Newspaper Page Text
The"Printzess" Coats, "Printzess" Suits / 0 the Big' Cities of America Üom P e Have created tHe style for 1908 in o w 3 it: items such as Belts, Neck Weap, Purses, etc. are The Lady wearing a The little new display—the results of personal selections i Printzess" Coat or Suit may feel assured that she is as highly favored as the favored sister in the largest cities, garments—all the new things for the fall season. now in the foremost Eastern 4. We show ioo on I L markets. * j\ Royal Tailor Suit -No other Tailor is Producing equal values or styles— m Is the Choicest mahe for men And tKe Fit is Guaranteed to Remain Permanently \\ DISTINCTION • You Get tKe Newest and Best THings to Wear at I p/f : Mi I I !! THE BURT L. CROSBY CO.., ORANQEVILLE b JCTna 549 ! ! J I A. Cooper of Whitebird was in town the last of the week. One of the Newman brothers spent Saturday and Sunday in Orangeville. Editor Roberts of the Stiles Sentinel came up Friday to attend the Brady speech. Kamiah is organizing a company for the purpose of installing a system of water works. Kamiah is one of the hustling towns of Idaho couuty. Messrs. Jacob and Meyers, two Lewiston gentlemen who have property in the Hump, passed through Orangeville enroule to that camp the last of the week. Charles Flyn of the Salmon river country, made this office substantial call while in town the first of the week. Charles Crawford of Clearwater was in this city the first of the week on business. While here he visited the court house and paid his tax for the present year. Ho was surprised at the amount of the same. a Mr. Tom W. Bales in Free Press, Sept. 24, '08, States: "Our honest opinion is that we can save from $3.00 to $5.00 per acre with our combine {'08 Holt) over the work of any binder or stationary rig we have ever put in the field. Every combine that comes on the Prairie will have the effect of increasing the value of the land by making it possible io make more money off every acre farmed. ' ' A Boon to Prairie Farmers HOLT BROS.' SIDE-HILL COMBINED HARVESTERS (TimeTried and Original Machine-25 Years in the Field) FOR BIG FARMERS AND SMALL FARMERS 5 Holt Regulars Operated on Drumheller Ranch near Walla Walla Requires 3 to 4 Men 14 to 16 Horses Cuts, Threshers and Sacks 15 to 20 Acres per Day BABY HOLT SPECIAL, 8 AND 10 FEET CUT Save You $3 to $4 Per Acre in Harvest ÉÉL ' * * bsls These are 20 ft. Machines Requir ing 26 to 32 Horses and 4 and 5 Men. Each will average 35 to 40 Acres per day. Holt Holley on J. A. Steele Ranch Kahlotus, Wash. ns# Requires 18 to 20 Horses & 4 Men Average 25 to 30 Acres per day. A . a* : y* V, h /' sia*» W-v. HOLT REGULAR 20 FT. CUT HOLT HOLLY 14 FT. CUT Vollmer, Idaho, writes October I, Bales-Jones Company Co., Grangeville, said August 31, 1908: D. E Bell, 1908: " Don't see how any machine could do better, with an 18 ft. machine and 26 horses We have cut 280 acres of barley in 8 days The harvester is giving perfect satisfaction." With the help of'you! agenfhioneilJl Tl ' is Ù the firs! combine ! ever saw. heaviest grain that ever grew in Idaho ifthJo inubk " macMm 320 *'« 0,lhe WRITE FOR NEW ILLUSTRATED BOOK, JUST FROM THE PRESS, DESCRIBING 5 STYLES WE Washington The Holt Manufacturing Co BUILD FOR 1909 Spokane Wash. Plenty of money to loan on real i ! estate security at a low rate of in-1 ! fernst. Savings & Trust Co. 17tf J Land script for sale lowest prices I address R. E. Wilson, Cambridge Idaho. 16-7 , Girl over fifteen years of age, desiring home to attend school, j address, or aply to Mrs. Walter 1 uuuell, Grangeville. 18-2 Dr. King the eye specialis will, he in Grangeville again in Oct. 13tf Blue Prints Showing present ownership of lands on Camas Prairie for sale by Inland Abstract Co. 44tf. Fine W heat John Vanderwall, who lives on the Baulch ranch, six miles west of town, bought h indies of as fiue a wheat have seen this fall. The wheat was over six feet tall and well filled heads. to town two as we The two bundles were shipped out the first of the week to Spokane where they will be on exhibit as an advertisment of the Camas Prairie. Resolution of Condolence. Whereas, It has pleased our Heavenly Father in his infinite wisdom to remove from our midst during the past few days Sister Elsie Jack, a member of Mezpali Lodge No. 12, Grangeville, Idaho Be it Resolved, That it is our sad duty to mourn the loss of our be loved sister; and may it be further resolved that while we are made doubly and by lookinR at her va . cnnfc chair and for her generous expression of sympathy and kind ness, we bow in bumble submission to God. , . , And cause our Charter to 1 be draped iu mourning for a period ! of thirty days in memory of her. ! U : 4 * . 1 , _ 1 » 1 1 mi , I Ue it aiBO Keaolved, I ll?lt we ten* J der our deepest sympathy to her | bereaved husband and pray that 1 „..-A.