Newspaper Page Text
* Items of Interest to Orangeville and Vi cinity. Personal flention Money to loan, Geo. M. Reed. Grain Bags for aale Vollmer & Soott R. H. Ambler made a trip to Clarkston last week. Buel Jarret, of the Cove placera, waa in the city Friday. Tom Johnson, left Tuesday morning for the Hump. Burt L. Crosby and family speut last Sunday at Harpster. T. C. Vincent and C F. Mosses left last Saturday for Elk City. Lee Smith was up from White Bird the first of the week on busi ness. C. B. Stewart, of Westlake, waB in town on business the first of the week. O. C. Lapp, merchant of Harps ter, was in town last Monday on business. Jim Witt arirved from Salmon river last Sunday and will remain indefinitely. Grover Davis left Tuesday for the Hump where Mr. Davis has his sheep camp. Jim Eldrige and wife left this week for Concord after spending a week in this city. 8. G. Hayes, of Clarkston, is visiting with County Commissioner M. S. Martin, of Tolo. Mrs. C. H. Schmadeka and daughter, Grace left last Tuesday Tuesday for Portland, Ore. Ingram & Brust have the con tract for furnishing meat for E. EnDemon's grading crew. For Sale—Good, paying hotel in live town. Ill health reason for selling. Address this office. Andy Moore left for his home in Lewiston last week, after a short vacation spent in this city. ChaB. Bradbury arrived last week from Ellensburg, Wn., fora short visit with his father, J. A. Bradbury. Rev. T. T. Denhardt returned last Monday night from an extend ed visit at Spokane and Coeur d' Alena lake. Frank Burke and family will move into the Seth Jones house on on South Meadow srreet, the last of the week. Prof. R. W. Overman left last Friday evening for Genesee, where he is employed as one of the teach ers in the high school. H. S. Alderman, a farmer and stock raiser, of Harpster, was in town Monday. He reports crops in excellent condition. Clyde Hamill sold a five year old team of horses last week to Loyd & Holbrook, of Moscow. The price received was $400. Abrahamsou came up from Stites Friday but returned Sunday. He expects to be gone about two weeks longer. Mrs. M. A. Gee left for her home at Ellensburg, Wash., after spend ing two months in this city with her mother, Mrs. R. A. Gray. Will winter horses on good range on Snake river for $3,50 per head for the winter. Address Frank Raymond, Pittsburg Ida. sep-20 Miss Ethel Starkey, who speut several weeks last winter visiting in this city with MisB Beth Sherwin, died at her home in Spokane last week, of typhoid fever. Dave Rae and wife left Sunday for their home at Knott, on the Salmon river. They came out last week to get their winter's supplies and had with them a pack train of 12 horses. P. E. Sherwin had a valuable cow killed by lightning during the storm last week. The animal was standing in the midst of a bunch of 40 cattle but was the only one injured. F. M. Peck and Stanley Litch field left for the Hump last week. Mr. Peck has property there on which he will do some development work. Mr. Litchfield will work in the Cracker Jack. at to at for in of E. a E. O. Herbert Wood received a letter recently from his brother, Harry, who is now at Douglas, Alaska. Harry is working in an upholster ing shop and Allan McLean, who is with him, has a position in the Post Office. Both are well satis fied. Good Rule to Follow * t a Buy all here. thing required (or hume, school anil office u:«, it is of excellent quality anJ our pri:es on every article are down to the tight figure. Stationery for social use is constantly changing in style but we keep right up with the changes and offer a line of Writing Paper and Envelopes correct in every particular. stationery