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BOATING IN STREETS WHEN THE SEINE OVERFLOWS TIT ~¥"T *8 " T. ! Ii f J * « *. F*!* 4 A III ■4» \ :* & . <> ;¥ f : ■ ••••■ ; f ■■ ■ h * «asip H », O \V«»|.'I sections of Paris ult sorts or boats ■ (— The Seine mis been in ns nnuuui oyerilow, aid m the outlying have been pressed into service, us is shown In this photograph. Famous Corps Ends Its Work Morthwest Mounted Police Loses Identity as Civilization Lessens Its Need. BQDY HAS STIRRING HISTORY Ranged Far Into Arctic Wastes to Pun ish Crime, Maintain Order and Ex tend Relief—Won the Confi dence of the Indian. HÉ Ottawa.—That famous corps, the Royal Northwest Mounted l'ollce, has ceased to exist. It Is now merged with the Canadian mounted police. For half a century "the scarlet and gold" of the riders of the plains had been the symbol of law anJ order in a territory as vast as the United States west of the Mississippi. From Hud son bay to'the Rockies, from the Inter national uound-iry to and beyond tli3 uretic freie L.ey carried security to the law-abiding and terror to the law breaking. mountains nnd forest, through the Ice bound reaches of the arctic coast they made "the long patrol," protecting the settler, succoring the weak and ad ministering justice with a relentless hand to white and red, to British and alien. The On to. vast prairies, In inarch of civilization has brought into ti-*s vnst territory pros perous settlers, where the Royal North w«*st Mounted Pol.ce found the Indian of the sun dunce and scalp knife, the excituble Metis (the French half-breed of the plains), and the outlaw who sought this "no man's land" to escape jusT'-e and continue in crime. The In dian nnd Metis are now peaceful farm ers, the ranch has been replaced by the farm, and railways now cover the country as thlc'; as the Indian trails of the seventies. Only in the fnr north Is any of the original work of the po lice left. Here In the Great Barrens, along .ae desolate shores of Hudson hay and the Arctic ocean, through the Rockies to Dawson will "the scarlet and gold" do the long pntrol. The fa mous corps has done its work an«l has lost Its Identity In the new nntional f«>rce. "4* The uniform has been pre served ; romance and esprit do corps have gone. Origin of the Corps. For nearly two centuries the Hud son Bay company had ruled that vast territory between "udson bay aftd the Rockies, when In 1870 the Dominion of Canada acquired possession. The great company had been u guardian to th<* warlike Rlackfeet, free Indians un ' kept in a fashion law and order. Assinibolncs ami The hardy Scotch factors had in many instances umrrjed into the tribes and their influence wus pow erful and firm. In control. Then came the change It became "no man's lend" with the great company without au thority and tlio dominion government w'ilhc.t any machinery to enforce Its edicts. It was a dangerous period. The Unit ed States government was seeking to curb the fierce Sioux. They, In turn, '"'re making overtures to the Cnnn •llnn Indians to Join them. The whisky ruinier was unchecked In his debauch ery of the Indian. It wus lit this pu rem! that the Koyul Northwest Mount ed l'ollce «mine Into existence, And "lace (hen have been the most poteut Influence In preserving order In this vast territory. Three companies were nioblllzed at Winnipeg, or, as It wus then known, "Fort Gurry." Three other companies cutue through the United Slates und Joined them, and In all 500 men restored nnd preserved order In a territory as largo as Europe, without rallwuy nnd peopled with nearly 100,000 Indians rent with tribal wars anil embittered against the whites by the depletion of the buffalo herds, the almost sole source of their existence. It was then thnt the famous "scarlet and gold" uniform was adopted. To the It dlnn the "red" coat symbolized the power of "the (treat white mother,' nnd Colonel Robertson-Ross, organizer of the force, suggested this uniform ln his report. , "During my Inspection In the north west I ascertained thut some prejudice n existed among the Indians against the color of the uniform worn by the men of the Rifles, for many Indians said, 'Who are those soldiers at the Red river wearing dark clothes! Our old brothers who formerly lived there (meaning H. M.'s Sixth regiment) wore red coats,' adding 'We know that the soldiers of our great mother wear red coats and are our friends.' " And in this way, to impress the In dians of the plains, was adopted the uniform that has given distinctive identity to this famous corps. From the Red river the new force made Its first long patrol. Through what was then known as the Great American desert it struggled for 800 miles, establishing posts, and flnnlly wintering at Fort McLeod, in the foot hills of the Rockies. From there Its activities spread, until now on Hud son bay, Coronation gulf, the frozen Arctic and the desolate Yukon nre posts from which patrols keep watch. By horse, canoe and dog train they carry the authority of the