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Clearwater Republican. [volume] (Orofino, Idaho) 1912-1922, April 25, 1919, Image 6

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Carolyn of the Comers
Copyright, 2918, by Dodd, Mead ft Company. Inc.
— 12 —
Something Carolyn May Wishes to
Carolyn May's heart was filled with
This was the result of her first talk
with the old sailor. Not from him, nor
from anybody else, did Carolyn Muy
get any direct Information that the
sailor had been aboard the Dunruven
on her fatal voyage. Hut his story
awoke in the child's breast doubts and
longings, uncertainties and desires that
had lain dormant for many weeks.
Uncle Joe and Aunty Rose loved her
and were kind to her. But that feel
ing of "emptiness" that had at first so
troubled Carolyn May was returning.
She began to droop. Keen-eyed
Aunty Rose discovered this physical
change very quickly.
"She's just like a droopy chicken,"
declared the good woman, "and, good
ness knows, I have seen enough of
So, as a stimulant and a preventive
of "droopiness," Aunty Rose prescribed
boneset tea, "plenty of It."
Three times a day Carolyn May was
dosed with boneset tea. How long the
child's stomach would have endured
under this treatment will never be
known. Cardlyn May got no better,
that was sure; but one day something
Winter had moved on In its usual
frosty and snowy way. Carolyn May
had kept up all her interests—after a
Benjamin Hardy had gone to Adams'
camp to work. It seemed he could use
a peevy, or canthook, pretty well, hav
ing done something besides sailing In
his day. Tim, the hackman, worked at
logging In the winter months, too. He
usually went past the Stagg place with
a team four times each day.
There was something Carolyn May
wished to ask Benjamin Hardy, but
ehe did not want anybody else to know
what It was—not even Uncle Joe or
Aunty Rose. Once In the fall and be
fore the snow came she had ridden as
far as Adams' camp with Mr. Parlow.
He had gone there for some hickory
But, now, to ride on the empty sled
going In and on top of the load of logs
coming out of the forçat, Carolyn May
felt sure, would be much more exciting.
She mentioned her desire to Uncle Joe
on a Friday evening.
"Well, now, If It's pleasant, I don't
I« anything to forbid. Do you, Aunty
Rose?" Mr. Stagg returned.
"I presume Tim will take the best of
care of her," the woman said. "Maybe,
getting ont more In the air will make
her look less peaked, Joseph Stagg."
The excitement of preparing to go
to the camp the next morning brought
the roses into Carolyn May's cheeks
and made her eyes sparkle. When
Tim, the hackman, went into town
with his first load he was forewarned
by Aunty Rose that he would have
company going back.
"Pitcher of George Washington !" ex
claimed Tim. "The boys will near 'bout
take a holiday."
There was but one woman In the
camp, Judy Mason. She lived In one
of the log huts with her husband. He
was a sawyer, and Judy did the men's
Benjamin Hardy was pleased, in
deed, to see his little friend again.
"You come with me. please," she
whispered to the old seaman after dln
"I've Been So Near Drownin' Myself,
That They Thought I Was Dead
When I Was Hauled Inboard.
'You can smoke. You haven't
got to go back to work yet, and Tim
t Is only just loading his sled. So we
can talk."
"Aye, aye, little miss. What'll we
talk about?" queried Benjamin cau
tiously. for he remembered that he
was to be very circumspect in his con
versation with her.
"I want you to tell me something,
Benjamin," she said.
"Sail ahead, matey," he responded
with apparent heartiness, filling his
|»lpe meanwhile.
"Why, Benjamin—you must know,
you know, for you've been to sea so
much—Benjamin, I want to know if It
hurts much to be drownd-ed?"
"Hurts much?" gasped the old sea
"Yes, sir. Do people that get
drownd-ed feel much pain? Is it a suf
ferin' way to die? X want to know,
Benjamin, 'cause my papa and mamma
died that way," continued tl(e child,
choking a little,
though I'd just got to know."
"Aye, aye," muttered the man. "I
see. An' I kin tell ye, Car'lyn May, as
cios't as anybody kin. I've been so
near drownin' myself that they thought
I was dead when I was hauled Inboard.
