Newspaper Page Text
GUILTY AT WINNIPEG verdict greeted with hisses by crowd in court. ROOM. CONVICTED of conspiracy Constables Clear Chamber Under Or der of Judge Metcalfe—Crowd Voices Its Disapproval With Shouts. WINNIPEG, Man. Serious disorder, wJj i<-b fur a time threatened to become riot, marked the announcement re cently of a verdict convicting live leaders of the general strike here last Mar or seditions conspiracy. The orowd in the courtroom received the verdict with derisive cries, hisses and hoots and when Justice Metcalfe or dered the courtroom cleared by a situad of constables the crowd voiced its disapproval witli loud shouts. a have voted millions FOR FARMERS' SEED Montana Soil Tillers Will Receive Assistance From Several Counties. HELENA.—Farmers in Montana who lost their crops by reason of the drouth will he aided in the purchase of seed for spring planting by the bond issues of 21 counties of the state. The largest bond issue was in Hill county for ? 1,000,000. Fergus and Ohoteau were second with an issue of $500,000 each. In addition to the bond issues authorized two counties have decided to act under the law which allows county commissioners to furnish seed grain up to $10,000 with out putting the matter to a vote of the people. With the two counties fiumishing seed to the extent of $10,000 it will make the total run into a con siderable amount. END WAR ON REDS IN SOUTHERN RUSSIA Allied Forces Quit, Soviet Army 30 Miles Away. NOVOROSSISK, Russia — General Denikine, commander of the antibol sheyik forces in south Russia, says he will remain with his troops until the He has asked the British to last furnish boats to transport 40,000 sol diers. Fifty per cent of his supplies will be moved to the Crimea, 26 per cent to Batum and the remainder will be left here. The /bolßheviki are reported within 30 miles of Novorossisk. Green guards are all around the city. Denekine's troops and supplies already are being moved away as fast as ships are avail able. UNION OFFICIALS AND MINE HEADS INDICTED Chiefs of Each Side Among 125 Named By United State* Jury. 1NDIANAPOUS, Ind.—The names ot about 125 coal operators and miners in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and west ern Pennsylvania, indicted here re cently by a federal grand Jury for alleged violation of the Lever act and conspiracy sections of the federal criminal code, were made public re cently by federal officials. Magistrate Killed in Dublin. 1A1NDON.—Almost every day fur nishes a new victim of the "under ground" warfare in Ireland. March 2G Allen Bell, resident magistrate, 70 years of age, and for many years an official of the royal constabulary, was dragged by a gang, some of whom were maskixl, from a crowded tramcar in Uuiblln and shot four times in cold blood before the eyes of the passen Women puBsengors fainted gers. The assassina fled and no arrests have bt'oii made. Poles Ready to Talk Peace. WARSAW.—Poland has sent a wire less message to Uie Russian bolshevik government proposing April 10 ns the date for meeting soviet delegates with a view of negotiating for peace. Ilor ryson (llrozozow, 50 miles southwest "I' Lemberg) Is suggested as the place. The Pole» say that if the bolshevik! agree to tills date and place the Polish army will cense fighting for the time bolng. Murders Wife, Kills Self. MILLINGS, Mont.