Newspaper Page Text
I Idaho County Free Press ORANGEVILLE, IDAHO 8 Editor L. A. WI8ENER, Thursday, October 15, 190ÎÇ national Democratic Ticket For President, W. J. BRYAN, of Nebraska For Vice President, JOHN W. KERN, of Indiana For Presidential Electors, JOHN C. RICE, of Canyon M. D. MILLS, of Ne/ Perce T. C. GALLOWAY, of Washington State Democratic Ticket For United States Senator, C. O. STOCKSLAGER, of Blaine For Congressman, J. L. McCLEAR, of Kootenai For Governor, MOSES ALEXANDER, of Ada For Lieutenant Governor, C. A. BOYD, of Bannock For Secretary of State, W. W. SNELL, of Canyon For Attorney General, FRANK MOORE, of Latah For State Auditor, J. A. BRADBURY, of Idaho For School Superintendent, MISS GERTRUDE NOBLE of Boise For Treasurer, DAVID L. EVANS, of Oneida For Mine Inspector, HARRY MOORE, of Shoshone County Democratic Ticket For Senator, JAMES SURRIDGE, Harpster For Representatives, JOHN A. POWELL, Grangeville HENRY ELFERS, Whitebird R. W. OVERMAN, Mt. Idaho For Prosecuting Attorney, E. M. GRIFFITH, Grangeville For Probate Judge, R. F. FULTON. Grangeville For Sheriff, ROBERT HAM ILL. Grangeville For Assessor, J. M. WILSON, Dewey For Superintendent of Schools, JOHN B. CARTER, Grangeville For Coroner, E. S. HANCOCK, Cottonwood For Commissioners, First District, IL C. OLIVER, Stites Second District, JACOB MATTHEISON, Cottonwood Third District, ROBERT GRIFFITH, Whitebird Planks From the Democratic State Platform The democratic party of the state of Idaho, in convention H*»einbled In the city of Wallace, reue •elf it» allegiance to the tenet* of lighte f government as enunciated by Jefferson, a* ulated and defended by that htalwart demo loyally ehnm crut, Audrew Jackson, and pioned by that peerless leader, William Jen nings Hr van. We fully and cordially ratify and affirm that splendid statement of party principle* emIxNlied in our democratic national platform adopted b) the conveutiou recently convened at Denver and pledge our support to the candidate* mated thereon Firmly believlug that the first coueern of the intaiu a govern -an* of state should always he to ment by the people, therefore bringing the people nearer to the administra lion of the government, we favor the enact ment of a direct primary election law We farther favor an amendment to the coiiHtitntion of the United Slates of United States senator* by direct vote of the while we believe la the preservation of the national forests, we arc unalterably opposed to the inclusion within uaiional forest reserves of laud which Is capable of being transformed into homes for the people. Me denounce the of national laud lord lain as exempli tied present national forest reserve policy. Such a bureaucratic policy 1* unjust to the citizen and tax payer of the state, au impassable barrier to ■ettlemeut. progress and development of the re sources o! the stale and thoroughly un-Ameri can and un-démocratie. Wa favor the enactiueut of a law by our next •täte legislature providing for the creation of a state railroad ana warehouse commission and the enactment of an adequate law prohibiting the discrimination by any railroad or trans portation company against any person or cor ^oration In the granting of warehouse facill a » to secure the election W« baUeve that the laws of the state uow iu v-or 'V* 1 » 1111,1 tie rotect 1 mI»> r tor lujtiri and pledge < I force ure inadequate t<> n redrew* from ein plovers of death sustain by employe* tndidal« * to ble such Injurie* to be aib-quate ■«»met» which lative c ill c -I amply The «tare hit* h«» higher function to perforin than to adequately to protect the lives, person* ravor'i^m^rVe ertiV/mrtlift^rcqui^rlrtht'O'Viier* the prosecution ol miel» buslm-s* to the end that dauger to live», persons Hiid health of those engaged therelu may be reduced to a minimum. We further favor the division of the state into such mining districts as mav be uecessary for äSh"iS. Dl *" l " d ' dmlul " ra " ,> " of 8 tH^^îînkMo%ubfith"'iuKLutÿ"T„Â r !"' »US? 