"Cornin' back from drowning is a
whole lot worse than bein' drowned.
You take It from me."
"Well," sighed Carolyn May, "I'm
glad to know tlmt. It's bothered me a
good deal. If my mamma and papa
laid to be dead, maybe that was the
nicest way for them to go."
It does seem as
Since Joseph Stagg had listened to
the rambling tale of the sailor regard
ing the sinking of the Dunraven, he
had borne the fate of ids sister and
her husband much in mind.
He had come no nearer to deciding
what to do with the apartment In New
York and its furnishings.
After listening to Benjamin Hardy's
story, the hardware dealer felt less In
clined than before to close up the af
fairs of Carolyn May's small "estate."
Not that he for a moment believed that
there was a possibility of Hannah and
her husband being alive. Five months
hud passed. In these days of wireless
telegraph and fast sea traffic such a
thing could not be possible. The imagi
nation of the practical hardware mer
chant could not visualize it.
One day when Carolyn May was vis
iting Mrs. Gormley Chet burst in quite
unexpectedly, for it was not yet mid
,"Mr. Stagg has let me off to take
Carolyn May slidln'. The ice ain't
goin' to be safe In the cove for long
now. Spring's In the air o'ready. Both
brooks are runnin' full."
Carolyn May was delighted. Al
though the sky was overcast and a
storm threatening when they got down
on the ice, neither the boy nor the lit
tle girl guve the weather a second
thought. Nor had Mr. Stagg consid
ered the weather when he had allowed
Chet to leave the store that afternoon.
Chet strapped on his skates, and
then settled the little girl firmly on her
sled, with Prince riding behind.
The boy harnessed himself with the
long towrope and skated away from
the shore, dragging the sled after him
at a brisk pace.
"Oh, my !" squealed Carolyn May,
"there Isn't anybody else on the Ice."
"We won't run Into nobody, then,"
laughed the boy.
It was too misty outside the cove to
see the open water; but It was there,
and Chet knew it as well as anybody.
He had no intention of taking any
risks—especially with Carolyn May in
his charge.
The wind blew out of the cove, too.
As they drew awuy from the shelter of
the land they felt Its strength. .
Naturally, neither the boy nor the
little girl—and surely not the dog—
looked back toward the land. Other
wise,' they would have seen the snow
flurry that swept down over the town
and quickly hid It from the cove.
Chet was skuting his very swiftest.
Carolyn May was screaming with de
light. Prince barked joyfully. And,
suddenly, In a startling fashion, they
came to a fissure in the Ice !
The boy darted to one side, heeled
on his right skate, and stopped. He
had jerked the sled aside, too, yelling
to Carolyn May to "hold fast !" But
Prince was flung from it, and scram
bled over the Ice, barking loudly.
"Oh, dear me !" cried Carolyn May.
"Yoy stopped too quick, Chet Gorm
ley. Goodness ! There's a hole In the
ice !"
"And I didn't see It till we was al
most In it," acknowledged Chet. "It's
more'n a hole. Why ! there's n great
field of Ice broke off and sailin' out
Into the lake."
"Oh, my!" gasped the little girl.
The boy knew at once that he must
be careful In making his way home
with the little girl. Having seen one
great fissure in the ice, he might come
upon another. It seemed to him as
though the ice under his feet was In
motion. In the distance was the sound
of a reverberating crash that could
mean but one thing. The ice in the
cove was breaking up !
The waters of the two brooks were
pouring down Into the cove. Spring
had really come, and the annual freshet
was likely now to force the Ice entirely
out of the cove and open the way for
traffic in a few hours.
The Chapel Bell.
If Joseph Stagg had obeyed the pre
cept of his little niece on this particu
lar afternoon and had been "looking
up," Instead of having his nose In the
big ledger, making out monthly state
ments, he might have discovered the
coming storm in season to withdraw
Ills permission to Chet to take Caro
lyn May out on the ice.
