The Teton Peak
Official Papkr of Frrmont County
WOOD D. PARKER, Publisher
THURSDAY, MARCH, 26, 1908.
Entered ut the Postoffice at St. An
thony, for transmission through the
mails, as second-class matter.
One Year OO
Six Months 1 OO
Three Months B3
Advertising Hates on application.
The Nampa Times lias
changed hands and is now under
the management of Messrs.
Abbott & Hart, with A. S. Ab
bott as editor.
It seems as though the city
marshal is neglecting his duty
when he allows minors to visit
saloons. There is a law against
the abominable habit of boys loaf
ing around saloons and it is the
marshal 's duty to enforce it.
The Bell Telephone company,
so we are informed by local man
ager E. E. Carey, have begun
the construction of a line to Par
ker. There are two telephone
companies operating in the coun
ty at the present, and the time is
only a few months hence, when
communication will be estab
lished with every locality in the
Mus. Florence Maybrick,
the American woman who was
convicted at Liverpool in 1«99
on the charge of poisoning lier
husband, James Maybrick, by
arsenic, and was sentence to
penal servitude for life, will be
released in 1904 The decision
to release Mrs. Maybrick was
entirely due to efforts on this
side of the Atlantic.
There was a very good turn
out of republicans at the village
primary Tuesday evening. The
five gentlemen which they se
lected as candidates for village
trustees are representative busi
ness men and will receive the
hearty support of the citizens
regardless of politics. The tick
et nominated is as follows:
B. C. Bowers
W. W. Youmans
Z. F. Yearian
J. L. Pratt
Geo. B. Rumsey
North Side
From the leading of the press
reports since the first of the
month it seems that Idaho has a
live senator in Washington. Sen
ator Heyburn since the conven
ing of the senate in extra session
has been very busy looking out
for the interests of the state.
The Boise Capital News contin
ues harping on the statement
that Senator Heyburn is from
Washington. The indications
are that one senator like Mr.
Heyburn, even from Washington,
is worth half a dozen such as has
just been retired from Idaho.
We have already heard more
from him and his actions than we
heard from our ex-senator dur
ing his four years term. We
now realize that we have a sena
tor, and we hardly knew it be
fore. -Idaho Falls Register.
It is interesting to note that
people in general are inclining
more and more to the celebration
of church festivals which were
formerly observed by but one
or two divisions of the Christian
body. It is not so long ago that
the celebration of Easter was
looked upon somewhat askance
by many denominations; and yet
today these denominations give
Easter and Easter services
prominent place in their church
calendar. The movement is cer
tainly in the right direction; lay
ing aside all prejudices of de
nomination or creed, it is well
that the whole Christian body
can find common ground on cer
tain days. It is well that they
should celebrate not only spirit
ually, but outwardly, this great
day in the Christian year. Even
those who profess to be among
the faithless may meet, too, on
the same ground at this spring
time festival, and observe and
be thankful for the reawakening
of the year—the symbol of new
life which one rinds in all nature.
Whatever his belief or non-be
lief, ho one should be unmoved
or unresponsive to the new sea
son, to the promise of life which
he sees every year renewed atv!
reiterated in nature, as well as
finds in the tenets of his failli.
The Easter-time should be a sea
son of joy, of fresh hope, of new j
endedvor, of practical failli in
humanity and in God. April
Woman's Home Companion.
of the
in the
tice o
Governor Morrison has signed
the new printing bill which for
bids Jhe sending of county or
state printing out of the state,
and section 4 which is as follows:
No egal notice, advertisement
or publication of any kind re
quired or provided by the laws
state of Idaho, to be pub
in a newspaper shall be
published or have any force or
effect as such unless the same be
published ina newspaper printed
in whole or in part and published
county in which such no
( •advertisement is required
minted, having a general
ition therein, and which
said newspapers, if published
weeklÿ lias been continuously
and uninterruptedly published
in saiil county during a period of
fifty-two consecutive weeks prior
to the I first publication of said
notice or advertisement and. if
published daily, has been pub
lished las a daily paper in said
countyj during a period of six
consecutive months prior to the
first publication of said notice or
advertisement. Provided, that
nothing in this act shall invalid
ate the publication of such no
tice oj- advertisement in any
newspaper which has simply
changed its name or changed
the place of publication from one
part of' the county to any other
part thereof, without breaking
the continuity of its regular is
sues foj - the required length of
j».» - » «I » . , , ,, I
98 or Which are occupied by the clearest
up-to-datp mups, printed in colora, that
IJsdful Information.
