Newspaper Page Text
St. Anthony. Idaho, Jan. 12, 1903. Pursuant to the statutes ol the state of Idaho, in such case made and provided, the commis sioners-elect in and for Fremont county. Idaho, convened. Present: Richard J. Costley, George A. Cordon and Edwin H. Little and Clerk A. M. Carter. The following proceedings were had. to-wit: Richard J. Costley, George A. Cordon and Edwin S. Little took the oath of office as county commissioners of said Fremont county. Idaho, before Clerk A. M, Carter. Upon motion of Richard J. Costley, duly and regularly seconded by Edwiti S. Little, George A Cordon was unanimously elected chairman of the board of co. commissioners of Fremont county. Idaho, for tin; ensuing term of office of said commissioners. The official bonds or George A. Cordon, Rich ard J. Costley and Edwin S. Little, county commissioners of said Fremont county, Idaho, were carefully examined, approved and order ed filed. The following named county offlcials-elect were duly and regularly sworn in by the chair man of the board, and their official bonds were carefully examined, found to no in conformity with law. and ordered tiled: Victor C. Hegsted as clerk of the * district court and ex -officio auditor and recorder and clerk of the board of county, commissioners, said bond having been heretofore fixed by the board at $l0,U0ff. Z. T. Clay as assessor and ex officio tax col lector. said bond having been heretofore lixed by the board at $25,000. Lee S. Borrows us treasurer and ex-officio public administrator, said bond having been heretofore fixed by the board at 850,000. Samuel Harrop, Sheriff. John Donaldson, Probate Judge. Grace Millimnn Taylor, Superintendent of Schools. The following precinct officers were carefully examined, approved and ordered filed: Francis M Molen Justice of Peace Driggs pro. Kilgore " 44 Island " • Highland " James 11 Cochran Justin A Knapp Alfred CLangley James W Green Samuel Swann: r •• '* Iladen Don G A Smith George B Waters " Grant Charles T Musgravo " " Menan Prince A Crapo •* Parker Thomas J Brown *• Fall Hiver Fredrick II Winters " ' Archer Thomas W. Richard*; Constable Fall River" It is heteby ordered that the official bonds of justices of the peace and of constable's be and the same arc hereby placed at five hundred dollars. In the matter of the application of Victor C. Hegsted. clerk ol the district court and ex officio auditor and recorder und clerk of the board of county commissioners, for authority to appoint a deputy and employ a clerk or other assistance in his office: It satisfactorily appearing to the board, by the affidavit of the publisher, that notice of in tention to apply to this board for authority to appoint a deputy and to employ such other cler ical assistance as may be necessary to conduct properly said office and to perform the duties of the same, has been published in the Teton Peak a newspaper published at St. Anthony, Idaho, for more than 30 days prior to this date, and this matter coming on regularly to be heard by the board: After having the evidence of A. M. Garter, i Victor Hegsted and Ernest Brum well, and be- ! ing fully advised m l..o , . ., linds that one permanent deputy m said office i is necessary, and that it will ue necessary for said officer to have a clerk in addition to said deputy, or further clerical assistance in ■aid office to perform properly the duties of said office. It is therefore ordered that said Victor ' ■ H f** led be uml lie 7 hero, ' > 'V,u' hi" appoint one permanent deputy, und that his salary he Uxed at the sum of three hundred dollars per quarter, the same to he audited and allowed as the salaries of all other county official: allowed and audited: and it is further ordered that the said Victor C. Heg sted be authorized to employa clerk whenever the services of a clerk are necessary, and that said clerk receive as compensation for his ser vices not to exceed the sum of three dollars per