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Clearwater Republican 11.50 Per Year In Advanoe. Xhuered March 12, 1912. as sec ond class mail matter in the poet Offli at Orofino, Idaho, under the Act of Congrees of March 3, 1879. FRIDAY. APRIL 2. 1920 Governor 1). W. Davis fired the of the state campaign ope; ing gun at !it. Maries last Saturday at the mee ing of the republiean county org; ilzalion Th< of Benewah county, governor made two speeches, on* at the opera house in the ufter noc. and one in the evening at a when about 300 enthus bar uet, last c republicans applauded his re The county committee hep;tily Indorsed Governor Davis for a second term, praised the cabi mi As. net form of government in handling th» state's business, and It Is safe to fay the party in every county In state will do just as Benewah done.—Lewiston a th. have republicans Banner. the Ray McKaig, organizer for Bcnpartisan league at $16 per head, Is his address here Sunday after Ken told of the great love the If ague has for the ex-soldiers and Of the great .loyalty of the league b embers. Iiakota as the shining light in pa triotism and love for the ex-soldiers. Jfe stated that North Dakota's leg He pointed out North "one million dollars Islature voted to give the soldiers who returned fron across the water, a bouns." It Is too bad that Mr. McKaig did not have more time for there are many items of interest he could and probably (?) would have told had time permlted him to do so. As Mr. McKaig did not have the time to tell these things we will tell them for him. He failed to tell the audience that the state of Washington, where the nonpartisan league is about as popular as the smallpox, voted eleven million dollars bonus to the soldiers. Mr. McKaig told how loyal and patriotic the nonpartizan league of North Dakota is and always has been. But he did not have time to tell his audience that the legis lature which voted "One Million Dollars" (of the farmers' money) to the soldiers, refused to pass a bill introduced at the request of the American Legion, composed of ex Bervice men, forbidding the carry ing of red flags in parades in the state of North Dakota and the dis play of the red flag within the bor ders of the state, state that at the request of the American Legion such a bill, which also provided that the American flag, only must be displayed, was prepared and presented to the non partizan league legislature which killed the bill in the last few min utes of its session and adjourned as soon as the vote was taken. Mere Is the story of this "loyal and patriotic" legislature's last act, as it was published in the press at the time and has never been denied: "One of the last things the non . jiartizan league majority in the leg islature did in the recent special session, was to kill the anti-red flag -•trill. The news of this action was telephoned down town to the hall ■where the American Legion was meeting. The effect was electrical. The ex-service men piled out and inarched to the state capitol in com pany formation; two companies of husky.enraged patriots. But word cf their coming had been tele phoned to the legislature which ad journed a few minutes before the •x-soldters reached the capitol." McKaig did not have time to tell his audience that A. C. Townley. $1500 per month president of the league, who testified under oath that he draws a salary of $300 per month and is allowed $1200 per month for expenses "and no ques tions asked as to how it is spent," was convicted of disloyalty and in terfering with the draft and is now under sentence for that crime. McKaig did not tell the ex-ser vice men, whom he professes to love, that Kate O'Hare, who is serving time in prison for disloyal ty and interfering with the draft. Stated in her lectures while oppos ing American men enlisting to fight the kaiser, that "the mothers of American soldiers are no better than brood sows." He did not have time to tell the soldiers that he (McKaig) had attended Kate O' Hare's trial and had placed his arm around her and called her "Sister" and told her he tbized with her and he had sage for her from a notorious radi es) in Idaho. It is really too bad that Mr. Me Xaig did not have time to go more Ifu 11 y into details and that he had tto omit these important matters ' hieh would show how the league leaders, Townley, McKaig, Kate OTiare, et al really feel. The "sous of American brood sows" as Kat» O'Hare termed the soldiers. -«Oflit to know all of the facts.— He failed to in 64 sympa a nies of Moscow Star-Mirror. NON PARTISAN PAPER FAILS , A. hton, Idaho. When the non pnrtizan league blight came upon ; a money making newspaper, the only, occupant of a rich newspaper field non-parti/.an ! the Enterprise was Ashton, Agitators for the league came and lat price, the farmers who were to ! bought it at a I hold the sack paying the money. The business men of Ashton, in farmers. rebelled. eluding Then W. A. Lansberry established many .he Ashton Herald, to which the substantial people of this section gave their support. The non-partizan league then sent a professional howler from North Dakota, but he was not able waning league to arouse interest in his cause and the unprofitable newspaper venture. The N. p. crowd, being unable to "reform" here any longer at $16 pci 1 have invaded Idaho Falls with a newspaper venture. Farmers and i (on laborers are to to turn their money '•e handled by the same crowd that 1 being appealed j into it to failed here. The farmers here who have been "farmed" by the Townleyites will continue to hold the sack and watch with interest the attempted gather- i ing of the new sucker crop in other localities. Moscow Star-Mirror. the government may never get very much of the $S, 000,000. 