It was always dark enough in the
little back office in winter for the hard
ware dealer to hnve a lamp burning. So
he did not notice the snow flurry that
had taken Sunrise Cove in its
until he chanced to walk out to the
front of the store for needed exercise.
"I deelarfe to man, It's snowing!"
muttered Joseph Stagg. "Thought we'd
got through with that for this season."
He opened the store door. There
a chill, clammy wind, and the snow
was damp and packed quickly under
"Hum ! If that Chet Gbrmley were
here now, he might be of some use for
once," thought Mr. Stagg.
Suddenly he bethought him of the
errand that had taken the boy away
from the store.
"Hey, Stagg!" shouted a shopkeeper
from over the way, who had likewise
come to the door, "did you hear that?"
"Hear what?" asked Joseph Stagg,
"There she goes again ! That's ice,
old man. She's breaking up. We'll
have spring with us in no time now."
The reverberating ' crash that had
startled Chet Gormley liad startled Jo
seph Stagg as well.
"My goodness !" gasped the hard
ware dealer, and he started instantly
away from the store, bareheaded as he
was, without locking the door behind
him—something he had never done be
fore, since he had established himself
In business on the main street of Sun
rise Cove.
Just why he ran he could scarcely
have explained. Of course, the chil
dren had not gone out in this snow
storm ! Mrs. Gormley—little sense as
0 r' »
'Where's That Plagued Boy?"
he believed the seamstress possessed—
would not have allowed them to ven
Yet, why had Chet not returned?
He quickened his pace. He was run
ning—slipping nnd sliding over the wet
snow—when he turned Into the street
on which his store boy and his wid
owed mother lived.
Mrs. Gormley saw him coming from
the windows of the tiny front room.
Mr. Stagg plunged Into the little
house, head down, and belligerent.
"Where's that plagued boy?" he de
manded. "Don't tell me he's taken
Hannah's Car'lyn out on the cove in
this storm !"
"But—you told him he could !"
wailed the widow.
"What If I did? I didn't know 'twas
going to snow like this, did I?"
"But it wasn't snowin' when they
went," said Mrs. Gormley, plucking up
some little spirit.
Chetwood's fault.
"I'm sure it wasn't
Oh, dear !"
"Woman," groaned Joseph Stagg, "it
doesn't matter whose fault It is—or If
it's anybody's fault. The mischief's
done. The ice Is breaking up.
drifting out of the inlet."
Just at this moment an unexpected
voice broke Into the discussion.
"Are you positive they went out on
the cove to slide, Mrs. Gormley?"
"Oh, yes, I be, Mandy," answered
the seamstress. "Chet said he was
goin' there, and what Chet says he'll
do, he always does."
"Then the ice lias broken away and
they have been carried out into the
lake," groaned Mr. Stagg.
Mandy Parlow came quickly to the
little hall.
"Perhaps not, Joseph." she snid,
speaking directly to the hardware deal
er. "It may be the storm. It snows so
fast they would easily get turned
around—be unable to *.nd the shore."
Another reverberating crash echoed
from the cove. Mrs. Gormley wrung
her hands.
"Oh, my Chet! Oh, my Chet!" she
walled. "He'll be drowned !"
"He won't be, if he's got any sense,"
snapped Mr. Stagg. "I'll get some men
nnd we'll go after them."
"Call the dog, Joseph Stagg. Call the
dog," advised Miss Amanda.
"Hell? Didn't Prince go with 'em?"
"Oh. yes, he did," wailed Mrs. Gorm

Skeletons of Prehistoric
Animals Is Chief Product
of Large Nebraska Ranch
Where do the museums of the coun
try get their strange and curious
skeletons of prehistoric animals? If
the skeleton is a "dlnohyus" or a "mor
opus," one may be quite sure that It
came from the farm of James Henry
Cook, In the northwest corner of Ne
braska; and the chances are almost
equally good if the specimen happens
to be a saber-toothed cat or n inany
toed horse, or almost any of those
queer animals that belong to the early
Miocene period, writes R. P. Crawford
In Popular Mechanics Magazine. Most
ranchmen and farmers are quite con
tent to raise the ordinary sort of stock,
but here is a ranch that is most widely
kLOwn because of its output of pre
historic animals. For more than a
deende paleontologists from the great
universities and museums of this coun
try have made regular trips to these
fossil quarries.