day, the same to be audited and allowed as other claims against the county are audited and allowed. Victor C. Hegsted, clerk of the district court and ex-officio auditor and recorder and clerk of the board of county commissioners, having duly and regularly appointed Ernest Brumwell sis his permanent office deputy, said Ernest Brain well took the oath of office as such deputy before Chairman Cordon. In the matter of the application of Samuel Harrop. sheriff, for authority t «> appoint a deputy in his office: It satisfactorily appearing to the hoard, by the affidavit of the publisher, that notice of intention to apply to this board for author ity to appoint a deputy as may he necessary to conduct properly said office and to perform the duties of the same, has been published in the Teton Peak, a newspaper published at St. Anthony, Idaho, for more than 30 days prior to this date, and the matter coming on regularly to be heard by the board: After hearing the evidence of Nels P. Han sen, retiring sheriff, and being fully advised in the premises, the board finds that one perma nent deputy in said office is necessary: U is therefore ordered that said Samuel Harrop he and he is hereby authorized to appoint one permanent deputy and that his salary be Uxed at the sum two hundred and forty dollars per quarter, the same to be audited and allowed as the salaries of all other county officials are allowed and audited. Samuel Harrop. sheriff, having duly and reg ularly appointed William A. Ricks as his per manent deputy. said William A. Ricks took the oath of office as such deputy before Chairman Cordon. It satisfactorily appearing to the board that small-pox is prevalent in Island Ward, and that quarantine regulations have not been and are not now being enforced, thereby inviting the further spread of this contagious disease: It is therefore ordered that Dr. George E. H.\de be and he is hereby appointed temporary quar antine physician with instruction to proceed at once to said Island Ward and to establish and enforce strict quarantine regulations in said place as conditions may require Ordered that this board do now adjourn till tomorrow at 9:30o'clock a m. Attest: Victor Hegsted, George A. Cordon, Clerk. Chairman St. Anthony, Idaho. January 13, 1903. As per adjournment of yesterday, the Hon orable board of county commissioners con vened. Present: Chairman George A. Cor don, Richard J. Costley and Edwin S. Little and Clerk Victor Hegsted, when the following proceedings were had. to-wit: The official bonds of the following precinct officers were carefully examined, approved and ordered tiled: Geo E Hill Justice of Peace Rigby precinct Geo BEddie A A A N Jos S Hendricks * William A Putt * A Redford Jasj Chandler * Harry Randall Medicine Lodge Marysville Spencer Rigby L> man M S M Jas L Hoffman Constable Christian Hansen H 1) Fulmer Daniel C Bruce Holger F Olsen David A Wilcox Hiram Dillie James G Harris Thos S Simmons .las H McCracken K M Poole Edward J Harrop Soren P Nielsen Il J N Adams •• Market Lake Jos S Armstrong »• Parker " CEUostan Justice of the Peace Lallelle" The official bonds of the following road overseers were carefully examined, approved and ordered Hied: Grant Road District Lyman " Archer " Lewisville Camas Vernon Leigh Driggs Rigby Archer Salem Marysville Lyman Haden LaBelle Rudy Joseph D Brown John Blackburn Charles Briggs U F Jardine Recess till 2 p. m. As per recess, the board resumed its work, when the following proceedings were had to-wit: The auditor's report for the 4th quarter of 1902 was carefully examined, found to be cor rect. and approved. Report of H. R. Jackett, overseer of road district No. 33, Market Lake, was carefully ex amined. and bill allowed on the road fund for $100.70 Report of A. P. Anderson, overseer of road district No. 36, Independence, was carefully examined, approved, and bill allowed on the road fund for $ 10 . 