—Kniugotl brnquiso lila wlfo locked him out of the hou»e and rofusod him rnonoy. Frank 1. . I ones, a tuxicab driver, smashed in a rear door of their home here with a hammer, entered Ills wile's bedroom und, after struggling to wrest some money from her, shot lier through the forehead and turned the revolver on himself. Indications are that death in each case was Instantaneous. Will Celebrate. NEW YORK.—A nation-wide cele bration commemorating the landing of the Pilgrims 300 years ago will be on this year. j/POKANE BUYERS GUIDE when ^ le pa pel Os\ 1 W, Wayne SS Pumps a.,, ^r°r-r s fp. r eS Oarages Farms f 'lc fApurnpj Tnn lt lot even oil HF Rnwlp< 1UB2 W. Sprague Avc. EMPIRE TILE & MANTEL CO. Contractors and Dealers in Floor , Wall and Fireplace Tile. Phone Main 2W2 - FIREPLACE ? 7 FIXTURES - 1; BLACK AND WHITE RENOVATING SHOP ■t ... *7- rsret tmûS '% A Jk-fàn 510 SPRAGUF, AVR. SPOK AN K. Washing your bits i one of the many wa White is now doing y than you have ever had it «lone before. Y w thoroughly washed. They are just as they are «in the outside. It is i.ot necessary to l>ox your hats to send them Fold the hat. roll tight, tie securely and send through the mail. this gasoline washer is but in which the Flack and r hat cleaning \york better hats re n the insidt MOTEL RIDPATH/fffi • " Where you /eel right at Home •' * « |TI Newly refilled — Cozy and Modern I ^ <JD. BUSS. WI^IFORT m.bbl/ss. n zb # i j We loan money on farms . i School, City, District, Corporation Bonds and other safe securities for sale. $100 and u-p. FERRIS & HARDGROVE SPOKANE. WASH. Liberty Bonds Bought and Sold GUARANTEED not to leak from freezing. ECONOMY AUTO RADIATOR CO. 1202 W. Second Ave., _ SPOKANE. _ US [grcFiants Rating &A d J us ~*~ing Çb Inc. WE COLLECT MONEY peaceably if possible— forcibly if necessary. Représenta tives in all cities and towns in U.S.and Canada. 701-706 Realty bldg. Phone Main 3605 'I'ins year s open roadster, good as new, $1050; Oakland touring, good shape. $650; Stephens, 4 pass enger, red sport model, rep.ainted, $1650; National rcxidster, repainted, over hauled, $575; 1919 Buick, looks like new, mechanically first class, only $1550. AHRENS & AHRENS, INC., SPOKANE. Overhauled and Repainted Used Cars USED CARS Bought, Sold and Exchanged. Advancements made and cars sold . on consignment. WRITE FOR LIST OF CARS FOR SALE Absolute Satisfaction Guaranteed. AUTOMOBILE TRADING CO.. W. 37 Main Ave. Main 4176 Good Used Cars GOOD USED PARTS. New and Used Gears for 150 Makes of Cars. Z The Automobile Clearing Home W. 1212-14 Second Ave. ÜSED AUTO BARGAIN. GUARANTEED USBTD**CARS* s and* s Trucl« i one-third cash, balance monthly. SPOKANE AUTO MARKET. W815 Sprague Ave., Spokane. Write for list and prices. Cars bought, sold and exchanged. AUTOMOBILE * ACCESSORIES. ^HÎP?ERSÔI4Tj5LÎK5^PÈfftSO>!XLÂr^ INTO EACH RADIATOR That Is why he gives such prompt service and excellent workmanship. New cores for any Radiator. Work Guaranteed. Hipperson's Auto Radiator Shop, 1026-28 2d Ave^_Ma in 1 205, Sp okane. ÜNlvl-iftsAÏJ fH ttè iklL ' LEk—J01 Kl ~ THE GREAT ARMY OF ECONO MISTS, NO PUNCTURES, NO BLOW OUTS, RIDING QUALITIES SAME AS AIR—GARANTEED 100.000 M. (not a liquid). Service Sta., 175 S. Wall Automobile ELÈCTRiciANs^^^ SpoRane Winding Wks., N1 Division SL AUTO TOPS AND BODIES_ ÎÏÏKâfAÏtrTSri?