6 . There was $1,000,000,000 spent for shells and only 17,000 j Shows What War Cost U. S. People (Continued from page 1) Nonpartisan League Now After Idaho Government (Continued from sage 1) me. The tax storm has been gathering since the session of the State Legis lature a year ago. At that time the League legislature launched a pro gram of state ownersnip which league men refer to as industrial democracy, and which opponents call unsalted socialism. Of thirty odd new laws which were put through here are the high points round which tax dissatisfaction clusters. A $2.000,000 bond issue as capi tal stock for a state bank to fi nance industrial democracy. $ 200.000 appropriated for cur rent expenses of an Industrial Com mission to administer bank and various state-owned enterprises. A $5,000.000 bond Issue for state grain elevators and mills. A $10.000,000 bond issue to be used by the state bank in loaning money on real estate. A $50.000 appropriation for ad ministering compulsory state hail insurance. A $100.000 appropriation for ad ministering a sort of state building and loan to handle farm and city ■property. Providing state indemnity bonds for oficial and state fire insurance for all public buildings. Levying a half-mill tax to pay bonuses to North Dakota soldiers and sailors ia the great war. Adoption of single tax. Raising assessments to 100 per cent. Exempting farm improvements and a portion of city dwellings from taxation. Naturally this program meant higher taxes, and when the new as sessments began to come in the grumblings grew to rumblings. Grand Forks county -home of Jerry Bacon, arch enemy of the league found its tax valuation raised from $16.640.088 in 1918 to $70,747,435 in 1919. Ransom county jumped from ' $6.406.516 to $28,995,300. $111,301.030. Fifteen of the firty fass county from $28,080,237 to three counties of the state had their valuation pried up more than 300 per cent. The lowest rate in the state wan in comparatively pool Sioux county where the valuation increased from $1,264,617 to $3, 64 5,717. For the entire state the league administration had hiked tax values from $400.041,152 to $1.523.749,929 in one yea*—a sheer rise of 280 per cent. The rumbling 1 The storm broke with the open ing of the special session of the legislature last fall. Justice J. E. Robinson of the supreme court played the role of Vulcan. soon grew to a roar. The judge is a sort of North Da He is a big figure, with a great thatch of long gray hair and a long white beard. kota institution, of a man He looks and talks like a dropping into combining ; It is hard to say ; patriarch, scriptural poetry and literature for his un usual decisions. Often terms and how old he te. Not knowing that his age Ls more American »hells were fired by tue American forces in the war. W« fired very often as many as 500, , 000 in a single barrage on a single had to buy or beg ; morning; we them from our allies. 7. We spent $1,051,000.000 pie paring to manufacture airplanes; ! we did not produce one fighting We did make a purely ! bombing plane—a few of them. All made and sent to the from in I machine. we 216 observation planes France were and they were dangerous and de fective. Tanks Cost $100.000.000. 8 . For tanks we spent $100,000 tThe first American tank did until after the 000 . not reach France armistice had been signed and the war was over There was $117,000,000 ex 's pended for the manufacture of gas. There never was a pound of gas fired on the battle front in Amerl can shells. in. Guns cost us (to make In i this howitzers—a total of 1 2 Ametican 1 guns—to where our boys in battle We $478,000.000. country) j only succeeded in getting 48 of the 4.7-inch guns and 24 of the 8 -inch could use them. Such is the story of extravagance and inefficiency of the war depart The same is true to some i ment, extent of the navy establishment. The two together spent within a radius of 25 miles of Norfolk, Va.. $2 50.000.000 for the construction of cantonments, warehouses and training stations where it has been found impossible to get a supply of water sufficient to meet their needs. The navy department put one training camp in a swamp near Norfolk at a cost of $7,000 000 and every dollar of it will be j lost or less of a secret I asked him how old he was. "Just as old when be begat Isaac—mneiy-nlnc years old." he shot back at me, with never a smile to confess that he was making sport oi my curios ity. Auranam wa. Judge Robinson is known as a league judge. He is one of four members of the bench of five men who were elected with the league indorsement, and his decisions could hardly be said to show enmity to the league, at the tax Increase, amr his wrath poured out In a series of letters published by the Bismark Tribune One of these letters was under thetitle, "Heed, O Heed Kositzky's Warning." views given out by Carl Kositzky. state auditor. Mr. Kositzky, elected by the league, parted company with Its leaders on the 4 dustrial democracy and had been warning the public that their 1919 taxes would be very heavy, and all league's heavy guns were j trained on him. Judge Robinson took cudgel in his defense, picturesque style he called Kositzky "a second John the Baptist—the voice of one crying in the wilder ness, Lord, The auditor had shown that taxes would be more than doubled in ad dition to all other levies, his respects to the league recruits to roll. But the ridge gagged This referred to lnter scion of In the up the I In his usual prepar ye the make way of the His path straight." He paid ; many new tue siate