00 . Report of Joseph W. Coucher, overseer of road district No. 32, Rigby, was carefully ex amined. approved, and bill allowed on the road fund for $75.00. Report of E. L. Williams, overseer of road dislriet No. 17. Edmunds, was carefully ex amined, approved, and bill allowed on the road fund for $42.75. Report of J. T. Workman, overseer of road district No. -lti. Parker, was examined, ap proved, and bill allowed on the road fund for $1 7.50. The official bond of Orsen P. Soule, county attorney, was carefully examined, found to be correct, and ordered tiled. It is hereby ordered that the auditor be and he is hereby ordered to hold all warrants is sued tu delinquent tax-payers until said delin quent taxes are paid, or in cases where con sent of payee has been secured, that said war rants be applied to the liquidation of said delinquent taxes. Report of J. B. Morgan, overseer of road district No. 28. LaBelle. was carefully exam ined. approved and bills allowed as follows: On the road fund as per report $40 00 On bridge fund as per repairs, etc 14 00 On the road fund as per itimized bill at tached, said bill covering an appropria lion made by the previous board 100 00 The following bills were examined and al lowed on the several funds: Indigent (Twitchall) $ 7 98 Daniel VV Walters, quar mar 9.00 alldfor Wmti Kimball, mdse to indg (Twichall: J D Millsaps. exp as county attorney BRIDGE. I ; j I 0 uo 10 10 Joseph Kite, logs J P Anderson, rock and stringers 39 15 9 00 George T Adams, work on Slough Bridge 9 00 John Williams " " 38 00 Samuel Hart, bridge work 1*2 00 ROAD II W Jackson, lumber 71 44 EJ Lewis, work on road at Rigby 3 80 Wm My 1er •• " " 12 90 Ordered that this board do now adjourn till tomorrow at 9:30 o'clock a. m. Geor; Clerk. St. Anthony. Idaho,January. 14. 1903. As per adjournment of yesterday, the Hon orable board of county commissioners con veiled. All present, when the following pro ceedlngs were had, to-wit: ; A. Cordon. Chairmai .. V ictor Hegsted The following reports for the fourth quarter of 1902 were carefully examined, found to be correct and are hereby approved : J D Millsaps, county attorney. N P Hansen, sheriff. Richard II Smith, probate judge. M M Hammond, assessor and collector. Francis II. Roskelloy, supt. of schools. Joint quarterly report of A M Carter, auditor, and Lee S Borrows, treasurer. The following bills were examined and same allowed on the several funds: CURRENT EXPENSE. ,i D Millsaps, salary as county atty $200 00 A M Carter, sal as auditor, recorder, etc 200 00 A M Carter " " " AM Carter " 41 A M Carter " for Rose E Davis AM Carter 44 " " Richard 11 Smith, sal as probate judge Richard H Smith, 44 Lee S Borrows, sal as county taeasurer Lee S Borrows, office rent for *• N P Hansen, sal as sheriff J for D P Rich, deputy 200 00 100 00 200 00 70 00 200 00 25 00 200 00 123 00 200 00 175 00 160 00 80 00 26 50 4 - board of prisoners John E Pincock, sal as Co. commissioner 125 00 M J Kerr 44 44 " 125 00 S A Bond, sal as surveyor ">0 00 M M Hammoml. sal as assessor and col 200 00 200 00 i4 .» •» •• 200 00 8 50 25 00 165 00 141 00 60 00 3 00 1 50 16 CO 10 00 " stamps 33 08 Eli McEutire, sal as county commissioner 126 45 Francis H RosKelley, sal supt of schools 200 00 " expenses Samuel Jones, sal as coroner James Powell, sal as janitor John Sayer, quarantine marshal Hyrutn Bell " A A Adams, constable 13 95 alld for BOUNTY. James F Beard, coyote scalps, etc. A K Fritz 44 John Q Adams Daniel Walters Report of Adolph Murri. overseer of road dis trict No. 15. South St. Anthony, was corefuliy xamined, approved and bill allowed on the road fund for $18.00. Report of Oliver K. Meservey. overseer of road district No. 20. Wilford, was carefully ex amined, approved, and bill allowed on the road fund for $ 11 . 