^^ at. Re-covering, upholstering, repairing. N\ Reeder, Automobile Trimmer & Mfgr. All repairing In my line. 1114 Sprague. AUTO REPAIR FOR H3CPHntf^FÔRÔ^Ri® r À3fis,''ïî(JÏÎS£ service. Prices right. Gem Auto Repair Shop, fi 169 McClellan. M. 6832 Ter TIHES GffiS HALF SOLE Melcher- Mulligan Co. _ • 1106 - 110 « 1st »« Sno*«»' GUARANTEED ïïrë~wôrkrsêhd or bring to Goodrich Tire Shop. 8 Bprague Ave. RETREADING. "FACTORY WAY" Quick Parcel Post Service, guarantee our work. SPOKANE TIRE SHOP, 925 First Ave. We Spokane. G N.W. TRANSPORT TRUCK CO. 512 HR. Ave. RANSPORT RUCK/ II nVHTAT Tht rACTODV Klun I on me aoAp JTÖR FUEL -motcSreWe^hF^Xs^SSIS We Use It! TRY ITI Money bark If not satisfied. 35c carton. AGENTS WANTED. The Motorene Co., SSS09 Howard Bt.. Spokane, Wash. a p w BH ü A t mw cw. rriMB*qx--Ty port fitters. Corner Mn ln a nd W a ll St. -- ARffriSÎAL LIMBS. MADE STAY Legs, Arms. Extension appliances for all kinds of deformities. Schindler Ar tificial Limb Co. 8. 115 Wall st. Malin 1568. r CAFES EMPRESS CAFE We cater to country trade. Good Eate — Reasonable Price« 426 Sprague Ave. DRUOLESS PHYSICIANS Dr Lillian Y'ïuuuïlcr. *SunlprhoUc l'hysic treatments; no operation. I Ian, Drugle Room 311. Pioneer Bid«, Seattle, A\aah. Intuitional Phyatcology. Enow yoursell and l*o well, lnqulrloa .'heerfully answered. Madame Wilson. 609 Wash. hid«. Seal lie. iTohi L Lundy, I.Leased Chiroprator. 216 Mohuwk Bid«. Phone M. 5349. concrete And cement_ New Syitém Conorete; cheajier, better N 'V Gunlte Comdn Co.. 616 Mohawk I*tlg Q»jAMAf iC" A - HT !0v ____ Sarah Triinx Albert, teacher of expres sion. 404 Norfolk bldg., 818S4 Riverside. FURN ACES^ __ 'ThaROlS'nRbST AÏR^UReLACÉt^Saves S. 3«2-4 Howard St. one-third Fuel • DETECTIVE AGENCIES —the wm. j. miras - INTERNATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY. 1204 Old National Bank Bldg. Detective Work. Highest Class. Corronpomlcnce Invited. * DOCTORS DR. M. F. SETTERS Practice limited to Gynecology (Diseases of Women) Office*. Suite 418-19-20 Rookery Bldg. OVER WHITEHOU8K Main 116 PRIVATE SANITARIUM. N ALWAYS YOUR MONEY'S WORTH W. Wolff FURNITURE STORE Cor. Sprague and Washington Bring this ad and get 10% discount. DRY CLEANING AND* LAUNDRIES BETTER SERVICE FOU LEBS MONEY. Give your laundry Parcel and Dry Cleaning to the Mailman, addressed to us. It will be returned spick and span. Postage paid. "I am your Bosom Friend." Crystal Laundry, Spokane Spokane, Wash SFE CT C CIT STS DRY CLEANING AND DYEING Best of service at lowest prices. Our Mg establishment does exclusivetljy Cleaning and Dyeing. The result Is PERFECT WORK. Suits, dresses, curtains, etc., returned like new. Twenty- years' experience should jus tify your patronage. _ L All FRENCH CLEANERS A DYERS Postage paid. Washington and Third Monroe Street Dye Works Spokane's Pioneer Dry Cleaners. Send us your ladies' or gents' suits to be dry cleaned. Prices low. We pay return postage on mail orders. N. 710 Monroe St. FURNITURE COME OUT OF HIGH RENT DISTRICT for your furniture. 12 patterns inlaid linoleum, *1.80 to *2.70 per sq. yd. this mpnth. We pay freight 200 miles. SPOKANE FURNITURE CO. CORNER DIVISION AND INDIAN A. Guaranteed Satisfaction on New and 2ft hand Household Goods. Amber Furnl ture Co., 11 Riverside Ave. __ HOGS, VEAL, POULTRY. liUFFAbO^MARKRT 1226 ^n! Hamfitom We buy eg gs, poult ry, hogg. veal and beef M. & ;f7*FACfKING CO., E10 FIRST AVÜ. Send for quotations. ___ Un WANTËÜ - EGGS — • ftSuL TTTŸ Top Price. Prompt cash remittance twice weekly. Premium for Infertile Eggs. WESTERN PRODUCE CO. Phone Rlv. 1682. Cor. 2nd Av. S. Post. HAŸ. GRAIN AND FEED rWy^-tWiMw: Max. 104 1020 N. Division St. Buyers and Sellera STEAM.ROLLED OAT8 A BARLEY Poultry and Dilry Supplies _ HOSPITALS c5rÏRÎ)î*rt?s' aibl ot«5* 'pèopîe «'ared for lit lakeside Hospital. 