and office supplies We have a full stock of every * M •••» % effila » PULSE DRUG STORE Opposite Hotel Craagovlll. Insurance, Brown & Reed, n Bag» for Bale. Vollmer & Fire & Oral to waB the on for has this a is and con E. in for last fora A. d' will on last last and in crops old Loyd The up gone home spend with good per speut last the last of during of a the Litch week. on work Scott. Auspu's is the place to buy your school Mr. hud Mrs. A. M. Baker are expected home next Saturday. Mrs visiting friends in town this week. Furnished or unfurnished rooms at Mrs, J. S. Vincent's, South Hall street. Mrej Dave Sasenhery will enter tain a number of friends tomorrow afternoon. Chan. Fray goes to Tacoma soon to attend the Presbyterian school at that place. Mist Cora Horning, of Tolo, left this week for Lewiston where she will at'iend the Normal this winter. Chan. Bradbury left last night for Ellensburg, Wu., to resume his work in the N. P. yards there. Four grades of Gold Leaf coffee aud two of tea at Austin's. Satis faction guaranteed or money back. R. K. Belcher, of Lewiston, was in town the first of the week, adver tising the Lewiston-Clarkston fair. Congressman B. L. French, of Moscow, was in the city the first of the week looking after business interests. books. P. E. Ellis, of Stites, is The his fith, Rodetta McKenzie, the 5-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred McKenzie, is quite sick with ty phoid Ifever. F. H. McLean has moved his Cascade Ice Cream parlors from the E. A. Day building to the post office building. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Wiltse, Miss Tracy Hoffman and Mrs. E. Euner son tobk a horseback ride to the Dewey mines last Sunday. The Baptist Sunday school had a picnic at Mt. Idaho last Tuesday. There were about eighty people in attendance, and a picnic dinner was served. Nec| Meyers, of the Idaho Tea cotuptjmy of Lewiston, spent a few days in town last week. Mr. Meyers thinks of locating a branch store in this city. Mr«. Fred McKenzie and two children returned Monday night from Asotin, where they have been for several weeks visiting Mrs. Mc Kenzie's mother, Mrs. Wells. will a for day she he on Richards & Dobner, the tailors, have just leased the Bibby property, in wkich they are now located, for three years and are to put in a uew glass front tu cost about $100. Thh Misses'Lota and Cora Sped den are to leave soon for Pullman, Wash., to attend the Washington State College. They will take courses in domestic science and art. Miss Alva Overman, of Tolo, Miss Myrtle Teicher, a former teacher in the schools here, and Geo. Stevens will go to Moscow next month to attend the state university. Mils Grace Smith has accepted a position as night operator with the Pacific States Telephone compauy. The compauy has just reeeived a large shipment of new material to finish the local work being done in this ijiity. Joe Wilkinson, of the Bargain Store, and who, with Frank Rich ardsou, of the same firm, has been to Portland and Spokane purchas ing fall aud winter goods, returned home Tuesday night. Mr. Rich ardson returned last uight. Mrs. J. - E. Jaques is reported lout'ii improved since undergoing an operatiou Tuesday for abscess in the middle ear. The abscess ex tend necessitating trephining, operation was performed by Dr. Cam ji bell. Harris R. Hilbourn, of Beatrice, Nebr., is expected to arrive the last of the week for a short visit with friends and relatives in Î geville. He will join the of Geo. N. Adam, L. C. sdell and Harold Harris, who start Monday for a mouth's visit in the mountains. Mr. Hilbourn is a nephew of L. M. Harris. into the cranial cavity. The Gra part Rain letter Harry, who the satis At the meeting of the Improved Order of Red Men, Tuesday night, the following officers were elected: Sachem, J. B. Wade; Senior Saga more, E. L. Kilen; Junior Saga mort, J. C. Graves; prophet, Wm. Von Berge. Mauy enthusiastic speeches followed the election. THK WHOLESOME CRESCENT II o iCi ,HAoe MARI T. J. W. R. 8. Egg-Phosphate BAKING 80W0E8 HELPS POOR COOKS DO GOOD COOKING The cakes never "fall, per pound at Grocers. 