00 . Report of H R Cunningham, overseer of road district No. 11. Vernon, was carefully exam ined, approved and bill allowed on the road fund for $10.00. Report of G H Rich man. overseer of road dis trict No. 22, Teton, was carefully examined, approved and bill allowed on the road fund for $14.00. Report of W W Jenkins, overseer of road dis trict No 35, Chapin, was carefully examined, approved and bill allowed on the road fund for $24.75. Report of Joseph D Brown, overseer of road district No Grant, was carefully examined, approved and bill allowed on the road fund for $38.25. Report of Hiram Dille, overseer of road dis trict No21, Salem, was carefully examined, ap proved and bill allowed on the road fund for Report of John E Hathaway, overseer of road district No 14, Fall River, was carefully exam ined, approved and bill allowed on the road fund fur $8.15. Report of John M Williams, overseer of road district No 6. Independence, was carefully ex L J J I amlned, approved and bill allowed on the rea l ; fund for S0.tS5. j Report of Silas MeMinn. overseer «»f road dis trict Ko 1, Lake, was ca-efully examined, un proved and bill allowed on the road fund for $35.00. The official bonds of the following precinct officers were carefully examined, approved and ordered tiled: H P Sprattling, justice of peace, Vernon pre Minnie L " Wm Naylor, constable Teton The following bills were examined and al lowed on the several funds: BRIDGE I F Kite, strnigers $42.50 Later Bros., lumber, etc for bridges 118 50 ROAD. Alfred Weaver, hauling stringers 9 CHI It appearing to the board, by petition and up on affidavit of John M Williams, that O. P. Talburgof Independence, is sick and in desti tute circumstances; that lie is bedfast und re quires the constant care of his wife and that la has no relatives whose duty it is to provide for him: and it further appearing to th 1 » board thaï said Talburg has no property, real or personal, except a claim to 10 acres on unpatented 'und. and that he should receive assistance from the county: It is therefore ordered that said O Pi Talburg be and be Is hereby allowed the sum of $15.00 per month until further ordered by th ! board, and that bill therefor be presented by and warrant drawn in favor of the parties presenting said bills. Ordered that this board do now adjourn till tomorrow at 9 o'clock a m. Victor Hegsted. Geo. A. Gordon, Clerk. Chairman. 15 00 . St. Anthony. Idaho, January 15, 1903. As per adjournment of yesterday, the Honor able board of eounty commissioners convened. Present: Chairman Cordon and Commissioners Costley and Little and Clerk Victor Hegsted, when the following proceedings were had, to wit: Upon petition of Parley Parker et al. it s hereby ordered that James A Berry be appoint ed justice of the peace of the Island precinct. The petition of Charles Saurey et al, lor tin appointment of James Rock as overseer <>l road district No 11, Island, is hereby rejected. Upon petition of John L Evans et al, James A Berry is hereby appointed overseer of road district No 11, Island. All petitions for the appointment of janitor are hereby laid over until the April meeting of this hoard. It is hereby ordered that James Powell he re tained as janitor, under the present employ ment and contract and at the same salary, for the first quarter of 1903. It satisfactorily appearing to the board that one quarantine physician cannot, on account of the vastness of the county, perform all work necessary for the checking of and stamping out of all contagious diseases, and cannot establish and enforce proper quarantine regulations: It is therefore ordered that a quarantine physi cian be appointed for each commissioner's dis trict in the county, at a compensation to be hereafter fixed; and is is further ordered that the county attorney draw up contract s with the said quarantine physicians, the chairman of the board to sign said contracts, and that each of said physicians execute to the county a good and in the sum of $ KM MX) for the faithful performance of his duties. It is hereby ordered that, in conform: t\ with an order heretofore made and entered, the loi