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Idaho County Free Press Editor i ORANGEVILLE, IDAHO E. McBROOM, OFFICIAL CÖUNTY FAFER 100« Thursday, Are. 30 , - ! SIGNS OF THE TIMES. At the democratic convention at Lincoln. Nehr., the other day, Chairman C. M. Hides delivered the following speech: "If the signs of the times mean anything, they certainly mean hope and cheer to the hosts of deinoc racy. Vain, vain are the battles against the right, and the Chicago platform and Win. J. llrynn were right. Time liaH proved it. American people admit it. turbulent waves of opposition have spent their force; the black streams of denunciation, vituperation and abuse no longer flow. The cam The The j paign for 1908 began in 1890, and victory is now practically assured. The American people arc simply waing to render their verdict in favor of democratic principles as consistently advocated for 10 years past by our democratic leader j The old-time defenders of safe and doctrines Have disappeared some of them in t|ie custody of the sheriff, while oth^r have left their sane country for their country's good. The "stand-pattei-H" will soon have to show their gieedy hand; the American voter «fill no longer he bluffed. Already pitter-patter of th as they march info line for 1908, and when these pitter-patters meet the staud-pattem there will be a clitter-elatter of the stand-patters as they kinter- car ter to overwhelm ing defeat." you can hear the eir trampling feet The land fraud cases now on trial at Portland have brought out a confession from Inspector Orneby to the effect that the favorable re port on the Blue Mountaen reserve was influenced by two sections of land deeded to hi in. was known eve-y other reserve bas probably been created under similar influences and are only de fended by self appointed political leaders who know little and care less as to the true conditions. If the truth A democratic congressional con vention in Ohio, indorsed both Bryan and Roosevelt but they were more constatent thau the republi can convention iri this county that indorsed Roosevslt but they were more consistent than the republi can convention in this county that indorsed Roosevelt and then de nounced the forent reserve. The fine maps of Idaho county being given away to cash-in-ad vance subscribers to the Free Press are going rapidly and those wish ing to take advantage of this valu able combination should do so at once as the supply will soon be ex hausted. The Nez Perce democrats at their county convention last week, in dorsed Judge E. C, Steel for judge of this district a^td they did right. He has proven an able aud coucien tious official, and the democrats of this county can (to no better than to pass a similar resolution. , . . is a bright young attorney and can be depended upon to conduct a j vigorous campaign. J II. W. Lochart, of Pocatello, has been chosen chairman of the democratic state committee. He The republioati convention at Cottonwood last Saturday appeared very harmonious but you can never just tell until after the votes are counted in November. It is never too late in the season to cut down the weeds and grass along the streets and clean up the city. At the beginning of tlie an- | tu mil season is the accepted time. ; Prof Tyler, of Amherst college, said recently: "A man can live comfortably without brains; no man ever existed without a diges tive system. The dyspeptic has neither faith, hope or charity." Day by flay people realize the im portanee of caring for thejr diges tion; realize the need of the use of a little corrective A corrective like sia. It digests wl at you eat. by The Right Drug Store. ! after overeating. Kodol for dy&pep Sold Summer Schedule. Commencing Siaturday morning June 16, stages for Stites will leave Grangeville at 2:45 a. m. and will et Stites 6:15 Idaho Transporta H. C. Jacks in, tion Co. Manager. A New Naturalization Law. It may not lie generally known that Congress