J. H. McPherson, Dentist.
H. O. Kin;' is over from Boise on busi
Come and enjoy yourself tomorrow
night, at the military ball.
Watson the Optician. Watson &
Moore the St. Anthony Druggists.
Don't fail to attend the grand military
ball Friday, March 27, at the opera
H. L. Cannon was in Salt Lake City
last week purchasing goods for his store
at Driggs.
Jack Paw las, the Ogden candy man,
was doing business m the city the first
of the week.
John Marshal went to Victor toil ay to
look after his mining claims, and to
make some locations.
The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid will
meet with Mrs. John Blevins on Thurs
day afternoon, April 2.
The Ladies' Aid of the M. E Church,
will meet at the home of Mrs. Till Combs
nest Thursday afternoon.
Mr. Priest of Union, was in the county
seat Tuesday on business. He says they
are plowing in his part of the county.
Mr. Peterson and family of (juemby,
Iowa, arrived in St. Anthony last week,
and have gone to housekeeping on tin
south side.
The Peak office parted with its
"first love," (the old hand Washington
press, ) this week, shipping it to Mont
pelier for a stronger man to operate.
Mr. Lewis of "Cash Racket" fame,
has been very busy for the past four
days unpacking his new goods which he
has been expecting for some time.
Examine our stock of Boots and Shoes
before you buy. We believe we can
save you money and we know we have
the best, goods
Skalf.t & Shell.
Leland M. Driggs called at this office
Sunday afternoon on his return home
from Salt Lake City where he has been
purchasing a stock of general merchan
dise for his store at Driggs.
The Teton Telephone company ex
pects to have their St. Anthony ex
change in operation within (10 days.
They are working now on the Teton
Basin line and will soon have it complet
I guarantee my work and the shaping
of patterns in cutting to be of the latest
designs. If you want any tailor-made
clothes, don't get your measure sent to
a ready made clothing firm outside.
J. B. Ripplinger.
The Idaho legislature neglected to
place a heavy license on spring poets,
consequently the "unsuspecting public"
will soon be afflicted by having thrust
upon it the usual rhymes about "beauti
ful spring."
Spring, spring, beautiful spring'
The most beautiful thing about spring,
Is the springing of spring in the spring.
C. S. Watson returned Monday from
a visit with relatives at Dennison, Iowa
On his return he stopped at Sheridan,
Wyo., where ho has extensive interests
in a marble quarry. Charley is very
enthusiastic over his marble mine.
The Davis County (Utah) Clipper
contains the welcome information that
County Attorney O. P. Soule is rapidly
recovering his health. We sincerely
hope he will Boon be able to return to
Fremont county and assume the duties
of his office.
J. C. Cornwall, representing the Boise
Statesman, was a caller at this office
Tuesday. The Statesman is the leading
daily pai>er of Idaho, republican in poli
tics, and contains the latest press dis
patches from both home and abroad.
Every person who who can, should take
the leading state paper.
We are showing 300 styles of Dress
Goods and (>H styles of Carpet at prices
so low that you will not hesitate to buy.
Skalet & Shell.
Mrs. M. J. Walter has purchasedi a
large stock of millinery and is opening
a millinery department in the Boston
Store. She is also putting in a stock at
Rexburg. She has received a large
line of swell pattern hats, also a full
line of street hats. Remember the open
ing next Wednesday.
G. S. Turrell, president of the Teton
Telephone Company Co., who has been
here several days looking over the com
pany's business, returned last week to
his home in Jefferson, Iowa. Mr. Tur
rell is also proprietor of the Turrell Pub
lishing company of Jefferson. Before
leaving, he called at the Peak office
and presented us with one of his books
entitled "A Tale of the Yellowstone,
or "In a Wagon Through Western
Wyoming and Wonderland" written by
himself while making the trip in 1H98
It is one of the best books published oi
the National Park, and contains one
hundred very fine views.
