OCR Interpretation

The Teton peak. [volume] (St. Anthony, Idaho) 1899-1904, January 15, 1903, Image 1

Image and text provided by Idaho State Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86091134/1903-01-15/ed-1/seq-1/

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Watson & Moore, The St. Anthony Druggists.
»io the Teton
subscribers every day.
___ To Keceive thc'greatest
'"'W benelit from vonr
g nut them " here they
reach the most readers.
NO. 3 (
A. K. Steunenberg. G. E. Bowerman, j
President. Cashier.
I First National Bank |
^ (Charter No. 57H4. ) £
4 We want your banking business and otter yon every ^
4 facility consistent with good business methods. ^
A Money to loan on approved security. Liberal advances ►
S made to those wish to purchase cattle or sheep.
Ollice hours from !) o clock to 4.
^ÎWiTr «Srn* -'tSWSW3*85' 3
r..£&V. £. '
The St. fliitljony Banking Co. |
Accounts of |
b'm'mers, Stockmen mid INI cm « -litint.s £
Solicited, jw
A General Banking and Collection business trans- ^
acted. Interest paid on time deposits. fe
Every accommodation extended, consistent with £
rfij Sound Banking business. $
$ A portion of your business respectfully solicited. &
G. C. Baker, President. |
On our line of
Ladies' Waists
Golden Rule Store
a With every $25 purchase
Ea beautiful Oil Painting.
Try Our EASY PAYMENTS on^^sfk
Dining Room Furniture. Bed Room
Furniture, Parlor Furniture, Buffets,
China, China Closets and Sitbeboards
Stoves and Crockery at
Clothing, Boots
and Shoes at
Per cent, off for
this week ONLY.
Harry Gesas, Prop.
A Marvelous Invention.
Wonders never cease. À machine
ts been invented that will cut, paste
rd hang wall paper. The field ot m
intions and discoveries seems to be
alimited. Notable among great dis
tveries is Dr. King's New Discovery
ir consumption. It has done a world
' good for weak lungs and saved many
life Thousands have used it and cou
nered Grip, Bronchitis. Pneumonia
ad Consumption 1 Their general ver
ict is "It's the best and most reliable
tedicine for threat and lung troubles,
very 50c and #1.00 bottle is guaran
ied by Watson & Moore, druggists,
rial bottles free.
Good Land Cheap.
J. G, Williams of Teton, has 80 acres
of land as level as a floor, under the new
Teton Canal, which he will sell at the
unusually low price of #10.00 per acre.
This land can be irrigated at a maxi
mum cost of #7.50 per acre, making the
total cost of the land not to exceed
#17.50 per acre. This beats the Twin
Falls oi American Falls land about #7.50
per acre. ___
50 dozen Levi Strauss overalls, 60
cents per pair at Thompson s. Other
merchants ask 75 cents for same.
Fremont County's Hew Board of Commissioners
:: &
I'd. S. Little
/. T. Clay, Assessor
Sain'l Harrop, Sheriff
New Corps of County Officials Take Char
of Offices.
The new corps of county officials were
sworn ip last Monday morninsr. A. M
Carter the retiring county clerk, admin
istered the oath of office to George A.
Cordon, who then took charge of the
inauguration of the other officers. Air
Cordon swore in Messrs. Costlev and
Little and the board of county commis
sioners was then organized with Mr.
Cordon as chairman. The oath was
administered to the new county clerk.
Victor Hegsted and his deputy. Ernest
Brain well, who immediately thereaft er
entered upon their official duties. As
sessor and collector Clay. Treasurer
Borrows, Sheriff Harrop, Probate
Judge Donaldson, County Superinten
dent Taylor and Coroner Harris were
each in turn sworn to support the con
! stitutiou aud do their duty as county
After the rush of business was over.
Sheriff Havrop appointed Win Hicks
1 of Rexburg, deputy sheriff, and his
Stake Conference
1 The regular quarterly conference of
Fremont Stake will convene in Flamm's
: Hall at Rexburg, Saturday and Sunday,
January 24th and 25th. Meetings will
i be held at 10 a. m. and 3 p. m each day.
Stake Priesthood will convene at 7:30 p
m., Saturday, the 24th
Thos. E. Bassett, i
J. W. Webster, -Stake Presidency,
i C. H, Woodmansee. )
Higl^ Priests
The regular quarterly meeting of the
High Priests will be held in the Ricks
Academy building Sunday, .Tanuaij
Geo. A Cordon, Chairman
L. S. Borrows, Treasurer
.- ■> W ■ &