-* _ » t 1 . , God may sustain and comfort him, and that he and we mav think nf ana tuai ne ana we may tnink of her not as dead but asleep in Jesus, n rpi .. . , tie It Kesoivea, 1 hat a copy of these resolutions he unread norm uiese résonnions oe spread upon the records of our ledge, a copy „ . . „ Seilt to ber husband, and a copy . P r,,, ted * n The Idaho Odd bellow, ftlu * * n t * ie c >ty papers, Respectfully submitted, Gertrude Vincent, Barbara Pfeufer, Eva Overman, Committee. There will be services at the Cathoic church next Sunday follows: Sunday school at 10 a. m.,i w a. j . . . M Mass At 10:30, conducted by One of the Ronodipfcinp Fn.t,hora n # OI line nenetucuue rainera Of I CottOIlWOOd. ! ! ! z\n no uncement. _* * . 1 11 r Or tn© beat Of photography call at, ThomiiHon's olmto i/allm-v All as Auurapaon s pnoto ganeiy. All work guaranteed first claas. Gal ! lery next door to Grangeville Savings and Trust Co i ® h kj , J . _ | Fo r Chronic D la rrhoea 1 ti urL-i • I - T , "While IU the army in 1863 I was « - .. . ,, takeu w,th chrome diarrhoea," 8 Q .r p-u r South ' . 0 . , Gibson, l a. "1 have Since tried ~^rr.Ax/lîx»a u,,*. man y remedies but without an\ De rma«ent relief until Mr A W ?»., . ... , ' * * Miles, of this place, persuaded me , , f' r* 1 ; to try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, i .ai . » . . . • ' one bottle of which stopped it at Annü n l?ni. nain h.. T T One©. Por sale by J. J. x'ulse. as : IN THE PROBATE COURT OF IDAHO COUN TY, STATE OF IDAHO Order for hoar ing to enforce performance In the Matter of the Es tate of Wm. Steinheiser de ceaHed, Vivian K. Stein heiser, Executrix. It appearing to the court that a petition has been tiled herein, by the Seattle-Idaho Mining and Milling Tompauy a corporation, by it.i attorney, L. Vinevard for the purpose inforcing the performance of a certain contract i ing made bv said Corporation named decedent during his life time I conVL , yanceof described premises, to ! cubic feet per second of the waters of Rhett creek, commencing at the dam of Dilliuger's ! Water wrlght. Said dam being situated on ! Khett Greek about '4 of a mile above thejuue tioti or Meadow and Rhett creeks, and about of ft mile northerly from Dillinger's Arasti«, together with the ditch or canftl tluough which »aid water runs, the length of the same being allout two miles on the wy.t side of Rhett creek: and the place of its intended use is about i l 2 jSÎMnÂiLÂT/tt^'BtoJl^t'ÏÏÂkïïï i p 1 ?"* Mining District, Idaho county, Idaho. Saul water right being located on the :10th, day of June 1H97. by Wm. II. Philpsaud recorded in connected with the Rheet-Creek Placer Mining Claim, as the same is held by the said estate and located and recorded in said records in said mining district. It Is ordered that t«>e mil day of October UKW is hereby Bxed a. the time tor hearing the said petition, and notice of said hearing 1 » here by directed to be given to all persons interested in said estate requiring them to appear at the hour of 10 o'eiork a. m of said date at the court room, at the court house in Grangeville, Idaho County, Idaho, and show panne it any they iiave. why the prayer of »aid petition „tumid not he granted it la fntther ordered that euch nntiee he gi by publication thereof fu tlie Idaho Countv f ree Press a newspaper of general circulation in said County of Idaho at least four stiece weeks from the date of first publication, : ■nt ith the above for the wit: Ten R. F. Fulton, Probate Judge. IK—4 NOTICE OF BALK OF RK A LIEST ATE BY EXECUTRIX Notice is here by given that iu pursuance of order of sale made and eutered by the Pro , bate Court of Idaho couuty. State of Idaho, j on the nth day of October. V.ios in the matter of ! the estate of William Steinheiser, deceased, 1 the undersigned Executrix of the lait Will and Testimeut of said deceased, will tell at private sale, subject to confirmation by said Court, the following described real property, to wit: An undivided ' 4 interest in and to lota inclusive in Block A; Lots 1 to 12 in* elusive in Block B: Lots 1 to 6 inclusive in Block <'; lots l to 6 inclusive in Block D; Lota l to 12 inclusive in block E; Lots 1 to 6 in clusive iu Block F; Lots 1 to 6 inclusive in Block (i; Lots 1 to 12 inclusive in Block H; Lots 1 toi» inclusive iu Block I ; Lota 1 to 6 in* elusive in Block J; Lot« 1 to 12 inclusive in Block K : Lots 1 to t> inclusive iu Block L; Lota 1 to <> inclusive in Block M : Loti 1 to 12 in clusive in Block N ; I>ots 1 to 6 inclusive in Block O; Lots 1 to 6 inclusive in Biock P; | and Lots 1 to 12 inclusive iu Block Q; all in Orchard Heights Addition to the City of Grangeville, Idaho County, State of Idaho Said Sale will be made on or after the 24tb day of October, l'JüH and bids will l*e received at the law office of W. N. Scales in the City of Grangeville, Idaho. Terms of sale; T to acc ful money of the United Status mat ion of sale by Probate Court 1 to 6 Per cent of amount bid j pau y each hid and balance caah, law* upon couflr Viviau E. Hteinheiser Executrix of the Estate of William Stein heiser, deceased. 19-2 A. V. Ball, Auctioneer, will cry sales in any part of the county! Residence one half mile north • Grangeville. Dr. King DUNLAP'S Jewelry Store Oct. 26th & 27th | By oar new system of treat ment of Muscles by Glasses cure Nervousness, Epilepsey, Chores, Ricketts, St. Vit» Dunce, Painful Mensuration, Bed-wetting, Chronic Nose Bleeding and Straighten Cross Eyes. we j The King Co. Wash. Spokane, For Sale—Blank note and scale books for Bale at this office.