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SHIP TWO CARLOADS OF ELK INTO STATE FROM MONTANA The settlers over in the Chamberlain | *n Basin and Mallard Creek sections will be surprised to learn that the state has Just had BO elk shipped In from the National Dark and Jackson . Hole country for the purpose of "propagat ing and perpetuating the species'' and that corrals and feeding grounds have been prepared for their reception over in the Black Lake country. The few settlers In the sections mentioned have had some experience with elk during the p«st few years, as well as with the «täte officials and game warden's de partment, which has taught them a sad and expensive lesson along that line. Edward C. Harplson lives am Mallard Creek, some 26 miles south of Elk City, where he owns a ranch from which be has been trying to earn a living. The elk, which are abundant In that country form In herds and break down his form In, herds and break down his fences and overrun hi* crops, not In frequently destroying his season's la bor. They come In at certain season* and mingle with his domestic caltle and tramp out hi# meadows from which ho cuts hay for hl» own animals. In severe winters» he has fed and preserv ed the elk, and has thus helped to oanry out the efforts of the state which has had laws enacted preventing the killing of the same by hunters. Mr. Harplson was out to Orangeville Inst season and was a gtiest of the local Commercial club at the regular weekly luncheon while here. Mr. Harpl aon related some of his experience» to dairying and ''elk raising" which were very Interesting, came so numerous under his fostering be ly 1n When the elk be them, care a« to be burdensome and destruct ive of crops, Mr. Hmrplson applied to the state asking that, In view of the part he had taken tn preserving the elk in that section, that he be supplied by the state with sufficient wire to fence his place against the elk Inva sions, but his petition was Ignored. Yet the state can go to the trouble and expense of shipping elk in from another state, building corrals and employing persons to care for and feed but cannot see the wisdom cr economy j . Real estate. H. W. Oareta Farms for sala Geo. M. Reed. Have your stoves lined at Chester Arnold* a A complete line of school supplies at Glanvllle'a Geo. W. Geode* attorney of Kooskia, 1» In the city. Crane's and Symphony lawn station ery at QlaravUie'a Three houses for Savings & Trust Co. Frank Eckel of Hnrpster was doing business In the city Monday. See Chester Arnold for stove lining and repairing. Nice art squares and small rugs at Lingo's Furniture exchange. We can now handle your ohtekens. McGhte Trading Ôempany. Frank Taylor came In via Cottonwood Monday, from his home at Boles. Jap-a-Lac varnishes for sale by Eim en» Hardware ft Implement Co. Iron with electricity at 8 cents per hour. Power Co. Miss Lydia Parker returned, 'ate last week from friends at Boise. Guaranteed drop-head sewing mach ines 120.00 and up at Lingo's Furniture Exchange. rent—Orangeville Orangeville Electric Light & extended vUlt with Bessie Zorne» of RtRee was on Frl lfrs. transacting county seat buolnei day last. Hot Point Electric Irons guaranteed 10 years, »8.60. Orangeville Electrlo Light ft Power Co. All kinds of garden seeds In packages and bulk at Elmers Hardware ft Imple ment Oo. Iron with electricity at 8 cents per Orangeville Electric Light & hour. Power Co. Jas. F. Fairchild of Cottonwood made final homeetead proof before Probate Judge L. M. Harris yserterday. Hot Point Electric Irons guaranteed 10 year», »8.60. Orangeville Electric Light ft Power Co. Dr. John W. Givens, superintendent of the state sanitarium at Oroflno, was an arrival Sunday evening. Steam rolled feed. Digester Tankage for hog feeding. NORWOOD WAREHOUSE CO. Give your stock a treat to Interne Elmers Hardware tlonal Stock Food, ft Implement Co. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rauenaahn left Monday afternoon for a visit with Mrs. Rauensahn's parents at Orangeville.— Winchester Journal. Medium Red Clover tested Union warehouse S-ti Walter Brockman, a prominent stock raiser of the Salmon river section and well known In these parts was a county seat visitor Saturday. For sah seed, 16c per pound, or write or call Ben Baker. Henry Murray's motto: Please the women—the men are always kicking anyway but the women never complain. Fred White, formerly deputy Internal revenue collector for this district, re turned home Monday night from a short visit to outside points. Iron with electricity at 3 cents per hour. Power Co. Grangevllle Electrlo Light ft W. A. McMahon, farmer and s'oek ratser, came in from^is home at Boles Friday of last weel^and spent a few dain the city. Iron with electricity at S cents per hour. Grangevllle Electric Light & Power Co. