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* ;SSI0NAL CARDS (Campbell Physician and Surgeon Prelrte Building , ngnk of Camas gotirft 2 to 4 P M (»»aNG* £VILL ** lt> AHO « 2 Stockton, Physician and Surgeon „«imup-*« 1 ™ in G[,lbskl Bulldiug ooposite P°*t Office. , Slusser, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office, A & F. Block. , j; 0 . 476. House Phone No. 473. GrangeIdaho. pt)OUt' A. Harris Physician and Surgeon of Women »nil Children ni§ea8t' s Suite 8 and 9, A & F. Block IDAHO t IGEVILLE, If, Scales Attornky-at-Law tires in »U me couru, ce m bank of Cum»» Prairie Building Orangeville, Idaho Reese Hattabangh Attorney-at-Law Office under First National Bank Taylor Attvrney-at Law Slice, m all the Courts. . Orangeville, Idaho T. McDonald Attorney-at-Law. , h practice in all the Courta ot Idaho and IttUington. Bee on State street. F. Fulton . Attorney-at-Law )fflcee: Bmik of Cadias Prairie Building )btte and RcaI Entaie Law a Specialty. tes E. Babb Attorney-at-Law Lewiston National Bank Building. Lewiston. Idaho. . S. Hardy, Attorney-at-Law Practices in all court». Grimzeville. Idaho. H. Casady, Attorney-at-Law icticcs in all court*. Office over First Na tional Bunk. PACIFIC PHONE Ml M. Gilmore, Attoeney-at-Law Proskcctino Attohney. Io aho County O ffice over Van Pool G< ocery Granoeville. Idaho irt W. Thomas Teacher of Violin and Cornet and All Band Instrument» Music hor All Occasions lone, Pacific 4012 W. Orangeville, Idaho. tailor & McDonald Undertakers and Emhalmers N. j ley - Pacific Phone 102 »riers in A. A F. Block Fiimihi Day and Night Orangeville, Ida. re and Undertaking Parlors in cottonwood CCCIETIES. o. w. ORANGEVILLE CAMP NO. 20t) _. __ 1 each month To _ .n n t* Janie» McConuell, C.C . the the ■ ! and lars of said of and 12 yon, »1. vour "Vh™" 1 Mondays Of H. Ambler. Clerk campment I. O, O. F. Camas Prairie No. 18. n**/.' „ he Second 0. F. hall and Fourth Saturdays at K. D. Knorr. C. P. at 2:00 P. M. J- Briscoe, Scribe. o. O. F. Mt. Idaho Lodge No. 7. SoÛÎIÎT 8 «'nrday at their hall at 7:80 P. M Oliver, Sec. H. P. Wallis, N. G. Ofp. ieet,ü, UF T AI -° Hump Lodge No. 30. on an d fourth Tuesday of each month. unnipbeU, K. of R.&h. C. T. McDonald, U. C. I I °l 5 i ^innnrrinnmnrriro WHEN IN LEWISTON STOP AT THE O o I I to Bollinger Hotel J. B. McGrane, Proprietor. GEST hotel in Northern idaho PHONES, AND HOT AND COLD gj water in every room o gJ DHUJULiLlLÆfi BQPPP0P 0Pnp o ) i I O o o ! o j cake WANTS h» a ^ d l ert ' Sements inse|, ted under this be WANTED ...-.- ~ " «anted—No matter what von have to sell if there is a buver we'll li„d hnn through this column. Try i, Cost small, returns «»reat 'I lurnsgreat._ ) itf Wanted—A secomlhaml typewrit Address this office 'Mi _' ) _ ^ x Wanted-—To Rent 5 or (> room cottage^ furnished. Enquire at this office. 4M Wanted—-We will pay cash for a copy,of the hr«-,. Press of June 25 and tiJM 3U ' Bni « them hi to this of er. ), want to sell 1 want to line so. job? ( V,,:. , V' you meet ôn , I, . t everybody t i I I . .' t ' ,rt "et and talk uirougn tins column. the cost is small. I copie get tired of answering questions, (let busy in a business like manner. 27tf I_ ( U\ TO LOAN Money to loa Geo. M. Heed. I! NOTICE Notice loon on farms. I have plenty of A. F. Parker. monev to 27 tf. Notice—Wanted helj something, want a FOR SALE For Sale—Farm lands and ci Geo. M. Heed. property. . fNtle —(.ood, clean timothy seed. (.rangeville Implement Co. ;>7tf . Fnr w„i„_\ - 1 ,T 1 for Hale—A 1 -room house m tins <%, K 00< 1 bath room with hot and eohl water in house Three of the choice lots in town, fruit and slnftle trees on property, only one block from main street, everything in good shape, will sell either furnished or unfurnish H. E. Matteson. 