law to the Eskimo of the arctic, the whalers of Herschell Island nnd the gold seeker of the Rockies. In the last fifty years they have brought the wild Indian Into "treaty," have made the cattle rustler or whisky runner only a name, and In the Klondike rush that seething min ing camp of Dawson was as snfe as an eastern hamlet. During the regime of the riders of the plains Canada's western domain passed from a country of tribal conflict through the rallwuy stage, when our first great transcon tinental was thrown across the prairie without provoking strife with the orig inal owners of the country, to the pe riod of peaceful settlement and the up building of modern cities, and In these varied stuges the famous force adapt ed Itself to the conditions without loss In effectiveness or of the sincere re gard of the complex population. Won the Indian. In dealing with the Indian tribes the Roynl Northwest Mounted police did Invaluable service. They won not only the confidence of Indians in Canada, but also of the fierce Sioux who sought refuge In Canada after the Custer rnnssnere. They made treaties and kept them. When Ple-a-Pot, a warlike Cree chief, came south with his band and held up the construction of the Cana dian Pacific, a sergeant and constable of the police arrived, entered the hos tile enmp,. arrested the old chief sur rounded by his bravos, and landed him In jail. He was a good Indlnn after wards, keeping his treaty during the halfbreed outbreak In 1885. The most famous International case was that of Sitting Bull, the noted Sioux chief, who In 1870 had wiped out (he command of the brilliant, Impetu ous Custer. Chiefs White Eagle, Little Knife, Black Moon, nnd finally the no torious Silling Bull, cross«*«! the line. Including their families nearly 4,000 florco Sioux w«*ro In Canadian terri tory, nnd to s«*e that they did not use Canada as a bnse against the United States or Intlnmn our own Indians there were In that nren only 200 police. Inspector Walsh rode alone Into Sit ting Bull's camp and rend the riot net to lilm. Surrounded by Ills braves the flereo Sioux tlir«*atene«l the Inspector, who placed his revolver at the Chief's head and told him plainly that If lht*re was trouble there might be a new In spector In the police but tli«*re cer In Would Close English Churches Six Months London.—Rev. W. E. H Mor ris, vlonr of All .Saints' church, Southport, thinks thnt "It might not be a bad thing for Englnnd If the church were to close down i for six months." "This country," he snl«l, "hns been brought up In the lap of ec- t clesliisllcnl luxury nnd Is Oos- • pel-burdened. There nre few J towns In this country thnt are not overchurched. Religion Is so easi.y to be obtained that we do net appreciate It. It Is too cheap." t : , tainly wcpild be a new chief of the 1 . Sloun. When, finally after years of V constant watching, Walsh prevailed 0 n ! the Sioux to surrender to the United ! \ States authorities, Sitting Hull gave ! Walsh his war bonnet In recognition of the "bravest man he had ever mot." 1 Even during the rebellion in 1885 the ■ great tribes remained true to the po- ! lice and only n few joined with the 1 Metis under Louis Ilell. It was the respect that the Indians had for the I 'scarlet and gold" that saved western i j Canada at that period from gravest disaster. I i i Deeds of Individual Bravery. It was not alone in keeping the In dians in check that the police showed bravery and tact. Col. Sam Steele, who commanded the Strathconn Horse In South Africa, rose from a sick bed, faced nnd nrrestod the ringleaders of several hundred Infuriated armed rail way strikers in the Rockies. But It was in the long patrol of the terrible North that the best traditions of the force hnve been preserved. They plunged Into these unknown wastes, hundreds of miles, sometimes alone, sometimes In pairs, facing an arctic winter to rescue the unfortn nate or capture the wrongdoer. Deeds were done that. If In other fields, would hnve won the highest decorations. Many won through, but others sleep In that Northland waste, martyrs to duty. On the Fort Resolution and Dawson patrol, In 1911, Inspector Fitz gerald nnd three companions lost their lives. Fitzgerald failing to nrrlve it his flestlnation, Dempster was ordered to find Fitzgerald with Instructions: ''Bear In mind, nothing Is to stand In your way until you get In touch with this party." Dempster started Into the wilds of the terrible arctic winter and, hundreds of miles from the post 1 of civilization, found Fitzgerald's com- [ panions lying together, with hands j crossed nnd faces covered. Fitzgerald bad cared for his comrades until they died, nnd even after death. TIipii he pushed on. but was found with (liary nnd mail bng under his body, protect ing it to the last. In his pocket was found his will, written with a charcoal stick, leaving everything to his mother and concluding: He found the Eskimo had and no nr thors Rouvler nnd Le Roux through the Islands of the Arctic oceun, but flnnlly