OCR Interpretation

Idaho County free press. [volume] (Grangeville, Idaho Territory) 1886-current, June 18, 1886, Image 2

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Dr. J. Leonard Corning Gives the Result et
III* Experiments.
At a recent meeting of the Modical
Society of the County of Now York at
the Academy of Medicine, Dr. J. Leon
ard Corning read a paper entitled the
"Prolonged Anæsthetitation by Incar
ceration of the Anaesthetic Fluid in the
Field of Operation." The paper had
special reference to the use of the hy
drochlorate of cocaine in operation.-, of
all kinds, and it was shown that expert
specialists had only reached the point
whore the possibilities of cocaine were
dawning upon them. Cocaine was yet
in the state of experimentation, and
every day something new was being
discovered in regard to its wonderful
properties. Dr. Corning related a num-'
ber of experiments that he had made
with cocaine fqr the purpose of limiting
its application to the parts to be oper
ated upon, effects from its use, ana to
prevent any evil constitutional effects
from its use, and to reduce the strength
of the solution.
A prolonged anaesthetic condition, he
said, could be secured by suspending
the loeaj circulation while the cocaine
was in the part to be oporated
One of the objections to the use
caine was that its effects soon passed off,
and the patient would feel pain when
the instruments were used. The brain
was liable to be affected if a compara
tively large amount of cocaine was in
jected into the body while the circula
tion remained free. If the circulation
of cocaine
be reduced and the danger of using
a large quantity of the solution would
be reduced to a minimum. The solution
usually employed in operations was from
two to five per cent, in strength, but
with this new method tumors, cancers,
abscesses have been removed, disloca
tions reduced, ingrowing nails removed,
and successful plastic and other deli
cate operations performed with a solu
tion containing from one-third to onv
per cent, of cocaine. In this new
method of using cocaine a map of the
superficial veins was first made and
then bandages are applied to compress
the parts near the point of operation so as
to check the circulation of blood,
a superficial hypodermic injection ia
given quickly, of from two to five min
After the superficial tissue ia
anaesthetized, long needles are inserted
and the cocaine injected into the deep
seated tissue. The bandages prevent
the liquid from being absorbed and pass
ing into the blood, and localises it at
the pu.nt that is to be operated oil. Even
with the weak solution that is used it is
only a rare case in which supplementary
injections are necessary. The doctor
explained the manner in which he ap
plied the bandages to various parts ol
the body, and showed a number of rub
ber rings and instruments that he found
useful m the practical application of hii
method. He said that when cocainr
was injected into the body there was a
zone of anwstlietized flesh from one-half
to one inch in diameter.
Dr. Lewis, the President, in the dis
cussion that followed the reading of the
paper, said that he had used Dr. Com
ing's method in the removal of a large
epithelial cancer from the shoulder of a
woman. The integument was unusual
ly thick and the operation lasted forty
minutes. The patient did not complain
of pain but once, and that was when the
knife penetrated a part that hail not
been injected with cocaine. He pro
ced the operation painless and a
of co
was checked the
eon Id
Dr. Roberts said that one of the most
important objections to the use of
cocaine is the fear of tlie patient. Pain
and consciousness have heretofore been
synonymous terms. It can now be dem
onstrated to patients that operations
where cocaine is used are absolutely
painless, even though tlie patient seei
what is going on. If cocaine is not given
skillfully its usefulness is impaired. He
said that he had found Dr. Coming's
method of great service, and that he had
used it in many operations with success.
The most important result attained is
the reduction of the quantity of the drag.
—Chicago Herald.
—A more singular lot of names than
are given in this paragraph front the
Hartford Courant would be difficult to
fiud: "There is now living in this city,
temporarily, a gentleman over eighty
years old who was once a pupil ol
Prof. S. F. B. Morse when the profes
sor was a portrait painter, and who,
more than fifty years ago, painted por
traits of Zcphania H. Smith and Han
nah Hadassah Hiekiek, his wife, and
their five daughters, Haney Zephina,
Cyrinthia Sacretia, Laurilla Aleroyla,
Julia Evelina, and Adilv Hadassah
Smith, of Glastonbury. It would be
curious to know whether the
survive the now extinct family.