Some ljooks are made to amuse, others
because they are useful and needed. Tn
this class is a book which the publishers
have just favored us with a copy of,
and it iH I with much pleasure that we
review it The title is, "Conklin's Peer
less Manual of Useful Information and
World's Atlas. " It contains 018 pages.
we have lever seen. This is the most
useful bopk that it has been our good
fortune tp possess, and recommend ail
onr readers to send for a copy.
For the educated as a book of refer
ence, for the unlearned as a storehouse
of knowledge, for workers in all callings
of life as a helpful companion The
book is equally useful in the home, the
study, the office and the work shop.
The information which you would
seek in a whole library is here in one
volume, j Boiled down, condensed, con
centrated, and made available for quick
reference! Not one blank page. Not
one useleis sentence Not one square
inch of waste paper
The Peerless Manual is printed from
clear typj on an extra quality of Bible
paper, made especially for the purpose,
making it possible to present in one
handy volume more printed surface
than is usually contained in books ten
times as bulky. It contains a million
facts of great value to everyone and a
fnnd of general information that cannot
be obtained in any other form for many
times the small price asked for it ft is
handsomely bound in cloth covers, with
red edges]. The publishers, Geo \V.
Ogilvie & Co., 181 Monroe St.. Chicago,
111 , willsjind it to any of our readers on
receipt of 25 ceuts They are so confi
dent of complete satisfaction that they
offer to refund the 25 cents to anyone
who is dissatisfied on receipt of the
book and returns it to them in good
Stockholders' Meeting.
Notice iis hereby given that the annual
meeting of the stockliolders of the Bourn
Creek Canal Co., will be held on tin
first Monday in April. April li. Bin:!, at
2 o'clock p. m. at the residence of W. L.
Campbell, at Squirrel, Fremont county.
Idaho, fop the purpose of electing *«
president, secretary, treasurer and
board of directors, and the transaction
of any other business that mav cotue
before said meeting.
Dated at Squirrel, Idaho, this luth dav
of March, 1908.
Boom Cheek Caxai. Co.,
W. L- Campbell, J'res.
Don't forget the grand ball Friday
March 27, under the auspices, .f ( ,, l )'
I. N, G. Tickets 50c.
( hoicc si
R. H. Row
i-d imts for suie
Teton, Ida
l prit
Conference, Salt l ake
'(• to (i. 1 !»();?.
For tlio above occasion the following
rates arc authorized for round trip tick
els on sale April'' tu à inclusive
final limit April 15
Dnlx iis
Market Lain
St. Anthony
It. T.
si 2 00
it 00
Danger of Cold:
The greatest danger
^"isnU, however, and
1 liainberlnin's Cough Remedy taken, all
and Grip.
from colds and
langer will lie a voided. Among :lu>
fens of thousands who have used this
remedy for dieeases we have yet to learn j
of a single ease having resulted in pneu- j
tannin, which shows conclusively that
if is a certain preventative of lhat :
dangerous disease it will cure a cold
or an attack of the grip in less time than
any other treat nient, ft is pleasant and
safe to take. For sale by all druggists.
To whom it may concern, of
the taxpayers of St. Anthony
and Fremont county, Idaho.
The undersigned makes the
following proposition to the
above taxpayers, viz: IT
make and burn iwn hundred
thousand good brick for any
party or individuals of St. An
thony who will furnish him a
clear title to twenty act
good land, and one thousand
dollars to locate a brick yard in
St. Anthony, the said money to
be used in the purchase of ma
chinery for the brick plant.
The said J. I\ Cumberland is
an experienced brick maker and
can furnish the best of refer
ences. J. K. Cumberland,
21)7. 24th St Ogden. Utah.
