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c h*irs, your next at Hogan's -her Shop. 511 Claude Lugenbell of Elk City the first of the week. y 0 waiting on lp at Hogan s - a l »ale, low prices on every Bertsch, hardware and har 51 tf ujgs Bessie Aiken of Dixie is the i of her sister, Mrs. J. I. Over Thro** was town Saturday, plenty of Barber shop. 51 1 Renio' ling in. Ixk) Freidenrich of Weitebird week with Grangeville Mrs is spending a friends. It is reported there is between seven n ,l eight feet of snow at Mt. House ( t the present time. pred Suren, a student of Gonzaga, «„ne down from Spokane last Friday jt tend the funeral of his brother. I. Mr. and Mrs. Cobbs have arrived from the east and will begin house keeping in their cottage shortly. \\'e have to move and will make the prices right on anything in our Bertsch, hardware and liar 51 tf Mrs. W. W. Brown returned the l»st of the week from a visit of one ! „nth with friends and relatives in j Lewiston. 1 . Peter Ross, a miner ot Elk C ity,, passed away the last ot the week and | buried m the cemetery at that h l»i-c Saturday. . tit i ' geth Jones, Jr returned last week from Lewiston where he went to meet I Mrs. Jones who lias been spending the winter in California. line. [ ness. in u:e Marion C. Ford of Oregon and Miss [Ida Haniill of Green Creek were unit ed in marriage the last of the week in ! this city by Rev. McDonald. Geo. M. Eger of Spokane lias ar rived and will have charge of the first chair in Hogans barber shop. No waiting on Saturday, plenty of help now. 51-11 Continuation Gigantic Anniversary Sale For Another Week, Closing Saturday Night, May 29. All the Reduced Prices on the Big Yellow Bills to Continue for Another Week. Extra Specials For Saturday That Will Break all Former Records. Pie Fruit in One Gallon Cans. Pears worth 5oc, Special for Saturday at. Peaches worth 50c, Special for Saturday at. Tomatoes, Special for Saturday. 29c 35c 29c Men's Hose Black and Tan Hose, worth 15c, for Saturday only Men's Suits One lot of #20 Suits, Saturday at only. Boys' Suits With long Pants, worth up to #10, sale price. Blow Yourself— Ladies H'dkerchiefs worth 10c, Saturday 2 1«2c Not over ten to any customer. Emroideries and Laces 500 yards Embroideries, worth 12 l-2c,^ 500 yards Laces, Worth lo, 12^ and 15c, These with hundreds of other remarkable money saving op portunities are such that will crowd this store all day long Saturday. Join the crowd and be here. Remember the sale closes Saturday night, May 29th. 9c $10.00 $3.85 Choice at 7 l-2c Largest Because Best. Alexander-FreidenrichQ 0. Idaho's Greatest Store. NEWS OF THE CLUB Governing Board Met Last day Night. Frt TRANSACTED SOME BUSINESS City and Country to Have Some Publicity A most interesting board of the meeting of the governing conunercia club.was held last Friday nitrl which time the ght at proposition of publicité was taken up and thoroughly discus sed. It was finally decided to issue a sixteen or twenty page booklet with n three color cover and in an edition of ■»,000 copies. 'I Ids booklet like the is to Ik one gotten out by the Ash land, Oregon, Commercial Club but °f'a less number of pages. The com r n>Bcc on printing is now preparing the l '°Py a "d securing views to l,e used m the same and in a short time the booklet will hi'on the press the Standard-News securing the job. The Finance committee who lmd charge of the Fourtl i of ,1 ul y (.'debra , . , - ,, a Sl cur I \ ( 'c * a< Te Ulm - ' 1 to «ecure pledges for much financial aid and as arm, t recommended that so tar as the club was concerned the ce le (»ration of that day be dropjied and this was approved by the executive board. Chairman Wilkes of the transporta tion committee was present and re ported the government had turned down all bids on carrying the mail from Grangeville to Clearwater but that lie was willing to accept a coil- ! tract to carry it to that point in place of Stites to Grangeville contract for tin* same money and had so informed the local post office. Bring your money and come quick, Bather than pay for moving we will give you big reductions on goods in our line. Bertsch, hartlware and har 51tf tlCSS. Mrs. Harry Poyneer, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 11-, Brown on the Clearwater, re turned 1 uesilay to her home in Spiv kaue. W bile \V. H. Barton, who lo west of town, week delivering hogs some sneak thief entered his house and stole a suit of clothes. CS was in this city last (xhxI bread and good health can be attained by using Swan patent flour, c use no acid to whiten it at a cost of the of tlu- lining stomach. consumers 51 tf Messrs. Frank McGrane and Evan Kvans have purchased the first sixtv fivc feet cast of the Bank of Camas This is a fine piece of prop erty and an excellent site for a busi ness building. Prairie. ^evcral weeks ago in writing up the police court newB this w 1. v