51-4 51-4 - , , hand garden cultivator, inquire at Jackson's shop. 51-1 _ - ill the Probate Court, Maho County, Stale of lî^he Matter of the Estate of James R Guae "^'otiee^is m-reby given, that Letter.of Admin ittration on the estate of James E Gus-man, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the Oth day of May, 1»09, by the Probate Court ol Idaho County. All person having claims against said estate aooel'aufmlaw oäice o/w" 'v'sÖ'i'ies 1 ; Giang^ ville, Maho, hereby designate'] as the place of Bum nés* of said eHtote within four months after the date of the first publication of thu notice, or they shall be forever barred. This 15th day of May, PJO.i. . ntrllmti' your For Scale Hooks—We have them tlie Free Press office. at 27 tf ed. For Sale—A profitable and safe Would eon En business in Orangeville, sider trade for good farm land, quire at this office. For Sale Second hand lawn mower in good condition. Also a two-wheel NOTICK TO CRKDITOTS, Faul B. Bailor, Administrator W. N. Scale8, Attv. ôl-n NOTICE OK FORFEITURE N. \V. Karl, his heirs—Administrators ami s signs. Yon are hereby notified that the undersigned has expended the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.10) during the year loos upon the following claim, situated in the Yellow pi tie Mining Dis trict, Idaho ( (Mint) . Idaho, to-wit; the McKin ley quartz claim. Unless you eo. proportion the sum of fifty dollars (J.**») of said expenditure within ninety days from pub lication "f this notice together with »he cost, of this notice your one-half interest in said claim will be forfeited under See. *J324 of the Revised statutes of the United States and become the urooerty of vour co-owner the undersigned. Dated' Warren, Idaho, February jOtli, P.«)*». March I June 10* JOS. DAVIS. NOTICK OF FORFEITURE State of Washington, . gs County of Walla Walla .\ To G. W. Whitney, ami W. E. Croup, their heirs \ i>ra*»ign» You »nd each of you are hereby notified that the undersigned. W. N.lieMo»». ha» expended the »um of four-hundred (».oo.uo) dollars In labor and iuiprovements upon the follow in), plaeer mining claims, touit: The Mountain Placer. The I.ost channel. The Lucky channel and the Gra*« Valley plaeer elaims. situated In I ÄÄriSll" .'ard e e r x^nd^rb'fou n r S hù'.tdVed (^^0 d^l lars is *) 10 W 11 and fully set forlli in the affidavit of Prwf of ^bor a* recorded in Book 2, Proofs ofl.aboron November 2S, IK08, and which »aid work, labor and expenditure was performed by j affiant for the purpose and m order to hold the said Plaeer mining elaims under the provisions of Section 2324, Revised Statutes of the U. 8.,'In and being the amount required to hold said ** claims for the vear ending December 31.1S08 at 12 o'clock of said day. And if within 90 days It personal service of this notice, or within 90 days B after the publication thereof, you, and each of j yon, your heirs, executor# or assigns, fail to j 18 contribute your proportion of said expenditure, amounting to the sum of two hundred dollars, i (1200.00), w. E. Croup ».SO oo, o w. Whitney | »1. SO 00, together with the cost of this publication vour interest in said claims will become the property ol the undersigned under said Section ' FirBt publication Februarv 4, last May 20. • If you desire a clear complexion take Foley's Orino Laxative for con stination and liver trouble as it will stimulate these organs and thoroughly what in order Princess Flour is best for bread, 37ti, which is cleanse your system, everyone needs in the spring feel well. Sold at Pulse Drug Store. Arlington Grill is now under new management, everything first class. European plan. C. A. Johnson, Proprietor. cake and pastry. for the children Fun Alive. This game . . re Quires eight large cards called game cards" ami forty smaller forfeit cards" and can be played by persons. suy number of The game cards are all blank eept one, called the "catch card'' which the ex OD words printed in large letters, the forfeit cards is "Fun Alive" are Ou each of ^printed or written .