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Cold, colder, coldest winter For years is predicted That means good, warm, serviceable Clothing. prices that suit every one. Here it is at Ladies' Suits, acknow ledged the finest line shown in years. Ladies' Coats, elegant quality, ranging from 6.50 to $30 00. Individual Dress Patterns in novelty stripes, 1.50 to $2.25 a yard. Novelty Dress Goods, 65c to $2.50. Mackinaw Coats Seattle Woolen Mills, 6 00 and 7.00. Men's Sheepskin lined Coats 5.00 to 11.00 Men's Leather and Cor duroy Coats 7.00. Blankets 50c to $10. a pr. Comforts 1.25 to 3.00. from Men's Suits, 7.00 to $25 Overcoats, 8.00 to $22.50 Underwear 50c up to 2.25 a garment. Union Suits 1.50 to 6.00 heavy wool. cotton and Bargain Store, Ltd. Grangeville, Idaho m The Hottest Line of STOVES YOU EVER SAW at LOWER PRICES JR, y than you ever expected THE SALESMAN WILL SHOW YOU A DOZEN REASONS BESIDES LOWEST PRICES WHY YOU SHOULD BUY YOUR STOVE HERE J m s COHE, WARH UP! EIMERSWOOD CO A I I DISC SHOE DRILLS T, Thé drill we are offering to the ranchers is built on advanced and practical ideas. It is not an experiment and has many firm friends here on the Prairie who will tell you to buy no other. A disc drill is what you want and a Û 8 \ \ 8 Èjf' Wf î Peoria Drill 8 is the one. Disc simply cuts the way, the shoe forms the furrow and deposits the grain. We guarantee the device will deposit all the grain in ^ the furrow and cover perfectly. Operates hard land, soft land, wet land or trashy land. It's the drill for you. LM KN a m; on I g (Emerson disc plows 8 I Here is another tried and tested, the Emerson disc plows, double and tripple. Cuts furrow six teen to twenty-four inches wide. Simple adjust ments, oil tight bearings, light running, satisfac tory giving. The disc plow is the hard ground plow. The harder the ground the better the work. 8 The Emerson will give good results on hard, soft, dry, wet, gumbo, sandy or almost any soil, however. Double the work at half the expense. The Emerson plow is the plow with the Idaho county reputation behind it. Ask the man across the road from you why he is "stuck" on his Emerson. g Qrangevlle Implement Co., Ltd. 8 8 8 HITCH TO THE BEST »» 44 8 ews of Idaho County COTTONWOOD The running of the cars back and forth on the new rails is a strange sight for the youngsters who never saw a locomotive. Foster & Blackman the harness men, have moved into their new quarters iu the ('reelman block on Broadway. Dr. Turner, while out in the country lately visiting a patient, had the misfortune of having his overcoat and lap-robe stolen from his buggy by some low dastard. The post office is now located in the Goldstone block and the new boxes are being placed and num bered. The republican meeting of Satur day night was well attended, one third of those present beiug demo crats. A. J. Payne, our former hotel from Lewiston, came m man, and from what is reported will probably locate here again. Tom Hale, our popular livery man, is haviug a double building erected on Broadway, the one to be occupied by John Fuuke, and the other by "Slim" the barber. Mr. Henry, the new clothing man, haH opened up with a fine stock of goods in the Goldstone block, corner oi Main and Broad way. Emmette Duffy has opened op a restaurant and lunch counter in one of the Joslin buildings on Main street, and is having a nice trade. Mr. M. V. Huff, who lived two miles southeast of town, died of paralysis, of which he had been af flicted for more than two years, on Sent 30, in his 72ud year. He left a wife and nine children as survivors. Mike Seubert, who lives north of town and close in, sold his 146 acre ranch. Mart Peterson,- who has been conducting a mean market here for over a year, has retired from the business, which leaves the Simon Brothers a c'.ear fie'd Mrs. L. M. Duffy has moved her confectionary, and other business and also the Pacific phone office in to one of the new Creelman build ings. The deputy sheriff came out from Giangeville, Monday to in the case of Dixon vb Berlins and Ruste mayer. There will he two excursions from Cottonwood to Lewiston fair on the 13th and 15th of thiB month which will be largely patronized by our people generally. There is much moving and chang ing of location in our town and much grading and improving of our streets so that all can see that Cottouwood is neither dead nor dying. serve an CLEARWATER Miss Ada Murphy of Tahoe is | visiting with her sister Mrs. Pell of this place. The second week of school cloned Friday with an enrollment of 60 scholars. Every one is well pleased with the school this year. Miss Mabel Farris who has been working for Bert Moore, had to resigu her place as blood poison set in her hand making it impossible for her to work. Kenueth McKenzie has bought L. W. Brown's blacksmithing tools and moved them into his own shop. Mr. Brown expects to move back on his ranch which Mr. Brot nor has had leased for the past two years. Several of the young people from this place attended the dance in Harpster Friday night. C. A. Pell is moving into his new residence which he bought from Allen Stephens some time ago. Horace Lester will move into Harry Baker's house just vacated by Pells. R. S. Calder and Effie Ruark were married