IDAHO COUNTY TREE PRESS A Weekly Newspaper JAMES CLIFFORD SAFLEY Entered as second class mail mutter al the postuffiee In Orangeville, Idaho. Subscription price to be paid in ad vance. $1.50 yearly. Charter Member of the North Idahi Press Association. THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1919 The city election will take place on Tuesday, April ports of probable candidacies are cur rent, and a contest over several city" offices is promised. The incoming city admiuistratiun will have many difficult problems to handle. It must determine whether, within the next two years, ßraugeville is to forge ahead and become an attractive residen ce city or whether it is to stay a coun try town with wooden sidewalks and streets of mud and chuck-holes. The new administration must decide on a city hail and other municipal improve ments. In considering the several candidates for the city council, it would be well for the voters to determine who are progrssive. A bright, cean, attractive city cannot bo brought about without the expendi ture of mouej'. Now that the war is A number of re ciyi and with improvement will come growth of business and population. Improve ment costs money, and without expendi !ure of money, nothing will grow ex cept weeds on vacant lots. 'The city election is important, and upon the outcome of the forthcoming election will depend whether Grange ville is to progress or stagnate. NON PARTISAN TROUBLES Trouble has broken out in the ranks .of the Non-partisan league. In Idaho and in North Dakota differences have arisejn aanoujig the mombcxsi of the. league, and among the leaders of the party, which threaten the existence of the socialistic organization, and probab ly will check the operation of of its pot schemes of socialistic domin'i t ion of industries. Trouble recently broke out in the Ida ho organization al Nampa, effort was made by men prominent in the league to oust Schoitz from the job of manager of the league publication. Schoitz, who has been dictator of the league in Idaho since its formation, has incurred the displeasure of many in the league, and they wanted to rid the ganization of him. strength was not sufficient to oust him. In North Dakota, a number of leagi candidates who were elected to state office last fall, have rebelled against the many when an or However, their • •■ jUEj BJ A growing army of American women look for the Queen Quality trade mark on their footwear. They know that it stands for Reliability, Au thentic Styles and a full meas ure of value for every dollar expended. THE NEW "QUEEN QUAL ITY" SHOES FOR SPRING as always, are styled correctly, priced fairly and made honestly. You will select them with confidence and wear them with daily satisfaction. $ J. FRANK SIMS r jj s Townley crowd, because of its extrava gant appropriations for socialistic ex j periments. A referendum election in North Dakota is assured on legislation passed at the recent session of the Town ley legislature. Further iinfercsting exposures of the Non partisan league and its methods tie imminent. CHICAGO S MISTAKE Chicago made a mistake. She re-elect" ed "Big Bill»' Thompson mayor. Thompson, Republican, on Tuesday de-, fcated Robert M. Sweitzer, Dmocrat, for the mayoralty, by a plurality of 17, ... .. , .. . _ ... 600, while Mat' la y Hoyne, running as an . . . , independent, was a poor third. , .. .... m . •_ ; The reelectiou ot Mayor J hompson is u disgrace to Chicago. Thompsca, four years ago, was elected mayor by a plur i . * 4 » uam.,, . . r.v, > n hty ot more than 14/,l)UU, and lxie^da> his plurality dropped to a mere handful, compared v.ifh the big advantage giv, n Thompson in 1915. William Hale Thompson has been branded as a pro-German. At tmy rate, . i . i v .n J he is un- American, and he has not been ... r. ,, • *. , • j., able to success! lly prove in tre minds of many ,,ersons that be waa not : c tually a sympathizer with Germany. Two years ago, he proclaimed Chicago "the sixth German city," and refused, as mayor, to officially, extend an invita lion to Marshal J offre of France to Chi- I eago, on the occasion of the French war hero's visit to the United States. J Hill has never been able to over-. come the huge amount of adverse criti cism heaped upon him because of hisl failure to invite Marshall Joffre to Chi Whether his election Tuesday was cago. due to his appeal for Republican votes on party principles, or whether due to the German vote of Chicago, meager re port* on the election returns so far re ceived in the west do not'disclose. WIRES CROSSED Announcement that necessity requi increase of approximately 20 telegraph res an percent in telephone and rates in the United States, under gov eminent control of wire communica tion, will cause to arise anew in the minds of the people the wisdom of gov-1 emmental experimentation in the op eration of various great public utili ties. The increase is said by Postmaster General Burleson to be due to iucrea-(■$> sed salaries paid employes of the tele phone and telegraph. True it was, un der private ownership of these utilities, many employes received meager