A St. Anthony Dutchman, addressing
his dog the other day, said: "My dog,
you have a scliuap. You vas only
dog und I vas a man. but I vish I vas
you. You effery vay haf de best of it.
Veil you go mit de bed in, you shust
dura round tree times und lay down.
Ven I go mit de bed in, 1 haf to lock up
de blace und undress minself, und mine
vite wakes up and scolds me; den de
baby cries, und I haf to vawkmid him
up and down. Den, maybe, ven 1 shust
go to schleep it's time to get up again.
Veil you gets up, you strech yourself und
scratch a couple of times und you vas
up. I haf to light de tire und put de
kittle on und scrap some mid mine vife
already, und maybe I get some break
fast. You blay around all day, und haf
bleuty of fun. I haf to vork all day und
haf blenty of trouble. Veil you die,
you is dead. Ven 1 die, I haf to go to
hell yet."
Up-to-Datc Shop.
W. W. Hoops, proprietor of the ton
sorial parlors, lias recently added $2(><>
worth of the newest and latest fixtures,
comprising a compressed air outfit for
drying the face, and a W elk's heater foi
thé bath room. Mr. Hoops is alway . on
the lookout for the convenience >(' lus
Leave your order with ns for your
spring and summer suit, suo samples
and styles to select from. Price *12 to
$-10 a suit. Fit guaranteed or no sale.
Skalet a- Shell.
Call and see tile newest Eastern style
in walking and trimmed hats, all tile
very latest style and prices to suit every
one, also trimmed hats in every purlieu
lar. Miss Maud Parky,
A Military Ball will lie given at tin
Opera House on Friday, Mar. 27. by Co,
D-, I. N. G. All volunteers of tin
Spanish-American War are invited to
attend in uniform. Good music and a
good time is assured. Tickets .'»( l cents.
Bacon and Ham 14c a pound at
the Metropolitan Market. •
A. Stone, Prop.
Ranch For Sale.
Eight miles above St. Anthony. IBS
acres at $20 per acre. Independent
water right. 00 acres under cultivation.
All fenced. Address, David Feighnor.
( 'bester, Ida.
FOR SALE Stock in the St An
thony Canal Co., for cash or on time.
G. E. Bowrhman,
First National Bank.
Stockholders' M cot in g
Notice is hereby given that the an
imal meeting of the stockholders of the
Harrigfeld Canal & Irrigation Co. L t d.
will be held on Sat.. April 11, BUM, at
I o'clock p. m at the residence of Chris
Harrigfeld at Squirrel, Fremont county.
Idaho, for the purpose of electing a
board of directors and the tansaction
of such other business as may conic be
fore the meeting.
Dated at Squirrel, Ida,. March 7. lilii:!.
G. Harrigfeld. Pres.
Carl F. Lenz, Seev.
Notice for Bids.
Notice is liereby given that bids will he re
ceived for the construction or a new school
house in District No. of Freinom county,
the plans and specitlcations for which may in
seen by applying to Nelson Kuss, til En si \Vil
ford. Fremont county. Idaho
The right to reject any and ail bid-- is herein
reserved. Alonzo D.uv. Sccv
First date of pub. March SB. lsuij.
Assessment Notice.
Notice is hereby given that at a mectiug of
the directors of the To Ion Irrigation ,v Mum
facturing (io . held on March :.M, istia, a lull u
assessment of to cents per share of the capital
stock of said company was levied. Said as,,-.,
ment is now due and will become delinquent
on April SI, IMM, and unless pavilion- is mad -
on or herorc above date. said delinquent slock
will he sold to pay said assessment together
with costs of advertising and sale of said stock
Said assessment is payable to wateruiast.-i
line of said company's canal.
J. Ci. W 11.1,1 AMs. See.
Notice to Taxpayers
Any property wilfully concealed, re luvcd.
transferred or misrepresented by th»- owner
agent thereof to evade taxation, upon dis
covery. must be assessed at not exceedin'./ n u
times its value and the assessment so made
must not be reduced by the board uf e.imniiN
sioners. (S eetion 51 of an act r»*latiup to i.
venue. Session Laws 1H01. » '/. l . i lav
Assessor and Coller tor.