quit«* recently pa*»»« '1 » new naturalization law, and that same was approved Juno 29, 'Oil, and goes into effect on Sept. 27, '00. On and after the last men tinned date all applicant» for : naturalization must bn made to i speak the English language; »ob recited in ! ject to the provisions said law. Applications are to he filed with the Clerks of the Courts authorized to naturalize under the said act of Congres», who most give public notice of the filing of such nppliea- ! tions, and such matters must he heard in open court. With every application filed with the clerk, I there must be filed alsoa certificate from the department of commerce and labor, in which is stated the date, place and manner of the ap plicants arrival in the Fui ted States, the declaration of intention of such applicant must also accom pany such application. This act is very exacting in de tail, and has no doubt, been passed owing to the gross frauds that have been committed by corrupt officials in the various courts. The declar ation of intention of an alien must be filed at least two years prior to to liis admission to citizenship, and not less than two and not more than seven years after lie has filed his declaration of intention. j the appHcant . shall make and file j M duplicate a petition with the clerk of the court. shall set forth that "lie i» not a disbeliever iu or opposed to organ ized government, or a tneiuher of or affiliated with any organization or body of persons teaching dis belief in or opposed to organized government, a polygamist or be liever in the practiceof polygamy." and the usual other declarations The petition heretofore by former naturaliza tion laws, required. This petition is verified by two witnesses' affida vits, who are citizens, who must state they have personally known the applicant for live years at least, continuously. At the same time Congress passed an act to make valid certain defective certificates of naturalization. The "bureau of Immigration and Naturalization" has charge of all matters concerning naturaliza tion and furnishes all hooks, blanks etc. upon proper requisition made by the clerks of courts entitled to ad mit- alien to citizenship when a certificate accompanies such re quisition from the "chief law officer of the state" reciting that such court is authorized under the provisions of thi» act to admit to citizenship. Ample proviso n is made in this law for tltose aliens who have here tofore made their declarations of intentions to become citizens. The provision of the law requiring the applicant to he able to speak our language does not apply to those physically unable etc., nor to those who prior to the passage of the act in question have declared their intention to become citizens, One half of the fees collected ttuder this law are to go to the F. S. Government. The law provides for penalties for officers and others who violate the provisions thereof We understand that the clerk. ! Mr. Overman, lias already made his requistion for the records and | blanks necessary under this law. ami has received a copy of the law and the rules of the department relating to same so that there will he no delay in carrying out the I provisions of the law in this coun ty. Catarrh Cannot be Cured. with local applications, as they can not reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitution al disease, aud in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, and acts directly on the blood and mucuous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medi cine. It was prescribed by one of the best phisicians in the country j for years and is a regular presenn j turn. It is composed of the best i tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting direct j ly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two in gredients is what produces such J wonderful results in curing Cat arruli. Send for testimonials free. F. J. Cheney iSt Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, price 