Newspaper Page Text
Circulation of this issue - - 2500 À I Official Paper j of Fremont I County - - VOL. IV -T' AN TH°NY, FREMONT COUNT Y, IDAHO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29 , 1908 . NO. ST. ANTHONY, fufmont county. Her Visible Resources, Facilities and Advant ai*es Sketches of Her Leading Business Men. Professional Men and Prominent Citizens. j I I The Pkak, in placing before its read ers a brief history of Fremont, Comity and ni Vint- a suimnary of the commer cial and industrial progress of St, An thony' and many ot its business houses, is proud indeed, of the record which it is privileged to submit and accounts it a pleasure to do so. Fremont County was formed by a division of Bingham < onnty and was first settled by Win. Powell in 1877. It is 83 miles wide by 123 miles in length and contains 10,200 square miles, an area greater than some of the New England States. It is traversed by the upper Snake river and its branches which afford ample water for irrigation purposes. The soil, of this portion of the valley is most fertile, being com posed of a clay loam and a sandy de composed lava which with a subsoil I capable of being snbirrigated insures to i tin' farmer an abundant and varied pro- J dnotion of crops. Without irrigation this valley would he used for nothing hut grazing as the virgin crop is sage brush with some grass growing about the roots, but at the meager touch of water and sunshine the sage brush withers and dies and the hitherto desert \ is converted into one of the most fertile regions of the world. Five large irriga tion canals now traverse this county, which with their numerous latterals cover an area of over 300,000 acres and afford an abundance of moisture to the growing crops and at a small cost to the farmer. Being independent of droughts and floods, the menace of the eastern agriculturists, he plants his crop with the full assurance of reaping a bountiful harvest. The principal productions are wheat, oats, barley, potatoes, alfalfa and other tame grasses and fruits of all kinds. Wheat yields from 30 to 75 bushels per acre and brings an average of one cent per pound or «»() cents per bushel; oats from 40 to 110 bushels per acre sell readily at 40 cents per bushel; ooo to (ioo bushels of potatoes are not an uncommon yield; three cuttings of al falfa Averaging two tons to the acre is a fair average, while fruits of all kinds attain a high state of perfection in this valley. The soil is especially adapted to the raising of all kinds of bulbous vegetables, particularly the sugar beet, and experiments bave shown that the per eentageof saccharine matter and t lie co efficient of purity is high. The re sources of this county are vast and varied and offer to the hoinesceker and investor opportunities not surpassed in the Um. 1 States today. Free home steads that are desirable are no longer obtainable, but what, is much better, cheap deeded land, surrounded by neighbors and ready for cultivation, can ! be had at prices varying from $10 to $50 an acre according to location and im provements. With cheap land for the husbandman, the fruit grower and the stockman, and homes for thousands of industrious people in all walks of life, this is essentially the country for the man of moderate means and a few years of thrift and industry are all that are necessary to place him in the independ ent position of owning a good farm. In the mountains east and north an abundance of large game including elk, deer, bear, antelope and mountain sheep '•an be found, while in the rivers the salmon trout and the beautiful speckled brook trout exist in countless numbers and can be had as the reward of skill and patience. It is the paradise of the sportsman. Building material is cheap and plenti ful in the way of timber, and pink, brown and blue sandstone of a superior quality. A good variety of brick is made from the clay found in the county while for foundations lava rock may lie had for a trifle. Wood for fuel and timber enough for fences and other purposes may be ob tained on the foothills and mountains . , . -, free of charge, while a nine toot vein of excellent coal has been opened up in Tyton basin only 28 miles from St. An Iii^ny which will insure cheap fuel for all time to conte. Situated at the terminus of the O. S. L. extension 38 miles north of Idaho Falls and about 30 miles distant front ' the boundary of the Yellowstone Nat ioual Park is the thriving little city of St. Anthony, the County Sent of Fre mont County. It was first settled by C. H. Moon who gave it its present name. It grew to be a considerable f trading point, and the last census gave a population oi 450. December 7t.h, 1800, was