25c H. W. L. K. M. K. H. N. A. F. E. I. I. Frank Richardson is moving in his new house on South State street. Gibson & Allen have just re ceived a couple of new Krell pianos. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ewing, last Saturday evening, a daughter. Attorney Clay McNamee, of Lewiston, was in town this week attending court. Alice Stewart, of Clarkston, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. E. M. Grif fith, in this city. Miss Sadie Stockton departs on September 8th for Moscow to re sume her school work. Dr. and Mrs. G. S. Stockton en tertained at dinner Friday evening. Covers were laid for twelve. J. J W. A. Hall and wife left for Mrs. Hall Clarkston last night, will remain there this winter. August Engel left for Dayton, Wash., last Monday to be gone for a few days on a business trip. Dr. Nickel reports "Grandpa Harriman, who has been quite ill for the past week, much improved. Gladys Wiltse returned yester day from the Dewey mines where she has been visiting for the past week. J. P. Reaves returned laBt Sat urday from Fresno, Calif., where he has been visiting for several months. Miss Tessie Cogan returned from White Bird Sunday alter several week's visit with relatives and friends. J. B. White spent Sunday at White Bird visitiug friends and iucidently looking after business matters. Jake Janson made a trip to Nez Perce last week, harvest well under way in that section of the country. Surveyors E. C. Spedden and Fred Erskine have moved their office into the new bank building on State and Main streets. Jack Wilmot has purchased the interest of J. W. Erwin in the barber shop, known as "Joe and Jack'B, same. Mrs. E. S. Sweet and daughter, Mable, aud the Misses Margaret and Ada Sweet left Monday morn ing ford week's outiDg on Salmon river. *» a a a to in He reports aud will conduct the 7 I Lost, on the streets of Grange ville a pair of gold rimmed spec tacles. Finder will be rewarded by returning the same to Gibson & Allen's jewelry store. The hall given by the Gillette baud aud orchestra at the Armory last night was well attended and proved one of the most pleasant social events of the season. G. W. Robiusou, piano tuner, of Lewiston, is in the city on his seventh semi-annual trip and will remain for two weeks. Leave orders at the Wiltse House. Chas. Albert Long, of Spokane, and author of "The World's Solu tion of Legislative Interests in Money," arrived here last night and left for the Dewey mine this morning. S. J. Smith, assistant engineer in charge of the construction of the new railroad, aud G. A. Carl son, superintendent of the work for Porter Bros. & Welch, were iu town last Monday night. The Co-operative Telephone Co, last week received 1000 feet of cable and 1500 feet of messenger wire. The company now has a crew of men at work putting up the local lines over the city. Frank Burke left Monday for White Bird and there he will be joined by Wm. Campbell, of that place. They will go over into Wallowa county, Ore., to look after mining property. They expect to be gone about ten days. The Epworth League social which was given at the home of Mrs. C. A. Lewis last Thursday uight waB quite well attended. It was to have been