— "This train," said the music
teacher, "is like a pipe organ; it has so
many stops." "Or a sonj'," said the
sad passenger, "because it's so low "
"Or a waltz, there's so many slurs on
it," said the dude. "And it's marked
with accidentals," suggested the man
with the sample-case. "And the road
is full of turns," said the sad passenger.
"And the management is thorough
base," said the cross passenger. "And
anybody can beat its time," said the
fat passenger,
by flats,' reniai
"tickets, trontletnen. and de caoo."
—A little school girl asked her
teacher what all the folks
they spoke of "Mrsa Grundy." "Why,
mv dear," replied the teacher, "bv
'Mrs. Grundy' they mean the world. 1 '
A day or two aiterward the same
teacher asked the geography class to
which this infantile bud of promise be
longed what was meant by the term
little oue spoke up. with a deal of assur-
ance aud confidence, "I know, teacher;
It's the belt around Mn. Gruady'a
waist. ' '— Exchange.
-"The 8« •ottisli churches wttn cne
largest membership are Forfar, 2,900;
St. Cuthbert's, Edinburgh, 2.796; and
Montrose, 2,651—all connected with the
"But it can't be played
arked the conductor:
meant when
After soma hesitation, the
A Roraewhmt (iloiring Topic Xot Flippant
ly, f)ul Humorously, Discussed.
The subject of what we shall do with
ourselves after death is one that should
be fully considered at an early date. In
all seriousness, the soul is not the only
thing to be looked after, either during
life or after death. We are too prone to
neglect our health during life and then
bequeath our accumulated microbes and
other results of a long and perhaps
crooked career to some sightly ceme
tery, set on a hill like a city tliat can mit
be hid.
Longevity is a good thing, though I
have known public men to overdo it.
To die at the proper moment and leave
a good impression on history is one of
the lost arts. To flicker out of life with
the appiause of a great people ringing
in the ears is a good thing; but man
that is born of a woman, and the major
ity of them are that way, are too prone
to linger on this side of eternity until
they have done some little thing that is
never properly explained on their tomb
But after death what shall we do with
ourselves? In this brief treatise I dare
not attempt to he thorough or even
lucid. Leaving others who know ail
about it to state exactly what disposition
will be made of our souls, let us look
into the matter of what we shall do witli
our bodies.
I hope that what I may say will not be
regarded as flippant, for this is no place
for flippancy, but allow me to speak
plainly of it, as I would on any other
subject, concerning onr health.
Death has some very peculiar charac
teristics. For instance, it will wake up
the dormant, old crank, who has never
missed a funeral for sixty years,
goes for miles to see "deceased." It is
nis holiday. It is the one saving sport
in his otherwise joyless life. We all
remember him. lie is sometimes a
The thought that the time will come
some day when this man will put on his
funeral clothes and come to my funeral
makes my tall hair rise up on end. He
can not gloat over me now, but the
day may come when I shall lie low, in
stead of lying otherwise, as I do now;
and he may outlive me and come to see
properly buried. Then he will injoy
himself ! Ah, what a blessed relief it
would be could I hover over the iloor
way when he comes, and hear my foot
man announce to the old vulture that
lie "is a little late, as Mr. Nye was put
in the kiln ha"lf an hour ago."
I could suffer a good deal through life
if I knew that I could at last head off
the funeral fiend—the man who
wouldn't loan me a dollar when I wa.
stniggling for grub, but who cheerfully
visits my funeral and shows his ap
proval in every possible wav.
I must say in all candor that there are
many attractive features about crema
tion. I am sure that when cremation is
placed within the reach of all it will
rapidly become, popular.
In the first, place, if the space between
life and physical annihilation could he
made just as narrow as possible it would
be far more cheerful to consider. Deatli
itself is cruel onough. but to add to it a
hippodrome of a public funeral and turn
our parlors into a gaudy morgue, and
then to repose- in a crowded cemetery
till the city wants the ground for a [»ark.
and then to pick up our crumbling hones
and move away to a new grave, is not
cheerful to contemplate.
I have often thought that a cheerful
book of fifty or sixty pages might be
written under the title of "Recollections
of Resurrection; or, the Diary of a
Body." It could be made to teach us a
valuable lesson. Politically I am
pledged to genuine national reform.