■.I , 8tunt to be per I he forfeit cards are spread lu the middle of the table, face down * ard ' antl the game is begun by one «, er . Inki "F the game cards, shuf " ng th einand presenting them toward one [f nelKhl f r - who draws * J* be a catc,) <*ard he must at once draw a forfeit card and im Trî ? te,y Jl ro<>eed to ' ,0 wh atever it t8 '. , lhen the P'ayer who has drawn ta ^s the cards and, shuffling Ï3 neffbor^o dra™ *° h ' 8 ** as before ° some forfeit formed. or ws and goes on at once continue so loner „a M Tl ', e Kame ,_ m "- v continue so long as the players choose Everybody seems to think of Africa as a place of torrid heat, with no re But that Is far from the truth ' 8avs Chicago News. As n mattor of fact - acme parts of that 00,111 try are as temperate as our own, »ml other parts-where the ground reaches a grent elevation—are cold. Our impression of the climate of the c °untry Is based on what we have beard of the heat of Its lowlands. A priest who lived on the Pacific coast there for eight years says that he uev er saw the mercury higher than 85 de grees, and at Stanley Falls, where he now lives, the highest that It ever reaches Is 00 degrees, with nights that When a player draws a blank game card he takes no forfeit card, and the next person on the left draws without reshuffling. The Weather In Africa. lief anywhere. are nearly always cool. comes to storms, he says, Africa beats anything that a European ever dream ed of - He asserts that he once count ed sixty-six lightning strokes Id minute and says also that he has known ten thunderbolts to strike with in a radius of a few hundred yards In the space of two hours. T . _ . Did you ever heir of l°p°gêon carry lng messages over long distances? The service this Ilitle creature cau tender Is beyond belief. Long before the tele Fraph was even dreamed of the r,er Pb?eon was trained to bear mes sages to immense distances, and in times of war it carried communica tion from the besieged city to the out er world. The cnrrler pigeon post has been cultivated mostly by the Dutch. The process of training those little creatures consists in taking them a short distance from home, to which they find their way back very easily. This distance is gradually increased until they are brought as far as it is desired they should fly. The letter containing the message is tied around the stem of the middle feather of the tall, ilere It neither hinders the ni ^ n ' 9 nor will i, fall off. but F ( n etally coter tlie letter and protect It from rain. _ Big Alaska. , FeW « M ' r8 ° ns t' wha P s have a Clear idea or the vast extent of Alaska, semipolar territory, , ' ; bers of tlie geological survey party sent there by the government several years ago devised a unique and im pressive way of giving tills informa tion. lie prepared a map in which Alaska was represented as lying on tlie United States, with its northern edge on Lake Superior and along the border between Minnesota and Canada. position Alaska covered, in whole or in part, twenty-three states and territories. As a matter of fact, its area is nbmtt one-fifth of that of the United States proper. Many chil dren know perhaps that tlie highest peak on this continent, Mount Mc Kinley. is in Alaska. It is part of the Alaskan range, and the survey party found its height to lie a little more than 20.000 feet.—Chicago News. But when it one car our One of the mem Tn till rxt «n«. »» ne p,ura One. Beginners in the study of Latin are, flR „ ......i . ,... ,i.„ 88 a rule > P uzzleu D -' nnuln 8 a "' Jective unus. "one." declined in both »Be Rlturnlar nn,l tlie nlnenl numliep tne s » n «' ]| a r Tne P ,ural numDer. 'That seems to tie an Inconsistency, as In „ nn , •• nnf i one cnnnnt lie ^S an »dSove It Ts not however used in Latin In the sense of one In the plural. In the phrase "très un08 p a8SUSi ** f or example, linos is * , „ „ rendered single, the translation Of t|, e phrase being "three single SteDS." J, .. . . 6 f, English. Of Course, the adjective one *> j 8 never used In the plural, but . r . Is perfectly correct to say, for In f anc _ "these little ones, also a noun, Gama of Geography. The frame of tree era t) It v' is nrovoea lne " a ' n f «I geograpny is provoca five of lots Of laughter. All being to a clrc le. a letter Is selected. as "one* say "L." The first player says, "Lou isiana," the next says "London," one says "Lake Huron," and so it goes around the circle, each person men ttoning some city, country or river, etc., beginning with "L." The persona who fail to answer quickly pay a foi» toit Impolitanesa. A 'normous dog came in one day. A»«* he and I commenced to play, And we had fun. and nice fun, too. Long as he 'haved as a dog should da» But when he got so awful rough I hollered that I'd had