a red letter day in the history of the city, being the date on which the 1 *• R- R was completed into St. Anthony. Since then it lias become the great distributing point for the country around Yellowstone Park and Jackson's Hole and is the outfitting point for all the tourist travel and hunting and fish ing parties for the famous scenic and big game regions of the Upper Snake uver. its tributaries and the adjoining country. Today it has a population of 1500 enterprising people and each year secs substantial additions to her popula tion and business enterprises. St. An thony is essentially a city of the present,. Beautifully located on the banks of the Snake river which rushes along its bed with the speed of a mountain torrent, surrounded on all sides by cultivated farms of unrivalled fertility, St. An thony is the metropolis of this section earth of the state and the natural trade center of a large tract of Uncle Sam's domain, it has an elevation of 5001) feet above sea level, lias plenty of pure water and a mild invigorating climate and is one of the henltliiest spots on the face of the It lias a splendid electric light system, good telephone system with long distance connections, a $4.5,000 water works system, a $10,000 public school building, while in the near future will be built a new court house, a large flouring mill, a beet sugar fac tory, creamery, wool si, orage and sale warehouse and lots have already been bought for the erection of a $15,000 hotel. The Ross-Hamer block erected in 1902 at, a cost of $27,000 ranks third in the state in the way of buildings and as an office building has no peer in Idaho. It is located on one ot the prin cipal corners and would be a credit to any city many times the size of this. The people are enterprising, progres sive and prosperous, her streets are dotted with cozy cottages and hand some homes which form the border for substantial business blocks, giving the city the general appearance of solidity. < 'ivic and fraternal societies are well represented and the many church or ganizations are in a flourishing con dition. Her school system is of the best and tlie people take a pardonable pride in their temples of wisdom. Si. Anthony's best days are yet to come, and the summit of her prosperity has been far from reached. Naught but words of confidence and enthusiasm are heard on every band and here the eroker and pessimist—if there be any — find no hearing. The First National Hank. No financial institution in this section of the state can point to a more satisfac tory record of usefulness, conservative growth and development than the First National Bank of Ht. Anthony. Follow ing fixed financial principles its man agement has been unexcelled, the policy being to keep the business of the bank entirely under its control and its re sources available at all times. It was established in August, 1899, as a private bank and organized as a National bank in April, 1901. with a paid up capital stock of $25,000. At t his time, less than two years later, they have a surplus of $11,000; cash and due from other banks, $100,000; loans. $200,000, while their books show the handsome sum of $275, 000 in deposits. The First National Bank does a general banking business, solicits business from other banks, eor porations, business houses and individ uals and guarantees complete satisfac tion. They buy and ell exchange, ac cept deposits, make loans in accordance with established usages and have a col lection department efficiently organized for the accommodation of the business public. The bank is located in the business center and is the liest equipped and most handsomely furnished bank ing room in the slate. The tine fire proof vault incloses a Diebold double decked, screw door safe with a Y'ale time lock and affords a complete i>ro tection against fire or burglary. In ad dition to this vault there is an upper vault fitted with a regular vault door which is used for the safe keeping of the bank's papers, records and valuable documents . This bank is a member of the American Bankers' Association and as an additional security to their cus tomers they carry $12,50(5 burglar insur ance. The officers of this bank are well known men of affairs of the strictest in tegrity and of known financial respon sibility and are as follows: A. K Steunènberg, president; John C. Rice, vice-president; G. E. Bowerman. cash ier, and L. S. Borrows, teller. M. E. Jamison. From the farmers point of view the first in importance among the business interests of a town is the hardware and implement house. Here he buys his shelf and heavy hardware, stoves, ranges and tinware, us well us t he implements jused on the farm