Let the nation try it, and
it works all right on the nation I will
try it myself. Next I am in favor of
cremation at living prices. At present
I he price is too high, and the poor
man is left to decay and fill the
soil with the poisonous gases, which the
poor, as well as the rich, may indulge in
after death.
Deatli should end our career, so far
as earthly affairs go,
turc burial, t
being boiled by the janitor of a medical
college, and our skeletons wired to
gether and hung in a museum, and
the opportunity, if we escape the first
two, of being tipped out of our
graves by a flood, an earthquake, or
the act of the Common Council, it is
no wonder that people cling to life.
If I thought that for centuries after
my decease mv long but symmetrical
skeleton would be used night after
night to illustrate the union in case
of compound cyclonic fracture of the
tibia, I wouldn't be able to sleep
nights.— Bill Nye, iu Boston Globe.
but with the
prospects of a prema
lie cheerful chances of
How It Haunts Men aud Women Far From
Thetr Native Land.
Nostalgia is a disease as much as neu
ralgia or fever are diseases; it baffles the
cleverest doctors' skill, qnd admits ol
only one complete cure, and that is by
removing its cause. Sheer strength of
will may keep is in abeyance, hard work
may turn aside its course for awhile;
but sometimes, at odd moments, in un
expected places, it asserts itself with an
(incontrôlable longing—a sickening
thirst for home, which will neither be re
pressed nor appeased.
A floating soent in the air—a scent
laden with the memory of a by-gone
day—a sunset flush in the sky, an old
melody borne on tho breeze, have
been known to bring on an access of
this strange illnoss, almost unbearable
in degr v Reason has little or no ef
fi;ct in subduing its feverish excitement;
friendship the olosest, love the terderest,
can not ta n aside its current; music
has no power to soothe its bitterness,
nor the distractions of gavety to rouse it
from its melancholy. It is something
outside the sufferer's body, outside him
self, his feelings, his reason; it is a sick
ness of the soul, a longing to outstrip
time and space, to leave the laggard
body behind and fly to the native air, the
loved associations and early friends of
I/onely ranches in wild Mexican moun
tains have echoed to its sobbing cry; un
der the glare of a tropic sun, amid th<
brilliant coloring of tropical foliage, in
scattered homesteads, in far Australian
plains, men and women have pined and
sickeued—aye, and even died of this
mysterious i'll miss. It is strange that an
ailment, which to all appearance is con
nected with the nerves, should not Is 1
more common among the weaker sex,
hut men suffer from it in a greater de
gree (him women, and the more hardy
I he race, the more they seem to suffer.
Northern races experience its deadly
symptoms more than the warmer blood
ed Southerners, indeed, I have heard
that the Esquimaux have such a deeply
rooted love of their cold and barren
country entwined among flic very fibers
of their nature, that they can hardly
exist for any length of time out of it, and
dwindle away physically and mentally
till they return.
I remember once, in a far foreign
country, seeing a man who moped, lost
his appetite and looked generally
wretched for days, but who, on being
questioned as to the cause of his melan
choly, replied that he was in perfect
health. Afterward, when the lit, which
was fortunately merely a temporary
one, had worn itself out, he told me
that it was a heart-longing for home
which had suddenly taken possession of
him; that it seemed to him he could not
again be happy till he heard the old
tones and paced the old garden walks.
If only for a day or an hour it would
have contented him. Ho could again
have assumed the harness of daily toil,
and spent the necessary years of exile
in a foreign land, could he for one day
have drunk at this refreshing well.—
The Last of an Historical and Well-Known
The sale of the ship Three Brothers
closes the career of a historical craft. In
1855 Commodore Vanderbilt ordered
constructed for his New York anil
Havre line a steamship which was de
signed to attain a remarkable speed.