nrrlved In Edmonton with his prisoners. They were found guilty, \ hut the sentence was commuted to j Imprisonment for life nmong their own | people, which means living under po-1 lice supervision. They were capable of realizing (lie seriousness I of their crime. go hark to arctic solitude they cried i like children on being separated from the big Inspector who had captured | them nnd brought them to trial. Now n police post on Coronation gulf lias ! been established, and these simple children of the North nre learning re "God bless you all. F. J. Fitzgerald, R. N. \V. M. P." He, like many others of the force, had pnld the penalty of the arctic pa trol. It took Inspector French two yenrs nnd an nrctlc patrol of 5.000 miles to Investigate the murder of Red ford (Americnn) nnd Street (Cana dian) hy Eskimo within the arctic cir cle. acted- In self-defense rests were made. Inspector La Kauze chased the Eskimo murderer of Fa l n . Leaving Edmonton to sponslbtllty. it lone policeman bus brought a maniac I strapped on a dog sleigh to clvlllzu , tion. Alone wjth the nindmtin facing tho most terrible storms, he has won through. Always Did Their Best. Struggling through the arctic wilds But all do not win through, as shown hy this last message found on one of the force caught ln a terrible blizzard : "Lost, horse dead; am trying to push ahead. Have done my best." There never was a more deserving motto for my force tlinn the last words of this lying member of the scarlet nnd gold. 'Have «lone my best." And so it has been in the arctic wilderness or on the hlizzard-swept prairie, whether serving the empire In Ihe Strathconns ln South Africa, or In the Garry norse on Flnndors' fields, the riders of the plains hnve always done their best. Hnrvnrd gradual«* or Cnnndlun farmer, Texn.« cowboy or Fronch-Canadlnn voyager, the English aristocrat or the Scotch breed of the prairie, the scarlet and gold held them nil, nnd nlways they did their best. Fifty yenrs they hnve been the guard Inns of the wilds. The wilds have disappeared, and so does this grand old corps, leaving as a heritage the best traditions ln service nnd loyalty. i t • J t : IDAHO NEWS PARAGRAPHS Recent Happenings in This State Given in Brief Items for Busy Readers. ' . Camp Grounds Near Ready. u:\viston The automobile camp grounds at Delsol park, ehst of the city, will soon be complete«! ami ready for tourists. Dies of Heart Leakage. SAN 1)1*01 NT Mrs. Prank A Twiss of Satulpoint died recently from leak i apt of the heart after an illness ex- j tending over a period of five months. | Eagleson Governorial Candidate. liOlSK.- State Treasurer i Eagleson lias formally authorized the i announcement that lie is a candidate . for the republican nomination for gov ! ernor. i f| ' •lohn \V. ! Major C. D. Warner Dies. COKUR Idaho. After surviving his wife nine weeks. Major t\ D. Warner died March t!7 of old ago, ' h aving no known relatives. D'AUONK. He was ^ born July IS, 1M0, and married Anna 1 . ,, .. ' .. ! of V (,rfeen ManU '• 1M, '- wa " , "' ar - n ! «rmus'er sergeant in the 123d New . ! \ ,,rk volunteer8 in the arnl - v <" thu I ! <>tomac - 1 Mrs. Zumwalt Dies. LEWISTON.—Mrs. At ly > I'hilestia Zum ■ wait, ago 00, and her son, John Zum ! wait, age 72, died of influenza, the 1 mother on Wednesday and the son on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Zum I walt was a pioneer of tl ,e northwest, i j lav ing «orne across the continent to I Oregon almost 70 years ago. i Zumwalt and the son accompanied her i on that trip. Mr. In In of the an State Asks Time Change. BOISE.—Responding to a popular demand indicated by petitions and res olutions filed from all parts of south western and south central Idaho, the public utilities commission has for warded to the interstate commerce commission a formal complaint ask ing that mountain time bo declared as standard for the territory between l'ocatello and Huntington instead ol Pacific time. Latah County Needs Laborers. MOSCOW.—The demand for labor ers in this section is unusually heavy and high wages are being offered for men. Latah county s big road building program, in which $2,000,000 is to be spent for highway construction, will furnish employment to many men and teams, while farm work, building in Moscow and In other towns and on farms and the timber will furnish work to many hundred more. Build Elk City Road. to it In with Construction of the wagon road into Into Elk City, Idaho, is expected to begin soon after April 1, according to resi post 1 dents of that place. The proposed com- [ route is ulong the south f«>rk of the j Clearwater river. The sum of money available is believed to be sufficient they for the construction to Meadow creek, he was and by the time construction reaches that point it is believed money will be available for comple tion of the work to Elk City. sufficient Mrs. H. Read Suicides. TROY'.