got the name of Allie Williams ! luxed U P Wlth the report. '"ionned that while lie was présentât the time of the trouble lie took P ar t and was discharged. l-i , . .. Hour made from wheat bleached with nitric acid cannot be sold in the sti)U . ot - North Dokota . Reader, do you want nitric acid in your bread? Better buy a flour the next time wheat just as nature left it. J paper m some We are no sack of Swan patent Flour made from 51 tf. Hoarseness, bronchitis and other throat troubles arc quickly cured by Foley's Honey and Tar as it soothes ft| >d heals the inflamed throat and bronchial tubes and the most obstinate ! cough disappears. Insist upon having j the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar. j Bold by Pulsd Drug Store. Wa K K l ffl II jg I Money Saved is And for the next twenty days the Big Buffalo is going to have the greatest money saving sale that has ever been inaugurated in Idaho County. This does not mean a few small, worthless articles, but every thing in the house, consisting of Dry Goods, Hosiery, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Boy's and Men's Clothing, etc. Space will not permit us to quote any prices but l § § Read ur Big Crcu* lar==See the Vast Bargains, Money § Made ns you know we always do just what we advertise. Come and reap some of these rich bargains. Very truly yours, I I Big Buffalo Cash Store § I BOTH 'PHONES 321. I il A Princess Flour makes a nice white ! 37tf loaf. Princess I-lour lias plenty of gluten —not too much. 37tf Dick (Tea has been appointed d,-]> uty game warden and will look after tlie offenders in this county. Word from Lewiston is to the ettivt that Seth Jones, Sr., who has been seriously ill for some time, is gradual ly recovering. The Woman's Glub will meet at the home of Mrs. W. W. Brown 011 Thursday May 27 at 2:30 members requested to come. All pi in. Do you think nitric acid is a thing to put in vour stomach? is what they bleach wheat with. Try Swan flour, an unbleached flour with health in it. good That 51 tf 1 Karl Riedelsbergerand MissSchar recital of high spring, were among those who were injured in the hold-up of the Great Northern Pas senger No. 3 near Spokane last Satur day. 1 fenberg, who gave a order at the Armory this If you want to feel .well, look well and be well, take Foley's Kidney Rem edy. It tones up tin* kidneys anil bladder, purifies the blood and restores lii-a It li and strength. Pleasant to take and contains no harmful drugs. Why not commence today? Sold at Pulse Drug Store. The Woman's Club yvill give a med al to the pupil of the Grangeville schools who wins the spelling contest to be held next Monday morning at 10 o'clock. This medal will lx* award ed to the successful pupil at the Com mencement exercise. The medal is on exhibition at Gibson At Allen's. The social committee of the Metho dist Epworth Ix*ague will serve a ben efit birthday tea, Saturday p. m. May 21, from 2 to 5, at the Methodist par sonage. Admission, as many pennies as you are years old. Bring your needle work and spend a pleasant afternoon with us. Tennessee will not allow its eitezens to be poisoned by flour made from bleached wheat and the miller yvho would make his flour white by bleach ing the wheat with nitric acid, to the danger of the health of the consumer, cannot poison the people of that state Swan patent is an unbleached For a sack next 51tf While there are close to 200 rail road surveyors in the Clearw-ater tion and country tributary it dm*» not naturally follow that there will be railroad building but the indications are good. But then you know Gov. Brady promised us a north and south road when he was in our city last year and he has not even run the survey up to the present time. Wonder if the "work" on that line wont betaken up about the next election again? James Witte came up from Ix-wis-j ton the last of the week, to spend tile summer on Camas Prairie ami the Salmon river country. He will take a little excursion in the extreme north section of the state ill June in quest of the finny tribe. Mr. Witte says the weather in Lewiston is not much bet ter than Grangeville and we ll bet with the excellent hotel facilities, Grangeville yvill afford shortly will in duee Mr. Witte to spend the here. longer. flour, just like nature intended, health's sake buy time. Bee* ! Justices'Jurisdiction. In all courts, whether justice of the peace courts or of record, without juris diction of the person and the subject '»alter the proceeding, judgement or are invalid—voice. Our dis tans judges are very earful to ascer tain if jurisdiction is priqiorly acquired before permitting a trial to be had. How much more careful should our justices be, who are often men without legal training and selected chiefly be cause of the faith their constituents have in their honest intentions. It d,H*s not require that a man should be a lawyer in order to make