In the District Court of the Sixth .Indicia! Di -
triel, County of Fremont, State oi Idaho
L C. Childs. I
Plaintiff. |
II. P. Heninger, |
Defendant. !
The State of Idaho sends Greeting:
To H. P. Heninger, defendant.
You are hereby summoned and required to ap
pear la an action brought against you bytae
above named plaintiff in the district court of
the sixth judicial district of the state of Idaho,
in ami for the County of Fremont, and loans'
wer the complaint tiled therein, within ten day*
(exclusive of the day of service» after tn.* s. r
vice on you of this summons, if served within
this County; or ir served out of this county, but
in this district, within twenty days; or if serve i
elsewhere, within forty, days.
The said ae lion is brought to obtain on ac
counting in relation to a partnership entered
into pursuant to a contract made at st An
thony, Idaho, between you and theplaintiiï, and
one J. C. Daubenspeck, on < »ctober P.ioo. -,i-<i
a decree for any balance found due plaint.if.
and to obtain an order for an Injunction to re
strain you from selling or encumbering ci » t .,n
real estate in your name, situated in the vida
of St. Anthony. Fremont county. Idaho, and
more particularly described in plaintiffs
complaint on tile herein. All of which will
more fully appear in the complaint on File in
my office to which you are hereby referred.
And you are hereby notified that it you tail to
appear and answer the said complaint,us above
required, the said plaintiffs will apply lor the
relief demanded in the complaint on life herein.
Witness my hand and the seal
° r District court of the Sixth
Judicial District of the Stale nf
Idaho, in and for the County uf
Fremont, this 23rd day of March,
Hy Ernest Hramwcll, Deputy. Clerk.
King«& Millsaps, Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
Cured hy One Bottle of Cliamher
lain's Cough Remedy
"When I had an attack of the grip
last winter, the second one. I actually
cured myself with one bottle of ( 'hain
berlnin's (tough Remedy," says Frank
W. Perry editor of ike Enterprise.
Shortsville, N. Y. 'This is the honest
truth. I at times kept from coughing
myself to pieces hy taking a teaspoon
fnl of this remedy, and when the cough
ing spell would come on at nighi I
would take a dose and it seemed that in
the briefest interval the cough would
pass off and I would go to sleep perfect
ly free from rough and its accompany
ing pains. To say that the remedy acted
as a most agreeable surprise is putting
it very mildly. I had no idea that n
would or could knock out the grip,
simply because I had never tried it for
such a purpose, but it did, and it seemed
with the second attack of coughing the
remedy caused it to not ouly*be of less
duration, but the pains were far less
severe, and l had not used the contents
of one bottle before Mr. Grip had bid
me adieu " For sale by all druggists
Assessment Notice.
Canyon('reok Irri patine Jx Mfy. < '• »
Teton City, Fremont (\. , i ,,, >
Notice is hereby tfiven that at a m i n.- ,
th * directors held on March -4r t. i * i.:, . i. ; ...
sexsmeni of f4.»»0 per »han* was' levied où il
capital stock of ihe corporation, payable in u
bor to the superintendent on t!i- purul o- ,,
easli to th«* secretary at His oBL .1 ! , . ' ;
between May 4th and June 6th. 11 ».»;».
Any stock upon which tin's a-s.- .. a' -
maioM unpaid on June tith. l*--a He «H
«tuent ami advertised for sale a* p m,.., , a ,
aud unl«>s payment is in.:* 1 e v ». i> . q
on a day appainfcod, to pay dvlinq-a-nt
ment together with eosts ot adveriism UJ ,;
expenses of sale.
Dated March "i4, I9uJ.
Fred K/Hw« n liman
Tstray Notices.
March 1 \ lintt.