When approaching completion, so
pleased was the old Commodore witli
the fineness of her lines and the promise
her model gave of quick passages that
he had her christened after himself. No
pains or expense had been spared in the
Vanderbilt's construction and fittings,
and when she left the builder's hands
she is said to have represented an ex
penditure of eight hundred thousand
dollars. During the early part of the
war. when the Confederate cruiser Ala
bama was making such inroads on the
American merchant marine and the
Union nten-of-war were unable to effect
her capture, the idea presented itself to
Commodore Vanderbilt that perhaps
his pet steamship might accomplish
what the ship« of the navy had failed to
do, and he presented her to the Govern
ment. For this munificent act Vander
bilt was thanked by Congress and had a
gold medal struck in his honor. Ultim
ately she came to this coast conveying
the old Monitor Mottadnock around the
Horn, and made one trip to Honolulu,
on which occasion she was tendered in
courtesy to carry Queen Emmadown. On
her return she was laid up at Mare
Island until ultimately sold for a small
amount to George ilowes f Co., who,
at an expense of nearly .$200,000, fitted
her up as a sailing vessel, and the
occasion of her first leaving this port
with a wheat cargo was a gala day in
tlie harbor.
After making several
voyages she was sold in Liverpool for
small amount to her late owners, an
English firm, who sold her to lie used as
a coal hulk at Gibraltar. It is quite
probable that the British Government is
tlie purchaser, but the consideration is
not stated. It is, in all probability, the
end of a famous shit). —San Francisco
nterpMtillK Invention Devised to Save
the Time of Legislators.
An intricate and interesting machine
which for over two years has stood in
the room of the committee on education
and labor, on the House side of the
Capitol, is at last to be removed. It
has an interesting history,
gentleman named Crosby, noticing with
some degree of annoyance the immense
amount of time lost in the House by the
calling of the yeas and tlie nays, under
took to invent a machine which could
record the vote almost instantaneously
by tiie means of electricity. There were
to be. electric buttons at each Congress
man's desk. The pressure of°
recorded "yea," and the pressure of
the other recorded "nay" upon a
printed slip at the cferk's desk,
ingenious arrangement moved the hands
of a dial on the Speaker's desk and
showed at a glance how many votes hail
been taken on each side. The inventor,
after having had an expensive model
made, was taken sick and
pel led te spend nine months iu Florida.
The next session of Congress was a very
bnsp one .nd he eoulil get no one to
lisfPn to a dissertation on the merits of
his invention. This year his son fell
siek and died, and he has not been able
to urge upon Congress tho adoption of
his machine. The Speaker will prob
ably give orders to have the apparatus
removed, for it fills up considerable
space. Mr. Crosby wants $75,000 from
the Government for his invention and
claims that it would save a gr at deal of
fillibustering.— Washington Post.
An old
at the
same time an
was coin
The Mystic Number Eleven.
FalstatTs 'divinity of odd numbers"
received a curious exemplification at the
late municipal elections at Trieste, when
the recurrence of the number eleven
was really remarkable. The electors of
the fourth ward, for example, num
bered 1,311 ; in the third ward only eleven
Liberal candidates came forward, and in
the first a like number of eleven
osition. Tho elections began on
iventh day of the month, and the
result in the Third Ward was proclaimed
at eleven o'clock at night. The mayor
was elected by 1,111 votes, and among
the new councillors are eleven advo
cates, eleven merchants and eleven
Jews. Thus, at least at Trieste, the un
fortunate number eleven—disliked
long as symbolical of the number of the
Apostles after the loss of Judas—bids
fair to bcco ne quite rehabilitated. —N.
¥. Post.
in opp
the eh
si I
lnl«»rerttii)K MxtrHf-ti from ('ouul*0«Ber*l
K»ine'i Recent Report.
Consul-General Raine, at Berlin,
embodies in bis annual report a series
of tables from which he deduoes inter
eating facts. The population of the
area now comprised in the German
empire, which was 24,831,000 in 1816,
had increased to 45,234,000 in 1880,and
at its present rate of increase it doubles
once in forty-seven years. This is in
excess of the growth of population of
any of the neighboring powers. Great
Britain. Mr. Raine says, doubled her
population in fifty-one years, the Neth
erlands in fifty-two years, Austria in
sixty and one-half years, Denmark in
fifty-four years, Belgium in sixty-one
years, while France requires two
hundred years to double her population
at present rates. The emigration front
the empire shows a steady and marked
decrease since 1881, from which fact
Mr. Raine argues that either the eco
nomical condition of Germany has im
proved, the attractive force of America
nas decreased, or Bismarck's colonial
policy is proving successful. This pol
icy is meeting with universal approval
throughout the empire.