Chief among the j dealers in this line in Fremont county is M . E. Jamison, one of the boat known businessmen in this section. He has I '.'een in business here since 1895. and by I fair and honorable dealing with custom ers has built up a large and profitable, trade He carries a large stock of shelf] and heavy hardware, stoves, ranges sewing machines, clocks, sporting goods as well as carpets, draperies, win dow shades and a full line of plain and fancy furniture. He is also the agent for the Milwaukee harvesters and mow ers. Mr. Jamison is the only funeral director in this section and dees under taking iu all its branches, taking com plete charge from crepe to carriage and flowers, thereby relieving friends from all responsibility. Hois especially fitted for this work, being a graduate from an embalming school. He is expeditious and satisfactory in Ins methods and everything in this department; is per formed in the most modern, successful and professional manner St. Anthony Lumber A drain d Lumber has its history and like all histories has its various chapters. It opens with the primeval forests and the woodman's ax, and ends in the homes and haunts of civilized man. It is the prime factor in the building world and the industry has afforded an avenue of trade for a class of men who are typical hustlers. Prominent among this class °* is H. M. Thornton, proprietor of the SU Anthony Lumber and Grain < bmpany. j This gentleman has been in the lumber business for the last year and a half and j by fair and honorable dealing has built up a large trade. He carries nil kinds of lumber and building materials and ! his prices are as low as first-class stock ! can be sold for. Most ot his lumber is j under shea, bright and drv, readv for I the carpenters plane, lie also deai.s ex- j tensively in grain and produce for which I he pays the highest market price. He - owns a large warehouse 20x90 feet to i which he has built an addition 40yf>0 i feet. Mr. Thornton is one of our lead-j ingand progressive citizens and owns a j fine ranch of 480 acres lying three and ! a half miles, northwest of the city, it j is nicely improved, most all under cul tivation, has good buildings and for ricultura and stock raising is one of the best to be found in Fremont comity. A visit to his ranch will convince the most skeptical of the possibilities of this sec tion of Idaho which is destined to take a high rank among the producing states. St. Anthony Banking Company. The Ht. Anthony Banking company of this city is an eminently safe, flour ishing and reliable institution and one that embarks in no questionable ven tures. This bank i-< a private institu tion and was organized lust fall. Mr. G. ('. Baker is president and cashier and Mr. W. A. Calderhead assistant cashier. The paid up capital stock is $15.009 and the deposits at tills time are over $25,000 and growing, a most creditable show ing which speaks volumes for the stand and business ability of the owner and officers of this bank. They do a general banking business, make real estate and commercial loans, discount commercial papers, accept deposits, make collections and buy and sell do mestic and foreign exchange. They also do an extensive real estate business in both city and county property and write insurance in four leading com panies. The personnel ' of this bank is of itself a sufficient guarantee of its ab solute reliability and straight-forward business methods. St. Anthony Building and Mfg. Co. Limited. The building trade of Ht Anthony and vicinity lias a leading and reliable representative in the above named pro gressive firm. This firm was incorpor ated about one y ear ago and excels in placing the most advanced accommoda tions at the disposal of their customers. They are manufacturers and wholesale and retail dealers in lumber and build ing materials and receive doors and windows in carload lots. The stock embraces all kinds of rough and dressed lumber, both native and from other states and is offered at tlie lowest market prices. Complete bills of lumber from I architects plans are furnished on short I notice und estimates are carefully given. | In addition of taking the entire output ] of two saw mills, have a planing mill i equipped with all the latest machinery | and are prepared to turn out moulding,..... brackets, frames, trimmed work and fin ishings of all kinds. They will shortly install a gasoline engine and add more machinery. They are in position to offer inducements and advantages to buyers that are difficult of duplication iu this section and are thoroughly alive to the wants of the trade and always endeavor to please their customers. The officers of this company are