'W'u'ttS'bS'Ä. The pre«ent nl«t.'»ilmini»trHti»u nan «lKnally Idaho'. W w" noli llTat^n.'oivv imnoeeaMrUj ex pended by public officials i* a specie» « »f confis cation of the property of the citizen, and we pledge our party, if placed in power, to au economical Hdmiuistratloii of the state's hind-! Ä' withmn t injiiîÿ* , "b b â 1 ri8fiiton!iVo"the '''K'e.-V.K.ux.lh'K'thov'.'nn.'tLr."«»'-''i.etxv«x-.. liTimexteRd landsIn'vvhich tliexlath hiuuuMjiilretl pridere.icsrlKhtthruushthopi.iaijUud depart t tif the government, ,'ifW of I he alleged long residence uml of m»ny l !»f l t a he ^ tial and valuable Improvement» aforesaid settler», that the »fate laud board be fore securing homestead entries and is* the state for said land inaugurate a thorough iiiventigation of the honu tide» of the alleged settlement and improvement of »aid land ! •tilers, and their moral and equitable right to title thereto and that in the event of «Hi^ï^.t'ïhV'xi.ror "'U'i'k r o,e' 1 ''»-L'm'm eV.t'. 1 Ü 'ii'w K fr' a.iJ 11 juntrnent ul disputes between employers Hint i Why uot '"Bob" Uainiil for Sheriff? Its true he is not ajbut politician hut he is a man who ! would do his duty without fear or favor. ! CllHlioll Of jtiler ! ce of patent» to ■ 1 1 b y »aid cy of govern Believing that thcemci depend* not s< cut i of it» law* partiality of their new legislation to ay be adequate to derly government, uch Hie »trictnc*f ! ' and 1 P° id limit etiforeeine meut» only ns of « ju»t « |U«l tights and equal protection to one. such enact the funetio granting c« all and Hpeeiai privileges to Mr. Wilson the democratic candidate nominee for assessor should have your vote. The republican party has »II its stock in trade in the show window. ! This talk of hard .times, Bryan is elected is intended for the | ignorant man. etc., if j I John Powell, R. Overman,! Henry Elfers, where could you get a better legislative ticket, ! They are men who you like, men i J J ' who are one of us and here to stay. I - Carter has a first-class | Trof. certificate and passed with excel lent grades. He is well qualified for the position of county superin tendent, having served in a like capacity in Missouri. People do their own thinking this year and are not falling all theinsplves to keep thej republican party in control because they fear the election of Bryan will bring on a panic. They re member Roosevelt the panic of last fall. over /'More men have been sent to prison by At.ty. Griffith during the time tie has beeu in office than by any other attorney by fifty per cent" is the statement of a Salmon river man of the republican parti who was asked to vote against him the other day. James Surridge is a man of his word and all Idaho county can de pend on him. He made a record in the last legislature. Send him to the senate, a little cheap flattery and political promises will not calise "Jim" Surridge to waver or turn down his constituents. Henry Ëlfers pioneered in this county when some of us who are now in the political game were tucked between warm blankets and uever thought of the west. Men witli backbone and nerve, men who will do a little pioneering down to Boise and not the society stunt are what we want. Judge Fulton is a man who plays no favorites and when you have