to go to St. Louis, and bring it iu. Scholars Wanted I 8m now prepared to receive pupils for either piano or organ instruction Parties wishing saute can. call and re- ceive terms, etc. -Mrs. E. C. Demars THE MARKETS Local Reans, White, No. 1 " Red *>r Miner.® Prunes, Italian, 40 to 50 ' 1 60 to 60 Dry Apples, Kiln Dried " " Evaporated Eggs But let. No. . Farm bacon * Htu.i Lard Wheat, No 1 nev Burley, per * wt, Oats, white p.-r cwt Flax, f o b. con'r Timothy buy, per ton, 2 60 02.1 ■ (li.OO 0 , If you will step in we Tbill shd)» you the finest lot a » 2 HARNESS I r and y» 7 f SADDLES f IDAHO f At rices that cant be duplicated We use the best California Oak leather in everything We keep a big stock of tents and wagon coders o«»2»*iïio mm R