J. E. Fogg, president; G. N. Swartz, secre tary, and E. J. Warner, manager. Winn Furniture Company. As an evidence of what thrift, business enterprise and catering to the tastes and wants of the people will accom plish, we have only to point to the furniture establishment conducted by Thomas F. Winn. This gentleman opened his furniture store in this city last May and carries the most compre henstve and elegant line of furniture \ and its accessories to be found iu Fre mont county. He has been before the local public less than one year, yet many- homes in this city and surround ing country have been rendered more pleasant and comfortable by jmrehasts ; made from his store. A glance through his show rooms reveals the fact that the intending purchaser lias a wide range 1 to select from, including the latest and most artistic designs, as well as the cheaper grades of furniture. A full ; line of carpets, rugs, draperies, oil cloth | and linoleums is carried as well as com - forts, quilts, blankets, portierres and lace curtains; also pianos and organs of the best makes and a full line of stoves and ranges. Everything about the store is up-to-date and emphasizes good will in business and shows that the proprie tor has no old rut to get out of but is j always progressive and alert to the | wants of the peonl« 1 IT . , Real estate vaim - 1'rcnuinl Vbstruet Company. Fremont County and the whole State of Idaho is in a prosperous condition and off ers to the prospective settler or investor, opportunities for the safe in vestment of capital not equaled in Um ot nil kinds are advancing rapidly and to this state of affairs a great deal of credit is due the real estate dealer- In i 1 lis ( ; on nection it is eminently proper l ° reter ,u t * u1 Breniont Abstract eom ' ,iui y. conducted by M. ,M. Hammond and Aliek Robbie. They have a list, of choice bargains in both farm and eiiv property at prices liait cannot fail t, prove attractive to the intending in vestor. They also make a specialty of ,. lir -st farm mortgages*and. representing !l:i they do, the Middlesex Banking com C onnecticut, and also private il,1<l ot,ler funds they arc in positon to I'lm'e loans on acceptable security a! tin l "' vps,t prevailing rates of interest. They are preparing and will soon have tiii >«hed.» complete of abstract......I showing all transfers as well as a record of all other instruments affYctin; piece of land in Fremont county. Mr Hammond is an ex-assessor of thecountv and is well qualified to pass on the val ties of property in this county This firm also writes fire and life insurance, does notary work, conveyancing and at tends to all the iegal work connected with final proofs and contests Their office is with the St. Anthony Bunking company and i ht y attend to t in- law and collection business of I) \Y t lark A ( . i>,,, ,, ,, „ ,, Bu * l ' UKl " I * )m ' ot tlie best sample rooms in the th, ' °" e conducted by Mr. \Y. **• Rutland, who came here from Butt Mollt ■ ;m,i '"'-an business bed Norout lK ' r 1,1 the refreshment line this pl.-nv < " 1,,Mot be surpassed and his retail de l l:i rfmeiit. is equal to any ot the bars to . U'ltnu in the eastern cities lie car n . PS a hoe lme of wines, liquor ng-1''ffftled ami gars, both imported and domestic Among his specialties may be mentioned "Overland" Rye and "Silver Bow Club" bourbon whiskies, while Ht. \n thony and Pabst beers are always on hand. He lia an extensive family trade. goods which is I steadily increasing and is prepared to furnish picnic, fishing and outing par ties with the best to lie obtained any where. "The best is none to good for my customers." is the motto he goes on and the people appreciate it. He caters to the best trade and conducts his place accordingly. During his business career here no one lias had cause to complain. The Ternes Dry Good Store. Ever since locating here one year ago, ! the name of N. Ternes has stood at the I head of the dry goods trade of this city and his name, goods and honorable ! methods of doing business are familier to every resident within a trade radius j of Hi. Anthony. He carries a large and i complete stock of dry goods, millinery and ladies' furnishing goods, notions, | furs, ladies' suits and coats, underwear. ; ribbons, etc , and his prices are as Iow as first class goods can be sold for. Special mention should he made of bis dress goods department which is un usually complets and embraces every thing from the finest silks and satins to the more inexpensive wares. All goods sold are fully warranted and will prove as represented. Mr. Ternes is a good buyer, in touch with the best markets and is always willing to give his cus tomers the benefit