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. | ; Excursions via O. R. &. N. and Union Pacific Ry. On Aug. 7th. 8th, 9th, and Sept. 8th, 10th, round trip tickets will he sold to Chicago, St. Louis, Kan sas City, St. Joseph, Omaha, Coun cil Bluffs, and Sioux City, also to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo for one limited first class , , , ,, fare plus ten dollars. Final limit going 10 days, , ... , - , , , mg Oct. 31, stopovers will be a " : lowed in either direction west of j Missouri river. For further infor ! mation call on or address C. W. Mount, General Agent, O R. & N Co., Lewiston. Ida. On Sept., 8th, 9th and 10th, 'Off, a low round trip ticket, rate of. $80 from Stites, Idaho, to Toronto, 1 Ont., will he made. The limit for going iB Bept., 22nd, and return limit Nov. 30th, 190(1. For fur tlier particulars write or inquire of : E. R. Cawley, Agt. j Grangeville, Ida. 1. O. O. F. Excursion. ORDER BONDS ISSUED '1 Bond* in the Mini of *0,000.000 were ordered iwued yest.-r. a> for the construction and c*<pii,>ri » ♦ • i• t <»f : of the l/»vnsto:i.><nitiie.. .lent Lie, r. trie railroad and tin- oowi r ite of the Central Idaho Development| company on Salmon riv-r, at the-thing me t ne ' f the stockholder» in both j era Property and Franchises Se curitv - Work in 60 Days. coiiipann all the either by person i ir h\ proxy, c nd : t i 1 *. in -ue amounting ;n ! power site to of the of the road as soon as tin \ can I 1 printed. They are secured i In by an indenture gage on all of the property, right of way, franchises, eie., owned by the two companies. early plans of the company arc for the construction of a serviceable road with standard •v nearly ! < yesterday, \ stock was represented, gi the meeting was a most enttinsi.i ! tic one. I he hond -ai - divul • between the two comp-.:.:c-, the electric I #3,000,000 md the 82,000,000. The bonds have already sold, subject to the report of En gineer.» Schofield and Coics, and will be turned over to the financiers it i;ii! ceil of mort ; in the electric gauge tracks. It will be operated > by steam until such a time as the last ing roll it ing nf The a power plant can he placed in com mission. The officers nf the com pany look for work to commence within three months after the bonds have been turned over to the capit alists. E. M. Scofield and E. I*. Coles, of the Scofield company, of Phila delphia, which will build the enter prises, W. II. llurlbert, whose company secured the capital to construct, and (i. \V. Thompson, president of the two companies, left lust night for New York on business connected with the final financial arrangements - -Lewiston Tribune. I I i i to of a to of to To LewFton-Clnrkston Fair, at to Lewiston, Oct. 8th to 13th inclu of sive, one and one third f ire plus fifty cents, for lonudtiip. Sale date is Oct. 'Stli to 1.1th. and return ! via. N. I'. There is nothing so pleasant as that bright, cheerful, at-peare-wit li the-world feeling when you sit down to your breakfast. There is nothing so conducive to good work and good results. The healthy man with a healthy mind anil body is a better fellow , a better workman and a better citizen than the man or woman who iH handicapped by some disability, however slight A slight disorder of the stomach will disarrange your body, thoughts and your disposition. Get away Irom the morbidness and the blues. Keep your stomach in tune ami both your brain and body will re spond. Little Indiscretions of over eating can lie easily corrected and you will be surprised to see how much better man you are. Try a little Kodol for dyspepsia nftei your meals. Sold by The Right Drug Store Northern Paeitic Rates. of E. limit Oct. II, if train service p.-i - mils, otherwise Oct. 15th. To the National Convention of Christian churches, at Buffalo, N, Y., Oct, 12th to 17th inclusive, •ailwav. 