business in the probate court you will always lind Fulton ready to wait on you and uot talking politics twelve months out of the He has made an excellent j ypar. Grangeville and Meadows Stage Line Good four-horse wagons and careful drivers. Leaves Grangeville every «lay except Monday, at 6 a. in., and arrises every »lay except Tuesday, at 12 ni PARK—Grangeville to Meadows, —Grangeville to White Bird, Only three days from Grangeville to Boise over one of the most picturesque routes in the west, and no night rides. For further information call on $9 00 2.00 E. R. CAWLEY, Agent, Grangeville, Idaho -.5a VM-3-S-3-:a-'a-s-;a-S-33-&:-3 I L J. ROOT LUMBER YARD « " 9 - Ù Successor to Monlux Lumber Company A complete stock of Rough and Finishing Lumber always on hand .. .. ! j IDAHO S GRANGEVILLE, v f. e-frte-&6e-6-6-e.&t ft-x efficient 1 °® uer and people do not turn | down men who have been in office without cause. Hobt. Griffith made Idaho COUDty a IllOSt CCOIlUIIliCitl CO ID* . • j ai ;a, « i lo innrunuuii IDleBIOUCr and WHO tiJ8 lUCrpBHPU ,, • • . tilXPb IS JUBt tilP IPiloW lO put )U that place again it you waut your taxes decreased as rapidly as they have been increasing. Head page one of this i*-sue. 1 hen select your commissioners. Vote the way it will do you the most good, i, : u Im f Kn munli n. matter of ^ lIlUCIl ft llirlllPI ()I polities and party when it comes county affairs after all. Voters j should study the various candidates | »'"• l')ok into their life and past metboda 0 f doing business and Cast your ballots as you would select a man to look after your affairs if you were called ^ ien VOtP. Heury Elfers will receive a 11 e v >' vote and should be sent to i JJ„i 8e b y Idaho county. Elfers will see to it that Idaho county will get her share and be taken care of. He will have no fear and not hesitate to offend the politi cians for Henry Elfers is not seek ing to mount the highest round of the political lader. lie will go down to the capitol and serve his county just as though it was his ward. No politics with Elfers ajbut results. Elfers will not he ! junketing around over the state, you'll find him, if elected ! working for Idaho county. away. "LET THE PEOPLE RULE" ! The time is short for you to as | mut in gathering the campaign j fund to be used in the election of I Bryan, several weeks and it will be too late. Seud in your dollar We acknowledge the fol now. lowing receipts: ! Remitted to National Com i mittee . I Last wee k's receipts jThis week's receipts: | *40.50 17 50 in XI K James Eakin 1 00 (IRAMiKVILLK James Adams. Tony Jacobson Wm. fe'quibbs 100 1.00 1.00 I VANITY OF MAN, ETC. of Our esteemed contemporary, | who is responsible for the rag | nublished across the street from i Sam June's livery barn, published a jumble of words in last weeks issue of the ''Plague" which charity compels us to reply to. The conceited ass who edits that sheet is the same man who howled around the republican convention hall at Pocatello several years ago and allowed iiis friends to make a show of him by quietly whisper ing in his ear that he was the choice of the people for superin tendent of instructions of the state of Idaho. However the plum pro vided to be a leinon and while the public always looked upon the proposition as a huge joke, the ''county chairman" wouldn't have it that way and came home telling of the terrible vengeance he would wreck upon the party. However, when the ointment was applied he swung in line and took the pats the party gave him on the hack as tlie genuine article. At the present the gentleman j may be seen most any bright d i\ ambling up and