of his years of ex perience in good goods at the lowest possible prices. He is ably assisted by bis daughters who also do the trimming in the millinery department, and then good taste and faultless creations help to make this store a popular one with the ladies of St. Anthony. Home Bakery. The manufacture of bread is an im portant. industry in any community and m many sections large establishments have been built conducting a heavy trade., Tlie wants of this city are sup plied by the Home Bakery, conducted by Mr. Joe George. Mr. George is an xperionced baker and has been in bus: ; I I I : I i J j j I I | | ! I | } le!,s here about ten months, lie carries iu - s,0( '-', a lln( ' assortment id hr ■on. cakes, pies, rolls, cookies, etc.. l>ak"d i resh daily. His trade is constant ly m ere: tying Heals» carries a nice lim of confectionery,^ fancy groceries, inl cigars and tobacco, while ice cream, fruits and fresh oyster* are always to be had in season. Mr. George is,-t hustling. I enterprising business man and has ten- j tiered a good account of himself since he started in business. Jensen Bros. The bicycle has become sin-li an im- i portant moans of conveyance that the I city that lias not an agency is in leed an exception. At tlie bicycle and general j sporting goods store conducted by Jen- : sen Bros., may be found wheels of the i leading makes, guns, ammunition, bi cycle parts, cuttlery and general sport ing goods. They have a repair shop in connection where all kinds of repairing j is done. All work is done promptly; and properly , and the great« ; care i takon that only the most perfect work ] is turned out, while every job that \ leaves the shop is marked by tin- great- I pst m-curacy that skill and car - ran at tain. They are the sole agents tor t It. famous Racvcle and conduct a bicycle livery and exchange as well. The mem bers of this firm are E. L. and J. Jen sen. All work is fully guaranteed which leaves this store W il t '.a rhino In all real estate transactions the question of title is a vital one and there fore there should be i constant n- '■"•r>e to such sources of information upon this - subject os are deemed absolutely re liabl - Mr. ( arbine i.- a bonded ab stractor and owns the only complet' set of abstract books showing all transters, liens, enenmberances, tax claim-, judg meats and other instruments aff --tinl every subdivision of land in i- remoni county , and i- therefore prepared to make complete abstracts and give tub and certified reports in regard to the 1 title of any real estate m I rotuont j county. He also makes first mortgage I iarm loans at the lowest prevailing raw - of interest and deals extensively in real I estât", both city and county. Mr. Cur : bine handles all kind; ot J and pays special attention to entrie j contests and filial proofs. He lui- been j admitted to practice before the U S j land office and all cases submitted to him w alt ceeive prompt and careful ntion He is the successor to bine & Miller. Mr. Miller retiring from The firm the first of the year. Mr. ( \ir I bine is a skillful abstractor and honest, j and reliable work has earned for him I tin confidence of (he public. King aiul Millsaps Î The profession of law is well repres ented in Hi. Anthony and the prestige ! enjoy**«! by the members of the bar in j early days is maintained by Ute present practitoners. Among the prominent legal firms ot this oil} may !« men- j tiotied King A Mills,ips, wim recently l formed a partner: hip with offices in the met- block 1 : practice in all state and ' ! and are thoroughly cquin.. . -. • . natural ability and legal " : . deservedly rank high. T -vo pt-.n i,iced their profession f....... ahernt years in this valley and li. '. eu idea tiffed with much import , lu; and have always maintained :. h in , standards as attorneys. The firm is composed of J. K. King ami .1. I). Mill saps, and arc well and favorably known in legal and business circles throughout this valley Mr. Mills,ap-; has held til" position of county attorney for the past two years in which office" he hits given entire' satisfaction to his constituents «V J. .Middleton, M. 1. Tlie profession of medicine is one of llie noblest callings in existence as the man who adopts it must lie at once learned, classical, of sound judgmenl, untiring energy, a kind philanthropist and an indefatigable worker Day and night he must be ready to respond to the cabs ot the sick and distressed, and his reward is not always money, but his work if silent charity lends an additional eh,arm and dignity to a profession that cares for the whole human race. One of the scholarly representatives of the medical profession of St. Anthony, is Dr \\. .1 Middleton, the pioneer physi cian of Fremont county. Dr. Middle ton is a native of Kentucky and grad ua '■ cd from ! h Kentucky richoolnfMed i.