lowing quarantine physicians be and they are hereby appointed for the several commissioner's districts of the county, at the salary set oppo site their respective names; Dr George E. Hyde, 1st coininr's district, at $360.00 per annum. Dr George E Hyde, 2d commr's dislriet, at $425.00 per annum. Dr D L Blevins, 3d commr's district., at $300.00 per annum. Recess till 2 p. m. As per recess, the board resumed its work when the following proceedings were had to wit: The official bonds of the following precinct officers were carefully examined, approved and ordered Hied: James A Berry, justice of peace Island pre Addison D Nolan " " Salem Joseph E Morgan " LaBelle" Stephen G Chandler " " Edmunds *■ Lorenzo C Waterman " " Leigh Oscar Fields, constable Grant J as A Berry, road overseer dist No 11. Island Report of A S Sutton, overseen- of r >ad dis trict No 27, Lyman, was carefully examined, approved and bill allowed on the road fund for $51.00. The following bills were carefully examined and allowed on the several funds: C U RUE N T EX PE N S E Gregory Jones abstracts of pro >ls etc 'll in A K Dabell quar marshal Grant :\' t 5t> mdse to indg i Bentlen 30 on Albert Beazer 11 A A Adams constable Market Lak .• ! Watson & Moore office supplies lrwin-Hodson Co blanks James Smith blacksmi thing 1 L McArthur quar mar Teton City Driggs Mer Go mdse to indg (Griffiths,' I Merton Hawley registrar Howe Daisy Markham registrar Rice J L Jacoby registrar Dubois M M Hammond ast Mary Woods re r Date-, Elijah Allen hay for sheriff E J Kite fuel and lights for elec tion at Rigby, 3.20 alld for Robt G Hopkins justice of peace, Leigh 8.60 alld tor Thomas Gooch 12.40 alid for E S Mathias St A W & L Co Wood D Parker James H Wallis GeoC Baker *• • Rigby ' rents 1 printing - " ballots 12; ____________ election expense 69 Thompson Mer Co mdse to indg < Med wed > Iff D6 Nelson Russ care of indg ( W S Jones 30 no James Powell cleaning closet ;> «Hi BG Lawson constable s I' 1 .1 F Smith hay to county h'» 50 B G Lawson quar marshal Menan 22 •>'« Hyrum Williams wood *'• George Cutbbert constable Lewisville 3 i> David McPherson constable Leigh •> ! ) Geo Cannon pub proceedings etc H» «' » Enoch Grover juror in justice court 2 on Thomas Hall Joseph Later " " " : * ul Abner Later Peter Later " " 6«) Charles Ellsworth ** ~ 00 ROAD. t C A Smith spikes for overseers 10 on Peter Nelson hauling rock to Slough brig 2 0U BRIDGE. L II Patrie, work on Slough bridge Joseph Shelton, stringers Moody Cr bdg 3 ou Rex burg Lumber Co, lumber BILLS DISALLOWED. J C Spaulding, election constable I 50 vallov. ed to I S Spaulding.) J C Jensen, destroying diseased animal • » o< Nick Lund, postage on election returns (uoi n legal charge.) Ordered that this board do now adjourn til tomorrow at 9 o'clock a. m. Victor Hegsted. Geo. A. Gordon. Clerk. Chairman St«Anthony, Idoho. January 16, 19U3. As per adjournment ot yesterday, the Honor able board of county commissioners convened All present when the following proceedings were had, to wit: In the matter of the petition of K L Rice et al. for the establishment of the county road through the center of sec 5, tp 7 n, r -41 < . B A! : It satisfactorily appearing to the board that on November 11, 1902, \V D Williams, James .1 Wellard and Adolph Murri were appointed viewers to view ami report as to the advisabil ity of establishing said road: and it further ap pearing to the board that said viewers have ex amined the route of said proposed road, and re port that its establishment will be of no publie utility whatever: it is therefore ordered that said petition be and the same is h ,*reby denied. Upon petition of J M Egbert et al, it is hereby ordered that Ernest G Bpratling be appointed overseer of road district No Vernon. In the matter of the remonstrance of Neil II Anderson et al, against the granting of the right of way to the Briggs A: Grover Canal com pany to build a canal of waste ditch running