The German Colonial Association,
formed two years ago, spread with
great rapidity. The first acquisition
was made by a Bremen firm of traders,
the area being one hundred German
square miles in South Africa. The
traders applied for and received recog
nition from the home Government, and
other traders speedily followed the
example, possessions being thus ac
quired in East Africa, Cameroon,
Angra, Pequena and other South Sea
ations and companies which are en
deavoring to promote German colonial
interests shall
question. Mr. Raine says, will be con
sidered at a meeting shortly to be held
in Berlin. The Government had re
cently subsidized two lines of steam
ships to run between the parent country
and the colonies, and a third line has
just been established by private enter
prise between Hamburg and the Congo.
Mr. Raine describes another colonial
enterprise of a novel character, which
now is in successful operation. Three
or four vears ago. he says, several him
. , fi. r .
drod thousand tramps infested Ger
many and drew from the people many I
millions annually bestowed in charity.
A clergyman first suggested the plan ■
of colonizing these people, and with ]
the aid of men of wealth secured tracts !
„1 .«« or Und i„
Westphal ia, where he organized a |
"Workmen s Colony."
Local committees were everywhere
0 f J
_ _ . ___, , . . !
sum to the new colonial enterprise,
1 he plan worked well, and tramps
were compelled to emigrate to the col
onv in large numbers. There they j
were washed, provided with clothing ,
and furnished with employment ^ |
_ ,, ,
fartn laborers. Gradually in the pro
gress of colonization they found work j
at their respective trades, and many of j
them became useful members of society. I
The rest found their way to the work
m.i.oo Ttw, VinnanAi. I_•. „ 1
houses, rhe Emperor and many influ
entrai men of (he empire took a deep j
interest in the matter, and at present |
such colonies are established in all the
colonies and States of Germany.
Mr. Raine discusses exhaustively the
condition of German trade and indus
tries and the influences, including the
new political policy of theG ovemment,
which are affecting them. He finds
H.ot m.,„i,.-,... _ _ „ „ i • •
that manufacturers are complaining |
mon* of low prices than of want of op
portunity to dispose of their foods,
The prices obtained do not y.Jd the
desirnd profits, but nearly all branches
of manufacture have plenty of work,
0 „,i * » y .
and new industrial establishments are
being erected. Boston Watchman.
It is proposed that all associ
be federated, and the
formed to counsel the withholdin
alms and the bestowal of an equivalent
A High-Toned German Itanquet In the
Middle Age«.
The Germans, always celebrated for
heavy eating, furnish us with some
curious culinary items. Iu the middle
ages the goose was the grand disb
among them; but they also ate crows,
storks, cranes, herons, swans and bit
terns—these last-named dishes being
arranged in a circle of honor around
the goose. The geier or European vul
ture, the dog-fish, the dolphin and
even the whale, were eaten; while
roast guinea pig was considered a very
great delicacy. All their foods were
highly spiced; and sauces were endless
in their variety, three or four kinds
being served up with each dish,
these sauces pepper, mace, cinnamon,
cloves, ginger, garlic, saffron
pimento contended for the masterv,
and the more decided the flavor the
better the cook.
Of course, the great art was to ar
range these sauces in an ascending
scale of piquancy. So preat, indeed,
was the passion for highly-flavored
foods that turkeys had often an allow
ance of musk it» their daily rations.
The most fashionable wines were those
of Chios, Cyprus and other Greek vin
tages; but, as highly-flavored foods re
quire drink to correspond,the wine
generally spiced, and was served under
the name of hippocras.
thought impolite, even so late as the
sixteenth century, for a guest to ask
his host what wines he intended to
provide, so that he might make his
calculations as to wiiat he wonld take
before he confined himself to the par
ticular tipple which should place him
under the table; nor was it thought
impolite in the middle of a banquet to
undo the girdle in order to make more
room for such tempting tit-bits as pike
tails, barbels' beads, skin of roast
goose and swan tongues. The feast
usually commenced at eleven in the
forenoon, and the longer the host could
keep his guests at tlie table the better
was he thought of; but in tlie matter
of drinking, he was expected to
courage potation by providing baccha
nalian song, or at least, by being him
self the first to become hors tie combat.