N'e'if,- is 1.« uiven that there earn*'to my
ranch at Mates. Idaho, on or about Jan. t
I'.dd. I n. followim: described animal:
(>:i' '-''M in old hors • colt branded MS on ]< ft.
thigh, small star m forehead, barb wire cut on
shoulders and ncd;.
Owner is r jnest* d to prove property, pav
chart»' . ami take.he '-aHl proper'y away. If
H«*. i Ia o * d v. i; hin bu-!y davs from tin* date of
tibie < : J.is notice, the said animals will be
sold itre.-r.; il " t*> l;: W A ;, Mice.
b hi:;.
, inter He*s.
ed, Auditor.
March Hi. 1SKKÎ.
\ et: that t aero i ,\ mo to n \
blah. , on or about I h e. là,
Not ice is hi
ranch at Mat
i*o the following d*. scribed animal :
ib' toe - \r iriin : ee iter, red u.-cr, brand re
•'•midir left ribs and \V on left 'trip
S: -.
ibvtur is request*al to prove property, pay
charge*. and lake the said prop- rty awav. If not
claimed within forty days from ih" date of til
ing this notice, tin- said animal will besold
an ordim: to law. .!. S. Hendricks,
lb led March I«', i'.HK». Victor Hegst cd. Auditor.
Notice is hereby triwti that there came to
my t aaeii at 1 »rices « *u or about Feb. t'JO't
the followin''described animal:
One brou u marc with foul, nlotch brand. It»
years old, weight about 1 Mo pounds.
Owner is requested t<* pruv" property, pay
charm's and take the said prop« rty away If not
claimed within forty days from ttie date of Hi
mg this notice, the said animal will he sold ae
cording to law. Lorenzo Jeffs.
Filial March 10, lpeJ.
Victor Hcgstcd, Auditor.
Not ice is liereby gi ven. t hat t here came to my
ranch at Camas. Jdaho. on or about Jan. I.
!ho;. the following «leserüied animal:
One red J-ycar-old steer branded «uujtM on
loi t side, half ovoreropand umlerbit in left ear
and swallow fork in right.
Owner is requested to prove property, pay
charges, and take the said property away. I !
not claimed within forty da; s from' ihe date of
thing this notice, the said animal will be sold
accordin'-' to law. Wood Live Stock Co.
Filed Fob. ::f*. l'Htt. by J. W. Hart.
Victor He g sled, Auditor
St. Anthony. March I,
NbiUco is hereby Liven that there came to my
rani'! 1 at flog Hollow. Idaho, on or abut'. Feb.
:.m. iih)J, the following animal:
One black horse about seven ye irs old. brand
«•d iron left should v. Woigl't about moo lbs.
Owner is requested to prove pi\»pert-y. pay
charges., and take the sai-1 properly away. If
l ot claimed within ,'orty days from the date ol
tiling this notice, the said an mail will be sold
according to law. \V. K. Worrel.
Filed March !. I'.KG.
Viet M' llegsicd. Auditor.
Notice is hereby given, that there came to
my r:on*li near I'iano. on nr about Dec. pm;»
the following described animal:
( »ne red and white yearling steer, crop olT
: tld "lit in right ear. no brand viable. One red
bröckle faced yearling steer branded
left ribs, and under bit in
Owner isre«piested to prove property, pay
charges, and tai;e said property away, l! not
claimed within forty days from the dale of lil
iîi-' this notice, the said animals will be sold ac
cording to law. H.t;. t'handier
Witness: Jo-.eph White.
Filed March à. I9uk.
Victor Hegstcd, Auditor.
February 2H, 1903.
Notice is hereby _ivcn that there can«* lousy
ranch m ar Kudy. Idaho, on or about Nov. i.
1 ix>the following described animal:
One dark bay till* \, coming '1 year-old, brand
ed JM on Hit thigh, light Mank. with white on
I II hind loot, ami sear down left front leg.
Owner is requested to prove property, pay
charges, and take 1 he said property away. If
not claimed within forty days tromthe tiling ot
this notice, the said animal will be sold ace owl
ing to law. William M. Summers.
