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Idaho County Free Press ORANGEVILLE, IDAHO L. A. WISENER, Editor Thursday, October 8, 1908 National Democratic Ticket For President, W. J. BRYAN, of Nebraska For Vice President, JOHN W. KERN, of Indiana For Presidential Electors, JOHN C. RICE, of Canyon M. D. MILLS, of Nez Perce T. C. CALLOWAY, of Washington State Democratic Ticket For United States Senator, C. O. STOCKSLAGER, of Blaine For Congressman, J. L. McCLEAR, of Kootenai For Governor, MOSES ALEXANDER, of Ada For Lieutenant Governor, C. A. BOYD, of Bannock For Secretary of State, W. W. SNELL, of Canyon For Attorney General, FRANK MOORE, of Latah For State Auditor, J. A. BRADBURY, of Idaho For School Superintendent, MISS GERTRUDE NOBLE of Boise For Treasurer, DAVID 4 EVANS, of kla For Mine Inspector, HARRY MOORE, of Shoshone County Democratic Ticket For Senator, JAMES SURRIDGE, Harpster For Representatives, JOHN A. POWELL, Grangeville HENRY ELFERS, • Whitebird R. W. OVERMAN, Mt. Idaho For Prosecuting Attorney, E. M. GRIFFITH, Grangeville For Probate Judge, R. E. FULTON, Grangeville For Sheriff, ROBERT HAMILL, Gran srevi lie 5-1 For Assessor, J. M. WILSON, Dewey For Superintendent of Schools. JOHN B. CARTER, Grangeville For Coroner, E. S. HANCOCK, Cottonwood For Commissioners, First District, H. C. OLIVER, Stites Second District, JACOB MATTIIEISON, Cottonwood Third District, ROBERT GRIFFITH, Whitebird Planks From the Democratic State Platform The democratic party of the state of Idaho, iu convention assembled iu the city of Wallace, renew» its allegiance to the tenets of righteous self government as enunciated by Jefferson, a» dated aud defended by that stalwart demo crat. Andrew Jackson, and as loyally cham pioned by that peerless leader, William Jen nlngs Hr van. We fully aud cordially ratify aud affirm that splendid statement «>f party principles embodied in our democratic national platform adopted by the Conveutiou receufïy convened at Denver and pledge our support to the candidates inated thereon. Firmly believing that the first concern of the sute should always be to maintain a govern ment by the people, therefore as a mean» of bringing the people nearer to the adminiat tlon of the governmeut, we favor the enact ?»ent of a direct primary election law. We further favor au amendment to the constitution °i « •.P I SS 5 ® SLäIä * »n a* to secure the election of United States senators by direct vote of the nom While we believe in the preservation of the uatioual forests, we are unalterably opposed to the inclusion within national forest reserves of laud which is capable of being transformed into hones for the people. We denounce the policy of national landlordism as exemplified in the present national forest reserve policy. Such a bureaucratie policy is uujust to the citizen and t*Xp*y«r of the state, an impassable barrier to settlement, progress and development ol the re sources oi the state and thoroughly un-Ameri can and un -democratic. mt?!î i fàV i°i r î he eu actmeut of a law by our next state legislature providing for the creation of a railroad and warehouse commission and laUSST*? 1 *!*» adequate law prohibiting the discrimination by aU y railroad or trani ****** afainst any person or cor poration In the granting of warehouse facill We believe that the laws of the sta*e now in force are inadequate t«» protect those* seeking, red reo» from employers of labor for injurie» or i death suat&iu by employe« ami pledge uur leg».*» lative candidates to »import measure.*- »lum will enable such Injuries to l*e adequate uu -1 amply redressed. The state has no higher funetlou to perfor than to adequately to protect the lives, perso i and property of its citizens, rto believlng, we favor a more efficient law reqtnrlincthe owne of mines to adopt sufe and sanitary the prosecution of auch business that danger to livea, persona ami health engaged therein may be reduced to u minimum. We further favor the division of the state iuto such mining districts as may be necessary for the convenient and efficient administration of j We favor the enactment of a la» riauirlux state banks to establish a guaranty fund for the Prompt payment of the UepoDlta of auy luiml vent state