a lawn social but on account of the cool weather it was held inside. Refreshments were served in the dinning room. J. 8. Overman, of Spokane, who has, for the last few months, been engaged with H. K. Moore in the Florence mining district, arrived here last Saturday on bis way home. He confirms the report of Mr. Moore's rich strike So far Mr. Moore has been mostly developing bat he will start his machinery in e few deye. in in C. in a Notice of Sale. Cracker Jack Minins and Milling Company, Limited, principal place of business at Orangeville, Idaho county, Idaho. Notice Is hereby given that there is delinquent n the following described stock on account tent levied on the 23rd day of July, 1906, the several amounts set opposite the names of the respective shareholders as follows: II n o z 5 £ e % NAME = < / 30 $ lo no •jo 00 15 00 60 00 JO 0ft 11 <10 M*rtii< Johunou . T. E. Brlckell. . J. F. Atkinson ... W. H. Wickham. .. R. B. Merrill. John 8. Atchison . 8. C Long. Katherine Steven« 79H looo ai«« h-J MOO Ml 6000 arm 872 1100 5 00 w: 5000 50 UO 874 jflOO 50 00 877 8000 80 00 SW 1000 10 00 597 1000 10 00 598 1000 10 00 600 1000 10 00 606 2000 20 <N) 802 1700 17 <K> 840 «515 «5 15 840 8 40 888 12500 125 «0 801 8125 81 25 802 8125 31 26 500 5 00 878 Frank Brown. H7S 07* 7 MU H. W. Hauke . W. P. McDonald. L. P. Brown. K. W. Taylor. Christian Frort . M. W. Zook.. Hiram Warner. K. K. Strait. Wm. Pollajr. Percy Meeker. H. P. Kelley. Ed Krell . Jas. Hanley. W. J. DulTV. Walter J. Bracking. N. K. Bleber. A. O. Begley. The A. P. Wright Co. Wm. Stelnhelaer. F. R. Shelter. Mr«. Annie Kellerman . E. W. Murray. I. uda Harlow. I. J. Merrill. Marta C lUggs. Ella T. Wyatt. Krank Wyatt. MO 211 HI 10 !» 10 I» »ia 20011 946 1000 986 1000 5 <10 % 50ft 500 5 00 92 926 5 ft« noo 788 « 1ft 610 10 40 17 00 76Ü 1040 770 1700 7 80 762 780 6 00 778 600 1080 10 30 53 8 60 M0 860 8 60 1180 11 80 1200 12 00 1000 10 00 7220 72 20 5000 50 00 4762 47 52 1000 10 (JO looo 10 00 2500 25 00 500 5 00 1000 10 00 4000 10 00 500 5 00 10000 Moo 00 1500 15 00 10000 10 ft <10 2000 20 00 *2838 23 83 759 771 7-17 836 1049 751 721 710 71« 6H1 668 640 681 657 638 1044 92» i 5 00 8 33 .MSI Geo. a Bailey. ... Arthur M vert. J. K. Chapmau — K. H. Nowlan ... John A. Todd. Peter Olma. Will Q. Brown..."! Frank Neveller — Gertrude Duffy ... J C Chapman. W. F. Schmadeka Jae. Aapona. C. L. 8woinstedt Chat. Dowd. Albert K. Hewitt George H. Keeter L. Kimball . Jennie G. Hofflin. 101 « 888 949 20 00 50 INI 5» <NI 47 50 32 50 15 Oft 1ft 00 2000 951 5000 963 5000 963 4750 3260 966 rum 967 KMX) 2500 998 25 100« 500 5 00 500 5 (X) KXX) 10 (X) 1000 lo 00 1000 1« 00 2000 20 (XI 1000 10 00 6000 60 00 KXX) 10 (X) 1000 10 00 500 6 00 1000 1« 00 :;(XX> 30 (XI 6900 59 00 7 20 680 6 80 200 2 (XI 200 2» 00 200 2 00 200 2 <X) 200 2 (XI 500 5 «0 500 ft 0° 500 5 04» iono 10 ix» loon 10 00 1000 I 111 00 10 <xi 10001 10 <x» 10001 10 <x> KXX) 10 <xi 1000 10 4)4» 200 2 00 1000 10 (X) 1000! 10 1x1 2000 . 20 (X) 1004»! 10 00 3000' 30 00 2ft0<> 20 00 1000, 10 (X) looo 10 00 1(XM) 10 (XI 1000 10 (XI l(XM) 10 011 KXX) 10 (XI 1325 13 25 1000 10 00 looo 10 00 1010 1011 1083 at to 1u.11 1UH0 ¥ 1082 11099 ¥ 900 911* ¥ 794 « 792 786 801 ¥ 783 CbM. F. Lydon Mm. Laura Youug. K. C. Farrow. 782 l 776 777 ¥ m 77 « t 7HO Joseph C. Lasker. Mary McGahn . Annie W. Smith. S. M. Jones. H. aud Del R. Fletcher. Anu W . Coffin. Mary If. Coffin . «41 »09 7lH ¥ 582 bTl « fg «I 678 564 1 560 561 562 663 J. K Ktabill J M. Bley W. H Eger..... M. L. Murray. W. A. Stevens. J. M. Malloy C. W. Mount D. S. Dent. Wn». Wright 556 666 719 «16 484 121 6f 1 164 Hi:! 