It was with this latter object that
rich man would mix his win
orer one would contrive t
used with tv
I these hwd
It was not
, while a
have his
homely tank
even spirits,
genera' - Chi
i " I believe in only one school of medi
cine," said a prominent merchant. "It is
the school that cures." Tne speaker was
"an Oxygenist." Experience with Drs.
Starkey & Palen'h Compound Oxygen
treatment, as supplied from their labora
tory, No. r21) Arch street, Philadelphia,
Pa., makes converts every hour. An in
teresting pamphlet on this well-tried treat
ment is sent free to every applicant.
Orders for the Compound Oxygen Home
Treatment will be tilled by H. A. Mathews,
(115 Powell Street, San Francisco.
A collision on the Pennsylvania read
wrecked twenty five cars and killed three
Among the Delegates to the Interna
of tf ! e Sa, ™ï ,on Arn ^ to
be held in Loudon, is a Chinaman from
g an Francisco.
I ---♦

] This widely celebrated institution, loea
! ted at Buffalo, N. Y., is organized with a
ffiiÄ&ÄS! ÄESTLSi!
| tuting the most complete organization of
medical and surgical skill in America, for
the treatment of all chronic diseases,
J whether requiring medical or surgical
j means for their cure. Marvelous success
! has been achieved in the cure of all nasal,
throat and lung diseases, liver and kidney
diseases, diseases of the digestive organs,
bladder diseases, diseases peculiar to
j women, blood taints and skin diseases,
, rheumatism, neuralgia, nerv. us debility,
| Paralysis, epilepsy (tits) spermatorrhea,
»»potency and kindred affections. Ihous
an( ( H are cured at their homes through
j correspondence. The cure of the worst
j ruptures, pile tumors, varicocele, hydro
I cele and strictures is guaranteed, with
only a short residence at the institution
1 Send 10 cents in stamps for the Invalids
Guide . Bo ok (163 pages), which gives all
j particulars. Address, World's Dispensary
| Medical Association, Buffalo, N. > .
Mrs. Ann Lacour, of New Orleans, La.,
L writes: "I have a son who has been sick
for two years; he hat. been attended by our
| i ea .rii n R physicians, but all to no purpose,
This morning he had his usual spell of
coughing, and was so greatly prostrated
in consequence, that death seemed inimi
»ent. We had in the houseia bottle of'DR.
LUNGS, purchased by my husband, who
noticed your advertisement yesterday,
We administered it, and he was instantly
Mitchell, Crook Co., Oregon.
I hereby cer lty that the loss of
house and contents has been adjuster]
and settled in a full and satisfactory
manner by thi STATE INSURANCE
COMPANY, of Salem, Oregon, in which
It was insured. Z. T. KEYS.
April IU. lbSfl.
Mr. Keys received FI, 5.0.10.
"STATE" pays ull honest lossesp otnptly
and liberally.
The steamer Arcadia, from Jamaica to
Baltimore, Is reported tost 1 m niid ocean.
Use Dr. Pierce's " Pellets" ;ti cceiipa
Rosina Radovani, a remarkably hand
some woman, belonging to one of the liest
families iu Pisa, Italy, has been sentenced
to fifteen years' imprisonment forpoisoing
her 17-year-old daughter. The prisoner is Ii8
years of age and retains much of her youth
ful beauty. Jealousy of 1 lie superior
charms of her daughter caused her to com
mit the murder.
There are hosts of men anil women who, to
cotu u phrase, are only half alive,
say, they have seldom if ever any apjictite. are
nervous, weak, fldgotty and troubled by num
berless small pains and aches. In the presence
of vigorous, exuberant vitality they seem mere
pigmies. .Such persons are usually
frequently dosing themselves, swalli
the course of the year enough drugs
any apothecary's shop of average dimensions.
This, of course, defeats instead of furthering
the end in view, viz,, the recovery of healtli and
vigor. Were they to seek it from mi unfailing
scource of vitality, Hostetter's Mtomach Bit
ters, how different would be tiieir ease. Then
vigor would return to their debilitated frames,
the glow of health to their wan cheeks, their
ibling, uncertain gait would grow firm and
elastic, appetite, that grandest of all sauces,
would give a relish for the daily food, were it
ever so coarse, and refreshing sleep would
crown the tasks of the day.