Notice to Creditors,
J'.-tmç h f .limit's n. MeUaviu. Denens.-it
Vi , r ;,, v i \ M,.- Birin. Feminist ratrix of Hie on
täte of .Lis l\ Me( In vin. deceit sert, to the creili
G'i-s of am 1 , all persons having claim-: against said
dooe:;'-eil. to exhibit them with the nevssarv
vouchers, within four months after the first
publication of this notice to said administratrix
at her lmme in Marysville, Fremont county,
state of Idaho, the same being the place for
the transaction of the business of said estate
in this Fremont, c'minty. State of Idaho.
Dated this the Ith da e of March. A.D. HYtT
y> Ml A UKT A. Mo ; \ VI X.
King' 0 .Millsaps. Administratrix
Attorneys. it
M ontan:
Savins Union
( Corporation
The State of Idaho sends <
To Montana Loan an i '
poration. defendants
You arc her. •by summoned and required to ap
pear in an a dion brought against yon by tin
above named p!a ntitTs in trie dis : riet court ni
tie* fifth judicial district of the State of Idaho,
in and for the County of Fremont
wer the complaint tiled therein, within t q 1 days
(exclusive of the day of service) after 'dieser
vice on you of this summons, if served within
this (Ymn I\ : or if s<-rv< d out of this county, but
in this district, within twenty days: or if served
elsewhere, within forty days.
The said action is brought to quit, title and
remove a clause therefrom to the following de
scribed property owned by plaintiffs in fee t<>
wit: ih ginning at the n e corner of lot 1 block
thence runnin.' west :p . rods; thence south
reds: thence east :p . rods: thence north L'O
rod- to place of beginning in the town ot I'ox
bur,'. < \ »vinty of Frvmont, State of Idaho as do
scrii i d in the oflicial plat now of rev ■rd in said
county, by requiring defendants to deliver up to
be cancelled and '■uitislioff of record a certain
I mort. : • made by plaintiffs to the National
L mu hug Savin..- Union, a corporation, on July
bimYa 'iiiâlini hî" "beim
paid in full; that defendant has been requested
to caned said mortgage but refused to do so.
All of which will linin' fully appear in the com
plaint en tile in my office to which reference is
hereby made.
And you arc hereby notitied that ii you fail to
appear and answer the said complaint, as above
required, the said plaintiffs will apply for the
ivliei demanded in the complaint on file herein
and costs of this action.
Witness my hand and the seal
°l the lustriet court of the Fifth
Judicial District of the Slate of
Jdaho. la and for the County of
Fremont, this i»th day of February, l!Ui:{.
lly F-rnesi Uramwril. Deputy. Clerk.
King & Millsaps, Attorneys lor Plaintiffs.
' . '
Of Appp:
S uécîc
n Death.
Twenty Years
Heart Disease.
o f
Dr. Miles' Heart
Cured Me.
I)r. Miles' Heart Cure cures heart disease,
positively no equal in that regard.
1 he fluttering, palpitation and heart pains
readily disappear before its magic influence;
the shortness of breath, the frightful smother
ing spells vanish after a short course of treat
ment; the pulse beats become strong and
regular, the circulation is improved that
the veins are charged with healthy, pure,
life giving blof>d carrying strength and
health to every nerve and muscle and re
placing the dead tissue with >. i he h.
''I' »r eighteen
.years I r.qffcr»*
1 from heart
trouble. The !
* t excite r.i .-Ml
: caused se
vere finit ring ■;
id palpitr.tu ::
: '1 ;it night
smothc : • ; .
v.-( u!;j fre [ ,t.n
v cause* me
to sit i; ; • •• ! ,1
-rbrtat-. li
• : i - the fre
- i .
i l v. , u
*. r.tiv in an
of ;;;»prcd;
ension lest
1 . -,:.t bring
al. 1 in v : :
Mi 1rs' lica.t Ci:
ro and t*v n
■ : 1 -
d o ! almost
immr.iiirite r li- r
from myuru
r üsngrcc
able YvinpCim.,.