The Cook farm and ranch, located
close to the Wyoming line, comprises
some 15,000 acres. On the eastern
edge of the raDch the Niobrara-river
has laid bare two hills, from both of
which scores and scores of fossil skele
tons hnve been Quarried. In the sum
mer it is no uncommon occurrence for
representatives of half a dozen eastern
institutions to pitch camp near these
hills and spend several months digging
out the fossil bones which, when
worked over in the museum, form the
queeç-looking skeletons.
Mothers' Cook Book
These are the gifts I ask «
Of thee. Spirit serene;
Strength for the daily task.
Courage t. face the road,
Good cheer to help me bear the travel
er's load.
And for the hours of rest that come be
An inward Joy In all things heard and
—Henry Van Dyke.
Savory Daffies.
A good meat substitute which will
be found worth while trying Is
Boston Roast.
Soak two cupfuls of dried lima
beans over night. Drain and put to
cook In boiling water. When tender,
drain nnd retain the liquid. Press tlu
beans through a sieve, add two cup
fuis of pecans or English walnut
meats, chopped fine, half a cupful ol
strong cheese, grated or finely cut
half a cupful of soft bread crumbs
one-half cupful of very finely chopped
celery, one tenspoonful of salt, on«
teaspoonful of grated onion, a few
dashes of pepper, one egg beaten light
and enough of the bean liquor to mix
into a compact loaf. Grease a bak
ing pan, put In the loaf nnd bake one
half hour, basting, with vegetable oil
and water, four times. Serve with e
brown or tomato sauce.
Savory Rice.
Cook a cupful of well-washed ri«
In a quart of water for three minutes
then drain and rinse with cold water
Return the rice to thb fire with twe
tablespoonfuls of chicken fat and
onion cut In slices, cook until the fai
Is absorbed, then add two cupfuls ol
chicken broth, two cupful« of tomate
pulp, a teaspoonful of salt, half a
green pepper cut In shreds, nnd a dasl
of paprika. Cook until the rice ha»
absorbed all the moisture. Add s
half cupful of grated cheese and turn
about the chicken on a hot platter
The cheese may be omitted if nol
well liked.
Apple Tapioca.
Soak three-fourths of a cupful ol
pearl tapioca in cold water to
for one hour. Add one-half teaspoon
ful of salt. Pare and core six mellow
apples and set closely in a buttered
baking dish. Fill the centers of thf
apples with sugar or with apple jelly:
pour around them the tapioca and
bake until tender. Add bits of but
ter to each apple before serving.
Cream Rice.
Combine one quart of milk, two
tablespoonfuls of uncooked rice,
half teaspoonful of salt, four table
spoonfuls of sugar, a half cupful ol
raisins and bake in a slow oven
three hours,
Serve with a hard
1 > Pickled peanut meal is used
; I for bait by French sardine flsh
< • ermen.
\ \ A stool attached to a piano
; ; with a hinged bracket has been
, , Invented.
; ; Ecuador has established a
. , course In scientific agriculture
I J at its «entrai university,
c > According to an English sclen
\ \ tlst there are 15,000,000 fat glob
■ 1 ules in a drop of milk.
I I For handling cakes of iee an
1 1 Inventor has patented mittens
! ! with metal points in the palms.
Shortage of Sugar Bags.
Sugar planters In the Hawaiian
islands are facing a shortage of bags
used as containers for raw
These bags huve been imported from
Calcutta. Recently machinery was
sent to Honolulu from Washington f»<
manufacturing the bags from the file
of banana tree trunks.
Will Call Extra Session of Congress
Early in June, It Is Reported—
No Delay in Peace Treaty.
Paris.—it was stated in well inform
ed quarters recentlyBhat the situation
of the peace negotiations was such
that President Wilson probably would
be able to sail homeward May 20 and
possibly a little earlier—May 15.