pay I . the solons and wise men have given the governor, his boards and bureaus, authority ti fix aries and titles and to incur penses without limit, new annual pay roll is nearly $300 000 in addition to the regular roll." sal ex Hence the pay so. League leaders had largely ig nored and minimized tne tax issue conid°bavin ■ 'i*'" 6 bU ! thiS attack y ovei lookHt| Judge Robinson was invited to address the legislature on the subject, and did] Following his appearance the | legislature repealed twenty-five cent of the state tax and made the tax payable In per two installments, 'nit tha installment feature did go Into effect soon enough to fur Inish relief this with twenty ftve per cent lopped off, the tax will be more than twlc what it was last not But even year. fieials admit that the net state tax | now due, is 113 per cent higher than that paid last year. This, of course, is the average for the fentlre state. In many Individual instances it is vastly higher. year, t-eague of O. E. Hunt, a farmer in Grand Forks County, quoting from ory, told me that he paid $294 in taxes in 1918 and that his mem taxes for 1919. now due, were $642. did not , complain about it. but merely stated it as a fact in answer He Is a new man in the state, having moved from Illi nois. He to a question, To be continued.) F. I. LINDGREN Watchmaker and Jeweler IDAHO OROFINO F. ELLIOTT SMITH Attorney -at-Law Orofino. Idaho DR. E. W. HORSWILL Physician & Surgeon Idahc Orofino. DR. H. D. BRITAN DENTIST Office in the Burns Block. Orofino. Idaho. There Is more Catarrh In this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and for years It wa3 sup posed to be incurable. Doctors prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it Incurable. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly Influenced by constitutional con ditions and therefore requires constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medi cine. manufactured by F. J. Cherfey & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is a constitutional remedy, is taken Internally and acta thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. One Hundred Dollars re ward is offered for any case that Hall's Catarrh Medicine falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. F. J. CHENEY & CO„ Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. HOTEL OROFINO Rates $1.50 to $2.50. Sanitary Kitchen. Clean Beds American Pian. Qiick Service Outsioe Rooms. Sample Room OUR MOTTO- "Courtesy to all Guests" N. O. Halgeson. Proprietors. Orofino. Id.oil. We move anything, any time, any place. No order too small or too large to receive prompt and court eous attention. We solicit your patronage and guar antee the best of service. Calls answered any time of the day. HOME PHONE 272 Bemis Transfer Co. R. BEMIS Sc SON, Props. j Call or secH. F. Ripley or R. G. Townsend for Draying Freighting and General Truck Work I ; I Agents lor G. M. C. Trucks and BuickfAutomobiles. Old Age Postponed The appearance of old age can j, e postponed by having your teeth properly looked after. Registered Den | tists using the E. R. especially capable of § Parker System are doing this by making vststem; fine crowns, bri dges and artificial teeth. Some men and women look ten years younger afler these dentists have done the necessary work. So much depends upon making arti ficial teelli look natural that you | should be glad to know where to go for the right kind of work, of Another thing about E. R. Parker System Dentists: They make a specialty of saving time for out- t of-town patients, so these patients i won't have to come in so often. I You will be surprised to learn how reasonable the prices are, too, and also to find out that you need have no fear of pain. There are 24 E. R. Parker System offices, the nearest being at 521 Main Street Lewiston, Idaho An Electric Water Heater Installed in your range boiler means hot water all the time Flat Rate for Current Come and Investigate Grangeville Electric Light & Power Co. Buy Now While Deliv eries Are Possible Buy your Ford car now while deliveries are possible. There is only a limited, specified • number of Ford cars allotted to this territory. You will be wise to buy now while we can get cars A signed order with us Is your protection. to deliver. Even our small allotment of Ford cars is not shipped until we have bonafide orders for them. us This is because thé de ls greater than the So, don't depend on spring delivery. mand for Ford cars all over the country supply or production. Only so many Ford cars will be shipped in to this territory; only so mttny will be able to get Ford If you would be forehanded and plan ahead, you will have us deliver Ford car as soon as possible. cars. you a Then you will have it to use whenever you want it. The Ford Is an all year utility—in your home or business. It's serviceability, its ease of operation, its low cost of mainten ance has made it such.. It will serve you the year round. Spring and summer, autumn and winter, it is your servant; always ready to do your bidding. t :.L< Orofino Auto Co. Heavy Hardware, Iron, Steel, Blacksmiths' and Wagon Makers' Supplies, Hard wood Lumber, Blacksmith Coal Iron Washen Chain Cast Sleigh Shoes Compound Distolate Lubricating (Ml Free Air Steel Drill Steel Horse Shoes Hone Hails Ironed Wheels Stubs Steel Axles Ironed Singletrees Ironed Heckyokes Doubletrees Ironed Poles Reaches Tongues Axles Steel Skeins Bolsters Bolts Nuts Rope Barb Wire Wire Netting Wood Chopper's Tools Shovfls Picks Grub Hoes Auto Springs Hails Fence Staples Hud Chains t i I Diamond Auto Tires Auto Supplies and Paint So X OV& E. H. ATHERTON IDAHO OROFINO *