•ix**'" VOL. XII KENDRICK, LATAH COUNTY, IDAHO, FRIDAY, NO. 51 DEC. 11 1903 Bay Season Ie now here and the time for you to secure appropriate presents is now. To aid you I want T . ... „ . It will pay you well to examine, and until Christmas you can 6e to call your attention to MY PHOTOGRAPHS The best work and the most satisfactory ever turned out here, and the variety also, makes it an inducement. I also have Calendar Mounts The latest and most up to-date present. I have them in pine, fir, spruce hemlock, etc. Don't miss this. Also Cabinets 16x30 Photo Stamps of different sizes Vignettes Picture Frames of the latest and best designs. Won't you COME IN AND SEE cure BARGAINS R. B. HIMES PHOTOGRAPHER Kendrick, - Idaho GOMINB ATTRACTIONS THE GUN CLUB COSGROVE CON CERT AND DANCE. THE SCHUBERT SYMPHONY CO. BY THE REBBKAHS Two Rare Musical Attractions for Ken drick, the First on December 16 and the Latter on December ag. Of course we have told you about the Cosgrove concert and dance following, occur neX (; Wednesday, December 16, but then we don't want you to for get it. All people love music, aud fine music, especially by well known art ists, is a rare treat. Every one of this company is an artist and have a repu tation to maintain. The Qun club knew what it was securing, and as can be readily seen from the program, the repertoire gives a fine variety of music all of which is high class. Then, as to the dance which starts' at 10 o'clock p. m. and continues until 1:30, the best music ever had will make one's feet move in spite of themselves, and the crowd will be such as will give pleasure to be among. Tickets are on sale at the White drug store, where you can secure them at the reasonable rate of 35 and 50 cents; dance tickets only 50 cents extra. Don't make a mistake and overlook tills, aud also you want to arrive early aud avoid the rush, as the sale of seats two weeks ahead is phenomenal, and the supply won't last long. THE SCHUBERT SYMPHONY CO. The Rebekah lodge has secured the Schubert Symphony to appear here Tuesday evening, December 29, and are expecting a crowded bouse. We give a few press comments relative to this company and would also state that several of our citizens who have heard them pronounce the perform ance as par and above. The audience was one of the most demonstrative in the history of the Ladies' Matinee Musicale and every uumtier was applauded to the echo.— The Spokesman Review It is rarely, indeed, that Denver is favored with such vocal execution and instrumental as well. It was a rare privilege, thoroughly appreciated by the audience, to listen to the wouderful voices of the quartette in their har monious blending aud surprising range, and there was not a number on the program but secured an encore.— Denver Daily News When I received the printing of the Schubert Symphony Club aud Lady quartette, for our benefit. I was most agreeably surprised at its variety and fine quality, which 1 b in thorough keeping with the entertainmen t given us last night. Tne fine quartette and splendid recitations did much to add to our pleasure and amusement.— Yours fraternally FRANK H CLARK, K. of P. and 8 ., Myrtle Loge N°- 4, K. of P., Detroit, Mich. The Rebekahs hope by this means to secure all or a part of the funds requisite for the regalia of the mem bers, which they need, No effort will be spared to give comfort and pleasure to the attending listeners and we can look forward lo another rare treat in the performance of this club and quartet, Just read the hand bills and other to matter di8played> Easily Captured Convict. An escaped convict from tlie Walla Walla penitentiary, John M. Joy, was capture«.' Monday tiy John Sun burg, our constable, assisted by Tom George. It seems Joy was a trusty nt the pen. and on the 28th of November, climbed the wall to freedom and nortli Idaho, followed by a prison warden whooii jeeted. One night he stayed at George's secured from him a bed and a few oth er necessaries and started to earn an honest livlfhood at the logging canin of Lewellyn, but fate and the warden intervened. His description and a $75 reward had been posted, tlie con stable saw tlie description, ferreted out tlie man, took T. George with him, and appeared at the camp. Joy, who was driving a team, surrendered at, discretion, returned to duress vile, and the pen,, aud Leweilyu is out a man lo an a out who at, v . . . and padlock.) linder will be rewarded by 1 returning the same to this office. 