The belief was expressed that the
president would call an extra session
of congress to convene between May
15 and June 1.
Indications are that the peace treaty
will be signed before the president's
departure. Information reaching the
delegates tends to show that the Ger
mans are not planning to take up time
and delay the signing of the treaty,
as they desire a settlement of the
Deace terms at the earliest possible
President of Steel Company Says Im
pending Disaster Is Seen—Un
employment Is Menace.
Portland, Ore.—By the end of Octo
ber shipbuilding operations in Port
land will have ended, according to
present indications, so Joseph J. Bow
les, president of the Northwest Steel
company, told a conference of ship
builders held here Monday. From 30,
000 to 50,000 men will be thrown out
of employment in Portland alone, Mr.
Bowles declared, and conditions in oth
er Pacific coast cities will be equally
as bad.
Cancellation of government con
tracts "with autocratic rules which
make it impossible for us to obtain for
eign contracts" was given by Mr.
Bowles as the cause of the impending
disaster to the shipbuilding industry.
Frost« Kill Kennewick Products.
Kennewick, Wash.—Frosts during
the last week have destroyed the apri
cot crop of this district.
Cherries have been badly frost-bit
teri, but the 1919 crop will be cohsider
ably larger than eve# before, and the
same is true of pears and peaches.
Early strawberry blossoms
badly nipped, and the first shipments
of berries will not be as highly thought
of as heretofore.
Smudging, as a preventative of'frost
bite has been carried on by a great
many more gardeners this year than
previously, and all speak highly
garding this method of combating the
annual frost scare.
Sebastopol Evacuated.
London.—Sebastopol has been evac
uated by the Crimean government,
which is proceeding to Constantino
ple. The government of Sebastopol is
now in the hands of the revolutionary
Thrift is stored-up happiness. Buy
W. s. s.
The Fla vor Lasts!
the best
buy for
Tbe greatest
W flve-cents worth
of beneficial
KePtRttfbt refreshment
to get
Scaled TUAt—
Lasts à
* à
Cuticura Soothes Itching Scalp
On retiring gently ruli spots of dan
druff and itching with Cuticura Oint
Next morning slump
Cuticura Soap and hot water,
them your every-day toilet preparations
and have- a dear skin and soft, white
Cashier (to colored depositor) :
John, I'm gald to see you recognize
the value of thrift.
John Washington: 'Tain't dat, boss
■—I jus' been over to de other bank
and jined, an' now I want to jine
yours.—Cartons Magazine.
Farmers and Trappers —Attention! For $5
1 will mail you a tried and suocesaful re
cepit for trapping all kind:) of wild ani
mal«. Worth 10 times amount asked. Sur
rency only accepted. F. Johnson, Box 1047
San Francisco.
"Pa, where are those dark look
ing clouds going to?"
"To thunder, my son!"—Cartons
Snyder's Detective Agency —Expert finger
print and Bertillon system; men and
women assistants wanted everywhere.
4434-A Easton, St. Louis, Mo.
Spend sensibly and save sensibly.
Buy W. S. S.
Told by Mrs. Lynch From
Own Experience.
Providence, R. I.—"I was all run
down in health, was nervous, had head
_ aches, my back
ached all the time.
1 was tired and had
no ambition forany
thing. I had taken
a number of medi
cines which'did me
no good. One day
1 read about Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound and
what it had done for
women, so l tried
it. My nervousness
J and backache an d
headaches di
I gained in
weight and feel fine, so I can honest! y
recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound to any woman who ia
suffering as I was."—Mrs. Adeline B.
Lynch, 10O Plain St, Providence, R. I.
Backache and nervousness are symp
toms or nature's warnings, which in
dicate a functional disturbance or an
unhealthy condition which often devel
ops into a more serious ailment
Women in this condition should not
continue to drag along without help, but'
profit by Mrs. Lynch's experience, and
try this famous root and nerb remedy,
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound—and for special advice write to
' w dia E. Pinkham Med.Co.,L.vnn,Mass.
iHfSKU pimples ... Dandruff ÎHïhiiR

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