3515 Woodland Bark Ave., Sent tie, Wash. HOTELS.. American Hotei, 721 Trent. Modern,'lUrt»: proof. Low' ltitles. All outside room* HT. FRANCIS HOTEL. Comfortable and Modern Office, 2nd Floor Heal tv Bldg. ICE MACHINES •nu^îucîrTcîrTS^tïïîÏNlCTôoi^^icê Mnchlnn & Pl um bing Go. 1104 N Monroe. Machinery Co.. Spokane i i a iTTtifi irE Machine works A Rtron ^NtfFACTUïOîRS ^ OFHIOH GRADE Lumber, Sash and Doors and Mlllwork. Write us for p rices. Phoenix Lumber Co. s ÄnFer^aTnnTerits^Tor^ Inland Book i ng Bureau. 911 O. N . B. Bldg __ MACHINE SHOPS AND MACHINERY ground. Pistons fitted like new CiCN- j TRAL MACHINE WKS., 930 NT. How ard. <\vlin.l.T Grlndtng a spn-iaHy Ovurslze ! Platons fitted, ^rts made for all cars. Cree oent Machine Wor ks. 815 N Mimrqe- , I 57ÖVÖ GAS ENGfNfcs AND OUÏFlTS Contraotors' equipment. light rails. Hoflus-Ferrls Kqpt. Co.. 17 Wash. St AMERICAN SAVV5UÏXS, GAS ENGINES new and used machinery. Northern Ma rhl nery C o.._ Realty Bid«.. Spokane._ Western Mach'y & Eqpt. Co. —Machines le or rent. S5 Slovens St. M. 5539 . meta£T welding. \Vw''\'fEuT'*AÏX Modern Welding Shop. S08 RTÖTÖRCYLES, BICYCLES, REPAIRING KÂXÏjTcITY CŸctE CCI, 10s BERNARD Harley Motorcycles, Supplies. Repair ing. monumentI oærefiicïsrAim^ and all domestic and foreign «ranlte: large stock of monuments. Washington Monumental tt Cut Btono Co .. Wi516 8d. first stock of Granite and Marble Monu ment*. Lowest prices. Inland Monument al Co., N. 10O1 N. Monroe, Spokane, Wn. N I iS nd. INFORMATION DEPARTMENT A Handy Spokane Business and Professional Directory. Hk ÄDvT^sTgN S, ~ ST I CK E'rV; NÔVË LT i ES Mi x *ltK A 1 > -SRI* T A I.T V CO. Ceylon blk ARCHITECTS - EUKPKIU'CK WIOSTPOTT. 62« Rookery ATTORNEYS Avers. A17 Ziegler Bldg. AUTOMOBILES. yuto Cloiirin^ H«\uso 121;' \\ 2d Auto Market. 315 \V\ Sprugiu*. AUTO PAINTING AND REFINISHING RUOAYaVAY VITO CAIN IT NO CO. 1 W. Broadway Aye., Spokane. V nge Tes Auto I't Shop. 401 S. Sherman AUTO TOP REPAIRING A! TO T'Of CO . 122 S Division. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Spokane Auto Had. Works, N. 124 Lincoln. BATTERY AND ELECTRICAL SERVICE id Cedar. U —iAva Spok 1**19 Müll 1 Old i • i .ip ; Tin ~ i : S«*rvi«c. 2d \\ CORRECT GLASSES MUS. IlKXD'Uib'KS. 507 Riverside Ave. FARM LANDS. I 1 210 Great* Nuriheri vard a d 1st. GOSSARD CORSETS _ Sho rn N. ll Wall Hi. HIDES AND WOOL. BISSI.NGKU A CO.. 1117 K. IL Avc. Pacifie Hide & Fur Depot, 1101 U. R. Ave. HOGS. VEAL & POULTRY BUYERS TIlANSKfoff "MARKET. Markets. Spokane, Pacific Market. 4» i _ _ ICE MACHINES. s _ice_ Machine _Works i _Spokane/__ iron«; Machinery Co." INVESTMENTS.* FERRIS A- 11A RDG RUV K. LIGHTING PLANTS LALLEY L IGHTING PLANTS, 426 2nd. MATERNITY* HOME, lav Let elle Human. Mils s. Perry St. _"MUSICAL INST RUMENTs T* B F. WI NS! lip À "sons. 3IÖ W. 1st Ave. OPTICAL SPECIALISTS MÀTTHBWS I Ip l ie \ I, Co Pah ORIGINAL TURKISH BATHS I WAI.LUHRG'.S Steam Baths. 201 Trent. PATENTS AND TRADEMARKS. I. Westfall. IB 2 Paulsen Bide. t» H oToqrap Ha *7 PRINCKSS S IT DIO, Till fluor Filers bid« REAL ESTATE AND MINES .1. W McKlJNE, 412 iivdc ltlk., Spokane. rebuilt Typewriters. *q''"U a Tvoewril er SulesUo. 14 N.Howard RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS j PACIFIC ST AM P WORKS^gfe Sprague. I nlan d* Stamp W orks, 624 N. Monroe SL S ANIPRACTIC TREATMENTS DR. J. I. IjMtAOW; 825-916 KUHN BLDG* STEAMSHIP TICKETS. Assoc Steamship Office, 2Ï0 Ilyde Bldg. TA I LÔHÉ. MBVKUÄ. S. 16 Howard St. TX XlDERMIST%. HARRŸ H. PARK, Expert Taxidermist Sculptor. 