That is to
fond of
owing in
to stock
Many outrages are still being committed
by the Apaches in Sonora, Mexico.
Piso's Remedy for Catarrh is agreeable
to use. It is not a liquid or a snuff. 50c.
Dr. Henley's Celery, Beef and Iron re
moves languor and loss of appetite.
If you want Heads, Slugs, Cases, Cabi
nets, order from Palmer & Rey.
Try Germka for breakfast.
Skin Blemishes

Infantile and ltirth Humors, for allaying
Itching. Burning and Inflammation, for curing
the first Hjsnntomsof Kezcuia, Psoriasis, Milk
Crust, Scall Head, Scrofula, and *thur inherited
skin and blood diseases.
CUTicURA.the great Skin Cufo.and Outiccka
oap. an exquisite Skin Heautiflcr, externally,
and Cuticuka Kkboi.vknt, the new Blood Puri
fier, internally, are infallible.
Cuticura Rkmkpikh are absolutely pureand
the only infallible Blood Purifiers and Skin
iicaut filers free from poisonous ingredient!.
Sold every where. Price.CUTidL'RA.SOo.; Soap,
25c.: Hksoi.vknt, $1. Prepared by the Pottkr
Hruo and Chkmicai. Co., Boston, Mass.
A# Si nd for "ltow to Cure Skin Diseases."
Back Achb, Uterine pains. Serenes*and
Weakness speedily cured by Cuticura
Anti-Pain Pi.astkr. Warranted. 25c.
Over 100 of the finest and latest style Billiard
and Pool Tables, with the celebrated improved
steel plate Delany new patent cushions: war
ranted for 15 years; twenty per cent, cheaper
than any other house on this Uoast. No rent
to pay.no drummers,and no commissions to nay.
Received first prizes, Gold and Hilver Medals,
since 1859, in any competition with others.
P. LIESEWELD, 945 Folsom St.. San Francisco.
Vico rrenident.
HAM J. GORMAN, C»ehler.
TnumetatGoDenl Banking K uni neun ; allow*
deponltH a* follow*:
On 3 months certificate* 4 per cent
Ou ft mouths certifient«* 5 per cent.
On 12 months eertilicA*^» 6 per cent.
U. W Heit, t.,
II W Mims*. tes,
Dr W. H Ssflor,
Dr. H. J. Barber,
I. F. Powers.
Judge W W Thayer
Judge E D. Shattuck,
Sylvester Farrell.
H»u. Richard William*,
Van B. l>c Lash mutt
C.'h. Dodd.
Wb* ■ uff er frein Nerv Debility, Io*
Viaor, Exhausted VitalUy, etc.
Of the «elebrand MAB8TON BOLUS, Uh
g«' her with ßee 'sd Treatiee and Tueü moulai«,
* ill be »ent on receipt of ft aUnp*.
Remedy Ce* \9 M flam, How Ttrfc*
"Doctor, why is it that somanychildre
die before the age of 5 years P
"The subject is a complex one, and in
its analysis we have to consider not only
the various comblions surrounding the
infant, but the still more importantone of
the Iutent tendency to discus". The
fashionable mother, the self-indulgent
father, hand down to their children
wrought nervous systems ami weak
physical powers, which result iu early
death, or more often a life of protracted
feebleness. Very little of the common
senss hich is exercised in the rearing
and pi rviug of choice stock exists in
relation u the human animal. It would
require too long a time to enter into ail
the questions of heredity which influence
the fate of the child. They are, however,
of vital importance both to the individual
and to the race. That the race is gaining
in int UccLual capacity is an undoubted
fact,; but we are losing just us much or
more iu physical power. We see no such
robust, forms, such perfect development of
the muscular system a- existed titty years
ago. We are breeding children in ami in,
amt every generation will wituess smaller
anu smaller infants, who will at the same
time have more delicate nervous organ
isms, amt, as a result
eases. Add to this tile
more nervous dis
. ., , — enervating envi
ronment, the houses, the sleeping apart
m'dits, the nurses and attendants who
govern its food and raiment, and we may
easily imagine the result in tkt feebleness
of the infant."