down the streets of Grangeville insulting people right and left, posing as a friend of all and unloading a cheap line of worn out political prattle. By his wild bray children are frightened, and cling to skirts, dogs howl anil the less sturdy people seek the shelter of friendly roofs. Everybody knows he is the "chairman" and in order to or mot her's to relievo a long Buffering public j we will admit the gentleman is a their j, in politician" anil about the warmest spell-binder the bunch. His batting percent age looks something like this, .002. What little time he has from his curbstone campaign he employes steering the old scuttled ship, the Standard News, through the slug gish waters of adversity and call ing loudly to the people to take a chance at the political shell game he is ready to dupe them with. "silk stocking sta he FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES FRESH AND CURED MEATS A SPECIALTY Sweet & Company Business Rhone, at Austins. Nez Perce 173 ; Pacific 417 Residence Phone, Nez Perce 3VÔ. J. W. PHILLIPS Draying' and Transferring GRANGEVILLE, IDAHO GO TO PULSE'S The people of Graugeville have advised to go to Pulse'» for the pa*t 6 year». Every day they heard it, 1 It in this paper, it Kent them to Pulse »: that was all it was ineaut to do. When Pulse once get» a custo mer he i» treated couldn't go out feeling like upologiziug to himself for doing it. If you haven't goue to Pulse » make up y that you w drug» for the least money and get the service until you do*. 0 K5W H it ell that he vwhere else with nil iud to thing, ill never buy the best f l\ fl i ¥ GO fa 1) n nr. nu TO PULSE S % W ALLACE SCOTT, Pres. J. P. VOLLMER, Vice.Pres. MARTIN WAGNER, Cash 1er. The First National BanK Of Grangeville, Idaho Capital and Surplus $ 50 . 000.00 INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSIT È ; W. A. Hall, Robert Jone», J. F. Ailshie, J. P. Vollm ROTORS Wyati,|W allace Scott. \ Frank E. PROFESSIONAL CARDS M. Reese Hattabaugh Attorney F. A. Campbell j Physician and Suriikon Office: Bank of Cam a* I'rairie Building 2 to 4 F. M Gkangkvillk. Ida I Hon G. S. Stockton, Physician and Bckoeon Office up -fair* in Grahski Building opposite Post Office. Jesse L. Rains, M. D. Physician and Surgeon A F. block. Residence plume No. 177. Grangeville, Idaho. llffi Office 1 hone No. I C. W. Slusser, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office, A & F. Block. Office phone No. 17«». House Phone No. 478. Grangeville, Malm. at Di\ Frank Holmes Osteopath Boom 1, Alexander A Freldenrlch Block] 1. « Uliee H . ; 2 to •'> p. in. . !» to 12 I r-lirtiii dl»e ithout drug* »Maud di»ca*cNof women a h pec i alt y . *» cured Acute Tel. No. . W. N. Scales A-TTOrnk y-at-La \v Practice* Office in in all th»* coin Batik of Cain Grangeville, Idaho Prairie Building* ' iH. Taylor J. W. Akin Veterinary Surgeon Office at s .lone*' Barn. Call* answered day or night. Both Phone* No 111 Grangeville, Idaho 4 [Attv,knky-at Law Pr •tice* In all the <' rr*. Graugeville, Idaho C. T. McDonald Atto knky-at- Law. Will practice in all the <'< Washington. Office on State street. rt* ot Idaho and 1 R. F. Fulton Attornky-at-Law Office*: Bank of (-ama* Prairie Building; l'orbate and Real Estate Law a Hrmcinltv. James E. Babb Attornky-at-Law Lewiston Nations! Bank Building. Lbwiston. Idaho. . W. H. Casady, Attornky-at-Law -irt*T Office tional Bunk. PACIFIC PHON F Ml i Practice* in all ver First Na Grn ugevllle. Idaho which Belf-couceit from this man is Buffering is illustrated in several ways, take for instance Why is it The his political forecast. ted that the geutlemau is claim ing