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/ watson & Moore, ï J St. Antho**^ (iggists. 7^ Circulation ol this issue - - 1000 ,1 Ofticial Paper of Fremont County - - VOL V ST. ANTHONY. FREMONT COUNTY, IDAHO, THURSDAY, APRIL 23,1903, NO. Bank W« o&i --.ifUbi.S: ;UUUUTb. : l S-'U. U.UiU I A. K. Stcuncnbcrg. G. E. Rowermun. President. Cashier. First National ! ( Charter No. 57 fil. ) want your banking business and offer you every facility consistent with good business methods. Money to loan on approved security. Liberal advances made to those wish to purchase cattle or sheep. Office hours from 9 o clock to 4. Z*T THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN FREMONT COUNTY. '.Ik-SiÆÆ^ The st. Anthony Banking Co. I Accounts g J Farmers, Stockmen and Merchants £ I . , -^ssssssao»—- Solicited. f A General Banking and Collection business trans dj acted. Interest'paid on time deposits. jt $ Every accommodation extended, consistent with g Sound Banking business. g A portion of your business respectfully solicited. | I G. C.IBakkk, President. Ii à Ik % The Hub We will meet all competition and go 'em 10 per cent better! \ ë te? s'. te?. ë ë ë ÇiL'. HARRY (iESAS. l'ROI ë SHOES! Y ES; we know everybody tells you their line of shoes is thd best. For three years we have been telling you oil the merits of the J. MILLER and JOHN STROOTMAN Shoes. Those who have used them know of their wearingequalities. If you have not used them i would advise you to com mence at once. We have just received a big ship ment of both kinds. THE GOLDEN RE LE STORE. ^ ë I Farm, Field and Garden Seed of all Description. | Special attention called to gj Bulk Galden Seeds. jg MIlIeR BROS., 8 South St. Anthony. J â milt B J i 'X'Nts i * Opus 4 OVERLAND RYE A Whiskey of Character ami less Pedigree. AT ligh lav BURLA3STDS,. k Ikpidly Pushing foli BELL TELEPHONE CO. WILL COVER COUNTY WITHIN FORTY DAYS. The work of stringing poles and wire on the "Bell" telephone line is being rapidly pushed and "within 40 or SO days," says Mr. Hugh Thuinas, repre senting the Bell Co., "nearly every vil-, läge and town in the county will be con- j nectod by telephone. In an interview (bis morning Mr. Thomas made tlio statement, that the Bell company are hereto carry out their contract with the people as they agreed last fall. Says Mr. Thomas, "We are putting on all the men obtainable and will have our lines completed as soon as possible to Teton Basin, Jackson's Hole, entire Egin Bench and Marysville. The con nections are demanded by the railroads as well as the public, and as the Bell Co. has an exclusive contract with the O. S. L. as well as other associated railroads guaranteeing that only the Bell telephone will be used by the rail roads, it is absolutely necessary to fur nish them with all connections required. The Bell Co, is the only telephone com pany that lias the absolute right to connect with the Oregon Short Line Railroad. „ We have added 300 new subscribers in Fremont county, between Idaho Falls and St Anthony during the last thirty days, and they are coming in at the rate of eight and ten a day. , There are now three of the Co's, solicitors at work in the county, and the work will not end until those having the least use for a telephone, are con nected." a 1 is 8 J Sugar Factory for Fremont County. St. Anthony, Ida., April 21.—It is au thoritatively announced here that a second sugar factory is to be installed in Idaho, and that every endeavor will be made to have it finished in time to secure the bounty offered by the state legislature during 1904. While this bounty is only half a cent a pound the projectors feel that, it is worth striving for. Committees have been appointed, representing the strongest interests in the chain of towns in Fremont county, including St. Anthony, Rexburg, Egin, Teton, Parker, Wilford and other places. These committees have secured a number of guarantees, which have been laid before Mr. Thomas R. Cutler, and associates, the foremost of which are pledged to plant at least 5,000 acres of beets for five years, and suitable water rights, right of way for the rail road tracks and other essentials, which ,t sugar company would require. The coinmittes now state that every guar antee can be furnished, and that the factory may he relied on for the fall of 1902. The country on which it will draw is entirely separate and distinct from that in which the present Idaho Sugar company is located, and each fac tory will be amply supported by the farmers, and enabled to work independ ently of the other. A copy of the above dispatch was shown to Mr. Cutler this morning. Hu said it was generally