bank under an equitable system similar to that of Oklahoma. The present state administration has signally failed in tile administration of the state affairs and beeu grossi) extravagant In expending the money wrung by taxation from the citizens Of j Idaho. We hold that money unnecessarily ex pended by public officiais Is a siècles of confis cation of the property of the citizen, and we pledge «nir party, if placed in power, to an economical administration of the state s huai*. .and further pledge the party to bring about a reduction of the number of ofllcials drawing salaries from the state, believing this can be doue without injury to the efficiency of tiie administration of our state government Recognizing tiie conflict of interests between certain settlers and tiie state of Idaho over homestead lands in which the state ha? preference right through the publie laud depart ment of the government, we recommend in view of the alleged long residence aud substan tial and valuable improvements of many of tiie aforesaid settlers, that the state land board la* fore securing a cancellation of said settler:: homestead entries and issuance of patents to tiie state for said land inaugurate a thorough investigation of the lama tides of the alleged settlement and improvement, of said land by Said settlers, and their moral and equitable right to title thereto aud that in the event of tiie establishing of such right by any of said settlers, that the slate of Idaho should wai any supeiior legal right or claim to said land. We favor the enactment i>( a law Inrtlie ail- , justment of disputes between employers ami ; employes. Relieving that the efficiency of government depends not st» much on the volume of its laws ; as Upon the strictness and Impartiality of their enforcement, we would limit new législation to such enactments only as may be adequate to the functions of a lust and orderly government, granting equal rights and equal protection to i all aud special privileges to none. lO till' 1 . 11,1 ' i The stone thrown by the presi dent at Mr. Bryan seems to have hit the man in charge of the repub lican headquarters in Chicago. LET THE PEOPLE ROLE II Appeal to Democrats for Bryan and Kern Cam paign Fund, from the Democratic National Committee To the Editor of the Free Press, Orangeville, Idaho Dear Wir: There are no secrets in this Campaign. Strictly practicing what he preaches, Mr. Bryan would not win victory with tainted money paying the elec tion expenses. Not a dollar is to he accepted which requires any promise, either express or implied, othei than for honest, impartial gov ernment. Mr. Bryan will enter the White House absolutely free from entangling alliance», free to serve all classes of honest cit izens alike, or he will not enter it at all. Hence the course is plain. The campaign of Bryan and Kern must be conducted by the peo ple. The people must pay the nec essary campaign expenses if they want public servants who will serve their interests. Hereafter all contributions to the Bryan campaign fund will he sent to the Western Headquarters of the Democratic National Committee which has been opened at Denver, of which (iov. John E. Osborne of Wyoming is chairman and has entire charge of the campaign in the Inter-Mountain states. A portion of the contri butions w ill be used in assisting us to carry Idaho for Bryan. REMITTANCE BLANK CutOut This Coupon and Send Iv Together With Your Contribution to the Free Press Enclosed please find This is my contribution to the Democratic National Campaign Fund for 1908. dollars (S )• Name Town Address. Money should he sent by chock, draft, express or money order. ORANGEVILLE Previous receipts.$40.50 Remitted to National c< tu rn ittee .. This weeks receipts: \l H1TKKIRD Chas. Thompson W. W. Brown. . 46.50 R. E. Fulton.... 1.00 i oo 1 00 John Powell . . . John Coram. Walter Fray. Israel Harris. Dave Sassenhury West Hockersmith 1.00 5.00 1 00 .00 A. Cooper Friend . . . 