wages, but nevertheless the wages paid these selfsame employes usually Were com mensurate with the ability displayed by the workers. Telegraph operators, in minor positions, received net more than $40 a mouth, in many instances, but in larger cities, qualified opera tors, working under the bonus system, frequently were able to earn $150 to $200 a month, depending entirely upon ability to accurately and rapidly trans mit a great number of messages. If the public is to be continually con -1 fronted by increases in telephone and I telegraph rales, in order that obscure employes of the wire communication systems may be coddled by the gov ernment, especially in "the matter of greatly increased wages, the, |iufilic some day will realize that the public, itself, is entitled to some coddling, in the matter of improved service and rea sonable charges therefor. ^ ial Correspondence; Buchanan of 110 was transactm « hllsiness herP Wednesday The Community club held a social J Tuesday afternoon for the ladies who J «> FERDINAND <%• •$>•?><$> 'i> < 8 > < 8 > ■*> <$> <«> <*> '»><$''«> spent the time in needle work. Lunch 1 eo " wa * served at 4:30 ^ Mr8 ' Peebles -1 nnd ^ !S ' Bdd> " I A farewell party, given by the | 1 J 9 ® J Wednesday evening club, was tendered Mrs " K Randa11 Thursday evening. Mrs " Wilbtwn Green and tw0 " hildren de l' arted Wednesday for Lewiston, " here the - v wiU reside " Walt Holbiu was a passenger Thurs: I 1 I day for Lewiston, returning Sunday, I J 9 * J Mr - and Mrs ' Geor « c Du ' ro are visit ' in * theîr ''«u^ter, Mrs. Mabel Clift, of I I *>ank Hayden underwent a minor 0 l ,eration at the Alcorn hospital last Saturday. William 0ooda11 was a P^nger for Lewiston Sunday. Mrs. Maud Adsley and two daughters, Luei,e and n ° rot,1 - v ' errived form Lew * is,0, ' Monday, to take immediate pos session of thé Ferdinand hotel. Mrs. Meakiu entertained a few rela tives last Sunday. Amoifg the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hansen and children of Cottonwood; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jones and children, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Hansen and children, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Peebles, Mrs. E. Randall, all of Ferdinand. Miss Clara Nau entertained a party of friends Sunday evening at the home of her brother, Albert Nau, in honor of Mrs. Randall who will soon depart for Lewiston. Sewing will be discontinued at the Boil Cross rooms, owing to lack of work ers. ; ... .. • î> • CLEARWATER (Special Correspondence) Horace Hornaday has returned from Kooskia. Miss Dorothy Westen laser has return ed to her home on the prairie, after spending two weeks visiting friends in the Clearwater section Mesdames Daveport, Brown and Brot nor were Stiles visitors Saturday. Several from here attended the sale at the White place, above Kooskia, Wednesday last. George Riebold purchased about thir ty head of cattle from Dan Cowling, and from parties amend Kooskia. HOW IS YOUR COMPLEXION? A woman should grow more beauti A woman should grow more beauti ful as she grows older and she will with due regard to baths, diet and ex j ercise, and by keeping her liver and bowels in good working order, and haggard and yellow your eyes iosing their lustre and whites becoming yel lowish, your flesh flabby, it may be due to indigestion or to a sluggish liver. Chamberlain 's Tablets correct these dis if you orders. Dry lime and sulphur spray at Lamm Drug Co. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the interior, Ü. S. Land Office at Lewiston, Idaho, Mardi 15. 1919. Notice is hereby given that Edwin C. Harbison, of Elk City. Idaho, who, May 28, 1^14, made H. E., No. 05430, for a tract of 120 acres within what will probably be when surveyed, Sec tion 32, Township 27 N., Range 10 East, B. M., described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at Cor ner No. 1, which bears N. from TJ. S. L. M. No. 241, 25.07 chains, thence S., 1 o 36' West 75 chains to Comer No. 2, thence N. 88 o 24' West. 16 chs. Cor. No. 3, thence N. lo 36' E., 75 chs to Cor. No. 4, thence S. 88 o 24' E., 16 chs. to Cor. No. 1, the place of begin ning. List No. 778, has filed notice of intention to make three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before J.'B. Burney, U. S. Commissioner, at Stites, Idaho, on the 5th. day of May, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Henry C. Oliver, of Stites, Idaho; Joe A . Hoover, of Elk City. Idaho; I>ewis C. Stephenson, of Elk City, Ida ho; William M .Logan, of Elk City, Idaho. .