correct, but, added that the chance of securing the Jialf •ent bounty next year cut a very small figure in his calculations. That item, fact, was insignificant, and was hardly worth naming. If it had not been for his belief that the district was in every way suitable for the establish ment of a sugar plant, no steps would have been taken. The only ques tion now unsettled was the putting of tlie guarantees into shape, and some as surance of encouragement from the railroad as to freight rates on machin ery, etc., going into Fremont county, the hauling of beets, and the shipment of sugar to an outside market. This was of course a vital point. Assuming that everything would lie satisfactorily adjusted, he thought there was no doubt that the new factory would be in operation a year from next fall. -Des eret News. Ally one having 20 foot poles to sell will do well to see the Teton Tele phone Co. Lost. A land report book, map, set of papers and a water certificate between St. An thony and Fall River bridge, on last Tuesday. Reward for return to Ham mond and Robbie. Notice of Salt Notice is hereby i k : of School Bonds given, tliat the Hoard of School Trustees cf school Hist,. Mo. :«•. of Fre mont county. Idaho, will on Saturday, the ;"rd ,tiy of May. A. 1). lUOIt. nt I o'clock p. ra. at the o'liee of King x Millsaps, Attorneys at in s . Anthony, Idaho öfter for sale to the highest bidder for' cash, lawful money of the U. s.. coupon (iondaof said school Disc in tin- sum of s«5.(K>. saidbonds to bo dated May23.19(0, and draw interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, interest payable semi-annually, and to i-t due and payable in 10 years from the date u same. The board reserves the right to reject a ivand all bids. 1 a ted at st. Anthony, Idaho, tins 20th day of April, A. ». 100:1. ...... ■lames liyrnc, F. H. Winters. Chairman. clerk. King & Millsups. Attorneys. MU Notice of Sale of Real Estate at Private Sale. Under authority of an Order of sale granted I, the Probate court of Ihe county of bn nom state of Idaho, dated April IS. Until, l uill sell at private sale the following described j rtal estate, fouit: Beginning at a point 4» rads north of the nw corner of the sw q of nee »I, tp 7 n, r 41 e n >u. in Idaho, ar.d thence north I la' foci to south bank of the Clark .A schwendi uiaii ditch, and thence east along said ditch » r uls ami ih-up- south do feet, and I hence west .'»rods to place of beginning, with none room frame dwelling house situated thereon The ! sile will beraadoon or after the 11th day of » j/riv, a. »., 1903, and bids will be received at . . First National Bunk in st. Anthony. Idaho. -;'. r pis of sale will he cash, lawful money of the ! 1 s io per cci t ai the time of bid and balance u »'ion couhrmalitiu by the probate coure. Dated this 23rd day of April, A. D. WU4. .1 ». Millsaps, bee s. Borrows, Attorney Administrator of the Estate of 1'hiiip ... schoen, deceased. Parker. j Mr. T. K. Cntler and assistants were here on the loth looking over the coun try in the interest of the sugar beet culture. Mr, Cutler was very favorably impressed and remarked that there was a bright future for the Egin bench Born to the wife of Parley Oviatt on the Hith. a fine boy. All are getting 1 along nicely. On the 17th a babv bov came to the home of Mr. W. M. Roadhouse. Mr. II. Roylance of Springville, Utah is here looking after his property inter ests. The county commissioners and coun ty clerk Hegsted were over here Friday looking over the roads. It is the inten tion to opeii the road to the Rexbnrg bridge as soon as possible. Wm. Bennett of Kilgore is visiting with friends and looking over the country. Mr. Anderson, the contractor for the sugar beet company, is here He is not meeting with the success he would like, as some of the farmers are refusing too much. They want the company to bind themselves to put in a factory here. This thev are unwilling to do, hut they propose to put in a railroad from St. Anthony through the bench. This should lie satisfactory to the farmers for a railroad means a great deal to this locality. The sugar factory is sure to get here in time. Put in the beets and help to develop the resources of the country. The Bert Martin concert was here Friday and Saturday nights. Their patronage was very light. Y. M. & Y. L. I- A. Notice Aii y. M. and Y: L. M. I. A. officers are requested to attend a Mutual Im provement convention to be held in the Academy building, Rexburg, Sunday. April 26, at 4 o'clock. Quarterly meeting of the. Improve ment Associations will be held Sunday evening, April 26, at 8 o'clock. A'il members are requested to be