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 JOHN DAY MT. IDAHO 10.00 W. 8. M. Williams . . L. B Rhett 2 00 Grangeville and Meadows Stage Line Good four-horse wagons aud careful »1 rivers. Leaves Grangeville every day except Monday, at 6 a. ni., and arrives every day except Tuesday, at 12 ni HARE—Grangeville to Meadows, —Grangeville to White Bird, Only three days from Grangeville to Boise over one of the most picturesque routes in the west, and no night rides. For further information call on fy.oo 2.00 E. R. CAWLEY, Agent, Orangeville, Idaho L J. ROOT LUMBER YARD 0 Successor to Monfux l.umhcr Company A complete stock of Rough and Finishing Lumber always on hand I GRANGEVILLE, « ù ;; IDAHO I ft A not her cabiuet meeting ia due to draft a letter over the signature of ()n<1 |{oosevelt. Heyhlim Ha\ H it iH "Hilly'* tWHtltllt* to talk about the Illle of t ) lp , e , )D | e j„ „ rjovt-minent where t * renrPseiitîitivPH elected are the SU rejH tHeni.m vew t mi uu r . roina unt.lutrif v P 1 1,1 '* , . . . Apolvillff kPrOHPTie to fl political . . . campaign blillgH IPHllltH JUHt ttOOilt 1 aH HIHlden and Startling as the Bailie . . Huid applied to the fire 111 the COOK - 1 stoVQ l)V tllP careless HPrvant. J . . , tllP American people, ,i H u HfM'l i of the Hilary gOOS. Somehow or other, Old Joe doesn't . take kindly to tilt* naming altar, Mr. Roosevelt apparently îh labor ing nudt-r the delusion that he is ngain running for the presidency. Senator Koraker wants vindica tion in the court«. Ilis own ad mission of employment by the Standard Oil trust is sufficient for T he goody-goody republicans are willing to otter up Speaker Cannon Sherman is cutting rather a sorry figure in the campaign. His chief dash into the I'm d : ghl to date has been his nppearence at a meeting in Illinois in behalf of his fellow member and co-worker in the house for the interests, Uncle Joe. Special interests and favored classes, having secured "swollen fortunes" by purchasing favors in the past with millions contrib uted to control elections, Btand ready to give millions more for continued favors. But that class a dollar unless it never gives buys a pledge. Mr. Bryan says, from March i909, "Let the people rule. This can come only if the peo ple pay their own hills, and con trol their own elections. • ' 'Beware of the trusts hearing gifts." That policy of the favored few buying a mortgage on the Gov ernment meant that the candi date for President knew a few people only in an entire State. Bryan says, "We will take the cause of people's rule home to the people in every county." You can serve the grand cause of popular government through the columns of your paper. It reaches the fireside of the patriot who loves his country for his country's good; as distinguished from the greedy possessor of swollen fortunes who loves his country only for his country's goods. Sincerely, Norman E. Mack, Chairman Democratic National Com. M. C. Wetmore, Chairman National Finance Com. I j o u B The Family Theatre at the I. 0- O. F. Hall Orangeville Idaho Twice Nightly 8:00 and 9:15 at Illustrated Songs : : : Moving Pictures Admission 20c; Chil dre n IQc. Complete Change of Picture» and Pro gram, Monday, Wednesday and Friday Social Dance Friday night at termiuation of entertainment. Admission 50c High Class Vaudeville. MATINEE SATURDAY AT 2:30 P. M. Ladies Free. FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES FRESH AND CURED MEATS A SPECIALTY Sweet & Company Residence Phone, Nez Perce j96. Business Phone, at Austins. Nez Perce 173; Pacific 417 J. W. PHILLIPS Draying' and Transferring' ORANGEVILLE, IDAHO If We Don't Suit You Tell Us If We Do-=Teil Others PULSE DRUG STORE Mail or Telephon. Your Orders WALLACE SCOTT, Pres. J. P. VOLLMER. Vlce.Pres. MARTIN WAGNER, Cashier. The First National BanK Of Grangeville, Idaho Capital and Surplus $ 50 , 000.00 INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSIT W y attJW allace'öcött W ' A ' H * U ' Roberl J ' F ' AU * hle ' p - Vollmer. Fra.ik E. I PROFESSIONAL CARDS — F. A. Campbell Physician and Surgeon Office: Hank of Gama» Prairie Pudding Hour» 2 to 4 P. M (JRANOKVILLR. IDAHO GE S. Stockton, Physician and Surgeon Office up stair» in Grabski Building OupoHitc Post Office. Jesse L. Rains, M. D. Physician and Surgeon A. & V. Block. Residence phone No. 177. geville. Idaho. Office, Office rhone No. 47.' '. C. W. Slusser, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office, A. & K. Block. Office phone No. 476. House Phone No. 478. Grangeville, Idaho. Dr. Frank Holmes Osteopath Room 1, Alexander A Freldenrlch Block ' Office Hours, 1 » to 12 a. in.; 2 to ft p m. Acute ami chronic disease» cured without drugs Nervous disease» and disease» of women a specialty. Tel. No. W. N. Scales Attorn ry-at- Law Practice* In all the courts. Office in hank of Camas Prairie Building Orangeville, Idaho J. W. Akin Veterinary Surgeon Office at s«in Jones' Barn. Calls answered day or night. Both Phone» No 111. Grangeville, Idaho. 