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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
Kendrick Gazette PUBLISHED EVEBT FRIDAY B. C. Johnson. Publisher and Proprietor Entered at Kendrick, Idaho, 1892, as 2nd Class Matter, under the Act of Congress ot Marchs, 1879. Rates for display advertising made known on application. Bubscription, per year in advance.....$l.ftO KENDRICK IDAHO Trade with the local merchants. Put your money where it will be of benefit to the local community. Where it will be used in the building up of your town and farms. If you send the money away where will the money come from to support your schools, pay the taxes, help in road donations. The out of town mer chant will not do it. If you want a road fixed the out of town merchant tells you to do it. The local mer chant helps you. So where should your money be spent? With this issue of the Gazette the publisher has changed the appear ance of the paper somewhat. The size has been enlarged from a five column paper to a six. The amount of pages are eight, which will con tain all the general, state and United States news, along with the local news that we are able to gather. If you have a neighbor that is not now a subscriber tell him to come in and subscribe and thus help make the paper better by his support and in return he will get the news service he desires. This paper is reading and willing to help any new feature in the town as well as to stand by the ones already here. If the read ers and citizens of this section of the country expect to always have a lively local paper they will have to lend a small amount of their support Now Is the Time to Buy FLOUR If you have not already a supply ot flour on hand, you will not make any mistake by laying in a supply now. It is only a matter of time when flour will follow the advance of wheat* When buying flour, just as well get the best Princess Century Or Clearwater All made of the best hard wheat obtainable, and absolutely guaran teed. Ask your grocer for our Flour. THE BEST. LEWISTON ^ MILLING CO. ^ toward it and by so doing help other movements that will help the town, so when you are doing this you are helping yourselves ten fold. Can't you see the point? Help boost. Don't always be knocking. ......— The officials of Spokane are now going from the offices they were elected to serve into the society realms and trying to take away the liberties of the young of the city. They have invented spike belts for the young ladies to wear while dan-. cing so it will be impossible for young men to get in three rods of their partner. They will now ask the lady to waltz up and down the room on one side while they do ; likewise on the other side of the j room. The officials will remember that they did not have any social events in their lives. Another thing is where they have now ordered out the phones in the fire stations where the men are paying for them them selves. It appears that nowadays it has become fashionable for men elected to office by the dear people to turn around and take all their liberties away. How long are the people going to stand for such con duct of the servants they call them selves. Another thing how long will it be before this country will be sn empire, governed by some chronic kicker who will take a shot at you if he takes a fool notion. Church Notice Rev. Samuel B. Chase of Lewis ton will speak next Sunday in the interests of the Children's Home Finding and Aid Society. He will speak in the Presbyterian church in the morning and Methodist church in the evening. A cordial invitation is extended to the public to attend these services. Our Silent Auction Has Begun Do not fail to make a bid on this Gang plow / tr mi and say, what is the matter with taking a drill out now while the sleighing is good; we'll make the terms so that you will not lose any money by buying at once. I Lmcoln-McCrea Hardware Implement Co. Steele Sayings Three more weeks ot school. We understand that Fred and Otto Gladden have rented the Leon Ingle farm for the coming season. Charlotte Elliott of Pine Creek bench is visiting with May McBride this week. Uncle Sam has been employed the last two weeks by Mr. Hecht breaking roads. Our mail carrier has not missed a t ip and as the prompt delivery of reading matter during a snow block ade is quite an item, he has our sin cere thanks. Luther McGraw who has been un der the weather the fore part of the winter is much better and is able to attend Divine services held at the Steele school house. Jim May was seen in our midst Thursday evening. Jim is at pres ent head cook at bachelors' restaur ant, but from appearances he wishes an assistant. W. W. Tracy's smiling face was seen at divine service Wednesday evening. We understand Mr. Tracy is looking for a cook. This is cer tainly a fine opening for some in dustrious young person. Charlotte Elliott, Ella Whitcomb, May and Maggie McBride, called on Theresa Gladden Thursday after noon. We are informed that one of our prominent young farmers will shortly ! go east to take a r™>rse in cL '"c ! science. The girls are getting al most too particular nowadays. Alex Galloway, Wm. Whyback, I Wm. McGraw and James Harbison, attended the banquet at Kendrick Saturday evening given under the i auspices of the Odd Fellows. N. R. SHEPHERD Licensed AUCTIONEER Latah county, Idaho, or Whitman county, Wash. Satisfaction guaranteed. For terms and dates address this office. Residence—Troy, Idaho. BETTER THAN SPANKING Spanking will not cure children of wetting the bed, because it is not a habit but a dangerous disease. The C. H. Rowan Drug Co., Dept. 1129 Chicago, 111., have discovered a strictly harmless remedy for this distressing disease and to make known its merits they will send a 50c package securely wrapped and prepaid absolutely free to any reader of the Gazette. This remeby also cures frequent desire to urinate and inability to control urine during the night or day in old or young. The C. H. Rowan Drug Co. is an old reliable house. Write them today for the free medicine. Cure the afflicted members of your family, then tell your neighbors and friends about this remedy. A. R. Schumaker spent Sunday with his family in Pullman. How to Bankrupt tbe Doctors. A prominent New York physician says: "If it were not for the thin Btockings and thin soled shoes worn by women the doctors would probably be bankrupt." When you 1 contract a cold do not wait for it to develop into pneumonia but treat it at once. *Cham berlain's Cough Remedy is intended csjieci ally for coughs and colds, and has won a wide reputation by its cures of these diseases. It is most effectual and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Albert Moshop.—Ad vertisement. 1 If It Should Happen C.+ Wo That you were in the midst of baking, and callers should come, would it not be good to feel that letting the dough stand a while would not spoil, but improve your cakes and pastries That is one thing that Crescent Baking Powder will do, and you will find many other good qualities in it when you try it. 25c per Full Pound Can At your Grocers Send us 2c in stamps for our Cook Book Crescent Manufacturing Company Seattle, Wash. A. D. S. DRUG STORE. We carry a full line of A. D. S. preparations, such as White Pine Cough Remedy, Family Liniment, Sal He patica, Lithia Tablets, Tooth Powder, Tooth Paste, Per oxide Cold Cream, Violet Talcum Powder, Peroxide Soap, Herb Tea, Malted Milk, Female Remedies, Pills, and Tablets for different ailments. We give special and undivided attention to all physician's prescriptions; we don't substitute. "We are in business' for your health." ALBERT MOSKOP, Ph. C. Kendrick, Idaho Gazette per year $1.50 Job Work Ready When Promised