File.I F, bruaty Hm:j.
Victor Hegstcd. Auditor.
In the Prebate Court of Fivmoni Count.v.
st ate of Ida tio.
In the ir.iitier of the j Order to show cause why
» >ta*..' of Phillip -order uf sale ot real estate
Sermon, Deceased. \ shot Id not be made.
D nppeMriii'." to the court, by the petition
lias day ju'es- uied and tiled by Lee s. Morrows,
tue administrator of tin -■•.täte uf Phillip
Schoen. deceased, that it is nece>sarv to s-l'l
the whole of the real estate of said d -cedent t*>
nay »i>*- debts of decedent and tin- expenses and
charges of administration:
H is therefore ord- : < d by th- Court that all
per-'on-; interested ni t i ;. ; estate of s-, id de
ceased appear before the said Pr »bate Court on
Salunuiy. fi,e istii day of April A D. 11« id. at
lb oclock a. m.. at ;! - ( ourt Room of said
b He 1 t own of St. Anthony, Fremont Co.,
h->, to show cause why an order shoti'd not
l»e grant« d t « . said administrator to sell so much
ui the sail! real estate as snail lie neecssarv ana
tiuii a copy of t L i - (»rdcr be published foursue
ccssiv«'weeks in the Teton Leak, a newspaper
print.-d and published in this county.
im-'.ai Dated this 1911, day ot March, \ D
J.D Millsaps, .lohn Donaldson,
Attorm/y. 1 'robale Judge.
Notice <if Attaclimcnt.
. Dlsu-ii-t Court ol Dio FiRli judk-ial
Dc-tn t ot th Stale of Idaho, ». , and for Fr<:
muât ( u u I j ; ,-.
c It. Shaw and W. It.
Kivu tt i g-ter Mie fini,
name uf Shaw N K .i
i 'laiutiffs, !
vs. Notice
< '■ M . S. lire', and Wil- :
liuni Squires, und* r !
the lirm name ut
S<iuire ls-uthers
1 >*'fi.*ndan ts
N'.ii-.'I' Is lt.-r.-li;. ;v...| ;!,.u an .Ulai-luni-tii
■ I.-IS I. -'-11 Issued z 111 is I Ihe pi. .pert V of Die .1
L-ndain-i in the i.buventitled action.
\ ictor ll.-.nsii-d, ;-!erk.
Hy Knu-st Hrainwell, Drp'.py.
Dati-d tliis :!<[ h day of Fehruary, Ida;;.
Notice of Attachment.
! lc Ihe 1 list riet < '.un i of tin-Finn Judicial Dis
I trie m i ..- M..I- of .Malm, in :.ml for Fremont
count y .
: Fred .1, Kiesel ,v Cm a
; fnrpoi-Ltiuu.
Flu-inilf, :
\V. Wrii m Atla.-liment,.
A. McFersnn.
Dr ice, L. M. Dn
; l >. 1 i >;• /!/*. partners 1
uud r the tir u name
ami style of Dnv; -. '
I M* l i ant i lu t;ompa:»y
: Det'emiani'-.
*, s in-t-y:».v gb -n Huit n Writ of Attach.
] »»B ut 1 1 :i-- been issiieil by ii » ■ -- court siuaiiist tlie
; property of tli«? «telendants in the above eu
i !itl«'«l action.
,, « ierk of the District ourt.
H.v Lrnest Hrainwell. Deputy,
j I »a » ««I at Si. An thony, 'Idaho, this isthdavof
i February, 1 !K):J.
s tat*
Coui-t Gulciulai
Winn ;;s. , y an Act of the Seventh Sc.s-ionof
■~|;|* ui-f. ol Mnim. ilnly iippi ovcil, a in vv
! »l'-trii'L has been created, known and
cd as the Sixth Judicial District or the
blah-*, and <■ imposed ot the comities of
------'. Güster, Fremont and Lemhi.