4 H. Taylor [Att.,«nky-at Law [ Practices in all the Courts. Grangeville, Idaho C. T. McDonald Attoknky-at-Law. Will practice In all the Courts ot Idaho and Washington. Office ou State street. R. F. Fulton Attorney-at-Law Offices: Bank of Camas Prairie Building Porbate and Real Estate a Specialty. James E. Babb I Attorney-at-Law l^wiston Nntionai Bank Building. Lbwirton. Idaho. W. H. Casady, A TTO R NEY - AT-1 j A W Practice« In til court«. Office ov tlonal Bank. PACIFIC PHONE m or First Na Grangeville. Idaho M. Reese Hattabaugh Attorney-at-Law Office under FirBI National Bank A. S. Hardy, Attorney-at-Law Prahlten in all courts. Grangeville. Main*. Bailor & Robinson Undertakers and Embalm ers Pacific i hone 102 Day and Night Grangeville, Ida. Parln in A. »V F. Block SOCIETIES. W. O. W. GRANGEVILLE CAMP NO. 206 Meets I irst and Third Monday» of each month ai I. O. O. F. Hall. K. II. Ambler, Clerk James McConnell, C.C Encampment I. O. O. F. Camas Prairie No. 18. Meets he Second and Fourth Saturdays I. <>. O. F. hail at tf:00 P. M. 9 at H. I>. Knokk. C. P. K. J. IlKiKCnK, Scribe. I. O. O. F. Mt. Idaho Lodge No. 7. Meets » J. N. Oil' ery Satnrilay at their hall at 7:30 P. M r, Sec. H. I). White. N. vi. O. E. S. Mountain Queen Chapter No. 11. Meets at Masonic hall on 1 st and Srd Thur« days of each month, dially invited. Visiting members cor Ma» w*. Allan. W. M. Mi ( AS 81 K Coran. Secy. INLAND ABSTRACT ANIb INVESTMENT C0„ Ltd. (Incorporated) Bonded Abstracters Abstracts of Real Estate and Mining Short Notice. ished J. A. BRADBURY Secretary and Manager CRANCEVILLE, IDAHO City Drug Store Or. E. H. Sheaf 1er, Prop. Pure Drugs, Prescriptions carefully compounded Jewelry and silverware (1RANOEVILLE, IDAHO Bank of Chmas Prairie Orangeville, Idaho CAPITAL and SURPLUS . $ 130,000 OFFICER«; F. W. Kettenbach. President A. Freldeurieh, Vice-Preeldeol John Norwood.^A mLCm« t«***** DIRRCTOI W. W. Browo. A. Freldeurieh, Frank HcOrane, F. W. Rettenbach, W F Jeeae L. Raina, Wm. Stelahelaer Fire Proof Vault for safe keeuf i( ot eaatomen papers aud valuable. A general banking bualneaa tranaacied. Kettenbacfe, Interest Paid * * * J W. E. Graham ¥ furniture: and undertaking \ ¥ M. ♦ I ¥ Heavy Drape Broadeloth Casket Plain Plush Casket . .Bum ^ Heavy Plain Caaket . . w «, 4 Varnish Caaea . WO 00 to » Z children', site, np Iront . Koo j ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ i — EMBALMING A SPECIALTY — * It Pays to Dye Fabrics discarded be cause faded or soiled they can be made as good as new with Putman's Fadeless Dyes FOR SALE BY THE RIQHT DRUG STORE THE L. iE. BARN (Formerly Lanninghams's Barn) LIVERY AND FEED Best Rigs in the City. Excellent Saddle Horses. Board by Day or Week. CIVE US A CALL SAM JONES Proprietor, Grangeville At Your Service u We will he Rlad to place at your service every facility that a CAREFUL, CONSERVATIVE BANK may oiler, either in the form of a COMMERCIAL account subject to check, or a SAVINGS account paying four per cent imterest. GRANGEVILLE SAVINGS AND TRUST CO. ^ 1 Contractor Turner Builder Frames, Porch Columns, Brackets, Turning and Scroll Sawing any style, Saws gummed, Filed and * PRICES CONSISTENT WITH GOOD WORK. For Well Drilling and Digging PIPE Lirme, DRMM8E 110 MSTILLIIO WATER SUPPLIES i A. J set. 1 Write J. C. Haller, Grangeville, Ida. BOTH PHONES FREE DEUVBRY FRAY BROS. FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY, VEGETABLES Grangeville, Idaho Don't Say "Flour Ask for "Knorr's Best 99 99 Why? Because this flour is made from carefully blend er Lamas Prairie wheat perfectly cleaned, thoroughly scoured and milled on correct principles. Because it makes a large flaky loaf of fine flavor, wholesome, rich and sweet. Try a sack. At All Grocers