Sept. 30 in Grange ville. They will reside with the grooms father. Their friends wish them a long and happy life. Clias. Perry and wife are the proud father and mother of a baby boy born Sept. 26. Mother and child are doing nicely. STEUNENBERG Mr. Aug. Freug drove to Voll mer on business returning the same day. •» Report of tbe Financial Condition of the Bank °f Camas Prairie Located at Grangeville, State of Idaho, at the close of busi ness on the 23rd day of September, 1908. RESOURCES Loans and discounts. Overdrafts. Bonds, warrants and other securties. Banking house, furniture and fixtures. Other real estate owned. Due from banks. Checks on other banks and cash items. Exchanges for clearinghouse. Cash on hand. $314,050.63 56,14933 12,011.88 12 , 794-32 9 , 330-57 39,071.82 343 - 7 ° 275.44 16,280.30 Total $460,307.99 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in.. Surplus fund. Undivided profits. Due to banks—deposits Deposits, demand. Deposits, time. Total. $ 50,000.00 50,000.00 4 °, 233-^3 1,598.90 177,908.41 140,566.85 $460,307.99 STATE OF IDAHO, County of Idaho. 1 , W. W. Brown, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Correct. Attest: Frank McGrane, A. F. Parker, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of October, J. A. Bradbury, Notary Public. i ss. W. W. Brown, Cashier. 1 Directors. 1908. PUBLIC SALE In order to settle the estate of E. H. Parkes, I will sell at Public Auction, the fol lowing live stock, machinery, etc., on the Parkes' ranch, 2 miles southwest of Winona, 18 miles north of Grangeville, on the Big Buttes, on Monday, October 12, 1908, commencing at io o'clock a. m., sharp, the following desetibed property, to-wit: Four Head of Horses Consisting of Grey Gelding, good worker; Black Gelding, an excellent worker; Black Gelding, a fire animal; a five-year-old Black Mare, a good driver without a blemish. Seven Head of Cattle In this lot are three excellent milk Cows that cannot be beaten, 2 yearling Heifers, i two-year-old Heifer, sucking calf. Forty-Seven Head of Hogs Fourteen first-class Brood Sows, 33 head of good Shoats. Twelve Tons of Grain Hay. Machinery, Etc. Sharpless Cream Separator No. 2, good as new; good Deering binder, good Bain Farm Wagon, 16-in Sulky Riding Plow, i6 in. walking Plow, 3-section steel Harrow, 2 sets of work Harness and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale—All sums under $10, cash; all sums of $10 or over 8 months time will be given on good bankable notes at 10 per cent, interest. F. L. LEONARD, Clerk Mrs. E. H. Parkes, W. H. RALPHS, Auctioneer Grangeville Savings & Trust Co Free Lunch at Noon. Administratrix F . 8. Stough spent a few days in Orangeville last week return ing Saturday. E. J Llewellyn returned Orangeville Thursday not having snfficieut lumber to run him in finishing the ware house at that place. C. Steel left for Orangeville Sunday, returning to his home be yotid Orangeville. Arrangements have been made for a bank here. The vacant bar ber shop bas been leased tempor arily until material can be secured for a bank building. The safe will reach here some time this week. F. S. Stough transacted busi ness in Cottonwood Monday. Mr. Webber from QreenCreek is quite ill this week. He came town to haul wood for the restaur ant at this place when he took sick and has been laid up since. W. I. Long drove to Cotton wood Saturday on local business. Dr. Burke from Vollmer in town one day this week. Mrs. Long is on the sick list this week. Theo. Schuller drove in from Cottonwood Thursday returning the sameday. from to was y. HOLZ & SON Brickmakers, Contractors and Builders. A Big Supply of the Bes' brick and good lime always on hand. Grangeville, Idaho. WANTS Advertisement* inserted under this head. 5 cents a line. Replies may be addressed to this office. TO LOAN Money to loan. Geo. M. Reed. NOTICE Notice—Farm loans. Parker. A. F. 46 tf WANTED Wanted—Peoplo to try this column. 13tf Wanted—Copies of Free Press of June 26 and April 30. Enquire 14tf at this office. FOR SALE For Sale—Blank note and scale books for sale at this office. For Sale—Lund Scrip, can be used on any Government land sub ject to homestead entry, patent obtained without settlement. For prices address, L. W. Hub bell, Springfield, Missouri. 14-4* For Sale.—160 acre ranch on Rice Creek. 36 acres of meadow, good orchard, some timber, run ning water, an excellent stock ranch. Price $1,100. Also fine dwelling in Whitehird at $1,100. Time to right parties. Inquire at this office. 16-4 LOST Lost—Key winding gold watch on buckskin fob. Made by J. W. Tucker, SanFrancisco, lost in Grangeville or on road west. Re ward it returned to this office. 10-4* Office Saloon Carrlat th* following brand* of popular whiahiaai Hermitage Burk's Irish Crab Orchard Bushmell Malt; (lien Levitt Scotch Hiram Walkers Cana* dlan Club. (/Alio m cholc* »loch of win* AU *nd Boor Hla Key West and imported Cigars are the beat. CMMS PRAIRIE MACHINE SHOPS All kinds of Lathe Work and Machine Repairing Horseshoeing and Wagon Making J. F. JACKSON Successor to D. R. Atherton Orangeville, Idaho East End Main St. J. B.LEEPER, Auctioneer Clearwater, Idaho Dates arranged at this office, Grangeville Savings & Trust Co., or by phone or mail at Clearwater.