! And. \\ hereaw. by the terms of said a t it is
i I 1 * ' ded i!M :« «juired tli.iL the Judge appointed
I lor :!:■■ .-sixth Judicial Disiriot shall're set. and
lix the terms ot the Court lor the above named
! comities, respectively,
I Ami. Wlici-c.i ,, Uu/uiilt-rsigucd has been duly
I app.M.n-.i a-i.lniL'u el t!..- oixth Judicial DN-
i tnct. ami as Mich lias duly qiialilliul,
-Nuu. Jhia.-l-.ri-. pui-.ilam-c uf suai Ac!
ami uf t!:.: autlmritj-Uicn-i.y iu iu.-u-m-.i p j,
I * a d« red :
Thai Die t r:iis of ihe District Court oi Sixth
j Judicial Districfbe ana they ate le reby re-
j speetivrl.v r«' «et end fixed as'ioJlows- J
( UM< r county, at. Cnalhs. \p, , jyqu :intl
August »I. lntj:'
u ( ity, Mu y i, l'Xtl. and
ikfu-'i:. May 1\ imu.
unit Oetobt.............
All lertnK to open u
M., upon iht ir resjjtftiv
j Dated March is m, lui
ity, at H
-i. mi.
t St Vrithony J u:i • l
Jamks M. stkvkns,
J ml;..- uf tin; siyiii judicial
! »isfrict of Idain).
Xidicc of Annual Election.
',il.,--- is hereby yi-.-cu ti.ai on -l'lic.sdav i!ic
ill day of April, laut, at i!..■ hours of <i a. tu. u.
,P. - 1 ' 1 ' •* eiiim «ill bo hold In iho '.'.liuao uf
- X o ! 1 », * 11 -,. a- ill* 1 v * ! ] u • ■, » romis i room, io
''' el II* I- , II'UsIi I lor mo cnsaiia, , -ill-
- - 1 vi.j Hui I- I Mu. -y ! >lh, mi:;.
1 I*, ltartletl,
Chiairqn.i. iioai-ii of Tiustees
a- - 1 i.ov.- riuati.
I Umland A Herndon pay the highest
P rl > 1 lor liid.-s, p bs anil tins Inquire
at Bur la i 1 s L;q a ir i ions •
B\LE 1 (f.kmk i\- . Buyer
\ \ \ \ \ v\ \ \:\ n \ \:\ \ \ \ \ \
\ v \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ V \ \ \ \ \ \v
Hie Cash Racket Store.
Just Arrived from Eastern Markets.
W F luve just received an immense stock of Now Novelties in all
of our various lines and a visit to our Store ami get Prices on
these New Goods will not keep you guessing how you can
afford to buy, you will say that as soon as you see these goods that they
are cheap enough and will go no further, but will buy what you want at
The Cash Racket Store
We have filled up our Kitchen, Hardware and Woodenwarc depart
ment with new and useful articles, such that have never before been seen
in St. Anthony.
Our Dry Goods Department is now full and o\ erflowing in many rare
and useful articles which are sure to please and our prices on these goods
cannot be duplicated nowhere in the state.
l he same can truthfully be said of our Crocker Department, and as
to Rugs and Curtains, you never saw a more beautiful and complete line
in the west than is now displayed at our store. The prices on these goods
are lower than we have ever before been able to sell them.
Remember we are Headquarters for Guns, Ammunition, Fishing
hackle, Revolvers, boxing Gloves, Punching Bags, and many other
articles in this line. Don't forget that we are
Headquarters for Tourist Supplies.
The Gash Racket Store.
Opposite Peak Office.
Grip Remedies in Great Demand.
When ool.ls and grip are prevalent the
; quickest anil surest remedies are in great
demand. Mr. Joseph l>. Williams of
McDuff, Va., says that he was cured of
a very deep and lasting attack of la
grippe by using Chnmblerlain's Cough
Remedy after trying seve.nl other pre
parations with no effect For sale by
all druggists.