—Mrs. Herbert G. Read, 22 years old, committed suicide by shoot ing herself last Saturday. Mr. Read works in the brick yard at night and returned at 6 o'clock for his break fast and found his wife did not havq breakfast ready. He complained ol her conduct and said he had not slept for two days and nights and was sick. had She dressed and came into the kitchen, nr- where tier husband had started the fire. Other words followed and she returned to the bedroom and took the revolver from the wall where it hung but and fired the shot. She died in a few his minutes without speaking, \ to j own | po-1 I on corn silage thut Is planned to help cried i otherwise be summerfallowed in from northern Idaho this year. He Is urg- 1 | Dig early planting In sections where Now frosts do not interfere, and is giving lias ! to farmers the benefit of experiments carried out by his department, which re show that Hie age, rather than the all. pa two 5.000 Red cir Fa To Help Corn Production. MOSCOW.'—Professor IL K. Ron nett of the farm crops department of l n . the university is preparing a bulletin to in the production of corn on land that size of corn plants, govern its value lor siluge. llis experiments show the désira I bllity of planting corn as early as , practicable In order to have it reach the proper age to make the best sil won ago at the proper season in the fall, He announces that other experiment stations ln the northwest have ar of : push for this gold. In In or the them best. have the rlvod at the same conclusion, results of these experiments will be given to farmers who desire to raise more corn for silage. The Panama Canal Reopens. PANAMA.—Obstructions in the Cu lobra cut district of the Panama canal wore removed March 28 and Ihe groat waterway is again open for traffic after a six-day Interruption. Ludendorff In Custody. BERLIN.—General Ludendorff bus surrendered to Examining Judge Oeschlager. He denied charges that he was Implicated in the reactionary revolt of March 13. Ex-Kaiser to His New Residence. AMERONGEN, Holland.—Part of the baggage of William Hohenzollern, ex-kaiser of Germany, has been moved from Bentlnck castle to Doom, where he is soon to reside. PROTECTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF FOREST RESOURCES IMPORTANT TO ALL FARMERS • * * ' f ? r æ id« Ml ' c'vT* . JsfC f.NJ A-1 • I - Ife s 30P ; *1 -jkfj WjO*U . ; *S 5 r>4 $8® m'. ' a rmr. ï sri » * A' ■■ rt m V- fcVI* :x> iU jSyK\ tie, Jy^ 4 I tHW 'i Ji flf&f] ;*••. i. • s| |i ■frlPi It Wl# to i tyÆif . y ft I Ilf I li .1 i'lM m *■£. b a «JM ■t ! • <> ■X: SK - >■ VI ilf: f| MmÆ f sa » ,V mi l ä - mg «ii! vt„ I i t .-; n ii mum k4; Li ÿ fît ï 1 iE. œ i «i» i $ M'A, I I ill i-s® i. iy èy ÿ * f y • M* • - : » . Il & && Sri y T-'< •*: ' ^ t 'M 5 ^ S:" <> ..., A S î'D» PSvWsvT JftT' s> ^ V v v ';. % $ a# m at : \ Vü mTv f&A 4 - <44* gÿ Pastured Upland Woodlot in Tennessee—Stand of Eighteen Cords Per Acre. I (Prepared by the Flitted States Depart ment of Agriculture.) "Timber is an Important farm crop." The average farmer probably lias never stopped lo think about this fact. At least, he apparently has never taken It Into account in Ids farm op erations. But the value of Ihe prod ucts from the farm woodlot yvas greater than the potato crop and near ly double that of Ihe the last census. Farmers obacco crop in con sume more wood Ilian any other group. These facts nre brought out by David F. Houston, secretary of agri culture, In discussing Ihe policies and practices which should h<> followed In protecting and developing Ihe forest resources of the nation. In his an nual report the secretary asserts that the continued dissipation of privately owned forests In every timber-produc ing region of the country Is a matter of grave concern, and that the public does not fully realize its seriousness. "If the area having little or no value for other than forest purposes Is not protected." says the secretary, "much of It will become practically nonpro ductive. Millions of acres In the older parts of the country, where supplies of timber are neeiled by the communi ties, have become almost valueless. Where the land Is not valuable for agriculture, large-scale lumbering op erations are followed by local Indus trial depr«*ssion, the timber Industries migrate, population decreases, farm ers lose their local market, tnxnble values decline, schools und roads d«* terlornte. and the economic and social life of tlic community suffer. Need Public Co-Operation and Direction "The problem presented Is very dif ficult. Public forests arc confined to relatively limited ureas, except In the West. These will by no mentis supply the future needs of the country, present the greater part of the lumber produced annually Is cut from private lands on wlilch (be appearance of new growth is at best a matter of accident. Is likely to be long delayed, or may Without concerted ac At 1 never occur, tion under public co-operation and di rection the problem will not be solved. Private initiative can not be depended to secure the requisite conserva upon tion. BRIGHT FUTURE FOR BEEKEEPING IS SEEN Enlarged American Consumption