315 Jamieson Rid«.. Spokane. VVI'rtlBRS B ROS.. X22 W. Sprague Ave. _ USED C A RS wXn'TED. N Howard Anto RonnirShop.909N.TTownr<1. aril's cial Monroe. W ash. * "Ave*. N John I liar per 'aulsen Bldg. ly. ctal e tSore _ j «»il in by to LIVESTOCK Graham Live Stock Co We buy and sell High Grade and Pure Bred Dairy Cattle; One or a Carload. Office and Sale Yards: Phone High 29 2604 E. Broadway Near Carstens Packing Plant SPOKANE, WASH. mosTcAl INSTRUMENTS. PIANOS and PHONOGRAPHS You shoudl take no chances, but consult Spokane's oldest and largest Piano House. Your neighbor has known us for 20 years. THE SIMON PIANO COMPANY 911-15 Riverside Ave. Opposite Postoffice _ L --0 PT054j£Fll^TS jS..0PTjCjÀNS^.^ TheTtight^Gla^es^thaUs^our'^eputatTorT King Optical Co.. 613 Riverside. PHYSICIANS—DRUGLESS: All Acute, Chronic Diseases. Consultation free. Dr. C. Hale Kimble, Old Nat. blda PÔOL HALL ÄNß-ÖFFICE FIXTURE RETIRING FROM BUSINESS! 25% discount on all furniture and fixtures and pool tables. 15% dis count on all billiard supplies. H. W. & H. WRECKING CO. 319-23 Riverside this 2ft beef 320-22 Sprague. SHOE REPAIRING Quick service. Postage paid one way. Un iver sal Shoe Repair, 917 W. Sprague. storage and Transfer. Storage, Transfer, Country Hauling. SEE HORNSTO RAOE & TFR. CO.. S161 Llnc Auto Truck Moving, High-Grade Work. Chase Service. N. 12S Stevens. M. 420. STOV WritS^Myer S. Reubens, 1009 First Ave., for ntove repairs and weldinpc. T AXlDËRMISTS. AND FURNACE REPAIR. vorythiug In Taxidermy and to order. M. R. Mohr. S. 2 Bernard. SANITARIUMS rs done DRUGLESS METHODS CURE WHEN OTHERS FAIL SANITARIUM BATHS, Bake Oven Treatments, Spinal Adjustments, Elec tricity. and Manual manipulation. Rheumatism and other chronic ail ments a specialty. Graduate and Li censed Drugless Physicians In charge. lit Bark THOMPSON BATHS 111-18 So. Wall St. Spokane, Wash. and Bldg. TRUNKS AND TRAVELING BAGS •kUIOirtBCOBNt»— "FROM CHEAPEST WANTF.I TO FINES i BUILT." PLUMBING AND HEATING STANDXRD^PBUmUNaTTiE^ First Ave., Si>okane, Wash. We specialize in out-of-town work. Co. Plumbing, Heating, Water Systems In s tailed __ CiCN- j ard. ! BÄTTLE cftKKK HEALTH INSTITUTE; cars. 5^15 Jamieson Bldg.. Spokane. We treat , stomach Trouble, ftfieumatlsm and Wo rails. Ma ing. 8d. Monu Wn. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT EJ5 Jamieson Bid Stomach Trouble, ...... men's Diseases. Goitre removed by elec tricity. We show you how to get well and keep well. Will remvoe your wrinkles by our new method WOMIEGARMENTS. Waists kt^Cviuilesate^ * <\ Co . »25 Riverside av. Georgette National G -at^Jitanixleled rvbftockcd or dyed Small H igK-cLa wort fu*r»nM«4 * Send you r hâi w«h irwtruc. f îfor^'nretv Jkvt* STiop J.KUKN OUILOINS SPOKANE! LADIES* TAILOR. R A UIW1UO, CM suit to HO ts look like FFMAN, Ladles' Tailor. Made ■ew. W. si* Borsgua Ave. FEATHERS RENOVATED \Vks : .^V oîd I ovat«M. 1 V M 1 t r** M \ 1 * A M M \ .1 K R. Rldg Ruttonsi. : » VU h«wn8t itching. tt braiding, ■ n holes, hat and i ' ili r» ork. her BUTTONS AND PLEATING. N\ «'t ks. r. pscm l-oaUur iV 1 ttn t buttons, hrnisti bine. fi ork teed Mail orders. f.M.Kiilm Md« LADIES' SHOES WARN & WINSTON, If.fh FI* Hk Bldg i i|J Nat Our ; MILLINERY. U —iAva Come and See Me for Your HA TS, | uni liml'TWf; Prices to ault Mull ontfl-a filled. Paris Avr. Near 1Y.U 1-le. Müll . 