-ine of i Louisville w it!> the el; Tine Yt 'ars later li c east his with the few people then loea Anthony , and lias : «een the si of a t <'\Y straggling : shacks gti thriv iii£ little city. ID- has practice throughout this secti the assistait Short Line. for tin large ion and is i liegen «• is a splendid type of the able, vigorous pract.itionee-r, l'nlly abreast ol' his profession as to the latest discoveries and scientific methods that in any wa\ enhance tin efficiency of practice. Despite the exactions of a busy professional life. Dr Middleton finds time to take; his full part us au en terprising and public spirited citizen. J B. Ripplingcr. The occupation of a merchant tailor is an important one in the maker.,, of a city's resources, as well made nnd well fitting clothi « have become a n and we take pleasure in pointing out where such may be had in perfection and at moderate cost Mr. Itipplinger came to the county about fifteen years ago and is Fremont county's pioneer tailor. He was in Rexburg for a num ber ot years and located here a year and a half ago. He carries a line line of samples from two of the leading cloth houses in the east and can suit the most exacting ' a* outer while his reputation for fine work is more than local .and brings him trade from a distance. Mr. Ripplinger lias had thirty year experi ence as a tailor and cutter and w«-can truthfully say that a better tailor never threaded a needle in Fremcmtcnnnty If you are in need of new suit or an over coat. see Mr. Ripplinger Ili. clothes are cut to fit and made to wear and are warranted to give satisfaction. Yager's Livery Compati 1 '. Elegance and taste combined with good horseflesh are essential to a live livery- stable, and the rigs and turnouts of Yager's Livery company arc r. a lily recognized by these distinctions. I'romptncss is aiso a chni-.-ictei-i.stic of this barn and teams may b- had <.u a moments notice day or night. They keep about 00 heed of first «-las.-horses and the best rigs that mom y can buy. They pay special attention to traveling men and furnish camping and hunting parties with conveyances for Yei'a stone Park and Jackson's J foie wii h competent drivers and intellig. at g.ii.b When desired they will furnish com plete outfits for parties including tents, conveyance-', cooks, eatables, el.-., and their ternis hi e vet-v reasonable If M and \Y. D. Yager, the oroprie-•■ have been in the 1 nsin, - lor fli,-pas eight years and know every foot <•; land be tween here and throughout the Park They are eonrleou and a •i-omiiio-latiiig and when you want the best rigs and the bes! service at reasonable rates this is the place to pa St. Anthony This harness am tablishiuent is not only a credit to the owners but to the city as well Mr. W. W. Youutans, the prop s ; or. is a work man of skill and ahility, and hors« own ers hereabouts have superior facilities to purchase everything that goes to properly or attractively clothe or adorn oniz.e. . Harness to iirnishing I I Harnesses manufactured lu re and ibe shop is a <• harness, saddles, w blankets, combs am prices are iilwi. i - ri enn-d workmen at addition to a large enjoy an extern-" This company has 1 for three years and ably known all ove: Ugilb .Idle emp •tail 1 St. Anthony Browint Anthom not being 1 - I United j ^ l r nes m all branches of industry and "Mowing the footsteps of a Metropol hi. enterprising city, has an industry !" way of an up-to-date brewery, n mn as the St. Anthony Brewing Co., :!l ; : -aei" having a capacity of 500 bnr ! hn beer I, aim made mostly of Frv nemr county pv,.dnet which is conceded ■ o he tlie best barley obtainable in the This company of en te: pi ismg gentlemen have in connection vvi . h their brewery one of the most pop ular resorts in the eii v. ami owing to ''l-'ir courte ;y business methods do a nourishing business Tit.- brewery was ibbshi-1 two years ago and since that u e many needed improvements have i en mad being necessary to supply jite demand for i heir celebrated beer, to connection with their saloon a chop b'" 1 . ' has been established whereby 'en many frit ml-, may dineon the best : m : t f b « • 1 affords Those gentlemen -(•cognized as being among Ht An tnoiiy s fori..... ist business and energetic H - -ns always ready and willing to as - in any industry whereby our ever ■ v <'ti> ma> be bom-fitted. Mr • tekerl of this company, has a i'-im-h otic-half mile north ot St ■'■ "in of the finest hi Fremont ' " 51 a h of lus time is devoted to Hwli, the buildings on which are a: i to none in this comil v Oats on |j> s "■ inch last year went 9.5 bushels to standing ,n height 0. feet, the or, wo ry ami saloon will w that these gentle and up to-date bnsi A visit be suffi men are hustlers ness men. skalct \ in,, m prises of thi city Department .