of Honey to Continue. Exports of Product During War to Al lied Countries Increased at Least Ten Times—Two Destructive Brood Diseases. If American beekeepers arc able to meet increasing demand, the enlarged American consumption of honey omtinue. says the annual report of the chief of the bureau of entomology. United States department of agricul ture. During the war our exports of honey to the allied countries increased st least teli times, and the domestic use also went much higher. The In creased export demand bus continued since the end of hostilities, and tlie bureau sees reason to expect that this market will continue to be an impor tant factor In American beekeeping. Local suies of honey near the points of production have Increased more rapidly than sales In the larger mar kets, but this oat) readily be remedied, according to the report, by the further development of the business of bot tling honey. The tendency to collect the bees of the country in the bands of commer cial beekeepers is viewed us a whole some sign for the development of the Industry. Prevalence of two destruc tive brood diseases, und especially the neeessitj of careful study of beekeep ing problems in order to obtain maximum crops, make It almost im possible tor the person having only a few colonies to give the care essential for good beekeeping. Only the tunn who makes beekeeping bis chief work may expect to get proper returns, says the bureau. will preservation forest regions Is of Imineillnte concern and Importance to farmers. Timber Is an Important farm crop. Farm wood binds comprise about 20 per cent of (he farm area of the country. At the last census the value of the products from them was greater than that of the potato crop and nearly double that of the tobacco yield Forestry, there fore, must be assigned a place in fnrm management. Farmers also are vitally concerned with national forestry prob lems. They consume more wood than any other group und they are interest ed in seeing that there is available, at reasonable prices, a continuous I supply of lumber and oilier forest products. A sound forestry policy does not conflict with agricultural senti ment. In fuct, it facilitates the culti vation of land suitable for agriculture, und also seeks to secure the proper handling of existing forests and the reforestation of denuded regions. On the other hand, forest devastation re tards agricultural development." Fire Protection Essential. Fire, the secretary points out. Is a great menace not only on forested but also on cut-ove# areas. "Adequate protection." he says, "should he re qulred of all owners. The public, through both the state nnil federal governments, should co-operate in or ganizing tills service anil should share 1he cost of maintaining It. It should also adopt such practical measures ns may be necessary to bring about the discontinuance of nil practices which result In turning the forests Into wnstes, nnd should aid private owners to perpetuate tlielr forests hy prope - management. A well-balanced policy requires a much larger program of publicly-owned forests than at pres ent. "Good forestry pructlce," concludes the secretary, "rests upon the posses sion of full nnd accurate data. Our present knowledge of the methods of securing the largest yields Is' inade- y qttate. There Is need of further Infor mation regarding the amount, quality and distribution of existing timber supplies. A detailed Inventory of our present resources and a survey of present and prospective needs are es sential for constructive planning." SUGAR-BEET SEED PRODUCED Revised Estimates Show Approxi mately 6,700.000 Pounds on Total Acreage of 11,100. Revised estimates of sugar-beet seed produced In the United States in 1919 show a total production of ap proximately 6,700,000 pounds on a total acreage of 11,100 acres, with an average yield of 000 pounds an acre. Earlier estimates, based on reports of growers, indicated a total production of 7.500.000 pounds. It developed, however, that the average yield per acre In Idaho and Michigan was much smaller than was anticipated by the growers. Considerable acreage In Idaho was reported to be a total failure. The 1919 production still is 800,000 pounds greater than the total produo tion In 1918. 1,620.000 pounds greater than in t917, nnd 1,160.000 pounds greater than In 1916. SAME BREED IN COMMUNITY One of Many Advantages to Be Gained by Stock Raisers Is Uniform ProduiA. There are many advantages to be gained when tlu* stock raisers of one community raise the snme breed. Bet ter prices tuny be secured from the sale of a uniform product, und suit able breeding stock cun be secured near home. EGG MATERIALS FOR LAYERS Hens Must Have Green Food Such as Mangels, Cabbage, Clover, Etc., for Good Health. The liens cannot obtain any green ir other green growths In the fields during the winter, but must have gr«*eii food like mangels, cabbage, clover, alfalfa, etc., in order to keep ln good licultli and have the materials to make eggs. grass