880.35 for the round trip. S,Be dale Oct. 5th and | (ith and going limit 10 d-u» from late of sale, final return limit Nov. 15th, 'Off. I National Irrigation Congrcfes F. I: Cawley, Agt. Orangeville, Ida. above occasion the ■11 on Sept. 1 and 2 round trip tickets to Boise City, Idaho, for 813.70. Contin uous passage going, final return limit 30 days from date of sale. Stopovers will !>e alloved on return trip within limit. For further in formation ciill on or address. For the OH NX Co., will to 9 it Win. MeMnrrray, C- \V. Mount Gen. Pass. Agt., Portland, O.v. Agt.. Lewiston, Ida. Gen. of j Koum] tri tieUetp from j unP j , stb 1(1 s , , 15th, inclusive i |ll|H , , ilnit 0( , t ;!M .,,,•. v«..,i. .... r> . ( ' NT-- ' .. ' V, ,*, ^ '' O. IW "spokam-, g.-. 00 1er-- Helena Butt- i-id \ na ,'. ol „j n ? | U ' |,, ss Cheap Ratos Via. N P. R. R E. R. Cawley, Vgt.. Grangeville, Ida. wall Paper. I have just received direct from the factory the h.rgc-t and best sc- | „ lected stock of wall paper evJr brought to Grangeville Call and " look it over It i a pleasure to show yon the paper whether von buy it" or not. A. W. RobirUon. A. Meadow street near YoT.mer & ' Scott'8 : A world of truth in a few words: i j "Nearly all other c u .h constipating, especially . ' . 1 , , return-1. ... live Konev and I r " : bowel of j cures are ; those con-1 t he moves Contains no opiate». " Yon! can get if at 'The Right Drug Store. : A woman w orries tint ii she gets j wrinkles, theu worries l»-i has them. If she ak-s Hollister's Rocky Mountain l ea she would i have neither Bright, smiling face A. follows its use. 35 emit. Tea or, of. tablet«. Right Drug Spire. 1 A Guaranteed Cure for Piles. Itching, blind, bleeding or pro .««II trading piles. Druggists are autlio : rized P> refund money if Pazo Oint- ( j ment fails to cure in ff to 14 dajs. 1 50c. Misr nhe / : CONSERVING MOISTURE. condition on th qur.-t-n*n of moisture, Kngtueer \V . j r. Wood, who pa»»e«l over the j electric one route recently, »aid. , -I have noticed a very peculiar the-thing in surveying through the; j era in fields along the electric line. relate» particularly to the ; 1 ii Mime field», | in the Conditions Noted by Engineer W. P. Wood In »peaking of the agricultural Prairie ami the ; : t i i : < ; _di w hi oh w e work ed 1 *. I* I y spring we souk to our ankles! in the loose dirt; in others our foot mint» made but little impression, ! noticed this sinking in a number of field» and the wind seemed to have wipped the mositure out of the ground where the dirt was loose. week in passing over the same with the electric line party, I took particular pains to notice the effect of the earth on the grain, i In those fields where the dirt was ! 1'hi gi wing grain. ; firm on the surface, the grain was in excellent condition, while in ad jacent fields whore out feet sank in the soft dirt, the grain was of scanty growth and showed lack of moisture in early life. Of course I am nut an agricultur > -t, hut I believe that if after the last tiard rain following the plant ing of the seed, the fanner» would roll their fields they might find it would hold the moisture and protect it from the wind. I don't believe there have been many burn ing winds on the prairie hut I do believe that the loss of 25 per cent nf the crop in some fields is due wholly t I lack of conserved mois ture." Granted Certificates. The county Teacher's examina tion held in the Orangeville High School building, resulted in fifteen applicants receiving certificates. Following are the successful ones: Second Grade; Edward Schnell, Iva Miller. Stella Colson, Alice Stephen, E. G. Deardorff, Ester Muon, Florence Stevenson, Lester Lung, May Brockman, Edith Crosby, Kate Cremmings and Lillie I Vase. Third Grade; Lcnah Wilson, Carrie Belknap and Margarette I »enhatu, Several wrote for first grades but the result has not yet been an nounced. Moz Perce to Make Display. The Lewiston Tribune in a late issue said : i "Deputy Horticultural Inspector Win. Mold, yesterday stated that the work of