-ton Tins instil uriou 8"ptember. Icing ! Vpartment store their 1-1,250 sqnni they carry one ol stocks ol ware to t iiei r prie Their stn ,v Shell ''.ver business entér ina v be mentioned i he • of Hkalet A Shell, was organized last ■"•ec -ssors to King's N'iecly arrtmged in -■ ! :lMl'i' I'e.'t of floor space 'ni-- "I the most complete ■era! m« ivhnndise and liurd . 'ind ' u this section am I notions furnishings, fur gloves iilid initie fine tin- of s r ; 1 1 * 1 1 while crockery, heavy hardware, to complete then store is well up nicely arranged. ness is directed I mo as to al t ract t rade, i - dry goods, clot li ns. men's and women's c nits hats and caps, is. up-to-date for. wear, trunk- and valises, a and fancy groceries, glas avare, shelf ami stov «s and paints, go mammoth stock. The minted and tlie stock showing that the bnsi leu of experiene ( "id goods at ;he lowr.-u p «ssible prices i - their motto and it is beginning to tell Anion;; specialties may lie mentioned '* lat land stovesaiid ranges, Iris paints, /smith sewing machines, "Snow's,' 'Tingr. e , i 'oi I)iiiin line shoes, the Roberts, Johnson and Rand shoes, "none better made' I ' .of. Schulze «V ( \> fin: riding boot - , l be Stetson, and Gor d a oat-.. » 1 1 .\ . Hllswori u and T I lay er's glow and mittens. Orders are taken for suit mad.- to order by tile < outincutal Ta luring Go., fit guaran b ed: .Miller p. rfi-cl fitting clothing is car «I inst rsarc taken for the i'.dmei -, garment.', h.r ladies and are also carrie I in -mi-l,. Their dress goods d -i artmeui ; alway- full of latest Ivies in doin -sti and imported novel ties. In the grocery depart meut, ('hase «Y Sanborn's . -letn ut e l t.-ns and coffees. Schilling - spices, extracts and linking powder. California Home Brand. Heinz«; Cro and Blackwell's pickics and pure loud products and all delicacies arc found at i his siorc. All heavy goods oie i i a . -dove uni ranges, fence wire, nails, -.ali, . nmed goods, syrup, sugar, arc bought in carload lots direct from tlie lactones and the finest evaporated fruits I ' >m ii.-t-hards in California. W atson and Moore. The Ht. Anthony Druggists. Th - public has a right to demand that the drug trade shall be eomlooted by the most caimble representative* 'The accuracy- of compounding medicine is equal in importanec to ilm prescribing ■i i.e right sind of medicine. This 1> els us to ay that Watson A- Moore af. pharmacists wit li y> a rsof experience and their efficiency in this line is well known. They carry a . impiété stock of pure drug* and chemicals, proprietary medicine-. ale: articles, hooks anil stationery. They als > carry a line of paints and oils and the latt-si designs in wall paper. The j.-welry department is under the management of Mr. ( '. Y Ashcraft, a, practical jeweler and watch maker, and contain*) a fine assortment of wab he-, clocks, silverware and jew dry. Mr. Watson is a graduate phar macist and Ua- pro-, -ription department is under his immediate supervision. All drugs are selected for their freshness and purity and each prescription or family recipe i compounded with ex actuess. Col. Thomas K. Hamer. Colonel Haute:-is one of the leading lawyers of th state. He cam«: to Idaho from lllinoi in iso.; and was the first attorney to open a law office in this county. From that day to this hi-has lic: n promilicm in the social, political and finale-; I .affair.' f the «-..uuty and state. He rep; enp-d l-hein.a: county le legislature in is 'ii and in 1 a company of volunteers for di American war and with ids served in the i'liilippiue I • was prominent at the battle the 11th of February, in- r ■«•omtuenda lions of |s;i:s raw regiment sen lands. He of ( 'o! >oeii a m 1899. and upoi I »eitern!' Of > - and 1 Im-.i: -, was promoted i I tlie colonelcy ci lbs r. gig: -:it, the 1st Idaho Infantry. He wa- immédiat ..dy appoint I by- i it-ii.Tal Oris milii try gov .-ram- of til« ! -lands of Cuba Upon the muster out of the State volunteers lie was tender«-«! and accepted a commis e. as colonel if the37th t . S. infantry, continued on duty as military gov '•rnor of ('uba until the end of the iti urivet! >n i.: tlie islands, whereupon lie was honorably oi- -barged from the ser vice of hi • c iiiui'-y uid returned to Ht. Anthony aid hi- law business in the pra -tice . . which he has b - -n phenonii iinlly- sue,- ■- -fill, always being retained 1 .n oil" side th-- other of all the im (Continued on page 2.)