present. Willard Johnson, Supt. Y. M. M. I. A. Short Horn Bulls For Sale. I have forty head of young full blooded Short Horn bulls for sale at reasonable prices. These bulls were shipped in here last winter from the east and can be seen at mv ranch on Willow Creek near Shelton in Bingham Co., Idaho, or address me at Idaho Falls, Idaho. James Buck, M28 Idaho Falls. Idaho. Simple Silent Appeals, Selected From our New Spring Stock- 4 Hard Hitting' ' 4 Sledge Hammer' prices. Mens' Grain, Wedge or Single sole Solid Shoes, the kind you are asked $1.75 for elsewhere, until the next issue of this paper $1 15 per pair. Mens' Solid Calf, Lace Dress and medium weight Shoes, the kind you will and have paid Si.75 for Now $1.15 per pair Men's solid seamless working shoe, the kind you pay S2.00 per pair for, this week we will sell them for $145 per pair. Men's calf lace or con gress shoe, plain or tip toe, the shoe that sells for $2.2 5 Now $1.65 per pair. Men's box calf, velour, cordovan, vici kid shoe, the same shoe will be asked $2.50 to S3.00 for . Now $2-00 per pair. Ladies dongola shoes, priced at Si. 75 per pair Now $1.15 per pair M rywhere new s| Ladies' rope stitcl led sole walking shoe, you ht ive and w ill pay $2.25 for same Now $1.40 per pair Ladies' dongola patent tip solid shoes, wert • $2.00 Now $1.45 per pair. Ladies' fine half turn sole vici and velour stock, ask S2.75 for same others Now $2.00 per pair Ladies' fine kid stock rope stitched walkin': r shoes, many's the time you paid S3.50 for same Now $2.05 per pail ■ *ancy all wool suits, ring stuff, to intro duce the goods we cut them from $14.50 to ' $9.75 Black. Cashmere ■ ra) worth tv White 40c yd while it lasts 23c iant Youths lo all wool you pay S«S. 50 till <>ver Now $5.75 suits S7.50 & Youths black mixed suits, ages 15 worth S5. 50 cut to black 5 to 20 $3.50 Mens' Strictly all wool Wasington Mills ( '.ray Suits you will pay $14 for, tailor made, now $ 9.75 Boys three piece Nr some two Norfolk suits worth S2.50 and S2, now $!.S5 & $1.50 Black, blue and red duck shirts, brown, blue and gray covert cloth for 15c yd iiflrtv 9e yd v . Mens' Strictly all wool blk Mens line taiioi English Clay worth $14 suit suits si 3.50 kind Now $9.75 cut mixed cut to Fancy outing tlanm while it last / heck/ and vhite 2 yd $9-75 h Ytl BOY LE N THREE DOORS NORTH 1ST. NAT. tzjßANK nagaw 1 reastircr's (Quarterly Report. St. Anthony. Ida . Apr. 1. 1903 or rep unj? to you the moments for t he imssioiH'rs: We have the ho no following Receipts and Disbur quarter ending March Mi. 1003. RECEIPTS: i hand lastquarier... . on arc'., M. Hannnond..... '• Z. T. clay ............. *' School district*..... Redemption lax sale '• • Fees ..... Licenses......... state of Idaho DISBURSEMENTS: .$29.032 0:2 06.455 U 1.030 47 School dlM ids ...... .. $20. UNO 50 Kcclempt ioi fund ..... 5M 11 Current ex; ease 190*2 *20.930 59 Bounty 190:2. - 1,0', 4 21 Road 190-2.. . 2.359 00 Bridge 190*2 . 1.920 3.3 Migratory f mil 112 20 interest Connu State fund State of Man Cash on hand . Respectfully Borrows. Treasurer, u Omitted. $1(K 12 Vn )U Hu Auditor. H. W. Jackson, E, 1). Stevenson and Jed Earl have commenced work on their new residences. THE ICE CREAM & SODA I IS NOW SERVE D AT OUR FOUNTAIN We use the Famous Monarch Brand of Crushed Fruits only. C AM^AiMS ONFECT 30 NERY HEMaasmaBassœme«BB3s«mEBBBE7:'4 Russel Vs Players Mr. John Rutledge supported by Rus sell's Players who make their first ap pearance in St. Anthony Ihis evening, have been receiving excellent notices wherever they have appeared this season. Mr. Rutledge has the reputation of being one of the best character actors in tiie country and his impersonation of Rip in their play, Rip Van Winkle, is said in many respects to equal that of Mr. Jos. Jefferson, with whom Mr. Rut ledge lias played many times. The company supporting Mr. Rutledge is one of the best that has ever appeared here and in their repertoire are some of the best plays on the stage today. Among them are the greatest of all American dramas, Rip Van Winkle, by Washington I rving; the screaming com edy drama of New York life, "The Wild Irish Woman," which keeps the audience in one continual scream of laughter from start to finish; also a powerful! new version by Mr. Rutledge of J ule Vernes' great book, "Michael Htrogoff." It is brimful of human in terest and its lesson in heroic fortitude is sufficient to make it oneof the classics of modern literature. They stay with ns lint three nights. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 2" 24 25. The famous St Au thon v ( hvhesl ra will furnish music and should be greeted with crowded houses.