enough. But 'stead of stopping, as he should, As anybody'd think he would, He knocked me down and tried to aast If he could ait on all of me. -From "Our Baby Book," by Fanny Y.i; Cory ' j umor IT LOOKED LIKE IT. Mining Deal Out In Colorado Upset by Providence. "Sir," he said to the man on his right in the street car. "tua.v I ask If you believe In Providence?" "Why—why, there is such a thing as Providence, of course." It seems to take cure of certain people at certain times. * "It does." "Well, I think I have a case of It. Just before the hard times set In the You could dig u hole In people were crazy after mitring stocks and oil wells. the grouud anywhere, issue tus and sell stock like hot cakes." "I know." a prosper "A friend and I clubbed together nnd 'discovered' a silver mine in Colorado. Y\ o raised $5.000 between us to adver tlse and pay otHee rent, and i n «t «liout to begin business when the crash came and things went a-kltlng If we'd gone ahead we should have lost every dollur we put In. Would you call that a case of Providence?" "Urn! Hardly." "Then what would you term It?" "I should say lb was a miscarriage of Providence. If you had gone Into the thing and swindled about 5.000 people a «d raked In a couple of hundred thou s »nd dollars and got uwav with It to the last cent that would have been more bke Providence—that Is. Providence might have stepped In to aid your elec Oon to the senate ns an honest, lncor ruptlble man. No, I wouldn't say that Providence was on your side. I should rather say that It was looking out f °r the suckers just about that time. Perhaps you ought to have tried we were a Texas oil well."—Chicago News. „ . c us toraer-\es. Been away. 'Hair In , ,? hnpe ' eh? fierce. Must have been in the coun „ , „„ •■ThMJrholY'^' . . , , ! "S CertalD,y d,dn * k "° W the bU8 ' «> " "Where was it donor* / . ' U ' You (lid it before I York Life Appropriate Mourning. Irishman (to shopman)—I want some thin' for mournin' wenr, but I don't know exactly what the costume Is. Whnt do they be wearin' now for mournin'? Shopman— It depends n little on how nenr the relative is for whom you wish to show this mark of respect. For n very near relative you should have a black suit, a black band on your hat nnd black gloves. For some one not near nnd dear you may have a broad band of black on your left somewhat narrower one for somebody more distant. Irishman—Och, is that It? Well, thin, gimme a shoestring. It's me wolfe's mother.—Tlt-BIts. BO arm or a Sorry He Spoke. Barber—You certainly needed a hair cut. went."—New Without Limiting Mark. In ten minutes the battle would be gin. The enemy outnumbered them five to one. "Boys," said the captain solemnly, „ "we have hard work before that you are all armed to the teeth." Far down the line little O'Flarity nervously held up his hand. "Please, captain!" "Well, O'Flarity?" "I—I haven't any taibe."—Ally Bio us. See pep. A Slap. Miss Passay—Yes. we're engaged. Some people nre mean enough to he's too young for me. Miss Knox—Ridiculous! Miss Passay—Isn't It, though? Miss Knox — Certainly! He'll age fast enough after he's married to you. —Catholic Standard and Times. say , „ le8, ma am, sobbed Johnnie. T 1 hat * 866 P ° P hurt ' "Yonkers Statesman, Johnnie Knew. "Don't cry, Johnnie," said the moth "You know It hurts your father more than It does you to have to whip you." er. A Slow Service. J. to wait so long between courses. - - Whst'a In a Name? _ , Goodness, mammy, what a funny name for a child! How in the world did you happen to call him Prescrlp tlon'" . Blmply calls hlm dat becuz Ah luts sech hahd wuk glttln' htm filled " —Judge. You needn't be afraid. One day a lady who had been n wed In the careful luxury ot the old-fashioned Virginia home was invited to visit the kitchen of a great Chicago hotel. She wanted to go, but was afraid. When asked why, she replied, "I'm afraid I'll see something that will forever destroy my appetite for hotel food." She went, and found everything delightfully clean. Good housewives consider cleanliness and purity first of all ; that's why Quaker Oats is their choice among all oatmeals. In making Quaker Oats the grain is sifted and resifted, passing