gathering the Nez 1'erce county exhibit for , the National Irrigation congress ' at Boise, which convenes Sept. 3rd. i- lapidly being finished and when fully assembled will he one of the finest that has ever been on display from this county. Mr. Mohl states that lie will soon make a brief trip to the irrigated sections for the purpose of conferring with the growers." a N P. Railway Rates. To National Convention Knights of Pythias, at New Orleans, La., October lôth to 25th inclusive; via. Denver and Texline 881.20; via. 1 Millings and Kansas City, or St. Paul and St. Louis 881.20; via. Chicago 888 00. Oct. 7th and 8th. Going limit 10 davs, and final return limit Nov. 15th, 'Off, any information desired inquire of E. I!. Cawley. Agt.. Grangeville, Ida. - Dates cf sale, For Notice. Notice is hereby given to all voters of precinct No. 1. Grange-I ville. Idaho county, that my office | for registering voters will be at j Engel's store, commonly known as i the "M N M" store. 'The first : day of registration will be Satin- | day. Sept. 1. 1900. Office will be open every Saturday from 9 a. in. to 5 p tn. and from 7 p. m. till 9 p. tn. Mrs. Kate McDottgal, Registrar. W!iv does tlie sun burn? Why | does tlie mosquito sting? Why do I we feel unhappy in the Good Old Summer time? Vnswer: we don't, we use DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve and these little ills don't bother us. Learn to look for the name on the box to get the genuine. Sold by .The Right Drug Store. i j _ , . . _ , Pure Lead and Oil ... , . , , , i | „ 1 l ! re , St '. 1 L °V I !' H wh, f ,ea< an ' ! lor * la " d 01 ' lon8 of it °n hnnd " r '"' k P r,< 7* guaranteed P»re I amts m.xed to o. der from pure lead ami ...1, brushes loaned. A. M. Rob.nson Meadow »tree*, ' nwH ^ ollmer N Scott s. Scrub yourself daily, you're not Clean insides mean : clan stomach, bowels, blood, liver, Sv Mountain Tea. 35 rents, 'I ea or Tablet«. Tim Right Drugstore. i j clean inside. ; : ■ Wall Paper at Cost. j I h ive a small stock of paper left over from last, year that 1 aoi al i most giving away. Call and see it. A. W Robinson. Meadow street, near Vollmer & Scott's. -- » - For Sale or Trade. A j,,,,,,). almost new, hack. Will .««II or trade lor'good horse. Eu attire of C. F. Brown, ( 1 i / Copy for all ads must be in by Tuesday night. : PROFESSIONAL CARDS . j the j , ~ ç, cf. O- ötULKtuu, the; I iusiuan a.\u öt itnEO, ; | - F. A. Campbell Phymci.vN and Si rgeon ON: ci B!ii>k of CHiiifts Prairie BuiWIng Hours l to 4 P.M. <■ range viLLR, Idaho the ; to of I I »Hire «!• stairs : ; <•> i.'ski I'.uiUi UK Opposite Pont Office. Jesse Li. Rains, M. D. Physician and Sr mi eon Mock •sidonce, (Edward*' I'iî itreet, l*i. Phone—. Office nt n north 01 M. W. N. Scales .Vttok.nky-at-Law in «II til*' court«. Bank of CMiuHb I'rairie Building fî range ville, Idaho P rurtioe-a Office a H. Taylor in of of do A TTO H N K V - AT - L A \V Practice* Su all th« Courts. Orangeville, Idaho C- T. McDonald Attorney- a T- La \v . Will practice In all the Court?» **i Idaho ami Washington. Office SihIi- "trect. R. F. Fulton Attok nkv-at-Law Offices. Main Street. OppuMte Pi'-st Office. c'irtlt V. Bor I «te ami K«al Ext ate Law James E. Babb Attokn e y-at-La w Lewiston National Bnuk Building. Lkwihton. Ida hi». W, A. Ha.ll iraugevttie, an the at k. a gray, scribe. the the M Reese Hattabaugh AtTO k n e Y - AT- L A W v«r Bank of Camas I'rairie Ortie« Lawyer and Notary Public — specialties — Probate bushu'H« ami collections. All law ntflee paper» carefully drawn. CHA KG L» RE A ROMA BL K Malm CCIETIES. w. o. w. ORANGEVILLE CAMP NO. 200 ch month i 'third Mondays of Meets First at I. O. O. V. Hall. R. II. Amhler, Clerk B. I). Knorr. C. C. Encampment I. O. O. F. Camas Prairie No. 18. Meats the Ht coud and Fourth Saturdays I. O. o. F. hall at P. M. ;o. M RokkUT.son, C. P. I. O. O. F. Mt, Idaho Lodge No. 7. Muet* «very Saturday »it their hall at 7:30 P. M John Brim -ok, n. U. A