west toward said Niel Anderson's place in in dependence: It is ordered that said remon strance be laid over, pending further investiga tion of the board. Petition of A Redford et al, for the erection of a suitable jail at Spencer was carefully <*x amined, considered and same is hereby i tv of ed. In the matter of the petition of John A An derson et al, asking that anew school district be created as follows: commencing where the mirth line of sei 11. tp 6 n, r 39 e, intersects with the North Fork of Snake river: thence foliowing the river d«» vu l the ne corner of sec 16, tp 5 n, r 37 «*: thru west on said line to the west line of Plano dt. trict; thence north 6 miles; thence east to place of beginning: It satisfactorily appearing to the board that the creation of said proposed district would b» a source of great inconvenience t»> and work^ ;• hardship on the residents of district No .->6, Plano, and would benetit but a few families: It is therefore ordered that said petiiiou be and / L-UU a nr L v* j? A* IS* e Disc° t ' erer ' j-v. >p he mw I \ : A Smith et al, it i Dole be, appointed hereby et al, 1 ) » ou n t he same is hereby denied, the superintendent of schools having recommended that it be de nied. Upon petition of ordered that R M 1 of road district No Menan. Upon petition of J L Jacoby el is by ordered that W W Caldwell be app< justice of the peace in and for Dubois pr< Upon petition of William E WliKcateh It is hereby ordered tha t John Q Adams be ap point >d overseer of rood district No 33. Market Lake. . , la the matter of the paying ot freight, ex press, purchasing stamps and envelopes: It appearing to the board that tne above items are required to bo paid for in cash, and there being no available funds therefnr: It is ordered anil hereby made the duty of the clerk to pay for such expenses out of any monies ( inning into his hands as fees, taking vouchers for such payments, and after deducting the to tal ainnunt'ot such expenditures from his fees received, turn the balance into the treasury quart* fly; this order applies to officers not re ceiving fees only. ..... Uperi petition of Geo E Little et al. it, is here by ordered that a county road be l,»rated and established as follows, said road to be opened without any expense to the county : commencing at the nortwest corner of see do, tp 5 I), r 45 e b m: thence south two miles to the southwest corner of see 31, t p 5 n, r l.> e b m, said road to be four rods wide. Upon petition of Geo E Little et al, it is here bv ordered that a eounty road be located and established as follows, said road to be opened, without any expense to the county: commencing at a point h ot a mile north ol the southwest corner of sec 31, tp on, r i;»e b m thence east 1 mile to Haden townslte. 4 pen petition of c W Poole et al, i* is hereby ordered that a county road be locatcu and es tablished as follows, to-wit : Beginning at the southeast corner of see 9. tp I n, r 39 e b m: thence running south between sec 15 and 16. 21 and 22. and 27 and 28, to the south line of said sec 28. the same being the old route between Idaho Falls and Rexburg. Petition of Henry Flamm et al, to straighten the conn ty roads at the lower end of Plano is le reby rejected, as the board has no authority to act on the matter. , Upon petition of VV L Campbell et al, N B S D et : .1 iered that HO Burton be appointed ov« rs«'< r of road district No Highland. Upon petition of A 1* Anderson et al. it is herebyor«.lerc«l that Henry McGarry be ap pointed overseer of road district No 20. inde pendence. . .... i Upon petition of E R Dayky et. al. it is hereby ordered ilia 4 . J T Workman bo appointed over seer of road district No Parker. In the matter of the petition of the Wood Live Stock <'o to close a road at « amas: This matter coming on regularly to b«* beard and it satisfactorily appearing to the boar«; that it will be advantageous to change tin; « <mn tv road at or near