through more than fifty processes of cleaning before it is cooked and rolled. If you took a handful of oats and .... scrubbed and polished and wiped each separate grain, it wouldn't then be nearly as clean, as Quaker Oats. No human hand ever touches a single grain of Quaker Oats from the field to your kitchen. The best advice on foods you could have is: Eat Quaker Oats every morning for breakfast. You'll find Quaker Oats put up in two size packages, the regular size and the large, family size for those who are not convenient to the store. _ WL Il ho •o » T B A Any Time is Bliss Time Keep a box of Blisa Native Herba on hand for all emergen cies—for headache—distress after eating—biliousnesa—con stipation—r h e u m a 1 1 s m—blood disorders. Take a tablet once In a while just for "health's sake." NATIVE HERBS BLISS la an old-time remedy of roots— herbs—and barks pressed into tablets—easy to take—209 tablets for $1.00—guaranteed to benefit or money back. Get the genuine in yellow boxes only—made by BLISS in Washington, D. C. SOLD BY Ifc H. E. MATTESON, « 24 im* GRANGEVILLE, IDAHO f ï I ï W t Strong, durable, comfortable garments for world n gme n KERR'S Fresh Fruits Bad Attack of Dysentery Cured "An honored citizen of this town was suffering from a severe attack of dysentery. He told a friend if he could obtain a bottle of Chamberlain's I Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I be felt confident of being cured,' lie having used this remedy in the West. He was told that I kept it in stock and lost no time in obtaining it, and promptly cured," says M. J. | Leach, druggist, of Wolcott, Vt. sale by J. J.. Pulse. and Vegetables Plenty Arriving was For ! Princess Hour is made from high class Turkey Red wheat. 37tf Whoopin« Cough "Iti February our daughter had the whooping cough. Mr. Lane, of Hart land, ", d as le salf ' an< ^_ ! mend it to anyone having children troubled with whooping cough,.'' savs \ r* ,. T x 1 ""v" Mrs. A. Loss, of Durand, Mich. sale by J. J. Pulse The ladies of I , , , ... .' , » i resbyterian , * 11 r< '* " 11 nolo a cooked fotnl and apron sale Saturday, May 22, at the! jHjst office building" recommended Chamberlain's can recom For 50-2 City Drug Store Dr. K. H. Sheaffer, Prop, Pure Drugs, Prescriptions carefully compounded Jewelry and silverware ORANGEVILLE. IDAHO MACHINE-SHOPS All kinds of Lathe Work and End Main st. Mach ine Repairing Horseshoeing and Wagon Making J. F. JACKSON Successor to D. K. Atherton Orangeville. Idaho V. HOLZ & SON Brickmakers, Contractors and Builders. A Big Supply of the Bes» brick and good lime always on hand. GranRevllle, Idaho. Noyes & Young Contractors and Builders HOUSE MOVING OF AI.L^KINDSMI Ofifce : at : Noyes' : Residence Orangeville, Idaho This Paper Wants a WeeKly News Let ter from Stites and Elh City. Who will send them in. I The Most Common Cause of Suffering. Hheumatism eauses more pain and suffering than any other disease!, for the reason that it is the most, common of all ills, and it is certainly gratifying to sufferers to know that Chamberlain's Liniment will afford relief and make rest and sleep possible. In many eas es the relief from pain, which is at, first temporary, has become permanent, while in old people subject to chronic ; rheumatism. often brought on by lainpness or changes in the weather, a permanent cure cannot be expected; the relief from pain which this lini alone worth ment atlhrds is many 25 and 50 cent sizes times its cost, for sale by J. .1. Pulse. I Princess Flour is the sweetest flour ever made. purest and 37tf Foley's - Kidney* Cures Backache, Kidney and Bladder Trouble. It corrects irregularities, strengthens the kidneys so they will eliminate the impurities from the blood and tones the whole system. Commence taking Foley's Kidney Remedy at once and avoid Bright's Disease or Dia betes. 50. and $1.00 bottles. Princes« Flm.r 1 bZd thZ" 0re .?? I ° ther flour ' 3/tf ' I | up Office Saloon ! Carrlas th. follow lng brand« of popular whiahia«, I , Hermitage Burk's Irish Crab Orchard Bushmell Malt Olen Levitt Scotch Hiram Walkers Cana dian Club. Al«o a choies aloch of ••r win* AU and B Our Key West and imported Cigare are the best.