•n to Henry Heitfeld, Register. non-eoal. tf> 5 RESTORATION TO ENTRY OF LANDS IN NATIONAL FOREST. Notice is hereby given that .the lands described below, embracing 201.75 acres within the Selway and Nczperce Na tional Forests, Idaho, will be subject to settlement and entry under the pro visions of the homestead laws of the United States and the act of June 11 , 1906 (34 Stat.. 233), at the United States land office at Lewiston, Idaho, on June 5, 1919. actually and in good faith claiming any of said lands for agricultural purposes prior to January 1, 1906, and has not abandoned same, has a preference right to make a homestead entry for the lands Any settler who wa« Said hinds were actually occupied, listed upon the applications of the per sons mentioned below, who have a pre ference right subject to the prior right of any such settler, provided such set tler or applicant is qualified to make homestead entry and the preference right is-.exercised prior to June 5, 1919, which date the lands will be sub ject to settlement and entry by any qual ified person. A tract of land described as Lot 3, Sec. 25, and Lot 1, See. 26, T. 32 N., R. 7 E., B. M., 43.40 acres, ap plication or' W. A. Swan, Clarkston, Washington; List 1-3632. ..h A tract of 112.60 acres, within what will probably be when surveyed Secs. 9 and 10, T. 30 N., R. 13 E., describ ed as follows: Beginning at Corner No. 1, identical with Forest Serviae Monument, consisting of a red fir post confluence of North Star Creek and the Selway river bears N. 19o W., 2.55 chs.; extending thence S. lOo E., 15.15 eha.; thence 8 . 6 o E., 34.84 chs.; thence N. 40o E., 45.45 chs.; thence N. 39o W., 31.20 chs.; thence S. 61o W., 18.50 chs., to the place of beginning, application of William Reap, Orangeville, Idaho; List 1-3663. A tract of 30.75 acres, within wl at will probably he when surveyed Secs. 1 and 36, Twps. 32 and 33 N., R. 12 E., described as follows: Beginning at Corner-No. 7 of H. E. S. No. 460, be ing Freeman 's original claim; extend ing thence N. 15o 02' E., 18.13 chs.; thence W. 22.22 chs.; thence 8 . 12.90 chs.; thence S. 75o 16' E., 18.12 chs.; to the place of beginning, application of Frank L^ Freeman, Kooski", Idaho; List 1-3666. The W% W V-, SWi/i SW>/,, the SEI4 NWVi SW'ti SW%, the NE 14 SWV, SWl>4 SWUi Sec. 26, T. 27 N., R, 2 E., 15 acres, listed without application; List 1-3701. March 21, 1919. D. K. PARROTT, Acting Arsis tant Commissioner of the General Land Office. 46-4 Means more merchandise for the money. Your local store here is but a branch of 23 stores crating throughout the northwest with head quarters in Lewiston, Idaho. All merchandise is bought by C. J. Breier, owner of the stores, di rect from the manufacturers, thereby eliminating the jobber's probt, also the traveling man's ex penses, which means a great deal. Our competi tors will tell you that The Hub store is a # cheap place at which to buy, or that the merchandise shows it. When the truth is known, Mr. Breier's buying power is so much greater than most mer chants' that it enables him to buy much cheaper in the brst place. If you have never been in The Hub, make it a point to come in and see us when in town. Op THE HUB A table of shirts, all kinds, your choice, 95c A table of men's shoes, button and lace, $3.85 A. D. KENNEDY, Manager » iplIiilllllSBi MU I D A D |l! ; ! -il A -I' the national joy smoke !;'il 1% ll «0 ,1 ,j| ' • •Äj -■ > iipl % i 4 ■s Sr** S# i r ' A x •Viv : ■ >ig ; : y ■[$& ■'v : Copyright 1919 by R. J. Reynold» Tobacco Co. :Xv a I ÜI •***s* : : i r \1 N EVER was such right-handed-two fisted smokejoy as you puff out of a jimmy pipe packed with Prince Albert! That's because P. A. has the quality! You can't fool your taste apparatus any more than you can get five aces out of a family deck! So, when you hit Prince Albert, coming and going, and get up half an hour earlier just to start stoking your pipe or rolling cigarettes, you know you've got the big prize on the end of your linel Prince Albert's quality alone puts it in a class of its own, but when you figure that P. A. is made by our exclusive patented process that cuts out bite and parch— well —you feel like getting a flock of dictionaries to find enough words to express your happy days sentiments! Toppy red huge, tidy red tint, handtome pound and half-pound tin humidors and—that classy, practical pound crystal glass humidor with sponge moistener top that keeps the tobacco in such perfect condition. R. J. Reynold» Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C y \ V'-— K.. . -J i »T«J jij ßc e REPORT OF TUE CONDITION OF Grange ville Savings & Trust at Orangeville in the state of Idaho, at the close of business March RESOURCES Cash on hand.,. Due from banks... Checks and drafts on other banks . Loans atid discounts . Stocks, bonds and Warrants . Banking house, furniture and fixtures and abstract department.. Other real estate .... Expenses in excess of earnings.•. $ LIABILITIES Individual deposits subject to check Savings deposits .. Demand certificates of deposit. Time certificates of deposit . Cashier 's cheeks . Letters of credit . $ r * Total deposits .. Capital stock paid in .. Surplus . Bills payable, including obligations representing money borrowed $148,092,81 2 , Total $210,092.81 STATE OF IDAHO, County of Idaho, sa. I, E. II. Bussell, cashier of the above named bank do aolenmlv that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, (seal) H. H. RUSSELL, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of March, 1919 certify that I am not an officer or dir eetor of this bank. H. ROTH WELL, Notary CORRECT—Attest: Henry Teicher, J. A. Bradbury, Directors.