Ï »■..■: C 1
IPV C'jj-f* i r
permant nt ' cun:
1 have n- : !,
i, i* n
to 11. c t '. . ! i ;,7.' ; < >; -J
the a;; t
kr-; D -, M;:.,.' A
• urc L/'f mx or
inp^-d ;i : i
d:i- 1 'uu: l-i.lsi
to'b: f m -i' l [ 'tru
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• -V" **r the Dr
Miles H . i',
i a tii .. r
•t t!rt >..u te r
i ve man}
i\t«nMlies. Sen*
ntcc firs:
i r "
•*•--- ■»!.« : t iCilll I ' 1 : . /'
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, hid.
N u a : h i
Û» » v o a,
I ( )N.
Physician anh Sr hi; box
)pposite I'ovl Ottn
\utlioay, Idaho
I ist
4 . A ni lion v
ill H AS R. AMI R
A :ilh;i:i\
11 A RSI i ISARl 1ER
Onposiio I' i mice.
' I I 1 *. M
Su iul a
In office nights
'Phone N
\ M E
\ X'l'ü» IN*
in id Fe
in all Statt
ral ( i mns
;ns 1 I ami to Ross-Hamoi
St. AiUlimiyldaho
V V . V_y . V v . , |f . iU thp first
and third Tuesdays of oai-h month.
J. G Lewis, Clerk
E. E. ( a il et. ( C.
I. O.
ETIiKMONT i.odoi:
1 Friday evening ii
>dd Fellows are we cm
meets every
l Hull. Ail
Fred \\ . UlsINi.
D. R
A reh i tect and
r. <K liox !t!)
St. Anthony
For Sale.
House and lot on easy monthly pay
ments, five years time if desired
Clark & Hougiitox.
I o place your orders for coal
with T, H. Sturdevant.
Meats at ail hoars day or niyht.
Good bails. (hunt Stabliay.
Liquor! House
II offm an House cigars.
!) on Murdock Whisky.
B ourbon Whisky.
R ock and Rye.
A ngostura Bitters.
! danha Mineral Water.
N ectar Rye.
A ngelica and Fancy Wines.
R ye Whisky.
D emijohns in all sizes.
P opular Liquor House.
R ight prices, courteousness
O ur motto—"Do right and
P lease all whom we can. "
For Infants and Children.
T he Kind You Hays Always Bougj
Bears the
Signature of
No; but we will sell at Prices to
meet our competitors, cost or no
cost. We are not .going' out of
business and are not trying to sell
anything lmt up-to-date Furniture.
I lave no shopkeepers to get rid of.
No clearance sale, but our prices
will SKIN anything in the County.
Winn Furniture Co.
in Splendid Variety and the Lowest
ib ices, in Bottles, Flasks, Demijohns
or Kegs. We cater in particular to
those who want a drop of something
pure for home use.
Fine Sample Room in Connection
The Largest stock in the County
Williams Building.
i ;
we know everybody tells you their line
of shoes is the best. For three years we
have been telling vou of the merits of the j. MILLFR
and JOHN FTROOTMAN Shoes. Those who
liave used them know of their wearing qualities. If
you have not used them i would advise you to com
mence at once. We have just received a big ship
ment of both kinds.
K ~r
' \ HE
Riverside <=>
J. W Moork, PiMprictoT.
I The Celebrated John C. Fremont ^
I Whiskey, Anhenser Busch, Pabst and |
I Schlitz Beer. Fine Imported ami Do- B "nin street, ^
1 nif-stic Cigars on Hand................ f st. Anthony,. Idaho
/ \
To nsorial
P arlors
w. hoops, prop.
Clean easy Shave : : Good 1 lair Cutting
Bathroom in Connection
\ \ \ -\ \ . \ \ \ \ V X \ \ \ \ \ \ ^ -y
N /
St. Snilîoîiy
j Harness Gor rp ay.
Come in and look at our Harness.
\Y e manufacture everything.
Bridles, Collars, Sweat Pads, Whips, Bits etc.
For sale cheap at Egin, a store and
stock of goods, with m-c-ssavv buildings
Fruit trees on place. First class loca
tion. Inquire of A. Anderson at Egiti
Fremont county, Idaho. t43
FOR SALE—A lino 80 acre farm at
Barker. Cultivated and sub-irrigates.
Good water right. Call on nr address
B. P. Homer, Parker Idaho.