Grand Leader What Shall I Wear? The problem is easily solved at this store. We are exclusive sellers in the city, of Kahn Brothers, Chicago, Fine Clothes for Men. There is nothing finer, equal to the finest merchant - tailored clothing. Let us show you, it will be a pleasure « ALWAYS A LITTLE (CHEAPER The J. Alexander Co. Let us show you. Mail orders given special attention. Marks Drug Co Do You Shave Yourself Wé want to show «very shaver our complete line of Razors, Strops, Mugs, Lather Brushes, Shaving Soaps and all the little neces sities that help. to make shaving a pleasure. The K. B. Balmont Razors we carry are absolutely guaranteed to give entire satisfaction, and any Razor bought from us will be ex changed until you find one that suits you. Prices $1.60 to $3.50. Razor Strops in groat variaty, including Horse Hide, Tortoise, Gnu Kid and the regular Canvas Leather Barber Strops. A good Strop Is as necessary as a good Razor. You can't keep a good razor sharp with a poor »trop, but you can come pretty near keeping a poor razor sharp with a good strop. But you should let us fit you out with a good Razor and a good Strop. Strops 60c to $2.00. We have almost any style or shape Mug that you could wish for 96c to 75c. A complete line of Lather Brushes In the better grades of low priced brushes as well as the high-grade hard rubber and steel set goods. We will Insure these brushes to not lose bristles or break down. The prices range from 26c to $1.76. Williams', Co I gates' and Paars' Shaving Soaps and 8ticks. Mentions', Millikins', Spoilers', Colgate,', Bradley's and Importsd Talcem Powders. Hinds' Honay and Almond Cream, Espey's Cream and Whit# Clover Cream. Shaving Mirrors, adjustable on stands and everything that you would care to use before or after your shave. * Marks Drug Co. 424 Main St. Phone Red 721 Normal Hill Branch, Comer Seventh and Seventh. Phone Red 722. NOTICE OF SHERIFF SALE. Notice of Sheriff's Sole Under Affidavit of Foreclosure of Chattle Mortgage. Benjamin Dill and John Dill, Mort gagees, vs. F. B. Sears, Mortgagor. Under and by virtue of an affidavit of foreclosure, of a certain indenture of chattel mortgage, made, executed and delivered by F. B. Sears, the above named mortgagor, to Benjamin Dill and John Dill, the above named mort gagees, on the 20th day of April, 1906, 'to secure the payment of a certain promissory note of even date there with, And arborons the said affidavit of Borer 1 »»ure "UW**es t»;at ■ » is now j due, owing and unpaid on said mort | gage and note secured thereby, the ' sum of live hundred twenty-one and j 4-100 ($521.04) dollars, together with j * 50 counsel fees, In all the sum of $571.04. I have taken Into my possession and under my control the following de scribed personal property, to-wlt: One (1) hydraulic lard press, one (1) ket tle, one (1) grindstone, one (1) sau sage stuffer and attachment, one (1) salting tank, one (1) safe, one (1) dried beef cutter, one (1) National cash register No. 339651, meat racks, blocks and counters, one sorrel mare, weight 1.909, sl| years old. named Nel lie; one <1) computing scale, one (1) (.uirttei s:fcle, one (]> Buffalo vnic and all other tools and fixtures In or about said butcher shop. Public notice is hereby given, that on Friday, the 16th day of November, 1906, at 10 o'clock a. m., of said day, at the Dill building In Lewiston, in Nez Perce county, Idaho, I will. In obedience to said affidavit of fore closure, sell at public auction, .to the highest and best bidder for the lawful money of the United States, all of the above described property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said claim as above set forth, together with costs. Dated November 8th, 1906. HARVEY FORESMAN, Sheriff of Nes Perce County, Idaho. By CHAS. L. MONROE, Deputy Sheriff. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Lewiston, Idaho, October 18, 1906. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing-named settler has filed aotlce of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver, at Lewiston, Idaho, on Friday. December '7, 1906, viz: H. E. 10446, Mary A. Zumwalt, of Forest, Idaho, for the lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 north, and lot 2 south of Nez Perce reserve line, all in section 27, township 33 north, range 3 W. B. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon the cultivation of said lard, viz: Louis Iterbolt, of Forest. Idaho; Mar vin Bish,, George H. Conway, Lester O. Zumwalt, all of Woodside, Idaho. T. K. BARTLETT, Register. Bay State Club 'Women. PEABODY, Mass., Nov. 7.—The lo cal club women had the proud honor of entertaining the Massachusetts State Federation In annual meeting to day. The forenoon session, held in the South Congregational church, was devoted to reports of the St. Paul biennial. The feature of the afternoon sessiôn was an address by Enos A. Mills, of Colorado, on ''Our Friends, the Trees." Both sessions were large ly attended. "Delicious bread, did you say7 Of course. We use 'Marvel' Flour, it's the best," Bijou Theater HOME OF VAUDEVILLE. Tonight's Attractions Blair A Kingsley in "THE DERBY." Hayes A Davies, eccentric comedians and wing danoers. O ao r gs Greaves, in illustrated songs. : if edit' Kinsdrems, produ ci ng "Nobody Works But PztW." HEMST CAN WIN BY OWN FIGURES New York, Nov. 7—At the head quarters of the independence league tonight the following statement was iFSued: "Reports from up state indicate not only that Mr. Hearst cut down the republican vote materially, but that the Independence League vote for Mr. Hearst was not counted in many