FOR SALE 140 acres, about -I" acres
under cultivation, small fruits, perpet
ual water right in St Anthony and In
dependent canals. I room house and out
j buildings. Address Hans Sorensen.
Parker, Idaho,
It Saved His Leg.
P. A. t'anrorth of EaGrange, ( Ja., suf
fered for six months with a frightful
running sore on his leg; but writes that
Bueklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured it
in five days. For Ulcers, Wounds and
Piles, it's the best salve in the world.
Cure guaranteed. Only 25 oeuts.
Hold hy Watson & Moore, Drug
Lor Sale.
A good 80 acre hay ranch with full
water-right, located on the county road
between Teton < 'ity and Wilfnrd. also
;tu head of cows. Address or see Mrs.
M. Sehw'endiman. Teton City, Idaho.
Thc-ve will be an examination of
eighth grade pupils in the public; schools
the last Friday and Saturday in March
and one for same grade the 11th and
15th of May.
Gkacf. M. Taylor,
Co. Snpt.
For Sale.
Three room house and lot for
side in south St. Anthony. Address 1).
H. Rowley, City
Oregon Short Line
St. Anthony Branch & Conn motion
North Bound No. 22 South Bound
Leave daily. Dl-:c. 14, t!)02. Arr. daily
No. 51. I
11:15 a ill I
11:10 a Ul j
12:01 p 111
12:15 p in I
12:25 pm
12:55 p m
1:25 p in
1:45 p ni I
. .. .Elva .......
... Lorenzo.....
... Rexburg ....
No. 52.
5:'i0 p in
5:00 p in
4:35 j» in
4:2" p m
1:15 p m
Ü-.5H p in
3:35 p in
3 :15 p ft]
D. E. Burley, D. S. Spencer.
Com. Pass.tTUt. Agi. Asst lIt'll. Pass
Hall Lake City. and TUt. Agt.
For further information regarding
time ami conneetion wil.ii all trains, cal
on R. T. Droi.linoer, Agt.
\\ \ \ VA N \ \ \ \ \ \x
^ Pa per Hanger'
/ l p-to-date Paper I Ianw-/
^inyand Baintiny, Graining^
'uml all kiiuls of interior''
' 1 ii-coratinu ami Si<m Writ-'
f n &
' James Roche 7
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The Brewery
Fine Wines, Best of Liquors,
and Famous St. Anthony Beer.
Domestic ami Imported Wines,
Liquors and Ciqars. Brewers
of the Beer that made St. An
thony famous. Call on us.
Macken & Kautz, Props.
i-S Farm, Field and Garden Seed §j
j| of all Description. g
Special attention called tog
Bulk Garden Seeds. |
South St. Anthony.
Union Pacific and Chicago
Milwaukee & St. Paul
Ry. Through Line
Genl. Passenger Ayt.
I he l nion Pacific and Chicago, Milwau
kee N St. Paul Railways are now running
hrst-class sleepers, tourist sleepers and
Lee reclining chair cars through to Chi
rayo. !• or tickets, sleeping car reserva
tions and further information apply to
Commercial Agent.
106 West Second South St.
Salt Lake.
Tragedy Averted.
"Jnsi in tLie nick of time our little
boy was saved" writes Mrs. W, Wat
kins of Pleasant City, Ohio "Pneu
monia hnd played sail havoc with him
and a terrible cough set in besides.
Doctors treated him but he grew worse
every day. At length we tried Dr
King's New Discovery tor Consumption
and our darling was saved. He's now
sound, and well. Everybody ought to j
know, it's the only sure cure for Coughs,
Colds and Lung diseases. Guaranteed j
by Watson W Moore, Druggists Brice I
5(ic and $1.00. Trial bottles free.
The Douglass Meat
Is the place to go when yc
want to get the Choicest i
fresh Meats at the lowest lh
ing prices.
(•oods delivered toanv part of cit
Remember the Place
1 ogg Ai Jacob's Building,
South St. Autlion;