801 616 617 620 W. E. Trftvlu . Clifford Rigg« E. 1). Potv ni . Walter J. NicholU 413 »032 »035 265 sen ill (H) 6 00 10 00 10 00 100 00 100 (X» 13 12 99 «0 67 5») 33 00 Kxhi 999 Peter A. Hacke tt Dell 8 Laabier Mary N. Morrill. Frank McGrane 626 0»*i KXX) 571 570 1000 442 10000 443 10000 8J0 1312 842 9900 v. 5750 997 1()76 3300 IlOO 52 22 5222 2000 20 00 2000 20 00 833 8 83 10000 100 00 10000 100 (Ml 2000 20 00 1000 10 00 2000 20 00 1750 17 50 1750 17 50 200 2 00 C. A. Elmer« Us 439 Thu.. P. Brown. L. L. Heine. . 12 » 132 488 1027 Wm. A. Nlcholl.. c*rl A. Wood. H. Klttenhouae . A. U. Kurchn.r. A. H. Berwick— Kben Mohuc. . ! 'minor Mallott. Eay A Yanti.. J. 8. Mounce . . Milton Krcldenricta A. W. Talklnftton. 7-A 1013 871 370 860 1 00 376 KH» f 00 255 2500 29 351 1829 10 00 20 00 10 (X) 10 00 1000 275 352 2000 KMX) 350 337 1000 5 00 346 5000 & 50 00 40 00 30 00 20 00 20 <X) 20 00 20 00 10 00 10 (X) 10 00 10 00 10 00 13 30 500 82 4000 254 312 34XX) 700 2« 01 701 • 2000 702 TOI 2U00 2000 70» !l«HI 701 !<»» H.» 706 7i!7 10 !» 70S 11 «» ' 00 IBM 7 50 750 1074 70 00 •20 00 HI I» 170 I» 70 00 70 1» IS S! 105 O0 •20 !» 4SI 7000 ■21«» of his in of iu Co, of a up for be to of It the of Mr. in Albert G. Wl.ner . iu:» 5000 KXX) 1105 17000 7IXHI Geo. B. Clark. 4*28 429 « 7000 3383 «88; 983 * 10500 10*5 *, 2000 2 50 381 250 Harry Herren . P. W. Tewksbury .. Euard Luria. L. F. Yates. A. C. Jamison Fred R. Siedel A. Loren Mitchell G. W. Curtiss .. . John Barjrholtz W. D. Padrlck. Phil Allen. Jr .! James H. McGrane 25 00 10 00 12 50 50 00 891 2500 108 1000 451 1250 91 5000 6 ix» 381 500 217' 1000 405 KXX) 10 00 10 00 10 00 5 00 15 (X) 10 00 10 (X) 10 (X) 20 00 47 53 25 (X) 30 UO 23 50 10 no 26 65 21 <> KXX) 500 373 183, is'* 1500 1000 186 1000 1000 *3* 2000 4753 2500 :«*>» 2850 782 H 15 j 817 : 84i •. • I ... i 88 KXX) Mabel Atkluaon Lillian M. Hie veils . Delia H. Magee. I«evtMUg J. G. UaUahan Harriet M. Faulkner Harry Faulkner 2665 5 00 236 5<X> 6 (X) 235 500 ee 00 ! 644 *,00 Ill ou IU I«) 111 I» to I» SO I» 1000 I sa 101» KXX) . 325 . 856 . 260 KXX) 3000 5 00 500 C. t J. Lisle. H. L. Brown. B 8. Padgett E. Evans. A. A. Mullen . John F. Gar row .. K B. Mets . Conrad Lamprecht E Me Broom . C Klin*. R. W. Hawley. 1 2 50 •250 1000 10 00 22* .» (xi 251 500 500 5 00 202 8 50 turn m Si :t! :»4 :US< 101» .70 00 *69 5 00 500 210 10 00 1 (X) 10*8* 232 a»K) 100 1 .<> 150 m 10 00 50 <K) 10 IX) 8 00 « 20 52 50 201 KXX) 'XXXI l(XX) SUI ■'*»21 » 5251» 2 * 1041 740 308 354 4 24 881 424 70 n 806 100UU 100 00 35011 35 00 6000 60 (XI KXX) 10 00 1075 lofti 851 C. H. LInge nieller. And In neeordance with law, *I1 many «hare, of each parcel of .urh rtock aa may be neces sary. will be Mid at tha 0®«» of the Cracker Jack Mining and Milllnf Company. Limited, uranic ville. Idaho, on tha lJth day of Septem bar, ISOS, at 10 o'clock a. m. of auch dav, to pay dslloqoant ameMmenla thereon, toperher with the emit of advertising and ekpenae. of «ale Berti« W. HawksY. Secretary. Office at Orangeville, Idaho. angao-tMplx For the next 10 d»ys we will •ell calico«, ginghams, lawns, etc., at reduced prices. The Satisfac tory store. An Immense Success That is our unqualified opinion of the have been holding all through this month. 1 here will be sflle we Two More Days of It made sweeping reductions in all lines, for these two days to slash some more. and although we have we are going WOQLEN DRESS GOODS slice cut off the regular price, rked low, but for FRIDAY, AUGUST 31st and SATUR of every description will have another generous Although they arc m;i DAY, SEPTEMBER ist, they go still lower. Come and see for yourself. and too many prices to quote. Too many pieces BARGAIN STORE CO. * 0 ¥ 4 ¥ 4 ¥ Buy « Over 100 4 4 ¥ I l MONARCH * a I 4 ¥ mt MONARCH J t RANGES 4 ¥ I* The FIRST p —— n COST is the ONLY COST. They are air-tight. « Will bake more \r quickly, more =»> perfectly and with less fuel than any « Range in the market. 