111 Riverside ■ Old Motel. INFANTS' WEAR & NEEDLECRAFT Tin NKKDLKCUA FT HOP, Till Sprague. | • «al goods, fancy goods. ; RESCUE HOMES I ts St a ~ FI .ORENC E'C R IT TEN f O N M IS SION \\ ill furnish protect ion * 1 Maternity s of lead U . to women . I a belter life. An I rsoti. Matron. lemv«>od 1011. 1 210 Crest linn st. Rhone Tik.' 11 111 v i ni SL Ave. NEW TODAY TEACHERS' AGENCIES grade' TEACH ERS—$1200* to ÏÏ5507""*" waiting. Spe cial registration. Albert Teachers' Agency, Peyton bldg« Positions for •xt year HELP WANTED—MALE Baker, Ore., one tally man. Pay tt2ViiC per hour; also loggers for our camps at standard wages. Oregon Bumber Co., Baker, Ora._ HELP WANTED—GENERAL. TELEGRAPHY. SEVERAL MEN AND WOMEN WANT ed at once to prepare for telegraph and radio operators. Salary $85 to $175 month ly. Positions i ctal steamers. Travel. Promotions. Pac. Tele g. Inst., 120 N . VVh] 1_ S t.. Spokane. ELÉCTRIC MOTORS—FOXSALE^ »tors. Spokane at*. N. W. and commer 5, 7M» and 10 h. ]». Electric Sup . Co ., S26 2d Ave. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES THE SEATTLE ENGINEERING School is the only school in the Northwest teaching commercial automobile, truck, and tractor repairing, welding crank cases, welding and regrinding cylinders filling new pistons and rings, rewind ing armatures, rebuilding storage batteries, building gas engines, dynamos and motors. We give personal, practical instruction in automobiles, trucks, tract ors, stationary and marine gas and Diesel «»il tuigines, airplane und hydroplane mo tors. carburetors, magnetos, batteries, starting, lighting, and ignition, machine shop practice, oxy-acetylene welding, oxy hydrogen cutting, steam engineering, electrical engineering, plumbing, Bteam fitting, oarisntry, ln*lcddaying\ 'electric wiring; day and night school, start any time. This school is not an experiment; in ninth successful year and the origin ator of the method of instructing students by giving them actual work. If you want to learn right and in the shortest possible time visit our school and see the students at work. Send for new free catalogue. Address 100 West Roy street. Seattle, Wash. _ HAIRDRESSERS AND MANICURISTS CAN EARN $1S t-» \N«-«Lly. Tlio «!«• mand exceeds the. supply. We teach you how In a f* i w weeks and assist you to a position. Carson Hairdressing College, 307 Yale bldg.. Opposite I*. O. Seattle, Wash. PAPER WANTED 29 SAVE WASTE PAPER ' $1.0« per 100 lb», f. o. h. Spokane paid for uewHpapera and magazine« Must be tied .securely In bundles and newspapers kept separate from magazines. PARAFFINE COMPANIES, INC., 1019 W. Boone Ave., Spokane, Wash. House. years. HOGS Big Type Poland China » The big litter, easy keeping, fast grow ing kind. Priced right. Satlafactilon guaranteed. H. J. Stillings, Hermlston, Ore. _ DO FOR SALE—REGISTERED BERKSHIRE Hogs. I have stock of all ages, brood sows and pigs. These hogs are of the best stock In the west. William C. Moore. Mt. Vernon, Wash. FRESH FOOD PRÖDUCTS Yakima Alfalfa Sweet Clover Honey; no danger of granulation this winter; two 60-lb. cans, *24; 1 60-lp can. *12.58; 12 6 lb. palls, *16; 6 10-lb. pails, *13.50. WeUs D, Rose, Sunnyslde. Wash. _ WE^OFFlSR^aT^n^attracUve'^price^for quick sale 2 model No. 36 5-ton Knox trucks with trailers, fuly equipped for log or lumber hauling. This equipment is only two years old and in first-class con dition for Immediate use. Deer Park Lbr. Co.. Deer Park. Wash. Po«j*lTry* and Poultry supplies WE SELL WHITE LEGHORN, R. I. lied. Barred Rock, Black Mlnorcas and ueen Incubators, rooders. Brooder Catalog and Ancona baby chick«. Reliable Blue Flame Lamps. Poultry Supplice, price list free. QUEEN HATCHERY Seattle, Wash. 89 Pike St. FARM LANDS AND REAL ESTATE^ " TÎnTTuCS^HUY^ÎN^THE^'' UMPQUA VALLEY. 