ramus, and tlmre being no objection thereto by parties directly interested therein: It is therefore ordered and directed that the county road be closed from Hamer sid ing leading along the west side of the Oregon Short Liu«* Railroad track to Old e amas. Idaho, and that all travel be directed on the ea*t sid«* of said R It track from said Hamer sidtug to saut old cumas, Idaho. In tho matter of the petition of William Drake for the cancellation of his 1897 taxes: It is hereby ordered that the delinquent taxes of said William Drake, for the year 1*9., bo cancelled and stricken from tie* delinquent roll, the same having been paid, us shown by the receipt N«> 1127, duly presented «» the board, und th«* auditor is o«\l< red;t«> draw a warrant on the current. «*xpens<* fund for the sum ot $boo due said William Drak«* for acting judge election. Brigb; As per recess th«* board resumed its work and th»* following proceedings were had, to-v i» : The following bills wen* caretully examined and allowed on the several funds: CURRENT EXPENSE. (ticial bonds :2«M) no C, uy K Bowerman. prom on < S s < ivn-utherK, justice peace Market U<> U I. Blevins, sal a- quar physician Peter .Mickles Albert Beazer Benj « u o -r, v tu «paar marshal ntlvj to indg (Gib, i»d to county . John J-\V mt *r P O Simpson Thoma - « 1 • 11 A Dram well L J Maurer '1 bos Darley Ellsworth, mdse to ii Teton Peak, publishing H M Yug«*r, livery hin*. -I H 11 Smith. il to county Ska let ..V Shell, nuise to ind-.r Fremont countv Ne ws, print i Roexy Mount Bell Tel Co. r«*i H p Hansen, q uar marshal Jesse Blodgett, juror in jusiic M H Fames John Watts W Paul orge I John A High. N christensei George A De W P Davids« B Herndon Marion Luciu* BOUNTY coyote scalps, et«* 3llCl Drown Jacob Ashcraft carl Olaveson S 10 Rigby D 11 crapo Geo II A skew Kil Galbraith John casto Bale llerudon Frank Reno Frank Weaver D H Homer James I Heard A S Sutton John A nigh ph W W L Shaw citas Drown A L Potter Gideon Hroadhurst ciaude Rockham J c Taylor G h Browning M E Jamison nails, bridge ROAD. ' roads $'>.09 alld to 3 00 Peter Later, vi Josiah call " " ■» ,n ' DIsA LLOWED. Thomas Lynch, effects «lestroyed while under quarantine. $47,03 not a legal charge. John Arrowsmitk. from tiles nf 1897, Board has no authority to act. Petition of John Weichet «it al, for the ap pointment or William G simmons. overseer of road district No Rudy is hereby denied. hi the matter of the application of Frank Reno for rebate of taxais palil by him «m his stock in Lemhi county for the years 1900 and it appearing to the board that said Frank Reno made no application to the assessor and collector in the time r«*«piired by law, and there being no authority of law for any rebate at this time; it is hereby ordered that said ap plication bedenieil. Ordered that this board do n tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. Victor Hegsted, Geo A cordon, clerk. Chairman, adjourn ti | st. Anthony, lilaho, January 17, 1963. As per adjournment of yesterday, the Honor able board or county commissioners convened. Present: «diairman Geo A cordon and commis sioners costley and Little and clerk Victor Hegsted, when the following proceedings were had, to-wit: , . , . . , The poll books wen* brought in and the board proceeded to select 15) names of persons to serve as trial jurors for the year 1903. 1 ne loi t owing are the names of persons selected: HADE ST. ANTHONY. Homer W Holcomb James M«*( ktllorn James E Fogg Robert ( 1 Hopkins Andrew Stone Wm F Jamison Fred Stlmpson Charles Thornton George H Heller Charles Mackert / F Yt Abraham Pendleton William Homer David Ureckenridge l»A 11 K EU Sa el Da Bowers McKenna ghton I E Ht SALEM. Nephi Anderson A «• Dillie W R Garner Bernice R Harris Murray Larson Tnornns M « »rover John K Orme Charles Valentine William Worlton DRIGGS. II S« annor Paul Peterson F M Molen George Eggington EDMUNDS David Davis Mayhew Hill man Stephen G « handler John T