4 « are in every-day fg use on Camas Prairie. Their «I records are ones of ft invariable ft satisfaction, ft More points of ft merit than any ft other so-called ft malleable range. I 4 4 4 m 9 / Up 3 )J 4 / 4 4 ¥ 4 ¥ 4 ¥ 4 ¥ 4 ¥ 90-Day Free Trial—that is, your money back 5 if not satisfied ; a ¥ 4 ¥ 4 ¥ 4 ¥ 4 ¥ 4 ¥ è 4 ¥ 4 ¥ Walter Hickerson 4 ¥ 4 ¥ 4 ¥ , i 'The White Corner Hardware Man" ¥ ^ *9 For Sai.k.—T wo desirable mts in the Lewiston addition. See Brad bury about them. Holz & son will soon have all the brick burned for the comple tion of the Alexander & Fre den rich building. Mrs. Jacob Sohwalbach hncl son left for Lewiston last Monday, She will remain there to senjl her son to school this winter. E. B. White received a message from Baker City, Oregon, yesterday morning stating that his daughter, Mrs. E. F. Cranston, had died and was buried Tuesday. Mrs. Orau- ! ston was a twin sister of ,Fre<l ; White, 0 » this city, and formerly taught school in this county and in the Orangeville schools. I. N. Hughes, of the Hastings 1 Industrial Co. of Chicago, has j been in Westlake for some time I making arrangements to install a I creamery at that place. It is to lie j a Co-operative stock company and , alljhe stocks, amounting to »4700 lias already Iteeu sold. Work will he begun at once and it is believed the creamery will be in operation ) by Nov. 15th. T. H. Dobner, late of Lewintoo, and who ban for the lant few week» past beeu working with J. E. Rich ardu, the tailor, ha», purchased a half interest in Mr. Richards 1 shop and hereafter the firm will be known as Richard» & Dobner. Mr. Richard's fam ly will move into the Vollmer & Scott building on south Hall street, giving morel room in their shop for the new stock of ■ ■ t TojCure a Cold in One Day ofinnineTdUk^/M / TMa signature, Or« O# |b Two IWA oawjt -Me Laxative bones soMki 1 HERMAN VON BARGEN, Vice President LEWIS WYI.DE, rush 1er HENRY KIITHER, President Denver State Bank I INCORPORATED CAPITAL, $30,000.00 LOANS INSURANCE ABSTRACTS Fay« Interest on Time Deposits A Strictly INDEPENDENT CORPORATION Owned by Denver People. Patronise Home Industry. REAL ESTATE : i : DENVER, IDAHO Pulse Building goods soon to he put iu. firm will make some substantial im- 1 provements and will conduct an ! np-to-now tailoring establishment, Matt Gilbert H p Maxwell and c vv . Rodafer came out from the Mar8ha „ Lake and H ump mining (districts last Tuesday Messrs 1 Maxwell and C. W. Rodafer came j out from the east aud are interested I with Mr. Gilbert in his mining ! I properties. This is their first visit j to the mines aud they are exceed-; , ingly well pleased with the showing, j Ou their Clearwater property they are putting in a new reservoir by which they will he able to have 1,000 inches of water with 400 foot head, and on the Marshall Lake property they will be able to have 5,000 incites with 120-foot head. Mr. Gilbert expects to maiu in Orangeville for some time. The new i ■ re- i All Night Service. 1 he Wiltse House, this week inaugurated an all night service in ! the grill room aud the best of every j thing to eat can now be had at all hours, day or night. ■ Tie Hotel Stites, Idaho Most up-to-date Hostelry on This ho»«* the Clearwater. _ has large well lighted officei comfortable sitting room for Ladies. Second Dining opened where the cent meal in the country served. When you go Stites, atop àt room j 118 * liest 25 i ! j THE TREMONÎ Go to Austin's for yo» r