188 acres for *11.500; 90 acres of River Bottom, sandy loam soli, suitable for alfalfa, clover, corn and especially adapt ed to the «rowing of prunes and logan berries. in which the Umpqua Valley ex cels any other section of the state; 90 acres pasture, well set to «rass, has some scattering oak Umber; farm Is all fenced and cross-fenced with wire, on good road, near store and post office; V.. mile river front; good well at house, springs in pasture; buildings are old but in fair condition. Do not fail to investigate this farm. Terms half cash. •oven W. A. BOGARD, ROSEBI'RG. OREGON. A PART OF THE FAMOUS BITTER ROOT STOCK FARM Estate of Marcus DaJy—140 acres, very highly improved, 2 miles from county Heat, on main Park to Park highway. Fine 6 room house, bit; modern uunlight hot house. 7500 bu. granary with elevator, electric power, Kewaunee water system, cement feed lots. 35 acres trood alfalfa land with first class water riuht, bal ance bottom land pasture. Home orchard, fine lawn and big shade trees. A beauti ful home location for hog und dairy busi ness. W. P. KICK CO., 4 Coulter blk., H am llio n, Mont. _ WHEAT FA&M FOR SALE -320 ACRES. Good clay loam ; six miles from the milling center of Medicine Hat; Includes house, stable, granary and is all fenced. ONE HUNDRED ACRES BROKEN AND balance can all be cultivated. Price, will accept $7,200 cash in Ameri n currency. Write to owner, att. Box 81, Medicine Hat, Albe rta. LOTH IN southern Idaho, 40 Falls, on main line Railroad; fine loca Will trade for Address $8.500, Chas. TO TRADE TWO Bl'SINi thriving town it miles north of Twi of Oregon hort Li tion for garage or shop. Ford car 1916, 1917 model. Box 697, Connell. Wash. _ FINE KRlfÏT Farm; 100 ACRES splendid fertile fruit and farm land; 2 miles Coulee City, Wash. ; on Sunset high way; substantial irrigation system plan ned to serve land; *1000 cash, balance long time; terms. F. Hainan, Park Hotel. Great Falls. Mont. FfTEE F A AU* LÏSTS.*SA>J'jôX.QÜIN Valley farm*. Paul Roaster. Stoaktoa, CaL SHOOTS 120 MILES FRANCE GETS PATENT; BRITAIN IS EAGER TO USE IT. NOW WONDER OF WARFARE Belgians Making a Similar Weapon and Yanks Ask to See Tests— Just Two Years Ago That Huns Bombarded Paris. PARIS..Delamaro Mase, a French inventor, lias sold* to the French gov ernment tlio patent of a new long range gun which, after thorough tosts, has shown it lias an effective range of 100 to 4-0 miles. The shell of this terror-dealing weapon leaves the muz zle at a speed of about 4178 feet a second. Premier loyd Goorgo announced in the British parliament recently that England had been negotiating with France to obtain the right to use the plans of the gun. Tlio Belgian government is now manufacturing a similar canuon at Liege. American military attaches in Europe have written to the Belgian government asking that American representatives may be allowed to observe the tests. in connection with the development of this wonderful pieco of ordnance, which is called the "Turbon cannon," it will he recalled that two yeara ago last Tuesday the Germans begun to bombard Paris with their long range "Big Berthas, 'the shells fall ing in the city as if from another planet. Eleven Biplanes Ordered. SPOKANE.