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Pulse have va ated •■their rooms in the rear of the Jess store building and are now domiciled at the Imperial hotel. | *n co-operating with the pioneer set tler who has helped .protect and pre serve the elk already here, and who » has suffered loss and expended labor in | doing so. This Is all wrong in princi ple, as anyone with the least bit of sense or fairness must see, and should be corrected. The Welser Signal of last week contains the following ac count of the arrival of the recent elk shipment at that place and the Inter est *.'hown in the same: Two car loads of elk direct from their native heath in -She National Park and the Jackson Kote country were shipped Into Welser Monday night and were transferred to the P. & I. N. Tues day noon and taken to Council. While the animals were In this cMy there were more than 500 people visited the two cars and inspected the animals, order to »hip them In stock cars they had to be dehorned and much of their beauty was spoiled for the sight seers. The horns would have been shed short ly anyway and the toss of them Is only for the time being. By the com ing autumn they will be spread again 1n all of their seven or eight feet of glory. Okie but some were three. In all there Moet of the animals were two year were 50 of which 16 were males and 35 females. The Intention of the man in charge was to have the elk taken off at Coun cil wluare they are to be crated and then hauled over to the Bear river country and around through the Black Lake country. grounds have been prepared and there is little doubt about the elk ever stray ing far from the grounds where they will winter the first year. Council Record: The 60 elk for the Black Lake preserve arrived Tuesday evening In two cars attacked to the passenger train, and nearly the whole town wsa down at the depot to see them. They were taken to New Mead ows to unload and two of them escaped and took to the hills at that point. From there they are .to be driven bo the preserve via Little Salmon and the In Corrals and feeding j head water» of Deep creek. . Fire Insurance. H. W. Garets. Olanville Drug Co. has Just receded a shipment of baseball goods. John Deere plows are as good as made. Sold by Elmers Hardware & Imp. Co. L. C. Stonetorenker and wife of Fer dinand came Ur on, Sunday evening's train and Bpent the early part of the week looking after business and visit ing with friends. Wesley Packer, a prosperous business man of Stttes was tn the city Tuesday and Wednesday of this week attending to business matters. George Martin, who came down from Orangeville to attend the K. of P. ban quet Friday night of last week, return ed Saturday.—Culdesac Enterprise. Leo Funke came over from Cotton wood on Monday evening's train and spent a few hours In the city vtsttlng old friends. Leo was formerly a deputy in the auditor's office. Rich Nash spent several days In the city the early part of the week coming by way of Cottonwood, from his nome at Boles. Business matters occupied his attention while here. Jim McGrane was up from Lewiston Saturday. Aside from a short visit with his brother Frank of the Alexauder FTeldenrlch store, business matters of importance were attended to. J. V. Nash, formerly county assessor, and now a member of the firm of Gold stone, Nash ft Creelman, general mer chants, of Cottonwood, was a visitor In the city over Monday night. The Hann's Jubilee Ringers are the next best attraction since the WMliams' Jubilee Singers, school auditorium, March 8th. Net pro ceeds to apply on scenery fund. Theo. P. Tollefson and wife came In from their ranch near Stltes Tuesday and while attending to their affairs are guests at .the Imperial hotel. Mr. Tol lefson was formerly cashier of the Bank of Stttes. Fred Ersklne, who has been so seri ously 111 at his home in this city for the past month is now able to be about again, and while his ailment has been vanquished, he certainly shows that he had a severe tussle. C. T. McDonald of Spokane, arrived la the city on Monday evening's train on legal business before the district court. Mr. Me says he is fast growing Into a lucrative practice and Is well pleased with his location. Geo. Behean, well known to nearly every citizen in this county, and ar ex tensive stockraiser and rancher, spent several days hr the city this week giv ing attention to hks numerous business affairs. Loyal Adklson, auctioneer, farmer and stockman of the Whlteblrd country, was a county seat visitor Monday. Loyal says farming In his section Is well under way, farmers In some In stances having finished their spring seeding. The tenth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mis. Geo. D. Willey of the Wright Grocery Co., occurred 'ast Sun day and was participated In by ths Im mediate family only. The occasion be ing the "wooden" event Mrs. Willey at & Hear them at the per & of an left S-ti and the j ,vaj * ,,lp recipient of some particularly re- appropriate remembrances, short per A. F. Parker left last Thursday morn ing on the stage for the Salmon river country on business connected the Parker Loan ft Investment Co., re turning Monday night, states conditions are well advanced to the section visited. On the return trip Mr. Parker walked from John Day to Slate creek. with ft Mr. Parker Boles few Mrs. J. A. Wolcott, who with her hus band formerly lived to this section and were engaged to mining, came down from Spokane last week and Is attend ing t¥e district court. The Wolcotts now reelde at Salmon City where J. A. 1» operating the Ora Cash mine under lease. Mrs. Wolcott will return home shortly going by way of Butte. per & ated Jess at Money to loan, H. W. Oareta A fine assortment of Lowney's and Krause's candies at Giarrv tile's. F. E. Quiet, banker of Kooakla, was ID the city yesterday on