the opposite party will poll less than a half dozen votes this Sis nights out of the week uch per to have bis sta fall! he pays so m picture flashed ou the curtain of a show for the picture moving Continued on lust page Attorney- at-Law Office under First National Bank I A. S. Hardy, Attounk y-at-La w :ticea in all courte. Pi 'Dangeville. Idaho. Bailor & Robinson Undertakers and Emkalmkrs Pacific Phone 102 Parlor» in A. & F. Block i>ay and Night Grangeville, Ida. COCIETIES. w. o. w. granukvillk camp no. 206 Meet* First Htid 1 hird Monday* of each month at I. O. O. F. Hall. K. H. Ambler, Clerk Jemen McConnell, C.C Encampment I. O. O. F. Camas Praieik No. 18 »ni^Fourth Saturday■ H. D. Knorr. C. P. Meet* he Second 1. O. Ü. F. hall at 9:1)0 at K. J. Bkiscok, Scribe. I. O. O. F. Mt. Idaho Lodok No. 7. ry Saturday at lhi-lr hall at 7 .10 P M Chan Miller. N.G. Meet* f J. N. oil sec. O. E. S. Mountain Qukkn Chapter No. 11. Meet* at Ma*otilc hall on lut and 3rd Thur* day* of each mouth. Visiting member* cor dially invited. Mas. Wm. Allan, W. M. Mi*s Casrif Coram. Hecy INLAND ABSTRACT AND INVESTMENT CO., ltd I (Incorporated ) Bonded Abstracters Abstract* of Heal Estate and Mining •erty Furnished on Short Notice. 1 P J. A. BRADBURY Secretary and Manager CRANCEVILLE, IDAHO City Drug Store Dr. E. h. Sheaffer, Prop. Pure Drugs, Prescriptions carefully compounded Jewelry and silverware URANCJEV1LLE, IDAHO . Bank of Camas Prairie Orangeville, Idaho CAPITAL and SURPLUS . $ 130.000 OFFICERS: F. W. Ketunbach. Prc.ident A. Freldenrlch, Vlce-Preaideut , a "\ W Bro*„. John Norwood. Ant. , »»liier liier DIRECTORS W W Brown, A. Freldenrlch, Frank McGrane, F. W. Kettenhach, W I Jeane L. Rains. Wm. Steiubeiser Fire Proof Vault for safe keeping of customers papers and valuable* A general banking buainea* transacted. Interest Paid on Tlmn Deposits Ki'tteiibaeh, { W. E.. Graham f FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING * I * * i ■ f j ji * i Heavy Drap Rrondf lot h Plalu Plu»h ranket. Heavy Plain Casket Varnish Case* . ...y*) Children* size, up from 'Hskel * *i<' nn fttoo I * i r» i» Will) *50.1« . ».00 A * 1 rx* ' ?/ ' * 1 f i * -EMBALMING A SPECIALTY - 1 fc.*.*.*.*.*.*,*.**.***'*'*.*.*.*.*.*.^*,'»* - —4 It Pays to Dye Fabrics discarded be= cause faded or soiled they can be made as good as new with Putman's Fadeless Dyes FOR SALE BY THE RIGHT DRUG STORE THE L. & E. BARN (Formerly Lanninghams's Barm LIVERY AND FEED Best Rigs in the City. Excellent Saddle Horses. Board by Day or Week. GIVE US A CALL SAM JONES Proprietor, Grangeville At Your Service u 11 We will be glad to place at your service every facility that a CAREFUL, CONSERVATIVE BANK may offer, either in the form of a COMMERCIAL account subject to check, or a SAVINOS account paying four per cent interest. GRANGEVILLE SAVINGS AND TRUST CO. ^ <1 ^Af |M AfMMAflMfMMMMWMAitMflMMAWVWMVWVWMWMWyvyyMWMW^WWW,,V,'»iV,'>VAVMiA!: 9 A. J. Turner Contractor and Builder »mns, Brackets, Turning and Scroll Sawing any style, Saws gummed, Filed anil set. PRICES CONSISTENT WITH COOD WORK. Frames, Porch Col For Well Drilling and Digging, nn urina, drainage and INSTALLING WATER SUPPLIES Write J. C. Haller, Grangeville, Ida. BOTH PHONES FREE DELIVER^ FRAY BROS. FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY, VEGETABLES Grangeville, Idaho Dont Say " Flour Ask for "Knorr's Best yy yy W^hy . J Because this flour is made from carefully blend eu Camas Prairie wheat perfectly cleaned, thoroughly scoured and milled on correct principles. I makes a large flaky loaf of fine flavor, wholesome and sweet. Try a sack. It Because , rich At All Grocers