"Gil Bias writes: 'My troubles coin
menced just nine mouths before I was
born,' and the same assertion may l*c
made of ilie children of to-day.
healthy, strong offspring, ihero must be
healthy, strong parents,
child lies not so
The peril of the
# milch in the adverse con
ditions of its life as in its incapability to
withstand them, and tliisisilue in a great
measure to the physical condition of its
parents during gestation."
"But, doctor, may not something be
done to remedy this weakness in the
"Much, if parents will understand that
upon llus integrity and strength of their
nervous system depend the health and
life of their Inlaut», a d at the same time
add to their own happiness, the result
will be less mortality and less sickness of
their infants."
"What will best strengthen a feeble,
nervous system ?"
"Fresh air, exercise, le-s struggle for
fashionable or social distinction, and a
lareful attention to (lie load or drink
which supplies the elements of neive
force. If the system has not power enough
at first to eliminate these from fond, then
they may' lie taken as medicine,
since we know upon what the nervous
system depends for strength, the combi
nation of phosphorus, albumen, protagon,
etc., known as Ddjaudin's Like Essence,
will furnish the material iu
form for absorption, and even for feeble
children there can be no bet er remedy."
One dollar and fifty cents per bottle at
all druggists. Snell,Tleitsliu & Woodard
wholesale agents, Portland, Or.
For C'uiskIim, Sure Throat,
Aellimu, 4'istiii-i'h, and other Dis
eases of the Bronchial Tubes, no more
useful article can be found than "Brow,,'*
Bronchial Troches."
il |Hj) iu
I [<
.\o«*« r I
• l
m 151 BEST TONIC. ?
This raedteino, combining Iron with pn:o
vegetable tonics, quickly and completely
Cure« l>yMpep«in« Indigestion« \VenumT 4,
Impure Blood, i)lalaria,riiillNniid Fever*,
and Neuralgia.
it is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the
Kidney« nnd Liver.
It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar u*
Women, and all who lead sedentary lives.
It does not injure the teeth, cause headache r
produce constipation —dlhcr Iron medicines Vn.
It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates
the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, i
lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength
ens the muscles and nerves.
For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, 1-ark of
Energy, &c., it has no equal.
The genuine has above trade mark m l
crossed red lines on wrapper. 'J ake no other
Had* only hi BROWS CIIKMIt'Al* CO.. HaLTIBOHK. Bt>.
Wholesale; A gents. Portland, Or.
Handsomest Book Ont
Null«-* FICI F. on Apitllrntlon.
Wx I
fetter \ $£.@'yv'afftet*'/
•- Qeco Gafafogue|
i: Binder Twine, Belting, Oiln, and -»■<- --■
I r Machine Supplies of all kinda.
; NOS. BOS. 2rt>, BIB
Paper Cutter,
V' Cheapest sniull lever cutter in I lie market.
Fifteen publishers in the Nonhwest are using
them. Address PALM EU & HEY, Portland,
only house carrying Printers' Supplies.
1 have a positive remedy for the above (ll«eusa ; bv U»
use thou»auu»pf can«*» of the wurm kind and of long
•tHDdtng have been cured. Indeed, KORtronßlft my fall«
kn it« efficacy, that I wl.l eenitTWO BOTTLES Fit LB,
till* diMMUM
U» muy »ufferer. tilva expretis and F U. addr j
DU. T. ▲. ÖLOCUM, lBlVl'earl8t., Now Tork.l
N o n-Pol ho non s
10 North Front 8L. Portland, Or.,
General Agents for Oregon. Washington, Idaho,
Montana and Dakota.
Plso'n Remedy for Catnrrn in the
Best, Euistest to Use, aud CheapuHL
Also «ood for Told In tlie Head, H
Headache, Hay Fever, Ac. 6u cent*.
MALI. A ipiiclc, Permanent
Ouiu for Limfc Munhood, liabil
ity. Nervousness, WeuknesH. No
quackeiy. Indisputable proofs
Book sent sealed, free.
CTClifUfAV Klt.Wll ll A HA' '
91 CIH |f A T .Gabler, hnenish ruin' s; Bun.ut
Organs, band uütiumenta Larges* stock ot Shre
Music and Hooka Bands supplied st Eastern truss
M. GUAY, vue Host Street, San tTandiM.

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