business. George Wood Is up from his Snake river ranch attending to business mat ters. » | Few as good, none better than the For sale by Elmers Van Brunt drill. Hardware ft Implement Co. Mrs. C. C. Call left Thursday morn ing for Lewiston for a several weeks' visit with her parents. D. W. Arrlson, forest ranger from the Whlteblrd section, I s spending a days In the city. Ward Van Wert Is spending the week in Lewiston, having gone down to the banana belt last Sunday. Dew Dorn Fisher spent a few days In Lew iston thl« weiek, going down on last Sunday's train. Jim Hartman was In the city early this week and Informs ns that he has Just completed a modern log house on his homestead down on the Clearwater, He was assisted In the work by John Van Horn. ONLY SIX MORE DAYS I of the Globe's Great Piano Contest. The Grand Finale is at hand. The supreme test of each contestant s strength will be recorded from now on till the close of the race on March 10th. Now is the time for those Best Licks" you've been holding back! Now is the time to land among the prize winners. U Get Your Votes at Get Your Votes at Lingo's Furniture Ex* change, House Outfit* ting. Alexander - Freidenrich Co., General Merchan* dise. Eimers Hardware Co., Shelf and Heavy Hard ware. Thomas Thompson, Jewelry. Lyric Theatre, "Home of Good Pictures". The Globe Printing Co Publishing "The Globe » Eight Young Ladies of Idaho County Will Win Prizes. Here is the list: FIRST PRIZE: »360.00 NELSON UPRIGHT PIANO. 8ECOND PRIZE: LADIES' ELGIN GOLD WATCH, 16 JEWELED MOVE MENT IN GUARANTEED 20-YEAR CASE, AND AL80 32 PIECE WM. ROGER8 SILVER SET. THIRD PRIZE: 26 PIECE GENUINE WM. R0GER8 8ILVER 8T. FOURTH PRIZE: LADIES' HEAVY GOLD FILLED BRACELET. FIFTH PRIZE: LADIE8' LARGE GERMAN SILVER ME8H BAG. SIXTH PRIZE: 24 GENUINE WM. ROGERS 8ILVER TEASPOONS. SEVENTH PRIZE: EIGHTH PRIZE: LADIES' GOLD FILLED BRACELET. LADIES' GERMAN SILVER MESH BAG. VOTING BALLOT Don't Forget ASK FOR VOTES Don't Forget Good for 2500 Votes ASK FOR VOTES Candidate in Globa Piano Contest v This Coupon Must be Voted Before March 10,'I5 The $350.00 Piano which is to be awarded as the First Prize i test is on display at Krakau's Jewelry Store. The _ m this con next count of votes will be had on the evening of February 24 and the result announced the following day. Watch for it. busl Becker-Jurgen made a _j this week going returning Tuesday Leonard trip to Lewiaton nés» down Sunday and evening. Basil Harris went down to L « wlst °" fhmday and spent a couple of days ln the Neaperce metropolis. returning Tues day evening. stockbuyer and country, ts at Doss Rosengrants, rancher oif the W Inona business matte« at the coun tending to ty seat this week. Frank P. Hess, of of P. Grand Chancellor Wallace wl* lodge next Saturday turnout of members Is expected. visit the local K. night and a good Dr Jesse L. Rain« was called to the City the first of the week from his home at Lewiston to testify for in the Frank Hye murder case. E. W. Marrlnan, who has been spend in Lewiston r&turned to the Bit 'r Ing the winter the city Tuesday evening to look after lntereets In this section. | hls property Mrs. P. F. Courtney, who recently un j derwent a serious operation in Spokane, the operating table was returned to j again this week and advices receive by Mr. Courtney state htat she Is le covering as rapidly as could be expeet ed. the arrived In and ha» been con bad at Mrs. Marth» Wagner city lade last fined -to the . tack of the Grippe, her Portland home house since with a She will return to In a few days. out and gam Gilmore came in Shape for put to their they win place things ting In the spring crop. Joe Snyder of the Snyder-Mmev Co will leave Sunday morning for P° rt >f na and the Dalles on a business mission. Mr Snyder will be absent about a week or ten days. The Rev. D. J. W. Somerville, rector church In Lewiston, Sunday of the Episcopal visited the local church over and assisted Rev. Bush in the minis trat Ions of the church. E A Arnold went In to Golden on and has associ Tuesday of this week - ated himaeM with A. S has law mining Interests to that •« Mrs. Arnold will join him later. tion. Attorney W. H. Casady came up from to look after a case but found the Hye boards with Kooskia Tuesday in the district court still occupying the of terminating before the case little chance last of the week. Just received a car load 0 f fonça and butwd wtra Elmers ware S. A. Ander» on, cashier of the National hank was a business v!siw|| Lewiston Tuesday, returning the ^ day. ft Implement Co. X>r. and Mrs. F. E. Wood are exp*, ed to arrive from their honeymoon b Saturday or Sunday evening, when ty wiJl at once take up their residence , the Martin Wagner home. The wed,K occurred at Porltand last Sunday m ' *v. Vng. As we go to prees we learn that c.) Brown Is lying at the point of de|? Mr. Brown has been critically m j( time past, and while at tbs, his condition show« slight improvem,, Sinking spells follow end his hi, »paired of. Ed Livengood was In the city day and stated to a Globe reporter l the sale held at his place last W nesday turned out much better expeoted; the day being perfect a j* ticularly large crowd was on hand the bidding on nearly every item the Hst was spirited. Mr. I.lvenp,, and family will leave shortly for consin where he will engage ln farmt*'.' some