A. F. & A. M. Mt. Idaho No 9 Meets Saturday at their hall. < brothers c or before each full moon Seville, Idaho. Visiting 1 St. of Hally invited. \. \v r \ John Nor wood, Seeretaiv. LKINGTÖN, \V. M. O. E. S. Mountain Queen Chapter No. 11. Meets at Masonic hall tlifc\»- of each month. (Hally invited. rd Thurs VigiMng members cor lut nud Mus J M 18 s Maud Bentos. Hccv n Coram. W. M. For THOSE AWFUL HEADACHES are more than likely the result of strained eyes. No drugs or dieting will cure them a» long a» all | at j as i : | be in. till Æ 'W «•V - r vv ft | ^ do I Old us. the by ' - ' : '-V VOI R EYES romain un looked after. If wo can examine your eyes, wo oan tell you instantly if they are th«» oause of your headaches. If so we can cure them permanently by supplying proper glasses to relieve the strain, i We have cured many people. Shall j we relieve you ? , i ' ! «**»**M«****«M**»«»*«*m * GIBSON & ALLEN Jewelers and Opticians Leslie Thompson % •V I ..the A ht ^TOHE.. I * » not 1 Its*«* Supplies, MMt î or -j MdlCTlQlS, CFHyOIl PôrîfâitS, BfO- j nitilc eoIargcmcDts from your own Ï ' T" ? *"• fi leurs a Sptaaltj. he carry » Films and Plates of all Sizes. ; : : Le» LalOVI, IdsllO > I s ■ ■ * if I i left al it. ♦ 91 i ♦ 1 1-iOlMSTER'S Tea Nuagets for B-icy P.opis. l E«ii n wo4 Vigor. ii. Tn liir«Rtiou, Ltv«» ■ S'JM x/ Hh ■ Ecu; » i'lsB IT auii f F I :r • r ■ tab y I» by ti 'I r NLLuE 3 I- v s s . i 3 t sf PEOPLE ... KING OF ALL LINIMENTS CURES RHEUMATISM AND ALL PAIN 11 ss o m%"ssnro •Fsssissrussst * - I 1 tfti Sl »Tirr joints, oonTMCtcd mwsoils, se"ii c A I » w sNKits. eo«* HOSK«» 1 » imniD wnists, rao.n! rur cos»», sumioss. chilbuuhs. aud all i«rt*m«»Tio»s or su 6m fSÿf 3 J k à # 9 READ THIS REMARKABLE CURE "I was much afflicted with rheumatism, write* Ed. C. Nud, Iowsville, Sedgwick Co.. Kansas, "going •bout on crutches and suffering ■ great deal of pain. I was induced to try Ballard's Snow Liniment, which cured me, after using three 50 c bottles. IT IS THE GREATEST LINIMENT I EVER USED; have me. cmniended it to a number of person*, *11 exprès* themselves as being benefited by it. I now walk without crutches, and am able to perform a great deal of light labor on the farm." THREE SIZES: 25c, 50c AND $1.00 I BALLARD SNOW LINIMENTCO, i ST. LOUIS. U. SL A. SOLO AND RECOMMENDED BY J. J. HPXJUjSE in Facl f e È I: We make, in addition to our regular brands, any kind or price of private brand you desire. Call and be con vinced that you can save money by patronizing home industry-. Holloway & Seefeldt | S \ Finest Separator Cream delivered at your door whenever you want it s We deliver the Best Milk in the city for $1.50 a Quart Daily per month ORANGEVILLE DAIRY R. H. JONES CO., Proprietor William Irwin Undertaker mi Embalmer I leurs e and everything the latest in furnishings. Parlors on Main Street c! and Investment Co., Ltd. The! um a I ■ t'oEVOKATKD BONDED ABSTRACTERS A list, ; of Hon I Kata « and Minin" Property' Furuighcd on Short Notice J. A. BRADBURY, Sec. and Mgr., Grangeville, Idaho •*-Arm3cmxrr--/'tirxs \$k c ft Secure ysur Tab.e Wines cf ail kinds Brandies and Whiskies Free Delivery A Phone 3i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL « j* j fi A Bis Snpplv ol the Best ! hri,k and ii„ K . Jion hand. if ^ 1 ft* W c 3 L ;s B . i. ,5 ti Brickmakers, Contractors amt Builders. 1 ■ Grangeville. Idaho. \\\7 LJ ^ |VV. n. Campbell ^ Luntractor and ■ > ., . Buittldr. Estimates Fithnihuku. GRANGEVILLE, IDAHO Office Saloon I j Carrie* tli v following brand» ol popular whbKi«a> ; * Hermitage Burk's Irish Crab Orchard Hushmell Malt (ilen Levitt Scotch Hiram Walkers Cana dian Club. * I AJsö a choice stoch of wina Ale end Deer His Key West and imported Cigara are the best. j* ! ,5 StKIS PRAIRIE M 1 All kinds nf Lathe Work 8 n( ^ Machine Repairing 1 lorsushoein" and . Wagon Making N J. F. JACKSON Successor to D. K. Athcrto" (irnnjre'»W*' I find Main St. GIBSON t ALLEN JEWELERS A1B ENCRAVINC IDAHO ORANGEVILLE.