—Eleven airplanes have been ordered by the Symons-Russell company for commercial use. 160 A. FREE, CLEAR SUB-IRRIGATED ready to plow; black volcanic ash soil; wheat land, heart of Tunk Creek Basin, Okanogan Co., Wash.; good town; mills near. $3500; terms. F. H. Trafton, Kirkland , Wash.. R. 2. For sale proved 360 a. witli personal property at $25 per a. Good land, water and roads, 1-3 o4L«h. balance terms, ticulars in first letter. White Butte. 8. P. ouit bulletin fiTTssTnSb t'WIüBTa month, bend your mime and addreaa for our free mailing list. State Rental & lnv. C<x. 201-2 Harper bldg.. Third and Bike et.. Seattle. Wash. TWIN FALLS I» a fiutt «rowing city, the center of one of the bkgKost. oldeal, most productive Irrigation tracts In the United States. Write to the Chamber of Commerce, Twin Fall a, Idaho. ___ norlli of Spokane; 40 acres finest cedar and other good Umber. Price and term» very reasonable. Will trade for property in Willamette valley. O. G. Larson, Sll verton. Ore. exchange* for acreage—Ini Write full par A. L. Bennett, I GEN ERL BROKERS, 519 HYDE BLDO„ Spokane. We want your listings. Farm lands, timber lands, sawmills, general merchandise stores, "hotels, and other business chances. _ - — for 6aLe Block 74, six lots. Orchard Ave. Apply Cranbrook Agency Cto. ORANBROOK. B. C._ CHERRIES, Cherries, Cherries—Over $90 cherry trees, 9 years old, right In their prime, 5 miles from Spokane, Bee owner, B1817 Glass ave., Spokane . Wash, DO YOU WANT* A QOOÏT* FABÄ7— Write or phone Arthur H. Steaks Co., Paulsen bldg. Main 1288. Spokane. We also handle acre tracts. _ FOR SALE—40-acre hog ranch; pens for 250 head. For particulars address Route 2, Box 131, Spokane. Wash. WORK WANTED Cooking wanted by experienced man and wile in small camp. Must be good wages. M. T. L., Box 767, Burke. Idaho. is FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS Genuine new Wade portable drag saws for sale at reduced price. Machine with safety clutch and 6 -ft. blade, 8130. Ma chine with both safety and hand clutch und 6-ft. blade, *140. Union Machinery A Supply Co., 500 First Ave., Seattle, Wash. BEST KENTUCKY AND TENNESSEE natural leaf tobacco for chewing or smoking, 60c per lb. postpaid. J. M. Welch, Dukedom. Tenn. References Duke dom Bank. Box X. ___ Radium hand söäp removes grease," InÜL paint. Satisfaction or money refunded. Radium Hand Soap Co.» 2416 Western Ave., S eattle. Wash._ For Sale—Cash and carry grocery, confec tionery, soda and ice cream business; & money maker; brick room, low rent; good business; a real bargain; price $1700 cash. 1820 N. Monroe, Spokane, Wash ._ For Sale—Samson tractor, with extension wheels; practically new, used for demon stration; bargain, cash or terms. J. B. Logan, care Powell Sanders. Wenatchee. I. for 90 all at are to Coffee Drinkers, Attention—Send us *2.50 for a five-pound can of the best coffee roasted In America and see what happens. J.J.McAvoy. 523 Pacific Blk.. Seattle, Wn. Rings, Delicious, everything for garden. Spokane I^indsoape Co., Bx 1365. Spokane. MONEY TO* LOAN—REAL ÉST ATE payment plan. W11 Ix>w interest llams&Feulner, 325 Hutton bldj?., Spokane. ALFALFA HAY FOR SALE. asy 6 the IN 40 line loca for For ALFALFA Wire or Write STUART COBURN Yakima, Wash. Grade certificate with each car. 2 high plan SEEDS GRASSES FIELD CORN CLOVER OHIO POTATOES The Inland Seed Co. 913-915 FirBt Ave., Spokane, Wash. CaL