counties. These votes will have to be added to the announced results for Mr. Hearst in order to give the correct figures in the state. "Last night Captain William Astor Chandler statr-d that his brother Robert, who Is running for sheriff in Dutchess county, had threatened to bring mandamus proceedings against several election boards before they consented to count the Independence League vote for Hearst. - "Today other reports were received indicating that the Independence League vote for Mr. Hearst was .not counted In Erie and Allegheney coun ties. Reports come In also showing that In other districts ln Clinton and Cattarabus, Herkimer, Wayne, Al bany, Onondeiga and Washington counties there was a failure on the part of the election board to count the vote for Mr. Hearst which was cast under the '«cales.' "The facts developed today explain I he great falling off of the total vote cast yesterday as compared with the total vote of two years ago. There is r.o doubt that the vote represented by this falling off is the vote cast for Mr. Hearst and his associates under the emblem of the 'scales.' In 1904 the total vote cast for governor was 1,625,907. This year with 63 election districts missing there are only 1,373, 450 accounted for, although the reg istration this year was unusually heavy and the weather conditions and Ihe interest taken in the campaign al! tended to bring out a full vote. These matters are being fully Inves tigated." Incomplete returns from two-thirds of the counties In the state of New York make It Impossible up to a late hour tonight to give definite figures on the state ticket, other than for governor. Charles E. Hughes, re publican, for governor, has a majori ty of 52,000, approximately. But the remainder of the candidates are In doubt. For lieutenant governor, Lewis Stuyvesant Chandler, demo cratic-independence league candidate, has a lead In the city of Greater New York of 134,941. Up state M. Linn Bruce, republican candidate for lieu tenant governor. Is running slightly ahead of Mr. Hughes. As Mr. Hughes came down to Greater New York with a lead of approximately 121,000 It will readily be seen \hat the vote for second place cn the ticket will be very close and only the complete official count will determine the state's candidate. At 11 o'clock 40 out of 61 counties in the state had completed the count and turned In the figures. From this is Impossible to predict the result / the entire count as to the subordin ate places on the two tickets. At re publican state headquarters no defi n'te statement or claim is to be had. But based on the returns already In Jt appears that Bruce I» elected by 5,000. It was stated that as there were still about 20 counties to be heard from officially nothing will be given out until these have been re ported. . Governor-Elect Charles E. Hughes tonight gave out tie following state ment: "It Is a victory for sobriety and de cency In the administration of gov ernment, but the people will not toi erate indifference to public wrongs. They desire neither exaggeration nor inflammatory appeal on the one hand nor moral or political obtuseness cn the other hand. The election is a re buke to demagogical methods and It is also impressive in Its demand for re sponsible leadership. I shall address myself to the task of squaring the ad ministration of government with the Interest of the people. Confident that I may rely on the support of good cit izens, not onl^ those who voted for me but also those who In the Intensity of their desire to end abuses, voted for my opponent, to the work of insuring to the extent of my power the Just administration of the government of this state, I shall devote myself un reservedly." Mr. Hughes said he was very weary from the labors of the campaign and Intended going up to the mountains for a little out door life and undisturb ed rest. General New York Result. New York. Nov. 7.—Charles E. Hughes has been elected governor of the state of New York by a plurality of 45,000 according to figures avail able at an early hour today. Wm. R. Hearst, his opponent had a clear plurality In every borough of Greater New York, but Hughes' vote up state overcame this and left the republican candidate R with the margin of * votes already given. Hearst's plurality In Greater New York, as Indicated by unofficial returns received today wa> 75.259. Mr. Hearst also polled 641 plurality in two up state counties. Hughes' plurality up state, accord ing to the unofficial returns with 196 district« missing was 129.686 leaving a total plurality for the republican candidate of 64.016. The mlsstna districts may vary thl» general re sult by a few thousand votes either way. W. R. Hearst received the returns with hl» family at his home. Chile «Mein», tomeles short rfism - *x*wrr n elba cn ihp Suggestions Our cold weather has come at last, and wlth u away your Peek-a-boo waists and gauze underwe, ^ Ume to Put outer, as well as undergarments are now in 0 t5() THE YARD, AGENCY FOR NEW HOME SEWING MACHINES. SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES OF ALL MAKE8, 2 FOR 5 CENT8. ffhe fair, \ J LEWISTON MUSIC CO. Hear the NOVEMBER record* Get our terms on a phono graph for Xmas H. C. Tilley, Mgr. FINE TRIMMING MAKES FINE HATS IS AS TRUE AS "FINE FEATH F.RS MAKS FINE BIRDS. >» To have a hat that is smartly trimmed and strictly up to fashion's latest, is to purchase : t at the ThePARLORMILLINERY - MRS. L, J. DUBREY. , Corser Eighth sad Mai« SîB.wH^'» l ?* r •*** LOOK at your clothes! Arc they fit to really be seen in? Why don't you Phone RED 111 OR SEE BERT SMITH D "V o CL