a good jus tice of the peace. A justice may err in liis judgment and is not responsible therefor, for errors are often made even by the higher courts, but he should j»ost himself thoroughly as to the juris diction of bis court. A little exani 1 illation of tin* statutes, relative to jus tice practice, will fully inform any man of common understanding. I 11 civil actions the amount sued for, whether for money or property cannot exceed $300. The défendent cannot be sued to appear in a precinct out side of where he resides, unless lie should be found in the precinct where the magistrate resides who issued the summons, or unless lu* is jointly obli gated with another defendant who re sides or is found in the precinct where the issuing magistrate resides. In the next place the summons must be served upon a defendant, personally by- an officer or a person over the age of 18 years, by delivering to him a certified copy of tin* summons and of the com plaint, or if not found then by lea ving the Copies at the usual place of abode of défendent, with a member of the family over the the age of 21 age. In action in rein that is against property, service may be bad by pub lication as the law directs; the party «« Abstract and Investment Co., Ltd* incorporated> GRANGEVILLE. IDAHO «'inter_ Abstract Talks The Object of tbe Title T alKs ft if then* is one subject of more vital interest than in any other it is that of Titles—titli*s to the home that, shelters you or the farm or business that yields su|> port. Watch this space each week, and we will show you the great need of proper security in the ownership of real estate. Do you really own the land you think you own? That is the vital question. Our abstracts of title answer the question for every acre of ground in Idaho county. And back of our answer is the entire capital of the company, and tlu* equipment of our plant probably the largest in the State of Ida ho. Our booklet, "The Why and and The How of an Abstract," now in press, explains the service we otter. j j The INLAND IMTBonally servis! must he summoned to appear, not less than three nor more than twenty days after the issuing of summons, If these simple rules of law are observed by the justice of the peace the court will have jurisdiction and may proceed to trial. This reminds me of a ease recently called at Stites: The plaintiff resides in Stites and the defendant in Cotton wood. The su m mon was issacd by a justice of the peace at Stites and placed in the hands of some person to serve, that [sirson placed wliat pur ported to he a copy of the summons in an envelope, address to the defendant at Cottonwood and registered the let ter containing the supjmsed copy. The copy sent was not certified to, did not state what day of the week to ap|>ear nor wliat year. No copy of the com plaint was indorsed. The defendant appeared by council and filed a motion to dismiss for want of jurisdiction, pointed out the statute as to where the suit must be hail, the manner in which service of summons must, bo made, and that a judgment entered under existing circumstances would be absolutely null and void. Header, wliat do you suppose the justice of the peace did? He over ruled the motion, entered a void judg ment, and without a single witness being sworn to the correctness of the account entered that void judgment. I dont know how to account for the justice of the peace's action, whether it was the rcsuls of extreme ignorance, stupidity or bull-headedness. In any event he did the plaintifla great wrong in entering a judgment that never can be collected. j Grug Store, I hope and trust that all of our jus tices, throughout, our county will avoid sueli blunders by examining the statutes and know that they have jurisdiction before proceeding, know that you are right and then go ahead." First B. P. Duffy Card of Thanks. May the richest blessings be show ered uj) on all the precious friends who aided or sympathized with us in this hour of great need. Mr. and Mrs. J. Schwalbaeh. Episcopal Visitation. Right Rev. J. B. Funsten, Episco pal bishop of the missionary jurisdic tion of Idaho and Wyoming, will make his annual visitation to Idaho county and hold the following services at Trinity church, Grangeville: Thursday evening, 8 p. m., Con firmation, followed by sermon. Friday morning, 8 a. in., Holy Communion. The public is res|x*ctfully invited to attend. Rev. H. Jukes, Missionary in charge. Princess Flour insures good bread all the time. 37 tf Many weak, nervous women have been restored to health by Foley's Kidney Remedy as it stimulates the kidneys so they will eliminate the waste matter from the blood. Ini j purities depress the nerves, causing j nervous exhaustion and other ailments, j Commence today and you will soon lie I well. Pleasant to take. Sold at Pulse Princess Flour contains all the good part of the wheat and none of the oth er part. 37tf