f J$r $
Mrs. Grace Taj lor, Sup't.
name was added to the list of newly ii.
! stalled officers.
County Attorney-elect <) P. Soule
j not being able to appear for installation,
I Attorney J. D. Millsaps continued as
i the adyisor for the new board and will
1 act as county attorney until such time
I as Mr. Soule's health will permit him
to enter upon the duties of the office
[ The board assisted by Attorney Mill
saps devoted the afternoon tit the ap
proving of the various officers bonds,
and Tuesday morning the regular rou
I tine of business was taken up and the
new officers were busily engaged at
their postsand one who was unfamiliar
with the various officials would think
that they had worked at their respective
jobs all their lives so accurate and spyedy
were they in the discharge of the mint
erous matter which had accrued during
the transfer of the county administra
25th, at 4 p. m.
Henry Flamm, J
A. A. Anderson, - High Priest Quorum.
J. M. Baker. 1
Sunday School "Union.
On account of Stake Conference being
held at 2 p m., January 25th. the
regular monthly meeting of the Sunday
School Union will be held at 12:4.) p m
that day in the Ricks Academy building.
J. T. Smellie, i
B. R. Harris, Sunday School Supt s
H. C Sharp. 1
U. S. Senator.
j Judge Heyburu was elected United
j States senator last Tuesday.
Christmas and New Years being o 1
and fully observed in this locality,
will try and tell you how it was don,
We had on Christmas in the afteruo >u.
a nice program by the old people and
children together, which was nicely
rendered. After this was served a m at
picnic supper, followe,l by a dance and
all enjoyed themselves very much ' >a
New Year's eve we had another datif",
and carried the old year outand seen tlm
New Year in with songs We welcomed
it to our little settlement I'he old year
left lots of snow for the new ve.ar toeon
lend with. The warm sun has smil'd
:t quite n little, but we have pl.-uiy I n
and some to giveaway. L'iic Weather: ■
quite warm at present, which is a trial
to this locality. The people aie fe lin :
happy and contented over the pr >»pect
of raising a crop this coming year We
wish the Pr .ak and St Anthony a pros
perous New Year.
Smelter for Sand
Point, Idaho.
Spokane, Wash., Jan. ». The Pan
handle Smelting and Refining company
has secured 400 acres of land at Sand
point, Idaho, as a site for the smelter
j which it is stated the company intends
to construct this year. The company
1 proposes to construct a 600 ton smelter
ultimately but will start with on ■ ia.
nace. It Inc t.ls > ptvvh ist t a line of
' three stemit ' 1 sis on Lake Pen T -reill -
; and has bought t:,e Venezuela gi u , , f
mining da mawkish it :s proposed to
| operate in connection w. c »me ter.
Active Volcano
Discovered i I taii
j A partly active volca.. is just been
j discovered by prospe •; - bout t-vontv
I miles north of Moftb, V it, On a
mesa the prospectors ilisc.v.ted >.u
i or smoke rising some distance Com
1 where they tvere and on investigation
is f~. jiv
,?olia Dona 1 . i, a abate .j tulgi
gpgMf m
à ***
ski MZ
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.Mixing 111
i LiCit Ajbidiiiii.ii.
I . mi -, Dave Rich re
lia? he had been
ii t.ut guard for the
or . ;. : y I next two years.
.; ill t : the state
i g to < rover
tu that office
,c .1 - .ucials.
sk var of
toid in
■ a holiday
. .va
. .-parted tito
l.o kan oc
office and
. *1 '.cl, Klaus
i Gorman nt.me
return of post
et tu cue authorities
1 gc from Koloss
■ : without having
1 -rmiSEion.
nt ml ou shoes at the Hub.
Harry Gesas.

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