Fisher Joseph Robertson TETON. John G Williams Thomas •: Smith 1- re«l Sehwendinian William Naylor Martin L Bird Rl'illV. Arthur Minson ( > S Gall i : S Mathias H P Madsen E A Jones C W Poole J S Mason LEWISVILLE. David Kinghorn Arthur « loody lek, Jr KK. A 1) Miller, Jr ( ;«*orge M Flint Judson L Stoddar Daniel Smith Henry W Miller Il 11 Hunter « II aim N. George F Monton Dana t) Walton ISLAND. Henry Rock George Hibbard James F Park M \ it K K' Samuel Hart W E VV hit la tell Aaron A Adams DIT HOIS. John Roberts DO Caldwell WILL »KD. Oliver K Meservo John Burrel Francis Kouohe Nelson Russ Samuel W Orrm* Samuel Stewart MENAN. ( 4 A Smith O W Green / Bannentine Milburn B Poole Neils (' (Jeisler B A B,bee Frank Retd LAHK.LLK Elmer E ( ioiden j unes ( : Browniti Joseph E Morgan David Stowell RUDY. Henry Hulse « I 1 1 Tr Wm I-'a i . Jr VV T Howe « 'hurles Stowell G Madsen MAUYSV1L! L. l-'rank F Sprague Thomas VV' VV liittb* Eli M Harris .joel Hendricks RKXHURG Darthol M Larse James Eekersell A N Stophet AUCH Kit. Fred H Winters David A Wilcox Hans Olson Joseph B Llovd E A LL RI VEIL David A Saiulcrs Hyn un Brown Henry E Rigby Thor: nas Richards James M «took 11 cm •y White Robert. Archibald H 1G11 L A N n. .1 aim's Ricks ihre , Harrigfeld Willard Johnson «tari GL*n/. VV < Holley Il D Kelley John VV Dai N II Halstrom Alexander Leathani Edmund Paul I NDKPKNDKN« E. Samuel Hall Peter McGurrv conrnd Walz D Victor VV St« A D Porter : diaries D Dai Hort LYMAN. ...... -tliff s Atkinson Hiram D Simmons CHANT. Alfred A Brain well « ) It A. Marion .1 Kerr Samuel S Sadoris MEDICINE 1,01 M 2 K, Stephen Green AU ANGER. Henry Richey LKICII. Noah Edle fsen Jacob Roueche LU Wate K 1 1.« ni e. Ex-assi; having submilleil double -assessments, r roll ot 19 )2. ami th-» compared said lGt 1) S Taylor Peter Mortensen Jr HIRCH CREEK. Henry G Bueklin RICE. Peter Meiling HOWE, john Kyle and collector M M Hammoml the board a list of errors, etc. iu the assessment I haring carefully ilh l in assess ......... ,11 0 r 1932 , and found sam • to bo correct: it isYherefore or«lered that saidlist be approv ed: and it is further ordere«! lint die auditor is inst ruct«*d to cre«lit said Hammond for the year 10 .)•„», with the am »mit of said list as follows: Poll * 73 «KJ Teton st. Anthony Rexburg Special School State A; County Bounty Ordurod that this board do Monday afternoon next at 2 o «mock. Victor i legs teil, Geo. t (Continued on page 4) 46 70 154 23 284 59 . 363 94 1 85 adjourn till Notice. Leigh Creek Canal Co. Leigh. Idaho, Jan I. 1903. There is delinquent upon the foil*»wing described sto«ik on account of an assessment Dring levied, tin* several amounts set opposite the names or the respective shareholders, as folio Names Arthur Jarman T. J. Richardson Henry Whitaker Edd Gueymun « diaries Knlte Joseph Headrero G. VV. Hemlriekson Ami in accordance of each parcel *»» sto« will be sold at the Jacob Roueche. at Ja the 2 »th day o f Januu assessmenis thereon advertising and «-*«)st Amount with law so r nan y shares •k as in ay «»< • necessary. office of th* • secretary. ;lgh. Idaho, a i 2 p. m. on ry, 1903. t«» l»-i y delinquent , together w ilh e«>sis of s of sale. JACOU Roueche. Secretary and Treasnrer. Watson the Optician. f Watson & Moore the St. Anthony Druggists. Oregon Short Line I st. Anthony Bkanch à Co.vnkction t i m i: t A n I. i: 1 North Bound No. 33 South Bound 1 Leave daily. L>W. 14. 1903 Arr. daily Jo. 51. ,15 a m .40 a m 01 p in ! : 15 p ill 1:35 p ill ! -.55 p ni l :35 \) m l :45 p ui IDAHO FALLS ......Elva....... ......Rigby...... .....Lorenzo..... .....Texas...... .... Rexburir .... ......T eton...... ST. ANTHONY No. 53. 5:30 p m 5:00 p in 4:35 p ill 4:33 p in 4:15 p m 3:58 p ill 8:35 p m 3 :15 p m D. E. Burley. D. S. Spencer. Hen. Pass & Tkl. Agt. Ass t Hen. Pass. Kail Luke City. sndTkt. Agt. For further information regarding ; time and connection with all trains, call on R. T. Dkollinger, Agt.