1 LODGES ELECT OFFICERS. Several Secret Orders in Session This Week. This being about the close of the year the different secret orders repre tent ed in Kendrick have been bolding tbeir regular elections and the follow ing are the people who will guide and manage the respective lodges the com ing term: KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. The Knight of Pythias lodge, Cen tral No. 23, have elected G. W. Sup piger, «1. C.; J. J. Hamley, V. C.; W. Crews. Prel.; D. T. A. Mackintosh, M. W.; C. F. Hamilin, K. of R. & 8 .; T. A. Hunter, M. of F.; A. W. Gordon, M. of E.; Frank Brocke, M. at A.; Chas. Chandler, I. G.; J M Hill O G A. Hill, re-elected trustee. ODD FELLOWS. The Odd Fellows, we believe, have elected officers, but are not ready to give the names to the public. It is very likely tbls order and the Rebekah lodge will hold a joint public installa tion, though this is not definitely de cided upon. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. The Woodman officers elected some few weeks ago are: M. Parks, S C; J. C. Bibb, A L; W. M. McCrea, Clerk; A. W. Gordon, Bkr C. F. Hamlin, Mngr., 18 months; Jos. Freuchtel, Escort. MASONS. The Masonic order held their elec tion Thursday evening and installed the same night. The officers of this lodge for the next year are: D. T. A. Mackintosh, W M; J. R. Haizlip, 8 . W.. J. W. Stoneburner, J W ; N Brocke, Treas; H W Weber, Sec; Geo Brewster 8 D; Henry 8 witzer J D; II N Nelson Tyler; A. Hanson C Wurtemberg, Stewarts. A Good Move The school bosrd have ranted the corner building opposite the Gazette office and will turn the same into a school room. It is their lutention to place Mise Morris in charge, giving her the chart and first and second grades, and giving to Miss Hunter all of the 3rd and 4th grades. This will for the present relieve the congested condi tion and allow the teachers a chance to do good work. The present situation demanded im mediate relief, as Miss Hunter had close to 80 scholars and four grades, while Miss Fisher had some 50 pupils and four grades, Miss Morris has about 40 and the same grades as Miss Hunter A solution of the difficulty had to le secured aud that immediately, and the present one will not only solve it for the present but give the board an idea as to the best method of grading and consolidating for the future. This scheme will place about 50 scholars in each room and but two grades, which can be handled to ad vantage. The extra work entailed in hearing and managing four grades is too great where there are many pupils and in the larger schools a teacher has but one grade, for it is much easier to teach 80 pupils of one grade than 40 of three grades. For the present the lower school house will be abandoned and it is pos sible, if tills plan works ad vantag ously that the board will have a radical change to present to our people, look ing toward an improved system of grading and high school method. A gift at Xmas tune brings more joy perhaps lhau at any other time of the year. We have gifts for every body and at prices hardly worth con sidering . Our line of holiday presents are the finest in town. A (J White & Co Druggists arid Book sellers. Two Telegrams. The following speaks for itself and t«»lis what the Cosgrove orchesrta is giving in tlie way of satisfaction: Davenport, Wash—To D. J. Row lands, Kendrick. The Cosgrove or chestra entertainment tip-top, best of the season. W. B. Brockeman, Cuief D. T. D. Cheney, Wash.—To D. J. Rowlands Kendrick. CnogroVe orchestra gave a thoroughly enjoyable co icert here. Harry M. Shaffer, Principal Normal. LOST—A bracelet (silver chain and Attention Boys ! 1 Learn How to Shoot We will give a Rifle Stevens "Favorite" Calibre 22 To the boy 16 years old or under, proving to be the best Shot Enquire at Onr Store for Particulars Governing The Contest. McCrea Bros & Co. Pioneer Dray and Express Line, KENDRICK, IDAHO. Wood, lee and 8ound Shingles kept constantly on hand 1 am prepared to do any and all kinds of work in L.y line in and about Kendrick. A share of the public pat ronage is most respectfully solicited A. HILL, Prop. a Xmas Presents «mm CUTLERY EVERY BLADE VARRANTED Q (!) Lincoln Hardware St Implement Co 0